NOTICE. “ fflï¬uiflqâ€"ibtfardia Pluughé ! made to order. 19mm, Adn’l_27, 1866. ï¬erifllï¬yg. 24 1866, From 30 cts, to $6. AT scmts RICHMOND HILL. On an oxlensim- sonic; and laying tried the endit Iyslemil‘m ï¬nds thdt it is lmilh’m“ n'dva'm “goal! to himself or his customers that are willing lo pav. as he has boéli bhliged 10 hharge Ibout one-Ihird more for his I’loughs lhun he «gm 'Sï¬o'rd" to pollfor, 3n order ‘9 cover the “zones. nfn'edgfl‘ioï¬ cqflbclill'g', and bad debts I tiling dbmdlitoï¬ho dptérmjï¬'ution to m- m mu. m mum!!! And roduco lhn priée about one-third; any Plough! that wero sold for$19. he now offers [or $13. < Me is also manufacmring extensiver Will! I“ lhe lnlest improvements. and is also reputed to ropnir ulmost every description of hmhilg Machines. particularly Hull's 0 Colin". Having cvory description of Casting “m mly b. required he. has every facility for manufacturing and ,mpliring Steam Engines. and‘uorykindcf. Mill work will he carefully allohd'ed to. and turns! wt will: despnlch an amiable prices. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO HE Subscriber, in.returning thanks to his ni'momm Cuitomors and Friends for thoir libo‘mlpopnwtï¬nring tho past nine years, would bog (minim-3t “up his in ï¬repnred to mlnlfleku Boom‘and Shoal of ovary descrip- tion from the bent mnleriuis. and after the Inâ€! fuhionablo style. He hopes by strict aL- tenlion Io busiuosgx combined wilh modorale prison tojonsuxje a continuance of their favour. XII ordin'huondtod to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Coosbys Into stand. Shppofl Home Manufactures ! ‘Wood Sawing Machines Riohmond Hm, June 15:1866. Cn}eful «unantiou given to the repairing of Waitclms {ana Glncks. Jeweiry manufactured and Rnpain-d. The nttnnlion of line Public is inivtod to their Stock, censiating of a great variety of Family 85 Church Bibles Wood. Wanted. Propelling & Repelling Pencil, ROM 50 to 100 Cords of Green and Dry Beach and Muple,lo be delivered in Tm- onto during the winter. Appiy 31 the Herald Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. 69 Watthes, flasks,- and Jewehy CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, N0. 11, King Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Slrhet. 'J‘Oronlo, April 26. 1866. AT SCOTT’S IthIIMOND HILL. AT Low PRICES, .A'I‘ SCOT'I"S, RICHMOND HILL. SCi‘iOi’le BOOKS! LL pulies indebted to the undersigned are ~ . lrpqesllodom ‘ 1' n immediately lo Mr. Croéby. R’ichm no'J ill. With Holderfl Kn ire, AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL ï¬fadford‘ Foundry I 0ft!"- bes' desvription and newest designs. Brldfotd. paiï¬nfadï¬ring ELECTRQPLATED \VARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c_ J, SEGSWORTH, Masonic aud othcr_Emblems INFOR’I‘EBB AND DEALERS IN IN EV-BllY VARIETY, “(PORTER OF 1866 JAMES VERNEY HENDERSON, BUTTERFIELD. 69 5:! 3m 47. I AVIN‘G' bven appointed Agent for this Company, one of the oldest and mom reliab‘s‘.‘ English Companiea,l will be happy to aï¬â€˜ect assurance against Loss or damage by Firempon ava description of The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, Sales attended to with promptz'tude. J. GORMLEY, J. FERRJS. Gr. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill. Riihmond Hill. March ldlh. 41.1): Toronto, July 20, 1865. Lnndnn Fire Assuranceécumpany, DENTISTRY. SEC. 8w. V IN GREAT vAmE'rY. AT SCOTT’D‘ RICHMOND HILL. JOHN CARTER. LICENSED AUCTIONEER The Commercial Hotel. Residenceâ€"~Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. I’.0.Addressâ€"Bullunville. Purxios requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make nrrangemeuls at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Junuary 4, 1365. W . G. CASTELL \V, G. C. calls at all ï¬ne Stores between Toronle and Richmond Hill every two weeks, and supplies Confectionery of all kinds at. the Lowest Wholesale prices. 4 OR. the-Countierof York. Peel and On- tario. Residence '. Lot 8, 6th concession Markham. I’osv. Ofliceâ€"Uuionville. Sums attended an the shortest notice' and n reasonaqu terms. 35 EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTION EER. Gorluley. I’.O. Markham, Jan. 4. 1865. hEA R CHURCH STREET, S prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teuth, or relieve sufl'ering and supply new teeth in the most upprovedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. First class Stabling and careful attendance.â€" 'I'erms moderam. CONFECTIONARY I GORMLEY s; mums Licensed Auctioneers! w. c. ADAMS, D- D- 5., GLO UCESTER H0 USE, YONGE STREET. Jos- Gaby, Proprietor. Day Book's, 1’. S.- Good agents wanmd in everv part 0 1ha counlrv to whom will puid a salary from '0 to $1501wrmunlh, or a larga commission. .orms 10 agents mm. free to thcsa wishing agcumos. Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. Good Slabling and an attentive hos always 11 attendance. cm. H King Hem: 01110051 London, J‘Iu; 'l‘nrmuo. $15QPEiR MONTH. HE GRANITE STA? \‘.Fï¬l]}ll)' Sewing Machine is now presented to the people ofCanndn possessing all the improvements (huffcan be well cetzï¬ned in a sewing machine. It will accomplish pvery dBSCIiPllUII of sewing except hntton holes; from a‘n ovurcoai‘duwn to lhe'fihest silks and meshes.» 'l'his' machine sollyfur only $l5}, and in rea'lywo-‘th W50, in any hunily. Every mechine we .Antod and kept in repairiree of charge" for thee years.â€" Ail machines sold in Canada are mu luhzctu‘re at the co-upnny’s hranch nmnufactury in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directinns. annt express free on receipt 0f$15 in n registered letter, Full printh directions accompany each machine. so plain that a child iwelvn you's of age can learn it) work one auccessl'ully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, Februm v 5. 1866 AGENTS WANTED. \Vith immediate payment of all Losses .No. 7, Royal Exchange, Cm'nhz'll. and 1V0. 7, Full And], Landau. June, 1865, ountics of York and Peel R, T. BUSH (XL (70., Cuxmda Manufactur- 95 King Street East, Toronto, ’oromfl, Much 23rd. 1636 PURE‘AND UNAUULTERATED 383 Yonge Street, Toronto Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Books, Wallets, Purses, Nelson Street, Toronto (Late Thain“ 0011103,) Slrce-t East, 'l‘urontu, (‘. \V. in in Great Britain and Canada. and, Glasgow, Montreal mid MANUFACTURER 0F FOR THE UK [TED 0F Unionville, P.O. Wy HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public mm. 116 has leased the above Hotel. where he wiilkeopconsianlly on hand a good supply of ï¬rm-class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tm- veilers can desire. those who wish lostuy where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. "" "V a H v - ,eries. has discovered rerun: cmucu for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Dobilily. Rheu- matism, all Female Maladies, and others re- sulting from impurity of the bleed. hitherto incurable. Explauilory circular, one slump. Treatis on all diseases. 20 cents. 58-4 AVID MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Leased the above Hotel and ï¬lled it up in a manner second to none on Yonge St. where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply ofï¬rst-class Liquors, &c. This house possesses every acconnnudulion 'l‘invellers can desire, those who wish to slay whole kl‘ei' can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment. \Vhlch will afl‘ord passengers mr‘re Lime in the City, and keeping attentive and uccmnmodat- ing Drivers, I trust to merit Ihe patronage of the general public. ROBERT RAYMOND, l ESI’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his-lime ol' visitingthe following Names, and afterthis dam will be (Sunday. excepted) in CA'FARRII, Bronchitis Scrol‘ula. Liver and / Kidney Diseases. Nature’s Remedials from P-anls. \VM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for ($0 [ears proprieml: of Ihe Linuaouu Nur- IN EVERY VARIETY, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL Toronto. at 4 O’clock, p.m. All Parcels or Luggage left at Bosl’s Buy Horse Hula], Yonge Street,or at Lemon's Hotel. Nelson Strum. Toronto. will ba delivered with punctu- nlity and at moderate charges. Having de- termined Lo run the. Stage 011 Better Time, Brown’s Corners. . . . . . . .2151 ofeach mc Thomhill.... . . . . . ......‘~)3Nl “ Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . . . 24th “ Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “H.960! “ BurwiCk.... . . . . . . . .....28lh " Kleinhurg . . . . . ..........291h †Nubletnn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . “mull “ Lnslmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1“!!! “ A urora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lst †Suttonâ€... . . . . . . . .. . 3rd “ Where he will altcud to any business mining to any branch of his profession OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain & Fancy Stationery Aurora June 1 .8654 AVING purchased the Richmond Hill . Line of Slages from Mr. Thomas Cook, 1 will run We same from my Hole], [lich- moud Hill, to Tmontu. starting at half-past 7 o’clock. £1,111. and returning w1ll leave Richmond Hm, Aug. 13. ’66, SURGEON DENTIST ! BEAGBN’S FAMILY MEDIGINES Photographs for 50cts doz. GLDEOL1 DOLVIAGE. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28â€"1" DR. N. J. PECK, MITCHEL HOUSE ! AURORA. Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson Stu Aurora, June 7, 1865 The safest and bost Medicines in usu in Canada. For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds 0] sores on Horses and Cattle. DICACON ’S A nlibillious l’ills teriu use. IHCACON’S Eruplive Ointment (or all kind ufskin diseasen. BIBLE SMIETY DEPflSITORY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. STAGE S. AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuable Modi- cines. which have been bafore the Canadian puhlic for the past seven years, and have given universal sati<faclionâ€"â€"he can themfore. with confidence, reconunund (hundreds of Teslivno nials could be given if required, skewing tho beneï¬t derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. As a general Tonic, or Slrenglhening Medi' cine m brace and invigorate the frame, no!†can ba butler. DEACON’S I’ILFI OINTMENT. DEACON’S \VORKING MAN’S FRIEND ()li HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Eryai- pelas. Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilbluins. Sore Throat. and vioionrsl‘uins In Back or Side. the ufl'ccts of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a {aw hnors. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Duses generally remove the cold. DRAGON’S Mixiure fur Cholera, Diurrhma, and Summer Couwhinls, equal to if not bel- ler than anv other medicine made. G. A, BARNARD DEACON’S FAMILY VEGH'ABLE PILLS Act gently yo! effectually: may be taken durâ€" ing any mnploymeut, at any time. and even ln‘ the most (lolicMe female. A soothing: and astringent applicxlion ; and, a:- fur us an nppliualion can he of any ssrvico. more summing and much more astringanl. than any hitherto pl'oparad. The majority of casm find speedy relief by its use. DEACON‘S unrivalled Cough Balsam,f0r Coughs, Colds, Consumption. Asthma, &c. Rlcnmmn HILL, August 10 1865. DEACON ’S S'I‘O M ACIHC V EGI'I‘ABLI. BITTICHS. DOLM AGE’S HOTEL, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL LATE VAN NOSTRAND'S. I)EACON’S LINIMENT. orners.......-- -......- u...- Hill...... .... lSC-D’. .2151 of each month .23â€! “ ‘ ' .24th U “ ‘261h “ " .2811: “ " .291!) †" .301!) " -‘ .3131 u u _ 1st u u business per- Proprietor. 3m None bet- l-lf The York Herld WHEN [18 WW W Dams PROM?!†[241:5 BQGK Orders for the am of. undermomioued descrip- tion of BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Fe: Cards.,'&c just received PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Is entirely new'fand of fl.e"!atcst" patterns, large variety of new m , 4% 9w xi , ‘, Letter-Press Printing. ESTABLISHEN T. BUSINESS CARD .‘1 â€˜ï¬ . w :‘F-TW "'2, mm W ‘JL'WJH-Js 3.x: MU]! rWill Ha prempdy attend“ lo :â€" OUR ASSORTM EN'I‘ OF CHEAP JOB And every other kind of CIRCULARS , BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL H BADS They are strongly hmit, light of draft, run 5! wiy, an them the most dcsii-zilflc :mplcmem for tho farmer 1m reference may be made to any oi" those i'm‘im‘rs who them the best kind of Plough they have (nor 113w}. Ploughs is invited before pun-linsng Gis"\\'ile]‘\‘) 2m munemtive prices. Job Work done to order, And all kinds: «:4; é’Etuagh a K0111 cmmiunily on 11 Of Diarrhoea, Dysoniry, Cholera Nor? m, Izaflunm Cramps, Spnsms, \rromiting‘. Sick Headache, Cold Throat, Coughf‘, Colds, Influenza, Ncm'ulgiu, étc.---‘ water will COH'CCL an dcmngcmcnis of the stonam: stop the mo>L severe Pains. As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DTSINFE ITANT, AFFLSPASMODIC, (,‘(Tii/A‘I'TER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE WHIHULANT, ILUBEL‘ACIEDIT; NERVDJE; ANODYNE, SUDORIFIG, 1<‘EBHIFUGE. lmpmveï¬g gieai 6:? A Good Carriage Horst? for Sale cheap. Richmond Hill, October 215, 1865. AND IS A P081TIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASTATIU CHOLERA‘X, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER I’ESTILENCESI Gout, Lumhngn, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Muscles, '.l.‘t’»0thucho, Struim, 81> ‘uins, &C.â€"â€"*<)IH‘V case and comfort, and il few times rubbinfg will ('01) HE Subscriber would mspoctfully :Lnnmlcn £01110 I‘mmi) wzmt, (>f1’lough , 111th he is mmml'uciuring In Tinlnnt (Tum TH 11 J Within REL! 1‘ than the; \"11‘ ï¬rst M‘mzm at {mud ('3; .(‘u m 1mm .Jcct. In whorl, ii, 111' N. B.~â€"» ‘m, mm of dwvour to 1701321130 1 (:muzlv‘fliit‘; {112:1} Pmng FE; .‘x‘: y 6-"; (Lu. blown in (111‘, ; an yum v. hmerc-r he I RI .9?an r Agon‘éra far the mulu of :éaziway’s Ready Relief, 1,), CROSBY, h.(l:mond Hill, THUS. A LL'ISON, Tctoria Square, (1m ,1,)O;‘1N,Amora. “warâ€"â€" Ail Armand the, flicks. (399.10% of sfmfliug f‘Hl‘OS of11wmosiw‘inlcnt:mddvnxfly IT HAS NO EQUAL EN WMTERFA MEDWA. HE @cï¬zzmfl with Eï¬ammnafligmg D'm (,‘lifll ('nuntmfviis {ml-'1 imiiutim you to hum mum: ol‘nvr i1 ' :01' ,qulwrx' ' Ra on Hwy :m ("n rut-L: 21' wmd ‘m‘cs 1'01101' n} )\‘\';\ Y‘h‘ Mill) Eï¬zgï¬zaï¬m E57: <33} ,E 0 MERCY; ~â€"| .J.‘ E’RECKE, Ema @ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬‚gm Aï¬mdm 11d (7011111137 Merchant ON TIM: on“: 1?“ it sincc 1:: inlfnr so] M t} TRIM. L, (L 15., HOSPITAL OI“ THE SISTERS OF MERCY. L your [Rear/j; I?."/i(j‘]las cm‘od OVER ONE HUNDRED of our =. A M m 011px ‘5'. g“ e9 u' mn‘: pmn WW “.4, (‘lNl 01' .Rudvxny (Q; (‘0. (v \N TH “TIM S IL lyht‘ 10% \‘imlmt and deadly diseases are on record at Du. w Yuri; and Nontroal, emanating from the highest \\ n w (‘in <71" importance (except a few in China) on ilir‘. 1mm cured ll‘e sick when all other I'Ulllcdial all (ligsuitrn'ivs in Church and State, both by lottcrs Luv, U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS, .11.i<m:r, have nothing lo do with the dealer that will vr in. plucu 01' L110 limlwuy’s.â€"Thc country flooded limuly liolim’. Dealers purchase these worthless ’(l for liaulwny’s, yet charge the public the same ) (mm pm‘ bottle.) The imitations and coun- "; (low at, that prim. In purchasing Ready ' (l; (‘0. (m the labels, and the words 11.1%. R. “"1th SEth YOU A FALSE MEDICINE *1'( “1 cans 3 Rows. JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., & co., r. ROWE and Mrs. ROWE, King Sa- n 11(‘1‘ 11 mil bhing hL‘i‘ J1; always um it, for 11ml rlinblu ‘m < g'ing Br. ï¬adway’s Remedies to the sick. inns an Hm 111m 1111 :x1»1'>lic:1€it)n will hhtu the cure. LV and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK 111 ml for a. grmt many yearsâ€"having ’ 11mm mice with the same medicine, use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and Ighs, influenza, diptheria, $1». 11-}1513 l hrunfll and it produces a. marvelous; our im'nlids. 111va of the Chiihi, Fever (3x10 towspmui , bowda and M 11v : (*mmmn EL V0 "y 5111» 1-0111 HENRY HALL Nahum. Knuï¬â€˜ ‘r‘ 21m 01' mrk, \vhid: Icndm' :xvncn at 111040 izwis am] who pz'umtmru 1' those in want of wn at 1110 low 9L 1'0- ï¬lndsidcs Jnintet. Spine 0r 10rd immediate BOWCIS, Cholic, Hid Axum Sore m1 nihors in 1H \TM‘N 01: \i)\’ CESIIIS ASSOClA'l‘ION has lransfm‘red their Ll HILARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Book S low whom Stockholders and others may To our BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from. 4m 0 :xluck,r.1\1. DR. T. 0. CULVER’S MEDICAL DISPENSARY; Chrsnis and Secret Diseases. H weakness generally, caused by a bud hahit in youth, which produces constitutional ilL-hlht} _'ou can rely on our mmedies, for we have li'cznlod over fifty thousand patients, and we guarantee a purl'ect cure in all cases. JMI’URTANT 'l'() LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on tho nmnthiy sickness, in all crises of obstruction hon) any unnsn, and after all other rcmodlas of the kind have been tried in vain. NmV llmnzimcs AND QUICK (Pumasâ€"For ix philis :illll'lul' seminal weakness, pnini in the) joints, ali'cctmns of the kidneys. diseases nt'tho head. throat, nose and skin. and all lilosu di-i-ntlt'ul ntl'cctions arising from a secret hnlzit of youth, which produces constitutional debility, renders inmriagoimpossible, and iii rhn and destroys horh body and mind. The [rt-unian we adopt is the result of upwards of tillIIY years experience and successful prnctico [ll lluropc and America. ’ Strangers \‘inting 'l‘uronto, who are in iwed of a )lm’lical advisvr. having no limo .- to re- main in the city to be cured. can have Medi- uine to take with than), A safe and reliable euro guaranteed, l’uLll‘lllS livng at a distauee can procure Dr. (l’s I'Cnlt‘lllt‘S, ssnt (secure and free from obâ€" wrvntion) to any part of the l’iovinne, with plain and full directions for use, by wr gluing, stating 0850,53 tnpioms. «QC. All consulutiuns at tho uliice free but strictly Cuiilitlniit ‘ AGENTS-We want agents in every regi- ment, and in every town and county in tho country, and those acting as such will be allowq ed 10 cents on every Celiiï¬cnte ordered‘ by‘ them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 95 cents for every Certiï¬cate. and remit 15 cents to us. B’fWrite plainly. say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, A FOIEUNE! BEEPLQYMENT HER EVERYBDIIY. hu\‘s................. 4.000 bul§and Vest Ribbon s'idés 4,000 Sms of Solitaire hlouvo Bul- PER pony 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 to $20 5,00t‘ “ A “ Table Spoons ions. Studs. etc†. . .. .... . ~{,000 Golil 'i'liimbles, l’encilsmlc ‘E,000 Miniature Loclmls. . . . . .. . . 4.000 Miniature l,.ocliets;â€"l\iugic Spring .... .... .. . 3,000 Gold 'l'uulhpiclss. Crusges, etc. . . . . . . . ......,.,,.. 3.000 l’lnin Gold Rings“ . . . . . . . 3,000 ()hasod Gold H ingn, , , , , , . 53010810110 Set and Signet Rings 4.000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and Geld.... .... ... 0,000 Svts Lmlies’ Jewelryâ€" Cnmao, I’carl.etc.... . ... 0,000 Gold l’uns.Silvor Extension Holders and Pencils...†. (3,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- Iml ilolders.... .... .... . 5‘000 Gold Fans and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... .... 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘ups............... 3,000 Silvui' Casters. . .. . . .. .. . . 9,000 Silver Fruit anq Culge Baslmls.... .... .... ...} RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. For the purpose of closing out the stock (I. llie mailiust possible (law, the undersigned havo (ivCldt‘d on u grentdiatribulion made as followu. mrn AM; nvnnv ARTICLE, NO MATTER now VALUAIJLE, Bum; sou) FOR $1. A Certiï¬cate of each articlu primed upon it. is placed in un envelope and sculmlâ€"ilmw unvnlnpes are thoroughly mixed and :01“ for 'I'wutty-flvc Curls ouchâ€"tho per- son rccciving one of these envelopes lb entitled to ilm al'liciu nanle therein by returning the (‘m'nliumu Io us with one dollar, and aha article. no mailer how valuable it Inny be, will be for- waniml Io hint or lwr at once. Tlirro are no llizinli CthilicflltsSMid therefore evt-ry one in 51116 10 girl, at luusl, llm full value of his or lwr mum-y. Mmuld Illu arlicie named on tho cor- :iliwnlu nut snil.nny ollu-r which he may select ml the same value will he subgliluled. We so. Kim curlili lus as lulluws: “"ahfl‘es, Chains, Eds ol'Jeuehy, RinguJ‘in Bracelets, Slcovo Bunons, Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups, Cake Baskets, &c. worth Eight Hundred 'Hlou- snnd Dollars. (hm for ‘35 Ihlrlv for $5 I. , ï¬ve iur SI, eleven for $2 \1_\-ï¬V0 for $10, one hundred 'l'hzs Ihsn'ihuliuu uï¬'urds a ï¬ne oppor- umity For Agents, as what Ind}~ or gantleumn .vill nol iln’r'sl rwmrv FINE cums with a pros- pect of gelling ï¬ve hundred or a thousand [inn-s us much. AH orders muxt be addressed IO us at our old stund No 15 Maidcn Luna, 'un York. Florentine Ear Drops .... 1.500 (70ml. Opal. and Emerald Km 1) ops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 (‘nli '“I-nia Diamond Breast l’in’b . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Golds Fob and Veal \Vatch Agents wanted throughout Ihe Unilodï¬tuw and Uanudus. ALL or WHICH ARE T0 in: 50â€, run 51 men. 300 Gonls’ Gold Hunting Case \Vmulms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 in $150 300 lJul-os’Guld and Enameled- (71150 \Vhluhes... . .... . . . (3Li0 (Sunta‘ Ilnnllng-Cnbe Sil- vu‘ \Vulrthus.. . . . . .. u . . Qllll Diamond [kings . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 Gold You and Neck Chains film“) " " " 3.000 Gold ()vul Band Bracelets. LUUU Chumd Gold Bracelet. . . . . 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard (Il)nins.... .... ... li,0(l0 Sulllzxirc and Gold Brooches 5,000 anu and Florentine Blowhos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . 35 " 70 35 " 70 50 " 100 15 H 30 4 " l) 4 “ 8 5 " 10 6 " 2 4 In 4 “ G 4 to 8 May 7, was. 2,000 Mosaic l‘lu No. 15 Maiden Lean, NewYom Jun 5. 1865 A - » w‘ A. 1m Entire Stock «fa large IMPORTIFO Hons) Urng from business. Addressâ€"Dr. ’1‘. C. Culver, 139. King St; a, "‘urolml, C W, 13"], 1566. 4943' TOBONATO, UNFORTUN ATES READ .' ()UN‘G MEN whg are troubled with GIRARD W. DEVAUGII & (30.. and And all Female Complai 15 Ova: 35, King Street East, 011360 hours from 8 AM to 8 I’. M L IST OF A RTIC LES. Fryrks 800,000 For the cure of t, Lava. and A. SCOTT, Librarian Eif- bills 025. and shes tine raid and ruld 35 " 70 50 " 1M) 15 H 30 4 " l) 4 “ 8 5 " 10 6 " 2 4 In 4 “ G 4 to 8 4 †8 4 ‘ 6 .. 5250 5350 5 250 “ I0 20 “ X00 l5 I 50