Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Jan 1867, p. 1

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_. 8k l‘inee‘and under. first imertion....$00 50 Each subsequent inser,tion.. .. u . . .._ . . 0013 'Ten lines and under. firstinsertion. . 00 75 mien 'subsequent insertion” . . . . .. . . .. . 00 20 Above ten lines; first insertion. per line. 00 07 .Jluh subsequent insérti‘on. per line. . . . 00 02 me Column per twelve months. .. .... 50 00 ’H'dfa column do do ....... 30 00 (leaflet of a coiumn per twelve months. 520 00 Onecolnmn pen six months .. . . . . . . . . 40 00 Half-column ' do ........... 95 00 Qluter of a column per six months. . . . 18 00 Ase-I'd of ten lines, for one your. . . . .. 4 00 A card of fifteen lines. do . . . .... 5 25 A‘ card 6ftWe|11y lines. do . . . . . . . 6 50 _, .asuatucm mnttorg. M. TEEFY, ESQ., Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, (ZONVEYANCER, AN!) DIVISION COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFlCE. GREEMENTS, Bonds, Dneds, Mortgngos. Wills)! 61c , &c.. drawn with uuauliun und promptixude. ’l‘crms moderate. Richmond Hill. June 9. 1865. I READ & BO Y D. Barristers, Attx'rreys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., JOHN M. REID, M. 1).. COR. 0F YUNBE AND CDLBURNE STS., Cnnsulhlions in HM office on \he morning»; of 'l'uosduvs. Thursday: and Saturdays. {1 to lO,n. m. RITA” consultations in the office. (Tush. froronto. 13.3. READ, QC. 1 JA. BOYD B A May 7. [866. 4mm (C7 Residenceâ€"Near thn Church of England Buforenca ncnnined (00. S Winstanley, Esq. Molnb. Royal Unllego of Surgeons, Eng" Yonge St. Toronto, and Thomas U. Savage, Ill-q, M D” Mumh, Roy.ColL Surgeons. Eng. Thistletan. Mr. Geo. Burhiu is authorised to cancel, and givo TGCK'iPlfl for him. 77. King Street Emu, (over Thompson's East India House) OFFICEâ€"In the “ York Herald ” Buildings, Richmond Hill. 03» Money to Lend. l R. _ HOSTE'I’TER’S numerous frinnds wlll please accept lus sincere thanks lor their liberal patronage and prompt payment. and would announce that he will continue to devole l ‘8 whole of his attention to |lle prac- tiea of Medicme. Surgnry and Midwifery. All culls. (night or day,) promptly amended (0. Eight Mills, Oclober 5, IBGG. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, ILL generally be found M home before half-pas! 8 mm and from l to ‘2 p.m. All parties owing Dr. J. Langstnfi‘are mqwclâ€" ed to cull and pay promptIy. as he has pay- ment: now lhai nnml he met. P. J. MUTER. M. 0-. Phykicizm. Surgeon 5L Accoucheuz Thornhill. A'Ii transitory advertisements. from strangers or irregular cilslomers. must he paid for when ude in for inser‘iou. All advertisements published for a less period {Inn one month, must be paid for in advance. No pa‘per disconlinuod until all arrearagou no puid : and panics refusing papers without ptying up. will he hold accountable for the ‘lubscription. Richmond Hill, June. 1‘65 M‘NAB, MURRAY &. mcxss, Barristers & Attorneys-at-Law Solicitors in Chancery, CONVEYANCERS, &c. OFFICEâ€"~le the Court House, . .TORONTO August 1, 1866. 59 UAd vertisemems without written directions inserted :ill forbid. and charged accordingly All Iottors addressed to the Editor must be pull-paid. BAHHISTEH, Attorneyâ€"ai-Law. smelser' AND ! "UUUSIIL u .l‘all'dl uua umc. .. . ‘ iput an ounce of lead into hi: ICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho conn- Manufactured and for Sale b ' ' olies of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. I y cuss before u s twenty-four Ao'c ‘umg,&c. Small charges nnd plenty to do J. 01111 Lang stafl older, or I’m not yours, ever, “Luslioy, March 2nd 1865. 39-! 1 Sun): MILs,1TnoumuLL l DE):le O'Do &c. &c. 6w. Raidanceâ€"Nenrly oppositfi the Pos‘ Office. : Rmhmond '“lill. Ahd dispatcth to subscribers b) the earliest 1.mnilo.tol: billet- :qionv’leyance. when so desired. The, Yéttx‘Hmum will always be found to contain {Helatut antl inost important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets, and the f greatest care will In taken to render it nc~ : coptable' to the man of business. and I valu- ‘nblo Fainin Newsipaper._ TERMS':~OM .Dollar per annum. ll AD- vilci: if not paid within TWO Months. 0n. ‘Dollar and Fifty cents will bo charged. THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and ‘Vaggon MAKER. UNDERTAKER Solicitor in Chancery, CONVEYANCER, &c, &c., &c EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Thornhill, Juno 9, 1865 July, 5th, 1866. RATES. OF ADVERTISING. El); 199th germ GEO. B. NICOL, LA\V CARDS. THURNHILL IS PUBLISH ED "nun...- U11 1 serlion.. 00 75 .......-... 00?“ on. per line. 00 07 per line.... 0002 mths....... 50 00 o nu... 30 00 the months. 520 00 ......... . 40 00 ........... 9500 moutlm.... 18 00 yeah... .. 400 lo ....... 525 10 . . . . . . . 650 That he Ins «In-newi'nlly treated Ihe ulmve for tha paq 1en )‘Bm‘s willmul a sinqu failure. This h'nalment dom not new sham their being laid asidu only For it few dm’s. Quite a nnmhnr ofrefereuce given if requir- ed nt'pursous whose horses have bean cured by me. My (-hargu is $1 50 if paid when opvraled on, if not $3 00 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rear of lot 25, 2nd Cnn Vaughan. JAMES DUN'I‘ON. Richman Hi”. Oct. 25, ’66 72~ly. Horses Afflicted with Ring-bone, GEO. MCI’HILLIPS8L SUN, l’rm'iucia! Lam”. Surveym-s, Eichmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, BREW ESEUIT BAKER DAVID EYER, Jun., Stave & Shingle Manufacturer I (‘ISIUENCEâ€"Lnt 2". find Con.M1rklmm {1 nu \hv. I'llgiu Milis Plank Road. A large Stock MS'I‘AVES and SHIVGIJ'IS. knm mum;me on hnnd.nnd sold fifths iewesl Prices (I? Call and nxzuniuu Slack before purchas- ilgulsowhere. Ruddenceâ€"Lnt 4!! Yonge Street. Vaughan. EGS leave, to notify the public that he has purchased the business and good will of J. Hayward’s establishment. and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. EDMUND SEAGER. Prmincial Land Surveyor, «fie. RKJHMONI) HILL. l’icI-Nic pérlies and Tea Meetings supplied at me lowest possible rates and on tho shortest “mica ' ‘HE Subscriber “my tn inform his friandsi> l and the Public gmmmHy. lhax ha has! opennd an HOTEL in tho Villages of Maple. V 4th COIL. Vaughn“, where he hupes, bv atten- tion to this comforts of (he trnvulling commu- nity. to merit a share nf their patronage and "upport. Good Stubfing. &c. ‘ l V Planet] Lumber, Flooring, ac. Kefn on hand. SA \VING done promptly ; also Lumber Ton gued & Groved A! lhe lowest possible rates. Saw Mill on lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. 2} mlllus eastuf Richmond H”! by the Plank Road Richmond Hill. June ‘26, l865. Maple Hotel! All erers strictlv attended lo. Richmond Hill, June,Hf$S- Mapk}. Ja n [866 One of the oldast and cheapest houses in the trade. (L? Give John a call when in Town. Toronto. Dec. 1855. 27 LUI‘IBERING! ()OD accommndution for Travellersâ€" G Wines. Liquors and Cigars: of tha best brand always on hand. Good Shhling and unentive Hostler in attendance. l’osl ()ffico Addresxâ€" Richmond Hill Juuu lhfifi Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, _ mm mm; FATEE‘SEPHTS, January 16. 1866. M-rkham. Nov. 1, 1865. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Men’s Women‘s and Children’s BOOTS 8b SHOES, PLANEING TO ORDER, LOOK AT THIS NEW SERIES. "forth [Knowing J June 7,1865. Jnnuarv :6. 1866 gailroad Hotel, Maple ! ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. HF. Subscriher would intimate to flu- farm- ars and mim-s of Richmond Hill rvud .! 1.: Nu: having. EGS respeciv'ully to inform his customers and the pubhc that he i» prepared [U do 38 West Market Square. '2 doors south of King Strum, VOL VII. No. 34. In any quantity, and on short notice JAMES BOWMAN- JOHN BARRON. ABRAHAM EYER S EA Ft) RTH. (I. W RICHARD VAILES. 32-ly TORONTO. Markham. 2} Ihe Plank Road 4-ly Hf l-tl' 32 ‘22 “Heyday, Morley! You are not a dualling man, are you I You never left Ihe Rue de la Paix to walk in the Champ de Mars, sure- lv !’ " DEAR MORLFLâ€"J have a little shooting party on. and want your assistance. Come as soon as possi- ble to liarrison's bungalow; we Will make all arrangements lhere, and you can go and call on O’Fla- lherlv at once. We are going to have a shot at large game for a change. Don’t delay a moment. In these cases the scent should be followed while it’s warm. The fel- low's a big brute, and shall not escape me, if I know it. He's 5caught a Tartar this time. We'll lput an ounce of lead into his car- lcnss before it's twenty-four hours I flitmturr. A Shot at Twelve Paces, ‘A Prussian officer killed in a duel, I see,’ said Gallon, laying down the ‘ Times ’ ‘ Well,l was very nearly a second once ’ ‘Very nearly! Didn’t the fight come ofl ?’ ‘ N0.’ ‘ How was it? A very decided challenge, I snpuose, and lhen the principals foughtâ€"shy eh '1’ ‘ And the seconds ale worse than the principals; they share \he fo'ly and no! the danger,’ said Bingham taking up lhe sIrain. ‘ Gently, gently? Sweeping cen- sure it always unjust,’ said Morley taking up lhe Qpeaker- ‘ Every man who fights a due] is a fool, who’s better out of the world than in il,’ sald Dormer, lay- ing down the law. ‘ No, no; the principals Were in serious earnest about It, I assure you: ‘By all means,’ said Gallon. ‘ Silence géntlemen. Silence, there. Monswur raconte.’ And accnrdingly Monsieur recounted Il;f.‘ following. “ Thy kingdom come,” the husband prayed As he thought. of his heart-wrung vow, To give his wealth to the came of heaven As his peerless wife to his prayer was given, When sinking in death e’en now; And anon he bought a. jewel rare, To deck that queenly brow. “Thy kingdom come,” the rich man prayed, When mnking his last bequest-â€" He thought of his priceless home above, Committed his soul to his Suviour’s love, To lean on than Suviour’s breast; Then gave his wealth to his prodigal son. And sunk to his drenmless rest. ‘ Then the authorities interfered and siopped the fun, perhaps 1' ' Wrong again. Not a soul threw the least obstacle in the way of the meeting.‘ ‘ Well, how was it then 9’ ‘ Why, the fact was. lhat when we got to the groundâ€"but perhaps I'd better 1eli you the whole story.’ ‘ Wth l was shooting in lndiaJ one morning received a letter. ex- pressed in some such terms as lhese :â€" “Forgive us Lord, as we forgive,” Rose on his prayer at night; And peacefully that suppliant’s head Did rest. till morn-mg light, And then he grasped his fellows throat, And wrenched the poor man s mite A Low on his youthful bier: The year came roundâ€"the hectic spokeâ€" IL told her murmuring heart was broke For the mic! cherished there. “Into temptation lead us not," So prayed the youth at mom ; Then pleasuve’s doubtful paths he sought And wondered friends should warn; At night he quafi'ed the fatal cup, And laughed thexr fears to scorn. “Thy will be done,” the mother sighed, And thought. the prayer since e, As she laid lhe sot} 9(1)? youthful pride 1 Who rose to morning pray'er ; At noon be doomed that Father’s son, To,chaina_and dark despair,â€" At"night returned with blondy hands, To repeat. that impioua prayer. “Give us this day our daily bread ;" So prayed the proud and great, " Give us this day our daily bread," So prayed the poor at his grate ; The rlch man took the bread from heaven, And refused his humbler mate. And why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the thmg which I say Y-â€"Lun vi; 46.7 “ OUR Father,” said a saintly one, in . DEXNIS'O'DO'WD.’ ’momhâ€"J Let Sound Reason weigh more with as (him Popular Opinion. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1867‘ ‘ P\ st him! post a tiger! O‘Dowd was still at 1115 jokes. ‘ Well! And when is it to be 1’ I asked. ‘I won’t have it delayed longer Ihan lo-morrow morning.’ answer- ed Dennis. ‘ You must. go lo 0 Flaherly at once, and if be pre- fers this eveningâ€"laim! all the beller. ‘ 0. it depends upon him, does it ?' said I. ‘ Ay. let‘s hear all about the gentleman,’ Sllld I, eagPrly. ‘He’s been playing with as long enough. \Ve’ll puta bullet into his hide now.’ ‘ A tiger, by Jove l' I thought. ‘A tiger at last.’ ‘I had been waiting. for weeks in the hope of getting a shot at a tiger. and had been repeatedly tan- Vtalized with reports of one being somewhere in the neighborhood. The jungle came down to within a very short distance of the place where I was staying. and the country lacked the very ideal of what a tiger Country should be; but i had never had the luck to get a shot at one yet, although for some time past there had been rumors that a tiger Was about. He had been seen here, and heard 0! there; he had carrried ofi a sheep in one place, and a bullock in another; but still no one had bean able to find out anything as to his actual whereabouts sufficient- ly definite to make it ol‘ any use our going afier him. But now, thoth I. O‘Dotvd must have got the bearings of the bast pretty ac- curately. I could have wished that Dennis had been a little less flowery and ‘tropical’ in his ac- count, but he always was a funny log; the drift of his letter was clear enough; and if the tiger’s having caught a Tartar was not a mere figure of speech, the animal must be a very fine one. The part about O'Fiaherty puzzled me a little ; il ltad always struck me that he and O’Dowd Were by no means warm friends; O'Flaherty was always chaifing O’Dowd, an! U’Dowd, always vowing venge- ance against O'Flaherty. But it was all fun, perhaps ; and O'Fln- herty was a great hand at tiger shooting, [dared to lav. At any rate,’ hurrah for the tiger? And i hurried oti'to Harrison‘s bungalow, where [found O'Dowd, with an expression oi the utmost determina- tion upon his face, drinking pale ale as if he mean it. ‘ Well, O’Dowd,’ said I; ‘ we‘re to have a shot at him at last, are we ?’ ‘ That we will, my boy,’ relurn- ed ()‘Dowd. Now jusx listen to me. As[ Was walking up here last night, I met him snunleringâ€"’ = What I You met the bast, you ‘ \Vell, of course it does,’ said O'Dowd. ' lo a certain extent ; but not latter lhan lo-murmw mowing, mind And now I‘ll tell you all about il.’ say ?‘ ‘Andl could see that he’d had a deal more than a taste of the cratur,:hough he carried it ()fl in such a mighty easy way.’ ‘ And you may call him a bast,’ sald O'Dowd. 'He was that -for certain. He’d had too much; I‘ll take mv oath of thal.’ ‘ [could see it, at once,’ continu- ed ODowd ;’ '1 took his measure at a glance.’ ‘ Carried it off easily, did be ?‘ saidl: a sheep or a bullock. 0! course. What! he was of} with it to his den. me insatiable thief. Well. when he saw me, he came towards me, roaringâ€"J ‘ Well,’ said I. anxious to know his size, andâ€"’ ‘ That we are,‘ said he ; ' or I'll post hun.’ ‘Roaringl came towards you!’ I exclaimed. ‘ Bv Jove! you look it very cool. Didn‘t you run?’ ‘Run!’ said O'Dowd, as if uncertain whether m be nflended 3r nor; ‘ will you please to be seri- ous motley. This is no joke I’m telling you.’ ‘Glutled with carnage,‘ I mut- Iered. ‘ No joke! My dear O'Dowd I should think not, Indeed. What did you do ?‘ ‘When he saw me, I tell you he pqlled the cigar out 01 his ‘vShoot O‘Flahérty! What are you going to shoox him for 9' ‘lm going 10 shoot no tiger. l’m gning to shoot O'Flaherty.’ ‘ Why didn’t you understand? He told me 1 had got chewber' clea.’ ‘And so this precious note of yours.‘ said I, producing the epistlc. ‘ was to ieil me that you’re going to fight U'Flaherty. But you’re not serious. I hope, O’Dowd, I said. You don't reallv mean that you intend to shoot O‘Flaherty'f I'll be shot if I don't, returned O'D nwd, vet}? .fmzfledh'. “HE&:QILI_ m1: I’d got chewbé’r‘élé’s m my lungs. ‘ What tiger?’ said O‘Dowd. ‘In the name of myslery, what tigerfi? ‘ Whv. the tiger we're} gung to shoot, of course,’ - ‘ Faith! and you may say that, replied O’Dowd. ! though I'd put it delicately. And did you 50? said Dennis. with some pride. Begad ! lalways was a neat hand at letter-writ- ing. And there was very little doubt that O‘Flaherty was right. A few years afterwards the fact became fatally evident. Death, and 3 RM. examination, put it beyond all question. But even if there had been no grounds for it. the idea of shooting a man for such a reason as this was absurd. By Jove! you put It so delicate- ly 1h! I thought i! all referred 'to liger~shooling. ‘ O‘Grady ! The most determin- ed fire-eaten in the empire. If he called on O’Grady it would end in a fight. as certainly as doomsday. If] underlook it, we might per- haps come to some arrangement ; so. with much reluctance. I laid Dennis that he might command , ‘ Who? \Vhy, O'Fahertv ‘ 0, confound O‘Faherty !’ I said. ‘ Why the plague ar’e you always bringing his name in? Tell me about the tiger 1’ My dear fellow, said I to O‘Dowd this must not be allowed to go on. I can‘t consent to act as yoor friend in such a case as this. , It would be a difierent make: if he‘d given you the lie. orâ€" ‘ Give me the lie 1’ said O’Dowd. ‘ Did n’t he tell me I’d go: chewbercles, when I have nt anvthing of the kind. is not that giving me the lie. to all intents and purpnses ; giving me the lie in the throat as deep as to the lungs. as Shake-spears says, eh? Once for all. will you undertake the mat- ter? ’ ‘ I‘d rather be excused,’l said. ‘ Very good,’ said O'Dowd ; ‘then I wish you good morning. I'll go and call on O‘Grady.’ ‘Fur Heaven’s sake. my dear O’Dowd,’ said I, anxiously, ‘ don‘t be too hard upon him. But it as peaceably as you can.“ ‘ I knew you'd never spoil sport,’ said O’Dowd. ‘ Now, look here, Morley, you go at once to O'Fia- hearty and give him to understand that Irequire~ ‘Jusl what I'm going 30 do,’ said O'Dowd. ‘ You go to O‘Fla- herts’. and tell him that I require a written apology, which must contain a c-onlessinn that he was drunk at the lime of speaking. and a declaration ofhis fuli beiiei I've no more got chewbercles than he has. If he declines to give this, I expect immediate satisfaction. I can’tput it more peaceably than that, now, can I ?’ ‘ Tiger ! What are you afier. Morley ?' t ’ ‘ W110 said you’d got tuber- cie 1’ . v r ‘ The out. ‘ I certainly though it possible, but as O’Dowd adhered to his own opinion, that did no good a! all. So. armed with this peacea- hie measage. I took my was to P'Flaherty. whoml found sitting lazin upon a cane-bottomed chair and surrounded by soda-water bollles. ‘ And comes towards me, roar- ing out, ‘ What are doing out 0 bed, O'Dowd? Go home with you. Yuv‘ve got chewbercles, in your lungs. Go home!’ ‘ Eh! \‘Vhal? Cigar 1’ Tiger said,’ I gasped ” makehours'elves if this nfl'air pru- ceeds any further. Every mess- room in India will be laughing at the 'I‘uberc!e duel. 2 am sure you must perceive the truth of this, and the absolute necessity at putting a stop m it at once. By Jove, sir. we shall never hear the last of it Till the day of our death. “Nell. it seems you said some thing about his having tubercle of the lung, and he does not like it. He is ralhquouchy about his chest. you know. 3 Yes, you to‘d him that he‘d got tubercle; and he took the perch so much to heart, that I am come from nim to say that he expects an apology. I was, indeed. and I‘m sure. mv dear fellow you must see how ex You may savihat, indeed. said O‘Flaherty, laughing. Faith, it won't be only O'Duwd who‘ll be troubled with cllewberclcs, will it? Then look here. my dear O‘F a- herly‘, sald l, pushing a writing- case towards him; just scralch two or three lines to say Ihat lasl mght you were as you ve just said trau- bled with a drappie in your ee; and you may add ,â€"â€"its as well to do the thing handsomely while vou are about it,â€"that you have perfect faith ha! ha lâ€"perfcct failh in the 'imegrily of O‘Dowd‘s .ungs. Come what do you say? Pop Went the soda-water. That. said G‘Flaherty. Thai! Explain, please. That‘s all the apology that ye‘ll get from me. 'Well, Iheffict is; I am come upbn a very unpleasant mission.- You don‘t remember meeting O‘Dowd, do you 1 ‘Begad, and wére you told to say' that P No, that it. won’t. It‘s not gen- erally conside'ed an infectious dis~ order, bul it will infect us, at any rate, said I. Change chair will be the only thing lor us. said O'Flaheriy. Ay,Iknozv. And did I tell him that? But my good sir. if you don‘t ap â€"â€"-explain in some way. O‘Dowd insists upon hghling. And did I' insult him ’ said O'Flaheny, taking up a soda-water bottle. That ' is mighty curiOUS. How did I'do it ?’ And by the blessed St. Patrick; said O‘Flaherty, his speech becom- ing ten times more Irish than be- fore at the memion of the nationafi pasiime ;-â€"-â€"and by the biessed St. Patrick 1‘” humor his fancy. if it‘s {nightng he mancs; [‘11 might him wilh all me sowLâ€"Wilh all Ihe pleasure in life begad. Ye can‘t fright Tim O'Flaherly into an apoiogy by telling him that {night- ing the al'.ernalive, I promise ye. Faith ? ho, said be; ‘_my me- mory might be‘glearer. Il‘s O‘Dowd you mean'l said Flaherl}. thoughlfullv, Begad. then, I don‘t. ~ Ah! You did meet him, though and he says insulted him great- ly. There, ifyou have not stated the case cxacxly. } Ha! Morley, said he. deli:ht- el [0 see yam-upon me conscience. WI” you taken pegl 'No! You‘d better. I‘ve done Lula else evar since- I got up.' Well I yes, I was a little Sprung last night ; just a drrapple in me ee, as that Scolcl) fellow says in his. infernal brogue. Begad? looking back uphn last night’s proceedings. remmds me oflhose dissolving Iviews, where each p’clure gels misty. and runs into the next. ' ‘ > ISuppose, than, you have no very distinct recollecliun of the people vou met last night, have you '1’ linquired. Fright you. said I ; I never dreamed of lrightening you. But reflect [or a moment upon lbe ab- surdity ofthe whole affair. Come old fellow, stretch a point, and save us from universal ridicule. TERMS $1 00. In Advance. Then you decline to apologize altogether? Then 'I have no resource but [to ask you for the name of your friend fyou wally will no! be persuaded Faith, not I, said O'Flaherty ; the prospect dont trouble me at all to speak of. Whole No.445 How in: nu) Iraâ€"One of the wealthiest merchants of New York city tells how he commenced busi- ness: I entered a store and’ asked ifa clerk was wanted .3 No, in a very rough tone, was the answer. â€"â€"all being too busy to bother with me. Then I reflected that it they did not want a clerk, thev might want a labourer : but I was dress- ed too true for that. ] went to my lodgings and put on a rough garb. and the next day Went into the same store, and demanded if they did not want a porter, and again, No. was the response ; when I exclaim- ed. almost in despair, Sir, I will work at any wages. Wages is not my objectâ€"J must have em- p'oytnent, and I want to beanseful in business. These last remarkes attracted their attention, and in the end I was hired as a labourer in the basement and sub-cellar at a very low pav, scarcely enough to keep bod) and soul together. In the basement and sub-cellar I soon attracted the attention of the count- ing-house and chief clerk. 'i saved enough for my employers in little wastes to pay my wages ten times over, and they soon found it out. I did not let any one go about com- mitting petty larcenies Without re- monstrance and threats of exposure and real exposure if remostrance would not do. If! was wanted at three o’clock I, never growled, but told evervbody to go home, and I would see everything right. I load- ed olf'at daybreak packages for the morning boats, became indispensa- ble to my employers ; and l rose and rose, until I became the head of the house, with money enougl’l,~ as you see‘ to give me an) luxury- or position a mercantile man may desire lor~ himsetl’ and his children in this great city. FUTan Housmvrvns.tâ€"-\Ve sometimes catch ourselves wonder- ;iug how many of the young ladies whom we meet with are to perform the part of honsew‘ir‘tes" when the young men who now eye them so admiringly have pursuaded them to become their brides. We listen to those young ladies of whom we speak. and hear them not only ac- knowledging hut boasting of their ignorance of all household duties, as if nothing would so lower them in the esteem at their friends as the confession of an ability to: bake bread, rnake pics, or cook a ,,piece of meat. or a disposition to engage in any useful employment. , Speak- ing lrom our own youthful «recol- lections, we are free to say that taper fingers and lily-white --,hands arevery pretty to look at with a young man‘s eyes. But we: have lived long enough to learn that life is lull of rugged experiences. and that the most loving. romantic, and delicate people must live on cooked or otherwise prepared food. and in homes kept clean and tidy by in~ dustrious hands. And for all the practical purpose of married llfe, it is generally found that for a hue- band to sit and gaze at a wife‘s taper fingers and lily hands, or tor a wife to sit and be looked at and admired, does not make the pot boil, or put the smallest _Diece tf Mr. Rankin, M. ‘P , has left 101' Eng‘ land, to lay before the home govern- ment, the Detroit Post says, several in)» partant interesting of his constituency A Sncnm, AND Sunni-N Dmmrâ€"A special telegram from Wellington Square states that a man named James Alton cut his throat on Saturday evening ; and a hoteL keeper at Port Nelson, named Edwartl Roy 31, died suddenly. 0n Sunday night, after eating his Supper.~â€" Globe; The Viceroy of Egypt has been created a nght Grand Cross of the Bath. Disgusted exCeedtngly, 1 took my leave and returned to my quart- ters. The idea of tw0' lellc-w: shooting at each other for no better reason than that. one had accused the other of having diseaieu lungs was so coni’uunrledly tilitn'ous, 'hht, setting aside the unpleasant- (less ol being engaged in an affair ufthis kind at all, I Would” have given any thing to be able towash mv hands of it. But what was to be done? When the two princi- palsâ€"both of them Irishmen, too-â€" were resolved on fighting, 'what could stop them l Perhaps O‘Fla- 'hertv’s lriend.who would. 01' course be of my mind about the serious farce in which we were compelled to act. might be to hit upon .some means ol getting out of it. I would see what could be done when he arrived. It was really such utter nonsense. that a peg was the” only thing to restore a lellow's equani- mity after two such interviews. To be Concluded You cmnnot preserve happy domestic pairs in 1 Lmily jars. The number of advertisements in tho Times for one year was over 575,000. LOVE AND RUM.â€" Man, while he loves, it is said, is never quite depraved. This de. pends upon whether his love for rum or womenâ€"for good spirits or bfldx Icam real‘y undertake to be per- suaded, me dear friend. , Am you going? Well} gnod by ; will send some one; meal! upon, yuu’ in‘jg. twinkling.

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