Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Dec 1866, p. 2

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' Division N9. 45 leashg‘I, Qavid Eakin, §9§9mi¢s omen. ' ‘ , ‘ 'vioion No. 5, at Mongolia, Jampa Boyd; lgmies 931w: XLWifinot, sgcondcd by Mr. Bowman, moires tfiat Hie Council do now adjourn sine dlr. ‘ ' ' ' '~ ‘ ' The Election is to be held in Division No 1,5“ Thornhill, Geo Feeiy Returning Oflicer. I Divisiqn N02 at Victoria. Square, John Watson” reyurning ofiicenv Division‘Ng. 3, at. Markham Village, Geo. PHI: Returning Officer. ' A By Law was also passed fixing the places for hoidiug the Elections in the seve- ral Electoral divisions, and for' appointing Returning Officers for the same. The Council passed :71: By Law appointing Unionville the place for holding the Rom. nation. Mr. Robinson, seconded Mr. Wilmot mpves that the Treasurer pay to John Ken drick or behregfhg s'y'n} of? $3_for repairing ridge on the srxth cbneesssion' front of Lot 3626, asideprk being done. In 1865.â€" Carried. Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Fenwiek, moves 1ha§§h§fiulfl.0€‘ $10 be granted to Ioaeph Mapra anindigent person, payable g: the order of Councillor of‘Ward No 2f: arricd. H ‘ Mr. Robinson. geeondeéhy Mr. Fenwick, mqyes that the Treasurer ' do pay to t he Gounty Treasurer of this County the sum of $58 on account of School money {qr 913,0 present yenr.-~,Garrige__ds.’ C " Mr. thjngpq, segondfid by Mr. Fenwick7 moves that die 00 ‘ cil do grant the sum of one dollar per wee to Mrs. Wm Clenden- in: and family, they bemg in destitute cir- qumatances, on account of Clendening hav- ing been sent to [lye Asvlum, said grant pay- able to the order of: quulcjlmpn‘ for Ward No 3.-:Carri§(§_ V Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Willmot, moves that tire, Collectors of Taxes con- "nue the co lection of arrears of Taxes for ‘ is Township for 1866.â€"â€"-Carried. Mr. Robinson seconded by Mr. Bowman, m‘oves‘that theTrensurer pay the following ggrqugGenrlemen the different amounts as certified optIof-the fund arising from the Tax on dogs (or the hotter protection of ISheep, as follows .14: Philip Widemnn . . . . . . . . . . $45 00 Paul Shell . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 Geo Forster . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 55 00 Jacob Homer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 m Gramger . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 00 ohn Hunter . . . . . I. . . . . . . 22 00 16530, Phillips, . . . . . . . . . 5'... 20 00 James Gormley . . . . . . . . . . . 43 00 ['hos Clifl‘ordi . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 75 Jacob StiverL .ZL'. .. . ... 18 00 Thos Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . 27 00 -â€"Carliied* Mr. Robi slon, seconded by My. Fenwick, moves that fie Treasurer pay to Ambrose Pennock the sum of $31, the same being for replacingr the Bridge washed away be- tween lots 10 & 11, 6th Con.â€"-Carried. A. H. Fenwick, seconded by Peter Will- mot, m0ves that the sum $60 be granted by this Council for the filling up of the ends and o‘her ways completing the Bridge on the 5th COn. front of Lot 21, and that Geo. Pringle, Jacob Stiver and Wm Lundy be commissioners to expend the same.â€"Carri- Mr. Willmot, seconded by Mr. Fcnwick, moves that the Tavern License held by Thos Cook, be transferred to Wm H. Rice, Mr. Rice having obtained the Inspectoxs cgrtificate as to qualificationsâ€"Carried. A. H. Fenwick, seconded b James Robinson, moves that the sum 0 $37 be granted for building a bridge between Lots 30 8: 31, in the 8th Con. and that Francis Pike and John Raymer be commissioners to expend the snme.-â€"-Carried. My Willmot, secqqdqd by Mr. Bowman, moves that the sum of $47 be granted to Thos Croley or order’fm- work done on 5th Con. front of lot l9.â€"- Carried. By James Robinson, from Wm Flumer- felt and Joseph Marr, for grant of$150 on Churgb‘ Street, Markham Village. Said petitions were received and read. 341:. Bowmgm, seconded by Mr: Wilmof, fivé'g that yhg sum qf $5 be granted to giach Edtqgr {privqu and final: on 3rd Con, from: of Lpt 32».f0ar1'ied. Mp Wilhqu $99011de by Mr. Bowman, moves that the sum of $6 20 be paid to W. Bvoynpn for work betweph Ipts 30 6; 31 in file 3rd Comâ€"Carried. ' ~ By. James Bowman from Wm Cherry and othei-s, {or grant to two orphan children. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Eghe Council met at Size’s Hotel Unionville, on Saturday the 15th inst. Reeve in the Chair. W To be borne. in mind.â€" Public Meetings of the electors in each Township (under the new Municipal Law) will be held on the last Monday but one in December, (the 24th) to no- minate candidates for the oflices of geeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillyrs I fictive. for the year 1887. Do not neglect to pay your taxes before the 16th gegember: Hum- 11. £9;- Ghristmase-H. 8; A. Newton. Cogl S. Pollock. meBSuâ€"W. H. Myers gplex Elliptic Skirtâ€"J. W. Bradley. damâ€"W. H. Myers. Stmyed Pigsâ€"Gerrard Wiley. Skate Strapsâ€"Wm Harrison. gearing Saleâ€"A Scott RICHMOND HILL, DEC. 21, 1866 Exprou...... Mlil... SUBSCRLUE FOR I The York Herald, $1,00 a gggr 310111101“) HILL'TIME TABLE. Mail Train. . . . . . Expren . . . . . . . .. .. fiorthem R aiiway or Canada, Gil)»: 330th fltrulb. Markham Council. qugéggertnementa. MOVING NORTH. 55 Al. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..’.'...4 56 1?, lovma soul-11. ‘ FETITIONS: -u......... ..-....... $45 15 55 28 22 20 43 26 18 27 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 y.â€" A 9 00 00 OPENING or THE PETROLIA BRANCH G. VI. R_.â€"The Wyoming and Petrolia branch raifréfxd, was openea for trafl‘ip on Monday mornfng: Connections are made with every trajn on the London and Surnia branch, mak~ in; four trainé eacl; way to and‘ frog} Petro- ha daiix. ‘ ” ' ' 03> The letter signed “ Candour” delay. ed ml next week. Judging by the number of persons putt- ing their houses in order, for the approach- ing Municxpal elections throughth the County of York, we are inclined to think that the electors will not be stinged' in choice of candidates; there appears to be any number of pat;iotic individuals ready to serve their country, judging by the lists of names of candidates before the pub lic. In the Township of Vaughan we un- derstand that Mr. Robert J. Arnold, intends offering himself as Reeve, he is opposed by Mr. Grahame ; both are good men, but as Mr. Arnoldhas served the Township as Reeve in former years, we are inclined: to think the odds are in his favour; this of course is simply our opinion, we do not imagine that the free and independent el- ectors of any of the Townships in the Coun- ty of York will be influenced by any other considerations, in making their selections, than those that are calculated to promote the best interests of the Municipalities in which they are called upon to exercise the elective franchise. In Markham, we hear that Mr. Archibal d Barker, Mr. John Bow! man and Mr. H. P. Crosby, are :candidates for the Reeve ship, Mr. Barker has large experience as a public man, and is widelyjand favourajtglydrnown,Messrs Bowman and Cros- by are younger men, and no. doubt would serve the public to the best of their ability, as we said before, in regard. to Vaughan, the el_ ectprs will be the Des; judges, and we have no doubt but they will make a good selection. 0:} Buy your Skate Straps at Wm. H. Harrismx's Harness Establishment. When we first heard the subject of the lecture, we soliloquised that itV was, and the lecture would be a “ dry one,” but the Rev. gentleman possesses one requisite qualification of; successful lecturer, that of riviting,‘ or we may say mononolising the attention of his audience. We were highly gratified in 'being favoured with a lecture so replete ygith information and; so suggestive of thought,but when we consider the smallness of the audience, we think that the public do not appreciate, [as they should, the praise worthy efforts of the officers and member; of the Institute in endeavouring to provide the same for their benefit. Moved by Amos. Wright M. P. P. seconded by Mr. Porter that the thanks of the audience be tendered to the Rev. Mr. Bredin for hip kindness in complying with the request of the committ-ee.â€" Carried. 1 the Institute, filled the chair. The lecturer 09 being introduced,proceed, to his subject, which he handled in ’piagteriy mvanner, dis_ p lpying g comprehenfive knowledge ofthe matter under consideration, and a. mind capable of diving for additional knowledge in the depths of thought». we dare not trust ourselves to give even on epitome of the lecture, snflice it however to say that in ‘our opinion’ those who failed to be present on the occasion, missed an intellectual treat, which rarely pregents itself for their enjoyment. ' I “Our opiniOns, where do we get them, and what we do with them,” formed the subject ofd very able and interesting lect‘ure, delivered by the Rev. Mr. Bredin last Tuesday evening, in connection with the Mechanics’ Institute in this village. In the absence of the president, Amos .‘Vright M. P. P., A. Law Esq., vice president of The Globe raises the objection to Mr. George Duggan on the score that “it would be downright murder / to add the onerous duties of a B ank liquidator ” to that of a budge. We will also add that it would be cruelty tojanimals to impose the same hurthen upon the Hon. George Brown, Whose name also appears as a candidate for the vacancy,â€"for, while we are willing to admit that he is a second Goliah, we feel that all his energies are required to re- gulate the affairs of‘ state, now that he is left out in the cold,â€"and his own finances are such as to absorb his talents in that line. Let us have Mr. McMaster by all meansâ€"J he is a retired merchant, and has the time to spare, and does not run so great a risk of inflicting upon the public so sad a ca tastrophgias the Globe anticipates in the case. of Mr. Duggan being selected. â€"as a man of large commercial experience, and independent position, we {feel confi- dent that his appointment would give the most general satisfaction. There agpears to be- a screw 19053, {page where in regard to the Assignment, or Mr. Street, who is a. wealthy man, and deeply interested in theLafl'uirs of the Bank, would not decline to act ;~there is some 1513‘s:- tery connected with the affairs of this Bank which the public do not understand. The Telegraph of Toronto has mused tanx public in regard to itgapast mismanagement; and now that, we see Mr. Street declining to assist in winding up the affairs of the Bank, we hOpe that the Hon. W.McMaster will be induced to accept the vacant ‘nssigneeship, The Bank ofUpper Canada.- Fram the pafly Telegraph. 'Eofiowo, FRIDAY EV’NG. Dec. 14. “ We uhderstand that Mr. T. U. Street “has declined to accept the trust under the deed of assignment, and the names of several persons are mentioned as likely to succeed him. Mr. Recorder Dug'gan, Hon. Wih. McMuster, Mr. Brown and Mr. Blakie are in the field.” Municipal Electlogs. LECTURE. Llon am}; so we consider We think Me, [as they Parents and all others who take an in- terest in the cause of education are invited to attend the examinations going on to day in the Common School. That for Miss. Oates’ department takes place from 9 till noon;â€"in Mr. Porter’s department, from litill p.‘ m, In our next issue we purpose giving the judgment; of tho Court of Enquiry, relative to the charges made against Brigadg Major .1. S. Dennis, as. {othe par? he took when the Fenians invaded our country, i1} gum; last. It is lengthy, but’ @511 our readers will he, most anxious to hear what has been done ghe premis‘csd wg shall give the document in full. We gre desirous to act justly towards the Brigade Major, and give him the full benefit arising out of the decision of the court, V i Dr. Workmanthe eminent physician and superintendent. of the Lunatic Asylum whose knowledge and experience is deserving of serious consideration, asserts that “ if there was more honest, hearty laughter, and less scowlin‘:r at it, our Asylum would not be so full.” Having great faith in the Doctor, we recommend our readers to go and hear Qool Burgess’ Ethiopian Minstrels, on Monday evening nextY at Dolnmgie’s Hull ; if there is laughter in them Cool will bring it put. liurgess and Gardner’s band has a Provincial reputation, and has performed before the elféle of Calla/lit. ' We hope that the patropzmg which our friends will receive will be equal“ to the zeal they areldisplaying in getting up the entertainment, land from what we know of the arrangement, already made by the com- mittee, we think oursélves safe in guaran- teeing a. golod’recention. For further par. ticulars see handbill. ‘ For years we have been lav'ored will}, “ Soirees, Tea Meetings, Demonstrations ’ : &c., but this time we see by the “ hendhill?’ ‘ we are to have a Festival, a. name very ap- propriate and one used to designate special seasons ofjoy from time imemorial. But we have not only q Gnarly“ of nzir'ne bnt are to haven change of diet; farts,‘ cgkes «fie, will for the time 'occupjtY merely a secqndary position, whilst the calming of geese, the‘ desectinn of ini‘lgey’s, [the disxmxexqbprment of fowls, and the demolition of hams lwill be the order ol’the'ev'enin r. adlli’iion t0 theses solid inducements totaltend tlie festi- val, we are informed that in order $0 suit the epicurianmtn‘ste of those who choose to regnle themsel'y'es with the delicacy; oyster soup will be Bronght in requisition. In summing up ihe “bill of fare” 'we may mention the; the deserp will be oratorieal. The Rev Meser Shaw, Calling mil others are expected to the inlellegtnql celerers for the occasion. ' ‘ ' ' qunqn School Examination, The neat and commodious dwelling ereetA ed by the Circuit, us a residence of its Sup- erintendant, is certainly an ornament to the village, and we heartily wish our energetic Wesleyan friends every succes>z in their en- deavors‘to m Ike any “incubus” which may lay upon it “ grow beautifully less 7’ until it disappears altogether. We are pleased to learn 111 t our Metho- dist fliends in this Village have resolved to dcvpgc qng 0f the Christmas holidaysI LQ a lzl‘bstivlfl” the proceeds of which aré in- texlded to aid in the lequidation of the debt on their parsonage. The small sum asked as the price of ad- mission from those who are requested to pat ronize the Concert sinlrs into insignificance when compared with the persevering labors of the ofiicers and Teachers throughout the year, and their extra exertions on Anniver- sary occasions. Their Concerts have been good in the past and we believe the one in contemplation will be equally so, if not more successful. The proceeds are to be devoted to the purchase of additional books for the use of the scholars, and those who contribute by their attendance to the a- mount, aid in building up a. popular “ Cir- culating library ” which finds its way to al- most every house in our Village. Next Friday evening, Dec. 28, at 7 o’clock, the Children in connection with the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School, intend giving a conceit in the Wesleyan Methodist Church. Several excellent selections. from the Warbler, the Harp and Sabbath School Bell, will be sung, interspersed with a suffi- cient number of Dialogues, Recitations &c., to make a. pleasing variety, and render the whole entertaining and successful. The admission fee will be twenty cents. We hope the public will show their appreciation of the efl'ox ts put forth by the Teachers, to train the children for the entertaininch by a. large attendance. Brigaqe Major J: S. Denniga 'f'lpough lire¢ettention of Mr Wright, the faithde representative in Parliament for East York,we arelin a pesition to state that the County Treasurer of York has already remitted $16,500 to the Receiver General to retire Debentures, after hav- ing mer a liberal expenditure for repairs on the Roads This looks well, and pro- mises to be highly satisfactory, It is to be hoped that the Counties Council will take steps to have a fund, arising out of the proceeds of these roads, to keep those that are already establishment in a good state of rfilmir, and to improve other highways through the Countyâ€"We shall not advocate the diversion ofany of the surplus funds, which are certain to arise from this source, 310 any other purpose IhanIthat ol improving our roads-«Va hope our public men will join us in this View of the, case, Cool Burgess is owning. gabbath School Sqqeert. The York Roads Pay! The Festival. The youth of London light their cigar with a, new invention called poudre dejeu lt conmsts of pyrophorus, which is preserv ed in a small tin case, with a narrow orifice. When a small quantity of this dark powder igpoured out on the end of a cigar, and breathed on gently, it becomes incandescent, (ind lights the pipe or cigar. ‘ Hannow EsoAz’ErYestesday afternoon while Mason, the famous detective}, was passing up Yonge street, in a. hhggy, company with a friend, the latter, whos’e ac- tions at the tilge betokenesl too great hilar- ity, droye the pair on a curb stone at thfi side pf the roari, upsetting both and throw- ing then}: lxqavily, but without inflicting imich injury on either. The horse imme- diuteiy took to his heels, but was captured after inflicting sundry damages on the bug- g.,r,.-â€" Globe. Sir,â€"Interested as I am in the welfare of the yqung‘ men of my native place, I write this brief article to yo’u, so as to give them the resu t of my observation and experience in this city. It is now about ayear smce I left ll‘oronto; when I arrived here, I met two of my old friends looking forsituations. and they'are now working for at here susten- ance. I have been rflther fortunate .from the fact of having :thqgiintjanees who inter- ested themselves in my behalf: I; is curious to witness the sight that presents itselt'nt an oflice or store, when hpplieztntsere answer- ing an advertisement for a vaeant sifneition. ‘ For every advertisement of this kim there are a hundred applicmlts- of course only one, can fill the vacancy, ' by, it Q fact that young men, are at the newspaper emcee at four o’clock in the morning, to secure e. co- py of the daily issne, so as, to he informed where to'apply for work. N 'r-h’e war being ‘ over, thousands are thrown out of employ- ment, and from every State in the bnion, young men come diireetly to thie city; a. common remark among the most observing of this metropolis ‘75 did you ever see so nan; I. lit of employmem ‘gi’ Never has there been a time when the city I; been in sgch a state. There are many here to-day who are heartily :sorry they ever left their genitou- e'ule homes, "and 0311118130 this city. The ex penses of living are very highâ€"a from ten to twenty dollars per week, for aay kind 0f re- siiectnbfile brourdxand. everything in Proper. tion. ’ ‘ ' The defence setup was that there; was rent in array, and the evidence went to show justificzmpnâ€"also that 1.11:9 property was of 1855 value than that put upqu by plaintifl’. Verdict for plaintiff. ‘ The Court then adjourned. THE UNEMPLOYED OF NEW YORK. The plzfintii’f's ground of aotign was that the property was merchantable and was on the premises in the usual course ofn'ude and not liable for the rent. Plaintiff proved the {érdperty gm! yuflqe, gm! the conversion by defendant. ‘ I I t ere’s) saw mill, when the property in fuel belonged to plaintiff; Defendant Matiorc had leased the mill to Issue Harrison, who in turn had ranged] it to Miller 5; John- stun. " Before Hon. HarriSUn, IIUKTELLYS.MIEBE. This was an action brought by Dr. Hunter of Newmzuket, against Martin Paul Metiere and James Stokes7 to recon-r the value ot‘n quantity of saw logs and lumbgr seized and sold by defendants under n distress warrant fm- rent, as the property of Mnssm. Miller & Johnson, who ran the defendant (Maâ€" Action on a promissory note for $90. De- fendant denied the makng ot'the note which was produced and proved. Defendant’s counsel objected that the note was uncer- tain as the time for payment, as it read thus:â€"â€"-“'l‘welve months after date” ‘60. Also that the note was dated Jannary 2, 1865,:1m1had no stamp, Leave was re- served on the objections. and the merits of the defence were gone into, which consisted 'of a set off in the way of a. horse delivered to, plaintitf by defendant in satisfaction of the note: Verdict for plaintiff; damages $107 53. Mr. John Bell, Q.C., for plaintifl‘; Mr. D McMichael tor defendant. One witness proved the assay}; while several others who were preserit in the 3,911,001 at the time the assault is alleged to, ll‘ayc‘ taken. place, proved the reverse. ’ K. McKenzie, (2.0., for appellggtl; B. Read, Q.C, for respondent. " ' ” Mr. McKenzie then moved to quash the conviction, with c.0$.ts:' The conviction was aubpgqu‘en‘t‘ly quash-ed with costs. ‘ . 1 ~ COURT. This Court met against yesterday. John Boyd,Esq., Junior Judge, in the abence of Hon S. R. Harrison, through illness, presided, with Mr. James, J. P., as associate. PECK vs. NOBLE. This was {1:11 appeal case, brought by Mr. Peck, a school teacher from the village of Maple, against the decision of William D.e‘.f- lin, Esq., who had fined him $52 for kicking and otherwise ill-nsinror a daughter of Mr. Noble’s, who was his scholar." ' ' The j-ury rendered as thei_r thrdjctrAp pellant not guilty of the assault. We copy from the Globe of Saturday. Dec. 15, a trial ofgen appeal froma convic: tion, in which Mr. L. B. Peck, school Teacher at the village of Maple, has man- fully vindicated the rights of School Teachers in a way that should be a lesson to Magistrates entertaining complaints for correcting children in school. By the fol- lowing extract our readers will perceive that W. Devlin.J.-P fined Mr Peck $2, on a. cht‘rge of kicking one of the children under his charge,-â€"â€"it will be seen that the jury did not believe that Mr. Peck kicked the child, and; we_have reason to lineyv that the jury were correct in coming to that conclusion. Parents will do well to bear in mind the expensiVe lesson which [Mia Noble, has been taught, hy attempting to persecute a Shool Teachervfor simply dis- charging his duty, by correcting his child. From our knowledge of Mr. Peck, We are quite satisfied he would not kick a. child, and the cvidcncepvith one exceptionmroved that he did not. Rights of School Teachexgs viq; @ipated. Before John Boyd, Esq., Junio‘pJudge. WALKER vs. GERMAN. Glogg Correspondent. Moxmv, Dec. 17. SAIURDA Y, Deg“ 1i5 Please onclosq an envelope addressedons yourself. A Clergvman. while residing in South Am~ ei'ica as a missionary. dirCOVeH'd asafe and simple remedy for thg CIEI‘B of Nervous Weak- fleas. Early Decay. Diseases 01' (he Urinary and Siminal Orgahys, find the whole train of diso“dars brought oi)" by bnuefui and vir-ioug habits. Great numlgers huvq been cured bx: this noble remady, Prompted by a desire in henefitthe afflicted and unfortunate, lwii send the recipe for preparing and using, thig medicine. in a sealed BllYeinpe. to guy at who needs it, Fret; uf-Clgm-gc. Railway’s ready Jeliefis an anti spasmo- dic ‘rli )szlcienr :uuulyripz cgpnter-irritant, dilTnsive stimulant, and the begt tonic in the world. Its application exteriiully. and a teaspoonfnl taken in a glasé of water inter- ally, will, in g1 fpw moments, allay all pain. Every family shopld keep it in the houseâ€" gt can be gged the moment you are seized with SiCkné§STln a few hours fever and disease will be exterminglzéd. ' Vase frzmscrihed from Dr. Rndway’s “Case Book." James W. Mnrant, Illh Avenue, Neih‘ York: Had worked in the ‘qas-works. Was seized in the night, with terrible spasms in the bowelsâ€"pain agoniz- ing. Wife had part of‘a home of Radway’s Hemiy Reliei'in Lhe house. having used the preparation for nervous headache. At his wife’s‘ request took a dose of it. diluted with water. Rain and spammerhc action stopped in ten minutes. Skin became moist, and soon after drooped into a dose. Took another dose in the night and awoke in the. iimrniug quite well. Believes that he could not have lived if the spasms ha'd nor been promptly subdued. ' Potatoes Hay (on .. Straw do .. Hunter W H) . Eggs rloz . Applas brl “'ool. .... ,_ Hogs........ Flour hrl.... .... . Fa” W'heat ~79 bushel Ewing \Vheat do Bariev do l’oaae do Oats do By the Rev. Mr. Bredin,. in Richmond Hill on the 18th inst, Mr. Samuel Shor- dbwu of King, and Miss Lucy thmberlain of Vfiuglihn. ' ‘ ‘ ersgm Auntiuneer‘ ani’i’, 1130.28.“ Stock &c., on La)‘ Kinz, the proper! an 1,1 am. Ed.E STnA'mnoY, Dec. 19. We learn by toiegraph from Strmhrny that a fire occurred there yesterday morning between 2 alnd 4o’clock, which destroyed the following buildings :â€"â€"Hili’s cabinet shop, Hardy’s; gunsmith shop, VHI‘IOIIS butcher shops, and Smith’s cabinet shop. all on Frank street. It originated in Smith’s store, but by what means is unknown. N0 insuranceâ€"Loss not estimated. Tm‘nspn’, Dec. 27.â€"-Credit:Sale nf‘ Fn'm Stock 350., on Lot No. 22. 3rd Con. Markham, the property of Mr. Thomas Clifford, Sale at 12 o’clock. Ed. Saud- HINTS '1“) MAKE Hem: Hi\rrx:..â€"+(Bgl 20 man who married late.) Endeavour ever morning to get out of bed on the wrong side. Alwuy ring for your hot water with n vehemenee of one who thinks his house is on firede scold the servant, through they ‘door for he; tardiness inbrmging it. Never aget your breakfast without grumbling that “the eggs are always boiled too much ‘or else not half enough; and that by no chance can you. erer get a glfeCent cup of colfee. Except for purposes of die t, or else to make isugreg .lxle remark. don't. open your mouth until tr meal is finished. If your wife attempts), a. little clwerful conver- sation, stop it by i} grunt: and eat, with the Times newspaper propped up before y our plate, as it him; tlxfla‘t you don’t want. her to bother you by talking. Never positively tell her whether you’ll be, home to dinner; and: be careful on the days'ivhwén you are certain you’ll dine out, to exprepje yourself so that she will be sure to \ruit an hour for you . When you quit the house, leave :1 last word with the servant. as opposile as pos sible to what you told your wife, so ai still more to prevent her knowing what to do, and give you further chances of coni- pl aint at her not doing It. Qt go nee, he sure when you go out to hang Ute ‘ 9;. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT §TRATIIOY Tm: GREAT EASTERmâ€"The directors of the Great Erig‘ter'n steamship have chartered her to a Frenchcompany for twelye months, with the option of the renewal of the char ter. In the French service the big ship will be employed, in bringing passengers from New York to Brest. To fit him for this traffic the Great Eastern will he placed; on a gridiron at Liverpool in January. and tho- rotighly overhauled. It is said that the ex- pense will nbt be less. than £00,000, grid that Messrs. Foster & 06., of the Vauxhall Foundryy have conlraCted t9: have. {he whole wmk done and the vessel nearly for'seu in LR; wveks. The chnrter-money is_ understood to be £100,000 and‘ i'r-l‘OJOQO, 115).; been de- os‘ited‘ on u‘cc‘o/un‘fii ’ ' Lzyem’oon, Dec. 10,â€"The Manchester Examiner believes a mhjm‘ity of the people are in favour ofa n amicable adqu‘tgegg of the Alabama claims, and. I'm-glass an early settlement of them. ' The Fench steamer Pereire, Captain Duchese has achieved the quickest passage on record, nine days: from Havre to New York. She wasgbu‘i‘ltb by Mess‘rs, Napier & Sons of Glasgow. ' The Times, in a lead-gr, shecplatea on film possibility of the earth spmp day running against amass of' metéb‘rs; large enough to do the globe some mischief. LONDON, Deg. 10.â€"â€"’l‘he precautionary measurers of the British, Government have been‘so well taken that the chances of Fenian success, or even of z} serious rising in Ireland look hopeless. I THE beh¢fa_ctim;s of Mr. George Peabody amount to over £600,000. Queen was an earnest observer of the meteoric shower from Windsor Gastle. '1:th Paris Exhibition will be formally opened on the 1st of April. A LIFE SAVED IN’ THE NIG A Card to Invalids. TORONTO M A RK E'I‘S. Address. JQSEPH T. l_NMAfi, D‘ec. '28.~â€"Auction 8310 of Farm &c., on Lnt No. 3 rear ()f'2m1 Con. the propertv of' Mr. Jaw Ness. Sale mm. Ed. Sanderson Auctioneo" Auction Sales {gig-nos D. Bxpu H6915“ 1_Vcw- 1’01]; cily. MA 3111151). _ ...... $6 Turnntg, ‘30 )1} HT. In Salmon 'l‘mul and \\ hirc Fish. h_\' (ha ha! hnrrvl or pound: also (3:; fish and H (suing:~ will be sold a}. lhn Icwes: 'l'm'nnm m'icas. Inna SETS F 3KReT§ HMS Ormr‘nâ€"No 4, Bxit' 11 America Tnsnrnnr‘e Buildinzs, corner ofm‘urch & Cou 't Str'N-m Toronto. Nov. 28, 1866. 26 Richmond lliil; Nov Barr’gstcr nnh autumn) aHl‘mn SOLICITOR IN CIIA‘RCERY, (h: Patterson, Dec. 14, 1966 The owner is requestml to prove property pay expenses and MM: him away. G E RR A RD WILEE. Rev. Mr: Bredin thjvot. ‘ Our opinions. where“. \vievggt‘ them, and what we gin with thmn.’ Tim desiring to become mom‘hors of the assucialirm am requosod- 10 soome their tickets px'Pvions tn the Leoture. from Hm Secrcmry Mr, A. Mcngh, or (he Trea- qtu‘Cer. ’uuht. Ha“. “ ‘ MKMF} info the, promié'r‘s of the subscr‘? J at Pattersnn, in ()mnhor last, A WIIITE PIG. W‘HE eight lecfnre in connection with the almve society will he givnn noxt‘ Tuna- day evening at half-past 7 o’clock, at the Temperance Hall, by the Rev. Mr. Brec’iin Until the First of Jam} my, 1 867. Any part Buying Ckaaned and Altered 10 lbs la1est style. Stampjpg and Machine Embroidery dune. Best Canadian Refined Oil at 23‘ per Ea] Best Pensylmnia Rock Oil at 23 Gd per gal not surpassed, at W. S. Pollock’s, Iatp Will be presented with a pair of Ladies LACE BOOTS Gent’s, Hats cleaned and Dyed 'ljwo doors north of G. A, Jim-Hands Store. Richmond Hill, Nov, 91866 23 EN consequence of having sf’ruck Oil, 01' something Plse in B'Inrkhznn, we ran now supply the pubhc with :1. Pure Good G. A. BARNARD Richmnna Hi1]. Doc. 1‘2. 1866. 333% Wwa'm BMW and Sims MANTlE and DRESS MAKERS. Great Reduction in Coal Oil! GRAN l) G 1 FT LE W. H. MYEB’S. Burning [J CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! Bonnets, Fe] I. & Straw Hats UST I-enpived, at Wm 2p 91:511.! 101 c-f reaby 5mm aumrtmrmmm NOW IS THE TIME TO GET HARNESS; FETAFEESHMHS’E‘, Aémisfion :0 non m'W farm: 5 mnfn. A. VI-cBet‘h. Secretary. LECTURE. Eficchmlics Ensfi‘mte. RICHARD G'RI‘LHAMEI MisSes & A. Routfidgag STRAYEE 3 For your Families Richmond Hill, Afr H A RRWON‘R G. A. BARNARD’S l at Is 36 per GaL fies, IHin 0F S. l’uHock’s, a TORONTO GI) Corner of King & Yonge Streetsa MGNEY T6 EGAN TORONTO. Zovemher 9. 19516:, HOANY. nnt over 8 years of age, apply at. A (hie ()l'fi/te. ’ Richmond HUI,NOV.15, "66, Ladies’ Bonnets 8: Hats In the IMF-s! style. and on the siylrl e:' noticq Richmeml Hiil L‘iuv. 2'4} ’66 “"ilh ‘Im most extvnuive Stock Straw & 17th Hats, gm Hafiz. Ladios’ Hanna‘s, enflm‘i, Ribbons, Flowers, Velvofs, ' Vails. &c. &c. Saturday Morning, the 213’6 inst Mi RES. VW7. New Millinery Shaw Baum E G. A. Barn 3111’s. Richman Hill. Nuv. L‘b‘. 1866. 26-4‘ and (IlliMré-n’s Indie newest and must fmhinnnb'ln Mylar veW‘ cheap. l’leas‘o call and inspact them.â€" Lute November ‘38. 18436 W “122: .f' 2:5; LAMP; & CLOTH gngPsg Compnising a comfnrlahla DweHing Hnnsq with the uncessarv Um-hmMingu. and FOUR. ACRES (IV LAND vim-Indng a good Orchard and Cmdnn, There is 31:0 21 good 1-7 A u. ACRES (’3’ LAND ~im'lndi Orchard nml Cmdnn, 'l‘herei Well of Walvr on {he prmnisvs‘ For fnrlhnr pnr'icnlnrs applyto Hichmnnd UN. Jr to { To enjoy the f‘ollmw'imr inoslimahle advan- fiagas in ("rinnlinm viy. : Superior q-mlitv. per- rfem‘ mm ufmrlnm, sivllsh shape and finish, flax-~ fihilih‘. durabilin', (-mnfnrt and reunnmy. cu {quirg fur lhngHm’x Dup PX Elliptic. or Dou~ I 13'" Sprung; Skin, and be sure you get the gang ! nine urligle. O LE\SE. for a term of yr‘nr; tho-m. . oumnmdinus premth lmlnnglngy‘w {liq lam Mr. Thomas Kicllm'dsun, In the ' Wanted to Purchase. A DESIRABLE NJ}. Deeds, i‘Jngngr-s. \Vills, Bands. &c. Kw. drawn “MI nemnvs: and de>pé21€h.â€" M. '1‘. continues :0 art as lenloN' Coim'r Aunvr. Fen-s mmlcrule. Rirhnmnd Hi”, Nov, 52%. 15:66. 96 . I . 7 Can ['0 pmcu ML m sums lo snlt horrowara‘, nu Lamb-(I umuriy , 'l‘cuns maxdu known on‘ persunul nppliunlinn [0 2 ' Lia LANDICD smUlu‘rsg. '7 i” TUE Undnrsignm is authorizegbto stints 1112:}, For Sale hi :y'l skirts are; snui‘ (in and elsqwb Manufactured by ('nq, Solo Owners of the1 patent. ' . r ' ' " V/VI lirndle-y’s Duplex Elliptic Maul Springs.” mun: [he \V-‘l’sflh'i“ll-«410118 nllwrs are grilliihn. Also Notion IllHI eva llmup Wlll nrlmit a pin hepo pasmd thrnngh the C(rnll‘o. thus rjq'g‘rnl: iug the I“ o (nr (llruhlu) sprvnge hmvdvd iog’mh: (31' lh'él'oin, which is the 51*ch (-l' Ilmir Flexibil-fl Hy and slwugih, mm :1 cumbiumion not to be. found in unv ollwr Skill. CAVE“)? 757:9. guargl ha nm‘licujnr to NU'I‘ICE t " [)Ill)lf-K"»!!H’._YH the MI in The Duplex Elliptic is n grea! Favorite with all la-difis and is nniversaHy rvccomnrmlded h\' the l“nshiunah!efi Magvzinu, as the Standard Skin of [he FeshinnabIe \Vorld. ( 'l'lin \Vu‘lderl‘ul Flexilrlrly and grant comma and pleasure to any lad y \l'eailng llia Duplex Elipiic Skirt will be axpsrlenced particularly, in all m‘mvrlud Asmmh in“, (hm-as, Railroad; jars, Church l’ows, Arm Chairs, for l’romPn. ado and Hme dre‘s. as the skirt can be folded. when in use to occupy :1 small place as easjlp, and cunveuisntlv as :1 Silk nr Muslin Dress, all A Lady lmvrng anjnyod the pleasure, rom- l'm't and (mime-nian «If wnnr-ngthe Duplex Elnptic Smel Spring Skirt. l'nr a single day. will never afterwards willingly dispense \Vltll lhelrnse. For Children. Misses and Young, Ladies my fire :gnneriur to all others. They will not bend m-hraak like the Singlq Spring. but will ]))f?.'~'€rV8 tlmlr perfect 3mg grnltel'nl shape when three or four ordilmrv Skill-s will ll_:1vo lmon thrown aside as useless, 'l'hq llgpps art; cnvm‘ell will) llonlvlu 8L Twist; ed Thx‘oml. and the Bolton: les are not onlv douhla Swings, lml twice (or dnnb e) cow-rod preventing 1mm from wearing out when drnga ging down Stoops, gggirs. nvalnnhln quality in crinoliné. not found in. am‘ cinng Spring Skirt, HARNESS LATEST FASI’HONb DEMAND J. W. BfiADLEY’S CELEBRATED PATENT Duplex Elliptic On Improved Real Estate, PP!Y to Mr. WARMOIL, of Yug-~ KOUGHNKT & VVAHMOLL. Barr-stars, &'c. MYER’S BEAT IN CANADA. Viilagr of Richmond iii“! 0 LE \SE. for AND qu' Acres of Land, WVSI‘S', FRKDLEY & CA RY‘, 97 (Ihmnhers & 8i Reade 815.. N. Y CHARLES BA'FIRH‘K, Lo! 4?. rvar of (:41 Con. Vaughan Trimmed and Altered M. "‘ 31A."(‘K has just receEvsd a assml'nenl oI' Lndies’, Missos' w: L OI‘F "Flt (rm nmmm: 81’!“ng a NU'I'ICE that skirts ofl'ered as gm the rul ink stamp. viz.I " J. Duplex i‘lllimin Maul Springs.” haml-«Imne mlwrs are gr-nuinm 'Ijg gum-g! again“ immsi‘ion :x'l N‘prnq (if! uughuut SILVER @A-NNoT B Notary l’myfic. Aynt. 61c, EH. RWY ERXS, RESIDENCE \szgu-n Fire‘t Class_ the: United States 1’. CROSBY. 26.

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