Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Nov 1866, p. 3

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{mafia/Ha w @5595 WWW, f* U BichmmiEEiE Gaiyine‘é: Estahiasm; N returning Hmuks for the very liberal support kc has received since connncncing ‘ business in Richmond Hill, bugs to inform the public that Inc has gruully incrras ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assorlmvnt of Tncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteadrf. Hummus, Cupboards, DI‘PS‘ing Stands, “’21in Slands, SLc. 8L0. A1503 lurge asx‘orlmcnt of 11mm Paper, Bordming’, \Vhiie Lead, Paiuis and Colors, Ram and jémlvvd Linseed Unis. Nachim- ()il, l‘mck ()il, VaruMi, 'l‘urporliue, lienzmie, Glass, l’uiiiy, (Hue, Sic. Ste. Farms Furnishing, tapering, a . . . I . . ‘ Or Pmnuug their Houses. WI” do well (0 cull oniore Plil'churmg eisewlm'e. Also 7, A,__ __.._._--n Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! HAJBRDVV’ ABE and 0300131an \Vhere he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts > u“ WEE “mum ‘wxuznn WW “mm “mum ‘me h -' “ My '1‘ ‘" a“ r; Li‘mnu ”huuum “1mm “bunmn "mum “mun ‘Lumm as?” Bichmbad Hill, Novembvr 9, E866. Groceries9 fiaflware ANE EEGVESEGNS. ADJOINING AMBLER’S HALL, MONDAY, the 23M: GUYWEEE TORONTO PEEOEg FOR CIA SH. Richmond Hill, Oclaber 17, 1866. 71 H FEEEEZE! E1 FEREE I E“E EE To which he cordial.” invites 1110 5110111an of his old friends. Richmond um, September 27. 1866. ' ’ 69 THE MGST ATE EACTEVE DESPEAY THOg. @@®E§b$fim 67mg»? «Lia BF £~ mmgzgg ~.‘ EA Wfififimsga 134 KING STREET EAST, Opyositv the Market, .............. OMPRISING French Morinocs from 63 Cobourgs, Thibel‘s, Lustres, Winceys from $1 50 each. Skirtings, Shawls, Silks, Ixibb011s,Ma11Ih1:s, 1 lunnels, Blankets, and EGS‘ respectfully to announce to llu: inhabitants r~f115<ti>mnnd Hi” and Vi Eiiâ€"ty that he has leased 111a pruniaus lalcly Occupied by Mr. ‘. m. Alkmson, OF FY in KY 1) EEC Ii] PTIUN. Importiag my Goods direct, custmnors will receive the full ad- vantage of the recent fall of prices and reduction in duties. Village Property At Richmond Hill For particulms apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the f'c}- lowing woman; :â€" Part of Lot No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan. .comaining (53 acres ; also. WEL LEfig/‘éfi f??? E E EE 2559', 34 King St. East, Toronto, Sept. 9.1, 1886 '“fANTED lmmcdiuleiy. a I." years of age, as zm npprt‘lv Printing busincsm Apply at " Yul lfice, Richmond “1“,. Richmond Iiill‘ Srpt. 1.1866 38 to announce to his numerous Fm uds lh-xr he loss by the late Fire, and Hm he will nice assortment, good and cheap. [10 would also cull Selected with great care, inmmfiih. 1 y Bought fur Lush, NEW mm *- URNEE‘UREE TAPEgm {E-QBQBE LAND FOR SALE. GRAND RE" "KBPEEEENG! Boy “’an ted 3"“: '11‘ I‘ \ ‘wo uuzu‘nm mm m “w. l ‘ For Cash, at l’rices (hul camml be surpaswd. Hardware and Provisions, "5 mgwswe, @racwées, CROCKERY, em. ‘or a tvnm of years, and which he wil} open on 1d Flour, Shorts. Bran, ()uls, Pvus, Oatmeal, Cox'mneul, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fiah and With a large and complete stock of In his New Brick Sim-c, on in llle best mzu'kvl, and will be disposed of at Xuxk Homld ‘S‘Tfi‘fi (CE; 015 @8038! n the but Marhc‘srâ€"Cmnprising \VITH AN bout I5 , 10 llm IS AT OF C REAP BOOTS {Richmond Hill, 00L IGGS to announce tn the inhabitants or Richmond Hill and vicinity. that he has 0.] hand quite in large and well assorted Stock of Ilady’s‘ Gents, Misses and Boys Boots and Shtxt‘s, suitable for the premnt scasun. which will be otlbt-ed low for cash. l’mliculm-s atmmion paid to custom work in all 115 Branches as heretofore. JA BEES VERNEY AND RUBBEBS has survived his immenm alleulion to his . JH‘on-onto, cents per yard, Fancv Dresses Bonnets, Hats, 23 WW I M- \, 110 has nnw received his FALL STUCK 0F GOODS \‘VillCh haw: huw’n ' purchased as cheap as any house can do, and shall sell on as small a profit as any other man can do. The Stock Is well assoned in file Cheapest G00d§ And i: Factyr‘ry Cottons at 6d. per yard. Heavy and fine makes ot Factory really superior from 75d to 9d. per yard. Good Dark Yard wide Prints from 6% per yard.‘ « 3.3- A Splendid article ofMudder prints from 7; per’yard. " 0' ‘ ’ lllnc Dennim from Tad. per yard. Colored Rool Linings from 5% per yard. Good Winceys in all colors from 10%(1 to 1~l_05rl per yard. All Wool French Meriuocs in choice colours from 23 6d to 33 9d. Colored Mohair 11nd Cobourg from 10d to ls 3d. ‘ ~ - Scarlet All Wool Flannel from 1s 451d to 2s 6d per yard. 5 llnion Tweed for Boys wear, from ls 3d to 3s 9d per yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 25 (id to 55 per yard. All Wool Pilot Cloth from 3s 9d per yard. Fine Union & All wool 6â€"4 Black Mantle Cloth, from 55 to 73 6d per yd, splendid value, with an excellent assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Over and Under Coats, Fancy Flan- nel and 'l‘wecd shirts, from 53 73;;cach, the largest. stock on Richmond Hill of our own manufacture. good large sizes and well made. Ladit-s' Men’s and Children’s Hats & Caps of the newest styles in every variety, with the best general assortment of Dry Goods to be found in the ueighborhood. PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS ’! In O!d and Young chon and Black Tean,at ‘25 6d pet ‘b.-â€"sp‘endid value; superior Moyune and Young Hysnn Tea, at 45 per lb.â€"-â€"lhe best in this neighborhood, wilh everything in Ill GRGCERIESE Pure and Unadulluraled Pelt. Sherry and Mulaga VVim-s, Brandies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Tom, Bottled Ale and Porter. 0116a]; for SHELF 82 HEAVY HARDWARE, Richmond Hill,Oclober 5, 1866. emOvefl Z N returning llmuks to his lrlenlls, and the Public {or the very liberal support he has enjoyed since commenring‘buéiness on l’iit’lilnqu Hill, begs to inform \hem {hat he has leased the more comm'odi'oiis and cemral premises mined and formerly occupied by J. K. Fulcaubridge Esq., mill will Opel] Jflipoui the fist of Gctobcr‘ Redd,- EREEEEREES, PEWISIWS, ERICKERY, HARDWARE; ERYI GOODS! And in fact endeavour to make his My motto Richmond Hill, Sept. 13, 1866. SPECIAL NOTICE late DICKSON, CRAWFORD & SMITH, 3:9sz wéih the Gmmilei. .L. _ Ls the Largest and most Varied assortment {o be iound on Bichmond llill. quote a few plices to let the public know that &c., &c. He also Imported this Seasonrâ€"lhe best value Toronto 5091. ‘2 I, 1866. 131G respeettuhy to call the attention of the inhabitants ‘ very large and well assorted stack of general @. POLLOC Rememl er the Placeâ€"Flood 8L Price’s Old Stand. Competition is the Life of Trade. GREATEST BARGAINS And every other Class of Goods that any body wants. ‘ > for Gas]; or ShOrt Credit. . would direct special notice to their stock of WILLIAM ATKINSON 91 King Street East. I‘ORONTO, "IHI ‘ II '1‘qu \‘III I I 'II' II '|| I I‘I\_ -I . I W‘ I II III I M '1‘ ‘Emm l‘IIIIIIIIIII Will“ E I‘IIII‘IIIIIII m m “IIIIIIIII IL"IIII'IIII “‘11 Which, for qualfly and lowness of price, ls second‘ to n‘éne'. MILLIN‘ERY, lIiIIII‘ [\le III .. III %%mm @IIITI “III M I] m “Iqu\ IIIIIIIIII Will“ “III" III ‘IIIIIIIII ‘III "II lIIIIIIII ‘ilnl'Illl III III IIIIIIIII is Small Profits and Quick Return's BLACK SELKS ! would inlimale that he will in addition have a choice stock of to make his F stahlishment the Mart where everything is to be found llla! is usually kept In a filst- class “7201 an entire n’ew smck of select . Barnard’s MAY BE HAD AT AND ever shown in this market. ot the County to their 703m 67-tf 68-3m A set of Single Harness $9 00 A set of Double Harness 16. 00 A set single Silver moun’d1fi.00 I’VE .FOUND IT.‘ W. H: MYERS HARNESS He wants money EXTREMELY [OWE PBIEEES! In order to go! it.‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 18. 1866. THE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST WHIPS ! ! WHIPS ll WHIPS! ! ! HHRJV ESS .' \V. I-IAR RISON’S, '[HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPEBI ENCE 01“ AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a CAU- TION T0 YOUNG MEN and others, who sufi'er from Nervous Debility, Premature sufi'er from Nervous Debllxty, 1’remature Decay of Manhood, &.c., supplying at the same time Tm; Man's or SELF-CUBE. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. The applicant. by paying postage on his letter, will receive a cbpy. free of charge, from the auth )r. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Each Brooklyn, kings 00., N. Y. (Esters. Oysters. Richmond Hill, Sufi WANTED. HERB ANBKBFT Wllflll! THE PLACE TO BUY SINGLE AND DOUBLE Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces Traded for Wood. or Cash paid. Toronto. Oct. 4. 1886. NUTIEE [IF BE‘MWAL. JOHN WAT‘ERHoyjsl-gj 1N returning thanks to his numéroug ffipiia's and customers for (hairlibernl support since he commenced business, begs to inform \thp ' that he has removed to the Store fonfi'er y owned and occupi d by Mr; James Dick. in The Village of finnle,‘ Where ha will keep a very select stock of HS (hereforéi inéiteé his‘old ffienda mid the in- iehabi'falné'of th‘épeiéhbo'rfiood go tin” apt] in- spect hig Stoék‘. feellng cénfideni lie cannpl he qnd‘ersolld, nor surpassed by Miy house norfll of 'l‘bronté. > All par'fies “dobtea to me either 13)" Note pr flock account are reques1ed to pay the same forthwith to Mr. W. I“. Myugg. Richmoudhill , who is amhogized m gram récapt‘i. 'Map‘e. Oétober 1‘2, 1866. 70 At tho‘ 151: Prize Harness Establishment, RlCHMOND IllLL. Boiled tinseed Oil, (Blandellsv and Spence; Hull.) Neatsfoot‘ Oil, i ,‘ Fish or Tanner’s Oil. With the Best and Cheapest» Pensylvaniu 6: Canadian Rock Oil nonh of Toronto, from 711 pm- quart or 23 per gallon at William S. Pollocks, late FARM FOR SALE. HE Farm belonging to 1110 Eslnto of the late Mr. Wi'liam Sanderson. comaiuiug 1'00 Acres of Good Fa’v-mlng Land, 9” of which are cleared. There isa large Brick Hou'Se, Wood Shed, and other .com'veniances . a good Frame Barn, Stable; éhélds u'nd Root House. 7 The_ {have farm 15' g x LL;.-.v._» "fini WaNEs LIQuons. &.c. {BinquiiTfii-fl"fan. Markham, And is “yell adlapl'qd for 'a‘Dairy farm, as it is wrtered wiih n‘ hé've’r falllfig stream running across It. Thére 5s also tWo' Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard‘ and' FM“ Troés, Garden, &c, For further particulars apply to ELIZABETH SANDE RSON, Butlonville. Or to El). SANDERSON, Lot 20, 4th Con. Raw Linseed Oil, Machine Coal 0H, Elephant Oil, Sen] Oil, Markham; Sept, 17. 1866. Al WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Cheap Provision Store. mud Hill, swine. 1866. 68 AND CONSEQUENTLY PHOENIX FOUNDRY, And an assortment. of IS To me FOUND AT A SSORTMENT 0F “-me um “um um GROCERI’ES,‘ BE SELLS G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Oct. 4, 1866. 1's u" M" ii; ee'mng men. an" a" mesh THE 91 Yonge Streel. Toronto. mmM®a 2m 1% A‘ NEWTON’S filéfii‘eé'r‘sfi; CHEAP for“ CASH! A_ llarge‘ as§ortn§ent of. EYgin‘Milk Novel'fi’ber 1, 18-66:. 68-311! The Elam Mills Stores WINTER GOODSE To which he invites pnblic attention. ELGIN MILLS, NOV. 1,1866}: READY-MAB}? CLOTHING; SEC; Opposite Temperzhice St“. '1‘ U R U n '1 BEGS to announce to the iuhsbi‘ants of the County of York and those neighborhood of Richmond 1-11“ in particular, that he has added Io his E BOOTS AND SHOES; MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S HUDTS EM) SHEES And of the host Mntefini a‘hd “'orkmanshin tion. We are comtantly adding 10.11: sloc will be SOLD AT THE LUWESjj‘ POSSIBLE- PRICES. A good a3§ortment 6f Trgi-nlés aiwasys‘ oil hand; Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at 0C? 133 Yonge Strée‘t; Two Dobrs SfintYY of Bests HateY, Tomato; __A._,\ nut-v. v 1“ 10 1am: M-B’m PATENT SWING rpMPs‘ figs just Recéiéefid' ii com‘pxéxe Sto'ck a? 10H” Styles for FALL AND WINTER Weave ,M- When ordermg p- -éa§é s‘fiaté Ifeplh o‘t m. A few mofe County Rights for sale. 1) FOR TLL DRRTHR. Eat té hull) o‘t W ell or Cister n. Cobourcr; ‘ WinceYS,‘ Plaids and Tart-ans, Cottons, Shawls, Hosiery; THE INDELEBLE PENGKL TORONTO; Sofit. 13, 1866'; THE “ Fla'n nels, AN IMMENSE' STOCK, JUST. RECEIVED: bf't'he‘ r'h'os'f i‘a‘s‘bi‘ofié‘me' s'r‘yle‘s; GREAT BARG \INS [N ’1‘ weed s; FOR MARKING LIN EN.FOR SALE; AT HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. No. 133 Yongc sited-3%,. ., SANDERSON, A complete é'ssérlmeni of the most desirable And is prepared to main: tor aim} is“ kinda" of In the most Fashionable StyIéé, dbt‘fdnԤ.' Consisting of". nanship. All' Work 1s W arr'u'med to give_ perfect sat‘iah‘é- u: stock of Boats and Shoeé of or: manufacture, whi'éfi‘ Pri‘nté‘; dink iiizé PofivEfifl; ) Patentee and 1516;”!th .. NEWTON Bnoox, Q.W Fancy Shifting Canada Tweéd, Shawls and Skirtingi": Prints. Sl'r’e'fwl‘s“, Nubiaé; ’TOI'K'O'NT'O; Bféifikets; Glo'fi‘efi; & d" & c; c... § those in thé his flock 6! 64v

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