Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Oct 1866, p. 2

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y of Canada so IL TIME TABLE [RICHMOND H nouns sums. Nail 'I'rnin......................7 55 A.r| lump..." louse scum. ‘lpfl-uuunu................B 14'. l nil... .o......................933.a.- ......s 56 r. in New Advertisements. (For; Wantedâ€"Patterson d: Bro. xpfiinâ€"Vaughan Township cartâ€"The Misses Cooper Morals-Joan Water-house Bear On Modulf down with the gauntlet-G Ai‘Bsmai-a. ' Wood Wautcdrâ€"I’htcnix Foundery, Oil. Oil, Oil,-â€"G. A. Barnard I've found it-‘w- 11- Myer!- Tremendoug Bargainsâ€"W. II. Myers. ,1}. s ,Harness-AW. Harrison. Bra or f ' .47irkuuerfih1d' , Fircd‘lireaâ€"wl’. Crosby. _ V SUBSChmE FOR , The York Herald, $1.00 a. year hart Quilt. A RICHMOND HILL, OCT. 26, 1866 '8‘ To be borne in mind.â€" .Public Meetings of the electors in each TOwnship (under the new Municipal Law) will be held on the last Monday but. one in December, (the 24th) to no- minute Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors , to serve for the year 1867. Dot not neglect to pay your taxes before the 16th December. UNIVEâ€"RSAL STANDARD OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Amidst the turmoil of the bloody Revo- lution of France, towards the close of the last century, when fiends in human form, at the behest of Robcspicrrc, Marat and their party, caused the best blood of France to flow in torrents, and slaked their thirst in the warm crimson fluid that flowed from the veins of their vic, thus, it is Well to remember that great minds were otherwise engaged, with a vicwto-redccm their country from the state of chaos which was likely to ensue) Iâ€"snd amongst other weighty matters of state policy, they were not forgetful of Commerce. In consequence of the diffi- culties which have retarded the progress .of trade between various nations, on ac- .count of the difference in their systems of Weights and Measures, some of the flesdigg spirits of France gave their at- rtontion to endeavouring to bring about a .systcm that would harmonise in all its page, and by its correctness and sim- Mmmwd itself for adoption by all civilised nations. The result of their 7 labours pmvndominoutly sumuful, and France adopted the “ Metrical System." The United States are about to make a change, and copy from Franceâ€"havin g become satisfied that it is the best, and likely to supercch all others, and with a view to having one uniform system throughout America. For our Decima] currency we are greatly indebted to the energy and perseverance of the late W_ Ia'Miickensie, who for years advocated its introduction into this country, but owing to the early prejudices of certain parties, the reform was retarded until about eleven years ago, when a Commit- tee of the House of Assembly was formed and reported upon “ Decimal Currency, â€"Weights and Measures”; of this Com, mittcc Mr. Mackenzie was Chairman,â€" the Report contains a large fund of in formation, and soon after the Decimal system of currency, as in use in the neighboring Statos, was introduced into Canada. . Noonc, we believe, will ques- thc advantage and convenience to be de- rived‘f'rom'the Decimal in preference to the old system. Ask it is with our cur- rency, so,we have good reason to believe it would be in regard to our Weights and Measures. To give our readers an idea of the working of the system which is now and has been in use in France, for the past seventy years, and will soon be intro- duced into the United States, we copy the following',which is taken from Hunt’s Merchant's .ngazine :â€" , Tm: usir DECIDED nrox. The Acada'mio dcs Sciencics was first re- u'sted to determine the length of a pen- ilulum, vibratiiig seconds according to given rules, under "certain circumstances. But this van objected to, because it was thought that the result, depending upon the weather and arbitrary divisiOn oftimc,was not susceptible ofthe- requisite accuracy. It was then u- greed to adept the ten millionth part of’the fourth part of the meridian, or of the quad- rnnt "comprised between the Equator and the' North Pole, for the unity of this mensurqo't' length, and to derive all others fromithis standard. ‘ PRINCIPLES OF THE METRICAL SYSTEM It was then proposed that the new system should be founded upon the following prinâ€" ciples : I. That all weights and measures should be reduced toronc uniform standard of li- near measure. 2. That this staining-d should be an nlnpiot’pairi of the circumference of the globe.‘ ' - .3." 'I‘llht' tho unit oflinear measure up. pliad‘vto matter in its three modes of extcn sion. length, breadth, and thickness, should be the standard nl‘all measures of length suifice, and solidity, ‘ 4. That the cubic contents of the linear turf! of its greater contraction, should fur- nish at once the standard weight and, mea- sure of capacity. ‘ " 5. That for everything susueptible .L of being measured or weighed, there should 'Only be one measure of length, one weight, one measure ofcontents, with their multiples and subdivisions exclusively in decimal pro- portions. - 6. That the whole system should be equally suitabka the use of all man- kind. . 7. That every weight and every measure should be designated by an appropriate, significant, characteristic name, applied ex- clusively to itself. Thus it will be observed, accordingizto this scheme, the unit:of linear. measures. is the basis of the whole system. For the , purpose of obtaining the value of the unit, it was resolved than an arc of the meridian should be actually measured. ‘M’. 1th, Me- chain .nud 3Dcl'ainbre‘;were therefore lippo‘iiit ed to ascertain, wrth the utmost --pi;ecision, the lcnvth of the are, comprised between nunrn’t, inn Rhodes, i. sacs“, insurance of nearly 550,009'tofiscs or abouté'ZO-milcs. M. Meclinin diedin Spain from exceiisiyc fatigue in attempting to extend his labors to Barcelona, 0 distance much further than had been required ot',him. The result, of the operations in which these savans were engaged, was, that a quadrant of the ,mérh dian lying betw'e’cn the ’"equ’ator and the North Pole measured 5,130,470 toiscs, and that the temmillionth part of this quantity, which was to form the standard unit, was therefore equal to 443,291} lignes. T1115 NEW NOMENCLATURE. The unit of the measure of length, thus ascertained, was discriminated a metre; and being established as the legal standard upon which all other weights and measures were to‘ be predicated, the Academy proceeded to devise a new nomenclature. The metre is almost exactly the length of the seconds” pendulum at Paris, or about 395 English inches. The unit of measure Of capacity is a cube who'se side is one tenth ofa metre. It is called a litre, and is equal to about 2; pints. The unit of weights is the gramme. It is the weight in vacuo of a quantity of pure water, at its maximum of density, that shall exactly fill a cubical vessel, each side of which is one hundredth part of the metre. It is equivalent to about 155‘, grains, Troy. In land measures the unit called the are, is a square surface, each of whose sides is ten metres. It is nearly equal to four perches. The unit of measure for fire-wood deno- minated the store, is a cubic metre, com- prising about 35; English cubic feet, or somewhat more than onerfourth of a cord. In order to express the decimal propor- , tions, the following vocabulary of names has been adopted : For Multipliers: the word Deon prefixed, signifies 10 times; the “ Hecto prefixed, sig. .. 100 times; the “ Kilo prefixed, Sig. . . . 1,000 times; the “ Myra prefixed, sig. . . .10,000 times; On the contrary, for Diviscrs: the word Doci, expresses the. . 10th part; the “ Centi, expresses the. . 100th part; the . “ Mili, expresses the.‘. , 1,000th part, It may assist the memory to observe that the terms for multipliers are Greek, and those for dcvisors Latin. Thus, Dccamctrc menus ten metres, Deafâ€"metre, the tenth part of ametrc: Hecto-mctrc one hundred metres; Lentiimctre, the'hun'dredth part of a metro, and so on for the rest. ‘The theory of this nomenclature,’ it is justly remarked, ‘ is perfectly simple and beautiful. Twelve new words. five ofwhich denote the things,and seven the numbers,in- clude the whole system of metrology; » give distinct and significant names to ‘cvery. weight and measure, multiple and subdivi- sion of the whole system ; discard the worst ofnll the sources of error and confusion in weights and measures, the application of the same name to different things, and keep constantly present to the mind the principle of decimal arithmetic, which combines all the weights and measures, the proportion of each weight and measure, with all its multh ples and divisions; and the chain of uni- formity which connects together the pro . foundth researches of science with the mos; accomplished labors of art, and the daily occupatiCI‘S and rants 1“ d9m93‘i", “‘8' in all classes and conditions 0f SuCIe‘Y- Such was the principle of the new system proposed by the Academy of Sciences in Fronce,-and the adoption of which, in that country, was enjoinedlby. a. law enacted December 8. 1799, and which is now in a fair way of being introduced into the United States. ' Extraordinary Surgical Opera- tion. On Saturday the 20th inst., Dr. Jas. Langstalf, of Richmond Hill, performed a surgical operation upon a patient re- siding ou the 6th con. of King, by re- moving a cancer (Fungus Haematodcs,) weighing three pounds, from the right breast. Dr. Langstaff's reputation, as a successful surgeon, is becoming famous, not only in our own locality, where he has a very extensive practice. but we are aware that cases of a most difficult nature have been brought to him from a dis- tanoc of eighty miles. Up to the pre- sent the patient is doing well. A Correction. Mr, Wells, Member for North York, has no desire to rest under the odium of being instrumental in causing the Drill Shed, for the Military Headquarters of the County, to be erected at the village Newmarkct, he wishes to be put right in this matter, knowing, as he does, that it is not the proper place, and that Aurora has been treated most unfairly, We insert Mr. Well's lottcr'iwith much pleasure, the more so as an erroneous im- pression had gone abroad in regard to it, Brigade Major Dennis appears to be the party who has taken upon himself to es. tablish the Headquarters at the village of Newmarkct ; will he not send a . staff of Medical men to assist those already in that place, to be in readiness to look after the health of our volunteers who may be compelled to inhan the miasm arising from the Mill dam in the centre measure in distilled water, at the tempera- c.f' the village? The “Era ” wrong again. * l We are forced to conclude that our co- tcmporary,,,of tho villsgcjof Newmarket, must _have~'hut just returned from the 'Bi-culford Races, (where, we are credibly informed, he had been sporting himself,) when he. penned the article in his last issuc,â€"â€"for it bears evidence of either a faultymemory or. something else, which we would prefer not to mentionâ€"we will take the charitable view, and lay it to s defect .in his memory. He says, “ not “long since the editor of the Herald was “ prsting loudly, about County expendi. "Eture :.but.he would_support,$800 or “ $1000 taxation upon the ' County, “ rather than Newmarket, should be “ head-quarters : for by the- arrangement ifjnowmsdcgtaxation of the county for u a-Drill Shcd'is entirely avoided,” and with an indignant flourish he concludes with "the crushin sentence: “ What p , . . . g ‘ is..t,he most centralfiand most easyrofi .13.}- Lonnox, .Oct. 23.â€"Reports have been “ consistency?” Seriously do we counsel our lubricous neighbor to adopt the hint tendered. by Burns to Baal Nebo, viz: , “ Tak’ a thought, and mend!" Our readers will remember that we called upon the County Auditors for certain explanations in regard toadis, crcpancy which exists between the state- ment vouched for by them as correct and the Report of the Provincial Auditor,â€" one of the Auditors, who is also editor of the Era, tried to explain, but utterly failed to clear the matter up, and seeing that it' was calculated to irritate him, we charitably allowed the matter to rest; having simply performed our duty, as public journalists, by what we did. ,_ If the inhabitants of the village of Newmarket have forsaken their “ Old .... Tia" dvsirtspunhrirr. a \. ,. $2..» a The: “an ass... ; , , To the Editor oft/w York IIeraZd. ' Sm :â€"â€"It was with much surprise that Iobservcd a shortitime ago, that the Head Quarters of the York Battalion of Volunteer Militia, has been changed from Aurora to Newmarkct. ‘ What ‘is the cause of the change, it is difficult to sur- mise, for in making fighoicc of Aurora the ‘ authoritiessehmdd to chosen the most suitable lOcality in every way. In the first place, Aurora is by for the: more healthysituation, for Ncwinarkct is built in a large Mill pond, and is close ,1an tiregpx: tensive march. of. _t%g.llollaud Riser, the principle“; bra-lie , H through the-village, and it “must; be’ at all times subject? to <tlie miasmVrisin‘g‘ from such an extent of swa.nip;"‘1rarticu'-" larly during the northwesterly winds, which are the most prevalent, and, sweeping a large portionuof: -the marsh, 355 over: thcjvilvla‘ge. “Secondly;- Aurora cess to we majority of the Companies composing. the Battalion, namely the companiesâ€" from Scarboro, King and Lloydtown, having: a good ,niacadgnnised road, and a “Railroad running through its centre, Whereas Newmarkct is three miles further north and an additional mile and a half off the Stone road, which mile and a half of road is the worst' in the county, during spring and autumn, Their are also two Troops of. . Volunteer Cavalry south of Aurora which, if the Force should be at any time Brigadcd at Head Quarters, would have the ex: tra distance and bad roads to encounter, neither is it improbable that their arms and ,accountrcmcnts may be ordered to bepsitOred at Head ., Quarters when suitable armourics arc erected; Now there is only one Company of In- fantry at Kcswick north of'vNewmarket, and that is hardly vet organized, and because Ncwinarkct happens to be cen- tral to it, all the other Companies are in- Flag" 7 for ,the Union J ackl we are only rejoiced, at the conversion, and if they think proper to erect a Shed at their own expense, in which their new-born zeal may be displayed occasionally, by learn- ing to defend British authority in Ca- nada,» we have no objection,â€"-â€"but We do object to the Head-quarters of this County being established so far from the ccntre, I and, in so inconvenient and un- healthy a locality as the village of New- markct is,-â€"a, fact which does not ap‘ pear to. have ‘had weight, withlhosc who have thoii‘arrangement of Military matters in this County. ,TheCohqert- , We would callthd‘iittcntion of our readers, to the Concert, advertisodni'n' snark..." column, in in of the Fire “En- gine Fund. Through the indefatigable energy of a few who were determined to procure so necessary an adjunct, We are now in the possession of an excellent Fire: E-hginc.j.'Thc objé‘ct‘of the” Concert is to procure s'uflicicnt'uicans for the or. action of a House for the same, without again applying to the public by way of subscription. We know ‘of no} leasiei" way by which money may be raised for thatipurposc, than the one adopted by the Company, and we are pleased to hear that paities‘ who are so well able to - entertain the public with vocal and in- lstrumcntal music, have taken hold of the nutter with such. commendable in- con venicnccd. > As to Newmarket becoming the County Town, which is another argu- ment held out in its favour, it has no better chance for the distinction than Aurora or RichmOnd Hill, if so good. The authorities having once made their selection, and, as it happened algood one, should have left it so, and not have been influenced by any secondary considera- tions. ' - I remain Your's truly, AN OBSERVER 66. v King, Ohms,- 18 Letter from iWel e~~ To the Editor of the York Herald. DEM! ISlitâ€"Some kind friend has forwardc'dito me a copy of the last issue. of the Herriid, and 'has‘ marked out for .ytny ppccial edification hn article headed “ The Drill Shed again,” wherein you say “ that you have been informed “ that Newmarkct is indebted to Mr. “ “’ells for the removal of the Drill “ Shed from Aurora." Now Mr. Editor, your info!“ ant-wwhorevcr he. is entirely mistaken it asgftfie only; recommendation I ever inabefén this stibject, was one to leave the selection in the hand of the CountiesiCounciIAhis Of course I strongly recommended to Brigade Major Dennis, and I had, , the assurance f that gentle- man theta-swell} would b6. the casej-I belie- ved at the time” andil am of the same op- inion still, that if this course had been adopted, the unpleasant feelings that have been engendered on this subject, (particularly amongst the volunteers) would have been avoided, as I am fully 1., M.P‘.'P 4 ‘x v ; . convinced that. any-selection --that~-would: ' have been made by the Counties Coun- cil, would have been acquiesced inwith- tar-est, We understand that in connecv t-ion withtho local amateurp‘tnlcnt our own village affords, musicalcontributions from Toronto, and Newmarkct‘ will be' forth coming I for‘ the occasion. The Concert will- be given on Friday, Nov. 2nd, at half-past 7 o'clock. We hope that the people of our. village who are all more or less interested in the matter will show their appreciation of the efforts of the community, by patronizing the en- tertainment by a full house. i o" “Some Pumpkins!" We‘copv thefollo‘wing from the Era: of Newmarkct village :‘â€"- _ “Our-thanks are due to those kind. “ friends who remembered the printer at “ the late fall show in Newmarkct,â€" “ among them were the following, “ J. D. Phillips, for pumpkins, ‘,‘ W. Sowdon, for Turnips, “ Reuben Lundy, for Cauliflowcrs, “'Mr. -Wall's for citrons, " Gentlemen, yours ever." Our cotemporary does not mention the size or quantity, but ifthe pumpkins are as largaras hiszhead it would not take many to make considerable bulk ; if as hollow, the vacuum would" be in propor- tion! Auction Sales Fninsv, 25.â€"Credit Sale of Stock &e., on Lot No. 58, 2nd Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Thos, Thompson. Sale at 11 a. in. Ed. Sanderson Auctioneer. Mommy, Oct. 09.anrcdit Sale Of Stock die, on Lot No 2 rear Of the 4111 Con. Whitehareb, the properly of Mr. John ()xendale. Saleut onsp. m.‘ JivFel‘riS, Auctionéer.‘ ‘ » Tussnav, Movcmher (Scâ€"Important: Salocf Stock and Furniture. at Richmond-Hill, the prop)rty of Mr. Thomas Cook. Sole at 12 o’cloe.' J. Ferns, Auctioneer. ) i 1 l I loyalty of the good people of N ewmar- out a murmur , Editor, c Brigadc‘. Major is vgry much to b amc, not because he has selected Newmarkct, Aurora or Rich- mond Hi2}, but because he promised two of them awe};st that they Should huge, the honor‘ofijbcing “tag Head Quarters of the Battalidn, thereby 621(30111‘321113 the spirit of rivalry, not only bcLWQW‘ the villagers themselves, but also be: tween the different companies of volun- teers, composing.the‘Battalion, and after creating these difiicultics then promising to leave the settlement to the Counties Council, and after that again making a selection. My opinion is that the straightforward and manly course would have been to'havc made a selection in the. first instance, and adhered to it, or otherwise to have left. itito the repre- sentatives oftho County in Council as’ semblcd, so much Mr. Editor, as to the action I have taken, and what Itfliink of the whole affair. There is evidently a doubt thrown out in your article about the 2‘ _,. y... es- .1 kot, which is unworthy of notice, as I can assure you that in every respect their loyalty is fully equal to that of the - ini- portantvillagc of Richmond Hill,,yvhich is I suppose undoubted. , Your‘obt. Servant,- J. P. chlls, M.P.P. King, Oct. 17, ’66. ‘ ' #7 We would call the attention of farmch to , Mr. Hall’s advertisement, where he offers for sale. a superior kind of steel moulydg board plough. We have heard Mr. Hall's Ploughs pronounced a first-rateiarticle. m.â€"â€"- Pnorossn NEW Armxric TELEGRAPH’ Cosii’.\XY.-â€"It is stated that a new company ' is about to be started for laying down another Atlantic cable. Fifty thousand prospectuses are, it appears, 'to be issued“ and the change for the transmission of mes-l sages is to be hall‘s-crown a word~ instead of £1 as atpi'cscnt. This company propos- es to lay their wire fromthe north of Soot land to Norway, thence to the Force Island , on to Greenland, from which it will proceed ‘ southwards along the American seaboard. Twenty acres of' glass will‘b‘e used‘in the Paris Exhibition building. ’ Latest from‘Europef â€"-1 l .0? «‘whicli‘rzrriiiis‘l | I cannot but think,- Mr. ; (1'! . u. '.Livi:iiPoOL, Oct. 22.+T'he steamers Erin and Alewfl’ork, arrived on Saturday. MADRID, Oct. 22.â€"Spain has announced her intention to uphold the temporal power of the Pope after the, French forces leave Rome. ’ ' LIVERPOOL, Oct. 22â€"Culton steady; sale to-day, 134,000 bales middling uplands ‘ut 1'5'xd.‘ ' " Advices fromCandin indicate that the in- surrection was lbsinglyits serious character, and the public, mindnvas becoming appeals. ed. ' ' " LIVERPOOL, Oct. 22sâ€"The ship Daniel ~Websfer, from London for New York, has ,put, intgy .Quec istgsvnfiismasted. .1 ' f‘- c“ r“ _'f‘ ‘Bmthff, " ct? 22â€"111!- Prusso-Saxon treaty‘o‘fipeace was finally signed to-day. 0L, Cct.2‘2. Eveningâ€"Cgfion’iin- c‘lii'inged’; iddling‘uplands at Iliad: ; \tallow firm.“ ‘ Loxnoxnsunh‘LOct. 23.â€"-The steamship {Nona SCotia, I‘i‘oin'Quebec, has arrived. PARIS, Opt. 23.â€"There are rumours that another miiuifcsto is about to be issued ,to the different, diplomatic representatives ‘ol' ?the Empire." ' received here from Cnndia. stating that. after four days heavy figbling, the Chris- tians had repulsed the Turkish army. ’L'i'vsiwooi, Tuesday, Oct. 23.-â€"noonâ€" Cotton fii'n‘i‘ and’Quict ; sales, 8,000 bales ; middling uplands, 155d. Breadstulfs firmer Flour and wheat tending upwards. Corn has advanced to Bis 3d for mixed western. Loxiiox, Oct. -2‘.l.â€".noonâ€"Monc‘y firm. Consols. 895. Opening prices, American securities ;â€"â€"â€"Erie, 50'} ; Illinois C, 78]; , U. SIB-20’s, 69. V1ESNA,_(le. 23.â€"Thc Vienna I’resnc of to-diiy says that the Baron voii Bcust is vcrv likely to be the Foreign Minister. ' Loxnoiv, Oct. 23.Lâ€"Lonl Clarendon is se- rioust ill. LIVERPOOL, Oct 23, ' for lard inactive. LONDON, Oct. 23, evening.â€" Jimmy market quiet. 001180115802} for iiioncv. I‘II‘IS, 50%1 C. 7*}; United States 5-203 68;. ‘ ' l cvcning.-â€"â€"Z\Iarkct The honor of knighthood will be conferr- ed on Mr. Canning and Mr. Glass. Captain z accepted: the honour. Tue “ Woonnx W.u.i.s.”â€"â€"Tho Times asseits that the recent artillery experiment show that the strongest iron-clad afloat might be sent to the liOttom'ns ensilv as a a wooden frigate; and iron-cluds and dwood- on ships being thus placed on an equality of hopelessness it suggests whether the reâ€" cent opinions on the wm'tlilcssncss of wood on ships may not be reconsidered. The people at Sydney are about to erect a statue to Captain Cook, to“ celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the discovery of New South Wales. A letter frbni'F'lorén‘ce estimates the oxâ€" pcnsc of the war toltiily up to tlic._present time at 525 millith bf franks, or 21 millions sterling. 1‘ ’ gun sxn Ciioi.i-‘.n/i,‘c.â€"It is ascertained by the cholera returns in London. that tlib cases were. always lirmvier on Monday and lo the greater di'nnkicnii' . s on Saturday night, often extending over nnday morning. ' ‘ .,.» .._ ~ A Sh otithat hits isflbcttcr than a broad Side that misses. TORONTO a: J'I'o mu 1 o , Oct 25. Flour P brl...... . . . . . . ....$7 0061 $9 22‘ Fall Wheat Wbuslicl........ I 40 (I?) l 5.] Spring “’licnt do 7, ...._,.... l 40 @ l 41 l liarlcv, do .' 0 so @ n 57 l’onse 3 do, t....'....3 0 65 -@ I170 . Oats " ‘ do ... ..... o 28 (5g 0 :m l’otatoel do ........ 0 40 (Q 0 15' Hayfifiton ................. 7 00@1000 6 I)“ lit: 8 no Bullet 1911) 015 @ 021) Eggsififaldoz................01(1@ 011 Applosilgbrl -. ........... L51), @ 2 (In ‘v09;,‘-u-I;.,;...hc.-.....-.10 33 rd) *0 38 " UNPHILOSOPHIQAL .TREA'I‘MENT. In Cholpra-Aspliyx-izi, Cholera-,Mm-bus. Bilious Colic, and other agOIiizing and dangerous diseases of the bowels large doses of opium and ,rhubarb are often gi"cn. What can be more abisur'edééniorc empiri- cal ? _ The effect of the “Opium is. to -- con- strict and consiipaicfibf-‘tho rhubarb, to. purge and relaxy and, the two antagonist agents Contcuiug for the mcstcrv in the in- testines, crelc disturbances 'tliat aggrav vale the disease. The“ only trne'nnd! ri;ti'\n'nl treatment is to stop the torture and “5,30,”: all the sharp and perilous symptoms wjm-Rudway’" Rciidyltclixzf, giving it iiiâ€"l wal-dly {is a duspjive stimulant and anti- spasmodic: applringif..‘)“i'"nl"“y 35 “Tub” facient, and then to cxiiil‘lt ' Rildu'ily'h‘ Itngulaling Pills, which being sport's-1L 311d purifying in their. notnrcvwill speedily i‘CliL-vc thedigestive the digestive and discharging Ol‘gfllIS'OI'all morbid matter. v ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous niid Genital Dubilily. Niglillv Emin- sions. and seminal Weakness, the fosuli of, youthful indiscrclion, and come near nlltllllg his days in Hopeless misery, will. for the sake cfsufi'cring man. send to any one a minted, 1hr: simple means used by him, which effected a cure in a few weeks. after the failier of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelope and ten cents and it will cost you nolliilig, , Address; Bonita 'l‘nuuam, Station lg. 128111 New York city : ' flv-23 Anderson, Of'the Grth Eastern, has also * fl'ucsdays than oiiaiiv otlicrs (lags, “owningr . which prevails. ' required in pay posingm - pest paid, and free for" observation. per box. minmmicnl engravings. soul frosoii receipt or directed envelope and stamp. ’ ‘ .w ,_ g . a... [516de Th‘él'Greatest Medicine of the‘ Age ' ,_,l"uriiy A sure antidote for sickness, and a Iefeg l'roni Sonnowv Pain and DISEASE, Bryan’s Life Pills,‘Entirely Vegetable, are admitted to he the Jjest, Family Medici". for general use, Purifying the Blood niidclosns in: the system from all iiirpu‘rity. ' ‘ 'Brymr’s Life Pills, regulate the Stomach. Liver and Billiary Se- crelions. which is the cliiel'csuse-of, Ner-vous-. ncss,_ (iiddiness. llininess of Sight, Headache. ,Siek Storiiaehhiid (Ill-16,1" kindred Lcomplaintsa. 0., if no, $ A cure. Hundreds of Certificates can be Show": They have been used bullioiisands wi_tl_is_n,eccss " Bryan’s Life .‘Piils, ' are adapted for all ages and, constitutions. They are composed the active principles of Herbs and|led from our fields and forests, They are mild but corlain in their opernliunâ€"producing neither cramps, griping. pnlns or SICkIH’lsS. They may be takeiiby all ages, sexes or conditions without fear. fi/ymi's Info Pills. Cure Headache. Bryan's Lift; Pills, Cure Sick Stomach. ,Bi'ymi's Pugs. CurcAGiddiness. Bay/Luis Life Pills, l’uril‘yftlicEBlooyd. 'I‘WEN'I'leflVE CENTS. and will accom- plish nil lllfll. is represented. : ' iiiedwiue long» and favorably known to the American Nation, - , Il‘yuu wish Bryan's Life Pills, and cannot get them of your druggisl. don! take any other, but send 'I‘wonty-fivo cents in a letter to the p’r'onriezor, and you will get them by return 0! mail. Address. Dr, .1. Burns, 619 Broadway. New York. 1507: 5079. ly-25 G i”. A ii N Ews FOR THE UNFOR'I‘UNATE. iiELIi’S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted in all cases. for the speedy and permanent cure of all diseases arising from sexual excesses of Youthful iiidisrcrotion Soniiual' 1.01... Nightly Emissions, and Sensual Dreams : Genital, Physical and. Nervous De- lnlu)‘, Impotence, Sexual Diseases, &c . 61.13. No Change of Diet is Necessary. They m. be med without Detection. and Hover fail to effect a cure. if used according to instructions, B ELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS l l’i‘icc One Dollar par flax; or Six Boxes for Five Dollars ; also largo boxes, containing four small. price 1hroc dollars. ‘ , From four to six boxes are generally requir- (-(l to emu an ordinary cases of Seminal Wonk- uass :iml l‘imismous. though benefit. is derived from using; a single box In Chronic canoe. and particnlni‘lv when Im- polmiue or Geniial Debilitv will) Nervous l’ros- irnlion has cfi'ccled Ilia system, , BELLS TONIC PILL-Q, Am reconnnmudml as the most efficacious. re jnviunling and Invigorating Remedy. in the World. > A Pan-lingo price five dollars. will last a month. and is generally sufficient. In extreme cssosbof' nobility and Impotence BIGLL’S 5X l‘lCliNAL REMEDY. l’rieo two dollars. srlflicciii for a month, can be used I) good advantage. II gwos «lrenglli to Ibo Organs. and. with i the l’ills. Will'roatoreJ-licin to their normal con- diiinn. A Pamphlet of one hundred pages, nu Ilia Errors of Youth, designed as a Lecture and Caution [0- Young ‘hlr‘nbsouj fines! fl‘cn Courts .31.... ..: ' .-, 3 A”... .5, CAUTION. l The above Remedies have inow bran before the l’uhliu many years, and their grant-success in tho “lit-vimimi of human llllflt'yJIflgLHxliill‘Cl iilt‘ (:u uidlfy of several parties, who mm the name “ Spocl‘li: l’ills." ’Cnpy my lnblos. cir-y (tlllrii‘snill nilve'tisciiiullts, ‘Ulllelllllfls \\'Ulfl l'nr \vmxl, avidfiiul up Worthless compounds illiil disappoint the just exprcniiions of rho pui- chaser, lfy’iu eniiuol purr-liam licll’s SN‘Pifir‘ lie- llll‘ll't*:l of your druggixl, lake no oilivr. but send the money -(lil'e(:'. lo. Du. .l;\ 3'] ES BRYA‘I. V Consulting l‘liysicinn. itllSl Broadway, New York, mid you will rflewive lbcm by return of mail, l Imperial“ t0 'Lol’s'DllESh IDx' Harvey’s Female Pills 'I‘lm mm: infallihlé'and' popular'rc medi'over knnwn, for all diseases of the female sex They have been llM'll in many thousand cases with unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in every cam for which .lmv arc rocoiiimi-ndod :ind particularly in all GIBBS arisi ngl'roni Obstruction or Stoppago of Nature, no mmmr fronr‘trlmt canso ’it arises. 'l‘lim‘ arc cilia-[uni in restoring to health all who are sullhnng from “leakiioss, and Ilebililr, Uter- lllt‘ Discharges, Ni-rvonsncss. the, the“ t\"(l.. and they “ Act- like a charm.” in strengthen- 111;: the svstem. 'l'liousnmls of Indlr‘s who have sull'oi'mi for years and tried various other remedies in vain, owe a renewal of their health and strength wholly to the efficacy of“ Dr- Harvey’s Female Pills. Thev are perfectly harmless on the system. mar 1.}. .rnko'i at our time with perfect soloiv: but during the nor/.1] $1"ch of I’rngntinny ‘f’HEI/ .vlunlll/ m)! /I(.‘ lit/inn. or It [Miscarriage willy I»: [he result. 'l‘lsov never cause any sickness. pull! or distress. Each box contains 60 Pills, i’i'ico one dollar, Dr. Harvey’s Golden Pills. A remedy for special cases. four degrees stronger than 'llro above ; price ‘ Five Dollars A I’mvu‘n CIRCULAR lo lmdiu with fine LTme this out if _\'.ou idesirc Ilr. Harvey’s A’ Box of Bryan’s/ifs Pills vwill cost feet Willie; A to In winds.” A Clergvmsn, while residing in South Am- l’ills, and if you cannot procure them of your :lrquin. do not take any other. for some deal- ers who are nnpl‘incipled will recommend other mice: as u missionary. discovormla safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous i’Venk- noss. Early Decay. ’ Diseases of the Ui‘iiiarv and Siminal Organs, and the whole 1min cf disorders brought on by Iinnefgl and vicious habits. Great numbers have 7-beeujcured liv [his noble remedy. Prompted by a desire ot hensfltthc afllicxed and unfortunate. Iwil send the recipe for preparing and using'tbis medicine. in a sealed envelope. to any of Who needs it, Free of Charge. Please enclose an envelope sddrossedonc yourself. Address. JUSEI’H,T. INMAN, . STATION D. Binns Houss, Ncin- York city. ms snivsrfiisiiiuii inusia Exclusively for Ladise,. An invaluable laniit-O nfll‘l" pages. by DI. Harvey, published for the benefit of the sex On receipt of Twenty cents, it will be sent post paid. in a sealed envelope to all who gap. 611‘ Broadway, New York, and you will receive Uli‘ail. [female Pills. tl-vv can make a larger profit on lIut enclom 0 money and sendidirect to Dr. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Box 5079. Tom securely sealed from observation, by re- ‘ ‘ 1y 2'5 a.~ CHEAP ” BOOTS I AND, RUBBERS- .i A MES WERNEY PICGS to announce to tho inhabitants of ) Richmond Hill and vicinity. that he has on hand quite a large and well assorted Stock of l.a(i_\‘.<. Gents, Misses and Boys Iiools and‘ Shoes, suitable for the present season. which will be offered low for cash. l‘artinulnrs intention pa ism gamma... an 0 custom work in. ply for it. Address. 11". J Burns. 019 Broad- way New York. Boxfib'lllr . 151-25... all its Branches as heretof- Richmond Hill, Oct. 24. ’66. 3-in- .. 15f." HIE Subscriber would intimate 22, um high ers and others of Richmond Hill siid‘ surr0undlng Country having. _ . , p .- 1y K“ Horses. Afflicted With Ring-Done, That he has successfully treated the. above thc’past ton rycurs without a siligle‘thilure; ' ' lick being laid aside only for a few days. v Quite a number of reference gi‘v'éu‘i‘ffr’o hir- ed of persons whose horses have boon‘culrc’ 'by me. v ‘ '~ : ‘ " M y t 'r’l‘hisdreatnront‘docs- not iieccvsilhtclrh charge is $1 50 if paid When“ opcrh’léd 300 will be charng [6' pm; 6'} ' Residence rear oflbt,25..‘2nd Cbn'. Vaughan. , H JAMES DUNTON. Richmond Hill, Oct. 95, ’66 ' HORSE ‘ S'I‘R'AYLfi. Straycd from the premises of the Rev. Mr. Day, Stouffivillc, on the evening on tliex2lst, .A. EBAY HOB ' a, With aWhitc Star On the forelicfidi‘ also a bare spot On front left leg. Informalionwilhbc gladly received by ‘Ml‘v' Day; 61‘ - John I'oggin, Richmond They are elegaiitly pntup bv the propfietor. Hill." Any person bringing said Horse to the inventor of l)':I/(L7L s l’ulmomc qu/crs, a the Suhcriher wiub c suitably, rewarded for v their trouble. t JOHN FOGGIN‘, ' Richmond Hill .1) 0 Richmond, Hill,.0ct. 25, 1866.”? ' ; The “Fire Ehgi 11 e A CONCERT In aid of the above Fund, consisting, OE“- .Vocal and Instrumental Music, BY TI’IE BEST . ,_ AMATEUR 'l‘AbEN ~ 2 »-'will be given in the rice Hall, Richmond, Hill, on Friday Ev’g. Nov.,.,2 At halfâ€"past Seven O’clock. The Committee beg to intimate" that no pains hzrvc been spared to make the Entero’ tainmcnt Such as will meet the approbation of: all who may favour the Concert with their“ pat‘ropage. _ », ' ,L. ,‘IZ. "l‘ . THE PATTERSON BRASS BAND; Have-kindly offered their services for this occas‘iou. ' - Proceeds to be (Ichtcilito the erection off an Engine House. TICKETS TWENTKFIVE , "C‘Tzsi. To be had at the Herald office, Mr.- Bar; nard s store and the Secretary \Viii. Harri;- son. ' ‘ Richmond Hill, Oct. 26, ’66‘ Tempera ’53 . . Wanted. , .. , Sonorailsorvnul. a Slllnl" active Girl. who 4 Will make hers: I ' useful about a Per- l'louso. who will find a good home A b It ’1 ' Ads.“ 11mm ()lIi-ce ” H," . Richmond Hill. Oct..‘26, ’66. Boy “Wanted. TANTICD Imniedin'cly a lad about I‘ P ' I )l'ents of age, as an apprentice, to that "mun: mums. Antihisl/HVO‘ I "all" office, iiiciiu'i’mid- Han. ‘ " A BYLAW will be submitted t9' :1; * Municipal Council of~t_lrc 'Iiownd‘aip _‘ , on the IT, _‘ Vaughan. at their next sitting day of vaeniber next, for the purpose {a} establishing a pioiocted deviation from‘ the.~ bide line botwer‘n Lots 2.? and ‘26, in the 9th! Conepssion, and on the filth Concession lino, abutting on the said lots. Notice is Vlierullyigivenpil’mt all parties in- lerustod, and any who have objections to urge, are required to attend and state the snuic....: ' ' f G. J. F. mantra; ‘ 'Townslu'p C'Icrfi. Vaughan, October 9th, 1866. 4 IN returning thanks lo his numerous iris-Jr and customers for llieir‘dibornl support pincer he commenced business, lwgs loinfomi the!» that he has remode lo the Store formulr owned and occupied by Mr. James Dick. in The Village of Maple. Where lio'will keep a very select'sioclt of , . ’i’ I{Elwin .1 GROCERIES, IHARDWARE. He therefore invites his old friends and the inn-- ichabitauts of the neighborhood to call and is»- spect his Stock. feeling confident he cannot' be unilorsold, nor surpassed by any he... noth of Toronto. All parlies iidehlcd lo m'c dither-"by Note or ' gunk account are requested to pay the llm.’ lo'rihwiili to Mr. W. H. Myics. Richmondflill who is authorized to grant receipts. ' Map'e, October 1'2, 1866. ~ 7., THELARGEST B E S , THE CHEAPEST 3 ' ASSORTMENT or Hana Ess : IS TO BE FOUND AT ‘W. HARRISON’S, ' 151: Prize Harness Establishment. RICHMOND HILL. Plain S; Fancy Stationery , IN'EVERY VARIETY, AT SCOT-T’s ’ BlcimoND lint".

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