H. & A.NEW’TON’S QI 00 '10 5:! 400 to loan in slums ‘61 9 to suit uppncama. on link- My motto is Small. Proï¬tsand Quick Returns. .1 “ Rememl er the Placeâ€"Flood 8L Price’s Old Stand. D93] G005539 Gwmm’es Richmond Hill, January 17, 1867. %**MYERS9 ale Great Clearing; BEAT IN CANADA l2 FEE $3??? WWW Blankets, Shawls, Nubins, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Collarctts, .. Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Winceys, Twcods, Flmmvls, Skixtings, .‘ , Ladies and Gvnt’s Lamb-skin Caps, ‘ . V . V .Under Shirts, and Elï¬n Xills,.Jz\dxmry 17. 1866 Ready-made Eiaiiaziwgq MONEY T0 LlilND. elm-II Landed secuxil}, Address, (pro-paid to erkhnm. January 14, Great Reduction in IN consequence of 11:11 111;: lomethina else in M.1 new Iuppl) the pubhc with But Canadian Reï¬ned 011 at ‘23 per ":1 But I’ensylvaniu Rock ()11 11 ‘23 6d 1101D "11] not unmanned, at W. S. Pollock 3 1-111: A. BARNARD. Bumingflil at Is 8d per Gal Richmond Hill. Dec. 12. 1866 FlouriFeed and meisions. MONEYTO LOAN xo'vgmm 9. 1866. omer of King& Yonge Streets, ‘ 'I‘ORON T0. HARNESS ISM amp '1 l VALUABLE PROPERTY: Geni’s ‘fvvv ~~~-~---b -»~ - A Driving House, Wood House. and Three qdnners of an Acre of Land, on which there Is a quarter of an acre 01' an OrChnrd of hulthv young treesâ€"plenty of Clwrries, Currnnls. Goeseberries, &c. ViSlagc oflï¬chmaml Hill, :For Sale. unu......._ â€V“ , , , The above Pacperty is situated in the centre‘ of tho Villuge. Will be 503d cheap for cash. 1 For {nahâ€"er particulars apply to M. TELFY' Esq" or F. CROSBY, Esq. Richmond HIH, January 11. 1867. On Improved Real Estate, lrl’lY to Mr. \VARMOIJn of VAN- luuaHNm‘ & \VAHMUI,L, )m-rislers. ‘\'c. Vin. Atkmgma’s GOOD Dwgping quï¬e. Barn. Stable, To make room for Spring. Importations. SILVER r: of having struck Oil, or else in Markham, we can pubhc with :1 Pure Good For (Hush. wiil be allowed on the balance of Ilmr CANNOT BE THE REMAINDER OF OUR IN THE ir-mria Square 1867. Y GDQDE, Coal Oil I HARDW ARE, CONSISTING 0F DEALER KN O F A'L‘ 33 W. H. MYER’S. Men‘s Lang Beats. . . .532 25 The assortment of Men's,\V01nen, B05 5, Youths and Children's Boots and Shoes, is large and will be sold at remarkable N@TE€EE ‘ \lo\-u Stamping and Machilm limhruidary (Julia ,1 1a-- . LOW PRICES FOR CASH. RICHARD ’GRAHAME, Barrislct nub attorney-avian: SOLICITOR 1N CHANCERY, (kc Ovmvuâ€"Nn 4, British America Insurance Buildings; corner ()t'Church 8: Court Sheena Toronto, Nov. 28, 1866. 26 SETS ï¬ï¬ï¬TE STBRPS, 0 B ‘1 SOLD on reasonable terms, the fa}- lowing )ropett; :â€" I’artnf lml No 34}. on imd Con. Vaughan. containing (31'. acres: also, / Village Property At Richmond Hill A REDUCTRUN RI \‘DE mum,“ ‘ < . Gent’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. Two d‘nuzs North of (i. A. liarnulds Stole. Bon nets, Felt & Straw Hats Richmond Hill. Nov. 91866 A. WRIGHT. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. 69 COTTAGE $2» GARDEN HE neat family Cottage and extensive Garden. late‘y the nhude of the late “ï¬lias Sarah (Julherxne lmwerence. Terms Iowâ€"frnm a purchaser yearly pay ment wnll lm lakun. Apply to HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT For pnmculurs a1); Rich Cleaned and Altered lo ths latest style Misses M. (ï¬r. A. RontIidge, NILE and DRESS MAKERS. LAND FOR SALE. TO BE LE'I‘ OR SOLD. "1 DUNCOMB Esq, MD mm Jan. 2nd L8 )1. Richmond Hill, AT HARRISON‘S AT ‘ly lo the proprioto-r. TORONTO. 67 The Cheapgst Gwds W. @u \[ 711mm now reunived Emu. $700K m“ ,HQODD‘ wigwi, hm m1. purclmsvd as cheap as anv hUHbt’. can (In, and shall‘scll on as small i1 profn‘ as any olher man can do. The Stock 15 we“ assorted m I AM NOT To BE UNDEBSOLD, smpmmwmds Colored Rool Linings from 5.5 per yard. Good \Viuceys in all colors from 105d to lâ€"lOï¬fl per yard. All Wool French Merinoesin choice colours from ‘25 Gd to 33 9d lolored Mohair und Cohourg‘ from 10d tov'ls .‘ld. ' Scarlet All Wool Flannel from ls rlgd to 23 6d per yard.‘ Union Tweed for Boys wear, from ls lid to 33 9d per yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 25 Gd to 53 per yard. All Wool l’ilot (lloLh from 35 9d per ymd, Fine Union & All wool 6â€"4 Block-Mantle Cloth, from {is to 75 6d with an excellent assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Over and trim nel and Tweed shirts, from 53 T§_e:xeh, the largest stock on Riehn manufacture. good large sizes and well made. Ludies‘ Men‘s and Children’s Huts & Caps of the newest styles in best general assortment of Dry Goods to be found in the ueigliborl JIL And is (be La: crest and mom V mitd assmrxmnt 10 he found on Biclmpond Hill. quote a few prices to let 1113 public know that -' 1~ Kn Old and Young I'Ivvon ant! Black Teas,at 25 ¢ Moyunc and Young Uyson Tea, int-45 per ll .â€"â€"1 everything in PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS! Pure and Unaduhuruled Pout. Sherry and Malaga \Vinox, Brandies, Holland Gin Janmica Rum, Old Tom, Botlled Ale and Porter. H Cheap SHELF 8: HEAVY HARDWARE, ’xic'rmond Hill, October Richmflï¬WE.ï¬aï¬ifletï¬sfaï¬lismem N returning thanks for the wry l busim-w in Richmrmd Hi'. , begs ud his Stock and has now on hand a 1* 1011 ry Cations at 6d. per \211d. _ Hams )and fine 111:1!{05 of 1‘ (10101} wally supe1ior from 75d to 9d. per yard‘ Good l).11k Ymd 111110 P111115 f1 mm 6‘ d 1101 ya1d. A Splendid article at" Mulder prints from Blue Dmmim [mm Tall. per Yard. lncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads. Bureaus. Cupboards, Dre‘scing Sinnds, \Vash Stands, &c. &c. Also a largélaseortmi-nt of Room, Paper, Bordering. ‘Vhite Land, l’uinls and Colors, llaw and iimled Linseed Oils: Machiiw Oil, 'Rnc'k ()il, Varnish ’l‘urpi‘rline. â€HHZI’HE’,GIl'dSS. Putty, (Hue, &c. &c. Parties Furnishing, P3,:ering. or Painting their Houses, will do well to call before puwlmsing elsewhere. Also Flour, Feed, Provision and Grace‘ry Store! .l.‘ LUML, J- VVuy .- - v . _.-_-,‘ Where he keeps on hand Flour. Slim-m. lirnn, ()nts, Peas, Oatmeal! Cormneal, Buck- whem, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and ï¬x" mam m WK mm mm“ " wm ‘l.ummlm% II": 11 (â€WWI :HIWIMQ W "11 Yâ€will! ‘ :mfl «x * ‘ 1 ‘5‘ w mm mm . ‘ w i.‘ “in , '. ‘ “J. ‘ 'gl ' ‘q‘ "I ‘ Mama Mm "Amrimu mum“! Lmuwm W-wlh wt “L‘s“ % â€138‘ " ‘l‘ ' , M, v7†‘ qr... hlmmu “m "meu mum“! Lmuwm "mm-uni "mm "mm mm â€\le “tam Mum For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond um. Ndvember 9, 1866‘. Jule ï¬EQï¬/‘Eï¬zï¬ E, Elm @tiz vflciaiaer, zI.‘~i<;hmoml Hill, Remember Baum with the Gmmiieei. To which he cordiallj‘ invites the A nice assortment, good and cheap. 110 1% to announce In his numerous Friends that lie loss by the late X‘ Me, and than he will Competition is the Life of Trade. GREATEST BARGAINS :Txtra01'(linary STOCK of GOGDS Z’ E ENE '3‘ E RE! And every ulhcr Class of Goods that any body wants. m'dwam, Graeerie’s, GRAND RE-OPENING! I V > .vy V~ ‘ 3“ 3.. for Cash: ‘ 4 or“: Stir-613th Credits. Bought for Cash ,â€"â€"in 186 Hack I-Mzmfle Cloth {10111 55 to 75 6d pcryd splendid value, FMOn’ s 1’11111s,\vsts Over and 1 11de1 (nuts, Fang-y 1‘1 1111- 7339.011, the 1.1.1 rust stock 011 Richmond H111 of 0m own 1111r111011 madc. 1 Huts & Ca} us of the newest styles 111 e\ Cry varietv with the Goods to be found 111 the uciy 1111011101111. MAY BE HAD AT CROCKERY, 8L0. In his New Brick Store, on libvral support he has received since tmnnnencinr7 Ho inlmm [he public that he has g-IIBatly incruas choice assmlment of 18m AND ‘ . .. rd. 7&1)“ ya ‘WITH AN the best M arkets,~â€"-Compnising émmrws 25 6d per lh.~â€"splvndid yams; superior .-â€"‘.I|c best in this neighborhood, with would also call'attemion to his REES! attention of his Old friends 69 has survived his immense 70-3!!! New: Mi‘Hihery Show" Room ! Ladies’ Bonnets 65 flats Saturday Morning, the 21 st inst, With me most extensive Stock Straw & Felt Huts, Skatimr H HS, Ludies’ Banned, 1‘9thth Ribbons Flowers». ’ Vulvets, Vuilsg. &c. 850. Trimmed and Altered 1n the latest style. and on [has shorlea' notice Richmond iiiil Nov. 2'3 ’66 CHEAP BOOTS I EGS to announce tn the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he h?†0.] hand quite a large and well assorted Stock ol LadV’ s. Gents, Missesuud Bms Boob: and Shoes, suitable for the present season, which will be offered low‘for cash. MRS. VV. 1!. RIYERS ,Particulars anemion paid ‘0 custom work in (111415 Branches as heretofore; t‘zic‘hmond mu. Oct. 24. ’66 MONEY T0 LEND _.._ V . I . ban be procured, In sums to sult borrowers, oil Landed security. 'l‘ex‘ms made known on personal applicmion to $20,00Q N.B. Deeds, Mortgngas. Wills. Bonds, & c. {(‘c, drhwn wiLh uexmms: and despalch.â€" M. '1‘. continues 10 mt r5 UIVIHDN Coum‘ ‘Acm’r . Fees moderate. ‘Acuvr. Fees moderate. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28. 1866. THE LARGEST THE CHEAPEST Hï¬RW ESE .'. Mg} 13%"! "W'Hl‘PS'! I \V. I’lARRlSON’S, V V151: Prize ‘ Harness Establishment, RICHMOND HILL. FE‘HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI , ENCE OF ANJNVZ'ALID. .mlfnllylï¬hcdflnï¬ghe beneï¬t mnl‘és a CAU- TION 'J'U YCllJNG MEN zind others, who suffer from Nervous Délnlity,‘ Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at. the same time THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. 3y one who llflSrCul'Cd himself after-undergoing considerable quackery'. The applicant, by paying postage on his letter, will receive :1 copy, free of ch: tree. from the antlnr. ,_#- . <vvw . 1n 11 1),,,,~‘.J.v“ 01A 1‘ N [\“T'HANIEL MAYFAIR, Kings 00., N. Y. WANTED. HIRE! III] SIFT W1]! Stoves and AgriculturaI Furnaces Torontn. Oct, 4. 2866. HE Undursigued is authorized to state if JOHN WATERHOUSE, The Village of Nipple, V6113; he will keep Slvery selucl stock He therefore invites his old friends and the in- iahnbitauls of the neighborhood to Cu†and in. speclhis Stock, feeling conï¬dem he cannot be unde’rsold, no‘r surpassed by any house “0th of Toromo. All parlies ndebter} to me either by Note or gunk account are requested to pay [he same forthwith to Mr . W. H. Myles. Ridmmudhm who is authorizud to grant rccuipï¬m an‘m Oetober 1'2, leG. 70 At the FARM EBB. SALE; f H E Farm hehmgiug m the Estate of the [me Mr. \Vi'li'am Sanderson. containing 100' Acres of Good Farming Land. 9|) nt’ which- are cleared. There isa large Brick House, Wood Shed, and olhar conveniences . a guod Frame Barn, Stables Sheds and Root House [at No. l4, 3rd Bun! Markham, And Is well adapted for 8 Dairy Farm, as it is watered wi'Ih a never failing stream running across It. There is also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and F ruit Trees, Garden, 610, . V For fuItlIer particulars apply to ELIZ ABETII SANDE Igso Buttonvillo. Markham. 8031. 17.1866 MLTEEFY. WINESyLIQQQR‘S, 3L0. UN LANDED SECURITY. Traded for \Vood, or Cash paid ARDWARE, AND RUBBERS‘ tu LD. S-X'NDERSON Lot 20, 4th Gen. AND CONSEQUENTLY PHOENIX FOUNDRY, And an assurtmeuï¬. of IS TO BE FOL-{ND A’I‘ ASSORTM ENT 0F WILL OPEN HER The above farm is GROCERIES, Notary Public. Agent. &c‘ THE 91 Yonge Street, Toronto ERNEY WHIPS ! ! ! Esq., Brooklyn, ol' at 2m -;i m A ï¬Im? 1 y élzzsimas and a, IIappy Newâ€" Y (3m? CLOTHS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, 8L0, Fix.e Fresh Oysters, Lubstors, THE MOST lam BACTEVE DISPLAY .. , ’ The Best Rock 011_~100ts Dex Gallon. ELGIN MILLS, DEC "0,1866. Opposits the Ma rkct ()MPRISING Trench D11 Cobouws, "hikers, Ll f1om $1 50 each. Skhtings, Shawlsuï¬ilks, SWï¬PLE OF ‘EVI‘ P Y ‘ D ESC RIPTION. Importiarr my Goods direct, customers will waive the full ad 0 II F I ,],_»L_ _†1.. 1‘. 11‘ xfl' 13; King ‘St. East, Toronto, Sept. 21, 17866. ' ' u Opposite Telnl>eraxlc;8I. (T O R O N T 0, I" EGS to announc‘e to mé inhobiï¬ants of the. Coumy of York and those iuz‘th‘e neighborhood of Richmondlhli in particular, that he has added to lnis- {flock of BOOTS AND SHGES , MEN’S, WOMEN’S‘AND , BHEL‘DHEN’S BBUTS AND SHOES And of the best Material (ion, We are constantly will he Please renwmber {18;133Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s HoteI, Toronto, mnhflnmn a“. 10 1mm: 51-3!!! “FUNND m, v-4.“ 7 , vantage of the recent fall of prlces and reduction in dunes;- .mp1. Styles for PALE AND WENTER Wear. W'hen ordering piease slateldé‘ulh of W Arr 13633, A few more County Rights for sale. mm â€3595;3me EEENGAL ADAPJM UR TthL DEPTHS; SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. good assortment of Trunks always on hand, NEW GGGDS I . FOR MARKINGTJNIC THE “HERA-LI)†BOOK 8’ TORONTO, Sopl. 13, 1866. 'Sbleï¬'did'Fruit suitable for the Season. nmmt be shrpassed, f'oi" chenpnosg End excellency. The best'of that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at No_133 Yosnge Street, a SANDERSON, 134 KING STREET E A complete assortmem of the mast deslrub'm And is prepared to make to Ofuol’ all kinds of zmd \Vorkmam-hip. All Walk in Wm‘rzmled to give pvrfect nth-fac- udding Lofur stuck ofliuuls uni Slams 01 on manutaclure, which- \Vishing his numerous Custmncrs In the most Fashionable Sig/19 Silks, Ribbons, Mantles, Flanucls, Blankets, and (101151: 11111; kept on hand W S:11(1in‘es,“hit<1 F 15118 1 8111111011 T101“ &Her11nlfl always kep gt,.......... ..... .Tm-onto,. Merinoes from 63 cents per yard, Lustrcs, Winccys Fancy Dresses; IS AT CHAR LES E’U‘W'ELIp 0F e†or Cis'm‘u â€ate/'11,“: and Proprzctar. NEWTON BROOK, C.W ’ 641 Bonnets, Hats;