w. WHARIN & co 1X HETSubscriberï¬n returning thanks to his nurrjgrgui Customers and Friends for tflaï¬r liber suppél‘t during the past nine years, , would Béf'to “Intimate ‘lhat he is 'prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every-descrip- tions from the best materials, and after the most fashionable style, He hopes by strict at» lentinn to business, combined with moderate B’ pnces to ensure a continuance of their favour. ' 'All orders attended to promptly. Work warranted, Residence†6 doors north of Mr. Geosbys ate stand. 3%“ .Masonic aud other “Emblems made to order. momma, Aum_27,~mes. 47. F‘Wdod Sawingï¬Mach'ines On an extonsi‘i‘e schié, and“ having tried iiie credit system, he ï¬iids that it is neither advan- ngagous to himself or his customers that are ï¬ling-Jib 'payï¬as hq has. been obliged to charge aboin'†on‘erthitd more f0; his l’ioughs than he t’bouffl-‘a’ï¬ord {0 soil for} in- order to cover the expenses of peddling. collecting, and bad debts He has now come tovihe determinatidn to With all the lalest improvements. and is also prepared to repair almost e‘very description of Thrushing Machines. particularly Hall’s o Oshawa. Having everv descriplion of Casting _, that may hewrequ‘n'ed he has every facility for ’inanufacluring and repairing Steam Engines. “(Lusty kind of Mill work will be carefully . géï¬dedgtOï¬Eï¬ll'd lumï¬ 'qu wilhdespalch at reasonable prices. L 119†i ï¬q‘hb uï¬â€˜dersxgne "is now maï¬ufaduring Sisal, mania-hoard; Ploughs ! Frmn ’30 as, to 3556. AT SCOTT’S RICH‘MO‘ND‘ HILL. Suppdâ€˜ï¬ Home Manufactures ! WATCHES, CLOCKS, Barrie Aug. 24 1856, - AND FINE JEWELRY. 1-13, YONGE St., TORONTO ‘Riehmond' Hill), Jima- 1m 1866. .‘Phe attention Mme Public is imvled to their Stock, censisting of a great variety of Beech and Maple, to be delivared in T011 cum during the winter. Appiy at the Hamid 0 Hide, Richmond Hill. (59 Watches, clocks, and Jewelry Careful aunmlm') given to the repairing of Watches and Clnclu: ,Jewslry manufactured and Rsuairn'i. ‘ ' CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Nn. ll. King Street Bush. 6 doors east of‘ Yonge Stu-hot. V Toronto, April 26, 1866. ‘ b» Wood. Wanted. Eamin 55 Church Bibles AT S‘COTT’S, RICHMOND- [ILLL PFUP-Bi‘l-ikng '31 Repelï¬ng‘. Pencil} With Ho} ‘10:: & Knife, Algscom's 1m mow HILL mundry ! SCHOOL BOGKSI I ILL parties indebted to the undersignegl am ~ l'equstedoulpay up immediately to Mr . Crosby. Richm and Hill. Of [he has! desm'iption and {newest designs. E‘RQM 52010 "99 Cord-*1 0' Ewe" ""“ 1â€" Bmdford. p839 jgowutï¬amiefl-thiirrd ; §a§ 5.2!}! {6&3193, he now offers Us is also manufaéfiï¬â€˜ing extensively KN EVERY VARIETY. A1 SCO'L‘T’S RICHMOND HILL ELEC'I‘RO-PLA'I‘ED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., 8m. "£553,311?" FAWN“! J, ,SEGSWORT‘H, IMPOR'I‘EHS AND DEALERS IN AT LOW PRICES, IMPORTER. OF '7, L. BUTTE RFIELD. 1866. 69 J‘A‘MES VERNEY HEN DE RSON‘, 52 3m &c. 810. IN GREAT VARIETY, ‘ AT SCOTT’IS RICHJMOND HILL. VSules attended on the shortest notice‘ and on reasonablo terms. I 35 Residenceâ€"â€"Lot 20, rear 01"31'd Concassion of ' Markham. I’,0. Addrassâ€"â€"Buuunville. Parties requiring Mr. Sauderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Junuary 4. 1:65. 31 The Commercial Hotel. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. W . G. CAE‘éTELL Day Books, {ORLh‘erCounties of York. f’ecl and On- tario. Residence : Lot 8, 6th coxlces§.011 Markham. l’ost Ofï¬ceâ€"Unionville. H. LEMON ,; PROPRIETOR. First class Stabling and careful attendance.â€" ‘l‘erms moderate. Sales attended to with prompzitude. :1. GORMLEY, - J, FERRJS, Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0.. JOHN CARTER, LLICENSED AUCTION EER Counticsvof York and Peel CONFEGTIUNARY I HAVING“ been appointed Agvnt' for this Cou)pany,one of the oldest and “105] reliable English Companies,l will be happy to nï¬eul assuranco against Loss or damage; by Fire. upon eva description of The Lowest PQSSEBLE RATES, W. G. C. 051115 at all the Stores between Toronte and Richmond “in every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at» the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865, G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Nowmarket, Aurora, Murk'hamand Richmond Hill. Riihmoud Hill. March 1411). 4'1-1y lundun Fire Assurance company, Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. Gorrnley. P.O. Markham, Jan. 4, 1865. DENTISTRY. 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, DEAR CHURCH STREET, S prepared to wait upon any who need his prnl'ussioual services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the nwst approvodstyle. Also to rogu- lale [he t'eeth of these who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. G‘ORMLEY & FERRIS Licensed Auctioneers: w. c. ADAMS, D- D- 3., GLO WCES’F‘E R 550 USES; YONGE STREET. .103 Gaby,†Proprietor. Good Slabiing and' an attentive he s EIWays n anandance. $150 PER MONTH. HF. GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Machine is now prasenfcd to the people omemda. possessing all the improvements that ran be well conï¬ned in asewing machine. It will accomplish ovary deseniplion of sewing except lmuon holes. from an overcoat down to lhe ï¬nest silks and mnslins 'l‘liis machins sells for only $l5:, and: is really worth $50, in anyfamily. Every mechi’ne warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years.â€" All machines sold in Canada are inanuluclnre at the co~npziny’s liranch mannfacmrv in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions. snnt express frw on receipt H.315 in a ragistered letter. Full? printed directions accompnnv each machine. no plain that a child iwelve years of age canlmvnn in Work one successfully in a shun limo. Addi'ess or call on The Grarxile State Sewing Machine Company, Februal V 5. XSGG AGENTS WANTED. R', T, RUSH & (70., Canada Manufactur- ors. 14 King Street East. Toronto. C. W. Home Uflicas in in Great Britain and Canada, London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. P. S.-â€" Good agents wanted in evarv part o 1116 counlrv to whom win paid‘n salary from 950 to 55:50 per month, or a large commission. T'erms to agonls 36m frat; to 111030 wishing agencies. With immediate payment of‘ all Losses“ .No. 7, Royal Exchange, C'ornhill. and No. 7, Pall Mall, Londcn. June, 1865‘ Twonw March 23rd. 1856 PUREâ€AND UNADULTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto Journals and ' Ledgers, all sizes. Pass Books, V Pocket Bobks’, Wallets, Purses, Nelson Street, Toronto (Late Thomas COELBSJ MANU ACTUKER 0F FOR THE 1) FED Unionville, R0. 44-1y 21~y 31 36' WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for 60 years proprietor of ihe Linnaean N1"- .eries. has discovered POSITIVE comes for the above, and for all inherited and Chronic Dis- eases, Dyspepsia Nervous ,Debility. Rheuâ€" matism, all Female Maladies; and others re- sulting from impurity of the blood; hitherto ,incui'abl'iaz Explanitory circular, om: stamp. 'l‘reatis on all diseases, ‘20 cents. 58-4- A‘TARRH, Bronchitis. Scrof‘ï¬la, Liver and thncy Diseases, Natm'e’s Rmnedials from Prams. Photographs for 50cts doz. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain 3; Fancy Stationpry IN EVERY VARIETY}. THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public {hat he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rstâ€"class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every nccomrilodatiou Tra- vellers can desire. those who wish lostay where they can ï¬nd evurycomfortare respocll'ullyin- vited to give him a call. ' AVID MCLEOD begs m announce that V he has Leased the above Hotel and ï¬tted it upin a manner second to none on Yonge St. whore he wili keep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors, Jam This house possusses every accommodation 'I‘:ave|!ers can desire, those who wish to ï¬lay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment Aurora. June 1 .865. 1. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-“ METCHEL H0 USE ! AURORA. AVING purchased the Richmond Hill Line of Stages from Mr. 'I‘homas Cook. 1 WIN run the same from my Hotel, Rich- mond Hill,to Toronto. starting at half-past 7 o’clock, mm, and returning will leave Toronto. at 4 o‘clock, p.111. All Parcels or Luggage left at Bssl’s Bav Horse Hotel, Y0ng Street,0r at Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson Strum, Toronto. willbe delivered with puucta- ality and at moderate charges. Havmg do- termiued to run the Stage 011 Better Time, VVIIlch will afford passengers mvre Lime in the City, and keeping attentive and accommodat- ing Drivers, l trust to merit Ihe palloxmgo of the general public. ROBERT RAYMOND, l ESI’ECTFUI.LY announces that he has . changed his time ol'visitingthe following places, and uflerlhis date will be (Sundays excepted) in Richmond Hill, Aug- 13. ’66, Brown’s Gamers†. . .‘.. - Lght Ofeach mc 'l‘homh-iH._........ ......'23rd " Richnmhd‘fï¬â€œ ..........‘24th “ Maple . . . . . . ..-..........26|h " Burwick.........-.......28th “ Kleinlmrg . . . . . . n... ‘ . .. .29lh -“ Nubleton. .. ...v.34vth †Lnskey.........-.....-.. .31.“ -‘ Aurora . . . . . . . . . .r...... . 1st “ Sutton..... ......... 3'd " Where he will amend to any business tainng to any branch of his profession Aurora, June '7, 1865. : l Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson St.) DO LMRGE’S HOTEL, STAGE 8. SURGEON DENTIET! REAEHN’S NMILY MEBI-‘JINES DR. N. J. PECK, The safest and best Medicines Canada. Â¥1A5h09n appointed agent. for the (.‘unnn‘ ,, of York, for the 111)!)‘76 valuahle Modi- cineg. which haVu been before the Canadian public, [or (he pam seven years. 3an have given universal salid‘aclionâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence. racommemi (hundreds 01' Testimo nials could be glven if required, slvawing the beneï¬t derlvud therefrom,) their use for their several virtuer. DEACON’S S'H).\M<'H’IC VECI‘TASMJC BITTERS. As a general Tonic. or Strenglheniug )Iedi‘ cine to brace and invigorate the frame. none can be batter. DEAsCON’S' FILE GIN-WENT; A sontï¬i‘ng‘an'd astringem applicuiun ; and, as far as an appliuation um be of any snrvice, more sot-thing and much more nsh‘ingenl. than any hilherto prepared‘ The majority 01' casea ï¬nd speedy relief hv its use. DEA‘CON’ST WORKING M A N’S‘ F’RFEND 011 H EAL. ALL. An excellent remedv for Rheumatth Erysi- palas, Strains, Btu es; Cuts, Chi'lflalns. Suï¬ Throat. and violenrsllain's m Back or Side. the eï¬'ccls of the Heal All in Lh'e' ahové cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in‘ a few huors. Act gently yet uflbctually: may be taken dur- ing any employment. n1 any time. and even b‘: the must delicate “snide. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS For Cut;y "Cir'a’ckod ' H6015, and all kinds of sows on Horses and Cattle. Ga A.‘ BARNARD One or two- Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet. ter thun any other medicine madh’. WDEACON‘S unrivalled Co'u‘gh Bhlsarnflor Coughs, Coids, Consumptipn. Asthma, 6w. DE’ACON’S Ammunous Pins.‘ None bet- term use; - BIBLE SQCIETY DEPGSITORY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS DICACON’S Eruptive @intment kind of skin diseases. RICHMOND Hn,1.,August TO 1865. Richmond Hm L865. RICHMOND HILL LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, DEA CON ’8 LFN I‘ME NT. .th .23I'd .‘24Lh . 26th .QBth .29lh .3411?) .31.“ . lst ofeach month. business per Proprietor, 3m in use in for all l-tf The, York Herlfl Orders for the 21le of undermentioned descrip- tion of WEB Jfl'B WBK Es entirny BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPHLE‘FS AND WWW. arr ORDERS LARGE AND SMALL FOSTERS‘, Fe: Cnrds., & letter-Press Printing ESTABLISHENT. BUSINESS CARD}: Will 'm promptly attended to :â€" OHIEEAP OUR ASS’ORTMEN T 05" JOB Aud’ evmv olhar k-‘md of newand of tho latest rrttems. large vmimy of new Cl-RCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND? AND DR‘AFTS', BELL HEADS m To WAGGDNL'JM'ARERS 8a T. a; s; LUMBER YARD 22 Edwardé St. Torcnte. AND‘IS A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW‘ FEVER, SMALL-POX AND O ‘HER PESTILENCES! ' ; __ “ALLKINDSOF Rammwsg As an ANTLSEPTIOEISINFE0mm, ANTLSPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIU, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Mei-bus, Inflammation of the Bowels, holic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, luflucnza, Ncui‘algia, ï¬io.~â€"Ouc tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcrangcmeuts of the stomacl}, bowels and liver, and instantly stop the most severe pains. LUMBER 8:. W351} Bflï¬WTï¬wSï¬L Sashes, floors, Blinds, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side 01- Buck, Limbs or Joints, Spine or MuscleE, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.-Onc application will: afford innnediate ease and mmfort, and a few times rubbing WIH complete The cure. - 01‘ taken in axchangu. '1 oronto. October 2“, 1866‘ In violent disemcs, instant. 1'0 THE 130“ LLb, UUOLIU, L‘I'L‘S, 9“ {1’ LEVI-3 within an hour or two, if not checked by RELIEF ; and all acme and inflmnnmimv mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal c diseases fl'nugz’ht with inmmdh‘ ' The READY REL! EL than the virus of the m ' ‘ ' ï¬rst svnmwm m Dam and mica c {. / , L and deadly 0 Lu paw,†; SISTERS O'E‘ MERCY,“ , DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 1)., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY DR. RAD\VAY,â€"~I certify that your Ready 1-30]in has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of out Biol; from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, (8236., (350. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken Va, few speenfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and neVer‘felt it since. I always use it; for dyspepsia. and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, (liptheria, &e. It has a good eï¬'eet in flatulence or wind cholic. 1 use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous eï¬'ceh In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. , ,,_ _- . Vs-.- T.“ “A».-m-nnnrrnn N. B.‘-â€"Beware of cdunterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do With the dealer that will endeavour to persu ado you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Really Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than hall‘ price they are charged for Reclway’s, yet charge the public the same raise our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and 001111. eerfcits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In purchasing Ready Relief, see flint there are two signatures of Rndway & Co. on the labels, and the words R. R. R. Ratlvsay & Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you Whenever he has an opportunity. . _, Certiï¬cates of startling cures of the most Violent and deadly diseases are on record at De. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating from the highest authorities in the world. Thom is not a Town or City of importance (except a few in China) on: the Globe but that. RADWAY’S MEDL‘GINES have cured the sick when all other remedial: agents failed, and this is vouched for by high (llgh‘lfmics in Church and State, both by lowers written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S.-Llinisters and Consuls abroad. For Cutters, Buggies, \Vaggons, 3:0. nlw V&C, made (0 order an the shorLus‘L notice. N.B. All kinds of Sisters cf Mercy at Barchester Street iiessital, aggï¬ying ï¬r. Radway’s Remedies to the sick. I W 8010. by Druggists and Country Jerchants. Kept cons‘tapfly on hand a; Agents for the Side 6? Railways; Et cady 11811613 ’ p, maoswsv, 1mm. on Him. THUS. ALLHUN ‘fr ora square, {12 ‘ AH. XXX/3N, A: mm. 7 Mr. HOWE and Mrs. ROWE, King S IT HAS NO EQUAL EN THE MATEREA MEDICA. EE geï¬zeï¬ with Rhmmmï¬fgmg Engamm Weak CURES PAIN ENSTANTLYX PRICE, «scams :3 Bottle. m @Eaezï¬Ã©iem Amasï¬m All Around we Gmbe. )3»; Q .33»- UH gubscriher, acting as agent for-the Owner, afl'urs for 'snlo bv l’ri‘vï¬te Bar- gain, mm des' :11)le property. situated in the most center-u] [of the Village of Richmond Hill, and ' en! occupied by Mrs. James Burnes, There is Mth Acre of Land framing on Yonge and (mere Sn'emvs, with a new Bricla'COttage! Ereclod thm'aon‘. 'ihe Cottage has a Stone Ceilar “ell cmnented. tlnoe Booms. Kitchen, 1’aulry,and Clollies Kuum. There is also on the premises a good supply of Hard and Sof W war. The property Is Well sikuated fut» Bui‘dim: purposes. ‘ For furteor jxlfoy'xnatioxx applv to ASIATIC. ‘EIOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF 331303013}, 'I/‘lP'j‘HERIA may prove fatal luna‘wml amidum 111m lCADVxCAY’S READY Mdics. who.le thmzmism, fNuurnlgiu, Inflam- unnaiiun ui‘i'xm \‘.'u:nl.), and, in fact, all m » m11115Commanding( u‘thivc. mun-Mun m the malady in .1t. .112 is more active \.‘Lih 1‘ ‘ Remedy at hand to use on the JOHN RADWAY, M. D., 6; 00., Erick: House and. L013! FOR. SALE. ‘ ' QM: Eiichmamd Hill. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 87 Maiden Lane, NEW-YORK JAMES M. LAWRENCE, Division Court ()lerkt HIS ASSOCIATION has transfbrred'thei'r LIBRARY Lorlhe ‘ IIEKAEU "Book Slo-o‘ where SIOCIUI‘UVI‘IBI‘S and others ma? Qrocur- BOOKS every Friday ï¬pfter‘x‘lddnégï¬'o {£410 8; alock. EM. 4, w, RICHMOND HILL L IBRA RY 11$SOQM;'2]:"§(;)Njr MEDICAL DISPENSARY, Chronic and 51;:Secrét‘ffliééasesh OUNG MEN who {'a‘re :roub‘éd with weaknesr- gene-rally)†caused by a bad‘ hahi‘ in youth, which produces constitutions“ (lehlli1._\'.yo_u‘c.an reiy _ou our remedies, for we. have treated over ï¬fty thousand patients, and! we guarmueu a perfect cumin all anaes‘ Our I’elindiual drops will brng on (hr mhmhiy sickness, in all castss'f of obstructiom how any cause, and after ail other remedin w.†the kind have been tried in vain. Nncw REMEDIES AND QUICK (7vnEs.â€"â€"For S}philis auitlnws‘seminal weakne», pain!â€" in tho jmms, ai’f'oclions of the kidneys. diseauasa ol'Lhe head. throat, nose and skin. and all»! those dreadful affections arising from a secret habituf youth, which produces constitutional! drbxlity, mndm's Inau‘iage impossible. and im A ~E0@WNE I ‘EWE‘LS‘E’MENT FER EVERYBUDL SW)“ 11010678 1 5.000 Sirer Goblets: 5 ing Cups ........ 3,000 Silver Castm's‘. . . .. ' 2.000 Silver Fruit and } Baskets vâ€. . y. ’l‘hn Entire Stock ofa large lmroxmsc “out retiring from Lusinoss. Watcl‘es, ( Iluins,’b‘4>1s m Jtvwhy. liirgsJ‘in Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons. SilverJSpomm an?! Pinks, Cups. (like Baskets, &.c. wonh Eight Hundred 'l hou- saud Dollars. For the pinpnsa of closii-g out the stock a.- il'e earliest ’NlelblU dale. théundemgncd havm decided on a grchtdisti'ihmion made as follows.. EACH AM» EVERY ARTICLE. 50‘ iiIA'n'zit noW' VALL‘AULE.‘ BLth SOLRIFOR $1. l A Certiï¬cate of ench'nrticle with its "luv printed upon it. is placed in an envelope an!“ malod~1hese envelnpes m6 tlmroughly'mixod and sold for 'I‘wuuy-jive ths' ea’châ€"lho pur- <0n receiving mm‘nf' these envelopes is untillod“ to the ariicle named [herein by remrninu mm C(‘l'llï¬cnle to us with one dollar. and ihe amid... no matter how valuabl: il may be, will bavfcr’r wardcd to him or liar at once. There arc no: ank Certiï¬cates and “1970be ' every ona ii: sure lo get. at least. the lullvaï¬lup of his or her money. Mmuld the ariicle named on tho COY-r nl‘u-nte nut silii,any ollmr much he may solocu of {he $7lnl6 value will be substituted. W0 no! !lie cvrliï¬cales as follows: One for cts., ï¬ve for $1. aleven 9s: .hlrtv fur sixty-ï¬ve for $40, one if ed 0r $15. This llisiribuliou ufl'ords a ï¬ne oppor- unity for Agents. as What lady or gantlemln ‘viII nm inth TW-l‘lN‘l'Y'FINE’CKN'I‘SM’ilh I pro-- peat of gaming ï¬ve hundrng or a thonsnnd 'imes as. much. A†orders‘vmust be address-G1 '0 us at our old stand-No 1.5 Maiden LIIlOp New York. May 7, [1566. Agents wanted throughout me United‘stnte and Caxmdas. Bromzhos 300,0 (10ml. Opal and Emerald ‘ Bronr:hes...._,,,,......‘ 2,000 MUSï¬iC. Jt't. Lava, and Florentine Ear Drops ..,.-:. L500 Coral. ()pul. and Emeer Var Hops U . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 Cali rnia Diamond Breast 1,000 Golds Fub and Vest Watch Keys...; .... .... ...'..r..‘ 1.000 Fob and Ves' Ribbon S'ides 1,000 Eats 01' Solitairn Meeve Bul- [ITWrite plainTS'. s'zy o'nl'y what is necessary and‘ be prompt. Address. 2 \Vau:hes .. .. .‘...... 3001mlas'Gnldand Enanmled- Case “‘ntchm†. . .. . . . . . 600 Gout“ Hunting-Case Silo ver \NalnlmsJ. . .... .... 2m Diamond Kings.... . . . “.UUH Gold Vest and Neck Chains 'Ullm n n u 3.0M) Gold Ovle Band Bracelnls. HHH) Chasm Gold Bracelvt. . 3.000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains. .. . .... . . . WON) thtaire and Gold Brmwhes {.000 Lava and Florentine AGENTSfY‘Vg way: agppï¬s in every refl- ‘meht', and in (svlerS' town" "Md" county in tho Eountry, 'and'thds'e acting 'as‘ï¬mth will lie allow- ed 10‘ cents on every CerJï¬cMe ordered by them: provided thei1"- remittance amounts to one doliar. Agent's wilT collect 525 cents for every Certiï¬cate. and“ remit 15 cents to us. 10nS.Slle!~'. etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.000 Gold 'I‘himhles‘ Pencilsmlc 4: "1000 Minialurellmckmls... . . . . . . , 2 50 L00!) Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic Spring........ ........ 3 1,000 Gold 'l'oolhpicks, Crosses, me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3,000 Main Gold Rings . . . . . . . . . 4 SAN“) Clmsed Gold Rings . . . . . . . 4 «,cuu Stone Set and Signal Rings 2 . 0 RJHW California Diamond Rings. 2 7,500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet and‘ Gold . . . . . . . . . . l. . . ... 5.0“0 Sots Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cameo, Pearl. etc . . . . ... 5,000 Gold Pens.Si|verEx1ansibn Holders and l’mmils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold' Pens and Gold Moun- t'ed Holders. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 Gold Pens and,_Go,ld Exten- si'on‘ Holders" ... . . . . .. . . Baskets vâ€. y... u... ‘20 “ 50 ‘ . PER noun 5,000 Dozen- Siiver'TemSpoons. $10 to $20 5,009 “ "“ Table Spoohs Addressâ€"Dr. '1“ C. Culver, 139. King St. ast, "'urontu, C \V, LIST OF A RTICLES. ALL 01‘ WHICH ARE To M: 501.11 mm $1 Iucl .‘iIIU Gonm’ Gold Hunting Case TOBONTO, J’una (ARES. UNFORTUN ATES READ ! IMPORTANT 'I'O LADIES. GIRARD and Fnrks. . ._... . And all'Fenngle Complai lit;L Oval 3."), King Street East, Otï¬ce hours from 8 'A M to 8 P. M. 300,000 For the sure .91‘ W. DEVA UGH & CO. No. Maiden Lon , New You A. SCOTT, Luï¬rian. and Drink- ial'io' 50 $50 to 3150‘ 50 1'5 to 20 ' ' 1'00 49-!)-> '70 100‘ 70 10‘ 10‘ 15 If} bu