Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Dec 1866, p. 3

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Viz: Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Currants, Raisins, Spices, Extracts, Essences, Lemon and 01'- nnge Peels, Oysters, Lobstvers, Sardines, Salmon Trout. Herrings, Butter, Cheese, &c., &c and in H. & NEWYTGN Flannel and Cotton Shirts, Under Shirts, and Pants, Hats and Caps, Socks, Gloves, Col- lars &c, togvther with a very large stock of Fresh but Stock is also Complete, consisting of Cut Nails, Axes and Handles, Buck Saws, Cut- l'ery, Spoons, Locks, Screws, Butts, Powder. Shot. Gun Cups, Horse Cards,.Qur1-y Combs, Brushes, Table Lumps and Chimneys‘ Qil Cans and Lanterns, very cheap, Best Rock Oil Only 40 cts per gallon N returning thanks for the may “bo'l‘fll support he Hus receix'éd since commencing business in Richmond Um, begs to inform the public Hint he has greally incrras 63d his Stock and hué now on hand a "choice afisnrlmml of CONSISTING 0F Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Cassimerps, Fullvd Cloths, Flannels, Blanketsy Dress Goods, Win ‘ceys, Cuttons, Prints, Shawzs, Nubias, Scarf's, Hosiery. Gloves, Dress Buttons, Belt Rib ban» and Clasps, Rlbbons, Flowers, Veils, Hoop Skins &c. ALSO 1 An excellent Assortment of Gentleh‘jen’s Elgin Mills, Dec. 12. 1866. EAR §VAREE Tncluding TalllPS,Cll‘1ll'S. Bedetmxls. Bu‘rvaus, Cuplma'rds, Drpsvlrlg Sinmls. \Vasll §lands, Ste. Sm. AIM) at [urge ns~m lnwnl ol l’mmn Paper, Hardening. \Vhite Lem]. Palms and Colors, Raw and iimlvd Linwetl ()ils. Machinv Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish 'l'ufpvnline, Benzpne. Glass. l‘ulty, G‘lu'ey hm. &c. l’artws Furniélling, Paperiag. 5r Painliug tlmr llollsvs. will do wall to cull hefo-v puychming Pl>ewlwre. Also Flour, Feed, ii’rovision and Grocery Store! " E ' V.» @‘NE‘S '-‘, . H» In v p ' ‘ H“ ' U, I“ f L ‘ ‘11. _ a" 1;“ ‘ "‘ummsu 5-,}: “WWW Vummu “'mwm “un u: 'uunmu “HA-mu E' ‘llmmun '1 w "mu l‘mmauy “W 'U “here he keeps on hum] Flour. h'htn'h‘. Hum. ()nls, Peas, Oatmeal. Corrimeal, Buck whrat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and HARDWAZE-KE and CROCKE‘ERY PEREZ! FHEfiEH FEEQE f3! UizfiStmas and the” New Year. Richmond Hi“. Nox‘exn‘ovr 9, :866. Richmond Eiili Sabinet Establishment JVIOWDAY, the @5572 @eiaéer To which he cordial], invites the attention of his old friends Richmond Hill, September 27. 1866. 69 0 BE SOLD 9n reasonale hams. the fol. lowing )ropelt‘, :â€" VillagLeVProperty Part of Lot No 3!). on 51nd Con. Vaughan, containing 63 acres ; also. VV'ANTED Immediately. a lad about 15 years of age, as an applenlice, to the Priming business. Apply at “ York Herald” sfi'm‘e, Richmond Hi”. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866. At Richmond H_1'll. For partxculars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. EG leave to return theii- sincere thanks rttheirz numerous Friends and Customers, for ’ the very libel-1.1 patronage {they have received since commencng business EGS to announce to his numerous Frirnds that he has survived his immenSe loss by the Kale Fire, and lhat he will THOE. CQGâ€"HLAN And would now direct their attention to a. very large and vyell assorted stock of lowing )ropé'l t}, A nice assorhneni, gnpd and cheap. Ho wnuld also call zillefilion to his LAND FOR SALE. Extraordinary STOCES 0f GOODS! “‘URNETURE! Boy “'an ted Hardware, @raceries, rCiROCKERY, ac. Bought fcr Cash,â€"â€"in the best Murke!s,-â€"â€"Comprising n “a ‘VI' “TI-n " ’ IIu “iuluunm "Mum "almmu "awn For Cash, at Prices that cannot be sur )assed I \‘ U1 v1- tum “‘IIW’ “mum "Immu FfiAND RIB-OPENING ! GROCERIES, In his New Brick Store, on FOR. \VITH AN 69 (J HEAP BOOTS EGS to announce to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity. thiil he has on hand quite a large and wei l assorted Sldck of Lady’s. Gents, Misaes and Boys Books and Shues, suitaine fur the present seas‘un. which will be offered low for cash. Particulars anemion paid to custom Work all its Branches as heretofore. Richmond Hill, 06L 24, ’65 J A MES VERNEY AND 'RUBBERS. ll] In My motto 13 Small Prpfits and Quick Ré’turns RememPer the Plaéeâ€"“Flood 8L Price’s Old Stand. I AM NOT To BE UNDEBSOLD, N t‘eturning thanks to his tnenrls, and the Public for the very liberal sup port he has . enjnytd since commenring business on Richmond Hill, lwgs tn inform them that he has leased the more commmlious and central ftrémlses owned and formerly occupied 537' J. K. Falcunbridgé Esq} and will open Cheap for Cash or Sheri; Credit. amade £50m the fist affléwéer next, 3, ERfiCKEEY, EEEWARE HERMES, PRWISEEE‘ And in fact end‘éavoué (0 make {fig T‘Xiahlishmeni the Mart where everything is to be found mat is usutu kept in a first-class Richmond Hill, Sept. 13, 1866. Factvry Cottons at 6d. per yard. Heavy and fine makes of Factory really superior from 75d to 9d. per yard. Good Dark Yard wide Prints from (jéd per yard. I A Splendid article of Madder prints from 75 per yard: Blue Dennim from 7%Ll. per yard. Colored Rool Linings'from per yard. H; Good Winceys in all colors from 10§d to Iâ€"logd per‘yai‘dl ‘ All Wool French Merinoes in choice colours from 25' (id to 35 9d. Colored Mohair and Cobourg from 10d to 1s 3d. Scarlet All W001 Flannel from 1s 4id to 25 [id per yard. Union Tweed for Boys wear, from 1s 3d to 3s 9d per yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 28 (id to 5s per yard; All Wool Pilot. Cloth from 33 9d per yard. V ’ Fine Union &All wool 6â€"4 Black Mantle Cloth, from 53 to 75 6d per yd, splendid value, with an excellent assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Over and Under Coats, Fancy Flan- nel and Tweed shirts, from 53 Hyach, the largest stock on Richmond Hill of our own manufacture, goodlarge sizes and well made. \Lndies‘ Mexi’s and Children’s Hats 8; Caps 0f the neweststyles in every variety, with the b'e'st general assortment of Dry Goods to be found in the ueighborhood. R ?Rm35$ gTAE. @PECEAL- NQTKCE 3 .V. 37.”: . \fv' HO has now received his FALL STUCK OF GOODD‘ which have hreh ‘ pllf‘ch‘dstâ€"‘d as cheap as any house can do. and shall sell on as small a profit as any olher man can do. The Stock IS well assorted in In Oh] and Young HvFon am! Black Teas,at 2s 6d per Ib.â€"-spl_endid value; superior Moyune and Young liysnn Tea, at 4s per lb.â€"â€"lhe best in this neighbc‘rrhood, with everything in DRY GGG PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS! Pure and Unaduhurated Port. Sherry and Mulaga VVim‘s, Brandies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Tom, Bottled Ale and Porter. Ric'r‘mnnd Hill, Ortuber 5, 1856 The Cheapest Goods StapleSzFamy Goods And is the Largest and most Varied assortment to be found on Bichmond Hi". I quote a few priceé to let the public know. that - GRGCEREESE SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, DICKSON, CRAWFORD 8; SMITH, hnported this Season,â€"â€"the best value Ever shown in {his market. Tdrcnto Seyh‘ii, 1866. D. C. 8:. S; would direct special notice to their stock of &c.. 8L6. He also would intimate that he will In addition have a choice stock of EG respeefluhy to call We attention of the inhabitants of the Cou‘n‘y to their very large and we“ assorted sleek of general flown with the Gauntlet. Competition is the Life of Trade. m 1. u- «a ' ‘ H. 'm “H "Ilw‘ 12‘; 'l‘, ‘lfifin‘n “W “m “m 4m WWW WW1. "1W “ml “:um‘um “mm “‘3 Which, for quahly and‘ lb‘whess‘ (if price, 1‘s second to none. GREATEST BARGAINS 91 King Street East. EORONTO And ewery other Class ofGoods that any body wants. WILLIAM ATKENSQN BLAEK Sings MILLENERY’, With an Fntire new stock of select MAY BE HAD AT AND “mm 70â€"3'n 68 3:11 67â€"tf "MW!"- «lulu!!! LUMBER & Wflfll} BUGHT & SULD, THE LARGEST suf‘for from Nervous Debllify, Prematm‘e Decay of Manhood, &c.,’ supplying at the same time THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Bv one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. The applicant, by paying postage on his letter, will receive a com, free of charge. from the auth )1‘. g ATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Equ, Brooklyn, T. 85 S. BRIGGS’ WHIPS ! ! WHIPS !! WHIPS I I! Yl‘HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ~ ENCE OF AN INVALID. Puhlished for the benefit and as a. K CAU- TION ’J'O YOUNG MEX and others, who Kings 00., N. Y. N returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for their liberal support since he commenced luminess, begs to inform them that he has removed to the Store formerly owned and occupisd by Mr. James .Dick._il1 T0 WAGGDN MAKERS 86 FARMERS. LUMBER YARD 22 Edward St. Toronto. ALLKINDS OF‘ B EN '1' ST UFF Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Ur taken in exchange. "I memo. October 20. 1866 THE CHEAPEST He therafore invites his‘old friends and the iu~ inhabitants of the neighborhood to ca” and in- specthis Stock, feeling confident ha cannol he undorsnld, nor surpassed by any house noth of 'I‘oronlo. All pal-lies ndebtcd to me either by N013 or gook account‘ are requested to pay the same forthwith to Mr . W. H. M53198.Rklinlondldll who is authorized to grant receipts. Map'e, October 1'2, 1866. N.) Cenemf servant, a smart active Girl, who will make herself-usefulabout a Farm Home. who will find a good home. Apply to A.B. “ Hera-1d Office.”. Richmond Hiil. Oct. 26‘, ’06. Hfififi ESS .' 'ysteysf @ysters. Tim Village of 31317516, ' Che-up Provision Store. Richmoni Hill, Sept: 18. “166. 68 WANTED. ma REBEFT WHY Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces WEE F EE-MEL. JOHN WATERHOUSE, ~. “mum ‘lnuu “Mum “W H" WW5 ‘1" 'GRO'CERIES, HARDWARE. Boiled Linseed Oil, (Blandells and Spence, Hull.) V {aw Linseed Oil, I do do Ma'chine Coal Oi], W; HARRISON’S, 131: Priza Harness Establishment, RICHMOND HILL: Toronto, Oct, 4. 1866‘. Where he will keep aVvory select stock (if Qils! Gilsll 0115!! ! Elephant Oil, Seal Oil,- :y ~' Neatsfoot Oil, 7 , ‘ Fish or Tanner’s Oil; . ,V ‘ With ,the Best and Cheapest Pensylv‘ania & Canadian Rock Oil north of Toronto, from 7d pox'qum‘t or 25 per gallon at William S. Pollocks; late V “E Farm belonging to lhxavEstate of the lake Mr. VVi'liam Sawdnrson, containing.» IUD Acres of Good Farming Land, 9” If which are cleared. There isa large Brink House, Wood Shed. and other conveniences. a good Frame Barn, Smhles. Sheds and Root House. The above farm is And is we}! adapted for 1: Dairy Farm, as i‘ is wz'wred wiih a, never failing stream running across It; _ There 3 Es also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees. Gardan, &c, For further particular-s Apr/1y to: ELIZABETH SANDERSON, Huuoa'vilfp. or 10 ED. SANDERSOfi, Lot 20, 4th Con. Markham, Sept, 17. .1866. FARM EGR SALE. Lot No. XII-1, 3rd Bun. Markham], &c, made to ord-n‘ on the shortest noti‘ce. N.B. All kinds of For Cutters. Buggies. Waggons, &C. also At the WHNES, LngQRs. &c.' At WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Traded for Wopd, or Cash paid. PHCENIX FOUNDRY, Kept constantly on" hand at AND CON SEQUENTLY And an assortment. of IS TO BE FOUND AT i. Grf A_. BARNARD.‘ Richmo'nd Hill. Oct. 47, 1866 ASSORTMENT 0F Wanted, THE 91 Yonge Street, Toronto. ~5m OF EVERY DESCRiP’I‘ION. Imporfltia‘g my_G006s diregf, (fustoifieré Will receive the ffi‘l‘l' ad- To wh3ch In: inyites public attpnlinn. @T‘APLE c vbfifag’é of'the recent fail of prices and reduction in’di‘rfi‘es. 134. King St. East, 'l‘oronto, Sept; 21, 1866. ELGIN MiL’L's‘, Nov. 1', 1866:: I . V ’T 0' R‘ o N To"; EGS to nnnouncg to the iuhsbimnts of the County bf York ar'l‘di‘t‘hosgjn neighborhood of Richmond [11H in particular, that he has addedjo his Etock of n m I (a "' OppOblte umperance at. S‘kir'ltin'g'é', Shawis, Silks, S. Ma SANDERSON; 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market,. . .' .‘ . . ;: ;.'.' ; z: : ."l‘Oanto, COMPRISING Ffénch Merigoes‘ Affo'r'n 63 ‘cénfslp‘ef yérd, ' Cohodrgs‘, T hibets, Lu’stl‘es,‘ Winceys Fanéy DreSSes from $1 50 each; Please remmibér thdt Sander‘é‘on SELLS CHEAP at The Efigin Mills Store mm m WMPS? And of the 564': Material and Vl'orL'mfimhip. All VV‘ork is Vl'nrranlcd to give perfect F‘M‘llffie- tiun, We are couuaufly adding to .ur $106k ofBoolH and Shoes of on manufacture, whit-W will be SOLD" AT THE LOWEST iiossmLE PRICES‘. A gdod dsscftmént of 'i‘xflnks a‘IWa‘ys on hand, EGOTS AND SHOES”; WENTRR GQODS I MEN’S, warms AND EHiLDREN's m m sHéEs READY-MADE- CLOTHING, gm. 'W'nefi or~dering‘p!enée sfé‘tekaéplh of Well or Cisterm TEE ENBELHBLE PENCIL THE MOST ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY ADAP'J‘ED .FOR ALL DEPTHS: I FOR MAIlKlNG LIN EN.FOR SALE AT _ ‘ > ', I . THE “ HERALD ” BOOK: STORE, RICHMONB ‘HtLL'. styles for FALL‘AND WINTER Ween": 3;: 133 dege Street, Two Doors Sou’tfi o‘f Best’s Hotel, Torento, TORONTO, Sopt. 13, 1866. Coboufg, Winceys’, ~ Plaids and Tartarié,‘ ' Cottons, Shawls; Hosiery; A few {nofia Chill-31"? Righti for Sale; NEW GGODS! N9. 1323 Yonge titre“, Hus Just Received a Complete Stock of A complete assortment of the most dasxrable And is prepared to make to other all kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, Silks, Ribbo‘n‘s; Ma’n‘lles, Bonnets, Riffs, Flannels‘, Blankets, and CI’IAIRLES PQIVVELL'L , _ I’utentce‘dlygd frqvpneiofl‘. NEWTON Bnoox,l Consisting of- IS AT" OF Fancy Shirting Canada, Tweed, _) Shawls and Shirtin‘gs.’ Print§; E6RONT& Blankets, Glovgrs; 51-351

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