On an extensive scale, and having tried the credit lystem, he ï¬nds that it is neither advan- hgoui to himself or him' customers (hut are willing la pflv. as he has been obliged to charge About one-third more†{or his l’lunghs than he would nï¬onl to hell for,. in order to cover the expense! of peddling. coHocting, and badï¬debta no han‘now come to the determination to With tll lhe latest improvements. and is also lprepared to repair almost every description of 'Thnshing Machines. particularly Hal la 0 Olthl. Having averv description of Casting that may be required he has every facility for manufncluring and repairing Steam Engines. Ind every kind of Mill work v'ili he carefully attended to. and lnmet ï¬ut with despnxch at nuonnble prices. SCHOer-BBGKS -! WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO [8“ Masonic and othcrrEmblems made to order. Toronto, Aarl’l 27, 1866. ' 47. ’l M '. ï¬g EVERY ,VARIETY. AT SCO‘I‘T‘S RlCEIMONDHILL. NOTICE. Carefu' tam-mien given to Watchns an†Clocks Jaw and Remix-d. And reduce thn priée about one-third: say Plonghl that were sold for $19. he now 03615 {or $13. H. in also manufacturing extensively HE Subacribor, in returning thanks to his: flumgrous Cus}onxers_ and Friends for numerous Customers and Friends for thoir liberal support during the past nine years, would bag to imiInMe ï¬rst he is prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descuip‘ ï¬ons from the best materials, and after the moat fashionableolyle. He hopes by strict at- tention to business, combined wixh moderate pncesto‘gnsure aoontinuance of their favour All orders attended to promptly. Work wnrramed. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Coosbys no stand. n Low. PRIGE‘S, AT SCOI‘T’S, RICHMOND HILL. 5mm unsu, AND GASHflNLY! Steel moulaehuard Ploughs! Support Hume Manufactures! lhrrio Aug. 24 1856, The numtion of “to Public is imde to their Stock, (tennis-Ling of a great variety of Na 1'. King Street East. 6 doors east of Yonge Str-et. Family 85 Church Bibles From '30 cts, to $6. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. . JAMES \ERNEY. Riuhmond Hill, June 1m 1866. 52 3m Toronto, April 26, 1866. ROM 50 to 100 Cords of Green and Dry Baech and Muple.lo he delivered in 'l‘or onto during the winter. Appiy at the Hnmld Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hiâ€. 69 Watches, clocks, and Jewelry CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, ALB UM S 'Wood Sawing Machines Wood. Wanted. W. VVHARIN 8: CO mmm&mmm%m, Wllh Holder 8; Knife, AT SCOTT‘S, RICHMOND HILL 0f thc bes‘ desvripvion and newest designs. LL parties inthle to the undï¬l‘signed are reqestedout pay up irmluedimely to Mr. . Crosby. Richm 0th Hill. Bradford Foundry I Bradford, Thu undoréighed is now manufacturing ELEC'l‘RO-PLATED WARE, CUTHERY, &.c., 8w, J. SEGSWORTH, XMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN IMPORTER OF 1866 J. HENDERSON, n to the repairing of Jawelry manufactured BUTTERFIELD. 69 NEAR CHURCH s’I‘RMIC’I‘, ' S prepared [await upon any who need his ‘ prot'vsï¬ounl services in order to preserve their Moth. or relieve suffering and snlnly new teeth in the most npprowdshyla. “no to regu- late the teeth of [lime who need it. Consultation free,- aud all work warranted. w. C. ADAMS, D. D- 3-, CONFECTIONARY I W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill evary two weeks. and supplies Confecxionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesalu prices. ’l‘lle Lowe“ POSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Residenceâ€"-Lot 20, rrar on" 3rd Concession of Markham. P.0.Addressâ€"-ButwnvilIe. I’nrtios requirng Mt Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Juuuary 4. 1565. W. G. CASTELL Toronto, July 20, 1865. Sales attended to with promptiturle. J. GORMLEY. J. FERRIS. Gormley.Â¥P.O. Unionville, P.O. \Inrkham, Jan. 4. 1865. 31 Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0. HAVING‘ bA-en appointed Agent for [his . Compnny,one ol' the oldest and mosl reliable English UompaniusJ will behappy m uï¬â€˜am assurance against Loss or damage by Fire. upon eveJy descrilnion of DENTISTRY. Richmond Hill. Rithmond Hill. March 14H], EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. The Commercial Hotel. London Fire Assurance company, First class Smbling and careful attendance.â€" l‘erms moderate. GLO UCES'I‘E I: 110 USA); YONGE STREET. Jos- Gaby, Proprietor. OR the Counties of York, Feel and On- tario. Residence ~. Lot 8, 61h concess.on Markham. Post ()fï¬ceâ€"Unionville. H. LEMON, PROPRI ETOR. Counties of York an (I Peel Purses, 8w. 8L0. 1N GREAT VARIETY, AT SCOT'I’D' RICHMOND HILL GORMLEY 8; FERRIS LicensetI Auctioneers: JOHN CARTER. .IJCENSED AUCTIONEER Good Slahling and an ullentiva has always n attendance. P. S.â€" Good agents wanted in enverv part 0 the counlrv to 6H")an Will [mid n sulnry from $50‘lo‘5u50 per month, or a large commission. Te-rm's to agents sen. 'i‘rea to those wishing agencies. $150 PER MONTH. HF. GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Mnchine is now presumed to the peupln niCanadn pnssflï¬slng all the inlprovdnents that run he well Cultï¬ned in asewingmachino. i: will accomplish every rlescuiplinn of sewing except lmtmn holes. from an (Lvercoai down to the ï¬nest silks and muslins This machine sells for onlv $l5, and is really wovth $51 in any Family. Every machine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three ya raiâ€" All machinws snld in ('mradn are manufumuve mthe co-nwmy’s hranch mannfncma'v in rl'm. onto. Single Machines, with full‘primerl directions, smut express free on remip! of$l5 in a registered letter. Full printed directions nr‘compuny each mnchine.'sn plain that a child iwelve years of age can learn [0 work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, Februaw 5. 1866. AGENTS ‘VANTED. R. T. BUSH SI, ('10., Canada Manufactur- ars. H King Street East, Toronto, (7, W. Heac Ofï¬ces in in Grant “main and Canada, London. England. Glasgow, Montraal and Toronto. Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. With immediate pavlnent of all Losses. Sales attended on the shortest notice' and :1 reasonable terms. 35 Day , Books, June. 1865. '0. 7, Royal Exchange, C'nrnhill. and A70. 7, Pall Mall, London. Tofomo' 31 arch $23141. 1856; 95 King Street East, Toronto, PUKE'AND UNADUL'I‘ERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. Nelson Street, Toronto Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets, (Lute Thomas Coates.) MANUFACTURER 0F FOR THE UNITED 0F 44-13 QI-y 4l-Iy 31 l ESl’ECTFUI.LY announces that he has changed his Limo ol'visitinglhe foilnwing places, and aflerlhis time will be (Sundays excepted) in Brown‘s Corners. . . . .u. {flint ofenoh month. Tho:|lhill......,.. ......'23rd Richmond Hill . . .... . . . .9401 ank)........ .........Qï¬lh |§I1rwi(:lL.n. ..........28xh Klvinhurg.......... “4.99111 Nolwleton................3llth Lnsktay................ .31â€! Qumran“ . ......... [st Fulton...†. . . . . .... 3 d U u n N ’( u u u u n H 0‘ ll .1 u on Where he will attend to any business per- mining to any branch of his profession. AVID MCLEUD begs to announce that he has Leaeed the above Hotel and ï¬tted it up in a manner second to none on Yonge SI where he wili keep constantly on hand a good supply ul' ï¬rst-class Liquors, &c. This house possuSSas every accnmnwdalviun 'I‘zavelhars can desire, lhosc who wish to slay whpre they can ï¬nd every comfort are respactl‘ullyinviled to put up at this establishment BBAG’JN’E FAMILY MQBIGIN‘JS HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Howl. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good snpplv of ï¬rst-class Liquors. 616. As [his house possesses every accommodation 'l‘ra- vel ers can desire. those who wish luslay where they can ï¬nd every coml'onare respecti‘nll) in- vited to give him a call. Aurora June 1 .865. AVING purchased the Richmond Hill Line ul'Slages from Mr. Thomas Cook. 1 will run the same lrom my Hotel. Rich- mond Hill, lo Toronto, starting at half-past 7 o'clock. 3,111. and returning will leave Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson St.- Toromo. at 4 o'cluck, p.m. All Parcels or lmggnge left at Best's Bav Home How], Yonge Strem,or at Lemon’s H-zlel. anson Slrnel. Toronto. \villlm dalivered with pnncta- nlil)‘ and at moderate charges. Havmg de- termined to run the Stage ~ 011 Better Time, VVhlch win afl'ord passengers mV‘re time in me Citv, and keeping attentive and accummodal- ing Drivers, I trust to merit Ihe patronage ot the ganaral public. ROBERT RAYMOND, SURGEON DENTIST ! Richmond Hill! Aug. 13. ’66. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865‘ Aurora, June 7, [865 AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. The safest and heat Madiniues in usa in Canada. ' H AS been appointed agent. for this (‘uumy , of ank. for the ahnva valuable Modi- vinns. whinh hnvn hem) before (ha Cmmdinn public [or Ihe past seven yam-s. and have givml “nivarsu‘ smifmï¬onâ€"he can thuraf'nra. with conï¬dence. rmmmmnnd (hundreds: of Tnsztiuuo nin could he gwen if required, skewing the. beneï¬t dorlved therefrom.) their use for their cpvvral virlunr. ' DICACON‘S STU \1 AFHIC V EGITABLI‘I BITTERS. As: a genera] Tonic, or Strengthening Mudi- nine 10 ln-m-e and invigorate the frame, 110le can be batter. l)ICA(‘0N’S Pqu OINTMENT. from P ants: WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for 60 years proprietor of the Linuaean Nu:- .eries. has discovered Posruwc CURES for the above, and for all Inherited and Chrumc Dis- eases. 1))spepsiu Nervous Dobility. Rheu- matism, all Female Maladias. and when re- sulting from impumv of Jhe blood. himerlo incuraole. Explanilory circular, one slump. Truth: on all diseases. 20 cams. 58-4 STAGE S. DR. N. J. PECK, DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABIJE PILLS Act genllv vet efferhmlly: may be taken «lur- ing any «mplnvmem, n1 any time. and even h': Hm mle (I: “care female. A soothing and astringent applicninn: and, as farm an «Indication can be 0' nnv sat-vine. mpre soothing and much mom astringent. than auv hillmv'lo prepared The majority of CflSOE- ï¬nd spoedv relief lu' its me. An excellent remedy fur Rheumatium. Eryai- nolac. Strainu. Bi‘ulses. Cuts, (Thi'blainn. Sore an0m. and violeursl‘uius Ill Bat-k or Slda. thc effects of ‘hP Heal All in llm nlmve cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few lmo ' > DEACON’S VEmTAlz}_,E comm H144: For Calngggis.’ Blrlid a_l-l kinds 0! sores on Horses and Cattle. Photographs for 50cts doz. 0F ENGLlSH NOTABLES,’ Plain 8; Fancy Stationery IN EVERY \‘AHIETY, G. A. BARNARD One or th Dusaa gaum‘ally remove tho cold. DEACUN’S Mixture f'or Cholera, Diarrhdaa. and Summer Complaints, equal to if not hel- Ler than an\' odmr medicine made. v DRAGONS unrivalled Cough B'alsmn,for Coughs. Coldx Consumption]. Asthma. $1: DEACON’S Antibillious Pills None bet- terin use. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY Mi H'I‘CHE L [[0 Us E l DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND Olt HEAL ALL. DI‘IACON’S Eruptive Ointment for all kind of skin diseases. RICHMOND Hm, August 10 1865. DOLMAGE’S HOTEL, SCOTT’S BOOK .STORE. Richmond 3113,1855. RICHMOND HILL ESl’ECTFUI.LY announces that he has ATARRH , Bronchitis Scrofula. Liver and Â¥thncy Diseases. Nature’s Remedial: LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, vuxIIv-a.....‘,... ...... Id HI†..........‘. S ‘.a(.......... 'Eu-nu... . -............ .......-..-.... - ....... ..... -.. ..., .....-... nmcgmfs _LImM ENT: G l DEON DOLM AGE. Proprietor AURORA. AT .21“! ofenoh month .QSrd “ “ .24th " “ .Qï¬lh “ ' r- “ I. N .29lh " " .mlth u ‘ .1 .3“! u u Proprietor. 3m York Herld 25-“ l-lf Order: for the am' of undermouhoned doucrip- Mono! BflLflEll v JflB‘ WflRK I"? ï¬BDEBS PBOMPTW EXUE BOOKS, FANCY B'LL'i, MSW W EWEERS PAMPHLE‘I‘S AND I"! {Card-q 4': just "ceivod la mntiroly new'fnnd of (he'latest'pmems. largi variety of new B°®®K LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, I ‘ ‘ ‘tnmr ‘1 ' wuuu J 0 B . PHI TING Letter-Press Printin ‘ BUSINESS CAB.th ESTABLIS BENT. Will '-0 promptly atlmdod lo :â€" gun ASSORTMENT or CHEAP And lVQly olh‘or kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DR A FTS , AND BILL HEADS RADWR‘Wï¬ REAEBV Y H AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVEbF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-FOX AND OTHER PESTILMNGES 1. As ah ANTLSEPTIQ DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SP SMODIC, COUNT 3R IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT', RUBEL ACIEN '1‘, NERVLNE‘ ANODYNE, SUDO RIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhcen, Dysentry, Cholcm Norbus, Inflammation of the Bowols, Cliolic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Ncui‘algia, &c.â€"â€"O.ie tea-spoonful in a. glass of water will correct all derangemeuts of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs 01' Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"â€"Ono application will afford immediate ease and comfort, and a few tunes rubbing will complete the cure. DR. HADW.\Y,â€"I certify that your L’cady/ Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of out sick from chills, Vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &e., &c. One of our sisters had the' Rheumatism in 1101' head for a, great many yearsâ€"having taken n. few spoonfulls of ltelicf in water. and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success.» It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza,‘dipthcria, 6:0. It has a. good effect in flatulence or wind eholie. I use it for foul breath and it produces a. marvelous eï¬'ect. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"â€"Deware cf counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place ol‘thc lladway’s.â€"The country is flooded will; aouuterï¬'ï¬ts and imitations of lladway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless "mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the public the some nice our agents sell you Ratlway’s for, (Price ‘25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- aerleits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers ; dear at that price. In purchasin Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radwuy (‘3 Co. on the labels, and the words - . R. R. Radway (h ()0. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT TVILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE Certiï¬cates of startling cures of the most violent and deadly diseases are on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the C'ties of New York and Montreal, emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town (21‘ City of importance iexcept a. few in China.) on the Globe but that. RADWAY’S MEDICIXIZS ham cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and thir vouched for l y high (liguit "1 Church and State, both by letters H, 1 um, x AL» 11 u 1 n nun (innunla n‘lwnnfl SISTERS OF MERCY, DQRCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, O. 11, HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY agents mucu, uuu Luna :5 \uuuunn nu My ma). mgumauw m. yu .............. , ,, rattan dumb to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Mimstel‘s and Consuls abroad. In Violontdisoï¬seï¬, Inï¬zmtrolief is rmuirofl. A MATH} CI‘OLTC IA. IXFLAMAL-VL‘IOS UL" THE BUTVELS, CHOLIU, FITS, bllli’ L’I‘IVI‘LR, L'liHT'l’, J)ll"lllL1iL\ may prove. fatal within an hour 01‘ two, if not checked by :1 pnwerml antidom like li;\I)\‘\'AY’;~‘ READY RELIEF; and all 11mm: and inflm1mmi‘01'_v nmlndiex. \x'lwthm‘ lzlsL-mmulam, .\'L-,um'lj;iu. Inflamâ€" mation ofthe Kidneys, Bluddm', I‘rinnl (lifï¬('11'.1§(:.<, Inihlmnm‘xinn «Hun Womb, und,<iu11u-1,ull diseases fraught, with immediate danger, yield :11, mum to this mmmmu 4 (-mmiw, The READY BELIEF is; 11:; sudden mi (murminn :13 Hm muimy 15011". IL 1:; mm“, 3013\‘0 than the Virus 01' the mmf <\\’il't and (It-gulh' vpidm "‘ 1h 1'15; [mm-(13‘ at Inuul to use on the ï¬nd uvnynrnm ur nnm :mtl Y‘llN‘flSiUPSS. 11C) DCI':'UL1 ' (Lil hm bani y‘rfll chéutr you whenevgr he Has an OPPOTWMW- whirlwâ€" The READY BELIEF is; 11:; :tuddcn'jn it: mm‘mh than the Virus 01' the mmf \‘\\’il'L zmd downy vpulmmw. ï¬rst anmwm m mun um! uneasiness, no DCI':'UL1 med 5, T0 WAGGON MAKERS 86 FARMERS T. & S. BR‘KGGS’ LUMBER YARD 22 Edward St. Toronto ALLKINDSOF‘ BENT STUFF 6w, made to order on the shortest notice. 7 NJ}, All kinds of ‘ LUMBER & W381] BUUEKT' & SEILB, Sashes, Doors, Blinds, ()r taken in exchange. '1 orouto. October ‘20. |866 §ieters of Morey at Bereheeter Street Respite}, appiying Be Eedway’s Remedies to the sick. For Cutters; Buggies. VVaggnns,'&c. alro W Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchantï¬. m mazmflgmrg - Kept constantly on hand at Agents for the sale of Radway s lat-:u‘y Relief, P. CROSRY‘ I‘..¢|’nnnnd Hil', ‘ 'I‘UOR. ALI/HUN. "notoria Square, CHAR DOAN. Amara. IT HAS NO EQUAL IN "I. HE MATEWA MEDle seized! with Bhsumnatisma Emflamï¬ E30359 Mecc’écs‘i CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! PRICE, ‘25 cents a Bottle. In @mï¬dem Afaï¬aaks All Around ihc Globe. R. ER. “W /'>/Q //,1’///.. JCHN RADWAY, M. D., & 00., Brick House and Lot! «\RIA'I‘N} CHOKE-IRA. INFLAMMATIOX OE VPHE Subscriber, acting as agent for the Owner. 011115 for sale by l’rivam Bur- gwin. lhul d1 annhlo proymh. Situated in (he mus( can“ ru| part 0f the Village of Richmond Hill, and m [)2‘0S1'II‘ uccul 100 by Mrs. Jhmrs Ullrncs, 'I'Iwm is Ilml n Aer» of Land {Ruling on Yonge mm (Tmmv Suwms, with a new Bricks. Cottage! Ereclod UH‘HUII. 'I he (Ullagu has 21 Sum? ‘ Filmâ€"well ceugmmd. Ihree Leon 3. Kiumeu. l‘nlur_\',:1nd (‘10:st Hmm. 'I have is H130 0n the p'ennses a gum! supply 0" Hard and SI} W ale . 'i he pnulmrly Is wall ailuuted fut Bui Hing purposvs. For Iulleer m'mmmion npph to ' Rir‘l-mom? llih, 1’95 0 On I: ichmond Hill. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 87 Maiden Lane. NEWvYORK n w "Efand M'rs. ROVCB, Kirg Say JAA FUR SALE. Ls M, LAWRENCE, Divisiuuï¬innn I lenkv H‘s O IFl'h' 26 ll HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll BRARY to the ‘ HERALD ' Book Store where Stockholders and others may Q'ocur BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from “0 Mock. PM. DR. T. C. CULVER’S MEDICAL DlSPENSARY, thnis and Secret Diseases. :3 " OU‘ G MEN who are troub‘ed with Y weaknes: ganerally, caused by a bad xahil in youth. which produces constitutiomd whllin. you can reiv on our remedies, for we we tie-med over ï¬t'H' thnusand patients. and .a guarnulae a perfect cum in all canes A FOEEUNE :, EMPLOYMENT FUR BVERYBBBY’. Strangers \‘iming Thu-onto, Whfl are in need W7. Madir-al adviser. having no fame I to no ain in the city to he curedL can have Medi- me to lake wilh them. A safe and reliable 'x W gualnnfued. Pulmnls livmg at a dislanee (‘m' procure Dr. s rmmrdins. sent (secure him (we f-I'om ob- o-vvmiun) to any part of ihe P'rovinlla. with )Iuin und full directions for use, by wr ghlingg. xaling ('BS8,§:, mmoms «1.. All cousulutiuns at the ofï¬ce free but strictly†caulidenlial WWrira plniuly. say only what is nocouuy. and be prompt. M. , . -, Addwsn. AGENTSâ€"We want agenln in pvnry ragl- menl. and in everv town and nnnuly in the mnntry, and those acting-m: such will be allsw- 0d 10 cents on (wary Ceniï¬cale nrdned by them. provided their remittance nmountw to one dollar Agenls will collect ‘25 centufo; everv Certiï¬cate. and remit 15 cemstous. For the pmpos-a of rinsing out the Mark n {he pmhegx posq’hiu dale. 13hr undnrsignrd have dpcided'on a grem (Iistrilmliml made as follows. 1mm. Gold Pens and Gold Moun- li-rl "nldars.... ... - .... . 5.00“ Gold Pan: and Gold Exlen- pinn 'rlnlrlars.... .... .... 5.000 Silver Gnhlels and Drink- iw‘g Cups ...... .... .... 1N")Silveanan‘rsu . . .. . . . . .. 2.000 Silver Fruit and Calm Baskets................ 5.00“ Dozen Silver TPa-qlmnns. 5,0W‘ “ " Table Spoons Agents wanted throughout. tl'e United $152k and'Caxmdas.. “rah-I‘m, Chains, $115 of Jeuelvy, Rh‘sz’ii‘l Bracelets. Sleeve Bunnns. Silver Spoons Md Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, 61.0.. worth Eight Hundred 'l hou- sund Dollars, "fl’m Enï¬ra Smrk of a lar; a IMPORTING "(mar retiring from husinass. MM 7, [866. FAl‘H Ah!) EVERY ARTICLE. NO MATTER HOW VA! "ARLIT. BIJNG SOLD FUR $l- A Certiï¬cate of' Pflnh‘ nnibla with its vnluov printvd upon il. is plm-ed in an envelope and~ waled-lhose envelopes am thoroughly mixed‘ ' nd sold For 'I'u'a'ntuï¬rr, Frills em-hbâ€"t‘ho 1395:: RICHMON D HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. t.“ con rem-iviug mm of rhese envelopes is enti'fléd‘ In llm flTllClb named Ilwrein ln' returning the (lsrl-ï¬cale m m- with one dollar. and aha article... n0 "mum lmw vnlnahk it may be, will he for- wnrdod lo him or lmr m anon. Thvro are no ll ï¬nk (‘c‘rlv'ï¬cnlesnml ll‘errfnrn every one ill <nre to gel. at least. the full value of Illfl or hot mnney. Would the artin'e nanwd on the cel- v‘ï¬wate nlvt wilmny mlmr whn-ll Ive may Belugt M“ the .«mne value will be substituted. “’0 an 'lbe (’Hrliï¬cnles as {(‘lluwx; 5 the viuead. throat, nose and skin. and a†msa dwadful aï¬â€˜nclions arising from a seeret nhitot‘yonth, which produces oonalilulimml alr'litv. rundars mavlriage impossibla. and in . end deslluys horh body and mind. The wment we adopt is the result of npwarda~ of u'mv years expelimme and successful praclico 'I ICnrnpe and America. ()nr Peliudical drops will bring on the mnlhiy sickness, in all casrs of obstruction um any cnuse, and after all other remedies ' the kind havu been tried in vain. va Ryan/mums ANII QIJICK‘CURF3,â€"Fol‘ \philis suit-luresseminal weaknm pail†:le jmms, afl‘vclions (:l' the kidxmy. diseases Addressâ€"Dr. T. C. Culver. 139. King St. ‘:'I>(, "‘nronlo, C W, ‘ One for ‘25 01s., ï¬ve for $1. flew" fm 9$ ‘III'IV ('nr sum-ï¬ve for 5M0, mm hmde 111‘ $15. '1‘his¢’islril)uliml nï¬'m'ds a ï¬ne oppor- unhy "or Agents. as: what ladv or yrmlemnn .vill um invext TWENTY-l 1w: :ms with n pron- mm of muting: hvo lundn-d or a thousand imr‘s as much All nrflers mun he nddrnurd n ns m nur old stand No 1.5 Maiden Luna, u u . 010 Gold»: Fob and Vest VVatoh (W0 CH“ m'd Gold.... 0’ 0 RNA [moHes’ Jewelrvâ€" Ca awn. Pam".9ia.... .:.. MU (hm Pens,Si'xmr Extension Huldem mu! mei's. .... . “)8 1“ 0| ew York Guard (‘haivsnn ... NW) Sullmire and COM Bron"th PO“ Lava and Florentine tons Khwd:.«lc........... 3 WV) Hull} ’l‘himh’es. ancils.etc 4 “0 Minimnro I.fl"ItF‘R.... .... Q 50 'm" Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic S‘pringr....... ........ 3 mm Gold Tnulhpioks, Urns-sen. Mr! . . . . . . . ............ 2 “(1" Plain (10M Vilma-u...†4 PW} Chm-pd Gold pilUY-Q.....-- 4 (‘ND Sump Set and Sign-=1 Rings 2 50 1'00 (‘Mif‘nrnia Diamr‘nd Rivers. 2 W30 Sets lmdies’ Jewslrvâ€"Jet KM'S.... .... ‘2 5" OP“ l‘nh and Vas‘ Ribbon Slides 3 1100 Sum of 90“th Sleeve But- "U" (‘lmwd HUM "rm-91M. n.- (HIO ( l~ntvlni|m (‘hninn and ('00 Lava and Florentine “I'nnl~hr-s.. ‘ OI‘O (,‘nl‘al. Opal nnd Emt‘rald Bront-hes...._ .._,..... . {mo Mnsnic. JM. Lava. and Flnremine Ear Drops .... 5N1 (‘nrnL Opnl and Emernid F‘flr nflns TOIEKQN‘TO, UNFORTUN ATES READ ! IMPORTANT 'I'O LADIES, GIRARD W. DEVAUG†& CO" No.37ï¬iden L911, New York“ V ,nxorr n m‘. Forks . . JuneflJBGi And all Female Complai ls. Ovel 35, King Street East, omce hours from 8 A‘ M to 8 P. M; LIST OF ARTICLES. r -ia Dinmnnd Breast 300,000 For the cure of hpioks, Grimm‘s. 'Rilmï¬...“ .... ‘M Pings . . . . . . nd Sign-=1 Rings 2 Diamr‘nd Rivers. -3’ Jewelrvâ€"Jet Hes’ Jewelrvâ€" "view-J... .:.. Si'vnr Extension H! mei's. . . . . . and Gold Moun- l’R--....-- and Gold Exiena ‘anuu. a... Is:- lets and Drink- ..-...-.-.s... "TS. . . . n . . u I... rnit and Cake cup-w w 5 macawh-“U‘N’ .- D u H u u u n H II n It It A. SCOTT, Librarian. 25“ 20 f‘ , 50 PER 002?! $10 «a $20 to 20 " l0“ 481W ‘20 50 )0 15 l5 'm