Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Nov 1866, p. 1

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OFFICEâ€"In the “ York Herald" Buildings, Richmond Hill;- fijâ€" Money to Lend.- July, 5th. 1866. V 5le ICENSED‘AUGTIONEER for the coun- ties of York 9nd Peel} ngloc'tor o'f thog. Accounts. 6w. Small charges and plenty to dd bushy, March 2nd $65. ‘ M. TEEFY, 1:89,, Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN TIIE QUEEN'S BENCH, CONVEYANCEH. AND M'NAB, MURRAY 35 moms, Barristers & Attorneys-at-Law Senators in Chancery, convanxcmis, Jpc. OFFICEâ€"’41“ {he Court House, . .TORONTU August 1, 1866. 59 RICHMOND mm POST ornc‘h. Gnnmifiigrs, Bonds; Deeds, Momma, ' Willh, (“a ,afitfi'c‘irnwn with attention 3nd promplitude. 'l'armn moderate. Henry . Smelser. . THGMAS‘s-EDM‘AN, Carriage and _Waggon Toronto. 13.3. READ, Q.C.~| JA. BOYD B A May 7. 1866. 40-1! H “63¢- .&¢_. Ate. Kogildancoâ€"Nenrlyioppositu 33's Post Office. Richmond Hill. DIViSION COURT AGENT,- ,A diap had (gmsubscribers biting é'fiflliéai 3:3!figxfiveyfiqggwHggfiofifiiied. Me Your Ham.» w‘m alwaya b. {gillde ‘ ‘eomaffi’me-Igie's: End [9091. importiifi’ fishin- ind Provincial Ma und,Markoj'b, mild~ the (hates! cam Will beliko‘n talk:er it ac. é‘épfnble m hi'e fr’i’un of bdsifi‘osa‘.‘ m a‘ M..- ” iblo Pam'in N€‘&spnpfi.' ' ' ' ' . d’tkMg':_â€":0ne Dollar per annum. n: An- ‘ {much if not paid within Two Months, One Dill-r und‘l’ifty cont: will be chfged. READ 86 80 Y D: Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chaucery,&o., 77. King Street East, lm-ar Thompson's East India House) JOHN‘M. REID, M. 0.. com or YONGE AND~ anBURNE 878;, 1110mm ILL. Consultnfionn in fine office on the morning: of Tuesdavs. Thmsdnyn and Saturday. 8 (6 )0, I. m. ETA“ cousultnlio'l'is in the ofiicu. Cull. BARRISTEH, Attorney-Mam Solicitor in Ghancery, C ONVEYANCE R, 800, 8w .Mr; Geo, Bur-kill is authorised to 6M!e‘6€;ifid (H6 ibceipls for him'. ‘ kiglin‘ib‘nifl um, June. 1985 i g’éivemil'y be found at home 'befon‘a half-past 8 u,m nnd from I In 2 p.m. All parties qwing Dr. J. lmn'gslafi'nre upset- ed to 12$“ and pay prompfl‘v. in he has [my- menu: now \hat must be met. _ 'Pa J; MUTEB. M. q..- Phyyiciag, Surgcon & Accbncheur Thorflhlll. R.; IIUSZI‘E‘IZTlfi-Ilfz Weigh, Manda ' . fill] pled‘se wiretap! s fillcammhjnks for lheir liberal patronage and prompt payment. ’ d Would ulnloglncq {hut he will continue to 9.11m. t" ,,wholo'pf his’pgtpptionv I to tho prac- ticg_o’i‘M .dicnm..Surgdf§i find Mldii'ei-y. All ballahonight or any.» profh Qly attended to. high: Mills, October 5. 1866. bR.‘ JAS. LANGSTAFF, b’ Residellceéanr fhh Church or England Rofenupe permitted to Q. S: “’instmnloy. Esq. hmh. Royal College of Surgeons, Eng" . ogg'g St. 'l'oiflrlto, nmt 'I'hpmns U. Savage, (1“. M 13., Numb; Roth‘m Surgeon-a. Eng. histlblon: No paper diéEb‘nlinued until a]! arronrngoa “'6 paid : Hand ~punk»: refusmgt fli‘porfi wiximu'i paying vup. will be Mild accountable for the iubscrihtién. ‘ All transito‘ry ndyb‘msbmanls. from slfaiifléfa o'rivrdgular custoniois. mutt he paid for when Illde in for inser‘ion. ‘ All-Edvemn'eme'ms publiyhed for‘ailesn period than one month must be paid for in advance. A card of fifteen limwI do . . ; .::. 5 25 Apagd oftwenty Iinés; Eb” .'.'.' .. . . 6 50 fiAdvortL-ements without written direction- inserted 2i" forbid. and chargéfl accordingly iiiihsolgmng igsgrlioi)...‘ nu“ . . Ton linen and npdprofirsl insertion. . u . . finch aubse'quen} ‘Héértioiu..' . . . .‘ . . .‘ .‘ i. . Abouien’l'mu. first insertion“. per Llina. Each‘hubsaquent innhrtion. per line. . . . Lo colgmn per pwelve months. . ....». hlfacéi‘mfi‘n’ do do ‘.....s. hfiaflar'of o'eoludm p’ar twelve month. bmicolumn [m six months......... . lefacolumu do ........... Quarter ofa column per six months. . . . A card of ton‘iinei, for one year. . . . . . A card of fifteen lines; do . .; ::. A>cal;d oftwenly Iinés; 6b” .'.‘.' . . . éii lineup and udflgr.,firat inserfion.;..$60 5“ m. n Richmond Hill. June 9. le'i. i Thomhm. June 9, 1865 A , IS PUBLISHED EYERX.=,ER’IDAY MORNING; All letteré addressed loilhe Editor must bo ,ing'fgzs VOIF ADVERTISING. flaunt“ minnow. GEO. B._ NICOL, LAW CARDS. MAKER, 00 13 00 75 00' 2!! 00-07 ‘00 02 50 oo 20 00 40 00 25 (‘0 IS 00 Wines. Liq‘uoru and Clan!‘ of ma heat brand always on hand. Good Suhfi'ng and [C1000 ué’éoh'fmndution for Travellersâ€" , T \ nuemive Hustler in attendance. Ill-43.113:4513.2.3miz‘fi1 IJa‘nunry l6. Issr. ‘HE SuhScriber bags to infnfi'fi' Fm friehds 5‘le thn plubjic generally, that he has 01115an an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan. where he hopes, by atten- lid‘l‘f [0' tho c'omforts of (ho travelling commu- nity. unmarita share of their patronage and nupport. Good Stabling. 6m. HAVE. TRUUEHS. WATER SPDUTS, CISTRENS AND PUMPS I EGS leave to nol‘ify the pnhhc that ho has 7 p’i'z'r'c'hb‘sed the business and good will of J. Hayward’s establishment. and ahéfit fie is prepared 10' furnish BREAD a‘fi’rf FANCY CAKES to those' Who may honor him with their patronage. PicLNic pi'rtian and Tea Meetings supplied .1 the law'é‘s't possibh mes- aiid oix‘ Ma sham“ Imfic'fé. Maple. Jan [866. Rail-fwd Hotéi, Maple I fibBERT RUMBLE, Pro'15rietor. w.- S. POLLOCK; BREAD 8IBISEIJIT BAKER My charge in $1 50 if paid wth ope-rated n'n. if not $3 00 will be charged to ensure a stun. Riehmofld Hill Bakéry! All orders strictly attun'ded to. Richmond Hill, June,1855. Maple Hotel 2 Quite a numher of reference given if requir- ed o‘l'p‘efsonu whose horsaa have been cured by That he has nuccensfufly treated the above 1h» past [611' fears without a S‘ing‘le failure. This trentmont doen not nace situto their being laid aside only for a few davn. HorSes Afflicted with Ring-bone, HF. thscrihor would intimate to the farm- -ers and others of Richmond Hill and urmdi ng Conn try’ having. GEO. MCPHILLIPS & SON, Provincial Land Su‘i‘chors, SEAFORTH. C. w. Residenceâ€"Lot 4U Yonge Street. Vaugfr‘nh. January l6. IBSG. 32 Richmond Hill. Oct. 25, '66 ESIDENCEâ€"Lnt ‘16 2nd Con. Markham Ion Ihq Elgin Mills hank Road. A large Stock ofS’rAvu-zs and Sumnws. kflnl l‘oflstamly on hand.qnd sold fifth!) [ewest Prices 0:? Call and examine Stock before purchas- iugelsewhero. . Vast. om. Audra-«attichmond um. June 1865 1.“ EDMUND SEAGER, Provincial Land Surveyor, &c. RICHMOND HILL. DAVID EYER, Jun., 815m & Shingle Manufacturer Dumber Ton gned & Groved At the lowest possible rates. Sufi} Mill‘ on lol 25, 2nd Con. Markham. 2; mlllasaaslof Richmond Hill by xhe Plank Road Richinbhd Hill. June ‘26, 1899. Planet! Lumber, Flooring, &c. Kept on hand. SAWING done promptly; also IE” Give John a call when in Town. Tommo. Dec. 1855. 27 LUMfiEnING : ABRAHAM EYER‘ Que afthe oldast and cheapest h'o'tfs‘e's in the trade. "forth Knowing I PLAANEINfc To ORDER, BOOTS 8L SHOES. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Men‘s Women’s and Children’s Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. Issuer of Marriage Licenses; ALMIRA MILLS, LOOK AT THIS June 7,1865. Residence rear of 1M 2’): 2nd Con Vaughan JAMES DUN'I‘ON. EGS respectfnUy to inform his customars and the public that he in prepnrod to do NEW SERIES; V01. N05 26- 38 Was! MnrkelSquam. 2 doors south of King Street, In any Quantity. nudpn short notice. JAMES BOWMAN, Mulluraciured and for Sale by JOHN BARRON. STEAM MILHTITHORhHILL RICHMOND'HILL Afif) YONGE ST: RICHARD VAILES. TORONTO. 724v. 3243' Hf 4-ly for Evary eye was turned his way â€"â€"a dozen hands were oiitslre'léhcd towards him ; the Pa‘WVef, who had been scanning over an incompre- hensible rigmamla 'l'lmmhv had decided- toslip, made place for him at the table‘;' ad'd when Timothy: (:‘m‘r'fused at all this unexpected hon’m'r. would have beat a wheat he was arrested bV such a chorus ofrem‘onslrances, that he began to think the’ mise‘r's monev‘ had turned the whole c‘ompanv m'a'd'. ' What do you want with me !” exc‘ldimed he. tesfily. for, being a modest ma‘h, he didn‘t like having gre'atnessih‘rust up‘tm him in {his wav. And, lhel‘efdrehhe (les‘e'rvnd if the‘ mde of all. But it is flat al- Ways merit {hat gets rewar'ded, as we know. Indeed, 'l‘immhv saw no merit In' mg moderat'fo’r‘i; it being a naIura! snmiment, acdnrd- inglo his showing. and he was 931i” deep in hjs punderings, when he was é‘ofisé‘ious 0 having sudden- ly achievei immense popularily When the! last flfé‘s “had been performed, Ihere was a gathering ofpale, eager-faced people in the p'arlntrr all the old tumble-down house, where the! miser had llx‘io’d and died. Timoth stood a little in the background watching the nlhers. and pqndering over ma'rr 'm- l'alnalion. He liked Money “’9” pnough, of (inurséj but he did not. worship it as some of lhese p‘mple seemed to do. If he could have earned five poundgt a day at his trade. in‘sféaddf five shillings, he would have been glad; but a‘s to the old miser’s wealth he did not coéet one farming 91 it. Timothy Drake, being ‘such a v'ery distant (io‘niiééfiidii. did not ex- pect a solitary shilling, oi cou’rse’. lndoed, he believed that the miser had mug ago‘ forgotten his very name, for he had never‘ made _the least effort in remiml hin‘i of it. Why shoald he? He. was young and sirong, and could work, and, besides. had no possible' claim upon the old man. As we said belore, he aliended the funeral from a simple feeling of curiosity alanm II’Y. Relatives he had in plenty. There" Was quile a crowd of them a! Ihe fum'ral; fm' eve‘n a third cmfsin,ien removed, who had no hopes and expectation of his own, felt a‘cerlain curmsily to know whtjm he had fixed upon as his heir and would not have hoen absent when the” will was read for a very large consideraiioh. There was great talk, and wide 5 eculafions all over the county 0! Lancashire when old Barnet: died. Although ho. had lived meanly and miserably. every one kfiew-hlm' ' 10‘ be immenselv rich, aud it was verv nalural In indulge in conjectures as to who was like‘ly to be the fortu- hate inherilor of his wealth‘, Reclinfng, in some flowl‘ary pack; Sang ofthe rose arid S‘hnplicrd lass,- The violet, bovier. and brook? (l r'r'niden fair, all things decay, And he who sang has passed away. R hent . Alas, fond youth. allthiug‘s decay, And b’eauty’s b‘loom has passed alwny. Say, where dwells he who, on theAqrass The tender swainrwavrlrl‘dflrfieet. Temnest and hail swept fiercely o'er; The blighted bower grows green no morn.- Oh. winere i's‘she, that mni'dep‘sweef, “n y Who, whefi on, hérrI Tonard the, low violet at hm" feet Come. lead me where, in cooling shade, The brooklet made a murmuring sound, As rm its pebbly [3th it playgd, \Vaterinlg the“ v'ioleis _ The fiery sun flamed fiercely o’er; The brooklet murmurs there no more. Then Iea‘d me where the roses throyé‘, . . ‘. . r > And 010$er wover fiféaf, A bower wherein his faithful love Each" she'p’herd girl gmd boy 'I 0 maid“ the Snnimer fleetly flew; And with it went the roses too. On. whom are now the violets Mun, -‘That bloomed so brightly in the bowérs, And faint dylicidns fi‘dg‘f’arice threw Armmci fh'e queen of flawe'rs ? X ypufh. th'e spring-time fleetly flow, ml with it went the vlolets, too. Say. where are all the roses fair, Thatin the vales we plucked with joy, Aqg wore on breast. or wreathed in hair; Old Barnefit’s L'ég‘aéy; flittmturc. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY,,NOVEMBEK 30, 1866. Let Sound Reds‘on weigh more with 14;! Man ,Populh? Opinidn.” The very fio't'fon of deserting her seemed to Timothy so mean and disgraceful, that to do him justié’e he never entertained it for one se- cond. ,Atthe same time he cer- tainly did covet old H'amctt's legacy as much for her sake as‘ hiq own. But he tell It was highly improba- ble that a person who had Ian- guished in p‘overly and spins‘t‘er hand for (WM forty vears would re: {us‘c the tempting nfler of a fortune And Timoihy Drake, his hands in his pocketsuwalked awav tun. whistling moodiiy. He fen poorer lhan in the morning; fl r this vi- sion 01 weahh, had, unsenled him for labour, wilho’u‘t bringing him any benefit that he could count up- on in any way. He never wmfld marry Anna ‘3:evs{nC'k, a'nd forsake the noble honest girl who had waited fmi him years now, loving him so taithfully Ihat. she was willing enough to hide his lime s'o‘ that she could marry him in the end. . The stranger who had thf .tteer- ed some inlormation respecting the lady made a wry face. as it hewere not inclined to concur in Mr. Bnr- ton’s verdict, but said my more; an‘tlI so‘m’i the relatives of the old miser dispelsed. grumbling and gesticulating. and booted by. the village boys, to whom tneir disap- pointment was a’ subject of un- bounded merriment and delight. ‘And an plump as a p‘wtridge’, and as red as a rose, I’ll be bound,’ said Mr. Burton in the” same bland tone. ‘ Why, forly sinâ€"fails! is the prime of Iifn. Heel convinced that my friend Mr. Drake will find Miss Greyslock Pverything his heart can desire. and Ihat they will live many years in lhe enjoyment of heahh and weallh.’ ‘I wish she mighr; with a}! my heart !’ exclaimml 'l‘imnthv. ‘ But you see a sum of money like that is a great temptation. ‘Bnt, my dear sir,’said the law- yer, in a bland and insinuating manner. ‘ why shouldn’t you many her? She may be a charmmg young pvrsong’ ‘ She isn’t young at all,’ inver‘ rnpted one 01' the men in the mum; ‘she is my aunt, and I know her very well, and ifshe is an hour she ls forty years old.’ ' You‘ll s-won manage f0 get up an attachment for Miss Greyslock, l am s’u‘re.’ ‘ But if I dq)n‘tâ€"â€"â€"=’ ‘Then she’ll have the whole of tfiemoney.lha1’s all, But if oh the contrary, she refuses yon, then you'll have her share ’ l fWess me I” exclaimed Timothy within dsjammz; Lahurm unfortunate!’ l ‘ ‘Fit‘ty thousand pounds is left ‘te a hospital, and other fifty thno- ‘sand pounds to a distant relation, ayoung girl by the name of Annn‘ Greystock, a dressmaker, in a vil- lage called Barstupple. But there are conditions attached to both ‘ of your legacim. 1 find by the codié cil,’nontinued the lawyefir a‘ding it aloud, ‘ neither of you come ‘mto your' property [or the space‘ of one year, and not at all unless you are marrigd to each other Within that time.’ ‘ And he w’asfiin‘ doubt pleased will] your pluck, and Independ- ence.’ answered the' lawyer. ‘ l' have known suchgcases before. At any rate, sir. If that is the calisé’ of vour legacy, it was the most lortu- nate kick in the world.’ ‘ I can't understand it,’ returned Timmhv, ‘it’s so long ago since I saw him’. But what has he'done with the rest of his modey '1‘ ' ‘h, but'I didn’t bear‘ it we“ at all,’ said 'I‘imothy,‘ "l‘hat‘s the funny part at it. I kicked him back again. ‘ And he left you the money as a compensation,’ said a disappointed heir, enviou‘sly. ‘ I’m ,sure he might have kicked me as ofte’n as he liked for the saké of fifty .lhou- sand pounds." H ' ‘ No - certahfiy‘ 'n'o}. flifified Timulhy, with an incredulous laugh. ‘ What should he leave it tome for? I neVer saw him but Wine in my’life,lahd then I remem- ber, he gave me a kick and told the to getloul of hisuvyayr ' ..... - » GENERAL ADVERTISER; Â¥ The next m'oming" he‘sfarted lor Barstupple, and introduced himself te the n01ice of Miss Greystock that very eveninw. Miss Grey- sioc‘k rec‘eiv'e’d him graciously enough. though it was plain IhaI she suspected his idcmity. and did no'. mean to compromise herself by any promises until she was sure of his title to eslve'm. He feund her old, and wifier‘iod a‘fid sour-looking, above fift} in ap- pearance, and so thin, and care wo‘fn, and cross grained, that Timo thy msde a gt‘infi'aczz at the malice fh‘a‘t Would have tier] him to such a partner for the remainder of her lite, and bégan to‘ understand that the miser intended to" leave his money in such a way that would show the re ctpients how little it had to do with real happiness, and how much m‘isery might accom~ pany its possessiun. ‘ th oysters: in it, only it isn't fashionable, 'Tim. Mr. Marjnrams cook says it would he as much as her piace is \vor'h for Mr 10 sand snch athingm table when they havt' company.’ Ofcourse he had a right {0' do as he liked wnh his own ;- but it seemed rather hard lhat Timothy, who had nevair» asked, at" expecied an’vlhing of him in his life; should be chewed with a vision of wea-I'th which, if he had any honesty or gnnd faith in“ him‘, he rr‘ever could realize. Had he been {re'e twice' over he Could not have paid any Candid court to Anna Greystoc’k, and must have married her, if he had married her a‘t 211'], with a ialse- hood On his lips, arid hatred in his heart. I'Then fashionabk! people don't know what. is: good; lhai's all,‘ answered 'I'irnothy and he apnlied himselfto the cold pork with a zest that should his glimpse at" far- tune had nm b‘v a‘n‘y means des- troyed hxs appetite. . ‘ Nunsgnse. Carrie, 1 sha}! only be thadkful m get. it! What n‘iore' can a man want ?’ ' ‘ Add whe'ri \vé are ric‘fl \ife w'ilI have raiher a different fare. There‘s nothing better than a beefsteak pudding ' ‘It isn‘t what rich p’édpl'e cure for.’ ‘Verv we“. you’ll s'def.i answnr ed Timothv, gaily. ‘ In the mean- lim’e‘l have'had nothing to eat since breakfast. afid an! nearly famished. Couldn’t you get some supper. Carrie.” "I have o‘nlv co’k} pn‘rk, and Bread‘an’d cheese,- in the house; and I su‘lpose, now ’ ‘Not that I believe you, for all that,’ said she; for I'm sure' you’ll jgjve in directly/~me see Miss Gmysmck, and consent to every- thing she- pfo'poses.’ And then he‘ told her of the (ionâ€" ditions attached to his legacy, at which your Carrie, although swiv- lng after palienhe and se’l'f control, had to wipe fresh tears out of her eyes; Finally he mentioned cer- tain plans he “had (mined. and Carrie, Managed «0 find a smile' ‘ Carrie !' he said roproadhfu! y, ‘ what dd' ya lake Me for? If I! could do such a thing as that, I shouldn't be worn] looking at by any honest woman. No, no; the miser's money' will [fever have such an efi'ect upon me afi that. 831 down qtiigtlylik’e a good girl, dry your eyes,.and listen to what I‘ve got‘Jo say.’ ' ‘You'lln‘evpr c'are fdr me’ afiy more now," sbef s’dbde. ‘ I” know what it i5, When people got so much money Ihov alwayswant more. You'll marry, a rich' woman and cast me ofl'.’ Instead of receiving Ihose tidings. with every sig’n ofjoy' and satisfie- tion, as Timothy had anticipated, shethrew herselfon a chair and burst in’lotears. ‘ But hd was b‘om‘e' {32110153 ‘rioxx’vawds Crafiifidffi; tats fast as an etprcss train could carry hum, a plan éame into his hPad‘v which ofl'cred some prospect of-relic‘f, and made him in a more cheerful! mdod thafl when he started. He went straight to the cottagt‘: of~his betrothed, and told her simply, without any men‘ tion ofconditions, that old Barnett. the miser, of whom she had semen times heard him speak, had left him a 'tegécy of 50,000’ pounds. ‘Whefl Timothy fih’t fo‘ the fr‘l‘fi’ where he mé'ant to take up his‘qpm- sent q‘uaflbrs- he found the lah’dlilibrd waiting for him in a‘ gmfg fiffle room, half-bar, halfparlnnr, wth he only admitted distinguished vi- sitors, am! entertained 1hem in a way that m'acfe Mm grad 10 see My h‘O‘spitable roof again; Mr Bnnimn was a clever; mi'a'fi, mad at m‘an‘ df‘infinite humour. and resnn’ré‘e. TImnfh‘y felt _ etfified by his comfmny; V. amt vé’ry much indebted to him fmj h‘i’s‘ m‘x’ggeslions. 'l‘hPy sat tngnt‘he‘r far in‘m Ih‘e' n ight lafki’rrg, and? wth Timothy, a; last retired to rest, he felt himself not H013 ohry‘ flie’ \v'iar‘r‘; but also the happ’le‘f‘, for his [drug converéalion with Mr. Bon‘i‘ton, of tho fiB‘luP Boaf.’ ‘ Old fiarn‘e'tt’s money had never been any good to him, am). it seem- ed to carry a curse with it where- ever it Went. Timmhy Drake deé generate-dander i!s influence to an astonishing degree. He had once Tlm‘mils- a'cbnpte‘d Bis dismissal wilhou‘tre'mnnstrmmrg, bade Miss Greysfloc’k good-night, and defian- cd- ‘ Bu‘t Miss Grcysmé'k ""‘5 Timo-’ thy began. ' It’s no nsp talkiqg.‘ in‘feyrupjed fi'he, e’vid‘emly waxing wrblh ‘ I've spoken my mind. and now I have nnthmg more L3 say; Ym‘? do ‘ as you like, and I'll do as Hike. And now if you’ve got :1 lmlgmg 1: ad- vise‘ Wm 10 find it, for I? am going 10 shut up house. It ha's‘ always been my hdbit to keep early hours.’ ‘ } 'What !' exclaimed {Miss Chey- ‘s!nck,~ in nnfergn‘ed asmnishmem, ‘ do you mean In say that anything would induce you‘ 10‘ give up such an income as: we should have {mm a hu‘ndred thousan pounds! At any rale, sir, yh‘u‘ may. but I won’t; You are quite at liberty to get ‘rid of me, ifyou like ; but I promise you me refusal sha‘H come frdm your side, and you shat?! take‘ the consequences. There are plenw of husbands m be hadRâ€"and the ‘an- ‘ciem maiden mssed her head, Wilh the air of a young beauty, who had chances in plenty,- and didn’t feel called upon to b’r’b‘ok the“ in‘fp‘erli- onc‘e of any man‘; ‘bnt money is Search, as l have found 011‘! to’ 'my c’osrt.’ and 36 I’ll keep a“ I c‘an get! This iconvimion made him so melancholy, that‘ Miss GrHyslock waspiqnédhah‘d hinted ipielligibiy that some people didn't know when ihov were well ofl: Timothy :wiShbd‘m thé‘iii'ate he? by a.“ mPans, in order that he' might in- ducg her to make an agreement by gifh‘féh e'aéhgtiiir'amecd to sécure‘ to the other one'hali or the. money they were to share Ingeiher; and by this mains enjoyihe legacy left to each, and 'alsurcva'de to old miser’s conditions; ’ > He was‘mady fti ipror‘nise .him- serfind give a band to that effect .Ihatilf Miss Greyatockjesign‘ed all thoughts" of lhvir marriage‘ she should forféit n'wthing by. her refu- saL for [he second he came into Hie pm‘pefi'y he vi‘duld divide it equalfy \viIh her. '- He waitel1 until Miss Gréjé‘stock had filled horse“ a second glass of the warm fif3X1Ure; and‘then, judg- ifig th‘é‘ firh‘é’ propifdtzs, he ventured 10 suggest the compromise. ‘conl !' tlidiig‘ht Tim’n‘flw ;' 'sbe takes it‘fur gf‘anmd that I shall have be". She masthe very Jpnd‘ of money herself, or she‘d see the poésibilitv of a man’s havin‘g some Feelings a:little‘strrmger than the J()'ve;‘,' She'll never let, me gn, I do believe? " W’iffi o'tii. mn§peci.s.’- said shé, ‘ it would be 'quixe‘ easy. and. we could my.“ off .dirEcL-lyv.‘ we were married.’ .Miss’ Gréystock brought out a little no1tle of spirits (Toma, corner Cupboardvgmd‘begged Timothy to make, himself fiomfliflable, ,,So sure did éh‘e make of "his feelings, that slfé’ eve‘h‘ spoke of borrowing ninn’ev upon herbxpcct-zifiousp and adVIs'ed him to the Same. TERMS. $1 00' m Advanc whom $6.439 Mary, Charles dear, now that we are mar; ried, you know, we must have no secerts. So,‘ do, like a (love, hand me that bottle of hair dye you will find in my dressing-case; _AN Asmvwmm CALCmm-rxomâ€"Ln'éilev found‘ by experiments that. the total viéi'g‘l‘l oi‘t‘he earth'is abbut l.256‘,195,670,‘000,000,-‘ 000,000,000 tons of matter. Who is the most \fe‘nd’er-he‘arfiekf m‘an‘ifl any small town ? D’ye give i‘ up"! Th‘o’ bellmanéb‘ecafik‘e‘ He will cry if you’give’ W a. shilling. To economise is to ‘ draw in \as much as possible. The ladies apply thfis’ n‘rt to‘ their persons, and the‘ re‘sfu'llf is a very smbllwaiiit "139' you like fish balls, M}; Wiggmr" Mr. Wiu'grinsl‘y hesitatinglyJ‘ fré‘afly doh’é know, Miss; I hé'ver rec'o'lle’c't‘} aflen‘d‘in‘g' one.” ' In consequence ofa deficient harvest, thé' export of corn from 'tvhe‘Danubian Principali- eties has been prohibitd'.’ Wmifi“ fé‘ai’és‘ bruised and rubbed upon h‘ors’ers‘ wfi‘l',‘ i‘fi is said, prote‘cr, the amm’ais mm the annoyance of fll'és‘. U P‘Iéfsvr‘n JEROME NAP'dLl-rox i3 n'W 0‘11 8 visit to Devonshire.’ THE Austrian govern m’ent' has adopted {HG Remington rifle for the army; Efimqvn islall but rid of rinderpésé,‘ {how having beefi' buf, six animals attacked lat week; She was: wé‘ady to ac'fmowledge' that after this; Timothy Was a mo?!" .é'té‘r, and bewafled her fate bitterly. Her only hope was that he Would mend when he came to histoflfi'flé‘. and become a réfi‘pectable‘ mé‘g'nber of society. M‘fifii’mony often did mo form these violent C'hajr‘a’é'fé'fsi, Afiyf how, Miss Greyslock had suffered so safely from p‘QVerly in‘ her time trat she beiie‘ved th‘e’ m‘ere' pans!!!- sinn of money was a pleasufé that caulk (innmerb'a'lan‘c'e may and great é‘vils. ‘ Ta be c'o'nfirm'c‘dl ‘ I don't u'nder‘sta’n’d you .si-r‘. fl? lflrned Miss Greystock'. With (figm- 1y. V Timfithy glancédva't (he . c‘o'me'r“ Gup‘board, and n‘b’dded sign’ific‘dnt‘fi ‘ If you meat to insult me sirâ€"3‘ she began; and finished W11“! 61 n-fhyst¢rics xh'a't las‘ted exactlv two hours by the' church clock. ‘ I think {may reium the 60m! plimenf.’ ' ‘ Y don't know ;.but “I be‘f 2113‘?- bb‘dy that you drink n'w'o‘fe‘ sfifrifs in the fiomse‘ (if a day than I do. I‘Mr Drake !' exclaififed Miss Greysioc‘k, glancing anxiouglv m. wards me corner capboard, ‘1 am surprised at you 1’ } Timothy, who' was’ quite so}ie'flhi§ \mdrflihg, whatever he might have gbe'g‘é'fi the day before, demu‘fred (6 this, affirm'ing that he’ should (id very well on his savmgs, for the ‘p‘re's'dm; and when these we‘re gone he should Hills! to his ti‘a'de‘ again. ‘ Little !‘ she exclaimed. ‘ Why bk'ss me‘ you were tipsy. yester’z dav ih‘ broad dayligh’f, far 7| saw you with these wry PYPI; . Link. indoedi I wonder what you Would call a great deal’(’ ‘ But no! to drink upon, is? .votl are drinking ho‘w,’ éfinwered Miss Greys‘m‘ck, tarllv. ‘ You’ll didvim your' inside, ifyod don't care, 'afid then you'll die,’ I'thhat little 1 take will never hurt me.’ ' ‘ I c€n a!ways make'a: :po'und a. Week.’ concluded he, ‘andlfhat is ehough for a man to liile'upon.’ She was deeply mortified and annoyed: but though he reproaétti ed Timbth‘y' bitterly for hisgo‘ddm’ét the firstfi'tne she saw him, Shh: she said [nothing about giving him up. After scolding him tzharpz [y for sofhé' time. she declared that: it was hard either of them 's‘hg‘uld have to go to .work again with sud“ prospects, anti repeated hmfi former proposition that they shidfildi borfow tr‘tofz’ey tdgé’ on with dirt?! fh‘e‘ ye'af had p‘aizse'd,and they had c‘nm'e‘ iti- to‘ p‘oS‘S‘ésSion at their I'I't‘iited. ’ tags:- cies. ' “Was baréTy noon, and yet [Here was Timmhy. staggering along the sjgeetiollmvedtby a ‘rabplg of vil- lage boysi, altof them §Iidutj31g and screerfifr’ig', and calling upbn Miss Greyst'ock to 5"de .fiérselfi as if this \vére not Ihe' laét thing" 33¢". would gene to’ do“ at such a. lime. T-heré Wore'plemy jn‘ tell her' of his dé’fffifiuide'sii add one davhas She'éfét’t 211 hr wind‘bw. Work‘ in hand §hé had an. o'pportunitv- of judging for herself. But tHé it'dt‘i‘tt fém'aifis tn b9 101d. EImn’th-y had giw-n up pobr Carrie nwer, tempted by Miss Greysmck goldafidvhe was tq bé inar'ried to'tlhe latter the very day thev tame into their ‘ibfll‘lr‘lP, some pitigedimhi‘m. and some .pited, h‘érj but all agréed th‘fit' they {would ina‘ke a. fiery ‘ill- "assbflé‘d pair. Sh‘e ‘Wa'h‘ntd. End hars‘r‘t,“_a‘nd Walswa' man of such intempefate ~haln'ts'; ' that, Tin spin hf his'fnmh his ' good lnoks. and his“ fortune. there [\verrn’t many Fin‘ ‘th‘e vli‘flérge‘u‘flo‘ivould haVe lik- ;edvto tak'é Miss Greystook’i. been a sober man. now he became "ii niéré'ifiiih‘fifih Fdf’,’“6f mambo Barsgppp'e villagers _.w.erg 1gp. r Weary 7 of fél‘fing ’étr'ang’é” 'm én. Every night hé étaggcr'ed pm 'fi-om ,the "mast of t.hem,_§nélp{é§sly ioaléd, and what-supported“ upum bed bxlhé n‘flibious' flandltfid, “who was, 36 dog b‘g'mnkn‘ag‘ a w gem thing of MS stay. at the ‘ B'lht BOa’r.’ ' '

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