Now that our friends have" securc'd "their crops, and ï¬nd"1 that '. they have hccn’ blés'sedwith an abundant harvest, iVmpurpose sending in-our accounts, and trust 'that they will meet with prompt -attenugn.â€"we do .not like, cit.hcr to dun florib'e dimmed, butas Business 7&- quires thotiï¬ccounts should be rendered, 'Wc take'thekopportuhity of cnclosing the amount 0f01ir claim Against each of those in arrear, and hope that‘pe'rsons,‘ on 'i‘eceipt of such bills, will remit to us by return of mail (post paid and Register- ed) and thereby e'nablciis to meet press- ,ing dgï¬fhnds upon us. Our friends will ’ A Mayfair Worth Knowing Jas Dunton Concertâ€"Wm Harrison Cheap Boots and Rubbersâ€"J Yancy;- Joiners Wanted.â€"Patterson & Bro. Noticeâ€"~Vaughan Township Cufd-‘Thc MiSSvs prer ï¬emomlh'JOen Waterhimse Bgar on Mil-duff down with ‘he gauntlet-G A Barnard. . . \Vood \VanthAâ€"Phaenix Fonndcry Oily Oil, Oil,â€"G. A. Bafim'f‘il I’ve found it.~ W; H. Myers. ’l‘veméhdmxs Bargains-W. H. Myers; ‘Ch‘edp Hm-ness.â€"W. Harrison. Bradford Foundryâ€"L. Butterï¬cld. ' FircFil'e.vâ€"P. Cl‘osby. Express...“ 5 . Mall... 3â€... RICHMOND HILL TIME TABLE ‘~ 003M111].- . ‘Millincrs &' Dress nulkers-alnm- 'Rioutli- Mail; Train P1113953. . . . Norlhém ï¬ailwï¬i 10f. Canada, Richmond Hill Cabinet Establishmentâ€"T rbrt-SSGnodsâ€"‘H gA NeWton. Wiyfer Goodsâ€"G J1Bernm-d. - ‘ To nggon thfliers-mxd‘i Eon-mg:er hr I'V‘B‘ekiyrtin‘ihiï¬a'v‘thdi'out térmsw are. One dolla‘ré'yegkr ,in advancc,â€"4o§hetwise it' "ï¬lm-by}:ch dollarï¬nd ï¬fty centsj we; rendefto'ur'bfillénow, mzide hp $0 the' 'end of the second year, since the :rgcom; 'mehcemeppo‘l‘ :York ,Herald, and pay ‘up Meir subscriptio'ns * 511959 5759 {within the-present month) for the two years shullhï¬ycthe beneï¬t of our cash terms,';,"gi’l‘txhoixgh Whine are eighteen? ‘mqnths'of the time gone by.< We do -~ Briggs. .‘ ' Stray lSï¬eepLA Wright; Experience of an 5%“ To be box-rile" in mini-a Public Meetings .‘of the élcd'toryifl eacï¬ Township (under the. new Municipal Law) willbe held on the last Monday but. one in December, (the 24th) to noâ€" Iï¬inate candidates for the ofï¬ees of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors weenie for the year L867. Do not neglect tapay yog'u‘ tans before the 16th December; ' ‘ RICHMOND HILL}, NOV. 16, 1866. SU-B'scmur; FOR I, w The Yoik Herald, $100 a year ‘, ledge ‘ ‘ . Mona: to erm F‘anlrgqghngtllï¬ VWarmol‘T hope that those of o’lir' sullscribc’rs Who have ï¬Ã©ybégmfpjianuall he'i‘etofore, “will- not waitdfovr anygfuwlier reminders from us; it: is 39c pf" thqse, necessaryldutics we are reluétqfit? to perfdrm, but'if people will {'01: one Lor~ two years gmd'nb’t appear t6 think thab‘it is time we were paid, we will have t6 take {such legal jgdï¬mdyjas will [best securefl us in whati's 113‘ just. right, and in such case, will clhiixilfull credit terms for ‘sub- script‘ibn; viz, one dollar and ï¬fty cents per an ' V H I The Couxil met At the. Town 114]], on Monday, )52 quembe'r‘! 1866. ' ' 2:11 the members " :preseut. - The minutes of previous pleating were réad and appréved. A A Conlmunicï¬ï¬m‘_froih Jas McGee relative to :Layutc iangwas laid before theâ€"Council. : ‘ V\(KUIIIIIII’ LIIOIV I“ UI-v >I-lu. - w- u..V .Vuv v. a horse byMr. Briggs, .at Mr. Boyle’ dam, thiivgp‘uncfll can 110% recommend. any recompense; new they ‘a‘vre informed the loss was Qwasioncd by Mr.- Briggsis owuncglééti ' Curl-Edi? . ‘ SBmething about ourselves. Also a cgimmunï¬caï¬ibn from Mr. Briggs of Toglmto, rje \atiVe‘5t0 loss of a horse at Mrï¬zBoylej's Mill dam. B y 'Laé’y "No 5187, ï¬ppninting returning oflicurs ftur,1rï¬â€˜9'60117i11gbiections, togethei‘ with thélpiacés whcge‘ Suclh elections are By I;aiy;N?1§9 conï¬rming a. Road in the 9th Conlwna thcranassed. ‘ Mr. Graham, moved seconded by Dr; Lungstaï¬, that the Treusmer be aut‘hn rised to pay the following accounts: Dr. Langsfafl: mo‘ved sebonded by Mr. I‘lxcman, that iwthe'lmatz‘.gr of the loss of tbbe hem, was the“? , By mwgï¬ï¬lï¬s'mgkiqg an extra 5};â€" prgpriaï¬ofl’fo Wagdivgas also passed. ~ 1'- ’ if v: . .. - - Mrth .anj. "gmbved seconded by Mr. Raï¬-to; haï¬ztheï¬fl‘vreasurer be an- thorisedfli‘pay “for to Nixon Rbbinson $4.for'kgepi‘pgï¬igf}d taking to thc_ 1'0wm- --. r.‘ .- ship of ngg'fgmuen McColl an 170r5()n.."‘l'a[‘cii P. Dicksrm on of' the funci‘al‘ expenses "of John the hum 0f'$8,1{md' to Daniel on behalf 1 â€"â€" Jarriéd mm mark ï¬rmlh. New Advertisements. Vaughan Coimhil; 051%; ï¬ggrph gum“ wife $15. mount; mm“, movma smil‘fl. .....'--.......Sl4r. as .............933.A.H invaHHJâ€"Nudmtï¬el indigent, account Walker Kennee ‘ A Petition was presented from G. P. Dickson and 25 others, praying the Gbunoil tic-pay. the funemL expenses of .50thleken. ‘ ~ Mr. Webstel;Y moved seconded by Mr, ‘eraham that the Treasurer be authoris- ‘ed to' return lo Wm Patterson $1 being the amount of dog tax assessed to ‘Vm 1 Hassard, who has left the Township:- Carried. In Ward No 1 T Rum‘b’le' . . . . . . I‘u \Vard No 4 John Cnlhoon‘. . do I}. McCutch‘éon'. . kdo' 3’. Tajléh ; .. ‘ In Ward No 5 Wu; Train . . . . . . . I. . do Wm Graham. . . . . . . '. do R. Watson . . . . . . . . . . do \Vm Taylor . . . . . v. . . . do Alfred Maynard . . . . . do M, thu' Dulzie] . . . . . . . . To 13330 White foi- pnef or Widow Lobinsou , . . . ‘. . . . . . . . . r . . . . . â€"Curried.>_ M'r. G'ralzam, mbv’cd'sccondbd'ï¬y D'r; Langstaï¬, Lh‘a‘t‘tbe Treasurer-V b9 autho- riscd to pay to J.) M, Lawrencq, the 11th 0153520, for extra service'gi rendered ii]: assessing dogs.. ' " Also that he refund. to ‘Thos White $9 5 being the amount; ofl back taxes charged'crtoneously t0 himvinsteadv of. to *Wm-Whi‘te, and that this amounta be chargedato Wm White mm yuan.â€" Garried.. " ’ Drr Libkatifl', moved: secondml by Mr Graham, that» the Treasunen be autho- rised to pay toJacob, Homer, for sup- port of BastianAgar. the balance of $3 on the quarten'mdiug 15% October 1866. â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned, to meet again on Monday the 10th of December at noon. ' ’ ‘ " For the information of all whom it may concern, we transfer to our columns I the' Report of a recent'meeting of Stock- $holdbrs of the Bank of Upper Canada. â€"our readers will perceive that steps I are taken to wind up the affairs of that ‘ institution; how long-it may take to ï¬ber), isa pvr'ohlem Whittle We cannot '1 solve, nor do W‘ebelieve'that the parties who-haVehceniappointed to‘ manage the alfairs underv',~ean form an idea as to when their wellireinu‘nerated labours will be brought to a close.‘ By the statement exhibited to the Share- holders at’_the meeting, and the repre' ' séntations them‘made, we are led to con: elude that Stockholders may not he called yuponvto make up a deï¬cieney,â€"but’ the ‘ end has yet to come, and: the expenses 2 attending the 'winding up at such an es- ‘ tate will be very great, whith together with the losses aim will be sustained in realizing upon the landed property heu by the Bank, as also the bad debts and ‘ law expenses, all ofwhieh will materially reduce-the assets. . The assignees Ere“ an rncn of known ï¬nanchfl ski", and worthy of public conï¬â€™dence 1; ‘there is no doubt but they will manage estate equal to any other ï¬ve men in the Pro- (Vince, and act honorably in the pre- mises; Mr. Street, who is one of‘ the wealthiest men in Canada, holds 1175 shares, valued at $35,250, besides ,a lhrge'amount held by other members i of ihis family ; l‘eter Patterson, a retired Toronto merchant, holds 315 shares,â€" Robertdoasselsholds 2031 shares (as a Trustee) besides 70 shares on his own personal account, worth $63,030,â€" neither Mr. H. o. Barwick or Mr Peleg‘ Howland hold stoek, but are men well ‘ flpaliï¬ed for the position to which. they; ‘ have beenzappointed. VVe do not assert noon any authority, but simply are of opinion-that- M-r.- P‘eleg; Howland mayâ€"1 be lookedlnpon as the assignee repre- senting the Government‘interest in the estate ; We are'rejoiced to see hiimtlier‘e, he isa careful nnoste'ntatidns“ Business man, who will faithfully discharge his ‘ duty‘;"we may mention that he is a brother of the Finance Minister, and of Mr.‘ Hiis. Howland, the Reeve of Van- ,ghan. see that 1t is not allowed to be kept in «he very dangorovs state it has been for It is seldom we have occasion to ï¬nd .fault with the venerable body that has the management of Our Municipal‘inat- ters in the Township of Vaughaniâ€"rhut we consider that there is an item in their proceedings of Monday last that requires our consideration. 'A Mr. Briggs, of Toronto, had occasion, some few Weeks since, to Stop at the saw mill owned by ,Mr. David Boyle, situated on the pullliie read: leading to the Railroad Station from Yonge street, with a horse and Bu eonsequenee of the want of a suitable fence or guard on this narrow and dan- gerous part of the road, the horse got into the‘mi‘ll pond, and was drowned.â€" Briggs applied to the Council for the value of damages sustained by him on aceou’nt of the extremely Hazardous state in which that part of'the road ap- pears to have been in at the time through which he lost his horse, which applica- tion was summarily rejected. Our view of the matter’is'this, the portion ofthe road, passing'thle mill-pond referred to, is a public highway, and under the control of the Council,nnd it is their duty to Bank of Upper Canada. (ï¬n Township Fathers. mhn gimn‘oon'. . . :n. 11 uu “I . McCutch‘éon' . . . . . . 20 00 V .Taj'léh ; . . . . . . . . 56 00 um Wm Train . . . . . . . 2 68 in Vm Graham.......'. 6 71 ‘ ;. \Vntson .......... 12 00 3“ lm Taylor. . . ..v. . . . 3 95 m lfred Maynard . . . . . 5 00 [ qhu Dulzie] . . . . . . . . 5 25 p J an ro‘r' belief of Widow ()0th “$12 00 “.11 00 .. 20 00 ..56 00 1.. 2 68 .'. 6 71 .. 12 00 .. 3 95 .. 5 00 5 25 many years phagmâ€"We are of opinion that it liki‘é" b’eian‘for a long time, ‘ unsafe ï¬ir - travel ;7 the ‘i Council knowm‘ ing this, should have seen to it long ago and oitherput it in good rcpair,~ anvil made a reasonable provision to guard the public, who have to travel that way, against loss oflife O‘Y'property, or com- pel those whom the Council are of opinion ought. to do so. But we do think that, it is to the Council Mr. Briggs should look, and it appears to us, as we mad. the min um, that he' has been very oavalienly $71183th in the pre- mises,.and say the least of it. Thaw-are other MiH-pOnds in the Township, we- think the Council would do wellwtakenotice of, and see $0 the erection of suitable fences. S‘l’Ii‘Iâ€"A‘S you are supposed to know more than ordinary" mortals, 1 am i1.- dilbed to ask you‘ to inform the rate- vpayers of this School» Section what ‘Statute it. 15‘ that gives the power 10 School Trustees to' invest the funds be- longing to the School Section in Bank Stockâ€"and if- t'her'e‘ is no law for it, are “not the Tru'ste'es who did so liable to be responsible for the loss the Section will sustain through the failure of the Bank of Upper Canada? - Your most obedient, A RATEPAYER. FRIDAY, Nov. 16.â€"-Credit Sale of Stock, Implements. (‘20., at Bonds Lake Hotel, ' Yongé Street, the property of Mr Wm Orton Ienr. Sale at. 11 8.111. SATURDAY, Nov. 17.â€"Credi( Sale of Farm ‘Stock &c., on lot No 31 rear of the. 2nd Con. Markham, the property belonging to the estate ofthe Lute Mr. Ed, Atkin» son. Sale at. 11 a.m. J Ferris Auc- tioneer. TUESDAY, Nov. 20 â€",Extensivc C edit Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, on lot No 19, Con. 1 Township of York, East, the property oer J. H. Kirby. Sale at 11 a.m. Rob: Conway Auctioneer. FR11)A\’,NOV. 23.â€"Credxt Sale of Farm V Stock &c., on lot No 34, rem- of' 4th Con Markham, the property of Mr Ahm- ham Widcman. Sale at, 10 11.11]. J. M. Patterson, Audionner. WEL‘HESDM’, Nm. 28.â€"Executors Sale of Fury} Smog: &c., on lot No 18 rear of 2nd Con. Ivfgl'khum, 3“’1°"Â¥i“2 ‘0 “‘9‘ 05‘ tare ot'thc lute Mr. JJhn 1‘1"†R19“- Sale at 10 mm. Ed 8436:5011 4133' tioneer. [We do not know that thch is :1 Staâ€" tutcli‘n exiatcnce authorizing a Board of‘ Schobl‘ATrtistées to invest School Section [funds in Bank stock.â€"‘â€"if there is no law itii‘eihvaWGr them to do it, we feel we are clear iii‘ sayi'rfg‘ that if the ratqaycrs wish to'go t§o (Extremes; the" Trusteeshth acted in the matter'a‘x‘c' légally liable to make up the loss that' Will be sustained. Richmond Hill,~ Nov,- 14, 1866. ~ED. Y. A MAN Wastlyï¬ A'Xn Roxanneâ€"A daring highway robbery occurred on Tues- day night last, in the vicinity of that once nutcrious locality, t'i'e Den bridge. While Mr. Samuel Hlarris, employed in the store of Mr. Barron, Market Square was returning from the eastern sectii n 0“ tle ity, he “a; Set11p011‘,-near the spot named, by twa un- known men, who had concealed themsele apparently iii anticipation of his approach. Scizing him, as he passed, the men checked his efforts to release himself by adminide ‘- ing several heavv blows on the head, “hile by placing their ha ds on his mouth they effectually prevented his crying for assistance until his pockets \rtre rifled of their ('on- tentsâ€"a silver lever watch and other arti cles. The robbets at last, alarmed by hearâ€" ing the approach of footsteps from the direc- tion of King street, started off, leavinpr their victim 0n the ground, but in two exhaust- ed a condition to give pursult. The. parties however, were too late on the scene to iden- ‘tify the villains, they having hastily placed a, good distance between themselves and any ,pursuit that'might be attempted. Mr. Har- ’ris is quite unable to speak as to the appear - ance of thepartie‘s who committed the mar- deï¬bus attackgandit’ is feartd“ that they. lma thus escape the just, merits of their , vil ainous act.â€" Globe If Thursdegfl ~â€"â€"â€".>o<-â€"â€"r * INCIDENT OI" nu: anrm Si:Li:‘.â€"Amon 5 the many who kept their weather eye open for the appearance of the [nethquy was a cértl'iin corporation ()flicial. Next" (font to him lived'ai'teimnt of his“ own, who, :with a mo'ré tyrannical object, made re-sblve to keep watch too during the lone starry bouts, and keep ennipany with his neighbour and landltbf‘d.‘ ThingsWent Smon'hly enungh‘ until morning. Both i‘Ctii'ed»Aâ€"-t’lie ofï¬cial to the quiet rest of his own domiciley his neigh- bour to ï¬nishing up the wou’li’ ofvi'tm‘tn'ul of his personal cffects, which had been in pro. gross dining the night: The i'epi'eseiiC‘itive of the Cor-porationfpisseswxi'in himself of no mean corporate limits; having extended to his weary frame a't'cw hou‘rs†extra rest, prepared 1‘0 renei‘v during the day the kindly f‘céling begun through“ the’ night. but (In Ageing to the house of his neighbour, he found it deseited, and the cuntents abscond- ed. On scanning his books, the full caitse of‘ the strange and mysterious disappearance becumefapparc‘! t fruni the limit I‘h S‘the ot-lmi‘ nu FEARFUL RAILWAY ACCIDENT. ERIE, PA, Nov. 13.â€"-â€"The day express on the Bufl‘alo and Erik: Railroad was thrown off the track near Wesleyville, four miles east of here at low o’clock this afternoon. Some ï¬fty persons, were injured and ï¬ve killed. The killed are Dr. Wheclér, ol'Mil- waukee, his duuglnerâ€"in-lziw and her ohild; a man named Hunt, of Dam‘illf‘, New York; another hmn‘cd'l-Ihrlan. residence not known. The (lead and woundedwei-e broung to Erie where every comfort will be alforded to the wounded; The dea d will be fbi‘wanled to their friends by railway. The accident was occasioned by negligence of the workmen ngngnd in repairing the track. “WWW...†'l he 'was owing him for six months' rent. abscunding, astronomer hud gune in the di- regtion of Bothwell, leaviubr Ins butcher In nouble to the amount of'$60,xhis baker fru- $50. and tailbr, shuemakers, greengroccrs, and ‘ari innume able hosb of other credimrs, also in the luxch, and regretting the premo- nmon of uwtrors Vlsiung this wrrestrial ox’b â€"Globe qf T/uuaduy. Schooi Section Bank Stock. (Entrwpunbwrr. T1) the Editor of the York He rald. Auction Sales MEETING OF THE, SHAREHOLDIQSS. The special meeting of the sharehold~ ers ot‘the Bank of Upper Canada, callâ€" ed ‘ to take into consideration the state _“ and position of theBank, and ,rthye oc- “ tion ofthc Directors in such Vï¬rrange- “ ments as they may propose for settling “its :Iï¬uirs," was held at the dime of the Bank, in Toronto, yesterday. .The Hon. George W. Allen, President of the Bank, occupied the “Chair, and about two hundred of the stockholder, from all "parts "of the Province, were present. The proceedingsï¬sted from-noon until ï¬ve o’clock, and considering the circum- stances, were remarkably harmonious. The‘representatives of the Press 'were not permitted to be present, so that we are unnhlc to demure than publish the substance of the proceedings. The funowing report of the Directors ofthe Bank of the Shareholders, was read to the meeting by the Cashier :â€" REPORT. “ Your Directors regard that it has been necessary to call a special general meeting 0fthe Shareholders7 to consider the. posi- tion of the Bank, in consequence 0f.its hnv~ ing been compelled to suspend -specie payâ€" ments, on the 18th September last. The pressure which led us to this unfortunate event, arose from Various causes. The business of the country, during the early part or the summer, was greatly depressed and disturbed, and at a later period the new financial measures ot‘ the Government caused much anxiety to the Banking esâ€" tablishments of the Provinceâ€"-added to which, the harvest was unusally late. These circumstances combined, produced a string- ency in the money market of n more serious character than has occurred for many years reducing the circulation and deposits of the Banks, and being peculiarly embarrassing to this Bank, in consequence of the large amégiut locked up in incont'ertible assets. '\ a moderate extent wa; ol - . t Assmmdi‘e L» , tained from the G'Nf'mnem’ mm 0" me 18th September, the (10111367181 Bavkï¬ the Bank of Toronto, Ontario Benn, an“ A ‘anl Canadian Bank, were prepared to ad;‘flticf‘ an amount which most probably WOuld have been sufï¬cient to meet the emergency, bl‘t on that day, the Bank of Montreal refused to receive Bank of Upper Canada notes, thus renderingasuspensiou. of Specie pay- ments unavoidable. “ Your Directors have earnestly endeav- oured to meet the difï¬culties in which they have been {later}, and have done every- thing in their power to protect the Shareâ€" holders from loss. Early in October a deâ€" putation was sent' to England by the Board for the purpose of settling with the English creditors ofthe Darrin and these gentlemen have recently returned; after having made satisï¬utory arrangomenfsi'†The liiibilities of the Bankf on 9th November insthnt, the latest period to which a statement could be prepared, \\ ere as follows: Circullation . . . . . . . . . . ...... $722,086 00 Due to Depositors . . . . . . . . . . . 369:601 59 To meet this 1110155013 an}! Gold 3.1 (1 Silver (20in. . . .35 39,808 42 Notes of oiher Banks. .. 2,1311 92 Due by other Banks . . . . . . 5,450 61 Govm'mnent D‘Pbenfmo's . . . 17,519 U9 Municipzfl and other Deben- tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,281 52 “ You will observe frorr'i'those statements, that during the past ï¬ve years, the liabili- ties of'the Bank ld‘ze been reduced from $8,431,598 to $2,572,007, showing; the euor mnus reductiqn of $5,859,591“ There can- not be .1 doubt'tlmt had the' Bank stopped payment in 1361‘. which it. was in imminent danger of‘doing it \vbuld not only have béen a greatér public calamity, but would have entailed far male se'rious loss on the Share holders; “ At‘ter metere ('onsitlerkttkm7 and acting by the advice :rnd‘“'itlt‘tlte censent of the Government, yonrDirectors‘have', executed under seal of the Brink, a deed ofassignn'tenL appoivting the following gentlemen to wind ‘np’ the affairs ef‘the Bank, vii: :LThOI‘nas 'C. Street. Peter Paterson; Robert Cass‘els, Hugh (7. Rat-wick, and Peleg H'bwland'7 Es- quire‘s. 'the details of this deed have receiv- ed the fullest and most caret'u'l considera- tion ofthe Directors, haf've been prepa‘i‘ed under the S" pervision of the Bank SolicitOr, and the Standing Counsel. and have racer."- bd tlwentire sanction of the Government. The Directers li‘elieve' that ité provisions are such7 th’at'uuder them, the assignees will he able to wind up the nfl'uirs of the‘ Bank in the most advantageous Inanne'r,‘ both for the '(Jre‘ditm‘s a‘nd’ the Shareholders. The Directors would therefore now respectfully submit the Deed for the apporval and‘conâ€" (currenee of the Shareholders. IANK 0F ['rrm CANADA, Toronto, 13111 November, 1866; “ This shows a surplus of $1,488i’862 37, which must, liou'ever lie, greatly diminished wliuu allowance" is made for bad and doubtful drl)ts. a‘nd probablos loss on realizing ligal Estate. Your Directan me of opiuiOu‘ that under careful and judicious management, a consilwruble surplus will ultimately remain for devision amongst the shareholders, after llic Whole liabilities of tl.e Bank have‘ been paid-u “ Under 1110 peculiar circu‘nistimces ih which the Bank is“ placed, ybur Directors think ib’ dix‘é’tb Lhe"Cashie‘r to contrast the program posit-imp of the Bank with that‘ in which its-stood on 13 April 1861, when he undertook the nanagerï¬eï¬f;-vi2‘:$â€"' Circulation: . . ., ..... .. .. $2,04’i7’419‘ Due to Depositors . . . . . . . . . 1,336,672? Due to Government, including G. T. Ry. £100,600 St. Bill sub- soqneritly assumed by the Bank. . .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 2,360,730 Due to other Buth and Bankers 2,674,074 Dividends unclaimed . . . , . . . . . . 12,371 $8,431,598 The Pro-sidznt addressed the share- holders very fully, expiahdng the details of the foregoing Report, and was follow- cd by 311‘. Caseis, the Cashier, who en- 18 to annsitors . . . . . . . . . . . 369:601 " Banks in Canada . . . . _ 22,562 " Agents in England,‘ p£01,500 Sign, at 95;. per cent . . . i . . . . . .299,300 “ Proï¬ncia] Government 1',149.430 Dividends unclaimed. . . .' 9,026 Real Estato Bank Furnit nre Notesand Bills Disconnt’ed“. 2,‘2"‘-..’14‘,488 90 Current Accounts overd‘raWn' ‘ 980 50 Mortgages. . . .. . . . . . .‘ 62,580 85 Approved by the Board Bank of»UEpvp‘er Canada.- ‘rom the Globe of'November l4 ROBERT CASSELS, $2,572,007 $4;061,869 1,657,523 37 16,070 00 299,300 00 at ï¬blengfll inn aï¬rs {ofglie institution , ,the-{asihgse of these exï¬lanations,fit th statégléfthat Messrs: .Glyn, Mills. Ciï¬'rie &,Co. of London, 11nd consented toifake the Grand Trunk Postal Bends, nnd‘thlsï¬GIfand Trunk Mortgage, and the Port; Hope iMortguge held by the Bank at ï¬xedwvuluutions, in part payment of the debt due them by the Bank of Upper Canada.) It was} also stated that the balance due to Glyn & Co. would by this arrangement be reduced to about $300,- 000, for Which they held security over certain landed estates of the bank ; but by the agreement made recently In Lon- don, thiswlien is. not to interfere with the hnrnediatc‘reahzatknl of the lands so burdened. In regard to the largest item in the as- sets ofthe Bankâ€"the notes and bills dis- countedâ€"it Was stated by Mr. Cassels that of the gross amount of' $2,224,488 it was estimated that upwards of$700,- 000 would prove bad; but that of the remaming one million and a half of dol- lars, $500,000 were current, $150,000 were past due, and about $250,000 now in suit. In reference to the ontstanJing cir- culation, it was slated that $40,000 of it consist of old issues. a portion of which is not expected to come in. In regard to the real estate hold by the Bank, it was stated as pobable that. a reduction from the valuation at which it stood in the statement of affairs would have to be made. The Deed of Assignment, prepared and executed by the Directors under the seal of the institution, of the whole as- sets of the Bank for the beneï¬t of all in- terested, was read to the meeting and created a good deal of discussion. The assignees named in the deed are Messrs. Thes. 0. Sheet, Peter Paterson, Rn'nert Cassels, Hugh C. Barwick, and Pcleg Howland. The _document gives these assignecs the power to dispose ofthe real estate in any way they may think best for the best interests of the shareholders, and to take payment in the Bills of the Bank. ItAalso gives them powcrto ac- Cgp.‘ the bills of the bank in payment of all debts due to the Bank. It provides that halfâ€"yearly statements 0f affairs shall be regularly prepared and subunit-(d ‘0 the streklrolders, and it was further reâ€" solved by the meeting that twenty share- holders owning 1,000 shares, might, at any time, by requisition to the nssignces have a general meeting of shareholders, or creditors summoned and a statement of affairs submitted to it. The ï¬ve assignees, with the exception of Mr‘ Cassels are to receive $14400 3-year each for their services. Mr. Cassels is to re- ceive $10,000 2-year for the two years ‘yet unexpired of his original engageâ€" ‘ment as Cashier of the Bank, and after ‘ th zit the same remuneration as the other ; :tsstgnees. An amendment was about to be pro- pos ad to some details of this document; but the Hon. John Hillyard Cameron, who was present on behalf of the Gov- ernment, stated that it" the Deed of As- signmentnow placed before the meeting was carried in'to-efl’ect, the claim of the Government against the Bank for over a million of dollars, would be allowed, to rank with the claims of the general ere- ditors. 'That is, the Government; would not enforce their preferential right, but? accept paymentpnn' passu with the other creditors. Mr. Cameron further stated, that the deed read to the meet ing, was the one in ViPW of which the Attorney General had made this agree- ‘mcnt on the part of the Government and he could assent to no change being made in it. This agreement on the part of the Government does not, however, ex. tend to the advances made from the public exchequer to the Bank immedi- :ately prior to the suspensionâ€"that ad- l‘vance having been repaid by Provincial lDebentures. On these explanations the iassignment was ï¬nally assented to by 1the meeting. Few complaints are more general than Constipation, or produce more unnleasant cpnséquéhces. Stupor. Loss of Memory. Hysteria, Headache Nightmnvc, General Debilitr. Rush of Blood to the Head. Ver- tigo; and someï¬mes Apoplexv result from it Its complications are endleS‘, invnlvi'fl many painful and dangerous visceral dis ordérs,- din‘l a. variety of external ditemr‘ers. Yet‘év‘erv trace of it; may be re noved lw a course of Raaway’s Regulating Pills. Who ever suffer {rpm this aliment d )95 so sim- ply because he or she neglects to take this rasy’ and painless means of cure. The drastic .pm‘gaï¬ivrs? may afford momentarily relief, but onlrv’lto aggravate and intensify the disease in‘tbe end, N0 dis lSYt‘OllS reac- tion Sheet!le the! mild operatiOn of'the Rn. ‘gula‘ting Pills. They rcstnrn tlw morbid ‘CXC'refory' function to health, 1 igor, and clock-like regularity. The deed of assignment we underâ€" stand, will be xegistercd in a few days. 123., Attentign is directed to the adver- tisement,calling'a'meeting of ï¬lm ï¬re- men, at Ra‘y'mohdls Hotci,-on Monday evening n'ex't.‘ :Athhor‘nhillgon Sundayythe Ilth ï¬rst, th‘d Rev. Hnrace Deangag’ed 67" years. flour brliu. ..... Fall Wham. 3? bushel Spring Whom do Barlev do l’anso do 0319 ' do l’otamenl do Hgv ton‘ . . . . . . . Straw do’ .'.. ' . Butler '18“) Eggs 39 (191.... ' Applen’iï¬brl ......'. Wo'ol. ....,,,,“,._ ï¬xï¬ï¬im mnnniithvtsnï¬ Exclusively torn-(flu. An, in‘vn‘uahle lveatise of “‘0 pages. by Dr. Harve}'.‘publiehod fo‘f'the b'an‘bï¬t aflhe sex. On rrc'éipt" of vae‘m’y conttr, it will be um post paid. in asenled envclope to all who ap- ply for it. Address. Dr. J Blur. 6l9 Broad. ua) New Yolk, Fox 5079 15-25.: CHRONIC CONSTIPATION’. To Rom‘o‘ MA RKETS“. 1'. w Dusuol. - wat do ........ do ........ “by... >z brl -.....'--....... '--....----o...... length mo 3 review of the DEATH n In @ I50 @ ........O 33 ED OLDOOU IS IN) 9 [IO 0 20 0 H ‘3- 00 0 38 0 67 0 78 0 30 0 35 OI] Bryan‘s Life Pills. Engrely Vegétable, regulate the Stomach. Liver and Billiary Se- cretions. which is the chief cause of l‘Jervous- nesn, Giddiness. l‘imnoss of Sight. Headache. Sick Stomach and mlwr kindred complaims A sure amidste lor sick‘nesg, and a refeg from Sounow. PAIN auJ Dusmux.’ are admitted to be lllB 111‘s! Family Mulicin for general use, l’nril'yinglhe Blond audclcuns ing the system from all inquyity. are adapted {Sr all agéu and c'nnslilulions. They are composed of lheacliva principles of Herbs and Room, culled from our ï¬elds n‘nd forests, They are mild but cerluin in their operationâ€"producing neither cramps. gripinfl. pains or sickness. They may be taken by all ages, sexos or conditions without fear. Bryan's Life Pills. Cute Headache. Bryan‘s Life Pills. Cnro Sick Stomach. Bryan‘s Lgfe Pills. Cure Giddmesa. Bryan's Life Pills, Purify the Blood, A Box of Brran’; Life Pills will cost but TWENTY-Fl E CENTS. and will accom- plifli all that is roPrraenled. The Grew-est Medicine of the Age "Hwy are elogailmy put up by the proprietor, the inventor of B'yan's Pulmunic Wafers. a medicine long and favorably known to the American Nation, It you wish Bryan’s Life Pills, and cannot gel them of y'mr drugg‘m. dont take any other, but send Twenty-ï¬ve .cents in a loner to the pronriewr, and you will get Ihun by return 0! mail. Addresl. Dr. J. BRIA‘, 619 Broadway. New Ymk. 3015079. 15-25 Rundrodl of Cortiflcntel can be SliOWn l‘hoy have boon used by thousands with success Are warranted in all cases. for the Ppeedy and parmanom cure of all disuse: nrislng {rum sexual HXCGFDOS of Youthful indiscretiou Somiual Loris, nglnly Emissiom, and Sensual Dreams: Granian Physical and Nervous De- ‘yilny. lmpoleuce, Saxual Diseases, 5w . 6w. No Change of Diet is Necessary. BELIZS SPECIFIC REMEDIES They can b! used without Detection. and never fail to effect n are. If and acrording to instructions. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Price Ono Dollnr per BDX; or Six lloxns for Five Dollars ; also Inrgo boxes, containing four small, price Ihrea dollars. From four 10 six boxes are generally requir- .d Lo cure an urdlnmv case:- of Seminal Weak- ness ;,;ud Emissions, Ihnugll bench! is derived from using a single box. In Chronic cakeâ€"3 and particular-Iv when Im- potence or Gmmnl Dubilhv will: Narvous Pros- xrntion ha effected \ho lylem, Are “Commended as (ho mast nfï¬cacioml. rn juviualing and Invigorating chhdy. in the world. A Packago pricv- ï¬vo dullnrm will last a momll. and in gonornlly Infliciem. l'rico lwo dollar'a. sufï¬ce“: for a month. Call housed lJ good advnmagu. It gives ulrenglh lo lho Organs. and. with the Pills. will restore them to lheir nunu'nl con- dilion. Tim above Bonn-die! have now Ire-en before the l’uhlic many years. and thin grrat success in tho alleviation of hnmnu nIisurmen oxrziIn-d [he cupidity ol' sevoral parlies, “hu use 11w llama “ Speciï¬c Pills.†copy my lables. cir- cplnrs and advavlisemonts. .tmuelimen word 7hr word. nudgml up wurlhkw compomuL l'h’st‘ dinnppuini um jug! expectations of lho.pur- chaser, BELL‘S 15x l‘EllNA L 'REM EUY; 'Iaulion to Young Men, neul flea. 'l'un required lo pay pomugo. L'ym can‘not ymrrhnn Bell's Speciï¬c Ro- modios of your dm‘ggï¬si. mile no olhor. but send the moumy direm to. A Pamphiel of one hundred pngmt, on tho Errors of Youlh. domgnod as n chlure and Consulting rhysician. 819 Broadwny. New York, and you will rtcnivo them by return of mu?! post paid, and frou fnom obsorvaliun. no manor frnm what cause it aris-s. 'l‘hay are ofl‘nr-mnl in rcsiorinz m lmnllh all who are suï¬'vrlng from \Vrakuon, and DPhlliH', Uter- inn Discharges, vaunsncss. &c., &1:.. «cl. and Illa)" “ Acl like a charm." in Ftvenglluen- ing lhn Svalem. 'I'Imusauds ol' ludivs who have suffered for yours and tried various olher remedies in vain. own n rerwwnl or their lleallh and strength wholly ‘0 (he efï¬cacy of Dr- Harvey’s Female Pills. The m'm infallible and popular rn nu-dv ever known. for Ill diseases of (ha famnln so; Thay havo been used in many Ihonmud oneer with Unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in every can for which .lnev um racounm-ndod and particularly in all case: nrisi ngfroul A rumcdy for special cases. flnlr dl-green stronger than the abo‘w; price Five Dolhus [.e- box. A vanlc (‘mrm an Mâ€" lméiv-s wit}; Hm» anntmn'c‘ll engravings. flu“ free on recoiyl of din-clad envelope nl'l'if’sï¬mp. They um porft-cfly ImEmh-u on Ihn Jy'flrm. may be taken at am‘ liimo wi'lh perfect NHL-1y: \ml during flu: curly sing†44f I’rvgmrnq, they should not be taken, or V a miscarriage muy be the menu. 'l'hex' no-var muse an}: sickness, pain or dmrrss. Each box contains 60 Pills. I'rice one dnllnr. l'j’Cul Il ii out If van! Iloslre Dr. Hllrvfly’s P III. and if "on c’n'n‘ilbr pfncum [hem of Your dnzqg st, do llylh'hlge'fllll' ollmr. {hr some dual- vn, who are unb’ï¬hclpled will rvc'mï¬â€˜nfbnd other Volnnlb Pins, {hay can make w'lnruur proï¬t of) â€"â€"â€"hul onc‘l‘éae (ho monuy and: send, direct to Dr. J. Buns. Consulting Phy‘sicmn, 3936 50 9. m5) Broadway. New York, and you will n‘ceivé em securely sealed from abse’rv’hlion‘." ‘hy rev ail. IV 25" A Clargvman. whilo roridinz in South Xm- micn as a migsinunry. discovr‘red asnfï¬ and simple remedy for the Cum of Nervous FV¢ak¢ norm. Enriv Douay. Diseases of th'g' Urinary and qirrrinul Qrgnn‘ï¬', and the whole train of diso"dars brought onyhy hnllefql and vininu‘s hnhitl.’, Great Qumhgm have been‘ cured hv this noble remedy. Prompted bv a desire ot hennmtho nflaic'od amf unfortunate. I’wil tend the racipe for prapnfing and usng this medicine. in a sealed envhlope. to any at who need? it, Free of Clwrgï¬. 1‘, Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, Dr Hal‘vey’s Female Pills Please enclose an ehvelope uddwbsa'flén‘é yourself. Important to LJIIIL‘S. In exlrnma casosof Dobilily and Impalann G i; A D- N E Phrin the Mood. A Card to lh‘Vafï¬iifs. BELL‘S TONIC PILLS, man’s Life Pills, Dr. Harvey": Gal'den Pills. DB. JA M ES BRY AN Bryan? 14“? 24.11%. FOR THIS URI‘ORTUN ATE. A‘ldmss; JOSEPH T. INDIAN, CAUTION. Snnox Dr. Buns Hévusz. Ly .urw-p. New-York my. ' Richmond Hm Sept. -. 1866 ‘anm 'n: I .-:| A gentleinpn‘ who suflhrqd lor yejtm ï¬ght.“ Nervoué and Genital Dnhilif', Nightly Emir. dong-Wind seminal Weakness, 'lhe results of" youthful indiscretion‘,‘a"l']{l c'nme~ near on iugj his days in hopeless misery, will. for the sake of snï¬â€˜erjng man. send to any on? afflicted. lho‘ ‘simple means need by him, wluc efl‘vcled a: cure in a few weeks. after the failuré' of n'II-, merous medicines. Send a direcled envglupo and ten cauls and it will cost you nothing. Address. EDGAR 'rREMAlN. Station lullflï¬lh‘ New York city v 1v-25 THE Firemen ofthe Rich'hmndl‘li†Com? pany are requested to meet all Mr Ray“ mond’s Hotel. on Monday evening next at 3 o'clock. when matters in connection with the building of an engine house will be taken nto consideration. 4 Richmond NHL-Nov. I5. ’66. Richmond Hill, Nov.15, '66. Corner of King & Yonge Streets, Misses M. & A. Rontlidger MANTLE and DRESS MAKERS; MONEY TO LOAN Novmnbar 9, 1866. Chained and Altered Iu Ills latest Mylo. Stamping and Machino Embroidery done. Gent’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. Two doors north of G. A, Barnard: Sl‘o‘ro. Richmond Hill. Nov, 9 1866 23 Bon n ets, Fe] t. 8.: Straw Hats The owner can have this same by proving propony. and paying for this advefliaemem. T0 WAGGON MAKERS 8!. FARMERS. LUMBER YARD 22 Edward St. Toronto. LUMBER 8. man “NEXT 6' 5m, A Ewe and a Lamb. A WRIGHT MJ’J’. Richmond Hill, Nov. 2.1866. ALLKINDSOF , BENT STUFF Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Published fur the hvneï¬t and as a CAYâ€" TIUN T0 YUVNG MEN and othm-sY ï¬vhw suffer from Nervous Dubility, Premature Decay of Mnnhond, &('., suppIy’ng at Hm same time Tm: MEANS or Srerrm; Br one who has cured himself nf‘mrundï¬rgninz considerable qum-kery. The applicant, by paying postage on his letter. will receive 5 «WV. (rev of ch".er from the nmh )r. ATHA N [EL A YFA 1R, Esq., Brooklyn, 'l'IIE CONFESSIONS AND EXI’ERI ENCIC 01“ A.\' INVALID. "‘TANTED Immediately. a lad abem 55 you: of age, as an apprentice, to tho Printing business. Apply at " York Herald" ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. mm anï¬i‘rttmiï¬Ã©iik FIRE I FIRE! Kings C0., N. Y. EGS to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity. than! ha h†on hand quite a large and well "sorted Stock of Lady's. Gents, Missesand Boys Book and Shoes, mitnble fur lho present souon. which will be ofl'orad low for cm-‘n. I’VE FOUND IT. W. H; MYERS Viflqsé'Profpe’rtj’r’ . At Richmond mu, For‘pnrliculnrs apply" to the'proprietor. A. WRIGHT“; Ur taken in exchanges. 'l oronto. October ‘2“. [866. C HEAP BOOTS I Particular! allemion paid to custom work in all its Branches nu heretofore. K set of Single Harness $9.00 K set 01 “pubic Harness 16.00 A set’si‘liigfe‘Silver moun’diï¬l» In orde’rWo get in; Richmond Hill, Oct. 18. 1866. 0 RE SOIJD on ré'asonablo terms, the 1‘0!-1 lowing )ropot}: :- 7 Part nf LoLNo 30. on 2nd Vaughan; conmining 63 acres ; also. Richmond Hill. Oct. ‘24. '66 Wanted to Purchasg, HARNESS EXTREMELY EflEE' PRIEES H c’ 6m, mnde 10 order on the shorten! notica. N.“ A“ kind! of" For Cutters. Buggies, Waggons. JLC. also Erin‘o’as’ or". éng‘m 3-. On Improved Real Estate, I I’Pl.Y-!o Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- A “E in‘o the nremises of the Subucrihar, at Richmond Hill. efome months sinco. PONY. not over 8 yearmof ngé, .pry it thiw Utï¬uo. JADIES VERNEY THE PLACE '10 MW SINGLE AND DOUBLE wufls n‘in‘he‘y‘ a‘h’dl is se‘lling them MT 3 thcsï¬ xovGHNm & WAnMoLL. Bum-Inn, 61¢. STRJI Y SIIEEP. LAND FOR SALE. Knpl cnnnlnmly on hand at AND RUBBE RS. Boy “'an ted. S. BRIGGS’ 'I‘ORON T0. HI] SELLS IS AT