Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Nov 1866, p. 3

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; . ‘134 KING STREET EAST, ()pphs'itc’ 7in Market,- . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (BM-PRISING‘ Trench Merinoes from 63 “QCtflmurgs; Thibcts, Lustres, Winceys 1‘ from $1 50 each: ' THEvMOST ATIRACTIVE DISPLAY WE-Mlm {THRESy TORONTO PRICES FOR CASH. Ri‘chihond um, ".‘claber 17, 1860. ._ . 71 FIRE! PEER 3! .FIRE !!v! JVIOJVEEA E7, the @th-zflcwber, Flour, Feed,“ 'fiibirision and." Grocery .Store'! ADJQINING ‘ AMBLER’S "HALL, To. which he cordially i1witcs"ih€ uttentioq of his old friends. Ricllgnocfflyllill;September 27; 1866. - 'v ‘ . ' 6'9 , ImpOrUag 1fny_G00ds,,di‘ro'ct, customers will receive the full ad- Richmoad Hi”. November 9, {866. Skirtiggsi Shawls, "Silks, Iny'flu'di‘h'gi Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads. Bureaus. Cupbgards, Dressing tSlzwlls, >“7asll $ldnds, &c.v&c. . Also a3lnrge assortment of l’m‘oin ' 'Paperffiordering. \VlliIe‘LeafL Balms and Coldré, law anti] iimled» Linseml ()llH. Milclnllle Uil; IL‘OCk‘Ull; Varhish. 'l‘urpeflllle,'[_5enzone,Glass, I‘ulcy, Glue, ’&c. &c. l’au‘lle's Fulfiflslling, Papal-mg, or l’airltlug thqu Houses} will 110 Well [0 call befpre purchacing elsewhere. Also “’here he‘keeps on ian‘Flour. Shorts.- an, ()nts, Foals, Ualmcal, Colfmnegal, Buck ' ‘ fiwheal, Bacon? Hams, Cheese, Fish and 3" m‘ ' '1‘ ' "Mum "limwmm ‘Mu‘mlf “41mm 40mm «unum “H ‘1“ “turn”: "WW will! ' Eoflcngh, at Prices that cannot be Surpassed. MONDAY, 111629361 OCTOBER 1866, N'ret‘u-rning‘thnnks for the Very Iilwral supporljé liagrqgeiyed sincecommencing » ‘ business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has gm»tu incrcas ed Iliertock and. has now on hand a clloige assortment cf ' ‘ ’ ' ’ v and. OROCKERY v‘an’n‘agé Of'thc recent fall of priCes and reduction in duties. 134‘ King SKI. East, Toronto, Sew. 2|, 1860. N A BY-LAVV will‘ he submitted to» the Municipal Council of the 'J'ownship of Vaughan, at their next sitting, on the 12th tiny of November next, for the purpose to establishing a. projected deviation from the Side-line between Lots 2:3 and 26, in the filth Concession, and on the 9th Concession line, abutting on the said lots. Notice is herehy given, that all milieu in GEO-Germs? Hardwam ‘ ANS)! PROVISIONS. ' Notice is hereby given, that 1111 partiesi in f'erestod, and any who have -0bjecti0ns to urge, are )‘Qquired t0 attend-and state the same. ' ‘ RidihiofiliillGa'bitiet‘Eéfélilishmiént Vaughan, October 9:}1; 15366. E68 '10 announce to his mufiemus .Fric ndsn Illa“: he Ahzys Lsfurviqudynis im'menécj ‘ , loss hy_ the late Fire, and that he will ‘ ' ' - ' " ‘ 3 E~GS raggedfulbj winnnounco to the inhabitants of"l‘\_ichmond ~Uill 'nnd Vi c‘iixy lha't ‘lu': ha‘slgased thenpruniScsHulely occdpied._ by Mr. W m. Alklnson, FURNITURE"! T1103. WIL Llfififi SHFELDS, ‘AVniCe' assortmem, good‘and cheap. [10 \iofild‘also cull allenpion to his Fxtmmdinmry». STOCHK 0f GOODS I N EW, GOODS! Selectvd with green! care, in the best market, and Will be disposed of at Eim'dwaw, @roécries, ’ "CRQ‘CKERY,&C. “ ‘ GRAND RE-OPENING! Bough! fur Cashâ€"in lhc INN NI:u'kels,+Comprising a. J_: F. PEARCE, For a team‘of wars and which he will men mi 2 I Hardware and Provisicns, \Vith a large and complete stock of OF "Silks, ‘ Ribbons, Mamles, Flannels, Blankets; and Towns/u'p Clerk- EVERY DESCRIPTION. In his New Brick Slow, on \VITH AV is AT OF EG leave to announce to the inhabitants of ,R’Lélun‘dndr Hill and Sdfl‘onlifilllg country. that they haves commenced husmess in the Shop one dooi‘ ncirlh (if Mr'. Barnax'd’s General Sayre, in‘ llfis village, a AT SCOTT" S 'R JCHMOND IIIL Ahd hope,l)y diligent aliention l0.l_)u§iness. the Style and Ganuinenoss of tliexr “ark, to merit a share bf public patronage. Plain 8; Fancy Stationery IN EVERY v‘ammi'; Milliners, Ma‘fitIe & Dress Makeré Richmond Hill, Oct. 12, 1896 The ‘Misse's Cooper - . . . ; .To'ronto; cents per yard», Fancy Dresses Bonnets; Hats, 23 T0-3m Has Removed i mm’mm. N returning thanks to his lrxends, and lhe Public for the very liberal supjm‘xt he has enjoyed since commencing business on Richmond llill‘ begs (d inform Illeih that he has Ieasgtd the more. commmlious and cvhual premises owned and farmcrly o’ccinied by J. K. Fulcanblidge lisq.‘ and will Open “v v V ,1 l’ilclrry Cotthns at "Gd. per yard. . - . ' 1. Heavy and line makes of Factory really superior frdm 75d to Dd. per yard. Good Dark Yard wide Prints from ($ng per yard. x 2 I . “- A Splendid article ot'Mudder prian from 7; per yard. i ’ ' Blue Dcnnim from 75ml. per yard. Colnrqd Roo'l Linith from 5.) per ynrtl. (u‘rhod Winteys in all colors from 105d t0 140M per yard. All \Vu‘ol'ifi‘rench Merinocs in choice colours {ruin 25 (id to 3s 9d: Colored Mohair and (Johann,r from 10d to ls Z‘nl. - r 4., Scarlet All W001 Flzmnel from ls lid to 25 13d per yard. Union 'J‘wcedvfnr lidys wear, from Is Rd to Rs Eh] per yard. . Henry Full Cloth and all wool ’l‘woed frmn 25 (id to 55 per-yard. All \Vm)l l’ilnt Cloth from 38 Shl per yard. . Fine Union '3: All \voul (Fl Black Mnntlc Clolh, from rm to 7s Gd p‘Cx‘yfl, sglendid vnlno, with an (‘XC‘el'lOHl assortment ofMen’s l’unts, Vests, Over and l'mler Coats. Fancy Flan- nel and 'l‘wecd shirts, from 53 7);;cuch, the largest stock on Richmond Hill of our own mannfuchirg, good large sizes and well nmtlc; n V Ladies”, M'éfi'k and Children’s Huts & Cups of 1110 newest styles in evoryvmiety, with the bestgcncml assortment of Dry Goods to be ibuud in the LlL‘iéthl'hOOd; flbout the fist of flembcr newt, BfiflEEREES, PfiflVlSIflPéfi, EMEKEBY, HAWK“, SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, PURE, ' SWEET, FRESH TEAS ! Pure and Unadultumled Part. Slmrryand Malaga \Vinos. Br'andies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Tom, Bottled Ale and Pox-(9r. In 03d and Ymng ITvFon a'm! Black Txag,at ‘23 Gd pm ll),â€"â€"splendid value; snpprinr Moyune and Young liyson Tea, at 48 per ll).â€"â€"\he begt in _tl:is neighborhood, wI'lh everything in l DRY ‘GOO DIS! @TORE. An‘d is lll‘re Largest and most VarN-d assortment to be found on Bichmond Hill. I ' ‘ Quote a few plices to let I'ne public know that GROCERIESE And in fact endeavour lormake his Edahlislnnent Hm Mu!“ where everything is to be ’ found lhat is usually kcpl in a first-ch55 My motto is small Profits and. Quick Returns \/ 110 has 110w received "his FALL SI ()CK ()l“ HOODE winch lulu: lh'r’ll ‘ purchased as che’np‘ns’any lmuse can (la, and shall sell on as small a profit as any ollnér man can do; The Steel: IS wéll assorted in Clleap for Cash or ShOrt Credit. ‘ .Lule -. , mnardk Richmond Hi”, Sept. 13, 1866 SPECIAL NOTICE 2 The Cheapest Staple &Fa}110y9 Goods nick-amn'd‘ Hm, Oc'luber 1836. ‘DICKSON; CRAWFORD & SMITH. $ : mall nau- ‘«m!wun “mm m I m umm ‘HII“:HD ‘x. mm“ umlnuu ‘Uman ‘Iunu'un ‘Itumnu “mum #:Jmported {his‘S‘easonrâ€"Ahé bes-t value eve'r ahu‘Wn in this mgrkct. orcnto Sept. 21, 18665 ; C. 81 S.- wonh] direct special notice to their sfoek dt &c., SLc. He also would intimate that he will in addition have a choice Stock of EC réfipeefluh'y foam” Hie aHemion of the inhabitants of the Coilniy to (bail very large and wall assorted “Nick at general Down with film Gamfild. Rdmeml'blfl'IhCZ PlaCCâ€"Flood 8L Price’s Old Stand. Comp’etitiâ€"On is the Life of Trade. " mm \Vhich, frir Qilal|tfdllnllnxv|1ess of mice, IS second to none. “km “W” “WM?! "mm “H HIM: “um “um «mun GREATEST BARGAINS And every other Class ofGomls that any body wants. ‘91 King- Str’eét East. PORONTO, WILLIAM ATKINSON B'LAQR SEARS ! MILLINER‘Y, \Vith an Fntlre new stock of select MAY BE HAD A’l' AND 70-3|n ('53 1" m 67-ff' N returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers fur (heir liberal support since he commeufied business, begs lo inform mom lhat he has removed to the Store' formerly ov‘vned and oncupi d by Mr James Dick. in A wmgTED. Hm AN]! sflwwnnm Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces NflTIflH 0F BEâ€"MWAL JOHN WATERHOUSE, All parlies ndbbtcd to me 61wa by Nola pr gunk account are requested to paiv the [lime mnhwm. :0 Mr. w. H. Myrna. Richm‘iijfl Hill “ ho is milliorized to gran? rec'bipls. Map'e. October 12. 1866; _V j 70 Torontu fili‘hcr Village of Maine, [In therefore invites his old friands and the inâ€" iehubimms 0|" this neighborhood lo cull and in- spect. his Stock. feeling confidant he cannot he llndersnld, nor surpassud by any house nth of 'l‘oronlo. General servant, a smart active‘ Girl, who 1' will make herself usefulaboul a Farm Home. who will find a good home. 'Apply to A.B. " Herald Oflice.” Richmond Hi“. Oct. 526, ’66. Whore rhmvill kaep {very select stock 3f "W '“Uum‘xu ")lu‘anu (“‘l Tremendous Bargains IN ' Lady’s Lace Boots for; . And all other Boots and Shoes at LOW PRICES. , THE CHEAPEST flysters. Oysters. Richmond HM, Sep‘f. 18. 18.66 HARDWARE. BOOTS Ever3body rusliifing to procure sél‘rie of the Great Burguins, WHIPS ! ! WHIPS l}! WHIPS I !! ' Is T0 In: FOUND A'l“ Mc'n’s‘ Longr Boots for; {MIRA ESS .' chE AND mm mm scans W. I] ARRISON’S, ‘ 1:51: Prize Harness EstaibliSiliiieiit,‘ 3 RICHMOND‘ HELL. I THE LARGEST “W. IL M Y E R Sa Richmond Hill, Oct. Boiled TFinSced Oil, (Bldildells and Spence} Hull.) 7 Raw Linémd 0H,, ‘ (10‘ 30 Machine Coal Oil, ' Elephant 0“, 80:5] ()il, Neutsf‘oot Oil, H _ . , _ Fishor Tanner’sUiL. _ With Hm Rest, and Cheapest Penéyh‘fihia & Canadian Rock Oil no‘rth of Tor nto, from M 1161' (111.111 or 25 per gallon ht illiflm' S. Pdllocks, late FARM FOR SALE. HE Farm hehihging‘to the Estate of this late Mr.\’V1'limn Sawdust (containing 1th Acres of Good Farming Lahd. 90 of which are cleared. The're is a. large Brirk House, Wood Shed. and other conveniences . a good Frame Barn, Slahlas Sheds and Ron! llousu. The above farm is [at No. I4, 3rd Bun. Markham, And is we” adapted for a Dairy Pat-Hi, as it in \\ stored wiih a never failing stream running m‘ross It. There ‘s also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees: Gurdm), LVlC, I For further particulars apply to V ‘ ‘ I‘LLIZAIEETH SANDERSON, Buttonvillo. Or to El). SANDERSON, Lot ‘20, 4th Con. Markham. Sept. 17. 1866 At the A: d the Prices. and yofi ar'é sure Ibbuy at 011310311513 ASTONISIIED wsNEsaLIQueRsaaoc. $fl©£3 m WILLIAM ATKINSOWS ‘ Cheap l’rdvisidn Slg‘re. I, Oct, 4. 1860. raded for Wood, or Cash paid PHCENIX FetiN‘DR‘s‘f, AND co‘xsfidfimwm' And 'an aséortment. of GROCBRIES, I G. A. BARNARD; Richmond Hill; 0.5L 4, 1866*. A SSOR'TM EST 01¢“ W anted, TO SEE OUR Y rs ! and 91 Yonge Street, Toronto. THE AND 4‘. i866. AW 60 #34120 the same OppOsile Temperdnce Si; “ V . V “ T'O R O N T O," EGS tohnn'éiinc'e to ‘Ifie'v’iiifiihifihfs of fin: Cndnfy of Y0“: Ami muse B neighborhood of Richmond Illlluin particular, that he has added td‘his t-tbcfi‘i‘fl‘ The Elgin Store; To which he invites pumic'attenlion. ELGIN MILLS, NOV; 1, 1866.; E1gin'Mifls Nofemb‘er i', 1966. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE mama A good as'Soi‘tment of Trfihks always on high, will be MEN’S; WOMEN'S" AND ' "CHILDREN’S BOOTS IAN-[1 SHOES And or‘me has: Mam: {um Workmahhhfir Ail wqu is‘ Wanamm l9 gin ‘ freeuamfi. fiou, “’0 are ébndfihty ndfli‘ng'm .iir ‘slétfi‘x othots and Shoes of otr' mnh fhclhrb, whi‘fh Please remember that Sanderson SELDS at "ii-Ty; . WW , min? ‘.)' Ci}! 3‘ ‘nifii: H.& A. NEWTONS BOOTS AN A [urge aS'sorlment of Bla nkets. 1‘55"SidiiélaEEééE$§Jfiéc£§é$fiifi 0f Best‘s Hotel, Terms, WINTER GOODS I READY-MADE: CLOTHING, &Ci.’ for CASH! When drdérhng péease state depth of We” or Cisfer'l :92, A fefiv mor'é Coiiniy Rights for sale. AD AP'l‘ED _7 FOR . ALL DEPTHS. THE INDELIBLE PENCIL Styles" for fAL-L AND ‘WINTERTWeafi ‘ FOR MARKING LINEN,F0R SALE AT THE “HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HIL L JHHN BERNARD M.»SANDERs.0N; TORONTO, Sopt. 13, 1866. CDbOUl‘g; Winceys, _. .v : Plaids and 'l'aftans‘, Cotton‘s, Shawls,- Hosiery, Flapnds‘, AN; IMMENSE-STQCK JUST RECEIVED! 0f the mos-t fashionablevstyles; _ '1‘ Weed s, 1391. 133 .Yonge Street, Has Just Received a Complete Stock of A cpmfiletb‘ dssdrl'melit of the moat desnrhble And is prepared to Make Iqo’mor all kinds of in the limit Fashionable Styleh,’ COttUHS‘v Cohsisflng of- CIIAIKLES FOWELL, Patenuze and Prhpnnof. .j « NEWTON Buook‘, C.W "Prints, Fancy Shirting‘ 1 Ca nad'a Tweed, Shawls and Shirfihgs'. Prints, Shawls, Nubias, B lankfltfii 5 '57; Gloms, &C. &Cv . 46 51:3:- 64-

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