A YEARLING HEH-‘ER: (VAME into the premises of the J on Lot 3|, 4th concession about the lst July last. The nwnar is requested to prove property ’charges and take her awa’y. J. GORMLEY. Mavrkha‘m. ‘Ngy. 20111 1866. FERE Y E; 799 which he cordially in‘vitcs the attention of hi): Richmond Hill, September 27. 1866. Q311- Slaqk also Complete, czmsisrin: of Cut. Nails, ‘Xxos :1an Hamlin “BURKSW/QO ,L», Imcks. Surmvs, Butts, Powder" Shut. Hun (7' 'ys‘ “(mic ('r: Brus , Table Lamps and Chinmvys. 01! Guns and Innis very an ' only 40 cts pur gullun Elggï¬nns, Dec. 12. 1866 «mmwm a»; m @m 5.365595%? KG? »'iz: Sugars, Tens, Co’Yeo, (3m ango I’culs, Oystms') {40135.111‘2 $ Twemi‘s, Broad Cloths. (Juisimor'w. Fullcd Ci Pcys, Cottons, PrintsY Shaw 5, Nuhius. Smirk, ’ ban: and Clasps, Ribbons, Flu 39mm MILLS, pm 20, 1866 Constant];y kept on 1mm], Fil.0 Fresh Oyslvrs, Lobstm‘s‘, Sardines, Whilo Fish, Salmon Trout. K waings alwn Ciwisimem £59565 NM Ema 9%,)653‘. ï¬EADY-MADE CLOTHING, 8/20 HES GRQï¬EENES E Cumtunfl;y kept 01) 1mm], A ï¬lcrry Chishnus and a, Happy New- EWMH‘ EGS to announce to his numerous Frionds that he 4 loss by the late [“tre, and that he wifl EG leave in return thm'r Sinom'o flmnlw 1r: Hwir mnnprmzs Friv'uls :11er Customer the very libcr xl patronage they haw webbed sinw mum) moinq business EGS leave to thank them for their very liberal support since 110 (yzvm‘lmwncod Imsinvss. ‘ and trusts still to merit theii' :mpmlmimm. 110 has now In Stock a Splendid fld now direct thmr aftzmtion to :1 Extraordinary STOCK 0i (MN‘PE’BS: STRA YED. Splendid Fruit suiiable for the Seasan. Hardware, Qi’amr'ém? __C7ROCKERY, 3.4.6:. ' Cman 1m surpassed, for clwnpnoss gmd (EXCPHOIICY Bought fcr Cashâ€"4n the best Markets mu «We ?A.NB REEQEPENEI ALSO An excellent A orlmonf of (1011110 Tho Best Rock-(>11 40cm Der GANG?) CLOTIES A‘ND \Vishing his Humorous (‘ustumcrs nulim In his New Brick Slow, on subscriber Mailman: :«i‘m; ]_ and "OYSISTI (11‘ ‘_ p1). AEIVflUR'I‘TE’l EXT 0 F \VITH AV TO INC SOLD on rensnnabIo terms, the fa: lowing xrupen; :â€" I’m't of Lot No 3"), on 31nd Con. Vaughan containing 63 acres: also. "Village Proloerty At, Richmond Hill Ricinmnd Hi†Hnsim‘)‘; (H0 was, Veils, H 111;, I‘Wumwis. I For pax'tlculms LAND FOR SALE k4 ,4 711‘ 1 (Jrrnnpnsung has survived his immmw up Skirts A. w nan Srrt- 1.1866. nle 1nllwpruprivtm‘ v.1 .n‘tvd sinck 0f 1H I) Tho 1 Drums G (was, “'iu Buttons, 13ml 1H) Bw-‘Ic 5:1“- 1mm (Thu Best Rock on L] friends f of )H) H) KR; (‘ ZN returning thanks for the Very libepal support he has received since cnn-menpï¬ggg 5 business in Richmond UNI, begs t9 inform the public that he has greatly jgngrgg ed his Stock and has noqw on hand a choice assorimmt of Remember the P‘Iagâ€"FMoQ ?1‘j;:(3’ Richmond Hill, Sept. 13, 1866. Including 'I‘nhlvg, Chairs. Bodslends. Bureaus Cupboards, Dressing ï¬hmk, \Vash Stands. Also a large asmrtmem 6f'l’mmn Paper, Bordering. \Vhile Lead, Paint: and Colors, Raw and iimled Linsmwl Oils. Machine Oil, Tack Oil, Varnish, 'I'urperlixw. [ï¬r-“Zena. Glass, l’u'ty, Glue, SL0. &c. Parties Furnishing. Papering, or I’uiming thvu- Hulls‘es. will do We†to call before nurchn‘ing elsewhere. Aim Flour, Feed, Provision My motto is Small. Proï¬tg and Quick Returns K ‘ ~ QQfl.“ \‘Q. ‘ % “in I ‘ ' u Vim I,“ ‘1Ԡ4“ W F ‘ “ ‘1“ , "it », ' "EM ‘ ‘mmM Iuhlilgli "IH‘MU WM! “1mmâ€: '«uwm “mum “law HM“! 411W Mm! "lqul WINNIE ‘wm MUM “11.1w 1 \Vhlel‘c A m1 my "yml sun-v, cmmnenring business on Richmond Hill, hugs to inform lhpm that he has I ..sm] Hm nmn- cmmnmlious and cenual premises owned and formerly occupied v 1 , ‘ . A ‘ m- hy J. k, Luiczmhudgp {2>(1.\§ndwllll ppen 1N rolurgxinsz [hanks tn his Sue-nth, and the Public. for the very hhergi sggp port he has as†$2.3?ng £57593 E35 0}“ @6505903‘ newï¬, ï¬th QR umum m “w "‘H “W‘m‘ Wm “mull ‘ ‘ ‘“ “mm mum: 4mm ‘ unmuu imam: mum“. mum {Iran-u hat Lanna be surpass“). For Cash, at .l‘lCLW . A u Richmoad Hi“, Novembar 9, E80“. Cheap for Cash. or ghOrt Credit Pure and Unnthdtnmtvd Pmt. Sherry am] Mulagn \Vinvs. Brandies, Hol‘flnq Gin, ’ Jamaica Rum, on; Tom, Hollch Ah- and l’oricr. 53143111? & HEAVY HARDWARE. Gï¬â€˜ bt’ PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS! In 0%! mng \Vlgrnng Ilvhog am! Black Tr'as,at 25 Gd per 3103mm and Young Hymn 'J'gu, at 46 per lh.â€"â€"}h¢ g 4‘ 1'_V Callous at Gd. lwr Tm’d. va')’ mid lint: lziztliiw «il l“ N ' Cowl Dark Vuid widv lli'iiil‘s from will per yard. A Splmulitl article 01' Mudth prints from 75', Im- yard. llllw Dmmim fmm 73111. per yard. '~ †(‘ulm'ml lionl Liningi from 5.‘ pg E51111. (10ml Winmws in 'nll (1(lllll'8 from Illill t0 Lâ€"‘lO-ï¬d per yard. All Wm»! Fl Hf'l) Morinnus in Cl1()i(‘(5:(‘:fllt)111Ԥ l‘mm (id ii) 33 9d fl('\'l<‘;rml Mnlinir :Iml Colmurg~ from “ï¬lm Is Ild. Smrlvl All Wiml l"l:i,liiiv\.l i'mm ls Jid m 23 (ill pï¬i‘ yard. l'niun 'l‘u‘oml for Big: ivczu', from ls 3d to . ' thl per ym“; Heavy Full Clmli and all wool vaad from 2.}, (id (J 53 p ‘yxrd. fall Wool Iiilul (Elfilli from I}. "‘1 pm‘ym‘ll. ’ ' Fine llnioii {bi-Ml MM {.31 Blm-k Mantle Clntli, from 5s {0 7s Gd with :m zjxw'lllenl INSUI'UHCIH ()l'Nlcu’s l’zmls, les, ()vor mul l‘ml lll'l 21ml 'l‘ww-il shin-(.4, from its Tiyvnch, tlw largest stock on liichm inmml‘m-lurv, gum] 1:11-90 sizvs and m-ll made. ' only l'cnllv superior from 711d to 9d. I AI’VK NOT Iic‘rmond UH}, October 5, 1866 1 l 7 “0 line now u-m-hivml lllg‘h‘ A1 I \"I I u '1': 1 n“ Smpmmcy Gaads éiaï¬mmï¬féï¬ï¬ ï¬aï¬iï¬eï¬; Esmï¬isï¬ameni Rind .3 W? Lam: est and most qunle a {v _ .__. ‘v w yuan-uh M, n V HO has now ructéived MST/XL]; SI UUK UF GOUJJD wmch mm: 'hi’wm purchawd as cheap as any house can do, and shall sell on} a; sgpafl a} [H'Ofll us any ollzcz' mm: can do. '3 Thu Stock !5 well 01160: in The Cheapas‘i 600% 3.0., F/J r hale 1!] {act endgayogr [q mnkp his u he keeps on hand Flum‘. Shorty Bran. Oars. [’Pus, (him-ml, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat. Bacon, Hams, Che9>e, Fish and 1101' &c. He also woqu intimate that he will In gddiiion have g choice gtock of awn wiiie aim @asaywafleio mm: assorimuut, good and cheap mi, gum! 1:11-90 slzvs and m-ll made. Men's and (Tlxihh'vn’s Huts (E Cups 01' 11W newest stylvs‘. in every Variety, with the u] a ~01lman 01' Dr) Guuds to be found in the wig 111)()i‘11()(>d. EURNEEUREE VJIEEEABE ATKINSflN Competition is the: Life of Tragiq. GREMPEST BARGMNS m And every uthr \_ lass nfGomls that any body wants. t} “"201 an entire new stark of select 2. many gm ‘ 1. (story really superior from 711d to 9d. per yank s from Mid per yard. ' i‘ r prints from 75', pm- yard. \‘zu'd. ' ~ †Varivd assorrmvn; (p be lgund on Bighmond HilL \v plices to let the Imblic know that ' I H" “"M A ‘y' B [C n A WAT ( Tragat 25 Gd Per Ib.â€"â€"splendid Value; suplfayjpr 45 per 1!)..â€"‘flll’€ hggt in this neighpprhood, will) ï¬yk21‘3‘lllihg V ' > "V V i h insoml Oils. Machine Oil, Tack Oil, Varnish, luv, SL0. &c. Parties Furnishing. Papering, to call before purclmk‘inq elsewhere. Also BE UNDERSQLD, an? S U0 wbuld alsa call unenliun to his nth, from 5s {0 7s Gd pox“ yd, sp'loudid valuc, les, Over and Tndm' Coats, Fancy Flam. I'g’m‘t stock on Richmond Hill of our own and Grocery Store! 0’s Old Stand. 70-3m 6741‘ ï¬EECHEAF» BOOTS I And is well adapted for 5 Dairy Farm, 53: it is wylered wiih 11' never fulfi'lig streuz‘n“ ru‘nn'hlg avrnss It. Than: 98 am) two ‘WeHS ’with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Ffruit Trees. garden, die, ' a For further particulars apply to ELIZA- BETH SANDERSON, Huttonvillo. Or to El). SANDERSON, Lot 20, 4th (Jun. THE Farm belonging to the Estate of (ha late Mr. \‘Vi'limn Sanderson. containing 100 Acres of Good Farming Land. Q‘I M’ which are cleared. There isa large gigit'IK Hausa, \Voml Shed. null other conveniencm ‘ Raw Linseed Oil, dc do Machine Coal 0i], ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Elephant 0i]j ’ 8021103. ‘ Neutsf‘nnt 01'17 ' Fish or Tminm'k ‘Nhh the Pmst, and Chézipost Pcnsflvnni; Cagndixm Rock Oil nbrth (if Torqmfl," ffnm ’1d per quart or 28 per gailon at Wflï¬am S; Follocks,‘1at§ L ‘ _, , , _. ‘. .w. wummmmâ€"n . a gum] F'rmne Barn. Siah]es_ Sheds and Rout House. The above farm is Boiled Linseed Oi], (Blzxndells and Spence Hull.) " " FARM FOR SALE. Markham. SON. 1,7. Lot No. l4, 3rd Eon. Markham, Xe tharafafé mvites his‘uld friends and gehn‘iilén‘tiém 'lthe'li hdemud to Call specl his Stock. ‘fg'eglmg conï¬dent he he undergold, uor surpassed by any gorle of Toronto. All panties ndehlnd to ma gither by Nate or {junk account 'me requested to pay the smile ï¬n'xhwilh to Mr . W. H. \lyms. Ilidxmondlnill who is authorized to grant 'receipts‘ Map‘e, chober 1'2. 15:66. Oils! Oils !! Oils ! l! IN mturningthgsnkswo his yumegcus friuuds and customers for their [ibérnl su'ppm‘lhihce he munmgncud husindss, begs 10illf§ï¬Â§l igneym that he Has rmnoved to the Store ‘ Farmerly owngd 311;! occupied by Mr. James Qic‘k. ‘ HA RDWARE. tithe. Wags Mb“! . m 4' ~, "tr‘fl' \Vhere he; W!†ksep a ’very seréfct steak 9f Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces 99mg WATERHOHSE, HERE} ENE? SW WE}! Toronto, Oct, 4. 1366. Yl‘fll‘} CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI " ENCE OF AN INVALID; PuMished fur the beneï¬t and as a CAU- TION TO YOUNG MEN :1xe others, who shifbr from Nervous Dubiliij', 1"Yx‘cgljatlx1‘e Decay of Manhood, A503," C(11)}le3ng "at the same time Tm: Mum‘s 017 SIELR‘CURE. By one who has cured hixï¬self aï¬erundérgoing considerable quackcry’. :Ehe‘applicant; by paying postage'oï¬ his left 1', \i'ill receive a copy} free of charge}. from the auth )r. N ATHANIEL XIAl'E‘éIR, 1‘}qu Brooklyn, \Y‘Wr Kings 00., N.‘ Y‘ ysieg‘s. ï¬ysters. Richmond I1i1;,§op1.18. 1866 WHIPS ! ! WHIPS !! WHIPS! I! THE CHEAPEST Hum mm .7 w gmi‘nusgN-‘s, THE . LARGEST Riclnï¬oï¬d mu. 001.26, '66. Gamma] servant, a smart active: Girl, wl)o_ } will make herself useful about a Farm House. who will ï¬nd a good horn». Apply 19 A-B. Herald Ofï¬ce.†, ‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 24. ’66 lVEGS to announce to §he inhabitants of j Richmoï¬d “l†and vicinity. that he 0.) hand quite a large ï¬nd well assorted Slé‘é’k of Lady’s, Gems, Missesand Boys Boots aha- Shnes, suitable for the present seasun, wlnpl'v Will be galered, low for cash. ' ‘ Partirularn allol‘lion paid to custom work in all its Branches as herelul'oré. "I" ‘ ‘ At the WINES,_L§QU_ORS, &c. 1951: Prize Harness Establishment, RICHMOND HILL. JARIES VERNEY- Traded for «Wood, or Cafsh pa’id A; WILLIAM ATKINSQN'S Cheap Provision Store. Richmond Hill. Oct. 4, 1866 D C(‘NSEQUENTLY 9R9GERIES: And an assortment. of IS TO BE FOUND AT WANTED. AND BILBEERS‘ ASSORTMENT OF W anted, 1H Yonge Strael, Tor'onlo. THE 'g FOUNDRX, BARNARD '11 u: ’45 xlxo in- and in- Canno! house 08 A few mcre County Rights for sale. \Vhen ordering Mensa stateï¬eplh of \Velf or Ci§lérh mm HNEEELEE‘BLE PENCIL I‘. Please remexybgr that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at And of the bosi Material and \Vorkmauship. All Work i«. VVnrrtnled to give perfer‘t ansisfncu, tinn, V3733 am IzovL-tnmly adding to .ur stuck ofBoou and Show of our manufactureflshicfl will he '4 ' "' ' ‘ I " “‘ ' " I "' r | Oppnsite Temperance b‘l.‘ “ ETORONTQ )1‘1GS to nngmgnce t0 Hm inhzabikmigs Qf Hip Cngnly York and 111058 in {1163 ‘qeighborhood of. Richgqnd ll|li in'par'tim‘flur, that he has added to llis'f10bk‘05 QED Yonge Street, Two Doors South of {323% Hotel, 'Foreutu, Importiag my Ggods direct, customers will receive the full ad vantage of the recent full of prices and reductlou m d'u’glesn' 13% Kng St. East, 'l‘oronto, Sept. 21, 1866. MEN’S, WUMWS ANS] EHILDBEN'S BBUTS AND SHOES: BQQTS AND SEES: M) A FEM} ‘ FOR ALL Skirtingg; Shg‘yg,7}:s, Silks, Ribbons, Mamlcx, Flanncls, Blankets, and ’ KlNG STREET EAST, '3 (Emmsitu the Market†. t .h . , . . . .T i . . .; .Toronto, COMPRISING Trench Merinocs from 63 cents per yard9 Cobom‘gs, Thibets, Lustrcs, Wincoys Fancy Dressei from $41 50 each ' ‘ ‘ ~ " ' i r‘ bummed [his Susanâ€"43m best value ever shown in this market Toronto Sept. 21, 1966.. ATE RACTIVE DISRLAY; m "M14 n D. C. 31- S. wonld direct DICKSON, CRAWFORD. y styles for? FAL'L Wear, {ziOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BRICES. ‘IQA III’VI“ ' fl Q'I‘hnwm 1.‘ A mm mu MARKING LINENFOR SALE AT E HERALD†(‘13: STORE, RICHMOND HIIALQ TORONTO, 509:. 13, 18(in gear} assertment of Trunks glwayg 9n hang: M SANDERSOM EG respeetluhy to on“ the anentinn of the in‘ 'vury iéfge' and we†asmrted sleek ol ‘I'memi ‘-' E‘W ï¬ï¬GDS 2? 91 Kihg Streét East EQRQNTOI' M 133.3 @3159 MW, A complete assortment of Hm mnst desirable And is prepared: to make [9 mlij 8}] kinds of the most Fashionable Styles, 91:7 12V}; RY ESQRIP'I‘ION. spcpial polige to @llcir stock at CHAR LES PO‘VELLa IS AT OF Patentrc and I’mpmrtor. ‘ H "NEWPON Bloom: rabitanm 0! the County to Weir DEPTHS.‘ BOMB». 31315:; 68 3m 51â€"3m