Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Nov 1866, p. 2

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.q...._.__#_.__.s anam- li‘o Lipid) UN LANDED SECUIH’I‘ . 1L... Fe, 7‘ Wei-thorn it- --y. 7,, ,, , w‘ a. CENTENARY or METHODISM.'FIRE A'l‘ MARKHABI VILLAGE. Dilil). * At Detroit’ 13%., on Saturday, the 211.11‘ taut, .‘rlr. Cas Nichols, aged 30 vcars made by’s‘ome pcrs on (-omrected wirhthoi Crown Lands Department The , price I ' i v l named 18 fifty cents an acre. '1 he (.‘ounâ€" l a, one whistle from the Lac La Belle, and immediately afterwards two whistles. One whistle denotes that the Lac La W '.Ve regret to learn that the extensive Throughout the United States and 1 ‘ TALE Canada the Methodist body is celebrating I Flowing Mills and C10”, Factory of “T. Bocrlie gioglgtpgiishtacosfilWjékppChonmp: ‘ 2:3iipillfggsofsgéz:fijpigillel‘231ll(itfi'ippliifi ' anti?;p}1‘ithspg'oppgprly‘Ipl’Exp:ophgigérd THE Under-signed is memorized~ to state that IMP” q‘liai"""'1':"“"l"'l“"'7 55 A“ M ‘the centenary”, Which appems m be lA‘ Milne? Em” in Narldmm Village’ gt tlie right hand side.p Iniinediatelyt‘Yfiork will doltlre samd. tfihould indent; Saran Catherine Lawrence, 2 o o O v I Elm-ass. . .. . .h.0.v.l,{.a.;6‘.1.r;{.'. . . ...-l 56 r. m attended with a large measure ofsucccss, were entirely destroyed by fire on Mon- after },ea}1ng the two. whistles from the , marsh p,“ in,” the hawk of swcuhnms , “0,00, 5.62,“, i, can be procured, iu’flums to mm borrow": Eqwnsg _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ , , . _ ,,_, . . , . . _8 14 p. M as members have come forward and swellâ€" _ day morning last, about half past 5 Lac La Belle: UglPtaln Trowcll saw her they WOUId my to (“Inuit ll large full], w-rm’mw'“ VWV ,7 _°“ ll‘a‘llded “Furlly' Terms mad” kuow‘,‘ 0“ M “l - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9 33,-A- 1" dolock’ M,._ Mi1nc~S loss wian 5,(,,,Sidc,._ commence swmging, and she showed her ' lrour the canal company. to whom it h To “ONTO M A R KETS' pcisunul application to ed the “.Centena/ry. fund” most liberally. . » » - . indespensuble, for Now that a deeiv The history ofthe rise and progress of .. r . . ded movement hase'been made to aid this M. TEEFY, red light. which denoted that she would ‘ He able, he had only two thousand dollars I 'i'uam‘go, Nov 30. piss the Milwaukee on her ; 2, , 'l’lou'i' 7p hrl...k ..’.. .. port. Notary Public. Agent. 6m. New Advertisements. Mcthodism is interesting, and goes to ,iusui-ance. My. Lyman Miller, who had saw that there was some nllSulldcl'Slillld-lCtllllplllly in the prosecution of its task, V , \ , I n, l , I “$6 @ B Beads Man a as wins Bonds Ave : 'Sl‘ale.smlps"wm Hams‘m' impress our mind that its influence initlre Cloth Factory leased, will also sufâ€" ' ing in the matter, and innncdiatcly ‘we cannot think the ‘Cropn lulu-ls l>oA £62,111;l‘l‘ffitu‘fl ’33" l 4'” , 4'5 &é"d,'.aw“ Mm “cages; Md'dewm;3h__: Banzai-d canadflv is extending rapidly, they are fer to some extent and many of the fill" :igplfiisni l :;::)ll“:l‘\y:,lil:f llarlpy (:0;;i;;ll:]:d:;nta;l as Uivrsion COURT 191%ll“d-“l“lll,cull§:_G.A Burna‘d' “0t only know“ as a numerous and “3‘ mch in Markham Will suffer “101055 Of, clear the Lilo Belle anIdHavcrt a tile application piocceds upon the pro» ; «Ix-Q do . - - ~ - - - - - (I ‘25 0 3‘} Richmond Hill. Nov. 23. 1866. 26 t liriilifine SPCCtable Secb but their influence as ‘1 “roob 010m and Who‘ll" The fire is collision. His efforts, however, prove-1‘tenceof‘draiiiiiigzthemarsh; and l.\‘(.‘.‘ri l ,1; _:_.___ -, _ __-- .t'ardâ€"lt-rehm-d Gi'uhan'e r ' body-is being felt politically, and in supposed to be the work of an incendiary, fruitless, and the Milwaukee struck , if this were carried out it would seriousâ€" 5,,.‘;,“,“,,,, ‘ _ , . , _ ' _ , _ _ , _ I . . , 7 m, (“3 9 m, A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE -_ Desirableilicsidence to ltcntâ€"â€"C Batti-icli some consfimencies in Western Canada as no 5011,“; been in the Premises Since her about 50 feet from the stem on an Interfere with the canal- com-panyg uncertain p 15 o 5120 _ “m I -. New Mi_”l,')91‘>’ Sho“"“M"“ MW” . . . 7 1 S, d. afternoon angle of about degrees, and the ‘ '1 his inai‘sli is the plat-ewhcrc much oi Reply (phi. .. ll 2 ml) F r ' A I f I d ‘ ,» 30015 ““d NEWSâ€"w: H' Myri‘s- ltfs mud l’hat t? be known as a member ‘1 ur ‘ly ' Milwaukeewent into her hull and cab- \ the matter excavated from the Ridges 0%,, @- 6 3?, 0|“ ‘ Cl cs 0 .an ,9 I, Establishnwn‘,PT ot. the Methodist body 13 the most ecrâ€" Auctiéggales“ in. sCapppm Trowelll states tlhat he pigs ‘ ,,.3,,pp,.,,,,,,,,.c if, bf, - dplxfiimd' The ,5“ r V V I r U 7â€"; W W 'l O N T. i tain reccomniendation to a seat in our making it out six mi es air roui, n no Leglslutum1,,v1uglgnump ,, Charter [,0 FACTSFOR fiihONAL PmfiLE' , 0 LEASE, fur ‘ (arm of var-two“ , C(‘glilan. ,. Milliners & Dress makersâ€"Misses Bomb- 1 q: the canal company, {he Crown Lands the Lac La Belle, which had advantage of the current, was running at the rate nommodious premises belonging to, the ot ' uc f r th ‘- WC d0 11 ‘0 ll 0 C 001 late Mr. Thomas Richardson. in the LCSESlatur?S 1 When rt is stated that Radwaylsffills are ledge I i . ‘ ' . ‘ ‘ . - F‘mnAv~ Dec. 7.-â€"â€"Credit Sale of Farm Departiireirt is bound to abstain from an I, . _ I, u , _, .Moneyiloil‘m“ Vanl‘0‘13l‘"°l & Wa‘lmon 'lflcnlissh (if Ems gamma]? but. “.0 n‘USt Stock, the” on north-east half of Lot No or about 12 1111109 Per hour- act that would seriously 'interlcre"withlAil-g:fglifilftifilllilfiii‘fgldllliglwigiggég n , . "jun-gt of Richmond ’ " ~- ‘ â€"~} "r \'x- . amitatiereissome orceinit. w . ., ,, 7 I, r .11- s , . . howlhcss (reeds l A. l l colon 21 3rd Lon Marl ham, the property of Mr us its operations , and we cannot doubt i ,thC have arugm "1,, ask “but me me CnmPHS-mg n comfnrmh‘e Dwelling House ,, ‘3Wiuter Goods~G J Bernard. Tire following brief record of the in- Abraham Homer. Sale at 10 a.m. Ed. that, 011,1 fun surwy 0,. an the has, The), are briefly wm] mellwcessary out-building“ and FOUR grounds for this assertion. "' '- if ‘t" " >'â€" ' i. .. - - . . . . . v. , . ‘ ‘ , . .lo 1}).ygipsn Mal (.18 and Farmers T (i S tmduction of Methodism to the Ameri- bandcison Auctioneer. . The Huron and Ontario Siilp the comnusglouer “.111 ad “pm, t1,” “CW mom. Thefingwd‘ems Opthc p1“? (an ve‘ ALREB 0F FAND- _',‘m,lud,,ng a good ) 20‘ . AvaM TUESDAY’ Dw‘ 11 “cred”; sale of Farm canal" of the 0:180. gotubh‘) are (-ai'oi'uliv selected from the “'"Cl'i‘ldA “Ml Guide“, “‘8'” '5 “15° " 300d -_,.~W-,,AA,A SUBSCluiflfl FOR. ' The York Herald, 331,00 3. year ill): that :5 fair. Well of Water on the premises For further particulars apply to P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. or to CHARLES BATTRlCK, 1.0143. rear of lsi Con. Vaughan. November ‘28, 1866. 26 can continent may not be without inter- stock (cm, on 1m No 7, 2nd Cong, Mark. l very best of their kinds procui-nblc in the Mm'alfifl V ,world. In the p ocess of manufdcture they yzrre freed from all negative matter, and their ._._â€"â€"â€" positive and active properties are alone re- Loxnox, Nov. 26.â€"â€"-A letter is pnblishrd ,Iaincd. ‘No portion of these potential vir- in the Dal/v/ chws to day. stating" that the ‘liur-s can be los! bv Q\‘li[)‘ftll(ili, because the Governinciit has voluntarily re-opened tho " illllll'l'iills are prparvd 7.1L cacun, 'arrd the case of the privntcer Alli/lama. My, so pills are subsequently coated with gum, ward, on behalf of the ammo. Conn-nâ€" which protects them from the action of the nrent, demanded the settlement otthc t‘luinis tll‘. 'l o'euty pounds ofthc crude basrs pro- for damages by that vessel some two months rliicos only on}: pound 9f the pills. flit-nee ago, the extraordinarypurity and efiicacy. of the LivEui‘ooL. Nov. 26.7w Good styles of “‘0” lmlml‘u‘ “ll”10mm {he "'50- ' Upland Middliugs have bet-n sold at lkllpl, lnit average is 1111,41. Sirius, ll,t:llo pan :. to day. The Manchester accounts show little chirnge for the hotter, and short time is now almost universal. London, Nov. 2 l.â€"~A telegram from Ant» wcrp reports petroleum inactive. THE 1“ lEN_Cll )ilNlS'l‘l-llt TO WAisll JNCTUN. est to our readers; ham, the property of Mr. John Nichols . Sale at 1]. run. tioiiecr. From the Leader oftlie 26 inst. At length a real movement has been made towards placing this work under way. Ed. Sanderson Auc- “ In October, 1735, John and Charles ‘ Wesley, Mr. Ingham and Mr. Delamotte, son of a merchant in London, embarked for Georgia, in order to preach the gos- pel to the Indians. they were at first favorably received, but The County of Sinicoe has come forward with an aid of half a million of dollars. Terrible Steamboat Collision ‘ i .5. POLL"(7K has just received a on the bi: Clalr ‘ ‘ 7 Mi fresh assortment of Ladies’. Misses and Children’s LAMB &. CLOTH CAPS. In the newest and most fashionable stylus, vez'v cheap. Please call and inspect them.â€" Late G. A. Barn ard’s. Richmond Hill. Nov. ‘28. 1866. 26-4 neuron. A fter their arrival HlLLL NOV. 30,1866. The By-law, which the cornâ€" . .M “rmpsok, C, “r” Nov_ 24, mittee was to prepare, will be submitted About six o’clock last evening a colli- siorrocourred on the St Clair river, be- tween the Detroit and Milwaukee Railâ€" road Company’s steamer Milwaukee and the propeller Lac Ltr'Bclle. STATEMENT or TIIE “ LAC LA BELLE ” OFFICERS. Before rounding a bend in St Clair river, two miles above the flats, a steam- er was discerned ahead, which subse- quently proved to be the rllilwau/rec, with proper lights burning, and the Lac La. Belle kept on her usual course. ' Egg,» To be borne in m1nd__ in a short time lost the affection of the Public Meetings of the electors in each Township (under the new Municipal 5 Law) will be held on the last Monday . but one iii December, (the 24th) to noâ€" gminate candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors t) serve for the year 1867. Do not neglect- to pay your taxes before the 16th December. to the ratepayers for ratification. in the vote of the Council on the resolution we have no bad indication of the public feel~ people; and on nceount of sonic differâ€" ences with the storekceper, Mr. Wesley was obliged to return to England Mr. Wesley, however,was soon succeeded by Mr. lVliitfield, whose repeated labors in I A Card tOTIl valids. A Clcrvjvman. while residing in South Am~ mica as :1 mission-«w. (ii-t-ovcrod' a safe and simpl!‘ renrodv for the Cure of Nervous VVeak- vines. l‘l'nrlv llertriv. Diseases of the Urinary: azirl ‘iniiu'rl Organs, and the ivliolo train all tli‘o‘rlsrs brought, 0-1 by banei'nl and Vi"i0ll§ .llRDllF. Great: nnmhe‘vsplravve been cured bv this noble remedy, Prompted bv a desire (it c n x - -, , ‘wnulitt‘ie amimml and unfortunate, I wil .PMlIS7 NOV] Q‘sâ€"th0 l-lew "Inmml ll) send the recipe for preparing and using this \lasliing'lon. Count lxerllrcliiy. will leave, mpdcim,‘ in a way“, envnrmm' ,0 m”. 0, Paris tor the United Slates on the 13th ol - i ' ing; the majority being twenty against five. The majority are well aware of the l feelings of their constituents; and they know that the By-law is in no danger Munificcnt the sum is, the interest and sinking fund Wlll scarcely be felt by this wealthy coun- that part of the world are well known After Mr. Whitfield returned from America in 1741, he declared his full as- sent to the doctrines of Calvinâ€"Mr. \Vcslev, on the contrary, professed the arrive DlSPLAY or , oQMFonT: COMFORTL AND from the popular vote. as . .. trim HUir'oN AND ONTARIO SHIP CANAL. ty ; threeâ€"quarters ofa cent on the assess- 1 who needs it. (“Inc of (‘lmrg/s. \Ve rejoice to know that the prospects of this great work are brightening, and that, owing to the indomitable energy of the" principal director, the undertaking The I Council, of the County of Simcoc has i recently manifested a handsome appreci- ation of the great benefit which is to be is fast gaining public confidence. derived by securing the carrying-trade of the Western States, through Canadian territory, by coming down 'with half a ‘lilllliOll of dollars to aid in the construc_ tion of this great channel of trade; and is about to Submit a By-law to avote of the ratepayers of the County of 811m coo, for that purpose. It is not the first time for 'us to express a favourable .opinion of _‘.his great undertaking ; we are among those who entertain a firm conviction that the advantages which Armenian doctrine, and had printed in favor of perfection and universal redemp tion, and very strongly against election ; a. doctrine which Mr. Whitfield believed to be scriptural.” In the United States the principal body of Methodists is known as “ hpis- copal,"â€"â€"they are the original founders or Methodism in Canada,â€"it is within the last thirty years that the Methodists here ceased to acknowledge the authority of the American Conference in Canada- A Supposed Case of Poisoning. A painful rumour has been in Circula- tion here for the past few days, that J- Button DcGeer formerly a resident ofthis place, but for the past three years has been living near Green Bank, in the Township of Beach, was poisoned. It Canada would derive from the construc- {is 3180 said that his Wife, Mm m, E 'ti‘on of this Canal, which has been so long and favourably before the public, would be inealculable. \Vlren we reflect upon the hundreds of millions of bushels of grain produced in the “ great west,” which . has to find its way, by a circuitous route, t.) the seaboard, attended with increased risk and expense, we feel sanguine that the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal will be found to supply the want so generally felt by the great grain producing states of ‘thevUnion, and at the same time secure ’ .ito Canada the carryingâ€"trade, which, in itself, would be an immense source of ' wealth for all time to come. To the Counties of York aod Siincoe, especially, Would this magnificent undertaking be a Dcher, is arrested on the charge of having administered the fatal dose. “'e are aware that DcGeer and his wife were here about a fortnight ago, and while staying in this village Mrs DeGecr purâ€" chased a drachm (which is sixty grains) of arsenic, for the avowed purpose of “ poisoning rats ;”â€"-therc is something remarkable in this circumstance, when followed by the death of her husband, and which is said to be occasioned by a similar drugâ€"Mrs. Dchcr is widely known as a temperance lecturer; it is only recently that she returned from a tour through Canada and the neigh» bouring States, after having reaped a golden harvest as the result of her elo- gréat been; when it is remembered that, quent, appuals in the good cause, somewhere about forty millions of dollars will be expended in the construction and completion of the work, (a great portion of Which will be laid out in those two counties,) wc‘fcel that the gold mines oil Marlon are not as certain 21 source of wealth to the County of Hastings as would be the completion of this Canal through the Counties of York and Sim- coe. \Ve congratulate the County oi Simcoe upon'thc spirited enterprise nrani. festcd by the Municipal Council, in pro- posing such a nrunificent grant in aid of laudable an undertaking,and trust that so now that the example has been set, it will be energetically followed u13,--it wil' never do to flag, and let our American cuisins get the start of us, by erecting the ship canal round the Falls of Niagara, for the avowed purpose of attracting the western traffic through American channels, and thereby render our \Velland Canal a null'ly, but ' .‘ not save either time or cxptnso of trans- . ' port, which can only be done by tin Ca- w ll nadian project. “Ye are all deep‘y in invested in the subject, and whatever Wpr’mnotes the general interest is to our individual advantage. Let us therefore. lone and all, cheer on the work, and by Our voices and votes preve that we have con fidcuee in the future destiny of Canada’ as being capable of competing for a prizr so deserving an effort, to secure to on commercial marine the carriage of tht products or" the prolific west. M...___._. ii Wh' your hallo“ '3” a common 'oitr sheet chaff. originated voars ago in the fo r. . ,t. We trust that the authorities wii1 have this unfortunate matter thoroughly investigated, for the sake of justice and moral ity.’ 0 Lecture. Mechanic’s Institute. It will be seen by referring to an ad- vertisement that the Rev. James Dick, will give the. opening lecture this winter under the auspices of the Mechanic's lnstitutein this village, on :vcniug next, at the Temperance Hall, rt hall’past 7 o’clock. The subject, " The Crusades,” is orie,._t]m ham nention of Wlliuh, awakens an historic interest in the minds of all who have my knowledge of the events of the .wclfth century. The mental twilight ifthe present advanced state of the European civilization wasjust. beginning 0 dawn when a species offanatlcisin took irocessior. of the \l'cstcrn Christians, vhiclr was farmed into a flame by the reaching of Peter the Hermit, and h sked up by a desire for adventure and a spirit of Chivalry on the part of mights Templars and othn‘s prompted trillions to engage with indoor in the neat military enter )rise of the day, and resulted in the reckless waste of life and reasurc uuparrallcd in the worlds his; ory. \Ve bespcak for the Rev Gentleâ€" nan a full house, We are requested to say that the i‘iicers and Committee of the Institute lesire that those who wish to become neuibers of the society would secure heir tickets as early as ~aossibly. ’l’lre irst year of the organization expired on he 1st October last, those who wish to rail themselves of the ensuing winter "lures can do so by applying to the Preâ€" ‘: Ht Amos Wright ll l’ 13., or to the . 2. r ": We ' l Tuesday , After rounding the bend the steamer was kept close to the American shore and blew her whistle once, which was a signal to the Illllroaukce, to take the sta.board side of the river. Tire two steamers kept on. After signaling the Illilwaukcc, the wheel of the L1; La Bulle was put a-port, and then a second signal was given. At this time the wheel of the latter was put still more a- port, and she was ruir as close to the shore as was considered prudent. Shorts ly afterward the Ilfilwuulree struck the Lac La. Belle on the port side, about 40 or 530 feet from the stem with terri- ble force, cutting her almost in two, and crushing her timbers like so much pa- per. Slie reeled slightly, and, the da- mage being great, she speedily filled, and sank inside offivc minutes. She went down in about 20 feet of water, and now lies with aportion of her upper works only exposed above the water. From the movements of the Milwaukee, it was supposed that she desired to pass on the port side; but as the Lac La. Belle was then close to the American shore, it was impossible, and especially as her wheel had been put hard a-port, and she was swinging to change her course in time to prevent a collision. THE LOSS OF LIFE. When the collision occurred, the first engineer of the Lac La Belle was at his post and one of her steam pipes burst. \Vithout first attempting to save his own life, probably not knowing the nature of the accident, he immediately went to exâ€" amine the pipe, and when he returned was washed back by the terrible rush of water and drowned. His name is James Evans. and he resided at Cloveâ€" land, where he leaves a wife and family. A coloured man, named Rudd, who was employed on the same steamer in capacitv ofwaitor, attempted to jump from the Lac La Belle to the Milwaukee but in doing so fell between the boats and was drowned. He also resided in Cleveland. THE VESSELS AND THEIR CARGOES. The Lac La Belle was built at Clevc~ land, came out in July, 186%, and was owned by Robert Hanna. and others of that city. She was valued at $120,000 was insured for $80,000, and was of 1,~ 147 tons burthen. She had on board ’385 tons of iron ore. 125 tons of copper, about 200 kegs of fish, a large lot of miscellaneous freight, and a very small number of passengers. That she will be a total loss is by no means improba- ble. The Milwaukee is an immensely strong boa', and with the exception of the Detroit, is probably the strongest vessel on the lakes. She was built for service on Lake Michigan, and rim from Grand Haven to Milwaukee, in conâ€" neption with Trains on the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, and with special refhronce to breaking the ice. Her pr‘i'tipal damage, was the carrying away ofhei head gear and top-mast, She will likely be obliged to go into dry dock for: repairs, Shelrad on board at the time oftho callision, 100 tons of pig iron for Milwaukee, There is a great diversity: ofopinion among the officers of both boats as to who is to blame. STATEMENT or THE CAPTAIN on THE “ MILWAUKEE." The followiue is is the statement of Captain Trowell, of the Milwaukee :â€" Sheleft Detroit yesterday afternoon at halflpast two o’clock, arrived at the flats at haf past five, and about an hour afterwards met the Lac La Belle coming around the bend of the river. just above Saunders house. The Milwaukee was .noar the American shore, while Lac La lBelle showed her head lights on the starboard side; the Milwaukee then blew two whistles to let the Lac La Belle know that she would pass her I on “in nort ed value of the property will provide for both, and pay off the whole amount in twenty years. Alargc number of the councillors Visited the spacious offices of the company, on \Vcllington street, in this city, the day before the vote was taken; and what they saw of the pro- gress‘of the plans, which are being preâ€" pared by a practical engineer, and are now in a forward state, probably had its effect their They were already convinced of the great value on minds. they saw the office work was being pushed on with vigor. Mr. Caprcol was present on the day the resolution was adopted ; and the address he made to the Council had its effect on their subsequent action. . Nothing succeeds like success. Vile have many of us had our doubts about seeing a work ofsucli a vast magnitude as , half a million of dollars will make an impression on the public mind. Those who before believed that the enterprise, could be carried through required nothing i morcsto convince them, but sceptics will now become believers. Once create an impression that the thing is going to be done, and the battle is half won. That impression will now take hold ofthe pub- lic mind. It is not at all impossible that, further municipal aid may be Obtained; ‘ and assistance to the extent of several millions may be expected from the West- ‘ ern States, to whose advancement a seri- ous check wrll be imuosed unless new outâ€" lets for their enormous and rapidly in- creasing productions can be found. This is the only Canadian line of canal to which l assistance from these states can be expect- ed They want a line whic'i will give them that choice of routes which Lake Ontario offers; they do not want to strike r the St Lawrence by its affluent, the Ot- ! tawa, and find themselves confined to a t single route to the ocean. The Ottawa route will therefore receive no assistance from them. As to the best mode ofproviding for an enterprise of this kind, there can really be i but one opinion. when the matter Comes l to be thoroughly understood. If the opinions of political economists were re~ ferer to, they would be found to favor, the construction of public works of this kind by private companies. Governments can never carry them out on oqually fa.- vorablc terms : in their hands the cost is‘ always greatly enhanced. Besides wlratl private enterprise can effect, it is a. wrong employment- of public money for governments to undertake. The Govern- ment ofthe Confederation about to bel formed, will have no excess of revenue to lavish on work that can be otherwise con- structed ; and itis pledged in advance to , enlarge the existing canals. \Vlren the Huron and Ontario ship canal is built. the necessity of enlarging the \Velland . canal will no longer exist So much will be saved to the Government : and it will be better enabled to go on, at an earlyl day. with the enlargement of the fit. Lawrence canals. The confederation is to go on with this work as soon as the state of its finances will permit ofits, enteringupon it: that is the stipulation of the Quebec resolutions. l There is a great deal yet to be done; l but it is much that a decided beginning has been made: that is always, in such cases, the great difficulty; when this is once accomplished, the rest is compara- t’voly easv. Mr Capreol’s energy overâ€" comes dii’llculties which most of us at first believed to be insuporable. The boldness and energy which the County Council of, Simcoe has shown in this business prove that they appreciate the necessity of ardently and so generally desired byl the canal would be to the county, and' this canal carried out. But this grant of, lUnilotl Slzilt's Allllinlljl“.‘\llilll\>' l.. s using the means to carry out an obicct so l H Deteinbcr. The French Coveriiiin'nt has sent. a pro- clamation to Marshal lbrxiue ior publlcu on in Mexico, when the liaipcror Maxinriir .Ln leaves that country. THE UNl'l‘El) STATES GOVERNMEX'I' AXD Tillfl i’lLXlAND‘. LONDON, Nov. 27, (‘\‘oiiiu«:.â€"â€"'l‘lit- Ilfoi'n. {My Ila/Will believis‘t‘hat the (ll‘n'ernmeni (ll the [initial hiatus \Vlll endeavor to violent the Fenian plots at the proper time. ltllMUlIllEl) v "“““ l.\l (fill, my.» Till'l CA lsl Nl‘l'l‘. Changes are about to be made in tin ltlrencli C-LlflllL‘l. l“i.oui:.\'t~i;, Nov. orninenl has determined to send \cgczzr on a mission to Home. illâ€"Jilin ltulinn (i iv LIVERPOOL, stints (IAUSIEll today with a dmvmvurd ten» dency. The hilt-st quotations of corn is :11 40s per quarter for lllle‘tl \liestern. The provision liiai‘ltct closed with lard inactive 'J'lllii l«'l?}Il.\X.i 1N lltlfllnlNl). Shillltll'S 0i”l'ililli.\l{ SAID TU HAVL Ut‘t?\ illlliill. Two l‘t‘jlillt‘nll" ('1' the lliill‘Hlll trot were urge‘rtlv ordv ml to lrr' 1rd yesterday, PARIS, Nov. 27.â€"'l'hure are rumours tlrrt ‘ Nov. 27, ovoninj:â€"llread-l Lindon, Nov. ‘27, noon.â€"â€"',l‘he Fenian ‘ _. ' troubh‘siu lrolunll ll.\t‘1l>:‘llll|4'll considera- lilo proportion.‘ :inl thorn is no doubt that a serious tillllll'l‘Itlx' li.i.; (N'L .' 'crl. ms. Please enclose an envelope addressedona yourself. ' ~ I, ‘ Alli/11:55. ‘ ~ i‘ ” ' .iosnrn r. iNMiN, i STATION 1). BIBLE House. ‘ Nun Who'll dig]. \‘uâ€" sum sum-rumours? mW First Lecture of the Season. Mechanics lliistitutc. "Wlll'l Openiri: Lecture for this season un~ ll tier the auspices of the Richmond Hill Mechanics institute, will be given, in the Turnoera (-o H |ll. on Tuesday evening, Dc- (‘t‘lllllCl‘ l. at 7.50,, by the 'Etcv Jam... es Dick. Sl'BJl-Itl'l‘ i CRUSADES. Admission to non-members 5 cents. A. Melleth Secretary. rails, AT llA liltlSON'S Err virggg‘ rill. v; a... .. ESTA BilSHMENT, and tr; sports were being“ prepared all last night at l’oilsuroulh. A large detachment of nrnriuos were also sent over to (LlllJJllslUWll on the war slcnnlcr l’lg‘rlzorrl/i. A gunholit. at Challranr has been (ml-creel to sail for Queenstown inrnrediitely. Much alarm is felt at Cork and thonglioul lreluird generally. The London Tilms, this morning, 1w» lievcs that the chill ()l‘gulith‘l', Stephens, will soon arrive on the scene, it he has not arrived already. ' The Globe editorially thinks that a more serious trouble with the [Vlllin Stall-s is really at, the bottom ol'lhe l’enialn outbreak, lioxnoxniiunv. Nov. 27. nannyâ€"The steamship [)lll)lll.\'(i'{l.\’, which loll Quebec on iNov. ll, has touched here to day, on her way to liner-pool. Tlllfi Ml‘leCAX COX l‘lllNMllr‘C'l'. .lrinidon, noon, Nov. 21".â€" VA. lt'l!‘_§l'lillllt' despntcli was received v Lill'tlJ)‘ from W inglon, by tle l'n.lcil Stan’s \imist Paris. '1 he dt‘sprrlt'li was :i \‘t y long one, occupying rntniy horns in ll'ltlhlll‘ 'sion, and it is believed that it relates 1.1 the Mexican question. ALABAMA CLAIMS. The Ill/1min” ,llrm/t/ toâ€"dny says that the Ala/mum case. A Cabinet moi-tin; will soon be held when the case \vzll rem-1w lllt‘ consideration which its importance doserves London, Nov. 27, lli)()ll.“ll is officially announced that the Cmrrnnrum have per“ cinplorily refused the use of lllt: l’aiks lo.- trallo lit‘llll'lll donionstrations. city that the lirnpire of Mexico is cndud, and that Qlaxiniilinn will soon ari'iw here. A,” m...” . _- Dismsn AMHNK} lions: GlJlrltlll’N states that one of tho prim: ‘Ill curlers of Point lrevi, named 'l'iiihaull. lost, last \H‘t'll. through a disc to hilln-rlo unknown in (,llllilh (hr, two mar:I l‘t‘lll horses that he was the habit of driving, tandem. Un leading the animals out of the stable, he perceile that tion. it. is said that this dismrso is absolute- ly the same that h‘toly rarer lll England. GREAT l)isttovnnv.~'l‘helr’m'lw Iv’rmrcz'osc â€"â€"A French physician, llr. lilanchol, having, arrived :11. the conclusion that we do not see; Willi the eyes. but with the brain throughl : in S‘Illn"ll Trent and “l1iicl”i~h.hvthe hal- l’!‘\'l\'t'll ‘ MEXlCAN l‘llli’lltl‘l l-l‘ilril‘lYlCl) TO‘ .lll‘l l‘lNlllil). Paris, Nov. 27, evenin-L~~lt istho sett'od conviction in (iovcrrnnent circles in this in' Llioirtoirtgues presented a rough and diseased ' appearance, and (Zillllt‘tl an odour of infer-2' l‘CColds the l'ollovl'ing~ wonderful (list-ovum}: l Richmond llill, UfiT l'l‘t‘vin‘tl. at Alvin. l‘ollork’s, a ,l .«p endid lot of really ‘ Figflrl lilllll‘l or pound ‘ “er Co fish ail-Id illcrlings will be sold at llio l‘.‘\\'(l.~t 'l'oronto prices. latefg; G. A. BARNARD’S lichniond llill, Nov. 528. lab". RICHARD G‘RAHAME, Barrister cub attorneyâ€"allure} SULlClTOlt IN CllAllCEltY, rite TORONTO. (li‘i'n'rcâ€"No l, lisitish America. insurance- lluiidinrd, c irner of Church lb Court Streets Toronto, Adv. 28, 1866. N C} .I u SI . sprang k. .lAl .th SllHSVHOllflcl O.L 0.565;, Qt the eyes. experimented witc a view to find some means of conveying the rays of light through diseased eyes to the retina. Alter; teiohteen yous ol' slndv he has at len Ltlr per-l (-(l a discovery which must be o. the C test importance. By the aid of a little l g .ss-oyliutlor, to which he glues 1hr.- nnnro l I’orlc-lum he puts the optic nerve :ri‘ainf the county. , side, while the Lac La .r UH... .“ulrr‘c on the Connected with this subject is the proâ€"1 ' posed granting of the Holland marsh to ; ‘ “'0 learn that a‘ 1’5"» "(soul ""T'F. in column ition \‘lill thticxterior Woi‘i(l,l and orzlblos the blind to see. it is dillieult, . however, to believe that the vision so oli- tninod can be equally distuu-l. with that. of“, n \~'il m4. pr poetry 32? El ‘1 o ‘aeqmeoeq go qqucm em fruim’p qgeQ 10330 :ier .1: d: no.1. '26 O sages iv. ' ‘H. M v E RS " ,, RICHMOND IIILL. â€". . DO N0 r FORGET lie Sells the Cheapest MEN’S AND BOYS’ BO-ots and. Shoes: NORTH or 'rouo'lv'ru Richmond Hill, Nov. an. YEW. STKAYED. (“AME into the premises of I‘m subscriber J on Lot 31, 41h concession Markham about the Isl July last. A YEARLINQi HEl-FE‘R ! The owner is requested to prove property. pxy charges and italic. her away“ J. GORMLEY. Mprkhom. Nov. 20th 1866. nits. w. H. mums. VIth 014.“ HFK ,llew Mllllneiy Shaw llnrm l lsatnrday Morning, the Blsl inst, 3' With 1he most extensive Stock Straw thelt Hats, Skating Hats, Ladies’ Booties, Feathers, Ribbons, Flowers, Velvets, ' ' Veils. &c. «be. l-litrdie's’Bonnets 85 Hats Trimmed and Altered in the latest style. and on [he rhmtcitnolico Richinpndpiliil novxez ’66 - Wanted. T’urchalse. PONY. not over 8 years of age, apply at. 1’ this" Office. Richmond Hill, Nov. l5, ’66. MONEY T0 LOAN On Improved Real Estate, Al’PlY to Mr. WARMOLL. of Vix~ KOUGHNET dc WAnMuLL. Barr'slers. &c._ Corner Of King & Yonge Streets, " ‘ ‘ TORONTO. November 9. lEGG. 23 ‘TD WAGGUN MAKERS 86 FARMERS. Kept constantly on hand at T. & S. BRIG-GS” LUMBER YARD '22 Edward St. Toronto. ALLKINDSOF BENT STUFF For Cutters. Buggies, \Vaggoiis. &c. all-o ‘Sashcs, Doors, Blinds, &c. made to order on. the shortest notice. N.B. All kinds of LUMBER 8o Willlll BDUEHT & SUI-ll, Ur taken iii exchange. '1 oroiito. October 20. 1866 72 r‘ Misses M. & A. Routlidge, iMlNllE and DRESS MAKERS. Ben ii ets, Felt & Straw Hats , Cleaned and Altered to tbs latest style. Stamping and Machine Embroidery done. Gent’s Hats cleaned. and Dyed. Two doors north of G. A. Barnards Store. Richmond Hill. Nov. 9 1866 23 W tinted; General servant, a smartactive Girl, who will make herself usefulubout a. Farm House. who will find a good home. Apply to A.B. “ Herald Office.” spasm par spin is} creep than; 29 $2th , 918% wag, i... Richmond Hill, Oct.‘26, ’68.

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