Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Nov 1866, p. 3

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Richmond Hill Uabinet Establishment N returning thanks for the very |i6~ra| support he lmsjecelived since commencing business in Richmond Hill, bvgs to inform the public‘t-h‘at‘ He has greatly incrcas ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of V ‘ including Tables, Ch'nirs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dres=ing Sinnds‘ \Vnsh Stands, SLc. Bic. Aléo fi largeinssortmunt of Room Paper, Bordering, \Vhite Lend, Paints and Colors, Raw and iimled ,. Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish, 'J'urpertine. Benzvne, Glass, Putty, Glue, 8w. &c. I’m-hes Furnishing. T’apering, 9r Painting their Hauses, will do well to call before puruhuqing elsewhere. Aiso and. OROCKERY Flofir, Feed, 'l’fovision and Grocery Store ! fjm -‘ ' ' u “ "l ‘ u“ v ‘ a: mum mun 41mm Wm: hm nu Mum Wm Mm W \Vhere he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Pens, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and GrOcel‘ieS, Harriware LAND PROVISIONS. ADJOINING AMBLER’S HALL, MONDAY, the 29m OCTGBER 1866, Richmond Hill, l')claber 17, 1866. '71 FIRE! FIRE ! 3 E‘ERE !! I €534": @flz 0656259023 $9 “'1‘,” "‘1‘ ' " " ‘J v w n mm 'kmun "Hum “4mm” WWW W “m mm mm \nxw‘ W "mm For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. icbmoaa Hill, flayembor 9, 3866. T0’\VhiCh he cordially invites the attention of his old friends. THE MGST ATTRACTIVE? DISPLAY Bicl’finond Ilill, September 27. 1866 WISâ€"EOE. COG-ELAN NEM7GOOiS! mm wwaws7 QTAPLE GOODE I 01'? EVluRY DESCRIPTION. Importiag'my Goods direct, customers will receive the full'ad- A . n u. r - 1 'I ‘ , '. A, , ,. ,]...l:__“ F N I T U R E! ""7"“"‘T"D' "4 ’ ' . . . . Qfant'ég'e'bf‘thc recent fall of pl'lCCS and reductlon m dunes. 134‘ King St. East, Toronto, Sept 21, 1866. - BY-LAVV will be submitted to the Municipal Council of {he 'k‘miinship of Vaughan, at their next sitting, on the 12th day of November next. for the purpose to establishing a projected deviaf'ion from ilie Side-line between Lots 25 and 2G, in the 9th Concessimi, and on the 9th Concession line, fibutting oh the said lots. NO'TICE. 1 Notice ié Hereby 'given, that all parties in (crested, and any who have objections to urge, are required to attend and state the ., sn'rhe.‘ Vaugha'ny October 9th, 1866. EGS rcspegtf‘uliy to,nnn0unce to the inhnbxlnnts of Richmond Hill and Vici i: that he has leased the premises lalcb’ Occupied by Mr. Wm. Atkinson, EGS tn annouqre to his numvrnns Frivnds llnt he has survived his 'immenSe ’ loss fly in}? l ’lelf‘lrfe. and that he will WIL Llfififi @EfiifliflS; nice assortment, good and cheap. [10 would also callmtenlion Sél’ected will] great care. \VITH A‘I ’fitrahrdinary STOCK 0E GGODS Ifardware, @raccries, CROCKERY, 81.0. GRAND IRE-OPENING! Bought for Cashâ€"in the best Murkels,â€"Cnmprising Hardware and Provisicns, G. J. F. PEARCE, \Villl a large and complete stock of a: team ofyears, and which he Will open on Township 01 In his New Brick Store, on in the best markpt, and will be disposed of at OF Ahd hope,hy diligent attention 10 business. {he Style and Genuineness of lhelr work. (0 merit a share of public patronage. ,1 Richmond um, Oct 12,1806: 70-3“; {SEC leave to announce to the inlmhitaMs of Richmond Hill and surrounding country. that mev have commenced hnsmess in the Shop one door north of Mr. Bm’nard’s General S'ore. in (his village, a. Plain 8c Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, H AT SCO'L‘T’ S R ICHMOND 11H. Milliners, Mantle & Dress Makers, The Misses Cooper to his 69 The Chmpest Gflads w v - M- _.. _i V 1110 has now received his FALL SHKJK UF (£00135 winch have bre'u urchasod as 01193 as an ' house can do, and shall sell on as small a x'ofiI V as any oilxer man can do. The Stock 13 we” assorted in And is live Colored Rool Linings from her yard. - Good Winceys in all colors from 10.5(1 to lâ€"ngrl per yard. All Wool French Morinoesin choico colours from 25 (id to 35 9d. Colored Mohair and Gobourgjr from 10d to ls ilrl. ‘ Scarlet All Wool Flannel from ]s. lid to 23 (id per yard. V ‘» . K llnion Tweed for Boys wear, from ls 3d to 35 lhl per yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 25 (M to 55 peryard. All Wool Pilot Cloth from 35 EM per ywd. . . Fine Union & All wool 6â€"4 Black Manth Clothy from 55 to 7% (id per yd, splendid value, with an excellont assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Over and Under Coats, Fancy Flan- nel and Tweed Shirts, from 53 7,};ench, the largest stock on Richmond Hill of our own marml‘nclure, good large sizes and well made. Lndios‘ Men's and Children’s Huts & Cups of 1he 11(‘\\'(‘Sl styles in everyvariclyJ with the best generle assorunenL of Dry Goods to be found in the neighborhood. Illalllllélk'llll'L', yuuu nugk: mam: mm .. . V. Ludius‘ Men's and Childrnu’s Huts & Cups of the nmvcstt styles in (‘\'(‘,1‘y\'arictvJ with the best general assortumuL of Dry Goods to be found in the neighborhood. PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS! In 01d and Yonng IIvson and Black Teas,at 525 6d pPr Moyune and Young liysnn Tea, at 46 per lb.'â€"â€"!|1e bc everything in Pure and Uuadulturuted Port, Sherry and Mulaga “Hm's. Brandies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old 'J.‘mn,_Bollled Ale and Porter. 1 SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, GRGCEBIESi ’xic'rm'nnd HiH,(M.)her 5, 1836. he QEHOVE§ Z .fibaut 55w listnf @fiivi‘wr newt, Factrry Cuttuns at Gd. per 31m]. I , a - _ Heavy and fine makes ol Factory really Superior :"ro'n’f 7531150 9d. .pcr‘yar Good Dark Yard wide Prints from 65% per yard. A Splendid article 01' Muddcx' prints from 7.1; per yard: Blue Dennim from 7.5m per yard. 1 ERHEEREES, PREVIEWS, ERQCKEEY, EfififiWfififi, DRY GflODSi Andi-.1 fact endeéVOur fo’ m'aknfi-his Estabfishment founa flu“ is usually kept in My motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns Romcml or the Placeâ€"~Flood 8L 1-)‘1‘i‘ée’s Old Stand. lichmofid mu; Sept. 13, 1866‘ DICKSO’N, CRAWFORD & SMITH, N relurning thanks to his lhenrls, and the Pu'blic for the very liberal supynrt he ha; Phjnyrd since cnmmenring business on Richmond lljl‘l. h9g5 lq Vinlo‘rm llwm \hal : has leasml the more mmmodimls and conhal premlaes owned and formerly cecupied I J . K. Falcanhxidge L‘qu and will open MELLENERV, ~ “mm-u “mm "tuu‘wuu “'1qu " mm “mm "‘sz “111mm "; ‘ ‘ , n ‘H ‘T ‘imn‘ If!" “tum; AM IQ'OT T0 &c., SLO. lle alsn would imimate that be “ill In addition have a choice Baum ’wim flee @mmtlei. mmd' Sept. 21, 1866. EC rcspveflghylto can [he atteminn of the inhabitants Cf the County to their very large and we“ aswrled stock of gi'uvl‘al ‘- , Largest and moét Varied a§sortment to be found on Bichmond Hill. quote a few pxices ‘0 let the public know that Competition is the Life of Trade. GREATEST BARGAENS . would direct special notice to their stock 0% mporled this Season,~.â€"thé best value ever shown i'n' this market; And every uther Class of Goods [hit any dey Wants. ‘WILLEAM ATKINSON 11mm _“"‘Ju‘u “mm m“ "mm “film: "uh‘u’ml "new "ilzm‘m “mum Which, for qualxly and lowncss ofptice,1s seconJ‘to node 91 King Street East. PORONTO, for Cash 0 BLACK §ELE§S Y VVllh an Pnfire new stuck of select 39111311398 MAY BE HAD A'l‘ AND Estalflishment the Mart where everything is to be [suullv kept in a first-class To 5 6d ppr H).â€"â€"slwlondid value; suporinr -\lxe best in this neighborhood, \vilh UNDERSOLD, stock of 70 3'“ 68 3m "W: “W rJ‘HE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST And an usaortment. of WHIPS 1i WHIPS 11 WHI-PS! :1“ IS TO BE FOUND AT Hflfifl ESS .' W. HARRISON’S, Richmond Hill, 001.26, ‘66. 1X- Gonem] servant. a smart active Girl, who L will make herself useful about a Farm House. who will find a good home. Apply 10 AB. “ Herald Office,” -WANTED. mm mm mm Richmond Hi11,Sept. 15, won Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces T orontu. Oct, 4, 1866. RENEE 9F RENEWAL. JOHN WATERHOUSE, 1N returning thanks to his numerousifriendé and customers for [heir liberal supper! since he cnmmencud husinoSS, hogs to inform them that he has removed to the Store formerly owned and occup i=d by Mr. James Dick. in The Village at Maple, Whâ€"ere 1m will keep :vory select stock 3f He {harefm'e invites his old friends and the inâ€"i iuhubitaiiis of the neighborhood to call and iii- spect his Slnck. feeling confident he caniim be nniersnld, Iior surpassed by any house north of 'l'oronlo. All pal-'ios iidebied to ma either by Note or (duck accqunt are requested (0 pay the same forthwith to Mr. W. I]. Myles. Richmdiid Iliii “ho is authorized (0 grant recbirts. Mup‘e, October 1‘2. 1865. V 70 HARDWARE, Tremendous Bargains At the BOOTS Evdxgbddy rushing to procure some Great Bargains, Men’s Long Boots for. . Lady’s Lace Boots for. . And ullolher Boats and Shoes at cum: AND max AT THE GOODS ‘W. H. M YE R S Richmond Hill, Oct. 4. 1866 Boiled Linseed Oil, (Blandells and Spence, Hull.) , law Linsr‘ml Oil, do (lo Machine Coal Oil; Elephant Oil, Svul ()il, ‘ Nouisl‘oot Oili I _ . Fish 01‘ Tnmim"s Oil. V _ \Villi Hie ll. 2 and Cheapest l’eiin‘ylvzinizl «l; melizm l‘mvlc ()il north of (I‘m-onto, fwm 7d 1N‘l‘ quail m' 25 per (gallon at William S. Pollock’s, late Gils! ()ilsl! Oilsll' 15f Prize Harness Establishment, RICHMOND niLL. FARM E‘GR SALE. rw‘Hll Farm belnnging to the Estate of the late Mr. \‘Vi'linm Sawdm'son. containing Hi0 Acres of Good Favming Land. 9‘) nl' which are cleared. There isa largo Brir-k Hausa, \Vuod Shed, and UIIICI‘ conveniences . a gum: Frmna Barn, Stables Sheds and Root llonsu. The above farm is And is well adapted for 8 Dairy [‘arm, as it i» \vrteredwiih a never failing stream running across It. There is also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees. Garden, &c, For further pnlticulm's apply to Markham.'Sept. 17. 1866. WINES, quggafs, 8:29.. BEST, {at EU. I4, 3rd Can. Markham, Al (1 the Prices. and you are sure to buy at CUSTOMERS ASTONISHED ELIZABETH SANDE RSON, Buttonvville O" to ED. SANDERSON, Lot 20,401 Con At VVILLIAIQI ATKINSON’S Chenp Provision Store. Traded for Wood, or Cash paid fiQ-Qmfi mm, mm mm “Iumuv MW ‘t‘umuiv Mum GROCERIES, PHOENIX FOUNDRY, AND CONSEQUENTLY A SSORTMENT 0F Wanted, “almond Hi”. Oct. 4, 1866 LU W PRICES, THE 91 Yongo Street, 'l‘o'rofiio‘ TO SEE OUR Y 95 ! and AND G. A. BARNARD .3162 60 $1 20 the same- 2m of the A large‘ as'éort‘nient of Blankets, CHEAP fm' ! ETgin Mills‘ November I, 1866. The Eigin Mifls Store VVENTEB GGODS ! To which he inviteé pnblic httehtion. ELGIN MILLS, Nov. 1, 1866.: Opposite Temperance St. READY-MADE CLOTHING, 8:0. BOOTS " AND SHOS,’ MEN’S, WOMEN’S m CHILDREN’S BUUTS Mm Sims In the most Fashionable Styles, ‘ A V V ‘ ‘ I ‘ 4 I 4 And of the best Muieria] and .‘Vorkmmnhip. AILVVork is: warranted to give pnrfect latllflco tinu, \Ve are comtantly adpling to .ur stock ofBouts and Shoes of our manufacluro, whkh will be SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE I3RiCEs. Please remember that Sanderson‘SELLS ClIEAPat {1:}: 133 Yonga Streét, Two Doors SoutH of Beét’s Hotel, Togeu’go, may A few more County Righl‘s for sale \Vhen ordering p'mnse state depth of \Vell or Cistern ’E‘fiEE ENBELEBE‘E PENCIL StylGS for FALL AND WINTER Wear. Afifififiiim EL DEPTHS. EGS to announce td tlto inhabitants of the Countsfldt‘ York arrldlfl‘gsd in the; nr’ighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, that he has added to hisfiiock 0Q , 4 FOR MARKmGLINENJOR SALE'A’I‘ THE “ HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL} Co‘bofirg, Wiuccys,‘ . . Plaids and Ta‘rtané,’ " Cottons, Shawls, _ Hosiery, good assbi‘tment of Trunks always on hand; TORONTO, Sopt. 13, 1866. Flannels, AN IMDTENSE STOCK JUST RECEIVED, Of the most fashionable styles; GREAT BARGAINS [N Tweeds, Has Just Received a Complete Stock 6f 3 SANDERSON, A complete assortment of the most desnrable And is prepared to make to omcr all kinds of Cottbns’; 133 Yongé Street, Consisting ofâ€"â€" Prints, CHARLES POWELL, V I’atcnteé and I’roprzetar. NEWTON BROOK, C.W ’or 5111?. 64‘ Fancy Shirtifig Canada Tweed, , Shawls and Shirtin‘gr's. Prints! S h a W] s, Nubials; .N , .â€"~!-..‘:r TORON'EO, Bianknts, Gloves, 816. &0. SEC. » 46 51-3m'

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