Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Oct 1866, p. 3

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“c whim; money g’néf is selling them 03' at these Skir‘tings', Shawls, Silks, A M of Siii"glc Harness $9.00 A set of Double Harness {MB A s‘eTEifizflmflvmnmnnnsm HARD AND SflFT Wfl'flfl! Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces ' R1: HOSTETTER’S numer'o'fi‘s‘ mohds . will please accept hm sincere thanks to: thofir Hberal patronage and prompt payment. and wouldhaunognce that he will quntinue to down“; 1" a whole of his attention t6 the prac- tjco_oqu9.icille..S\ufgon)' and Midwi’ery. All calla. (night or day,) promptly attended [0. HQ!) Mills, October ISG‘J. i , “In orfler {p g9t'it nichmb‘na Hill. Oct. 18. 1866. MOST ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY , A f 1‘ GOODS 134 KING STREET EAS'I‘,‘ Opposite {he Market, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I {OMPVRISING Rough Morhpes from 63 , Cobourgs, 'l‘hibct's, Lust‘f‘cs, Wi’uccys from $1 50 each. I’VE FOUND IT. E'XTR‘EMEH tuw’ PBIEES! . Traded for W004,"0'r Cash paid Tdrontb. 06!. 4. 1866: 13!- King St. East, Toronto, SH". ‘21, 1866. HARNESS To which he cordiall, invites the {attention of his old friends. Richmond Hill, September 27. 1866. 69 Richmond Hill, Oclaber 17, 1866. 7| WIOJVDAY, the 8% 06350583‘, ADJOINING kAMBLER’S HALL, FIRE! FIREH FIRE !!! MONDAY; .the 29th OCTOBER 1866, Groceries, Hardware AND PROVISIONS. C’F EVERY DESCRIPTION. mbbrtizfg my Goods‘ direct, custoxli'el‘s \‘fiill receive the full ad- Vantage of the recent fall of prices and reduction in duties. At the 417E TO um} , q, SINGLE AND DOUBLE EGS to announce to his numerous Frivnds that he has survived his iffimense loss hy the late Fire. and that he will EGS respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity‘ tiidt he has leased lha premises lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Atkinson, WIL LIflM SHIELDS, NEW GOGDS i PHtENIX FOUNDRY, Selected with great care, in the best markvt, and will be disposed of at ixtraordinary STOCK of GOODS Hardware, Graceries, 7 CROCKERY, 81.0. WANTED; GRAND RIB-OPENING”! Bought fcr Cash,â€"in the best Markets,~â€"â€"Comprising HE SELLS 91 Yonge Street. Toronto. IS AT Hardware and Provisions, '0!" 5 team of years, and Which he will open on a largé and complete stock of Silks, Ribbbnr-E, Maznvi'i‘ex, Fiannels, Blankets, and In his New Brick Store, on \VITH AN is A'f‘ With all the latest improvements. and is also prepared 10 re_pai_r,almast every descripxion ol' Thrashing Machines. particularly Hull‘s oi ~0ghawa. Having aver-v depcriptiun of Casting .ihal maybe required ha has every facility for manufacturing and repairing Slenm Engines. and faverykind of Mill, work \{'ii§,l)e cnrefnliy attended to. and tumor wutwith desp'atch at reasonable prices. I Wood Sawing" Machifies And reduce the priéq about pone-third; say Plouzhs that wuru sold for $19. hu now offers for $l3. ‘- h. '\ . “‘4 ‘ : .‘ Ho IS also munuTuctux‘lxig extenszvmy OF SELL FDR BASH, AND EASE ONLY ! On an extensive scale, and having tried the crudit system. he finds that It is neither advan- tagnus lo himself or his customers that are willing to pav. as he has beuen obliged to charge inhumane-third more,for his Ploughs‘thnn he could nHoyd to sellfor, in order to vover the axpensas ofpeddling, collpcting, and bad debts H?) has now come totha delerminationjo Steel muuidfbfla‘rd ‘Pluughsll \VM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for 60 years propriemr of the Linnnoan Nur- .m-ies. has d;sc«yver9d quxnvz m: for line above, and fqr‘nll Jnheriied and Ch! , Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Debility. R1161!- nmlis-m,n|l Female Maladies, and mlmrs m- rulling from impuritv of the blood. hith'IO inr‘uruble, Explnnilorv circular, one slump“ Tmutis on It” diseases. 20 éénls. 58-4 CANADIAN CHEESE l Richmond Hill, Sept. 18. [8'66 from 1’ nuts CHEESE z Bradford Foundry ! Bradford, UST RECEIVED‘fiHd will be bold var} cheap. a l'ri'ne lot of The undersirrned is now manufacturing 5 ATARRH, B‘ronch’itis SCI‘Oirlllli. Liver and litrhmy Dismases, Nature's Kemediuis At WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Cheap Provision Store . . . . .Toronm, , ;.. BUTTER FIELD. 1566. 69 cents per yard", Fancy Dresses Bonnets, IIdté, Imported this Season,~-the best value ever shown in this market. Turcuto Sept. ‘31, 1866. ‘ I -“ “9‘ 1W ‘h‘ I“ “1 HI": "‘4 "‘I.“ "‘41 'M‘ "u Hanan 41mm Mu m... V ‘ W [m ‘0; H ' “Hm-um: “mum ‘hu‘wl ‘iumu "WM" "mum “Hum Colored Reel Linings frEnn per yard. Good Winoeys in all colors from 1054 to 1â€"1051 per yard. All Wool French Merinoes in chuioc colours 1‘1 um 25 6d to.3_s 9d. Colored Mohair and Cobonrg from 10d to 13 3d. Scarlet, All Wool Flannel from ls Iléd to 23 6d per yard. Union Tweed for Bovs wear, from ls Rd to 35 ‘Jd per yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 25 (id to 55 peryard. All Wool Pilot Cloth frpln 35. 9d per yard. Hine Union «'7»: All wool (3â€"4 Black Mantle Cloth, from 55 t0 7S 6d per yd, splendid value, with an exocllent assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Over and Under Coats, Fancy Flan- nel and '[‘weed shirts, from 55 7&‘eneh, the largest stock on Richmond Hill of our own nmnuf‘zwture, gyj‘od large sizes :inil well made. Lndics‘ Mum md Children’s Hats & Caps of the newest styles in every variety, with the best general Ortment of Dry Goods to be found in the neighborhood. 4 n .r ' I V . . ,,, v. V I). . z . In Old and YoungHvspn‘ and Black 71 eas,at 515 6d par ‘b.â€"-~SM9mjid value; sxgpormr Moyune and Young liy'sml Tca', at h per‘lbr-lh‘t best in this noiglnb'ox‘lxood, \VSIII évvl‘jthmg in @PECEAL NOTICE 2 DICKSON, CRAWFORD 8: SMETH, Pure and UnadukurMed Pout, Sherry and Mulaga \Vines, Brandies, Holland Gin, Jumuica Rum, Old Tum, Bottled Ale and Pofler. Cheap for Cash or 51101-1; Credit. Rici‘mond Hi”, October 5, 1866 SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE. Rememl er the PlaéeuFlood & Price’s Old Stand. Richmond Hill, Sept. 13, 1866'. And is the Largest and mast Varied assortment to he found on Bichmond Hill. I quote a few plices to let the public know that I AM NOT TO BE PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS! My motto is Small Profits and. Quick Returns V} Y110 has now receiva his FALL STUCK OF GOODS which have br‘PIn purchased as cheap as any hnuse can do, and shall sell 01) as small a profit as any olher man can do. The Stock IS well assorted in GRGCEEIESZ N roturning thaan to his ll‘ltmtlf‘, and the Public (of the very libclral support he has 1 er.l';’nyiil sin'ce’tiofmlwiir-ing l)u.~iness on Richmond Hill, hogs to inform them that he_ has ‘Icnifigd the niori: cominmlimis and cnntxal premises owned and formerly occupied by J. K, Falcanbritlge L'qu and will Operi The Cheapest 7 fibaui NM: 335 62f @aiaém‘” 238$i, B BY And in fad Iélldl-EL‘LVVOUVX' to>make his Estublikhment Hie Mart where ev‘er‘ything is to be found that is Usutu kept in a firstclasx StapMLFamy Goods ammfl” S emmfafl j m 4:2, '. .fif W3!- .;;1 55:1,: BEN: RY, EEWIEE fl magma, Mm W Factvry Cottmis :11 Gd. pf‘l‘ yard. _ Hmn'y and fine makes of Factory rmlly superior from 7%(1 to 9d. per yard, Good Dark Yard Wide Prints from (Sfill per yard. 5 A Splendid article of Madder prints from 77‘) per yard. Blue Dunnim from Hi]. per yard. Colored Rool Linings from per yard. Good Winoovs in all colors from 10314 to 1â€"10ng per Yard. Lu'e &c., &c. He also would intimate that he “ill m addition have :1 choice stock of EG respeeHuhy to call the Fflcminn qf the inhabitants of the Counfy to their very large and well assorted flock 0! general . S. wbnld direct spécizfl notice to their stock of Baum, with the deailtlei. Which, for quahty and lowness of price, 15 second to none Competition is the Life of Trade; 91‘ King Street East PORONTO'?‘ GREATEST BARGAINS MAY BE HAD AT And every other Class of Goods that any body wan‘s. WEEEEAM ATKENSON BLACK SEEKS“ ! MILLENER‘Y’, \Vith an (‘ntire néw stock of select 68 3m 70-3-n 67v-tf VVMch win afford passengers Invre time in the City, and keepmg attentiva and accommodat- ing Drivers, I trust to merit the patronage of the general public. .‘ ROBERT RAYMOND, Richm'cud Hill, Ang- 13.366. ‘Hly am! at moderate chargos. Having do Im'mined to run Llae Stage 01.1 Better Time, Toromo. at 4 o’clock, p.m. AH Parcels or Lnggnga loft at Best‘s Bav Horse Hotel, Yonfie Stroet,or m Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson Smth Tumntn. wfllbo delivered with punctu- Part of Lot No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing 613 acres ; also. Village Property At Richmond, Hill. For pafliculars app‘y to tllio' propriefqr. I A; WRIGHT.. O RESOLD on reasonable terms, the fol lowing n-onen‘, :â€"- ' " 011L139" 15: Oct. 1866 Ahderson, Wm- Allen. David. Ambler. \Vm. Atkinson. James. Hattrick, Edwin. Baker, I}. Baker. J. Baker, M. Bowman, Thomas. Beard. Thomas, Hattrick. Charles. Bernard. H. G Cnsgrove. Bernard. Cuber. Pater, Collins. Tlmothv. Cooper, Wm. (3) Cook, Francis. Cliflhrd. James. Cnrlloll. J. Duncan. Wm. D30}: John. Ellis, Samuel A. Elliott Robert. Fox. \er‘ Gray, Catherine . (‘2) Grant, George. (I) G ancay, James, Glass, Daniel. I‘legnrly, “'21). H a‘fi' , B arueyc IIu nrer Hopkin Jrfi’nry J all} rm Juhnsu Klinck Kennc LangsL Land. Mordel Mathias MC! Ion McKay Mafia“ McGee O’Con 1' Pomeru K’DtL lge Paton, R n mbL Silnpso 'l'ru no!) Ymie, ‘ “Wes. \"v’illian W’ehbe W 0mm VVlllinl “11:01: Richmond Hill, Sept. 21. 1866' Tremendous Eiargainé [{A'VING purchasan the Richmond Hill Line omeges fmm Mr. Thomas (700k, 1 “’1” run the same 1mm my Hotel, Rich- mond Hill7 to Toronto, Starling at hullllmbt 7 u‘uluuk, mm, and returning will leave Lemon’s H0101, Nelson Eta , [LL he {alien alt BOcté on (he déllaf, pay- ' ' nb!einl)ry_(r‘oods, Groceries or Hard- ware. which willle su'ld as chaup as any houro on Yonge Street. at \_'Vm. S. l’ullucks, late. G. A. BARNARD, Richmend mu. (m. 1866. BOOTS Everybody rushing to pranure some of the Great Bargains, Men’s Long: Boots for. . And is we” adapted for a Dairy Parm, ‘a. It is “110er wiih a never failing stream ruining across lt.‘ 'I'lxers’ :5 afs'o’ lwo “’0113 "With Pumps. and a good OIL-hand and Fruit Trees. Garden, 819, For fnrlhm‘ p'u'ticnlnrs amflv to And Rniv Linsovd Oil, do do Machine Coal Oil, » Ekjplmnj, ()il, Saul Oil7 : ,‘L Neatsf'é'oi Oili : , Flislifloii 'l‘anvhi’é Gil. Willi the Rostfind Cheapest. Pensylvaniu & Cmuuliztn‘vliock Oil norle of Toroiito, from 7d per «1115er 01‘ ‘28 per gallon. at William S. " lute q s. '1‘ HE Farm helnngingto the Estate M1310. lute,1\1r.'\Vi|limn Suwdnrsun, containing 100 Acres of Good Farming Land. 9‘” 01' which {are cleared. There isa largo Brick House, \Vood Shed. and (“her convoujeugns. a good Frame Barn, Smhles Shads and Ron! House. The abuve l'rum. is Hull.) FARM EQR fiALEQ [113MB ANfi LQDK AT THE 600338 Bzyilcd linseed Oil, (Blunddls and Spence, Phomgrdphs for 50cfs doz. 0F ENGIJSH SQTABLES, AT SCOTT’D‘ RIC‘JIA‘IONDHIL L [at No. l4, 3m can: Markham W. H. M Y E R S’ Richmond Hill, 001. 4. 1856 {Elsi GHSE! Oiis E 1 Bank of Upper Kannada Bills Ax d the Prices. and you are sure to buy at ady CUS'I‘OHERS AS'ITONISIIED EMAINING in the Rir-hmoud Hm Pést RICHMOND HILL allolher Boots and Shows at LOW PRICES, lowi'n'g n'opel t; LAND FOR SALE." List of Letters BARNARD. Richmond Hill. OCtr I4, '_'1866. ace Bouts for. . p'u'ticnln '1'!) SEE OUR Yes !and AND Ilunrel',‘Mrs J. Hopkins. J}. I). Jnfi’ary Mrs. M nrv. Jull‘ersnn. Mrs. W. Juhusun. Tum. Klinck Famfly. KexmulyCqulJf‘S- ‘ Langswfl'. Dr, James Land. James. Morden, Jacob, Mnthieson. Dunald. McDonnllL James. McKay, Miss. MnGaw. Robert, McGee John. O’Connor. Ml Pomeruy. Elizabeth. K’ottvge. Henry. Paton, Alex. RumbleI John. (4) Simpson. James. (4 \\ lee, Miltun. W’illiams, William “Jabber, R. (2) VVonh-n, David VVllliumson, Matthew “11:0”, R, 'l'wncl), VVnL Jnur Vwie, John jum‘. M. TEEFY, RM. Milt Proprietor, A V 3111 the same 20 A I TEE mmammm E’ENClLf ‘20 H1” Barrels Salmon Trout and \thtd Fish“ {it $3 50. lixéellgm Vll'errinz -. “Tweeds, . ., g . Doeskins, , , ~ . Plam and. Fancy Flannelsf, WVoolen‘ Yarns; .jyâ€"g‘ Worsteds; , ._ Plaids and Taiwan's}; Winseys, { Gobourgs. ' ‘ Blankets, Shawls! Easiery and Gluves,‘ Nubias; Elgm Mills September 1, 186b. “Yuan ordel'in TEEQEEQM’MEEES gigs}: .affiwég suitahie farihe Seagfon Opposite Tunpemnce SK. _4TORONT% fix ~ . . _ a . ‘+‘ ii >3; =~-.-«i a. mi, 9 EGD to announce to the Inhalumnts‘of (he County of york and trlqsevm the neigl'xb'ox-h‘ood of Richmohd 1111i ixrpnrticnlar, that he has added Fu’l‘lis‘ itock of A D 15‘ P TE B if. Vi H. 3;; Cflfiemi PE‘hfiS9 . Consistgng off; V thrgsa qugcy ‘Shireififggrz WU‘mmys, ' (‘aiy‘ad :1 Plaids am! Tatiana) Shawls (111d:§fi2§1-tings’ Cditmas.’ Piéints. _ ' ‘ READY-IMDE‘ - &C;, To “Well he invites {mlflic allvnliun. ELGIN MILLS, SEPT. 13, 1866‘. M, SANDERSONA A good asseft‘ment of Trunks axwayg on; hand, '1‘ HE “ HERALD ”~r BOOK And of the lmsl Material and \Vm'kmanrhip. All Work is \Yarl'anléd l'o gh‘epnrfeot' salieficé lion, “’0 are constantly adding to .ur stuck offiuuts and Shoes of or: manufacture, which will be ' ‘ Please remember that Sandérsfin SELLS CHEAP inf BQGTS AND SEQES; MEN’S, mm mm EHIiDH-E'fi’s Bums m SHOES Styles for EALEJAND WINTER; Wéar. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. {l‘CRUf‘lTQ Sopfi. 1‘3, 18515. A I'm? more Cminw Rights for sale 133 Yong-3 shim, “No Users Smith of Best’s Hotel, Torento, $0M Also, A high asSéEl'ixxérit '09“ Empr‘cyss Tniill " Hoop Skirts; gp! (’V‘dSC state diplh “2' \Veli 0r UiL mum} beiow N0 Rm“ 7 " ‘ _ quEthQE‘fil’CG't, Has Just Received a C(‘z‘mpjéte Stock of A commute assortment of the most desirable fie Subxgcrihcrs have just received a large And is p- pared to make to oruur all Kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles; :1N<.:LINI;N.E0R BOOK S’i‘URE, All of which will be CHARLES POWELL. ’ I I’utc’zzzcc and 'I’roprzctof. v NEWi‘ON BROOK; CW} ‘m‘ sale. CoNS'xs‘rmG} o‘w’ A'I' last \‘(351 r’s pfiéé'sg Ciflc'rn ALL DEPTHS , LE AT RICHMOND HILL. ToRdNTO -.-«_i 3;! Mr? _ fl: 51-3m

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