RICHMOND HILL. TIME TABLE Mail Train Expresl. . .. Coal 0ilâ€"~â€"W. S. Pollack. Huruess.â€"W. H. Myers Duplex Elliptic Skirtâ€"J. W. Bradley. Buots.â€"W. 1L Myers. Strnycd Pigsâ€"Gerrard Wiley. Skate Strapsâ€"Wm Harrison. Clearing Salc~A Scott (lnrdm-‘Riclmrd G ml:an Dosimblc Residence m Rent-«C Battrick RTCHMOND HILL. JAN. 25, 1867 _ The ï¬rst meeting of the above Coun- Q‘il, for 1867, was held at Size's Hull, 'Uniomnilvle= on Monday, the let inst, at neon. Members an present. After the members had taken the De- claration of Qualiï¬cabien and of ofï¬ce, thoeRccve took the Chair. T. Graham moved, seconded by R. J. Arnold that the Treasurer be authorised to pay the following accounts, namely : To James 'l‘hompsnn . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . $77 75 la‘uuu White, for me of room to plection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 50 John Culhoon, for work d-mc. . , . ll 12 Alex SuoLt, for mining yearly min» mes, circulars &c . . . . . .. . .. l .. B3 30 Express. . Mm]. . . . Money; to Lendâ€"G. I). Victora Square Property for Sill(“‘GCO McPhiHips Landâ€"Wm AHiinson Rolling» (NILâ€"“7m Atkinson Great 'clenring Saxllevfl. & A. Newmu Hurrah for Christmasâ€"H. & A. Newton. SUBSCR‘UE FOR The YOxk Herald, $1,00 a year Auditors John antrnas (l0 J. P. Rume Aunsmr Jag. M. Lawrence lmpuctors lxuuc While do Duncan McCullum do Anor Matthews Coileclors Dzmiel Kinnee d0 ervpl] Urr do Thomas Glnn Mr. Arnold moved, seggndpd by Mr. Graham, that the Interpst negrqu from the Clergy Reserve Fund up to the 31 Dec. 1866, be equally dwide amongst. gha several and respective Schuol Sec- tions as heretoforc.â€"-Curricd. Northern Railway of Canada 'By-Jmtes Bowman, from Thom Carr and'vothersfor aid to Mrs. Robert, Jarret 1nd family. By thn Bowman, from Peter Milne and others, forfaid to Phoebe Johnson and family. James Bowman, seconded by \Vm. Button, moves that the sum of four dollars be granted Por the support of “7m Dove, an indigent persony now reâ€" siding in the Township of Markhamlaud that the said sum be payable to the or- der of Councillor_ Robb Marsh.â€" Carri- ed. The Municipal Council of' Vaughan, met at the Town Hall on Monday the 211% January 1867, at noon. All the members present. Th0 Members elect having cxwuted their deslamt‘ions, and qualiï¬cations of oflicc, proceeded to business7 vBy Robt Marsh, from \Vm Russell and others, for aid to Wm Dove. By Robt Marsh, from Peter Heist: and others, for grant to build a. Bridge between lots 25 & 26 in 3rd Con. Said petitions were received and read. By-Baws Nos. 1891 190 and 191 ap- pointing the following Township Ofliccrs and regulating salaries were then passed. namely: â€"â€" By \Vm. Eakin, from John Hunter and others for aid to John Edmonmu Robt Marsh, seconded by Wm Button, moves that the sum or Your dullum be granted for the support of Mrs Robert J rrrot, an indigent person, now residing in the Township of Markham, and that the said sum be payable to the order of James Bowman.~ Curried. Electoral Division N6 1 do d 0 2 do do ‘ do do 4 do (13 5 n J Wm szkin, seconded by \Vm Button, moves that the ’I‘renuror pay to the order of Wm Eukin the sum 01' $8 for aid to John Edmonson now lying in the Toronto Hospital. Tanicd. Rob; Marslx,sec()1\dcd by \Vm Button, moves that the sum of 350 be granted towards the erection of a Bridge on the sidelinebetwecn lots 25 & 26 in the 3rd Con, and that James Stoutcnburg, Thomas Frisby and John Heise be commissioners to attend to the same.â€" Carried. ElectoralDivisionNél Wm Stivex‘ do d 0 2 Jun Mcancll sen do do 1} John Carver do (30 4 Luton Miller do (1) .5 John Hulden The Council then adjourned to meet on Monday the 11th Feb. next. 'Rob‘ Marsh, seconded by \Vm Button moves that the sum of $6 be granted to Mrs. Phcobe Johnson and fzunily, and thzntthe said sum be made payable to the order of John Bowmanâ€"Carried “'11). Eakin introduced By-Laws to appoint Auditors, Assessors and Licen- se Inspectors for 1866, which was puss- ed by the Council. Auditors, Thos Carr and Henry Lane. AsnsessorsJ John McCague and Walter Miller. “so that the Treasurer allow DaniJ Kimczx; (Elbe 193m gï¬tmlb. Markham Council- New Advertisements. Vaughan Council. MOVING SOIH‘H. MUylhh BURT“. 'J’ETITIONS. Inspocfm's .... . . . . . . 8l4r.u ......‘..933. A.- . 2:; an be authorised Cdlcctor 1'03 \Vard 2, $7 92, amount of taxes for 1866 he cannot collect, and to Isaac White, Collector of Ward 1, $6 92, a- mount of taxes for 1866. he cannot, col- lccb.â€"â€"Carried. Robt J. Arnold moved, seconded by Thomas Graham, that. the Treasurer be authorised to repay 1,0 Collectors of Wards 1 (K: 4, $3 80, being the amount, lost by them respectivelyon Upper Cu- nada bills for $12â€"Curried. T. Graham moved, seconded by Daniel Raeman, that the Treasurer be authorised to pay to Stewart Blane on‘ account of Thos Underhill, an indigent Semen, the sum of $10 dollars. To acob Home! on account of the funeral expenses of Bastian Agar, the sum of $15. To ‘i. J. Arnold for the beneï¬t of Reid's children, indigent persons, $5. â€"- Jarried. To the Editor of the York Ifei‘dld. Sm,â€"-I notice that the Council of York seem in great haste to saddle upon the ratepayers ofthis County with the burdens of a Poor House, and that they are taking steps in the matter on the very day the Council became or~ ganized. \Vhy this haste in a. matter of so much importance? The cost of a farm near Toronto, will be very great ; The cost ofa building will be greater still; and the cost of keeping it up will be the most important of all, and will lhave to come out of the pockets of the If they are Careless in the matter now, there is no doubt they will refleect a little when the Ratepayers every year. taxman oomes around. New I beseech our County Council to take a little titne It is a grave one, and once it is entered upon, there will be no drawing back. Let other Counties try it ï¬rst. It is a new thing in this countryâ€":3 mere exâ€" periment. Is it not time enough yet for as to shoulder the burdens of the old countries with their- poer rates ? Every thing done for the public costs about three times what it ought, Look at our House of Burliqment, three millions, of debt for one building; npw it is‘ hinted that Parliament will not leng: to consider this Poor House affaip. County ‘ use it, EECZ‘S‘E‘?I4’J H5 T‘.V- HH --<:‘:: :-:r-.-~:â€".â€":: ~r-1-‘4 >1 n.-.â€".â€"-â€"â€"-.~. a _.,-~_ .. .. _.- We learn that active measures are to be taken in the County Council, at its present session, to rctrench in the ex- penses attending the employment of this functionnry. It is said there are sever- al competent persons prepared to under- take the discharge of the duties, at sala- ries ranging from $800 to $1200 ; among others we learn that Mr. Silas James P. L. S., of Newtoubrook, in the Township of York, is a candidate for the ofï¬ce, and is willing to accept it at $800,â€"now, we have no personal ob- jection to the present incumbent, but we feel it to be a duty we owe to the pub- lic to insist upon the members of the County Council doing their duty to those who returned them, by seeing that the County Roads are managed with the strictest economy; and ierJames, or any other competent person,will under- take to do the same work for so much less, and give the usual security for its due performance, we cannot see why he should not have a trial. Claims for damages by loss of Sheep, were laid before the Council, from Nicholas Shaver and Samuel Smith, a- mounting to $18. An account was prescntcd]by Constable John Elliot for services and expenses of burial of late Tlios B:ll‘liCI',lellOLlIlLlng to The Council then adjourned to meet again on Monday the 18th Feb. at “0011. $5. In this, as in other public matters, there is a large amount of wire-pulling, â€"~â€"aud the farmers of the County of York have to pay the piper, while a few shrewd knowing, one» are Cujujlng all the dancingâ€"(behind the scenes of com-30,) â€"-wc shall take notes of the pro« ceedings of the Council in thid, as well as the other business that will come up and “ faith, we‘ll print them I†“'0 are glad to ï¬nd that our old friend of Aurora is again afloat on the sea of journalism ; the skill displayed in its mechanical arrangement. denotes good artistic taste ; it is printed on good type,â€"â€"the reading matter is in- teresting, and calculated to supply the farmers with information that is of great local importance to them ;-â€"â€"his advertising columns are proportionately well ï¬lled, and, on the whole, the paper is a credit to its energetic publisher, Mr. \V. L. Matthews. The good people of Aurora will do Well to give the Banner every encouragement, and enable its proprietor to keep up the steam. Poor Affair, or out of the Fry ing Pan into the Fire. anrmpnnbwrr. Road Superintendent. The Aurora Banner. ho, was going for a. Doctor. Allen waked Dr Hankett. who came immediately to Dr. Hunter's. When Dr. Hackett had made an examinatimyv he mm Mr‘s. Hunk?" 3&1 " wonltl soon get one." He went far Dr. le‘ IIackr-tt. Allen says when he got over to lN Dr. Hunter's it was about ten minutes afterl six : this time he can ï¬x. because he heard the Town Boll ring, just about the time he, was called. When he started siartetl for Dr. anketf. it was abJut twenty minutes m past six. Between Dr. Hunter's house and 1 ‘1‘ Main Street, he met John Moxier bl‘rrying l M towards the Dr's on foot, Mosier spoke to ‘ P him, but Allen says he (hd not, hear what u I): he said, :13 he told him he could not stop, There are young men in our Comm ty Council; who have had their property gycn them by their parents, and conse- quenCly do not Value it ; and just as they throw away their own money by foolish speculations, so they are ready now to risk the people’s money by rushing hastily and consequently thoughtlessly into this Poor House speculationl Now I def'y any one to prove that the poor in the Townships, can be sup- ported cheaper by a County Poor House than they are now ; until this is proved to the public, let our young men in the County Council wait for light on the subject. They are going into what they know nothing about, and will load this county with a debt and burden they will never get rid of. Yours 8m , The following is a copy of the. Report of the Detective employed by the Coun- cil of Newmarket, to investigate into the late Hunter assault. 1: was submitted to die Council on Saturday lust. As we understand, there is to be a further and we trust searching:y investigation, we de- fer any comment on the Report 1â€"â€" “Some marked diserepany now occurs in the Doctor‘s statement. concerning his ,ï¬rst. impressions on recoveringr conscious- ness. One statement is. thathis ï¬rst im- rpression. was hearing John Dennis running tmvards him and calling out. The other, and more-detailed statement of the 5:: me period of‘time, is, that his ï¬rst sensation l was. that his mmtlr was full of clotted blood; that his let‘t hand was paralyzed, and useless, and that wishing; to draw his mi! from his right hand, he brought up the paralyzed hand to it, drew the mit, and with the ï¬ngers ofthe right. hand extracted the clot of blood From his mouth, renlaced the mit on the right hand, and placed that, hand under his forehead. to keep his fave out of the snow. He then endeawmred to raise himself. turn round, and crawled on his hands and knees to his own house, but was unable to do so. John ennis the'i ClmC up to him and asked him what was the matter, Dennis ran back to his house, and called J, J, Lindy, who had staid that night with him, they Chrried Dr. Hunter into his own house, and then hurried ar'ross the street.aqd mmkened James Allen, telling him that the ‘Doetm‘was nun'tlererl.’ Allen dressed as qtiivkly as possible. hut before 110 got ready, Dennis returned aynn to hurry him. Allnn went over to t"e Doetnr house, and just as he entered, Dennis and Landv hurried away, Allen says he Found the Doctor laying on a sot‘n. on h's haek; he describes the Doctor’s position as thnt of a man who had laid down to rest. He adv vaneed to the Doctor. who reached out his hand and shook hand»; with him, grasping his (Allen). hand iirmlv and in the ordin- ary way; Allen asked him, “ Where are you hurt Doctor.†The Doctor raised his hand towards the lne': of his neck, and groaned. Allen asked him “ who did it.†He shook, his head, indicating he did not know, Allen ‘ then asked Mrs Hunter whether any one , had gone for a Dealer, she said the servant girl had gone for Dr. Ro rers. Allen says, ‘, beingr astonished that neither Dennis nor, Landy had gone for the Doctor, he said he 1 “Toronto, C.W. Jan 17, 1867. “ To the Council of the Corporation Qf JVcwmrn‘ket : “ GExTLEMEN, “ I was instructmi by tth Couufy At torncy to proceed: to. N wmarket, and in- vestigate, or. your behalf, the case of re- pormd asszmkt upon Dr. J J. Huntery on the morning oi'the 7th January, 1867. "' After being several days in. New market enquiring into the matte-r, on Saturday, LZ‘th. in company with Dr. Hackett, I saw. Dr Hunter, at his resi- dence. While with Dr. Hunter he de- tailed, at length, the- eirc-umstanees con- nected with the matter- Dr. Hunter informed me that on Sunday evening, the 6th instant. he had gone thueense ville to seea voter7 named 11. D. Stiles; that he returned early in the evening; visited John Dnvisou's Hotel, the Itail Road Hotel, and‘ the Photographer Fit":â€" patrick ; return-ing:h0m0 about half-past ten to eleven o’clock, p m , that he then retired to rest. About two o’clockraiu, lie-get up, put on his pants and slippers, and went touthe- fli-ont door to see if any one“ was about the house, as he and his family had‘ heard people about during’ the night: ;.t?henx retired again. About 5 :1 mt. lie was called by John Mosier, ten'nmtror tr- "‘7 v Meltfastcr, as lie (Miosibr); was to drive Dr. Hunter in Mthster’e cutter to Queensville; Dr. Hunter got up and diressedl. J’ohn \‘les-ier returned to Mo)hster’5‘,.ï¬o- get the horse and cutter; it being‘zgreivd that if Hunterwas-‘ready first heshould go and meet Mosi‘er', and i'fiMiosi‘er' was ready ï¬rst, he' slroui‘d' bri‘ng‘ tlie'éliher and take up the Doctor either at: Smith‘s corner or at his own house- Being ready about 5%; o’clock the Dr. Teft his house and started down to! meet Mosxer, After proceeding a few paces: from his house, he heard a man walking behind him, he turned his heart and saw a man close behind him whom he took to be Moaier, from his size and appearance â€"â€" The Dr. Went on without speaking, and, he saysy his next impression was that the person was walking hurriedly to overtake him His next sensation was that a powerful blow had descended on his head or neckâ€"this was followed by complete ineligibility, Vaughan, Jan. 23, '67. The Hunter Assault Case RATEPAYER NEW You, Jan. Zlnâ€"The Harald's Pan- ama correspondence :avs :mlt was rumourep that the Unitnd States Mimistver to Columbh , Mr. Burton, had a serious difï¬culty with President Mosquem, and had demanded his passports. Mosqucra told him he did not require a. passport. and could go or stay, as he pleased, whm‘dupon Mr. Burton broke all all communication with nhe Columhiun ofï¬cials. and has refeer the matter to the Yam L rates Gmï¬mme‘nt’. D79. ROGERS, HACKET A; NASH. The foregoing is a digest of the facts in the affair, up to the time the notice from the three Medical gentlemen appeared. others present, that there was‘ no dungcr, and Liiey need not be alarmed; Allen waited u. few minutes unLil Dr. Jogers came, he then left. About, 10 o’clock, the following notice appeared in the form of printed hand- bills. and was extensively circulated through- out the village and surrounding country.†XOTICE. “ We, the undersigned, Medical attendants of Du J. J. Hunter, cerLify that. the injury received this morning, beiween 5 and (5 o’clock, was such as Ito render his life may d.;ubLlu1; but since nine o’clock, we have hope oi his recovery.†NEW YORK, Jan. 20.â€"Tha JIurald's Washingtrm telegram. Hays :â€"â€"0f the late mission ()fShernmn and Campbell to Mexico, that according to Mexican advices, the exâ€" pedition proved a positive injury to Juarez. and a wind-full to Ortega. The two envoys were at odds with one another from the start; ouch hrd separate instructions. This led to stormy discnsinns between them, in which personal nlhmions by no means complimenta- ry, were exchanged and culminated in an open breach at Matuauoris, when they part ed company, returning by separate routes to New Orleans. “ Gentlemen, I shall now proceed to re View the facts, compare the statements of the diti'erent parties connected with the alhtirrand give you the conclusions deduc- ed therefrom. The occasion of my being sent for was, that a crime. was both publicly and privately charged upon a large portion 0 fthe inhabitants of the village, namely, those who supported Mr. Boulthee for Reeve. It was IlltlnifCS‘ly the duty of all parties to enquire into such 3! grave charge, and yet so far the party most directly inter- ested, namely Dr. Hunter and his friends, have manifested no apparent desire to dis- cover the truth of theathtir, with the ex. ception of having offered a reward of $400 by hundhill on. the day of Election, which Cumphcll and Lount. whose names are no pended to. the hundhill, have since ret'used to centi‘rm. That the injuer party should immediately alter the election virtually rcâ€" fuse to follow up the ease, to discover the attending party, is strange. (and utterly in- consrsteniti with Dr. Hunter’sposition in the matter, 21:9.stuted by himself; namely, that he belie-red himself to have been assaulted with intent to it A. On Saturday the 12th inst, as already stated, I saw him in com» pmiv with Dr. Hztclmtt, who introduced me to Hunter, as tt-Mimiiinal gentleman who had called to see hirm and? investigate whe- ther lievmsinjurcd or not. After an ex- amination of the Seat 0? the- injury, and after hearing the Dr’s. statements, as to his own condition immediately subsequent to the assault, the first question to be consider. ad is the published not‘iee- of the three Medical uttenduntm THE sxmmx w CAMPBELL MISSION; TO MEXICO. J ‘ “ Hackott had. before seven o'clock, told ï¬rï¬ffunter, sevch m'bmHE‘ï¬i'ofvhis Family, and J‘mnr's Allen that 1h:re was no danger, and it, is But ï¬li'r to add that Dr's. Hackott and anh, Have si'nce repudiated the noh'c'e ; there can lie-no doubt but this noticg was issued‘for the purpose of in- fl’ueminr in favour of Dr. Hunter, boubt- f'uI and'ommsition vowsâ€"and not as a re» guidr mï¬dibul opinion or Certiï¬CMo COHCOI‘IL in; the Dr's. comlitibn.. “This notice was i‘ssch at: about 10 o’clock, and inl’ornmrlthe public upon the authority of three Medical men that his life was doubtful up to 9 o’clock, but after that. they had hope of his recovery ;- this notice "m :ufmitted to have had :L most pre‘ judicial (’flizct in favour of Dr. Hunter’s election. I am clearly of the opinion. that the ï¬rst part of that notice, namely. thuthis life was doubtful up to nine o’clock, was in Icnlionally false. Tt anpears. upon investi- gation, that this printh certiï¬ente purpor- tin;r to have been signed by Dan. Rage“. Hoekett-and Nash, 'wus drawn up, signed. and taken to the Printing Oï¬ice. by One of those gentlemen onlyâ€"to wit, Dr. Rogers. “ By fur the strangest†ihcidént connected with the affair is the conduct of his intinmw' ï¬'iendk and‘mmgmrtmm‘ Dénnis and Randy, who: aft-er Cat‘ryihg’ Him ihm the home; ‘nei'flicr remained to tuke’care' of hfm. nor sgutrï¬t ï¬nd‘mflmsiéï¬nnce: 'tï¬wui‘m'merï¬mflye h'nr‘ï¬'uid’thmu-zï¬ tHe= ViHa‘ire. arousing his supporters with Hie news of‘ the attempth nSansinngnâ€"Hh?‘ Hwy should" have at once marinated the plain (ï¬r-fates 0F prud 01100 anï¬â€™hnmnnil‘y. f‘or Hie sake oramnsing hart’fsnn foe‘xinz. ant? turmilg flin incident m (flouti'nnem'ih': nri'vant'n're. 'wmfld‘ seem to Show flint Ihov annreHend'Pd' no serious Consoqucncr‘s w'nnld‘hnnpon tn thefr can d‘ld’ate: ot‘liaerwike, 1130f:- cnndhct- ia~' mm‘c- Connfa’BTe. “ From my own examination of" site I)! the injurv, from the mint of'miv appearance tlmf RHOll a violent lilmv, M lie claimed. hurl lmon i‘eccivcd. from tlic lack o‘f'evwlenco that the Doctor 'ns either Inmnnmrily m“ na'tinllv pm-alvzed ; from the discrepancies in his own sinfnmnnts, from all the Indians of lillnk‘nlf and friends (luring {he zlnv ofthe election and since. and after énrcï¬ll review of' all the facts and circumstanch connected with the Cam, 1 can only arrive at this conclusion that Dr. J. J. Hunter did not rpceivo any such sci-inns iniurv as he claim~ ed. and his medical attenrlants and political fricndi asserted he had suffered. “The cnxn‘xction of John )frwitrr with the {Transaction is very renmrknhtofmm the {not that his whereabouts. t'n" about rm hour Mr} A gum-tor. are not satisfactorily cxplni'npti. He 031106 Dr. Hunter about ï¬ve o'clock. then returned to put, the horse in. which was nlrendv harnessed to the cuttor, whnn he was to inin the Dr. with the horsn & nutter, it'the Dr. did not come (Town to Mt‘MastN-‘s hy the time he, ‘Mosim‘.’ was randy. Yet he was: m’nt by Arlen going on foot ‘ifnwnrds Doctor's house at twenty minutes putt. sixâ€"- as he afterward stated. ‘tn soc why the Um. tor had not crimn’thsivr heing prossmt to account for this L'Lnse of time, and for hi: returning on foot for the Doctor, fails to give zmv satisfactory answer: however it can he prm'ezt that he wont mpidlv nn main stroot at hult'xmst ï¬ve. the tinm that Doctor Hnntr‘r SZIVS he was strnckâ€" this coupled with the t'ilct that Dr. Huntr-r sm's that. he thou-{ht the man he saw {Oll'owing him may Mosfcr, noerts expt’nnation. DIPLO MATIC DIFFICULTY. (Signed) W. G. STEVENSON.†LONDON, Jan. 19. evening.â€"â€"Forty¢ one persons lost their lives bv the break- ing of the ice in Regent. Park. Others who were on the lake at. the time of the accident are missing LIVERPOOL, Jan. 19, evening â€"-The unusually intense cold of the season has so aggsavated the distress of the poor of this city that it resulted to-duy in a bread rict in the streets, but the dis- turbance Was not of a. serious charac- ter. request of an American friend, has writ.- ten 3 letter giving his opinion on affairs in the United States. He applaud-s the election of coloured deputies to the Massachusetts Legislature, earnestly expresses hope for the: preservation and future harmony of the Union, and urgcg the President to: come to terms with Congress. ATHENS, Jun. 19.â€"-â€"Advices from- szd‘ia State that the Crctans had fought another b:1ttle,iu which they claim a.- victmy over 5‘000 Turks, VIENNA‘ Jun. ISLâ€"The I’nrte has aggrecd to evacuate the forts held by the Turkish troops idnahc l’tinciyleity of Serv'm. W11 0 LEE ALE. P0 :30an G â€" Th 0‘ €01".- iingwood Enterprise says a mo.~L dastard- ly attempt was mark) 90. Sunday awn- irg Inst, tolguisnn the Rev Dr. Lou and family, seven pcrsons in all. Fortwuuâ€" te‘y the \‘ill xiuous 5011mm) was fusmmrcd by, the Exempt :LLLCILLiUlL of the mm“ ml gentlemen of the town, who admit;an ed; aha [5300863va arm-Lidmus, the li-ws- (9&7 all wen: 31-me and; nothing wm'sc Imp» polled: than two 01‘ three hours' severe illness.. A reward of $100 has been Ochd-for such inf'ornmtion as will lead to the conviction ofthc party who a:- tcmpted the perpetration of so foul a. crime. YURL 'X'OWSSHHLâ€"B. Bull, Rveve; R, E Playmr. W. Juckcs and W. Tyrrel, brim tics. Erom(romc’â€"Wm. Wallace, Ree-v0; Thus. Taylvr, Deputy. Vu'mgnwâ€"II. S. Howlme Rr-ove; Thor). Graham and Robert J. Arnold, fï¬hputitrs. KINGâ€"«Thomas Tyson, Reeve; Samuel Mitcth and Joseph I’hillipps, Depulies, SCAImoRoâ€"Gco. Umster, Reeve; I). 1).. Stevenson, Deputy. _tl)c County of York (01' tlm px-Lseat yc-ur. molt. place in the Council Clmmbcr in tln- Cuurt H<)u3e,_vesterrl:xy afternoon. At 2730 the respected clerk of the county. Mr. thn Ellioty took the chair. and read m't‘r the following as the names of tlch ult-utcd ‘0 seats iwtlm-cnnncil for INST : From the 0in Duh-ys. Toronto Jan. 23rd. L“The fihmmt‘etinz of the County Cuunri} MmKuAMâ€"John anmnn, Reeve ;: Jimmy Bewmam, an, and Wm. MW. Rumour Dcpu \VIHTNH'RCHâ€"E. Wheeler, Reeve; Phi lip McKenzie, Deputy. EAST GwiLmMm‘n\'â€"~James l’aruhmn, Reeve; Jessa Donn. Deputy. Nnm‘n Gwnmxm‘m’â€"vllonry Draper, Reeve. GE()ItGINAâ€"â€"-Al‘(‘l’1f1. Riddle, ’wnvc. Youxvniwâ€"llï¬x Berr_\'nmn, Reeve. vaMumwrâ€"Ih. Hunter, Reeve. Ifnmxn LLVDlNGâ€"B. l3. Thorne, icevn. Ai'iquâ€"(lhnrles I) lane, R EL‘VQ. Althonjh vznniM'i(:.-\ll_v weakens-(l hy the, n"thrlr:uvul of l’ucl on the lst of January. ‘ several new seat»: nrc Ciczm‘d in the moment ‘ Council. thi‘muh thu new Mun (:ipal Art ' giving tnwnnhlp repi‘mentntiun Io-thr: CUB†ty Council according t2) the number of Von-rs 0n theirassmsment roll. Until thiw yi-Irr twoJ members \"AS i’helinlitfnfreprnxenm- tion allowed to nny township or village municipalitp in the- County ‘Conncil; lmt this your the changes} in the law am such, that the populous township of anl; hug-clunh- led its reprcsmnntion, and Vaughan, King, ‘ :Inrl M'mli mm each n-‘hï¬-rl nnu, mnkin: an in crease of ilVL‘ memht-m over lnxf yc-m: In 1366 the reln'usw...ntiv£-s 5mm York in Eh» Council ofï¬hu I, nirt'd' Commie» ntnnrit-rml ‘22,, now they nnzn'wr: Th0 can Sh'nclion m' the Cnnncil ‘iï¬ also nlmrml‘ lis' the change (if rom'mnntmivvs tram sumo m“; township. khi'm being nu h-rs fhnn 5‘V‘6‘i5tf ! of the Iwuna '(‘ven Inemhms cmmtifnli the Count: â€"~no.1 men Thome nr Bil-am W. .Zluckcq :mIl W. 'l‘ivrv‘el.’ York; lfaulwrt . ArnoldY Vaughn†: Thus. Tau-inn. Sunnier Mitchell, aml .T. Philins, Kin-1: 1). Fr; StevensonY Sunburn; Jul)†B0 'mnn. and ‘ Jumes BHW’HIZU]. 51:. Markham: [ lililltt‘,r,. Newmrnrlmt; 1%. ll. Tnnrlm, F3 illumml Ila/ml i ing and Chums. Dunne, Alimoru». Arte-r culling tho 110mm, ti‘he c-l'mk tr. for nominations for Warden, when hes, Mn. PASNHAM summta-d his mx-mimtiun by a reference (a Mr Howlnnd's known ï¬r- ness for the uflicn, as denmnsnxtu? by hi» previous services in the pushan JAMES I’Auxrrnr, NIL-at Gwi'llihnhnvrï¬ man («I and somndx-rl by B. Bull, (if Ymk, Ilmt Mr. H. S. Howimvi of Vaughan; be Wurdi‘n for the ensuing yum, LONDON, Jan. 19.â€"â€"Garibaldi, at the Latest from. Europe, York County Councfl 1' lnxf y r, In anork 111 E"? myth.» n A unit-rev} in. TM! CIH‘I also nlmrod‘ " UV M‘s {mm sumo of ham than ï¬wvlim wry. cmv fiflll:"_ 'ho-xe um. York; L’nhvrl . , TK'HUI). Samuel Kin-1 : >'_ T)". 1 Km. man. and 5am: Dr. Huntch {‘7} ‘l ,, ‘ Y T 1 SUN? Hum. :1 ME] 01' ' 1‘40“ LTD‘ The IL 1mm): mm: (hem I 0 [4 ‘iL-‘t pzlrvx' 1TH,» cm \\ hit 1‘» 'unr- Timur}: I in :2H‘ 'fltus.‘ {(11 I( lunv mm»? 1 .mm ; wmiin ! curry intm'v '15}th it. : rims ..n\' [W mtm 1'0 Pu. r it ‘ 31H .‘HICIL and M‘Cnmm n pm E Fin- 3): N thux‘w‘r‘nws In hm E ' ‘H is not shumwtl :vs ; null“. which "nnunt like an“! L‘ in: shunned (HM-r signature. nv- gijmt onymu whulmtn': b 1 (ma :‘Jw mmmn! dm- to you I’m-vino“. Dr. BEnnYMAN, presented the petitib‘n' of‘ the citizens’ Committee of the Hospital Trust. asking aid on behalf of the General Hospital. STANDING COMMITTEES. On motion oer. PARNHAH, a Committee of seven members was named to strike the Standing Coxnmiltecs- for the current year. Carried. Messrs. Wallace and Graham were ap- poinleil Sm‘ulitcers 0f the lmllot, and these gentleman 1'cpurte(l~â€"Me.<srs. l’.»rnlx:un,Wal~ lace, Hunter. Graham, Walker, yson and Bowman olevtod the Committee to draft the Sumdi «r Committees 1111‘ the your. The following notices of motions were then given :~~ Fm' leave to introduce a by-law to appoint County Auditors. (:nMMI'NICATmNS. A communicminn was read from Messrs. Bell, methcr 66"I‘Ht, on behalf of Mr. Abcl Wilcox, of Mimico, who claims cum- pcnsution tn the amount ofune hundred (ii-\Hm-s for injuril‘fl sustained in consequence ofth bridge over the Mimico being out of repm I‘ A return was presented: From Dent-C01 Duria‘ of the names of mmuinauuf volunteer companies 0! York and Puck 'mlmoni of public works. b.2- cxmnhm the Ho“ md river :uui‘nmrsh; m ascertain whethâ€"‘ er it. mmhl be advisable to sail the marsh in order that if. mi ght he drained. Eh his report; Mr. Whodruff mysthnt i3: Has been proposed to M).r.5:.~rur:x a than across th? river wubh 03' the» highway-and r; [way bridge} 9. Brudf'urd’. fin the purpose of drainng frhemursh intl) theliwrr, 21nst this wmxld no? ell-(1 the my; guiion (If the r: ‘er heretofore uwdz htsvtiWI‘ n Bradford ranchlmke Simeon, he 3005110just gmund'for refusing m sull the marsh. ymwiding. of course, that tho purchaser wen-185 compensate any private panics for any damage that might. Be Susy mined. JANUARY 23, 1867. The Council met at \en o'clock today, the Warden presiciiug. 2X uwmlmmicu!ion was rcud'fromz Mr. A. Russel}, uxskmug 'u-Muulisssiuuer of" wow†lands. Suhmizrimgn I‘QpOiI.l)f Ma. S‘; Wondmfl‘. H19 01 .':wcr r-mphnvd by ï¬le do 'mlmoni of public w b.2- cxmnixm the A few other communicatfom of minor importnmre were also presented. fuflNDIXG COMMITTEES. The 5010.91 mummith aprointed yesterday to at] 9 Standing (mnnninccs for the year 867 n-purtud us f'uiiuwcs :â€"- Fixmt'a Azm- ASBiISSTMEXT.â€"-MCSSI'S. 'l'jn-mllY Pumhzuuy Button, Graham and Cheater. lim‘cAmourâ€"Messrs. Wallisy Thornc, )(‘U‘hlL Jacques 21ml liidtlcll. Curer l’uormn'r.-~M:assrs. Bull,\Vlmcl~ ery J. Buwnmn, Phillips mul‘Ji Drum. {Inns 1; lhuw;|-':~L~â€"}vlu s. l’urnlmm, Tyson Drum-r I’lmtcrnnd Wallis. . 7 I Y . I’mxnxu.â€"Mvssrs. Marlon», Tmrly,But ton, inwmmi, and Steplieix’son. Ci'»NT!Nm:N('IHS.â€"â€"Mos$rs. Muelcm, Taylor Bliltun, Bowmnn and Stephenson, The report was rocoivml and adopted, x‘u'ru'm or: MOTION. A Few notices ()l motion were given. which Will come up liot‘cuiilcr in their proper 0r- dcr of prncaiérr‘. Tém .-‘ITH.-ln :\ notice (-f‘ ï¬lo mrioah iii‘s’vut' the Landau Diva-wry for lH'iT, i‘lm Titus says:.â€"-itri3~h:u‘(lly nrvm‘ism‘y to say that-amnn: the names ()fpcrmns the grout family of Smirh lg still pro omim'nt. In the Cbmmr-rmnl Dirm'rorv. whom the nnmns nre' t-nfcrvd in alphabetical urrh‘rmvor L300 Smiths 1m: rzfgristorml. and the (‘nrimh‘ may lilw tu knmv that 430 answer to the (,‘hrlsll- :m nmml ofJuhn. lint he it mmcmlmrul that xht‘s‘v me all home-holders and humls uf l‘mnillm, If wv all the \mmvn and child» rcnY llr: lorlgm's and working nwn of the flame clan all over lmnrlnn, vv'hosc nnnws does not :mn-nr in dirm'lo:lo.~!, we shall have :1 populntinn of Slnlll equal to {hat of many consifleruhle tow which return Illelrtwo moml'wx's t0 l’m'l'nnm-nt. The J‘Immavs :v‘c only lmlf tho numhm‘ uf' Ilm Smiths. Next to them cmnv the llwmns, who fall slnrl of 700; tho juhn- sons and the v‘iltiunmws Inuxh-r some 500 each; whilv the: hardly lvsa l'mnllinr nnnm of qunnsnn in only lmrne by about 250 pmsnnm I 0 [4 ‘=;>u:‘ \\ . um" Dun»? ‘1‘ (:n :‘r mka Js‘uins ..n\' lw'rvmtm 1% pay, It ‘0;l(’~‘ xis charm:- 11*:‘11C1Lu11d imcnmm n pmmism-ry note. Fiu- imwm‘ thux‘w‘r‘nsm In hum) any v-rslhrty. 'hmsu ril is not shunle :vs :\ hrumnnssnry nhih, wnivh "nnunt like m'dinm“ ago-mowts in: shunned (HM-r signature. Your I U U is- ‘!.\(,rLIorywu whulmtn': but you may. re- cran vim-marzsz le‘ to you in 0. 311111110 urï¬ urnf’dirht, i!‘ \"\‘l ('an nrm‘e 11]“, 1mm by nthc-r menu-:smâ€"Ti‘ade Circuitry. All Ameriâ€" rmv yup :‘7‘ .. Hil- pmmlï¬nr; pl1_\'~:ici us ln tlw Unitwl. Slalom. Hun:th :Lml tropiral .Xxmnicu. In the Wil'y worst Uï¬â€˜m‘l" 01' chronic dyspepsiaâ€"“i211 a. pram-,1- :mcmion iv: (lint wllwy ale guar- unlewl m (ï¬llu'tv u cum. lint mark thisâ€"- llm pullout mm! 0mm: l0 impose upon his (ll,§L‘nll\‘(5 organs 1le ms}: \xlliclx “mum in- tonth to he perfmmud by his teeth, ollwr- wlsveven Ilw must pom-mt allemtive and stumuchic tlmt science has yet discuvcrctl; willpmvc only partially beneï¬cial. condition n‘f'm'ls A C'mrgvnmn. whiln rnuiding in South Am- uziun us a miuiuuwx‘. (ii «ml-nerd u safo and Silnpll‘ rmnvdv for the (Zuru uf Nurvuus Weak- nuss. Enrh' Doom, Direnst-s of [he Urinary mu! Simiunl Organs, and the whole train of dimrdu‘s brought on by hmwtul and Vi"i0Ux~' hanilh. Great numbers have been cured hv this noble remedy, Prompted h\' a desire at hellvï¬llht‘ nflliczed and unfortunate. lwil sand llm rm'ipo fur preparing and using [his Innduzinu. in n waived emu-Mum. 10 Lny at who needs 1', ("rec nl' ('hurge. H «a auciom an onwlupa addressodons So long as men insit nnsdbvouring minulcs :H much fund mi in would n: {UH huH' hnm‘ 10 muslicwm prquIn‘Iy, mu-‘l (ix 1(“I'Huvcnro iin' 'miurwa ant/l “‘ 'gwpsiu be [n‘e-vzulmlï¬. are I'D-framnnon pmmhinr; phwti U:H1:x".t, mu! 1 I'V WOI‘ril 0‘50 l‘lcnsa aucioanu an oursoif. UU'I‘RAG FE I'I’ON THE-I S'I‘UMACH The council then adjourned. till to-morrow A Card to invalids Atldlcss. JUSEPH 'I‘. INMAN, 81'â€on l). Bum: Horst). New- Y( rlt ci/y‘ UM (’r '";I]," ‘k‘Ir‘. Iiuln': n' [mum > Hat-m ur runs \\ hivh its» 1 ‘cusmk’ Iiulwuy'x hiaggulntin; Hill» ml by NIH 1N ‘mincnt i: 15in 11w United. SL:|10N,. ()pirltl .Xxmniun. In the )1' chronic (Fvslxews â€"\\'i211 »n m dial wHwy aw guar- acmc. Hm mark thisâ€"- «must: h» impose upon his Hm I ‘ “high “mum in- (On-r; mm \\ hir-h it warly, so long: .‘slmmwh p‘l'! )[ qmre 2A in.ten H11) Spring VV‘henl Barlev l'a‘n‘se‘ Unis l‘olmoes‘ Hay 19 ton‘ . Slraw‘ do . Butler H) .. Eggs 5'01. .. Apples brl . “Moi. -... ... Hog-n. ....... Flour brl.... u»... Fall “hem 7‘9 lu-Ishal anaining in (he Richmcud Hill You: x 050' 3 Jan. ht, 1861, ' I : . I. Armsh'ung John Nï¬rtin T. Cosyrm'a “mum-(lift!) Mgnshaw Garza v . ‘ erlver Mix»: P! H! MEGANâ€, Mar rfl Curry Rév Erastus McCrnnmnu 5 Ergï¬oli" ‘ (Turrnn Thomas Mont-mud Jmnu 'I' " Gan-mun John McMurrny Mary ‘M Grainger Hemy‘ Bightengale Mn 3' Henslmw Mr. ()’Gradv John 1 Hunt vleury llhilipsr l’eler Haul-- “'ihiam Pound Marv, K4â€) Patrick Quamz l“ ’ ' Kallmu John (of Mont Widqu Robort-(iYfl .‘ I'onl) Wcud J. C. ‘ Hug [mughh‘n WiIYmm “’uolnn Frank: .‘vlnulnry l’.L. (Turrnn Thomas Gan-mun John Grainger Hemy‘ Henslmw Mr. Hqu vleury Haul-- “'ihiam K4â€) l’amck Kallur. John (of Mon! WHITE FISH, SALMUN TROUT, MACKEKAL, LABAR-l)(m‘,,am1 , .i ROUND HERRINGS, Elgin Mills, JMI The Third L‘Jcture of the season will be Tuesday Even’g the 29th mpg/3,; 65mg 1»: The Third LECTURE Richmond Hilly Jan. '24, '67. SURJECT:â€"“The Doctor,†Chai'rV to taken at half-pa“. 7 dclock . A. MCBETII' Sec.- (Hump Provision S'imx Richmond Hull, Jan. 15. IMEG. (M 'xVhioh he nfl'wrs very low. Now ha (ha time! 10.- l'a nilim to procure their Summer Lard. CAUTlON.â€"To guard‘ ngniust impositionl be particular to NO'I'ICE. that skirts offered an “ Dunk-x†have the r ~d ink stamp. vim. " J‘. W‘ Bradley's- Duplex Elliptic Steal Springsfl" uuor. the wnimbnndâ€"none utllors»aro gunning. Also Notica that every Hoop will admit a pin: being passed through the centre. thus revonl- in: the W'o (or dvuubla} sprmgs hrmdvd tngutl- or therein. which is the sacretlal‘thoir‘Floxibilâ€" itv and strength, and a combination not to bo found in anv ollmr Skirt. For Srde in a" Store: where “in! Ctul skins um snld throughout the United Steam. and elsewhere. LARD I. \VM. ATKIFBUN. lichmond Hill. January 17,1867; To enjoy lbw following iuoslimnblo ndvul- m gas in l‘rinoline. vizzvSilperior quality. per~ fem‘ ma "Fm-turn, sh‘llslrshnpo and ï¬nish, {1.1-9 “mm, durabililv, cmnf-irl and ‘cunumy. on- quire for J. llradlay’s Dup 9x Elliptic. '0: Don. blo Sprung Skirt, and be su‘revyou get the gen- ulnc ardcle. J .W. BRRDLEY’S CElEBRATED PATENF Duplex Elliptic w Manufactured by [he Solo Ownorl of tho patent. H. 8: NEWTON PUB if) LEAF LA RI); .lmy will not hv-nrl r-rlmenk like the Single» Spring. lmt will presmve tlm'r perfect nnd‘l urmwl‘ul sham who†three or fnur ordirnrv Smirbx will have lieun [lirku nsidn as melt-8,. 'le llunps ure cnverml with Double 5!. Twill-â€" Ni" Thrnml. and Ilia Bottom Rods are n o! nnlv doubleSpringu, hm twice (0' doub‘alxcoverod‘ prevarnhinc thrm from wearing oul wth drag-o gingz (“own'sloopa stairs, «k0. ' The Duplnx Elliptic is a grant l'nvqrila will“ all lndins and in universally n-ccommendod bv [ho Fusahimnnhles Magazine. a» {ha Standard! Skirt of the Fusliionublo World. @KKKBTN ï¬lth) ï¬ï¬htt‘tiï¬tmtfl‘ï¬. Nfbcimuics’ Institute. nvc 0n haul a‘ lï¬rge'qumdty of; 3} ca IH'.‘ Subscriber has on hind] (luim’q'of \VI‘TS T5, BRADLEY dc CA KY, 97 Chambers 8:, 81 Made 813.. I TORONTO’ M A BKE’I‘S. LATEST FASH [0N5 DEMAND Ail WILLIAM ATKINSON’S N. Reid ESQ, MJ). Which they well sell for (34001) F RES 313‘ List of Letterq. LABS!)- A splendid lot of RIC“)! ()KI) I‘LL (n n Dul‘ mm. ï¬rm 5 a) ants per'lbe. given on M~ ’E‘EliFY. Pu“. ..»..36 65 s 'l'omnto, Jan. 25 7 140 l 11 ’67. U 50 @ 0 65 (g (p :50 @ n 20 (a; 12 (m 7 0“ g 0 12 @ n H) @ 1 50 @ 0 33 FD 5 00' {lb 0 5: 0 6}" 0 3‘1- 0 35‘ )6 00 3 00' b IS“ 0 1;! 2 00 0 u" news