ALB UM S ' :Frmiso ,ctsjto $6.‘ 5 ,‘ n" $coT'r’s RICHMOND HILL. Steel"_’m0uln-b0'ard_ Plough: ! 03 in extuï¬ho ncnie, and having tried the crodihystom, he ï¬nds that it is neither advan- hgous to} himself or his customethal tro willing up“. pa he has been-obï¬ged toxhu 6 about one-third more for hi: l’luughu than Ea could Iflord‘to cell for, in’ order to cover the oxpoma oï¬poddliug. collecting, and bnd_debu 1 Ho his now‘ come to the determination to 5m mm mm, mm mum! ! And reduce lha priée nbouz one-third; say Plough! thgl were sold fox-3H3. ho now offers {qr $13.. Hthalso manufacturingextemivoly With all the latest improvexnonls.‘ and isQano ropared to repair almwt every description of hmuhing Machinon. particularly Rails 0 Onhawa. Having everv description of Casting that may [be {equired he has every facility for mlhflaclnringand repairing Swain Engines. 3nd tiny kind of Mill work will he curefnliy [mended to. and turner ml. wixh‘AdespuIch 41 umnnbla prism. made to order. mommyxmgm, 1866. Caveat" alt-mien): zivon to the repairing of Watch» nnI‘JClncknA Jewelry manufactured ‘aud Rania-'1. vH’ESnbscriber, in returning thanks to his '7 limpqrqm Cuspomeryand Friends for WATCHES, CLOCKS, : ‘AND FINE JEWELRY. 1.13, VYONGE St, Tonomo Support Home Manufactures -! their liberal éupport during die past nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared 10 manufacture Boots» nnd Shoes ofevery descrip- tions {mm'lhe bent .mmoxinlu. and after the mall fialiionnble ty'le, He hopes by strict at- tenlinnjo businesslcombined with moderate pans in cnwre’ 7a continuance of their favour All orders†attended to promptly. Work warranléd. ' Buidence 6 doors noth of Mr. Ceosln's at. quad; NO'I'IOE. A ILL nnrtins indnhmd to [he undersiunml urn durio Aug. 24 1866. My sport’s RICHMOND HILL. Wood. Sawing Machines EHOICE AND FANCY GOODS; Na 1|. King Street East. 6 doors east pf Konge Strut. Family «85 Church. Bibles ï¬shes, clocks; and Jewel'ry SCHOOL BOOKS I Richmond Hill, June Isl 1666. ROM 50 to 100 Cords of Green and Dry Beech and Maple, lo be delivered in Top onto during the winter. Appiy at the Herald Oflice."Richmoud Hiil. 69 Toronto, April 26. 3886‘. QT SCOT‘I"S,RICHMOND HILL. Wand. Wanted. VVHARIN 8: CO. Pmpelling “K: Hepalling Pencil, Bradford Foundry ! With, Holder It Knife, AT SCOTT’S,- RICHMOND HILL OHhc bu" dost-ription and newest assigns. LL parties indebted to the undersigned are _ - mqpstedoulpn! up immediately to Mr. . Crosby, Richm 0nd Hiil. Budfosd.‘ The undersigned is now manuï¬cmring l0 athntion 391119 Public is inlvtod to their )ck,-cenlistinz 01' a great variety of' ELEC'I‘RO-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c. I. SEGSWORTH, Masonic and other Emblems XMPORTERSLND DEALERS IN. IN EVERY VA'RIETY. AT LOW moss, IMPORTER 0F '1, u. BUTTERFIELD; 1866. . 69 .L HENDERSON, JAMES \ ERNEY. 52 3m 47. 8L0. 81c. » IN GREAT VARIETY, ‘ AT SCOTT'D’ RIC H MOND HILL. Day Books, The Commercial Hotel. EDW. SANDERSON, ‘ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. QR, 159:;Countiel of Yurk. Pocl tnrio. Residence : L018, 61h c Markham. l‘o‘st Oflicoâ€"Uuionvillo. First class Saabling and careful "matinee.â€" I‘ermn moderate; Tomato, Feb. 6, 1866. 36 Residenceâ€"Lot 20, run of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.O.Addreï¬sâ€"Butlonville. Partios requirng Mr. Snude’rson’s services can makearrangmueuls at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Jununry 4. lf65. JO H N CA RTE R. kLICENSED AUCTIONEER H. LEMON , PROPRIETOR. W. G. CASHIER: Sales attended to with promptitude. J. GORleEY. J'. FERIUS.' . Gor'ule}‘.P.O. I Wuionvifle;f.0. V1nrkhum,Jan. 4. 1865. 31 The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES“, W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionnry of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesales prices. 'No. '7; Fall Maiz,fLonden. Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0. v AVl-NG' been appointed Agent ï¬n" this Company, one of tho old‘esl; and: mos; reliable English Companies, I will be happy [0. nfl'nct nssuranco against. Loss or damage by Fire. upon eva dbscription‘ oï¬ Counties of York and Peel“ CONFECTIONARY I Toronto, July 20, 1865. G. A. BARNABD, Agent For Newmatket, AurqrglmMarkham and“ [endun ï¬â€˜mAssurance cumpany, â€" R‘;.T.iBUS‘H‘& (20., CanndnrManufuctur- tor-.J HyKinz; Slreot‘ Egan. .’l‘oroulo. C. W. Hem Ofï¬ce! in in Grad! Bhtuir. and Ghnada. London. Enghmd. GIIEgOWj'A10111T98] and Toronto. Richmond Hill. Rithmond Hill. March l4th DENTISTRY. 95 King Street East, Toromo. NEAR CHURCH STRKET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order m preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in llw mos! approvodstyle. Also to regu- laln the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. aud‘all work‘wn'named. ‘ PI Si;- Good agents wanted in overv part 0 the‘coumn' to whom will paid: salary from $50 16‘sv50 per mouth, or'a largo commission. Tsrmnto agents sens free. to those wishing agenclos. w. c. ADAMS, o. o. 5-, GORMLEY &'FER.RIS I Licensed Auctioneers: GLO UCE‘S/I‘E I: "0 USE, llF. GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Muchine is no'v prosantcd to. the géople ofCannda pos-iqssingr all the i'mprown ants that mm he wall' cuizï¬iiad in a sowingmaeltine. it will accomplish every description (if sewing excnpt hntlon holes. from an overcoat down to .lho ï¬nest silks and mnslihs This machine sells‘fm: only $l5; and is null)" wo'th $5), in miyfmnily. Every mechine warranted and’ kept in repair free of charge for three ye r3.â€" All machines sold in Canada are manninclure at the co'npnny’s hranch manufactorv in 'l‘or- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions. snnt express free on rocvipt (£315 in. a. registered letter. Full printed directiom'mmmpany each machine. noplain that a child iwelva years of age canJearu to, work one successfully in a shorL-timo. A‘ddiess‘ or call Mr The Granite State Sewing: Machine ' ' Cbm‘p’any, †Salon attended.. on the shortest notice- and n reuonablo. terms. ‘ r' ' 35 YONGE STREET. J-os- Gaby, Proprietor Godd Stahling and ah attentive has always In attendance. ' AGENTS WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. Fobruan‘ 5. 1866. With immgdiate payment of all Losseï¬. No. 7,1?031al “Egghjngp, _Cor7}hill. and June. 1865. 119102113 Much 23rd; i866 RUKE 'AND UNADULTERATED .363 Yonge Street, Toronto. Journals and Ledgers, zill'size‘s. , Pass Books, ’Pocket' Backs, Wallets, Purses, Nelson Street. Toronto. (Late Thomas Contes.) MANUFACTURER 0F FOR TH E US [TLD Ol' Yurk. Pool and On- lign 8, 61h concoumn “71yJ Ely 4l-ly 31 CATARRH , Bronchitis; scron’ila. Liver and " thucy Diseases. Nalm‘e’s Hemedih’lb from P ants. “v... WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for 60 years proprlelor of Ihe Linnaean Nul- .eries. has discovered POSITIVE cums for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Debility. Rhem mulism, all lfomale Maladies. and others tea suiting from'impurity of the blood, hitherto incurable. Explanitory circul‘r, one stamp; Trellis on all diseases. 21) cents. 58-4' HE Subscriber begs to inform tho Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkoep'conslumly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors. 610. As ‘lhis house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers cnn desire. those who wish loslay-where they can ï¬nd ovary comforlnre respectfully in- vited to give him a call. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. AVID McLEOl) begs to announce that he has Lemur! the above Hole] and ï¬lled it npin a manner secmrd to none on Yonge St when: he \vili keep constantly on hand a good supply ol‘ï¬rst-dass Liquors, &u. This house ponsrbaes every accommodation 'l‘zavelksrs can desire, those who wish to slay whera they can End every comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment Photographs:for 5001s doz. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain & Fancy Stationery lerZVERY VARIETY†Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. Lem‘on’s Hotel, Nelson St†Toronto. at 4 o’clnck, p.m.- All Parcels or Luggage loft at Bbsl's Bav Horse H-Itel. Yonge Streel,0r at Lemon's Holel, Nelson Strum. Toronto. willlm delivered with puncla- ulity nod at mudemlu charges. Havmg de- termined to run the Stage Aurora'Juue l .865; MITCHEL H0 USE ! AURORA. VVhlch will aï¬'ord passengers mrre lime in the City, and keeping attemive and accommodat- ing Drivers, I trust to merit lhe palronags of the general public. ROBERT RAYMOND, AVING purchased the Richmond Hill Lima omeges fuom Mr. 'l'hnmas Cook, 1 will run the same from my Hotel. Rich- mond Hill, lo Toronto. starting at half-past 7 o‘clock. a,m. and returning will ieave Better Time, I ESI’ECTFUI.LY announces that he has bhringed his time of visitingth fallowing piaces,‘ and. after Ihis dase will be (Sundays excepted) in Richmond Hill, Aug. 13. ’66, Brown’s Curners.. . . . .. . . .2!“ of enchmc Thomhill......... ....‘.."23rd " Richmond Hi" . . . . . . . . . . 24m “ Maple . . . . . . . . - ..........261h " Burwiclk .V. . . .. . .....,... .Qï¬th “ Klsinhurgn.....‘., ......99H) "' Nubleton'.. “u... . ........3'Ith " Laskey................ .3lFlv " Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isa "I Sutton..... ......... 31d “' Where he wiN attend to any business mining it) any branch of his profession BEAUBN’S’ FAMILY M33151 NEE SURGEON DENTIST ! DEACON’S'Antibillious» FEMS. None bet- terin use: DEACON’S' Iï¬NlMENT; Fur Cuts, Cracked Heels. and a|l>kinds of acres on Horses and Cnttls. DICACON'S Eruplivo Ointment for an kindnfskin diseases. . BIBLE SOCIETY DEl’flsITORY SCOTT’S BOOK ' STORE. DR. N. J. PECK, An oxnnllem remadv fur Rhnumnlicm. Erysi- rush“. Strainf. anims (7111,». (Vhi‘hlailw. SUIT Tamilâ€. and vinlmn-sl‘nins m Rimk or Side. the offset.“ of H19 Hea! All in the ahnvo c was are nMonis-hing, frequsutl} removing'afl pain in u few huors. DEACON’S VEGITA‘BIIE COUGH PILLS STAGE S. A soothing and nsfrhlgem nuplicxliml: and. a.“ far as awauplinminn am, he 0" mn- swrvinm more sci-whine nmhnuch. mom Mir-ingom. “1" «UV hillmrtn pvt-pared, The majority of case.~ ï¬iId speedy rulief h" its use. Una or two Doses genernlh' remove the cnld. DEACUN’S Mixluru for Cholera, Diarrhea nnd‘SiImmer Comphinis. equnl In if not bet- lï¬r lhzm mn' olhermoduï¬nn mndé. BEACON-S um‘ivnlkad‘ Cough Bulsaln,.for Cbuyhs. (7013‘. Consumption. Afllwna. LN“: Aurora, June 7, 1865‘ As a general Tonic, or Strengflmning Mud:- cine lo brace and invigorate the frame. "(MW can be halter. l)EAf‘()N'S PH}? ’1lNT31ENT. Ricummu Hum, A‘ugust 10 1965. The safest and hen Medicines in use in (Tnnndu. AS been nppnimod agent. far the (‘nnuiy of York. for the ahnve vnlnahle Mm“- rinna. wh'mh haw been hefove Hm Canadian public for the past seven years. mm have givnn universal saii~‘f'aclinuâ€"-ha van llmral’nra. with conï¬dalma. recommend (hundreds of 'Dnsfli'no niak could he glvnn if reumred. slmwing x1.“ beneï¬l derived therefrom.) their use fur Ihe'n wvaral vinunr. DEACON’S \VOR'KING' MAN’S FRI-EN“) OR HEAT. ALL. "\ct gemjv vet effectually: may be taken dnr~ ing'nny employrrgen', at any time. and (won bv the mos! dolicnze female. no wingers HOTEL; G. A. BARNARD DEACON’S FAMILY VICGH'ABLE PILLS DEACON'S S'I‘OMACHIC VEGITABLI‘ . BITTERS. Richmond Hill_ 1965. RICHMOND HILL n: bUfIlCTS.- . . . . hill......... mud Hill ..........5 K -.. 4 ...... ck». .. . . .. . . .......,... vurg......‘....-......‘, :on-.. rm... . \. .... u... . B........ ..--.. .n... -. ...... LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprieiqr. 7.2!“ of enchmontb. .23rd " " .241}! “ “ .QGIh " “ .28th “ " .993!) "' “ .3'rth " ~‘ .3 I F! V It ll . Isa --.- " Proprietor. 3m 28-1!" l~lf per- The York Herld él'sï¬ltntitoiy newfand of: tlia' 151951") mtvms. large variety of new" EGQK Orders for the an" oi, undermontioned descrip- llun u: ' MIMI!!! Jflfl WflRK W DRHEBS, PROMPT“ EXUE mm Fe: Cnrdn., &c just rocoivoo J O B BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, ‘2“1“, I‘ll“ , ‘l WWII "Gum PA M PHLETS‘ AN D LA RGE 1mm S MA LL, POSTERS, Lettcrâ€" Press Prizu t in}: ESTABLISHENT. BUSINESS CARD}: Will 'm prompdy attended to :â€" OUR“ ASSO RTMEN'I‘ (9F CHEAP And ovary other kiml‘of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS‘, BILL HEADS T0 WAGGON MAKERS &’: FARMERS EW@ï¬& 1 mm 2 RADWAVK“; REés’aEEW' EXQEMEF E H ANDIS A POSITIV E PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES 1' As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, AN I-SPASMODIC, COUNTER? IRRITANT; DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFAUIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. _ LUMBER YARD 22 Edward Toronto. Of Diarrhoea, Dysontry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of tho Bowels, Clxolic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Nuuralgiu, &c.â€"One tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangemeuts of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side 01' Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"-Onc application will afford immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the cum. ALLKINDS OF , B E N '1‘ S TL'U' F F SISTERS OF DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY DR. RADWAY',â€"I certify that your Rea-(7y Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, ï¬le, &0. One of our‘ sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken n. few spoonfulls of Belief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine. she mu perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success. It is Very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptherio, &c. It has a. good eï¬â€˜ect in flatulence or wind eholie. I use it for foul breath and it produces a. marvelous aflbet. In short it Pi‘ocui‘es relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. D.â€"Beware-Qf ceunterfeits (mil imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"The country is flooded‘l with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless nixtui'es at less than half price they are Charged for Ra(l\vey’s,‘ye\t charge the public the’same= _u e . mL_ :__:L‘L:Aâ€- Ann “M... . Certiï¬cates of ‘stvartlihg cures of the most violent and deadly diseases are on r‘ecord'at DR’: RADW'AY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating from the highest Euthmjitim jn the world. There is not a Town 01' City of importance (except a few in China) on the Glolio but that. RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all othet remedial lgents failed, and this is Touched'for by high dignitm‘ies in'Clmreh and State, both by letters. mitten direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. Sashes, EEOOI‘S, Eï¬iinas, &c. made to order on the shortest notice. N.B. All kinds of LUMBER & W081} BDHEHT 8; EULB, mAuLLAuu lvu “mu Luwu Ml.“ ,UVV “4v, m“, NH.“ Vt. ..__ -w. wise our agents sell you Radway’s for. ( him? 23 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- el'feits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers ; dear at that price. In purchasing: Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radwa‘y (“a Co. on the labels, and tho Words R. R. R. Ro‘glwgn‘yï¬ Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT W ILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE In violent diseases, ins‘mntroliof is; required. ASIATTC .CHOLERA. INFLAMMATIOX OF THE BOWELS, CHULIU, FITS, S_lll‘l’_l“EYlLR, CBQUPT'DU’THEHTA 111.:13' prove fatal . “1: ‘ n THE BOngLb, ()llULlU, FITS, Sllll’ FEVER, GROUP, l)ll"‘llElilA may prove fatal within {1.11 lmur or Lwo,il‘1‘.ot checked by a puwerliil mitidnto liico IIADWAY’S 1: CADY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflzmmmmi'y mu‘miivs, whiftlizii' lllmumuiimu, Neuralgin, Inflam- mation ofthe Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal (iiiiicultics, A illumination (J‘l‘tlic Womb, mu]; in fact, all diseases: fraught with imnwdinm danger, yield an (mm to this commanding cltz'aiive. vn 1.. will chth you whenever he Has an opportunity Ur taken in exchange. 'I oronto. Odober 20. 1866- wvumn. .uu. . 1““ ' "" " W. . . .v , . The READY NELI IuI!‘ 1:4 ax sudden 111 1:5 upm'qlw); us the malady useâ€: It as more zlctlve than the virus of the mmf Qwil't and deadly 0 Euro. W111: tin-s Ra- my at hand to use on the ï¬rst Rvmmmn m mum and uneasiness, no nel'snn need suffer an hour ‘ _.ckucss. Sisters of Merey at Derehester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Radway’s Remedies to the sick. For Cutters. Buggies. VVaggons. 6'10. :«Iro w Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants Kept constame on hand at Agents for the sale of Radway"s Brady Relief, P. CROSBY. hdhnn (1 Hill, 'J‘UOS. ALIJSUN, "wicria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora. IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDIOA. S. BR’EGGS’ If seizeafl with Rheumatism, Instant flesh) Neeflafl CURES PAIN IN STAN TLYI PRECE, 9-5 cents a Battle. Em sud den Aitacks Wm pâ€" All Around the Globm 72 JOHN RADWAY, M. D.-,- 6:. 00., Brick House and Lot! FOR SALE. 011 Richmond- Blill. 7 [IE Suhscriher, acting as agent for the Owner. offers for sale by l’rivate'Bar- gnin,1hflt dcsiruble property. situated in the most (tenteral part of the Vitlnge of Richmond Hill, and at presunt occupied by Mrs. James Burnes, There is Haifa Aer» of Land flouting on Yonge and Centre Streets, with a new Bricks. Cottage! Frecled tlmrsun.‘ The Cottage has>§SfOHe “allar u all cemented. 1hree llboms. Kitchen, l’nmry, and (Ilulhes llomn. There is also on llle premises :1ngm] supply of Hard and Sof Water. The property ls well situated fot Bui ding purposes. For fut-leer information apply (0 JAMES M, LAWRENCE, Division Court (ilelkt Richmond mu, Des. 6,1866 MnROWE. and‘ Mrs. RO\VE, King Sta; 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAI‘. And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK 26.1f HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to rhe ‘ HERALD ’ Book Slur. where Stockholders and others may owe“! BOOKS every Friday afternoon. mm. 410‘ slack. 1am, . ‘ DR. T; C. CULVER’S MEDICAL DISPENSARY, ma’nis and Sssret Diseases. OUNG MEN who are troub‘ed Willi weaknes:~ generally. caused by a bad hub]! in youth. which produces constitutional debilily. you can raiv on our. remedies, for we? nave Lraalod over ï¬fty thousand patients. and’ we guarantee a perfect cure in all cam; ‘ Our Peu‘mdioal drops; will bring on “It mnmhiy sickness. in all'cnses of obstruction {mm any cause, and after all other remedial “he kind have heen tried in vain. Nizw Rmncnirzs AN“ QUICK Commaâ€"For \‘tphilis SillCilllk‘S. seminal weaknms, pain? in the jmnts, affections of tha kidneys. diseases: nt'lhe head. lhrnnt, nose and skin, and all» :Imse drradl'ul affections arising from a secret. habit of ynuth, which produces constitutionul' «habilitv, renders Inairiage impossible, and in ,hu end destroys horh body and n i Id. 'l‘lio' Imminent vi e adopt is the result of upward: of thim' years expelience and successful practice’ in Europa and America. ‘ RICH MON D’ HILL» LIBRARY ASSOCIATION? Strangers \‘i~|1ing 'l‘nrmrlo, who are in mud ufn .‘ludil'ul adviser. having no time i to re- main in \he city to he cured. can have Medit vine (0 take with them. A safe and relmblo’ cure gnmanleed. l’ahelns livlug at a distanee can procure Du (J’s ream-divs. sent (secure and free from ob‘ -~mvmiou) to any per of the l’rovinno. with plain and {ml direcliuns For use, by ‘wr glllingy slaling casem; mploms Gzc. > All consulutiuus at the ofï¬ce free but strictly ce-nï¬deminl A. POEEUNE! EMPLQYMENT FER EVERYBODY. One for 25 cls.. ï¬vé for Ell, eleven for 9s"? llnrh' for $5, sixly-ï¬ve for $10, one hundredï¬i E'ur This dislribulion aï¬'nnls a ï¬ne oppor- tunity l'or Agenls, as what lady or gentleman will um invest TWENTY-FINE cums with a pros- mat of gelling ï¬ve lxundn-d or a thousand ELime-s as much. All orders must ho addressed to us 31 our old stand Eu [5 Maiden Lane? 1 New York. UTWrile plninly. my only what is necessary? and be prompt. Address. GIRARD W. DEVAUGH a; (30;.- A‘ M 310. Maiden Len ,Now Yam AGENTSâ€"Wo want agents in awry rezi-' ment. and in every town and counlyin llis’ country, and those acting as such will be nllaWL' ed ll! cents on ovary Ceniï¬cme ordered by’ them. prc=vid§d their remilmnco amounti to! one dollar‘ Agents will collect25 coins for" every Certiï¬cate. and lemlt 15 cents to us.- Addressâ€"Dr. 'I‘. C. Culver, 139. King St.- Enst, "'urulitu. C W. May 7, H9136. 49-1)’ 59.510“ Go'd "PHESHYO‘I' FXWHSinII Hulda H nnl‘. l'mmi's. . . .. . Girl U (inld lime and Gold Moun-' led Holriul's....-.... .... . 5.000 GnM Pens and Gold Extenb‘ L Finn 'r'lhlflm's..........-.’. 5,000 Silver“ Goblets and Drink- i‘lg Cups ... . .. .v.~.. .-... 3.0â€â€œ Silver (Taslms..-.-. .... «uh-c 2,000 Silve-r Fruit am! (Take Habitats ..... .~. Agents wanled th-lu-Imm 1l'e UniledIStatn and Canadus. “'alul‘e‘e, ( bailiffstts of Jun-11y. RingFJ’lfl‘ Bram-lets, Sleeve Buttons, Silver Spoons and‘Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, &.c. worth Elglll Hundred 'l hou- . sand Dollars, The 12-min: Stork ofa Mrgeeroxmm Hovsl retiring from husinr‘ss. For Hm pmpose of (:Iosil‘g out the stock a. the em . st possible date, the undersigned havo' derided on a gremdishibulion made as follows. urn AM) EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER. HOW VALl'ABLE. mum; sou) FOR $1. :n‘ 0“ Dozen Silver Ton-Spnnns. ’ (NH‘ " r “ Table Spoons A“(,‘el'|iï¬cale of each article with its vnluo' prlnlcd upon it. is placed in an envelope Enid saaledâ€"tlnese envelopes are thoroughly mixed7 and sold for 'I'ww-ty-ï¬ve Cams Lunchâ€"tho pero' son reef-Wing one 01' tlle‘se envelopes is enlilled‘ 10 [ha arlicle named tharein by ramming lllo‘ Cemï¬mxle to us with one dollar. um] ihs article.’ no maEIer how valuable it may be, will be fun warde In him or her at once. Ther arena llzmk Certiï¬cates and therefnra every one il sure. to get. at least, the full value nf'lfls or her nmnoy. Should (ha article named on We cerr liï¬r~ale nut suit,nny other wlnch he mhy' sb‘lvct’ nfthe same value will be substituted. We?“ ihe certificates as follows: {mm .. .. u f} ()(‘0 Gold Ovzfl Band Bracewtn'. l “(W Chased Hold Brnculfl. ...‘. {000 ( linivlninn Chains and Guard ('Inins.. . . .... .. . RON) Solitaire and Gold Browhes LHOU ann and Florunlihe [hunches .... .... . . . 50!:0 (Tm-M. ()pal and Emerald Hmonhns.... _ U,“ ... . . 4.000 Musair. J“. | nva. nnd Flnronlinc Ear Drops . . . . 1.500 (‘m'aL “pa! and Emerald Ear 0017s,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,(\(‘=0CR“1;H)iï¬ Dilznmnd D‘mas I’in ‘BJH 0 GOHR Fol) 1,000 P05 and Ves‘ Ribbon S'idas 3,001) SM.“ of Sulilaim “leave Bul- tuns. Sludm Pic. . . . - nnn (‘mhl 'I‘himh'les, l‘encilé.elc ',“fl0 LIN)?" umn (Hm 4100 “11%| 4_1f|41 ’.',,’.('H mum Minimum l‘ujrkms. . . . 25 Minimum Lockelsâ€" la’glc Spring . . . . (20M 'l‘nullvpicks, Crosses, Mt" . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . l’lahi Gold “bylaw. . (‘Imu-d Gold R ings, . , _ Sumo Sol and Sign»! Ri ('nlifnrnin Uimnond Riz: 23' SHS Larf‘ias’ Jewelryâ€"Jet xmd COLL . . . . . SM? l,ad‘e.~’ Jewell 3 \anchefl ..‘. . u .. .U. . . .-~ 300 Lad ss’ ’huld an'd Enameled- Caso “VKUTIH‘S‘Z'. ._ . . .. . . . 6W) Gems†Hunting-Case Sil- ver VValohes. 2ND Diumnnd Rings .. .... . . 1.000 Gold Vest and‘Neck Chains ....-.. ALL OF WHICH ARK TO M: son) FOR SI men 300 Goms’ 201d Hunting Case TOBQNVTO, UNFORTUN ATES READ! IMPORTANT 'I‘O LADIES. Juno 9. 1865. and Frrrks And all Female Complai Ls. Over 35, King Street East, Ufl‘xco hours from 8 A M to 8 I’. M. LIST OF :TRTI’CIZES. 300,000 For the cure of and VEST Watch A. SCOTT, Librarian. 250 “ l0 $1U to $20 20 "100 20“ 50 PER‘UOzKN to