A’l 5 x1} QOSL AT SCOTTS, RICHMOND HILL Family & Church Bibles (Tarefu' allmnim] given to the repairing of \Vatches alv‘ ClncksA Juweh‘y manufactured and Rc-«uziil‘tn’i.2 'I‘Im attention of 'he Public is imvted to their Stuck, censisting of a great variety of CHOICE AND“ FANCY GOODS Nu. 1|. King Street East. 6 ddors east of Yonge Slmet. Toronto, April 26. 1866, W. VVHARIN 8; CO. Watches, clocks, and Jewelry â€"â€"‘R()M 50w IO!) Cords 01" Green and Dry Jj Beach and Mapleyto be delivered In Tor onto during the winter. Appiy- at‘vlhev‘ Hrirald Ofï¬ce, Richmunddliâ€. (2'9 01' UN“ bes.‘ desrriprion and néWest designs Propelliingi 8:. Hepalling Pencil, ‘Wiih Holder & Knife, AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND IIILL narriéjAug. 24 1866, Torontoj'Aun'Lm, 18664 m‘ad‘é‘ {warden NOTICE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONG-E St, TORONTO HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Customers and Friends for their liberal support during the past nine years, would beg to intimate that he-is prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tibns from the best materials. and after the most fashionable style. He hopes by strict at- tention to business, combined with moderate pnceg to ensure a continuance of their favour. All-orders attended: to promptly; Work warranted, Residence 6 doors= north of Mr; Censbys la‘te stand. Ri'ehmond Hill, June 15L 1566. Suï¬po'rt'Hnma Manufactmes! With ï¬llthe infest improvements, and is also prepared to repair almost every description of Threshing Machines, particularly Halls 0 Oshawa. Having everv descripti'un of Casting that may be required he‘ has eveiy facility fui manufacturing and repairing Steam Engines and every kind of Mill work will lie carefuliy attended to, and tumei’ 'lut with despaich al Ieasonablo prices. LL purues indebted to the undersigned are leqestedouxpa: up immediately to Mr. . Closby. Richm 0nd Hill} - ELEC'I‘RO-PLATED WARE, C‘UTLE M, &c., &c,. (in an extensive scale, and having tried the credit system, he ï¬nds that it is neither advan- tagu'us to himself or! his customers that are wiIling'_tp pay. as he has been obliged to charge abouwhe-third more for his Ploughs thnn’he could aflord to sell for, in order to cover the expenses ofpeddling. cullecting, and bad‘debts : He has now come to the determination to .And reduce the priéo about one-third; say Ploughs that were~501d for $19} ho now oï¬'urs for $13.? ’ He is alsb mahuï¬icturiï¬g extensively SELL run uAsn, AN]! flASHflNLY! Steal 'muuiwna‘rd 'Plnughs ! Wood. SawingMachihes ~ ..:"F.r.0‘m-30 cts, to $6. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND IIILL. ALB UM S IN EVERY VAR] ITY. SCOTT‘S BlCIlMON D LILL. Bmdfd‘rd‘, Bradford Foundry ! The undersigned iS’Il’oW' manufacturing 'ood. Wanted. J, SEGSWORTH, LNPOIH'ERS AND DEALER°‘i Illa/sonic and 0thcr>Elecms AT LOW PRICES, IM’I‘ORTER 0F ‘7, 1.. BUTTERFIEL D. 18662‘ 69 J: HENDERSON;- JAMES VERNEY 5:! 3m HE GRANITE STATE Faint!) Sewing Machine Is now piesentcd to the people of'Canada possessing all the impmvelnents that can be well cul. ï¬ned In a sewing machine. lt will accomplish every desciiptiun ofsewing except hntton holes, lIom an ov’eIcoat down to the finest silks and muslins 'lliis machine sells for only $l5, and is really worth $50, in anyfulnily. Every mechinewarranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years.â€" All machines sold in Canada are Inanulucture at the co-npxmy’s branch manufactorv in Tor- onto. Single h’lnchines; with full printed directions. snnt express free on reevipl ofï¬RlS in a registered letter. Full plintcd directions arrcompam each machine. so plain that achild iwelve 36am of age. can lemn to work one successlull) in a short time. Addiess or call un The Granite State Sewing Machine Company! P. S.â€"- Good agents wanted in everv part 0 the counlrv to whom will paid a salary from Q50 [0 $150 per month, or a large commissiun. 'l‘m‘nLc l0 agems sou. {we 10 llxoso wishing agencies. R, '1“ RUSH & (70., Canada Manufactur- ers. H King: Street East. Toronto. C, W. Home Ufl'lces in in GreatBrxtuih and Canada._ London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and 'X‘uronto. JOS' Gaby, Proprietor. h EAR CHURCH STREET, S preparad to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve sufl'ering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of [how who need it. Consultation free; and-all work warranted. $125.0 PEliMONTH. GLO UC'ESTE I: 110 USE, YONGE STREET, Good Stabling and ‘an‘mtbnlive ho 5 always 11 allendance. For NéWmar];¢t, Aurora, Markhgm and Februaw 5. 1866‘ AGENTS WANTED. DENTISTRY. ; {ichmoud Hill. Riihmond Hiâ€. [March I4L‘h. ' The†Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, G. A}. BARNAERD", Agent ‘IIAVING-Y been appointod' Agent for this Company, one of tha oldest and mos; reh'able English Companies, 1 will be happy to aï¬'ect assuranco against Loss or damage by Fire. upon eva description of Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1 7 2 0. {undnnf Fire Assurance company, \Iurkham, Jan. 4. 1865 With rimmpdjéte payment of all Losses. W. G. C. calls at all the Slows between Toronte and 'Riéhmoud Hill every twolweeks. and supplies Confectionnry of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesalu prices. 0 Toronto, July 20, 1865. GORMLEY a; FERRIS†Licensed Auctioneers: iVVo . G. CASTELL CONFEGTIONARY I Toronto, M arch 231d. 18C6_ 'Junuary 4. 1665, Residenceâ€"â€"Lot 20, rcar 01" 3rd Concession] of Markham: P10.Addressâ€"â€"Buttonvi|1e. Parties requiring Mr. Sauderson’s services can make arrangements at the l'lERALD ofï¬ce. June. 1865‘ EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Counties of York and Peel. First class Stgbling and careful attendanceâ€;- l‘erms moderate. H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. The Commercial Hotel. 95 'King Street East, Toronto, Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. VOR. the Counties of York. Peel and On- ‘ tario. Residence : Lot 8, 6th coucesson Markham. l’osl Ofl‘lceâ€"Uniouville. Sales attended on the shortes! notice' and 1) reasonable terms. 35 1N GREAT VARIETY, AT' SCOTTD‘ LUCHMUND HILL. 1W). 7, Royal Exchange, Cornhill. and .No. 7, Pall Mall, Lomlen. Purses, &c. 8L0. J O H N CA RTE R. LLICENSED AUCTIONEER . ca ADAMS, D- lat-3., Day Books, PUKE'AND UNADULTERATED 363’Y‘onge Street, ,Toronto Nelson Street, Toronto (Late Thomas Comes.) Journals and Ledger's, 11]] sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Books, Wallets, MANUFACTURER 0F FOR THE UNITED 0 l“ 44-ly 41-ly 31 DEACON‘S LINIMENT. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinds 0! sores on Horses and Cmtle. A soothing and astringent applicuion ; and, a9 Iar as an Application can be of any ssrvice, more so’bthing and much more astringent. than smv hiLherto prepared. The majority of case:- ï¬nd speedy relief hv its use. DEACON’S \VOHKIN’G'MAN’S‘FRIEND ‘ OIL HEAL ALI}. An excellent remedy i'ï¬r Rheumatiem, Erysi- nelas, Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chi'blains, Sore Throat. and vinlenrsl’a' s m Back or Side, the eï¬â€™ects at" the Heal A†ithe above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a faw huors. BEACON â€S V‘EGE'T‘A BLE (DOUG H PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. BEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than anv other medmina made. DEACON’S Antibilï¬ons Pills, None bet- terin use. DEACON'S unrivaHed Cough BdlsamJor Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. &c. DI'IACON’S Eruplive Oinamenl for kind ut‘skin diseases-g ,- BIBLE SOCIETY DEHISITMRY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE DEACON’S S'l‘OM/U‘Hic VEGI'I'ABLE BIT‘I‘ERS, As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame, 110119 can be better. RICHMOND HILL, August 10 1865. Act gently ye! eï¬'ectuully; may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time, and even by the most dolicaté female. QEAflflN’S FAMILY MEBIUINES‘ [ AS been appointed agent, for the Countj; of York, for the above valuable Medi- nines. which have been before the Canadian public lor the past seven years. and have given] universal sati<facli0nâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo nials could be glvan if required, shewing (he beneï¬: derived therefrom,) their use for their several virtues. DEACON’S FAMlLY VEGI'I‘ABLE PILLS Brown’s: Corners.. . Thmnhill ........ . Richmond Hill ‘Maplev; ... . _.... . 'Burwick ......... Kleinhurg. . .. ~.;: Nol>leton‘:...............3fith “ Inskey................ .3lSt " Aurora........ 1st " Sutton.....-........... 31! N Where he will attend to any business mining to any branch of his profession] iAur‘ma, June 7,1865. 1‘ 1G. A. BARNARD I ESI’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his Hum 01' visitingche following- places, and al'Lerthis dagg will be (Sundays The safest and best Medicines in 1;;9 in Canada. SURGEON DEINTIB DR. N. J. PEGK, Richmond Hiâ€, Aug. 13. ’66 On Better Time, ,Turomn. a! 4 o’clock, pm. All Parcels or Luggage left at Best’s Bav Horse Howl, Ynnge Streamer at Lemon’s Hole], Nelson .Su'nel, Turoutu. will be delivered with puncla- |li1\' 30d at moderate charges. Huvmg de- Ierluined to run the Stage Richmond Hill In». ' ‘AVING‘purchased the. Richmond- [Jill Line of dingy-a fuum Mr Thomas Cook. 1 will run Um same arom my llun , Rich- mond Hill, to Toronto, smiling at In: fâ€"past 7 o’clock, am). and I'v‘tllv'lllllg will lvnvfl mi) \\'1|i,va:.p.A.~»- u; - m :l\ . and keeping altelnlive and an. ummrd ng Drivers, I trust to merit the palxonage he general pubhc. ROBERT RAYMOND“, Lemon’s Hotel", Nelson Stu DAVID MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Leased the above Hotel and ï¬lled it upin a manner second to none on Yonge St, where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors, &c. This house possusses every acconnnodation Tiavellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can ï¬nd every comfon are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment. STAGE S. Aurora June 1 .865‘ that he has leased the above Hotel, where he willkaep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liqum's, 6L0. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire. those who wish tostay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. Vl‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform the Public GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-“ MITCIIEL HO UsEj AURORA. Photographs for 500$ doz. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain & Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, AT SCO'i‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. WM. R: PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for 60 years proprietor of me Linnaean Nui- .eries. has discovered Polli‘IVE cunEs for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases, Dyspepsia Nervous Debility. Rheu- matism, all Fomale Maladies. and others re- sulting from impurity of the blood. hitherto incurnoie. Explanitory circular, one stamp. Treads on all diseases. ‘20 cents. 58-4 DO LMACE’S HOTEL, CA'I‘ARRH, Bronchitis: Scrof'ula. Liver and Kidney Disuuses, Nature’s Remedials from I’ mus. RICHMOND HILL BEACON’S PrL‘E OJNTMENm rspurners......w-- hill......... ...... 10nd Hill . ck............. Hll'g......;nau...u Z01)...‘5.-.........‘ ll........ ......-.. ...o LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, exceptedfin . .2191 . .‘23rd . .24th . .2611] . .2801 . .23“) . .3flth .3lst . lst of each month business per- Pro prietm- 3m l-tf a]! W ORDERS PHUMPILY EXUE ENG! EWMEWDBRS 1“. \‘ 1X, "3": “hi “ll ‘1‘ -. m ‘Imwl m m “"435“ rm'ï¬ MW: Is entirely new'nnd of the' latest'lnuems. large variety of new Ft: Cnrds.,‘&c just recsivad LARGE AND SMALL; POSTERS, PAMPH LETS AND BOOKS, FAaNC-Y BILLSJ letter-Press Pwrirnti'ng. IIMHEH JflB WHRK Orders for the nm‘ of undermentioued descrip- tion 01’ PM TING EGG-K The? York Herl’d BUSINESS CARDt, ESTABLISHENT. elm Assv’onTMEN-‘I‘bi‘ WM ‘va'prbmptly attended to :5 All'd 'ovoxy other kind 'of cmwmns: BLANK: CHECKS; JOB OEvEAP EAW FORMS, DR’AF‘TS", AND BILL HEADS The RLADY RELU‘N‘ is as «111111191111 its operativu 4 the omnludy iLsclf.1t 15 1110133011“) than the Virus 01 the 111mf <wil‘t 1d (Izaak; op'dumic. \\ i111 this Remedy at hand to uue (111 the ï¬rst svmmx'u'n ‘01 113111 111111 unc 1m 11 :rgnu need suflcr an hour sickness. 11111016111; diseases, instant 1'01in is 1'cq11i1c1l.S11\’1‘1(/‘ (711011151111 IVF LAMMATION OF THU BOWELS, 0110111(‘,l“1’1‘S, 81111’ 1111121" 01’011’, 1)11"1‘1111111 1 may 111011: fatal within 1111 1111111 01 15110, 11'1101; clieclmd by 21 110111311111 1111111111111 1111, LADWAY 15‘ READ) RELIEF3111111 all :11 1110 and i11[111111111 1101 1' 111.11111111‘s, 11110111121 liheluuatisiu, beilx'legi‘u, 1111111111- matim‘bfthe Kidneys, Bladder, 171-1111 1111311111113s,11111111111111111011 of the Womb, {11111, in 11101,:111 diseases fraught with immediate 111111;,11011111‘. (1111911) 1111 a 111111111111111111? c111'ati1 e. Of Diarrhoea,vDysen'try, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Aguo, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Ncui‘ulgia, &c,-â€"()i_1o tea-spoonful in'a glass 01 water will correct all derangements of the stomach, bowels andlivorrandiustuutly stop the most severe pains; Gout Lu;mbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side 01' Buck Limbs 0'1“»;1011‘1'1'3, Spine 01‘ Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, 8:9. ~011e application \"111 (1110111 immediate ease and comfort, and a few 1111105 lubbmg “111100111111th 1110 c1110. , As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTESPASMODIC, COUNTER IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVlNE, ANODYNE, SUDO RIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. AN]? 13 A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0E ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW EEVEE, SMALLâ€"POX AND OTHER PESTILESNCES! RABWï¬vyé‘a ï¬ï¬ï¬‚@v E3 Certiï¬cates of startling cures of the mos‘ t violent and deadly diseases are on 1eeord at DR RADW'AY’S OFFICES 111 the Cities of New York and Montleely, emanating from the highest 11111110111105 1n the “ 01'1d. ’1‘1101'0' 15 not :1 Teen 01‘ City of importaupe (except a few 111 China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES hme cured the sick when all other lemedial agents failed, and this is vouched fo1 by high dignitmies 111 Church and State, both by letters mitten dheet to Dr. liadway, £11111 th10urr11 the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. N. B.-â€"Beware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavmr to persuade you to take some other in place of the Hardwareâ€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of liedway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless 'uix tures at less than half price they are charged for Redway’s, yet charge the public the same urice eur agents sell you liedway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- ieri‘eits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers ; door at that price. In purchasing: Ready :clief, see that there are two signatures of Radway (E: Co. on the labels, and the words R. 1:. R. ï¬ndway (Si; Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will Lheet you whenever he has an opportunity. H}a‘ig4... All Around the Globe. IQ Improved. Steel Eï¬euld-bï¬ai‘éflough SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, O. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY, â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ON E HUNDRED of our Sick 110111 chills, \o1ni'ing headaches, internal pains, die , ($0. One of 0111 SiStClS chad the Rheumatism in 1101 head 1'01 :1, great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfuils of Relief 113W ate1,a11d rubbing i101 head twice with the same medicine, she 1‘» as pc1iuctly c111ed and never felt it since. I aiway s use it f01 dyspepsia and for colds, and 1111111) 1; With succes. It 1s very useful for sele thwats, coughs influenza, diptheiia, &e.1t has a good efl'ect in flatulence o1 wind eholic. I use it 1'01 foul bICflUl and it 111oduces a marvelous efl'cct. In shut it p1oc11res lelief altogethm rc1na1kable to 0111 invalids. Sisters of Mercy at Darchester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Radway‘s Remedies to the sick. n} A Good Carriage Horse fut“ Side cheap. Ric‘unond Hi1], October 26; 1866. They are strongly bu1lt: light, of draft, run steady, and do ï¬rstcluss work, whi(l1 IGHdC!‘ them the most desirable implement for the farmer now in use. In evuieuee of these facts reference may be made to any of those farmers who have tried them and who prencuce them the best kind of’l’longhthey have ever used. The attention of those in want: of Ploug‘hs is invited before purchasing elsewhere, as they are put down at 1110 lowest 1-c« munerative prices. Job Work done toordcr, And all kinds of Plough Points and Landsidcs Kept constantly on hand. PLO-W783 PLGWSQ if?†Sold by Drugg‘ists and Country Merchants HE Subscriber would respectfully unnoucc to the farming community and Others in want of Ploughs, that he is manufacturing avery superior TEEE Wï¬iflmm ma E3 WE??? Agents for the sale of Radway’s Ready Relief, P. CROSBY. hmhnoz (I Hi“, THUS. A LLISON, ‘flcloria’Squ‘are, CHAS. DOAN, Amora Mr. ROWE and Mrs. ROWE, Kinrr |T HAS NO EQUAL N THE MATERIA MEDICA. Eï¬ seized with Rhemmatï¬smg Kinsman» Hagan Mamimi CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! Ema gudï¬em Attacks PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. JGHN BADVVAY, M. D., 6:. 00., SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 57 Maiden Lane. N EW-YORK HENRY HAI‘J} and Gold ............... 3.000 Sets Ladies’ Jewell}â€" Ca .,I(-Vo l’eavl. etc ........ i,000 (wold Pens. SI VlveI lV mansion Holders and Pencils. . . . . . [5 000 (1Ol(l Pens and Gold Moun- ted lloldels.. 5000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion llolIleIs.... . ....... ) 000 Silvel Goblets and DIink- { ing Cups ....... . ....... 13’0““ SilveI ( astms. . ....... l l M. 2.000 Silver FIuit and Cake Baskats................ AGENTSâ€"“'5 want agents in evary regi- ment. and in every town and county in the" r‘uuntry, and those acliug as snc|1willbe,quW-' Md 10 cents on every Ceniï¬cate ordered by" them. provided their remittance amounts to" nne dollar. Agents will collect ‘25 cents for." every Certiï¬cate. and remit 15 cents to us. [I’fVVrite plainly. say only what is neces‘sar‘y" and be prompt. Address, 5,000 Dozen Silve‘r T‘eaâ€"Sp’ohns. 5.000 " _ “ Table Spoons 4:0“ )0 Stone 80! and Signet Rings 2 .50 R (100 ( alifmnin Diamond Ring s. ‘2, .,500 Sets lmdies’ Nmeehyâ€"Jet “mocha: {.000 (Tm-III. Oral and Emerald Brooches...†......... 2,000 Mosaic Jet. lava. and Florentine E aI Drops 1500 (Ma). ()pal and I! meI. Ild Em- D o, Is 1,000 ( ali‘ rui'a Diamond BIeast l’iur o ................... â€I 000 G olds F01) and Vest Watch Ke\s.. ..‘... 1.000 Fob and Ves‘ Ribbon S‘idés l 000 Sam of Solilnim ‘leave But- L000 Gold 'l‘lIinIlIIes, l’uIIciIs.ulc '“(10 Miniature ankms. . . . . . . . [009 Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic SpIiIIg......... I000 Gold '1 ootIIpI'cks, CIw-ses etc.. ...... ...'......... 1,00!) main Gold Ringa. SUU Gents’ Guld Hunting Case \Vanthes .. 300 Lad ss‘fv'uld and Enameled- (VTasn \Vnrlrhns'†. . .. .. . . . (SUO Gem.“ Hunting-Case Sil- ver VVal(the~s.... .... 21m Diamond Rings... . ., . . . . 3.001) Guld Vestand Neck (mains “mm H n .. ‘HH‘O Gold UVnY Hand Rracs‘lols. Hm!) Chasm} Gnld Bravelrh 9,000 (vhnmlaixm (“mains Guard Chains†. . . . . . 1,000 Solitaire and Gold erwhes "(201) Lam and Florunline a mi Juan 5. 1865 v . , - ‘- rm" .von rem-iving one of ihese unvciupes i~ emilied ‘0 the arlicle named therein hv relurning'iho Certiï¬cate in us with one riuiim‘. and Ella article. no matter how vulnabl: it may be. will be for- warded l0 him or hnr at once. There are no B'ank Certiï¬calesnnzi llierofure every one is sure Inger. at lensl. ihe full value of his 01' her money. Should the arm: a named on the cor- iiiirzale nnl snilmny oiiwr which he may sch-ct nf the same valun will be Hibslituled. \Ve see the Cal'liiicules as i'oiimvs: One for 25 (:is., ï¬ve ior "5]. eleven for $2 rhirh' for $5. sixry-(ive for run, one hundred nr 5315. -'l'his distribution amirds a ï¬ne oppor- unily for Agents. as what lady or galltiemall 'viH nor in Vast I'Wiixvi FDIC CHN'IS with u pros- wcL ol' gelling liver hundred orr’aa thousand riinr's us much. All orders must ho addressed 0 us as our old stand No 15 Maiden Lane, \‘elv York. ’l‘lw Entire SIM‘I" of a ial'ge IMP om‘le Hons): I'rrluing from busim'ss. For the purpose of (flubihg out the earliest pomw Huts. decided on a grcmdiplrilm bAfH Ann the stock a. {he undmngnpd have Iiun madu. ‘tbllnws. EVERY AR’J'IL‘I.I'., [\0 mm‘ugu HOW VALUABLE, Bl' [KG SULU FOR $1. A (‘eltiï¬cale of each article with printed upon i1. is plated in an egyehmqï¬auj‘ sealedâ€",flxesa envelopes ave‘rï¬â€™Ã©i‘ï¬ugmy mixed M and sold for 'I'wwty-ï¬w 0sz eachâ€"the per- son rem-Wing one of these unvclupes i~ entitled 4" 1h“ â€â€01“ "awed therein hv returninz'flm mun .. .. . .. _ , its value HIS ASSOCIATION has transfer LIBRARY to the ‘ HERALD ’ Bo whore Stockholders and album may BOOKS every Friday afternoon, fro oluck.1>.1u. .muw. uuu 1;: ma end deslrms borh body and mind. '1 he lrealmelu we adopt is the result of upwards of thirlv ynars Pxpevie‘llrtt! and successful practice In Europe and America. Strangers \‘i~11ilxg 'l‘uronln, who are in need ol'n Medivnl ndvrner. Inving no lune . (0 re- main in lhe city to he cured. can have Medi- cine to take with them. A sal'e and reh'ablo cure guaranteed, Pï¬tiénls li'vmg at n distanee can procure Dr. 1’s mun-divs, sent (sevnrc am] free from obâ€" :nrvation) to any part of' the l’ruvinne. with plain and full directions fur use, by wr ghling, stating 0350,“; mploms dz pmln and lull directions fur use, by stating cam, “ mploms «Vin. All consnlutimls'at the ofï¬ce free but strictly cenlidenliat wr ghling, Agents wanted Lhumylwm 11.0 um! Canadas. “ï¬lth-s, (In-111», N15 01 Jeuvlr)‘ Mir Umcelnls. Fit-mm Bulwns, Silver Spm and Foxks. Cups. (Take Baskr'xs, «Kit; wonh I‘Iig‘hl Hundled '1 hou- suml Holiurs, ' “,7. (IF \VIII'CH ARE TO R14 DR. T. C. CULVER’S MEDIC‘AHLT __DISPENSARY. Way '7, [566 n. mu muu navs ueen U'lr’d m vain. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK Cunks.-Por ï¬phiiis strictln‘es.smninal weakness. [mini in [ha joints, aï¬i‘clions ol' the kidneys. diseases (ui'tho head. lhrnnt, nose and skin. and all Ilmse drwudl'ui affections arising from a secret lmhit ot'yomh, which produces constitutional debilitv, random Inmn'iage inmnssible. and in ma end deslrms horh body and mind. 'ihe Ehrunic and. Secret DikeaseS; / uum: mJLN who are trouh‘ed whh weaknes: genm-aily. caused bj,’ a bad habit in youth. which p'rmiuces constitutional dehHin. you can reh‘ o 1) our remedies, for we have tl'ufllod over ï¬fty thousand ])ati0n(s. and W5 guarantee a peril-ct 01116 in all cases IMPORTANT 10 LA DIES IMPORTANT 'I'O LADIES. Our i’eiiodical drops will bring on the 111milhi) sickness, i11.1il cases of ubsuuctinn 1.0111 am cniise. and af'lei ail othe1 remedies n: the kind have been tried 111 vain Addressâ€"Dr, '1'. C‘ Culver, 139. King St ast, "ï¬n-unto, C W, RICHMOND HILL LIisri-ARY ASSOCIATION. ITOUNG MEN wk}, GIhARD W. DEVAUGH & 00.. No.15 M aidan Lon New Yam 1r";- and Forks 1011S.Sn1ds. ate UNFORTUN ATES READ 3 or 25 (:1s., ï¬ve !or "51. eleven for $2 r 355. sixuy-ï¬ve for $4M, one hundred -'l'his distribution afl‘nrds a ï¬ne oppor- 1' Agents. as what lady or genueman in vust rwrxu â€w; CHN'IS with u pros- gelting liva hundred orr’aa thousand 7 . A .. 011300 hours from 8 A M to 8 P. M And 211] F1 LIST OF ARTICLES. Over 35, King Street East «'3. 00,0100 FGETUNE I uld the arm: a named on the cor- 1 711:5 OHIPI‘ “huh he nmyselvct alun u ill be ~ubslituled. ~\Ve bee * ioHvu/s: BONE]? For the cure of" IATION has transferred their ‘emale Complai "VERYBQRY Ti 3.3-. L 2'4“.“ a mum, who are in need ving no mne‘u) re- ared. can have Medi- A sal'e and rehablo S C 0 TT, Libi-arihn: HERALD ’ Book Store 01.]; you ‘51 EACH en rlr)‘ H irgnl‘in 95“ “ l0 $50 tn $150 20 “ 50 PER DOZFN $10 to $20 20 “100’ fl 50 nay To cur from 410 "Ind Etul Spoons lo 49-Iy 70 100 30 20 l5 15 10 l‘l)