Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Nov 1866, p. 4

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Of the hen! description and newest de‘aifgns. N 'fi- . I. Cnrefu' nttnnlion given to the repairing .pr Watchesganfl Cinch Jewelry manufacture?! and Repaired. No. II. King Street Hut. 6 doors out of Yong: Shut. Family a; Chin-ch Bibles The attanvtii‘in ohhe Public in Stock, consisting of a you! v: m_ EV§RY vuui’rf, ‘_‘ AT scams RICHMOND mLL. 011mg}; um FANCYJGGODSLE Tommi}? April 96. 1866. ROM 50:0 100 Card: of Green and Dry Beech and Maple, to be delivered in To!- onto during the winter. Appiy It the Herald Oflico. Richmond Hill. 69 W. WHARIN & CO. Wood Wanted; watwks, am» Jewelry? Pmpelling & Repelling Pencfl, With fluider k‘Kmre, I AT SCOTT'S, RICHMOND HILL reqegtodoglpix’u f’inimc‘diilnl ‘ P. Crosby.‘Richn‘i on‘dflgll. , ‘f 7 '“mcheérfi ALL pm» inde‘bma m the uni?» Barrio Aug. 24 18“, WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., ronow'ro 36" Mawm’c and othef“E‘mbl¢hic madeio order. Toronto, Adrfl_27, 1866. THE Subscriber, in returning thenlre to hie numeral" Customers and Friend-'4" their liberal support during the” past nine fears; would be: to intimate that hair: prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tions from the best materials, and nflor‘i'the most fashionable elyle, He hopes by swig: ll.- tention to business, combined with moderate prices to ensure I continuance of their favour. All orders attended to promptly. ' Work warranted, ,. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Coollu'e law stand. JAMES VERNEY. Richmond Hill, June 1811866. 52 San - - ELIQCTRO-PLATEDJ"WAER‘E 'CUTLERY, &c., an, SUPPOfl Home Manufacture: 13 With all tha latest improvements, and ll also prepared to repair almost every description of Thrashing Machines. particulurly Hull'. 9 Oshawa. Having every description of Chain; “lit may be required he, has every fucilily {or mnnufncluring'and repairing Slum Engines. and ayory kind’of Mill work will he carefuliy attended to. and turnef wt with dospnteh at Nucnnble"prices. 'And reduce the priée about one-thin]; any Ploughs that were sold for $19. he now ofl'ou {or $13.. ' He is also manufacturing extonlivbly Wood‘SaWi‘ngiMach'ines 1011' an extensive scale, ,fihd hhgzilié (iibdjh'e credit system, he finds that it is neither advis- tnfious to himself or his custpniorstl'isf hm wi ling to pay. as he has been‘obligad to charge about one-third more for his Plough: lhnn he couid‘aflord tone” for, in dwarfto cover an . uxpensas of peddling.’bollecting, and bad deb ' . He has now c‘bme tothe-detofmiillti‘én to J" gnu. ran gun, AND mu mu AT Low Pmcm, . SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL Steel moU‘l'débu’ard“"A'legfisll Bladford. Bradford Foundry ‘lthe' undersigned i§1"’xaofi:inulgéfactfllii§i‘ J, SEGSWORTH, “retinas up mung: xx From 30 cts, to $6. SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. “(PORTER Ol‘ '7, L. BUTTERFIELD. 1866. ' “69 'ublic in imvtod lo \Héirv you! val‘ioly of ' -â€" .- _ v, "1 2'3 "m1 The-Granite State Sewing Machine Company, R, T. BUSH & Cqu Canada Manufactur‘ "a. 145K511”; Street -Eflsf.‘ 'I‘oionto, C, W. "one Offices in in Great Brlthia'. and Canada. l.andon.,Englnnd. Glasgow, Montreal and ’Fb‘romo‘.. ‘ ' .LH . (null) omvmg Machine fiQW3‘illresenlcd to the people oannnda. poslossing {flljlw improvements (ha! can bq well cwfine‘llnh'a saying machine. [Lwill ac’émnpllsh every: ‘idescligtion of sewing "Bicep: h llpn holeS. fro "an overcoat down’to flu: finosL hilks and Inllslius. This machine ulls for 6nly $l5, and is really woth $55), in any family. Every npechino warranted'und kept in rqpnlr free of gharg‘e for’lhreo years.â€" _All machines :6l'diin Canada ale, manufacture it the co~iipan§'§ ‘hrnnclr manufactory in Tar,- omo. Single 'Machinefz, with full printed directions.' snnl expross Iree on recuipl rofsl5 in a ngiétered‘leller.’ Full printh directions accompany each machine. so plain that I child iwolve years; of age can learn to work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on ' ~aga figs}- 3 L'R'Bu- Goo‘d agents wanted’in 1h» couner to whom will paid a $50 to 95'5" nor ummh, m- r: lawn“: Good swaying m: n attendance. Fibrilan 5. 1866‘ GLO (ICES TE It 110 (1812': YONGE STREET. Jos~ Gaby, Proprietor. AGENTS WANTED. ,0; A6 BARS'ARD, Kéént 'erms Io (pgegts 'sam‘ free to No. 7 Royal mm ‘Comhc'lLIand‘ ’ 'No. 7, Pafl Ara f'Londen. , . In” ohm» Rd at Charter ’1'; f I? "aqua? .â€".’ 'Ijgefhlmyrlegg POSSIBLE RATES For Newmarggtz Aurora kill‘irh‘dfl “Hi”. we}, 12m: HfiVJNG'beell appointede‘ggnt fox; this -‘ Comp-By. one of ,thé ojldest Myd'moq; filinfib En nah Comfinlgiosfl' wifl bélhppy t ad‘sch rh’n'éo agafiisl Loss or damage by Fire. upon gray descripgion o-f . ' ' 10mm"; March 23rd. 1866‘ lh'uflofiifflssugancé Company;- No- 7. R01!“ EnclannpA [Ln-nun .....1 Sale: attended to with prombtilude‘.‘ J. GORMLEYK > J. FERIUS, , Gofihi'yfl’fi). U nionville. P.0‘ Gofiiéy.:?,o. “arklum. Jun. 4. 1865. [‘ Junuuy 4.18657, Toronto, July 2b, 1865. GdfiIiEY in migms f Licensed Auctmnecrs.’ 863 Yonge Street, Toron‘to‘.’ w. G. c. calll gt_ all the} Stores between Toronto und Richmond Hill eyery two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lovell Wholesale prices, CONFECTIONARY I Rw‘fiiFhLot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of“ Markham. P.0.Addrééuâ€"Buttonville. Partial requiring Mr. ngdprsou's services can make qrmngemenla at- the HERALD ofiice. . . M 13mm SANDERSON, ‘ LICEN§ED AUCTIONEER {iron rfifini-ib ' of Yéi'k' Kind 'P‘éel. O 95 King 'Stree't'anst, Toronlu, Fob. 6, 1866. First clue Subling and careful. 'I‘orm- modem“. The Commerciai H'o‘tel lithe Coiifin’if 7 V _ Fl“- Buidanco l aoyNGAaTER. ailUCTIoNEER' ".7 -_ ‘1'.-. any: nuu VII- 1} “do. Buidanco l Lot 8, 61h concession Hum. Pant Ofiicoâ€"Unionvillq. SI'OI “MIde on tho Ihdrtiut nalico' a'nd n rommblo ' term. 35 AT ~ SCOTT'S" aIcn'MOij HILL Da‘y 100%, â€" uuuu agents wanted’ln everv part n )1er to whom will puida salary from $60 per month. or :1 large commi ‘on, :. LEMON , PROPRIETOR. I 4 untrue-twin or human UNADULTERA'PED imi‘nidiit‘é pnymo'm‘ol' ’. G. OASTELL L-‘Adkfiéé D- D. s. (Lute Thomas Conn;I yxgn‘on, Street, Toronto. rket, Aurora, Ma;ka and Richmond Hill.‘ 1x GllAT vnxn-rr, Journals and Ledgers,ull sizes. . . Pass Bpoks,. . Pocket Backs, Wallets} an utlénli've 'ho a IRATE Family Sewing ‘fii-esenlcd to the people ‘ :g'lLflw Viq1})roveyrlelnls Ol‘ with full printed ’ree on recuipl r,‘ Full printed machine. so plain age can learn to 'xort.‘ ner‘ma' On- illoso wishing all Losses. I, Toronto; attendance.â€" 44‘ly always 41-ly 31 P. '22::sz ,1 M DEACON’S LINIMENT. For Can, Cracked Heels. and all sores 011 Homes and Cattle. DEACON’S Eruptivn Ointment {or all kind ofskin diseases. BZBLE E§€§€EETY DEPOSITORY SCOTT’S BOOK‘ STORE. UEACON’S VVORKJNG MAN’S FRIEND OIL HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- nelas, Strains. Bruises. Cutsy Chilbluins. Sore Throat. and violenrsl‘ains 111 Back or Side, the effec'ts of the Hen! All in the above cases are astofiishing, frequently removing all pain in a few huors. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixlure for Cholera, Diarrhmn, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than anvolher IHBdIClIIB made. DEACON’S unrivalled Balsam, Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. «Sm DEACON’S Antibillious Pills. None bel- terin use. RICHMHNI)"1LL. August 10 1865‘ A soutliiug‘daud astringem applicxlion ; and, an far us an appiinmion can be of any service, mum southng and much more astringent. than nm' hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S VV'AORKJNVG MAN’S FRIEND BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or Stranglhening Medi' cine lo brace and invigorate the frame, non" can he better. HAS been appointed agent, for the County of Yorky for the above valuahle Modi- cines. which .haws been before the Canadian public for the past seven years, and have given universal satisfactionâ€"he can therefore. with conlidenCfl, recmnmend (hundreds of Testimoâ€" nials could he given if reqmred, shewing the benefit derlvod therefran their use for their several virtues. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually: may be taken dur- ing an_\'emplo_\‘1nont, at any time. and even In} the most delicate female. BEACON ’S STE ‘ 91110 VEGI'I'A‘HLE ygAfiQN’s TAMIL)! Mfififivfi HIWVI ... Stoufl‘ville . . . . . . .. . . . . 18111 of each month ~.Brouglmm '... - “19le " , " Mmkhdm Villzlge.......,.‘2(l1lx "1 " Brown’s Corners..........2lit " " Thomllill................231d " " Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . . 24th ” “ Maple . . . . . . - . . . .261h " " Burwick.... .....281l\ " " Kleinlmrg . . . . . . 5‘ 2....991l) " " Nobleton........ “.30”! " -‘ Laskey................ .31st " “ Aurora . . . . . . . . lst " " Sullon..... . 3Id " Where he will attend to any business per taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7, 1805 The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. places, and ngcEON DENTIST z Richmond Hill 1865. R DR. N'.=J., PECK, Richmond‘Hill, Ang. 13. ’66 'WVlllch 'Will afford paééengers more time City, and keeping attentive .agd pccoml ing Drivers, I trust to merit 1h~e,patron 'lhe génorhl public., ROBERT RAYMOND, On Betfiei‘ Time, ‘17LUAIA -__.:: Toronto. at 4 o’clnck, p,m'. All Parcels or 'Luggage left at Best’s Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge Strget, or at Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson Strum, Toronto. wille delivered with punctu- ality and at moderate charges. Having d9- termined to run the Stage . -' AVlNG purchased the Richmond Hill Line ofStages from Mr. Thomas Cook, 1 will run the same from my Uglei, Rich- mond Hill, to Toronto, starting at half-past 7 o’clock. a,m. and returning will leave ' Lemon’s Ilotcl, Nelson St., STAGE S. .- .‘ V.uhv 'uut U‘ hé has Leased the above Hotel and fitted it up in a manner second to none on Yonge St. where he wili keep constantly on hand a good supply of'first-c'lass Liquors, &c. This house §pos$usses every accommodation 'I‘ravel!ers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfullyihvited to put up at this establishment. Aurora Juno 1 .865. MA. BARNARD ‘ . GIDEQN DOLMAGE. Proprietor Richmond HillLDec. 1865. QB-tf MITCIIEL H0 USE I LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S,‘ ,. THE Subscriber begs to inform the Eublic ‘ lhat'he has ‘lcuse’d the above Hotel, 'whe‘re lw~willkeep constantly .on hand at good supply of film-class Liqum‘s, &c. As xhis house pOSSESsds avery- accommodation Tra- vellers c'aude‘sire,»those who wish lustay where they can find evvry comfort ai’e'respécll'ully inâ€" vited to'giva him a call. ' _ " ESPECTFULLY announces thatâ€"ho has ‘ changed his time bi'visitinglhe following me an ..n,_‘1_:_ J . ~ I R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, ~for.60 years proprietor of the Linnaeau Nur- ,¢ries.‘ has discovered POSITIVE cumss for the abqvb, and for all inherited and Chronic Dis- ens'es; Dyspepsia Ner‘vous .Dobility. Rheu- malism., all Female Maladies, and others to- sult‘ing from impurity of the glued, hitherto incurable. Expluuilory circular, one slump. Treads on all diseases..20 cents; . . 58-4‘ Pildfbgi'aplls for 50cts’ doz. DOL MAGE’S HOTEL S I’ILE OINTMENT‘ . ATARR H, Bronchitis) Scrofula. Liver and ‘ thncy Diseases, Namre’s Remedials from P‘ams. ‘ u yum-gnu linu. . . .. nond Hill mm b,......; Lon........ RICHMOND HILL AVED MdEEOp » begs to SCOTT ’s RICHMOND HILL after this daQe wilr be excepted)rirnr or ENGLISH NOTABLES ng attentive .agd pccommodat- trust to merit 1h~e,patronage.of If; AURORA. . . .QIi't .. .231d .24th . .261h . .28lh . .991h _ .3011} . .3lst r, and all kiudé ol announce )1]th il’rupr'ielor. 3m IO l-tf , for in me ‘, (a h m; a DHUEHS PHDMPTlY’EXELUTE =59 %m% %%M% Fl: Caids;,!&c just_recaived. Is entirely new andfofl'lhe latest fittexns large vmiety of new LARGE mm SMALL POSTERS Let'tbrel’ress Printing. PAMPH LETS AND BQOKS, FANCY BILLS EflLflflEll J [IB W'flBK Orders for the am of undormonlionod descrip- Ilon or J 0B mums BQGK The York Harm BUSINESS CARD): OUK'ASSORTMENT 0F ESTABLISEEN T. WiH no promptly moulded (o :â€" A‘Id‘ every other kind of BLANK CHECKS, CIRCULARS, CHEAP LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS Certificates of startling cares of the most violent and deadly diseases are on record at DR. RADWA'Y’S OFFICES in the Ciiies of New York and Montreal, emanating from the highest authorities in the world. ’ ‘hcro in not a Town or Ciiy of importance (except a, few in China) on me Giolm but that1{;\1)WAY’S Ml-JDICINES have cured 1110 sick when nil other remedial ngmis failed, and this is vouched for by high dignimrics in Church and State, both by letters wriLtcu direct to Dr. Rummy, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad.‘ N. Râ€"Bewaro of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuudo you to take some other in place of tho liadway’s.â€"â€"The country is flooded with counterfeit: mill imitations of Radwuy’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless nixtures at 10 than half price they are Phnrged for Radwn‘y’a, yet charge the public the some uriee our ogeut’s sell you lludwny’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- m‘feits are, sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; door at that price. In purchasing Ready Relief, see that there are two Signatures of Rndway 8; (Jo. on the labels, and the words R. R. R. Radwny Jo Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. 1L\DWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our siel: from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &e., ((‘c. 0110 of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonl'ulls of Belief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success, It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, &e. It has a. good eil‘eet in 41 11101100 or wind cholie. I use it fur foul. breath and it produces a, marvelous efieet. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. Sisters of Mercy at Dcrchesier Street Hospital; applying Dr. Hadway‘s Remedies to the sick. The Kinny RELIEF i;: 11:; m than the virus u!" the, 1110\* <\\‘H't and first snmmun 01 1mm and uuousiu In violentdisonaes, inst-.mtroliof is; mqm’rml ASIA’I‘IC CHOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE. l2()\‘v'EL,S, UHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, CIIUCP, DII’TIIENIA 111ny prm': fatal Within an hour 01' t,\\‘<>,il'1mt’, (“1100de by n pmvorful antidote like 1L\I)\\'A\Y‘>§ READY RELIEF; and all 51mm; and i11112111nml1111'5' nmhmim, whether Khulnnntism, Noumng Influm. matiun (zfthe Kidmg'x,Bladder,1'1'im11dilfivuitics, Infhmnnniimx ut’llu: Womb, :mdfi'n find, all diseases fraught \yilh imnmdium danger, yield :11, (mm to this mmnmm‘z‘ g: «111111ij The READY RELIEF ’ ‘13 :-ud<'leu 11x in optflliiun 11‘: £112: untimly 1' H, 1": mm-L- “91m: than the virus u!" the, 1110\* <\ , 21m! dundly q cmic. With thia Jlmnvdy 2|Lh;111111() use on the first SYnmwnl 01 1mm and uncusiuc no new 1 med tull'cr an 1mm :iclmc 0f Diarrhoea, Dyscntry, Cholera. Morbus, Inflznnmation of tho Bowcls, Cllo'lic, Cramps, Spasms, Verniting:7 Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Aguc, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neurulgiu, &c.â€"â€"Onc tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly atop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Buck, Linle or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Spruins, &c.â€"Onc application will afford immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the cure. As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMQDIC, COUNTER. IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE, CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! ANDIS A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, WOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI ' m WEWEflfiifiyzg 2‘ RADWAY’g REAQV RELEF E H. [3° Sold by Druggisfs and Country Merchant: They the strongly bmit, light, of draft, rim them the most desirable ‘mplemem‘, for the f reference may be made tu any of those farm them the best, kind of" Plough ihey have cvvr Ploughs is invited befox-u purchasing (alsew munerativc prices. Joe Work done to order (If? A Good Carriage Horse for Sale cheap Richmond Hill, October 26, 1866. THE Subscriber would rospectfully annouco want of P10113115, that he is 1 Improved Sm} wid-béafidlflougl}: They “be “1‘0"le hm“. light of draft. mm stondxn mu] an “ um», “Man m“ Agents for And all kinds of Plow: IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized Wfifla Rheumatism, PRHCE, 25 cents a Bottle. Hmfiant Hem Neeflufi All Around the Globe; the: salt: of Hadway’s Ready Relief, 1’.’ CROSBY, Richmowd Hi”, THOS. ALLISON; Vic(6ria Sqimre, CHAS. DOAN, Anf'ora. Mr. ROWE and Mrs. ROWE, King S In sudden Attacks ‘M of draft, run steady, and do firstâ€"class work, which render plemem‘, for the farmer now in use. In evidence of these facts my of those fal'nwrs who have tried them and who pronouce ghthey have ever used. The attention of those in wrmt of purchasing elsewhere, as they are put down at me lowest re- l 1 1 I )f Plough Poin‘ Kept constantly on hand JOHN RADWAY, M. 0;, a 002, SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL, And 87 Maiden Lane. N EW-YORK > In the farming community and others in 111:111u1'uvturi11g :LwI-y superior oints and Landsidcs HENRY HALL AGENTSâ€"VVB want agents in every regi- ment, and in every town and county in the country, and {how acting as such will befiailqw- (-d In cents on every Cpmficale ordered by them. provided their remitlance amount. lo ulu llrom-lres....._._,,..‘.. 2,000 Mosaic. Jot. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops .... 1,500 (70ml. ()pul. and Emerald l'lar Drop»... . . . . . . . . .. LllUO California Diamond Breast l’ins........ ......... ... 3,000 Gold Fol) and Vest Walcli Keysnu .. . . . . . LOUD lab and Vesl llililmn S'ides 4,000 FMS 01’ Snlilniru fileovo Bul- tnns, Studs. ale. . . . . . . .. . . 1,000 Gold 'l'llimliles, I’vncils.elc 2000 Minimum Lorkels. . . . . . . . 1.000 Miniature lmclietsâ€"Maglc Spring .... .. . {,000 Gold 'l'oollrpii u, slit . . . . . . _ . Hi0!) l’lnin Gold llings.... 3.000 Chan-d Gold Rings . . . . . . . 4.6008101“) Set and Signet Rings \‘Jlllll California Diamond Rings. l 7.500 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Cold.... 1,090 Sets Ladies? Jewelryâ€" Cnnwo, l’oai'l.etc. . . . . . . .' 6,00“ Gold l’m:s.b‘ilvor Extension Holders and Pencils. .. .. . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Mann- led Holders. .. . ... . .-..., 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- slnn ilnldm's.... .... .... 5,00flSilver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘nps,.............. 3,000 Silvvi'llaslurs.... .... .. .. €2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets ‘ i " ' ......-. Crosses, 3,000 Dozen Sliveé Tea- 3,00r' “ “ Tabk June 9, 1855. v...“ u vu‘ pllflllls hm”) n ' VuV u 'HH'L‘ Gnld Oval Hand Brncefots. ‘l .( J NH) (Thused Gold Br: calm. ... . ‘2 H10 Chnlulainn Chains Guard Chains. . . . . . . . . . . RUM) Solxlnile and (laid Broodles 5,000 Lava and Flomniine Brooches . . and 3U” Ind as mid and Enameled- C11Mv\\"utcl|<-s. . . . . . . . . . . (3(10 (.‘cnls‘ Hunting-Case Sil- ver \Vmches. . . . . . . . . . . . QUU Diun’mnd Kings. . . . . . . . . . 1.0!?!) Gold \vUbt and Nut-k (flminu 011911”? ) lhll'h‘ fur $5 "or 5:15. ’l‘hj 'unlly l'm‘ A94 will not mvm ur'cl ul' 51mm iimvs 1m mmv 0 [IN Hi (my ‘ New ,(N 0 Cum! , . m. I} nnk Cultificnu-s and the! cure 10,1502. at least. [ha ru” munm'. Shuuld the ML .0 MIL-Mu nut suiLnny other w 01' u 3 same Vnhle wi‘H in s: rho (*al'lifimles as Follows: ()nefm' '3 cts., fire lm' .- ’HIHU‘U upon ii. is Wave! in wnlwlâ€"lhesa envelopes are and sold for 'I'II:u:I_1/-_/ina Can >0" receiving mm of these 81 to Ihn nrliclu named [herein (Tmhficnm (0 us with one de no multur huw valuable it In wurdud to him or hur at one .. u Fwy-m- 1:: (10mm: out the stock a. Um emhe LansiMn damn the uhdvrsxgned have ducidvd on u grunt distribution made as follows. vArM AM: H'Hu' sz'rlrmz, N0 MA'r'IxR HYO’W‘ VALUANIJi, mum; 501.]; you $1. A (7mtlficntu of ear‘h article with its value pxiuu-d upon i1. is placed in an envelope and «Medâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mix“) and sold for 'l'uuwn..1.‘ .. In - - UIL- Hulies: ducidvd on RAF“ AM: VALUANH; Tim [C'ltira Stork of: mining from hnxinoss For the pmpnsp of (LL 300 I May'T, mus} L [81‘ OF A RTICLES. LL OF \VHICH ARK TO M] 501,1) BHU Goms’ Gold Hunt VVMuhos . . . 5‘?) a" ing Case l-vn‘ & bring on thé of obstruction other remedies Our Periodical drops will monlhiy sickness, in all cases i'ionl any cause, and after all ofthu kind have been tried in vain. 9 NEW REMEDIES AND QUiCK Ctjr Syphilis suit-lures, seminal w in thn jomts, affections ul‘ the k ofth head. thron't, noso and those dreadful affections habit of youth, which :s.-â€"-For eakneas, pnim idnuys. diseases thin. and all arising from asecret produces constitutional dobilily, renders marriage impossible, and in ;he end destroys both body and mind. The treatment we adopt is the result of upwards of Illil‘iY years experience and successful practice in Europe and America. I Strangers Visiting 'l‘uronto, who are in need oi'u Medical adviser. having no unie_ to re- main in the city to be cured, can have Medi-, cine to take with them. A safe and realizable cure gnarantaed. Patients livmg at a distance can procure Dn' (J’s l‘Bllll‘dlt‘S, sent (secure and free from ob: SGI‘\7-‘lll0ll) to any part of the l’rovinne. with plain and full directions for use, by wr gliting,' stating case,a, mptoms 1"13. A Hucnnsu'luliuns at tho caulideulial. 1- “w weuknes> gmmrally. ca habit in youth. which prudum dubility. you can reh‘ on our! have [realm] over filly thousax we guarauleu a perfect cum in IMPORTANT 1'0 1 THIS ASSOCIATION has In LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALI whore Stockholders and others BOOKS every Friday afternool olock. 1am, Ehmnis ‘assj Secret Diseases. MEDICAL DISPENSARY’; Over 35, King Street East, GIRARD w. DEVAUGII &“ co}; ‘ h No. 15 Maide‘n Lane, New‘Yar‘k: Addressâ€"Dr. 'l‘. C lust, "‘(n'onlu, C \V, niches, Chains-film ‘ol' Jeweh‘y. RingsJ‘in Braculvts, Sleeve Buttons, Silver Spoons? and FOIkN. Cups, ( lake “askels, worth Eight Hundred 'l hou- sund Dollars, gents wanted throughout 1 and Cuxlzidas. mid Forks RICHMOND HILL L LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. York Hl‘ --, five tor “fil‘ ‘\'1.\'»fivu for "-[U _ H; .‘v .p-u, unv nnnnreo This dis rilmliou nflbrds a fine oppore Agents, as what lady or gentleman VPNI '1 WP, 1'v»r1\7<; mm'r:5'\\'itl|,n‘pron- uling Ilvo hundred or a thousand nwh, All orders must he addrnled. :11- uld stand No 15 Maiden Lana: mm m- hm- at once. There are no [Lihcntus and therefore ovary one is .111 least. [ha full value of his or her Should the article named an the err-l [suiLmay other which harmny'so'leé’ Oliice hours from 8 DR. T. C. CULVER’S And all Female Complni Opal and Emerald 300,000 [and LV uck (,‘haiVns PER DOZVY- Tea-Spoons.‘ $10 to $20 Table Spoéhs For the cure of plated in an envelope and slopes are thoroughly mixed ry-jim: Cents eachâ€"the per- vl' these envelopes is entitled ed [herein by returning tho Em mm ,l..ll. A, of dosh-g my} Tiduy afternoon. Iron “0 11, noso and rkm. andnll clious arising from a secret sigh produces constitutiole Inzuriagc impossible, and in borh body and mind. The pt is the result of upwards of en and successful practice rs from 8 AM to 8 PHM. C. Culver, 139. King St; v a large Imron'rING H ma 501,1) 501$] r1635. tbszituxaa. ‘ Hulan ’ Book/Silo}; vllnr. and the article. may be, will be for- SCOTT, Librarian. “£1, eleven for $2 Ell), one hundred Fords a fine oppore fid)‘ or gentleman rm'rrs'withn‘pron- {ice free but ntiictljf the Uniled_Sta‘té LADIES, 250 IO 50 Ill 20 transferred their 15 all cases $5 Otn 20 "100 35 H] 615‘ r 0‘00" re to ~3m $150 50 H II 10 10 1 or)“ was IU 30, 70

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