Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Feb 1867, p. 1

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And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest a mulls. or other conveyance, when so desired. The YORK III-ZRALD will always be found to contain llwlatest and most impmlunl l"orcign and Provincial News and Markets, and 1110‘ greatest care will be tulian to render it at:- éeptable to the man of business, and a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS;â€"One Dollar per annum, IN An- VANCE: if'nat paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. No paper discontinued until all arz'earagos are pnid : and panics refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. Notary Pufialio, CDMMISVONER IN THE QUEE vs BEECH, . coxvxcmxcm. AN!) DIVISION COURT AGENT, \ ILL qunemlh' 1w («mu half lmsl :4 an” and A” part'n’s owing Dr J Lu ed 10 (tall and pay pmmlnl}: at mm't he met ‘ $321: ‘2 cba. or YOPHSE ma cmemg STS., In, a Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Scheitflrs in Chascafyfic, Quarter ofa cuiumn per tweive momhs. ‘20 ()0 One column 1101 six monihs . . . . .. . 4i) “0 Hnit'acoiumn (i0 ‘25”) Quarter of a column pm‘ mouLlis. . . 1800 A card often line’s, for one year. . . . 4 M) A card of fifteen iinefi. do . . . .. .. 5 '25 A card uftwenty lines, do 6 50 FAdvertisements without written dil‘t‘t‘llOllS inserted til] ful'liid, an:i charged accordingly All transitory advertisements, from slrungm‘s or irregula! custonmrs. must he paid for when and d in for insertion. A” udvurtiseumnb puixiHlmi for aims periud thnn one month, must he paid for in advance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid. DR. IIUS'H‘Z'I"! ER’S numerous {'rinnds \le pleasts accept his sincere thale to; theirlibt-ral patronage and prompt payment, and wunld :mnoum'e thm he will continue to devote! o \vhnle of his :mmm'm. to the prac- lir‘e ol' Medicme. Surgn'y and Millwflm'v. All c .lls. (night or dav.) pm)an unendml to. P. J. MUTER. W1. 0.. Phy icinnfiurgmn ."né'COEflchz‘ilE Thorrikxill. RICU‘MUND HUI. P I GREEVH‘INTS, ’mnds f \'Vil|s. Ne, «'36.. (11' and pl'()nl}.‘1i1n(|0, 'l'm‘ms I Richmond Hm, Juno 5?. Each subsequent imertion. . . . . . . . Above tan lines, first insertion, per line Fitch subsequent insertion. per lino... One Column [101' twelve months. . . ... Half a column (lo do . . . . . . Quarter ofa column per twelve months One column 1101 six momhs... . . . , ,_ Hull'acolumn do .......... Quarter of a column pm‘ months. . . A card often line’s, for one year. . . . . A card of fil'ieeu linefi. do . . . .. . A card ul'twenly lines, do Salici‘wr in' Chancery, C O NV E Y ANC E R, &C, OFFICEâ€"Tn the ‘-’ York Herald” 11: Richmond Hill. ([3? Mom‘y to anl. July, 5111. 1865. Pix lines and under. first insertion Each subsequent insert,ion.... .;.. 'I‘en' lines and under. first insertion. Toronto. 13.13. READ, QC. ; J.A. BOYD B A c .lls. (night or day) broinptly Elgiu Mills, Uc‘ohcr 5, 1855. a? Rosidvnco-Nenr ll Reference xmrmilwd 10( anh. Royall (ul‘r-gn Yonge St. 'l‘uronln7 nud Fm. M D.,1\1t~mb. Pm) Ei- Ewwfifir :1 Mai: 2g, DR. JAES. LANQ’STAFF, 77. King“ Street. ELM M‘NAB; MURRAY 3:. JACKES, Barristers 5.1 Mmrneys-at-haw GEO. B. NA“ )L, BABElSTEB, Mimneyma’i-Laiél. Solicitors in Chancery, (JUNVICYANVJCRS‘ «to. OFFICEâ€"In the Court HUMP, . .TURONTO August 1, 1866. 59 Th i191 lelm! S SE} )A‘JAN, MAKER, Henry anelser, Residenceâ€"Newly oppusith the Post 0mm} Ru")moud Liill. ICENSED AUU'I‘JONEER for tho conn- ulies of York and [’ee!,<'ollec10r0f Notes. Aacu1.ts‘,&c. Small charges and plenty to do Lafiwa March 2nd 1865. 39-1 nsll May 7. lb‘GG Consult)! 'I'lmrn afitmémm flircctuw RATES OF ADVERTISING. H t’ msdu's. 'l'H l1]. [LTAEI L A W v in th 'I'hm‘d HQ HUN Near Hm (Ihmcll 01' I}?! {Hi [00 S \Vinstaldcy ul‘r-gn (If Smgmnns, 147,7md Thomas U. Juno 5?. 1501 CARDS. .M w“. i Igolsewhrre *3 ,. 4 ‘, 1r»- cl‘alnd with rz‘ d to cu'ic H ul (on ud 61' {I )ST OFFICE. Dweds. Mm’lgng nvn \th ununli AIKE mdm‘u’n d at home h-Vort- from I “121:4”. ngsxafl‘ 71w oqwclâ€" . as. iac has puy- ‘1"!10111p50n‘a HS «QC, &c., &c he mm'nmg< um! w. P‘ to [Ina \Jllica‘ mus, Ping. U. Savage guons, ling mmminn $00 50 ‘ . on 13 . 0075} . 00 ~20 1‘ . 0007 . 000-2 . 50 (>0 ‘ . 30 no t 4“)»Lf and : ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. Uannary H5, 1866 ()ll 1)I‘ISIEHCVFHâ€"Lnt'lfi 53nd (7m. Mu‘kham 5 j\ un 11:» I‘ngiu \‘sill- l’lnnk Krmd‘ : A Im'yp- Smwk oVSI'Avvas um] Sunnmcs. knnt I ('JlL‘tflHlly 0n lmml.nml sum ni'xhe \(‘wcst Prices [13" Call and examine :SLuck bcl'om Pul'Chub- Quite a m} M pvl'a One of the ohhst and cheapest homes in the (fade. [IT Give John a call when in Town. 'I‘oxomo. Dec. 1855. 27 Mama} Lumber, “wring, £0. I{upl on hand. SAWING done promptly Al the lowest possibla rates. Saw Mill on In! 2.3, 211d Con. Mmkham, 2% mIHUS eastol' Richmond lllh by the Plank Road Richmund ILH, Mme 26,1805. 4-Iy H] {allfls leave- 10 myth} the 1mm”: that he ha~ lmrclupwi lhe‘ husinr-ss and gum] will of J_ HygwnrdN I‘SI‘\)H~'I!II\I‘HT. and (ha! ha is prmmrml Io furni~h I'HUCAI) and FANCY (IAKI'IS (n [how who ma) honor him with their patronage. Plc-Nlr: pmzieswnd Ton Meeting: suppHvd m Hm lmvkwt p0. :jbln rates and on tho thl’lUSt “Mir-9. ' “.QHC thscriher hugs tn inform his friends i and [Im public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Mame. 4‘.h Con. Vaughan. whom he holws, by amen- Uon In the comfnrls of (he “'11qung commu- Ilily.10|nw"ita share of their patronage and uppnrt. Good Svuhhng. 65c, LUMBERINGâ€"l [352m «23" Marriage “senses, ALMKRA MILLS, Markham, Nov. 1, 1565 Egaflroad Hotel, Maple 1 Manufuclurm' and Den!“ Wmuun‘a and Children’s Bflfi’fl‘; 525 33:93:33, Lumbar Tom 3; “ed 8; Grovcd EDMUND SEAG ER, E’rmmciasl Lanai fiias'w‘eyaa’, RM HHOXI) HILL. -fifiialple Kiofiel! VOL ‘3» ifi» R0. 35. [7 EGS respncti'nlly to inform his customers .4? and the puth that he is preparud to do Richmond HIH,June,1iG'z ‘OOD accommndulinn for 'l‘ravaers â€"- T Wines, Liquors and Cuzan 0f lha best brand always on hand. Good Stahlillg and attentivu Hustler in allendanco. PLANEWG TO ORDER, BAYHEQUEHS-z WATEMPFUTS, Maple. Jnn [RV-G MINI LOOK AT THEE? John. Langstafl "W 37111139113 E111 hm aa aw chmnm} Ilil', ()ut. ’fib' Jun ing Rex" ‘ 1:. LHCO l‘vnl‘ MV (1 M8 56 Mai All )rdors MI'ECHV attended to Mo HE thm «rs :Uidn 38 West M «I'le Square. 1‘ of King Strum ClS’J‘RlSNS AND PUMPS In any quantity, and on short notice DAVID EYER, Jun, 53 5; 8223mm mumfiwumr ‘0 rift, JOHN BARRON. ‘UEI AMES BOWMAN. Manuracmred and for £139an E111 W. S. PULLOCK, ll 04.. ABRAHAM EYER RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE ST. GENERAL ADVER’E‘WER 1855 3-3. ii» ENH’ Ehamist & Uruggist, \F SI'EAM B’IlLsclTuomuILL Lu! 4'3 Yang’s: r‘LrL-ct‘ \VHH' HI 'ulu unh u‘wr-r ()(‘rcl'e'encu given if requir- whosu homes huvu in}st cu ed by CI’HIIJLI‘s-‘LJ 3.: sure, in! Lam! SEE “va‘yaa'g, [CAFUH'I‘IL C. W ho RICHIJOND HILL \vrm‘d 1minth (o 15w farm- of Rizahmond Hill "lid ffinmv inky 0t h wing J M 55 RICHARD VAHJZS. 32- I v er in all kinds of Men’s if m TORONTO, ‘1 (Wm Vim; UUNTUI‘I who-n opwrnmd ‘(I to ensure a doors soul]: o silmo (helr ale by 1," 9 ulva for llf 252 U (-hcer up 111011 ye weary ones; Ynur c.1311 is 11014110110, Far 13111111411 woe, your heart beats 10v. We :11] [1135111110 have klmwn, A11! yes we 11.1w. and ever will, Until our fun-ms :11'0 drest 1'11 huuvcrfiy 111011111, Myomi the fmu‘), Wham pangs 110'0 hurt the 1310114 A Shot; at Twelve Paceg, Refomlhud finished the peg, ()‘Fiahvriy’sh‘itmd made his ap- pvurunce. He wae unknown to me. We boih bowed. Mr. Morley, I bcâ€"iave. Uhon my him another Irishman; and my hopes (2f :1 pcucvnbit‘, ter- IIJin‘dHUH 10 the aliain look flight at lhe very sound uf his Voice. The great and noble of the land, To whom a people how; May feel a joy with small alloy, While life is smooth to plow, But cares at times wa gather in, And break that envied rest ; And fully bring the truth I sing, There’s a pan; for ev’ry breast. That, fallen wrotch with feeling dead, May go with unconcern; From act to act without attack 0F after conscience bum, But still llmt heart it is not dead, Though it ddth seem to rest; That heart, of steel, sometime will feel There's a pang for ev’ry breast. The blooming youth just ripe for life, And burning for a name Steps on the course with rapid force 'l'mx'urds {he (:liifs of fame, 3m C‘rc he's nearly reached the g0le His sun has reached the west, 7 Leaving; the youth to feel the trmh, There’s a pang for why breast. p: AW‘Mf brighten up the face, And eyes through rapture peer; There's not ‘ ('lek by woe unatl'eulied, 01' stranger to :1 trzar, For feelings that are ripe within, Those featuvos will attest ; ,‘xml ul‘tun show that here below, There's a 1mm: fur cv’rv breast. HOW difl’eront are the scenes of life, And 1h ‘se who act therein, Yet ’tis mUSL clear, we very near Resemlfle in one scene, Fox‘joys may bloom in lustre bright And thick each form invest, _ Yet there’s a time, will tell each mind There’s a pang~ for every breast. See yonder son of poverty, Who tramps from door to door, To bag a bite that nature might Pass by the grave once more; 0 little need we stop to prove The woe that on such rest ; 0r pause :1 while to rormlcile, There's a pang for why breast. G0 ask that wee one on the street, The miniture of mam Who life but know, so free from woe, As children only can, 19.011 they will learn enough at times, Tim tzuth 10 sure attest; Though joys may fall, full thick on all There's. a pang for (why breast. mm W' vam~ Not at a”, said Mr. Doolan, in a lone uflhe must pm‘lcr'l Cunlent- mL-nt; no! at ail. It's not muse-[f that’s going to quarrel with the cundmous‘ This might be only politeness to- wards me, but I though! It sound-3d much more like salisfaclion at his mission. Ailuw me i0 imrvjuice moselflâ€" Liam'an DO<)lan,â€"â€"~lh Regimem I come [mm Mr. ()‘Flallerly. 0 yes. said I affecting: to have bwn mmmrpmriiy fm‘gmful of that 111136 mutter. ‘ Very happy lo make ycur acquaimunce, Ihuugh I Cnuld wish il had been under plea- sunmr cundlliuns. Mr. O'Flaherty has, no doubt, instrude you fully as to how Ihc [Ixalurrlwtwevn himseif and Mr. O‘Dmuj stands. Quite so, quite 50, said the lieu tenant. Then I feel certain, Mr. Doolan. 1M1 you must agree wilh me lhal this afluir cannot be allowed to pro- cecd. DooIan ii mpIy stared. You can scaicely avoid feeling, I C()niinucd,that1hc cause 01 quar- rel is {00 slighl for us 10 permil our friends to peril their livus about such a lrille.’ Thrifle! t‘jaculated Doolau. Now. can’t we hit upon some melhod {or bringing to a peaceablv issue a busimss wihch, if procceed ed with 1.0 Ihe end at prcsmt pro- (-hcer IV: 'chfor the Hamid There’s a Pang- for every Breast . Cundudcdfl'am our last " géémfim‘a‘. getting. “ Let Sound Reason umigfi more with us t/zan Papa/a? Opinion.” RICHRIUND lilLL, F REEFAY, FEEUAERY l, IEQW. finished the peg, m1 made his ap- wae u u {i now u to ripe within, attest ; here bola w, CY’I‘)‘ breast BE There was not‘hing for it but to pecketthe olivejhnd do as the lieutenant wished. Time and place were agréed Upon, and D00]- an rose to lake 11:33 leave. As we were shaking hénds in the mosl friendly manner, I said, By the way, Mr. Dunlap, I must not for- get to tell you [fiat l have nothing at all in {he shdjpe of a duelling. pistol ; perhapiyou are better pro- vided. Juslso. He insists upon an apology‘ andâ€"4V5 reain ton absm‘b ma declaration (mm O'Flahory that the chargf' brought against his lungs was unluundvd. warmly, I preceiVe nothing of the kind. [Iatk 'ye, Mr. Morley; I came here to arrzz’jtge paceably the the time and placi {or this meeting, and nut to dispulé about the rights and wrongs of matter, or to question the goo sense winch no doubt injuiced both the gentlemen to take the fair and honorable course which the: taken. May I beg, sir, that yota will enter, as soon as you gonvanieutly can, upon the tale buélness lor which I am here. ' ii ' Make youriéélf perfeclly easy about that, MrgMorlc-y,said Doolan who would ng',‘ more have been without hair-Emiggers than hair- brushes; I nevéf‘travel without the pacemakers. Au revoir? And Mr. Dnolan (‘ik his dearlure. after receivin ' imv assurance that 1 woufd call up n [he svrgcon, and make sure of is attendance upon the ground. nin are, and engaged upon a paper far We ‘Lanccr, upon the suhjcl of gunshot- wounds. How are you, Hcdc ?’ said L How do, Mailcy I said he What’s the matter? Arxyshing wrong, will: you 7 You lawn ruthâ€" cr 0111 of sorts. Digestion wrong, or when is I: I O, llivro’s HOilllllg llLC mam-1 will] mv,’ [ said ; (lun’l llatleryourâ€" self. You'll be wanted about hull pus! gve this aln-moun atâ€"’ Eh ! said llu'n. You dun'! mean to say Ilia! Mrs.â€"~' Ni),no,sai<l l, nulliing of lli(‘ kindâ€"(wile the roversv, indeed. N0,Ilieslalc<)lll:e case is Ilzis; O‘Duwd has Iakvn umbmgc ai some”)an (lFialmrly lms said, and has ll1.>'l::~l{'(l upon cul’ing liim nul.’ All. ll]:11’sit,isill said Ila'e, his vyvs ln‘iglvmng; and you’ll wan! me upon (be ground in case of accidvm. (,‘clrminly, with all my heart. Pistols ol commaâ€"Will] a glance at his manu>cript,â€"~simh» ivg like pislols. You may be Suite certain Ilml [shall he llwrv. The. vilzz'm was cvidenlly in wantnf an illustrzilion to prove some conlmimle ll1<'0"y ofliis own with regard 10 bullet-wounds. Ilis glance at the manuscript betray-d liim. No; but look ln'rv, Hafiz. I said. [he Ufl'Jh' ought not 10 be affowed 10 5:0 0n. You lhink not, said he, as if en- lertziining Hie VCI'y gre cht doubts lo the wisdom of my upinion. (it-mainly, l lhink no! ; land yotfll think so, 100. when you hear lhc case. Last night, O‘Fldwrly,whvn slighlly screwed, churgvd O‘Duwd With having tubercle, 0f lhe lung. And 21 mm! insulenl thing to:ay, too. lhongh it’s a positive fact all the same. In vino verélas, and no mistako. But still a man will] any respect {or hime can’t al'mv his lungs to be thrown in his face fin that way without taking notice of it. And 50 O’Dowd demands an apology or a meeting, eh? said he, Arxyihing lawn ruthâ€" He broke offlhere, but he meant the cause of science. I’m certain. confound him ! file was devoted to his prolassion wasllale. Ah very sad, very sad, indeed: replied the docior, :<)<)i’y; but ii can‘t be helped. The matter is gone loo fur now 10 be stopped. A meeting is abs‘olulcly necessary fur lhe honor of the parties, andfiâ€"Iayâ€" ing his, hand casually upon the MEL, and speaking in a thought ful manner,â€"aud may be of infi- niie service to the cause of- Hulfpasl five, at Harrison‘s bunâ€" galow,if you pl’tflsfl, Mr. Hate, said 1 coldlv,and walked 0m. of the men], the man of science {UL lowing me to the door, and aSsur» ing me, in the cheerfulest and friendlies! manner, that I might depend upon him absolute!y ; that he would sact'ihee any number ()1 patients sooner than not be present; and that he would be. certain not to forget his instruments. 1 had done my best. I had‘pailâ€" ed upon common Sense to help me but Common “ense was nowhere t) b': hunt, _l 11:11 appealed to the Dread of Ridicule but it slept and could not be a mitenetl. I had asked Scienee to tend the a hand, qutfi‘cicneo wanted buth of hm's to sviZ‘, her own Oppfn‘lunilit‘sfl Theta at as no resource tnw but to 1m. thf) mutter go on to its bitter cm]. In atTyirs nftltis kind, you know it is not etiquette for the parties to :0 in company to the battle ground :15: pugilists ll) do a prim-fight. \Ve mast gr) scprtrulc‘xy to \thl Inflow at the stated tithe. All of which happened a< ananuvd. The l‘t‘,.<§t0ltdf’l]t and Dooian dogmned curly in the aftcrnotm, dtrsigning to lunch at the t‘rth-zvous; and shortly bt‘fore six the appcltattt, flute, and I fulltm'ed, drove to th(‘ outskirts of the jungle, them lvft, um’ carriage, amt :stmlicd through the trues to the place. Here we are, said Hale“, true to our time; but I duu’t see our ft‘it'nnis. Euphr‘mism for cueâ€" mivsy ‘Bell‘s Litc’ would Cziii a likely spot, and meet there with distant politeness. As t‘e had to drive a good v'ay into the jungle,â€"it was agreed that O‘Fiahurly and his second should go on an huur or two in advance, taking thvir rifles With tlwm. in order to pass the time. with any sport that might fat! in their way, and that I, with my pl‘lt]Ci1”di and the surgeon, shoutd They’ve been very Iain-1y, said 0 Dowd, poinling to the relics of a luncheon scattered album on Hm gras~'; u'ml, fati'h, Illoy’ve madv 1mgth [we wnh lhe eaiamva. Thr‘y’il make their apnvurzmce in a minute or 1W0, no doubt, I said. 'l‘lluyx‘clmvi‘ng a shot al somvihing in the jungle per- haps ibelicve vou are all gum: mad, I said, Vexcd ' beyond bearing. There’s not a creature who wxli look at the thing in a cahn and rea- sonable manner. Why, do vou realm), sir. lhal‘just for a ridic' = 10125 word from a drunken man a valuable life may be lost? The crack Ufa rifle a 5M lance oil'seemod 10 comi words. The end of a feast, moxl decidâ€" edly, said Hale; so we are quite ready for the beginning of u fray. We were slnndlng about. O‘Dowd examining the riflc, which was loaded. and flak: the nalv-alv Bottles, which \vervall discharged They might, I] we takml but}: riflvsuilh1hrm,lhvn, I'm minking (\xclnimod O‘Howd. picking up ()‘b‘luherty, which lay on m» g when we \ere surprised bv sce- ing Doolan running towards Us will] every appearance of cxlrvme 101‘1‘0)‘. Bring the rlfle. U'I‘Wuheny's hex-n carried off by a tiger ' Now, Morfvy, said O’Dowd, \Vhat’s the matter? Showed- Ucre! he criw]. Ct to st‘, her own Oppfll‘luniIit‘R so, 2‘ as no resource xnw but to :9 manor go on to its bitter )Howcd, drove h) 1110 the jungle, them [MK and :Hmlicd through rd. Come here. U'I‘Wuhemy's hex-n a short (1 we all I] my I Hit him,“ it i said Donlan. No faith! I dared n't try. I fired, in hopes of lrightcning him. Come along! He jumped on us from behind, as we were sitting)r on tlw hank there, caught pour Tim by the shoulder, and tt‘undlt‘d oti with hrn never Myth; '1 Win}, :is if six feet two were nothing to sapeak of at all. Co'ne along ! We wvrc hurrying alter him all the whilo. [jumpcd up, picked up the rifle ; Stop, ye thief! i called out or I‘ll shoot you i lie gave a wag Vt iih his tail. the haste, as much as to say, Sit-{mt awav; ve dare n‘t hit me lor fear ()1 kiiling Tim ; and. ncgm‘m, I'll make myself sal't' enough fur the mattrr of that. Anrl 'ii the w M the crutur chucked your Tim on to his back, as a fox docs will] a goose, and away he went BEHIIIMC()'116 along lâ€"snfi'r than ever, fur l could see more of O'Flaherty now than I could ()fhit'n bad luck in him! and [ wished t‘tl shot at first. I dared not touch the. trigger for tlze life of me, now, you nnilurstand ; so I followed till hc stoixpetl. after a bit, and lay down with Tim, before him and than 1 shot, not, at him, for Fear of killing Tim, hut. in the hope of frightening the brute. But Serra a bit (lit! it frightening him ; it onlv math: him gnash his teeth, and Tim vas between ’em, ye ’li recollect. So than I ran back for the other rifle, and met you, andâ€"g and have a care now, we can’t he Fur ofl him. unless he’s clopod with Tim again, which the saints l'or- , ‘uid,forit’s a mighty unpleasant way <1fi:’ii\79lin;:. Now then. whth gain; to shoot! said lloolun. Smncbuty much, or faith {mar Tim will he minced veal bt‘lure he knows where he But I'll be hanged it it‘s me that’s going to (hi it. You're the best shut, DenniW. Shoot, O‘D )wd‘ said I. I dare not, tor the tile of me. Faith. it’s a risky shot for cor- tain, 542de ()1)t)\\'(l ;but il’ we stand here and (it) nothing, thvre‘ll be no (-hzsnce‘ fur him all. Now, hark )‘Pfgvmlomztn. he said, throwing up his head and lankinsz. tnbvrcle m‘ nut, a thoroughly line letluw. you all know. I‘m sure, that though l was, anxious enough to shunt {7) Flalwrty standing; apposite m-0 at twelve paces. I'd be the laxt man in_the World to take advantage «if him now. All righkâ€"nll iright. Tltt‘tt‘, that‘s enough! Upon nw sowl, thvn, l nt'vt‘r thought other- wise for a mmw‘nt. L',)t)l-{ hun- IL: had not Moped with Tim. He \vus SIM lying;~ where Douhxn had In”! him, with his mouxh so time to poor O‘Flaherty’s ear, lhal he looked if he were whispering into it. \tht was 10 be dune? The. very thought. of firing iulo him norms O Fl‘ihvrly made 'mv hand shake. We 3!! stand still for a nmnwnt m' two. glaring at the “211‘ and his "icxim. sowi, Ihvn, I nvvt‘r thought ()lht‘r- wise for a mumt‘nt. Lcmk hure. now. Give Murim' your rifle, Phil, and yuu and [hie stand a (rifle buck. Now, Morh'v, my huyJ‘m going, to crew-p in a lhonghl nmwr. Kce‘p you just hvhiud mm l‘ii blaze away at him first; and I shall hit him, dnn'l be afraid for thin. If he sprlnys right at us, Cow-r him well and iv! Hy. Ef he (miv jumps up. hand me your rifle, 3114i ['1] being at him :1: ‘ D'yc umh-niund me? Oillowtl stepped gvnt‘v towards the tiger, and l fullmwd his c'usttly. \thn we Were within a ll;:zt't’l yards (if the “girl dropptld O’lt‘lahvrty's arm, which it had in its rrmuth, and lifted its head. ()‘and sank on his knee instanth stt‘ps looked along his barrel inr one Ht‘COUll. and fired. With the most awful 3; ill I over head the tiger sprng up. gave one bound towards us, and then, belm‘e l‘d time to that‘l-Z him properly, rolled over an the lung grrNs. Twelve hint from the nose to thrA tip olthe tril, I’ll bet a hundrvd, said O’Dmvd, quietly. l h'ntrl ‘tl him the and we all. except dashed rookie“Y loath-d Dun‘an, y Ovt'r to 01“}:- rille w h t) ' hyperbolical kindest appell ian name alfl. ! V0“ can USE, pa; ple. An 6 is but a sorry want ()fthat St the husband (: hrnak his rest srtrts of hardsh =of his with de L01 _\nu d words, mirryt and hourly no ‘that you value and happinv: things in this' manilvst to 'lIOM‘. time: w lcss in dangt‘r THREE?) $1 00 In Advance Did ye hit him. hit him I said 0 macth lira lieult- you’ve got your wish at lam. Come along. Ani We 211150! off running 10- wares Doolan, . who had stuppvd, and was lowing his rifle. i \V um, than. :1 stepped gvm‘v towards and l qumw-d 11's Slt‘ps \thn we were wimin a W’Emie K0446. r10 , Phil? did yo Unwd. whvn \M‘ aam. z 10 L01 _\nu deeds. am! not your-- f nn wonls,0nrry10 her heart a daily and hourly confirmation ofthe fact )lhn ‘lhalyou value her health, and llfe ll'K‘d. and happluvss beyond all other Illings Eu lhis world; and let lhis be rifle }m:1n:lv.~‘t lo hvr, particularly at who 'lIOM‘. lime: whr‘n life is more or You sha‘n‘t say another word, Tim, said O’Dowd ; ifyou do, f’ll nevur spake 10 ya again. Come along; left 30 at once. We’ll send the servants for the beast yonder. Faith, Hale, said O’Flaheny, ye may even forbid it altogether. I should he a more inSPnsiblc brute llizm Hm! tiger there. ifl could not apologize now williout feeling any humiliation in doing; so. Give us your haml, Dannie, and receive my apologivs.‘ I was screwed when 1 met you the other night, and ~ ’ We all returnel in high spirits: and that was the first and last duel I ever had a had in. Bv Jove! that was a fine shot of O'Dowd‘s, said Gulton, and, all Circunmlancos considered, must have been immensely satisfac- [my ' m himself. Yours is the only alhir 01 the kind, Mor- ley,1hul leuor hoard cf, in which (:ith of 1110 principals obtained any real sulisfuclion. Well. the tiger was the real peaccmakér afier all, said Bring- he m, and yet he had 'sufler for it. There is a want of classical justice about that part uf the story. Nay. said Murie‘y, on the con- trary, it is quile correct and classi- cal. I mnngst the ancients, you know, w'xen two enemies were re- Conciled, they sacrified a beast upon the occasion. - HOW TO SHOW LOVE FOR A WIFE. Show love for a wife. and your admiration of her, not in nonsensiâ€" (:11 compliuwnt ; not in picking up {fO'Dowd was as good a hand at a pistol as a rifle. 'O‘Fluherty's chance wouid have been a. very puor (me, said Dormer. h *r handkerchief, or her gloves. 0: in carrvlng her fan; not, though you have ilxe means, in hanging Irlnkels or baubles upon her; not in making: yourself a lool by winkw ing a! and seeming pleased wltlt her foiblvs, or follies. or luults; but «how them by acts 0| real goodness- towards her; prove, by uneqiuvo- culdeeds, the hlgh value you set? on her health, and life, and peace- nl'miml; lel your praise of her gm :0 me full extent of her deserts, but lul it be consistent with truth and will] «mm. and such as to convince her of your sincerily. [Ie {vho is 'he flatterer of his wife, only prepares her ears {or the hyperbolical stuff others. The kindesi appellation that her Chrish. inn name affords, is [be best that: Voucrm use, espr‘ciallv belore her pa; ple. An everlasting ‘ mv dear“ is but a sorry compensation for the. want ()flha! son or love that makes We husband (:hperfully mil by day! brmk his rest by night. endure a“: snrfs of hardship, irihe life 01" health of his wife demand it. Well, gemlmnen, said I, ’cheer- fully, I supposed we may return a! once, lorthc business which we came about will scarceiy .be pro- ceedvd with now, I apprehend. I (lovidcly forbid Mr. O'Flaberly proceeding with that matter lo-dav. said Hale. laying strong emphasis upon [he Inst word. (Timer, and had gone [0 sleep by the roadside; lhen recovered his svnses cmnpletely ; lisioned 10 the whole history, while Hale lied his arm up as W?“ as it could be done and finally, with much assistance, rose to his feet. The breath of air was alIoWed him. in u very short lime he re- covered consciousness; requested to know ina strong high accent whereaboms he Was; betrayed by a fsw words Ihat he was .under the impression Ihat he had l()St his xivav m rvmming from a heavy ‘ Die! sand Hale, sharplv; "what Ihe dickons are‘you talking ‘nbout (lvina for“? The man's not dead». Nulabll of it. His left ‘arm‘s broken, certainly, broken .in: NW! plums; and lle’s nicely contused all over, I'll stake my reputation; preHv-well frightened, no dbubl; l conlcss I am. without so much cause; bm,’ deadl Bless my soul. sir, will you have the good- nvss 10 allow him a. breath of air? lwr y. wallzed cauliously toyvards the fallen tiger. ’I‘lle‘ bqllet' had passed through his eye into his brain, and he was as dead as his gradest grandfather. Dvad as a herrng ! I‘criedi; Begud, and so he is. said Dmlan, who was bending"over ()Fialxcrly ; and so he is. Come huro, llzllmcan’l you, Bad‘fluck 10-yel you’re a preily doctor to slzmll staring at a llger when Ilwre is admul CharISIian in want of your assislance five yards ofl. Come lwre, Can't you l We all run at once' 10 O'Flv 'OV'I‘im. whined Doolan, whar- cver irzjuiced you to go" and die in a hurry like IhisY r! V

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