Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Jan 1867, p. 3

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w-Dry 000058, Gracem’es «HARNESS Belt qulaclian Refined Oil at 25. per gal Best Pensylvania Rock Oil at 25 6d per gal not surpassed, at W. S. Pollock‘s7 late other of: King & Youge Streets, -- i - TORONTO. V I G.A.BARNARD menu-and Hill, Dec. 12. 1866. News Long Boots. . . $2 25 The usiortment of Men‘s, \Vomen, Bo; s, Von-tbs 'and Children's Boots and Shoes, in large and will be sold at remarkable -- The reason why so_ few Iiierary men ae ' Bred‘to their profession is because the pm euion is vary rarely bread to 'them.‘ 1N cb'nseqnence of having struck Oil. or something else in Markham, we can now supply the pubhc with a Pure Goud Buming Uil at Is 8d per Gai. BlanketstShawls, Nubias, Scan-f5 Gk)qu (3‘01 larths, Hess .Goodsfim q 1“ LOW PRICES FOR CASH. W. H. MYER’S. MONEY TO LOAN MYERS” Great Reduction in Goal 0in Iiich Hm, J: H. & A. NEWTTGN’S Shun-fiber 9.1566. My, motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. BE AT IN CA N A DA. Great Clearing Sale mmwm SELLENfi Ell REDUCTION M um I On improved Real Estate, PPI Y ‘10 Mr. VVARMULL. of VAN‘ .“ to'UGHNH'r 6L \VARMULL. Barrvslers. (\‘c I; h ‘ V HARDWARE, Flour, Feed and Provisiq‘ms. Rememl’er the Placeâ€"Flood 8L Price’s Old Stand. DRY Q0®D@, SILVER To make room for Spring Importations. CANNOT BE For Cash, wfll he allowed on the balance of llwlr Jlnuary [7, 1867. AT '0 C (J THE REMAIND’ER OF OUR. l.|.. of VAN- Barrvsmrs. (\‘c. $909030! CONSISTING OF DEALER [N m .SiYi xi'céy s, OF A T i‘71‘HE Undursigned is authorized 10112116 that I‘dâ€"4AA ‘M‘- Bun-isn't nub fillorncy-ut-Eum SOLICITOR IN CIIANCEI’A’, &c OFFHTEâ€"NO 4, Briiish America Insurance Buildings, cog-nor ol‘Qhurch IS: Conn Streets Toronto. Nov. 2‘3, 1866. 26 MQNEYITO LEND SET HF SKEW STEM 0 BIG SOLD on reasonable Xezms, the foiâ€" luwiug )ruppn; :â€" Partoi' Lot No 31). on 2nd Con. Vaughan, committing 633 acres : nlso, Village Property \ . . r . (mu [-0 procured, m sums to Suit borlowere. on branded security. 'l'erms made known on persona! application to MAME and DRESS MAKERS. (Men'de and AHerod lo‘ths Iniesl slyle. Stamping and Mahhiua l-Imbroidm‘y dune. Gent’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. Two dnorsnurxh of G. A, Jim'nards Slum. HE neat family leaga and extensive fiardnn. lately the :xhurtu ol‘mo late Miss Sarah ’,':uher no Luwrr: nee. 'l‘rrms lowâ€"1"er h purcimser year!) pay mom wm bu lakuu, Apph to N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c, &c. drawn wilh neumess and despalch.â€"â€"- M. 'I‘. 'continues to act as Dlvmos Conn-r Amavr. Fees moderate lhchmond HiH.‘i\'ov, 28, 1866. 26 COTTAGE 81. GARDEN ’ TO BE LE 1' OR SOLD. Richmond Hi1). Richmond Hill. Svpt. ]. 1866 Bonnets, Felt & Straw Hats . d “1 DUNC'JMB Esq, M D. Rich .0an Hill Jan. 2nd 1867. At Richmbud Hill. For particulars apply to the prgprictnr. mama ESTABLISHMENT, RICHARD GRAHAME, Misses M. & A. Rontlidge, LAND FOR SALE. M. TEEFY, UN LANDED SILCU H‘I‘Y. Rxchmond Hill, AT ‘ HARIHSON’S i Nov. 9 12566 Notary Public, Agmxt. &c‘ TORONTO. WRIGHT. 69 ‘23 67 N returning thanks for the Very liberal support he has roceivedsince commencing bUsiness in Richmond Hi”, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his {flock and has now on ham! a choice assonment of Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! lncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Burenus‘ Cupboards, Dressing Stands, V‘v’ash Stands, Eu. 8%. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering.\Vhi1e Lead. Paints and Colors, Raw and iioxled Linwvd Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish. 'l‘urperline. Benzvne,Gluss, Pu'ty, Glue, 15cc. Ste. Parties Furnishing, T’aiverint'. 0r Painting (lmr Houses. will do well to call before. pun-liming elsewlwre. Also HARDW ARE and. CROCKERY Olleap for Cash or short Credit. Lute ' ,m‘am? s “u 13‘ n |‘ nix“ ‘ mum "(My “Imth ‘ I ‘ tram“. m V “N Hi. ‘vflh'filfl “.‘i‘ {DH Where he keeps on hand Flour. Shorts. Bran, Outs, PPHS, Oatmeal, Cormneal, Buck- wheat. Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and mm M. 3mm Establishment Richmond 11m. Novamber 9, i866. In 01d and Young “won and Black TPaSfiIQ 2551] per Ib.â€"â€"splendid value; superior Moyune and Young liysou Tea, at 45 per lb.â€"-â€"'.he beat in This neighborhood, whh everything in Pure and Unadukuraled Port. Sherry and Mulaga \Vinvs. Brandies,uHolland Gin Jamaica Hum, Old Tom, Bottled Ale and Porter. SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE Ladies‘ Men’s and Childrgn’s Huts & Cups of 1116 newest stylosin every variety with the best general assortment of Dry Goods to be found in the neighborhood. GRGCEBIES! FERE! FEREH KNEE !!! Factx’ry Cottons at 6d. per yard. Heavy and fine makes of Factory really Superior from 7$d to 9d. per yard. Good Dark Yard wide Prints from 6%d per yard. A Splendid article of Madder prints from 75 per yard. Blue Dennim from Tid. per yard. ' Colored R001 Linings from 55 per yard. , Good Winceys in all colors from 103;} to lâ€"101’3d per yard. All Wool French Merinoes in choice colours frOm‘Zs 6d to 38 9d. Colored Mohair and Cobourg from 10d to ls 3d. Scarlet All Wool Flannel from ls 45d to 25 Gd per yard. Union Tweed for Boys wear, from ls 3d to 9d per yard. » Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 23 (id to [is per yard. All Wool Pilot Cloth from 3s 9d per yard. Fine Union & All wool 6â€"4 Black Mantle Cloth, from 5330 7S 6d per yd, splendid value, with an excellent assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Ov’er and‘Under Coats. Fancy Flan- nel and Tweed shirts, from 53 7% each, the largest stock on Richmond Hill of our own manufacture. good lame sizes and well made. PURE, SW1“ Hamiwm'c, Grawries caoce<anv,&c. ' 7 To which he cordially invites the attention of his old friends Richmond um, September 27.1366, ' - ' 69 7 . . And is the Larges! and most Varied assortrpvnt lo begâ€"found on Biphmond Hill. I quote a flaw plices to let the public know ihat: ' WEQWQAY, the 85% 005mm, EE I \' l l“.- Stapieflamy Goods "Nae Cheapefi 'Guods W . f v _ w 7 [110 has now I'eca-ived in: FALL Sit)le Ub‘ (;()0Db wmcu han- ho'eu pllrk'huaed as cheap as any house can (10,:md shall ‘sell on as mnali a profit any olhur man can do. The Shock 15 well assorted m ‘ ' FERNETURE! EGS to annaunce to his numerous Friends that loss by the late Fire, and that he will THQfi. CQQrHLAN A nicu nswrtmeut, good and cheap. [10 wnuld also call nllenlion to his flaws; wii‘ia flee Gauflilefi, Extraordinary STOCK of GOODS! GRAND RE-OPENING ! Competition is the Life of Trade. GREATEST BARGAINS And ercry uther Class ofGoods tlléféfl' body wants. NOT To BE UNDERSOLD, Bought for Cashfâ€"in the best Markets,â€"â€"â€"'Comprisihg RE-QPEN For Cash, at BET, FRESH TEAS! In his New Brick Store, on MAY BE HAD AT "mm. «mm "Wm “M Prices that uanno( be surpassed. “fl \VITH AN AND he has survived his immensP “TO-3"“ 7 "HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ‘ ENCE OF'AN INVALUL Published for the benefit and as a. *CAU- TION TO YOUNG " " and others, who unmmfi-nm Narvmm )r-hilii'v‘, Prlmmfnrn suffer from .Nextvous iiéhiliiy, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., ,supply‘ng .at the same time Tm: MEANS or SELFCURE. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. The applicant, by paying postage on his letter, will receive a eopy, free of charge. from the authn‘. HARE} AM] HT WEN THE CHEAPEST WHIPS! I WHIPS H WHIPS! H NATHANIEL MKYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings 00., N. Y. , F‘LO‘UIQ FEED, ~PROVI$IO NS- Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces HflRW ESE .' Richmond Hm; Sept. 18. 1866 NBTIL'E BF HE-MAL JOHN WATERHOUSE, THE LARGEST W. HARRISON’S, ' xvist-ZPrize‘ I Harness Establishment, RICHMOND lIxLL. N returningthnnks to his numerous friends and customers for lheir liberal support since he commenced Vbufiness, begs to inform them that. he has renmvad to the Store formerly owned and occupied by Mr. James Dick. in Particulars atlew‘tion paid to custom work all it: Branches as heretofore. The Village of maple, BEGS to announce ~10 the inlmhitams of Richmond Hi” and vicinity. that he has on hand quit: a large and well nssofled Stock of Lady’s. Gents, Misses and Boys 80018 and Shoes, suitable fur the presunl season, which will be ufl'ured low for cash. Richmond Hill. Oct. 24. ’66 Where he will kaep avvery select stock 31‘ : â€", A L [h ' ,. I" - e K I .‘ ll] alums“ He therefore invites his‘old friends 'and [ha in- ishabitams of the neighborhood to call and in- spect his Stock; feeling confident he ‘cannm be undersnld, nor surpassed by any house north of "Toronto. An 'pa'ffl'es 1160bth to me either by Note cr gook account are ramlested In [my the saml’a forthwith 10 Mr . W. H. Myles. Iiitl ’mohdhill who is autllon‘ed t’o ginn't'recoifts. Map'e; October 1‘1, 1866}. 70 “New; Millinefy' Show -» Boom?! HARDWARE. The owner is requested to prové proper pay expenses and take him away. j GERRA RD WILEY., Patterson, Dec. 14, 1866. CHEAP 5001‘s 1 A 'WHITE PIG. Ladies’ Bonnets & Hats THE Farm belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. VVi’linm Sa‘ldarson, containing 100.Avcrcs of Good Farming Land, 9:! of which are cleared. Ther isa large Brick House, Wood Shad. and other conveniences. a good Fgame Barn, Smblas Sheds and Root House. The above farm is Trimmed and Altered In the latest style. and on the shql’led.’ Richm'and Eliil Nov‘ 23 ’66 FARM EGR SALE. 'With ’he most exteusx ve Stock, Straw & Felt Hats, Skating Hat‘s; Ludies’ Boune.s, . F egghers, Ribbons, Flowers, -. Velyets, .7 Vails, ' .3 ‘ '&c. &c. [at NIL" I4," 3rd Bun. Markham, And is we” adapted for a D'airyVParm, as it is watered Wiih a never failing stream running acros‘s It. ""I"hore ‘s 'also two: Wells with Pumps. and a goud Orchard and Fruit Trees. Garden, file. 7 For further particulars apply to , ELIZABETH SANDERSON, Buttollvmo. 1 Or to El). SANDERSON}L0£20,4L1|Con, Saturday Morning, the 2131 inst, Markham. Sent. 17. 1865. MRS. W. H. MYERS ’omnlu. Oct, 4. 1865. Al. the VAME into the premises of the subscri‘ J at Patterson, in October last, I WINESLIQQQRS: age, JA DIES VERNEY BEST, Al WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Cheap Provision Slm’e. Traded for Wood. or Cash paid PH(ENIX FOUNDRY, STRAYED! ‘ WANTED; AND CONSEQUENTLY And an assortment. of IS TO BE FOUND AT AND RUBBEBS. GROCERIES, Assom‘MENT. 0F WILL OPEN KER TH E 91' Yonge SLreeI. Toromo. 68- 11' 2m notice, ll) v Opposite Temperance Sit: ‘ IT 0 O-NHT Wotannounce in “10' inilf‘lfiifavnts‘of the County of York and 111053, “I We neighborhood of Riyhmond Hlli in pan-Wumabfiwaddedwzlgh OF EVIL RY D ESCI’. IPTION. Importiaé mry>Goodeirect, custémefs .will receive :the_fu}l¥§d vhntagé of'the recent fall of prices and reduction in duties. 134 King 6t.,East, 'l‘orunlofswi'.‘ 21,’ 1866. » BOOTS'AND SHOES"; MEN’S, WUMEN’S'ANU .EH’IL'BHEN’S BUUTS AND SHOES - I In the most Fashionable Styles, Skirt’ings, Shawls,,Si1ks, .Ribbons,*Ma1’nles, ‘ ' Flannels, Blankets, and And of the b'éét M'nlex'ial and VVorkmanrhip. .All ‘Work in VVnnnnled to give perfect éafisftlc- tion. We 'ard conglamly adJing‘ tokur stock ofBUols and Show uf ou‘ 11.x.1xufacture, yrhwh will be V . _‘ -' “" - 134.1{IING STREET EAST, Opposita the Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Torogtog ' UMPRISING French Merinoes from 63 cents pér yard, 0' Cobourgs, Thibets, Lustres, Wincpys Emmy Qwsses from $1 50 each. I L " ' ' Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at 3S E E - *F'x; .V m. , I § \ a: .x‘ a THE MGM ATERACTIVE DESPLALY j:;'- Constantly kept on hand, . . Fi1.e Fresh Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines, White Fish, Salmon Trout &Herrings alwayskept ELGIN MILLS, DECMQO, 18665 1133 Yonge Street, Two Dobrs South of Best’s Hatel, Toré‘ii’fo; Constantly kept on hand. w_'/ 9:; gay .-. W37 Wâ€"V 9) . " CiOTHs AND " READYâ€"MADE?) CLOTHING, 15.1! 114. _l_11,1/ .L \I n‘u, A.,... VV‘nen 'orderin'g pieuse statehdeplh, of \Mell hr Cisuwn 33%, A feiv more‘ County Rights’,for A filcrry Chistmas and a Happy Ne-ngéaf 'E‘fiE ENQEEBKEB‘ SEENG A.1)AP'J‘JCD Mm ; ALL -DEP']SHS.- Styles for EAL}; AME WENTER View. FOR MARKJNG LIN!W.I“()I{ mm: A'I‘ THE “HERALD” BOOK SPORE, RLCI-iMQND 11le SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES,.T., good assortmént "of Trunks always on hand, .u i t , . .‘I t .4." EGS leave to thank them for their v’eryiiheral suppOrt sinde 116.commencedfbh‘smesy ‘ and trusts still Lo merit their approbmio‘n. 'I‘Ie‘ hes now ‘inflgswck, 'E'Bplel'ldld‘ 'f » ASSORTMENT 0F TORONTO, Sold. 13, 1866. NEW 'GQQSZ ? Splendid Fruit suitablefor the season, --: N0, 133: Yongo fitrcot, A complete assortment of the most desirable And is p‘repareud lo'make to omur all kinds of The Best Rock Oil 40cm per Gallon. Wishing 111. numerous' Qustomers CHARLES POKVELL: sale IS AT OF Patentec and .Pmpirzetqr. 13h:me B3003, (33W , 6 " Bonnef’é, Ha‘ts; 51-8n

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