Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Feb 1867, p. 2

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It was then resolved that the County Clerk be instructed“ previous to the first meeting of Council next year to request the Reey‘ves ef the several municipalities in the ébunt 'tb bring to such meeting the Collec‘ tor’s roll oftheir respective municipalitieapr A copy thereof, with a view of laying the 1amne.bef'ore the . Standing Committee on fiEqualjzation of Assessments.-â€"-Carried. F" g- , smeamm. : T'lie,,ThiA§unlin submitted a statement of the rioniresidentlands,‘ showing the amount available to each municipality for 1866. . “4“ iriiu'xci: Axnrnssussxiuxr. -‘ a... ;_ ‘ The Sfanding Committee on Finance and AsiesSmhnt handed in a Voluminous report. Théy'liud much plezuure in smtmg that the Troas‘urér’s accounts appear to be satisfac- tory. and the financial affairs of the County in their usual prqspéruus condition. Not~ withstmidiug,‘1héy were of opinion that a conuidev uhle "sum might. b8 saved annually frong the criminal justice expenses. Atten- tlk xi'and care was paid to the auditing and pushing of’the accounts, which am at pre- sent audited by- the ' magistrates M the ad- jlguzned- Quart“ S'gssi'ons. They rear-m- mcuded that one or more. Persons should he appoin‘tegi by the_ Council to rattend the ,7 . 1:, him” them to 38 ”c eating the collectors' mail of their respective m‘nniei alities, toilay them before tthe Equalization 80mmittee’inmder that the practical effect of the - exiskuv mode of «equalization mayheseen. In reienence to the Appointment of cohniysalh‘ator-s pro- “yided for by the present municipel law, they ‘expressed their opinion that the great objcc (ion to theappointment of such valuators is the large expense involved in their appoint- mehfi‘as‘they would in effect he assessors for the whole county, both of real and per- sonal property, owned by every ratepayer, and the large amount of labour necessarily imp’oséd ()n then) would occupy their time 1' the largest portion of one year. They t ought that the valuable information sought to be obtained, would be .â€" oblainad much cheapenby;an inspection of the several col- lcotorsl, rolls above recommended. The» Council met filo-day at 10 mm. the Warden in tbe'chajtr. Mrn'l’yrrell brought up his motion for n by law to repeal by-law No. 155 of the County. The bv-law to be repealed pro- a“udexgl for the appointment of a County En- gineer, and the object of that by-lnw before ‘he’ Coanil was to dispense with the ser- ‘y‘ffifcélf hirhuch' an official. The present ofli- ci'al is also Superintendent of the York Roads. On motionvthe Council went into committee of the Whole on the byvlaw, Mr. -Sttve'nson in the chair. On motion, the Council rose and adjourned, without finish- ing the discuSsion on the Bill. ROADB'ANDV BRIDGE“. The Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges reported on deieral matters referred to them. .-:The’ repdrtiwas adopted. ‘-. 'COUXTY pnbrxnrr. The Committee on County Property also submittedéa' report, which was adopted, with some amendments, the principal of which was ihag‘with lr‘eferrence to theHollandRiver marsh? 33-"th commi'tee recommended that the marsh be allowed ‘ to remain as'it now Itands, but this‘ elauge in the report. was stru’ek‘out. an? the matter referred back to the Council, ‘_with instructions to report again” the sale of the marsh, as beingr inad- visabliat the giresem time, and to add rea- soni’fhrthis course. The report was con- sidelea’in‘com'mittee and afterward adopt- ed. ‘- * 7 , ZLThe Council then adjonrned till 7 p. m. The Council re-aésem‘bled at 7:30 p. 111., .51110 W Arden presiding. v...-,~_ mm; squuzmxox ’c’oxuxr'ru. ' The Eqmlizatidn Coinmitteb submitted nthéinwecond'vrepottgstafing that considerable doubt and dissatisfaction . existed in the ;.mifi}jq ofvconncillorgin refere‘hce tr} the jus- ,Lticiéfofdhespresent modeof a ualizing the sku'seiis'hent. They recbmmemed that the fQomty Clerk be: instructed Ito instruct, the Moved by Mr. Tyne", seconded by Mr. Bqtton, and resolved, That a ,select qgflmjttee, composed of Messrs. Parnham, 'l’ihon’kllohnevwf Aurora), Dr.‘Hunter, and the moier be appointed to confer with the directors of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal Company as to‘the progreas made by them -to accomplish the intended work-â€" Carried. , 4 ‘ The re ort was adopted in Committee and after‘war s in Council. .-7-:Yeasâ€"Arnold, John Bowman James Bovman, Button. Chester, Draper, Doane, (Aurora),Doane(East.Gwillimbury), Jackes. ;Macklem, Mitchell, Phillipa, Riddel, Ste- wenson; Tayloi', Tyrrell, Wheelerâ€"17. HAYSâ€"Messrs . Berrymen, Bull, Hunter, Graham, Parneam, Playter, Thorne, Tyson, ‘Wallaceâ€"9. ’ .33 r ,A fig emanates; mom 4mm“; ~. i” ‘Mr.’ Button brought up his natice ‘fif‘“motibn giving permission to - clergyman'to pass thicughthe toll< 'figales on‘theYork roads free at toll 'fees. aft'E-r the expiration of the pre~ fie‘nl leaseh. The resolution providv ed' that all regular ministers of the Gofpiil residing within and having "regular *pagsztoral duties to perform Within? the. County ahall, upon application to 'the Warden, be entitled to a "pass; permitting "him to pass through out atoll-gages onthe York roads, within thei county, free of charge, when going to or re- turning from his ministerial duties. The nom‘e‘and address ‘of the applicant to be writ tentgn the pass. But this resolution is not 3 to_ takevefl'ect. until alter the expira’ion ofthe 1 ‘. preséht‘leuses, such pass to stand good for I the present year.‘ i k COUNTY ENGINEER AGAIN. fifl‘he Council again resumed in Committee (willie Whole; the consideration of the by- In to yepeal by-law No. '155. The effect of the,hy-law-wa3 to dispense with the duties of Mr. Gossage, as County Engineer He at present holds the joint appointments of Cohnty Engineer," for which he receives a silky 'of$500, and Superintendent of the York Roads, at a salary of $1,000. The ob. ject' of the By-Iaw was to dispense with the farmer office and the salary attached to it. After a spirited discussién the bylaw was adopted. on the following division :~â€" P On re-assembling at 2-30 :p. m. the Hon. Mr. Mlen wass permitted to address the Council 'as agepresentative of the citizens’ committee of the 'I‘oromo General Hospital asking aid for the institution. -_., a .n- . nan-Hr See siona to Mpmnent tbn interests The Cliuncil then adjourned. Thflz‘ _3u[lcil’ at this stage adjourned for a 3110'“ Mme. -« * ‘- ~ The resolution was carried on a vote of 19 to 7. - . NON-RESIDENT LANDS. THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. COUNTY ENGINEER. flakmunipil me Y, Feb. 1. A communication was read from Mr. J. A. Donaldson,Emigratlon Agentfintimating that any communication from any of the Council during the coming season for labor rers or mechanicawould receive immediate attention at the Emigration Office, 14 Front street. If the Reeves, or Deput Reeves of townships would send a list of t e probable number needed in their localitiesdt would be an immense assistance to the agent rend ing persons where they could readily find work. He drew attention to the great ad- vantage to be gained by cultivating flux and the benefit of-‘counties ofl’ering small pre-‘ minms for the first acutehinz milluiereted in1 On motion of Dr. Em tel- leave was given to bring in a bylaw in relation to the, mat- ter, when,af‘tar some discussion, $1,200 was settled as the salary of the Superintendent for the present yea r. H “ Weston. . . . ....... 566 ' ” " Markham ......... . 200 INCIDENTAL ‘KPINI‘I. The Treasurer was authorized to pay the incidental expenses of the Circuit Board of Public Instructionâ€"fur the County of York, $47 19; and the County of Peel, $60 09, for the current year. SUPERINTENDENCY 0!" THE YORK ROADS. The by-law repealed yesterday in Councd was one granting Mr.Gossnge $1.500f0r the execution of the joint duties of Superinten- dent of the York Road: andCountyEngineer for the year.His previous salary was $1,000, but the Council being shown that his or penses were about half that amount in at- teuding to the road, advanced his salary $500 ; he,in consequence, agreeing- to under- take any County engineering required to be done. Grammar School .>. ...... Gran: mar School, N ewnmrket. The following grants ordered in committee were passed in Council :â€" To thg Chairman of the Richmond Hill “ N.Gwillimbur}.7Dr. Montgomery. Georgina. ............... Rev. J. Gordon. Vaughan .......... . . . . .D. McColIom. Etobicoke ........... . Rev. J. Brooks. GRAMMAR SCHOOL TRUSTEES. menAMâ€"Rev. G. J. S. Hill, and A. Barker, qu., rte-appointed. Wnsroxâ€"Dr. Bull reappointed. Rxcxmmm HILL~Rev. J. Dick, and Mat- thew 'I‘eefy, Esq., reappointed, Jas. McNeir, Esq. and Rev. J. Bredin. .Nsqunn'râ€"Rev. S. Ramsay, and Nel son Guthum, Esq. SCHOOL SUPERINTINDENTS. Township of York ...... W. Watson “ Scarboro’ . .RPV. W. Belt. “ Markham. .Rev. G. J. S. Hill. “ Whitchurch & F.Gmllimbury } J. T. Stokes. N.Gwillimbury. l_)r. Montgomery. H The report was then read, gommitted, and afterwards adopted in COUDCI]. BESOLUTIOXS. The following appointments were much by resolution, on the recommendation of the Educational Committea. NEfifnfi’ht, 13631301111 Hill, Markham and Weston, at the June session a. further sum of $100 was granted on condition that tui tion in those schools should be free to all. The committee suggested that such restric- Iion be now removed. and that the sum of 8100 be granted to each of these, and that the trustees of these institutions be allowed to admit their pupils on the terms in force prior to the imposition of the restriction at the June session. On motion, the County Property Report, adopted yesterday, was referred back to the committee for alterations, FENIAN PRISONEBS. The petition to the Legislature for pay- ment of the expenses for the trial of the Fe- nian prisoners, was read and adopted. IDI'CA'HON COHMITTEB. The standing committee on education re ported on a number of matters laid before them. Having carefully considered the ap- peal of the Trustees of the Weston Gram- mar School. they expressed it inexpedient to make any special exemptions in monied grants to the Grammar Schools ofthe county. The petition from the Grammar School Trus- tees st Weston, praying for $100 to be ap- propriated as a. supplementary grant at the June session. The report stated that the grant was made on condition that these schools, receiving such supplementary as- sistance, should admit all pupils free of charge for tuition. This was not complied with, and the Committee therefore could not‘ recommend the payment of the sum asked‘ for. After giving a list of their nominees for local Superintendents,which were afterwards appointed by resolution,. the report stated that. at thi nry sessron of the councxl. Burnside Lying-in-Hospital ...... $100 Magdaien Asylum ............. 100 Boys’ Home .................. 100 Girls’ Home .................. 100 The report was adopted and the grants made. ta.) and in accordnnce thh the plnns and s ecifications furnished by the Adjutant eneral. The following additional grants were re- commended :â€" Buruside Lying-in-Hospital ...... $100 Magdaien Asylum ............. 100 Bovs’ Home .................. 100 Gias' Home .................. 1oo be expended under the direction of the Wan- den, Messrs Dr. Hunter, Button, T yson, Chester, Parnham, Riddle. Doane ’(of Auro- To the communication from the Aasia‘ taut Adjutant-General of Militia. the com- mittee had deveted much care, and in view of the liberal offer: made by Govern‘ ment and desiring as much as possible to cooperate and sustain the volunteer militia force of the county, the committee recom- mended the grantin: of the sum of $3,000 to aid in the erection of drill sheds, to be ap- portioned as follows :â€"â€"To aid in the erec- tion ofa batmlliou drill shed,the sum of $600 and the sum of $2,000 to be divided equally to nid'in the erection of eight single company sheds, and the sum of $400 to be equally di- vided to aid in erecting suitable nrmouries for the two cavalr corps at Richmond Hill and Markham. T e whole of the above sums to They recommended the payment of one- half the expenses for the repairs done on the bridge over the Holland River at Bradford, amounzing to $544, and also that $200 be granted the citizens’ 00mmittee to relieve the Toronto General Hospital- The Council refused to make a recommen- dation fur the payment of any further sum to the registrars of the County until their accounts for abstracts are properly audited, and recommended that the account from the city for sewer rate be laid over to the June Session, in order to obtain the Solicitor-’5 opinion. ofth¢County. They refused to recommend a grant tom-rd paying the expense of the agricultural buildings, as their grant of $2.- 800 in 1858 was given On the understanding that the buildings should be secured in per- petuity without further cost to the Council. THE COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT. IHIORATIOI AOKKT. 681375 . .8200 . 200 . 200 . 200 We are rejoined to see that the Hu- ron and Ontario ShipCanal'is gaining in public favour,â€"the County Council of York, during the recent scssron has placed on record its high appreciation of what has been done, by the president and directors of the company, towards getting this great enterprise into such a position as to give hope for its ultimate success at no distant day. It is gratify- ing to see such intelligent members of our County Council as Mr. W. Tyrroll, who is a CiVIl Engineer, (and therefore acquaintcd with the nature of the great work,) take a prominent part, in his public capacity, in regard to the “ ~Geor- gian Bay Canal,"â€"-it goes to show that where men are competent to judge, and have reflected upon the advantages to be derived, in various ways, from the con- struction of a. Ship Canal through the heart of the Countyâ€"that is the Town- ships of Vaughan, King and Yorkâ€"which will thereby become the highway for the produce of the pro- lific West, they must acknowledge that it has now become a work of necessity, and that when under way, will be an immense benefit to the Counties of York and Simcoe in particular and, the Pro- vince generally. It does not require much penetration to discern many of the advantages to be derived,â€"in the first place the outlay of $40,000,000 for la- bour, about $20,000,000, or one half, would be expended in the Township of' King, alone; the great increase of water power, for manufacturing purposes 'along the line of canal, through York, Vaughan and King ; the impetus it would give to a healthy and rapid emigration into this country of the hardy sons of toil.from the mother country, in consequence of the certainty of finding employment ; not to speak of the reduction of freights, and enabling,. the farm produce of our own country,asl well as that of the overflowing graiuaries of the west,tc find a cheap transit to the County Council of York and the Ship Canal. Cleanng {sails-LA, Scott Cardâ€"-Richnrd Grahame Desirable Residence to Rent-4) Battrick SUBSCRuSE FOR The York Herald,‘ $1,00 a year Farm for Saleâ€"Wm Linfoot Oils 1: Paintsâ€"R. H. Hall Cardâ€"R. Ferris Money to Lendâ€"G. P Victor». Square Property for Saleâ€"Geo McPhillips Laadâ€"Wm Atkinson Selling OEâ€"Wm Atkinson ' ‘ ' Great clearing Sale-'11. & A. Newton Hurrah for Christmasâ€"H; 3; A. Newton. Coal Oilâ€"W. S. Pollock} Harness.-â€"-â€"W. H. Myers Duplex Elliptic Skirtâ€"J. W. Braefloy. Boots.-â€"-W. H. Myers. Strayed Pig.â€"-Germrd Wiley. RICHMOND HILL, FEB. 8, 1867‘ The Council went into committee of the whole on the report, and adopted it without amendment. The committee rose and re- ported progress to the Council, by whom the report was also adopted. In the 2nd clause the committee drew the attention of the Council to the requirements of section 12, sub-section 341 of the new Municipal Act, which provided that counties should assume the maintenance of bridges between townshi 5, under which it would be the duty of the (guncil to provide {or - the maintaining of the two bridges crossingfithe Humber. Mail Train. . . . Expreuu .. ... Express. Mail. . . RICHMOND HILL TIME‘MBLE In the first clause of their report, the committee called the attention of the Coun- oil to the necessity of maintaining the bridges crossing Etobiuoke, between York and Peel. As the maintenance of the bridges required the action of both csunt'iea, the committeesuggested that the Warden should communicate with the ~Warden of Peel as to the necessity of cooperating in that object. Norman Railway of Canada Dr. Barr man moved, seconded by Mr. Graham, 'I’hat this Council desire to express to Mr. J. A. Donaldson their appreciation of his zenl and energy in promoting the culture of flux in this Province. They congratulate him on the immense increase in the growth and manufacture of this staple. ROADS AND BRIDGSE. The standing committee on, Road: and Bridges presented their second report; I township or county. In Simoe county,the handsome sum of $150 had been offered as e premiun the ear before last, and the con- sequence was t at a mill has been erected m Bradford, and was in full operation. Hanan-10K or rim. Dr. Berymen moved, seconded by Dr. Hunter, 3 resolution complimenting Mr. Wilmot on his report respecting the propaga- tion of fish in Canada. expressing their in- terest in the subject, and aepreciation of its importance, prolfenng every encouragement and intimating a desire to know more on the subject. Curried. ' GU): 19m 9mm New Advertisements. IIO ING NORTH. ... ...... ..........7 55 A.N 4 56 r. u MOVING SOUTH. FLAX. .......Sl4r. M ......933.A.l THURSDAY, Feb, 14 -Credit Sale of Farm Stock 550. on lot No 19, 2nd C on Markham, the roperty of Mr. Peter Phillips. Sal; at 1 o'clock pm, Ed (lax-son Auctioneer. MONDAY, Feb. 18. â€"â€"Im portant Credit Sale of valuable Stock &c, on lot No. 61,15t Con King, the property of Mr. Wallis Higgins. 5Sale at. 10 n..,m J M. Patterson, Auctioneer. Price, Esq‘; County Judge of Welland, for alleged derelictious of duty, improper de- cisions. (950., &c., Jae. The charges are numerous. andseveral of them serious. The casebfids fair to excite considerable interest, as the Judge has from time to time made many enemies, who are just vindictive enough to rejoice at seeing him in trouble and many of‘them would be glad to see him accept a “ call ” to some other field, where his talents and judicial ability would be bet- ter appreciated. “IMPEACHMEn or JUDGE Pawnâ€"Steps have been taken by Messrs. Miller 65 Miller of this town, So!icito:a,_to impeach J. H. When Division Court Judges, who are seldom selected for their hlgh legal standing. willputrage justice,» and rouse public‘infiigxyfion, there is a-mmedy by which'they can be brought to account; it is well thatit is so, or the nuisance would beébmgl-fihtolerable.‘ The folllow- ing is from the St. Catherine: Constitu- tionai o‘f3‘15‘t"Jan.:â€"- “A by-lnw '7 was introduced and passed. enacting " thzft the sum of $20 shall be paid out of the funds of the municipality of York by the County Treasurer to ‘my person or persons guilty‘fifst'ealing any horse or mare within this county such reward to be paid only on the conviction of the thief, and on an order of the Judge, before whom the conviction is‘ bhmined.” We copy'thé following paragraph from the repel-tail proceedings of the Cc'nmty Council (if the'Count'ypf York, on the 30th Janugify,” it appeared in tho dai'y Leader of the315t ult. ,â€"if the report is correct, we may soon look for some strange developements. We should like to know the genius who introduced that Byâ€"Law ? ' [the ham-d arid the charzkt and start g 131' the directors, téxgethér w. h. the“ m éti ra- ble~9exertiongsf the presick-m, your commit tee trust that the day is not far distant when this magnificent undertaking shall be ac- complisiied.??‘ Wetrustthat Mr. Capreol and the Board of Directors will meet with sub- stantial support and encouragement from those municipalities that are ccltain to reap a. goldei‘i harvest, not only from the commercial advantages which are certain to’follow the completion of the Canal, but during its construction. The _fol- lowing extract from the minutes of the County Council of York will show that ‘they are with the President and Direc- ltors of the company; but we think that isomething more substantial should have jbeen done towards encouraging Mr. Capreol in his efi'orts to accomplish so great an findertaking :â€" ‘dgoirorax an CANAL- The select committee appointed to confer with the directors 0“ the Huron and -0utario Ship-Canal company presentecf the-following i‘ep‘ott, which was Miorptedv3~ anstfikijfix! fiannerjmd (yaâ€"(m proved sysferfi. The committee as the re- presentatives of the York Connm‘l‘ were re- ceived by the directors and president in the most handsome Miner mmfi every explana- tion given to ghexn in reference to the pro~ grass made td‘caury out. thé greah undertak- ing. VFrgm phe unanimity that prevails in Will the Caunty Council 113-- ward Horse-thieves 7 “ That the select eommitlee appoiMcd to confer with the managing direc-ors of the Huron and Ontario Ship Cami company dc size to express the gratification they experi- enced to find the advanced state the plans and specifica" 113 and various sectional drawings'of ' 1.110le \mdcrtaking, all of ‘ ' 01mm mime in 111a “Moved by Mr. TY‘RRELL, seconded by Mr: 114er apd carried _~ unhxfi!hopÂ¥y._ This allfjnlportant undertaking is one which we believe to be calculated to pro- mote the interests of our country gener- ally, and ofrthe counties of York and Simcoe in’ pirticulnr, above any other enterprise, that. has been brought under public notice. . l oeeanwsaving‘both the producer and consumer from a variety of extra expenses in the shape of high rates of insur- ance, numerous trans-shipments (and the losses attending trans-shipment) and the saving of time ;â€"-these are a. few of the 'many advantages to be derived from the completion of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal.â€"0f gourse the difllculties that present them- selves are 'greatrâ€"but they are satis- factorilywpro'ced to be surmountable; the ‘greatest difficulty to contend with is lhe adverse interests of selfish corpo‘ rations, that are jealous of the rivalry that would ensue for the darry1ng of the products ofthevland. to markets on the seaboard; asrebo they avarice of land jebbers,-ambngst which may. be men-‘ tioned the bee's pet scheme of drain. ing the Holland Marsh, which, if Suc- cessful; would‘materislly alfect the pros- pects ol' the contemplated Canal, by low- erin'g the waters of Lake Simcoe, and enricha fewnsuoh men as ._ Mr. Brown, M'r. Edgar) and those associated with then H ' The Péople‘s Remedy I AUCTION SALE. ”HORSE sruum.” Newmarket FebIZ, ‘67 To- the Editor of the York Herald. SIR,â€"IJI .your last issue, I » see a columnis sacrificed to the wounded feel- ings of one Landy, a quil-driver in this vicinity. He seems to have two objects in view, not to meet the report which as you suggest, he leaves intact, but to vindicate his characmr for hum-uiity, and insinuate the theory that he usual- l"_ combs his hair, by the way he prof- fern to establish his humanity on oath but'is silent as to his capillary exercises, perhaps a naturally strong conviction of his usually unkempt appearance stavs ' his ready pen . no matter, for the-sakeof argument/j let us admit not only that'lle combs his hair, but that he washes his face. nay, that ovesshoes are not foreign to his possessions, and thus dispose of half his argument. His lack of human- ity is a grave charge, how does he meet it? from his own modth shall he be confounded; havingr rushed unshivcm and unshoru to the rescue of his st ickenj friend and dragged him into his house, 1 ‘what dees he do ? by his own confession, 1 instead of seeking medical assustancc he “ instinctively,” with the other gentle- man (Mr. Dennis), returns to his fire to warm himself; here is the rub, he acts on no human principle of benevolence or sympathy but from instinct, as if belong ing to a lower order ofcreation, returns to his lair. Nor is it wonderful, sir, that any man should be struck with astonish~ ment at conduct so out-raging our better feelings. ’Tis true ' they carry the wounded man in but then, careless of the anguish of his helpless family, they permit a “ girl " to flounder through the snow and darkness to the other end of the village for a Doctor, while they return to the fire to warm themselves, and comb their hair; further] comment is unnecessary. Should the let- ter of Landy meet the eye of Stevenson, and he thoroughly appreciate the proud position the former holds in the esteem of his fellow townsmen. such pent-up contempt would probably crush him to the earth But Landy is evidently grateful for one portion of the report, if we may judge by the, desperate pertina ’i city, by which he clings to' the chance al- lusion, as to his handy and Dennis being“ intimate friends of Dr, Hunter,” I remain ONE on mus LOWEST or Bounrnss’s supponrms. Ship building is almust entirely-c suspended in New York. ‘ John Morrissey is regortedx to have lost hall'a million dollars by a failure in New York. No “ wuss " than three-foams of th newspaper “ got-respnndents ” of the pre- sent day, Mr. Ward, whose miserable productidus are generally a tirade, bad ly spelt, worse grammar, and punctuaâ€" tion, 111?; and. if it were net fix“ the la- bour of the compositor and proof-rem‘lcrs7 their productions would be such as to bringfiown tltn Sheers gmrlwgmttzupfiifli boys 1:!) the third book of lessons, if the infatuated scribblers were publicly known, personsafflictzd with the disease known as cacuathcs scribendi. Rinderpest dnSLrO}ed NJ, 895, 000 worih 0! cattle In England. “Some kind personhas sent me Chawcer's Poems. Mr 0. had talent, but he couldn't spel, it is a pity that (.‘hawcer, who had gencyus, was .50 un~ edicuted. He's the Wuss speller I know The Annual Meeting, appointed by statute of the joint Board of Grammar and Common Schools, took place on Wednesday last, in the Grammar School room ; â€" when the following appointments were made for the current year :â€" Amos Wright, Esq , M.P.P. Chuirmar, M. 'l‘eefy, Esq. See. and Treasurer. Committee for management of School property ,â€"Mcssrs ~‘heppard, Law and Teefy. Anniversarylsermoné, on behalf of the Richmond’Hlll branch, will be preached in the l Wesleyan Church in in thisplace, on' next Sabbath, in the morning by the Rev. Mr. Bredin, and in the evening by the Rev. Mr. Potts, of'l‘oronto. The Annual meetingr will be held in the same'blacé,’ on Monday evening next, When an abstract " of the Society Repgrowill be read, and Ad- dressed delivéred by the Rev‘s E. le- ment, N. English, J. Potts and others. Collections will be made» *at each of the Services, in aid of the Society's‘ funds. l The Lecture before the Mechanics’ Institute, by Dr J. N Reid, on Tues- day 29th Jan. Subject, “the Doctor," Was one of the most amusing as well as instinctive of the season; those who were so fortufiiifé as to avail themselves of' hearing the Dr. were highly deliovht- ed, he delineates the modem gu wk and impostor in the happy style pecux liar to himself. Mecliéffifé's" ihstiiuié fiédtiire. Janibor,â€"â€"John Sandwich. (Eurrwymxhwte. Board ot‘SohoOl Trustees- Artemus Ward on Chaucer. The Hunter Assault Wesleyan Missions. Pussing overthe attempt to make a diserepuncy appear in the Dr's state- ments‘ as not being worthy of notice. i'l‘hc next is the‘ onimection of James )Allen with the afl'air. He describes the position of the Dr. to be that OR} a. man who had lain down to rest, yet in a very few minutes he is found to be astonished at Dennis and Landy for not going for a Doctor, whereupon he starts post haste for Dr. Hackett. Am I toeonsid'er the supporter of Alfred Boultbee duped in- into the belief that the Doctor was seriously injured, or was the decision upon which he acted, theroughly borne out by all the ’eircumstanoes and‘ symp- But it \v‘asurl'etermined to makeout a case, and if absuepicion could be cast on one of Dr H1111tc1"ssuppo1"s,te1 it would relieve: this detective and his employers of any further trouble. Hence, Mo'sier is the man selected without any zipper- 1ent 0131113 ,‘b‘cinn‘ 10mm all the circumâ€" ‘stancea connected with the afiltir, far more innocent, in my opinion and so believed by the public, than Alfred1 Boulthee and his eupporters, judging; from their conduct on the day of the election the nbsmbity of endcayvoring to connect Mosier with the alfiir, is appar- 11nt in the lust p1r11<r1:1p'.r1 of the report, for if the onnelusions and deductions therein be correct, it follows as a matter of course that if no injuries were receiv- ed that the guilt of Mosier cannot be very great and consequently ‘needs little explanation fromvhim. l I . The retriarkablc connection 0f John ‘Mnsier and his whereabouts for an hour and a quarter c:,m in my opinion be 13:15in explained; haviwgr called the Dr at 5 ()clovk, afar. IL which he Ind the cleaniuyr and harnessing of five horses to do, which in the limit of time should prove. sufficient to the moat incredulous. As for him (u meet. the Dr at Smith‘s corner or [it the Dr's bown house. if he got ready lirst he avers to be positivelv {34;lse the understandiuv being: that the Dr. was to proceed in .\IA. McNIemter s As for him being ' pressed to account. for himself" he statics it to be false, he never having spolgejul the detective, whom he ‘ knew, on the matter. I now proceed. t0vn0ti‘ee the statements 3 put ferth as they appear in the report. The first LS that he was told by the Dr ‘ that he went to Queensville on Sunday “evening to see H} I) St) ies, and: re . "‘ turnect emrly, and called on the photO» “grapher,F1!apatriek This statement I unhositzrtingiys pmmmme to be fax-$50, for ithe Dr's family- can certify that he was at hamno; besides the wisdom of return- ing early next morninn‘ is not clearly shown As for Fitzpatrick, I have seen that gentleman‘s denial ave-r his own sig- nature. bfwuieh‘p‘wlmflfix'fitr : k or ‘ritfiu‘ connificéirg‘fliat three o’clnc 6f a Sun- day mu'r'liing-iflxiuf "in paint of ting: to recover a lost $50 ;; and tvismany thus employed :wgoxpgst; us, i340 be-blm- only man: to: ini‘estiézfifla ’30 grave a charge ; and yet when: hi5" report is prcéented to the Commifijbhj a_1;e constrained w ad- mit that helizis filmished naming more than wha‘t by rumor they knew before. A v I d J '7 V V That the vlh‘ol'e’ 'r'eport. is made up of' Wild and extravagant rumors, coined and put. in circulation on and after the elec- tion, none. will deny ; conscquuntlv if they are to be the stock-intrude in settl- ing this mutter,-I may not be considered as taking any undue advantage if I give what. rumor sxys of the Detective, and those in whitse i’nsereet he was manifestly employed. I proceed? to state accordingly that he'isna DBtEQt‘izve‘(which assertion ‘ I believe the County Attorney will bear‘ me out 11),), butxvhedsxa Quack Doctor, :1 Seutbeizm refixgee, one (at' Morgan's gue rillzmâ€"lmvingfl'acqufred a». perm/mm for Rom-bonyhiskeyand an equal [eiishfor V ~l . 4“ . Nearly every statement therein given is false, and 1 am constrained to believe, designedly so; however, I cannot allow them to pass without at least» an attempt uttheir- refutation. _, By taking a super- ficial view oi the report, it knight be in- [fen-ed that its author, to some extent, [wouldsuceeed in inducing the public to {believe it-lto be the natural product ofhis lfiwe davs incessant labour, Were it not lfor the fact that, Cain like. it bears upon lits face; the full impress of its reputed ‘autho: 's guiltâ€"an attempted glossery of A Boultb e’s sudden transition from public to private life It may be very flatteringto‘ Mr, ‘Boultbee that this De- teethe's-report‘fishould be in his favor,Â¥â€"-‘ the triumph, however, I fancy of short duration, ,for meg one knows better than he that 'a truth-discerning public will fail in dise)’v‘ering the slightest connecâ€" tion between-the - information therein conve ed and What shoul-l have been athe‘ errand of hisnniission,_unless it is that he‘ was'lemployedv' :for purposes above indi- cated I will here do him thejustice of admitting the partial truth of the first sentence of his report, wherein he states that he wasiseveral days in Newmarket making inqniry,â€"â€"'for many saw him, while not a few professed to know h's business. His alternate visits, frequent- ly made. to wh -tristermed the “ block of brick stores;" will no doubt account for the astounding disc'bveries he made in re« feren'ce V to what influences wrought in favor of; the 'Dr. and-consequently to the deplorable defeat of Alfred Boultbee. A profound secret no doubt; indeed so much so, that notwithstanding his very lucid explanation, the Dr nor his friends have not "yet been able to discover the truth of it, for most assuredly he lost as mzmy votes by his absence from the polls as his opponents say he gained by symâ€" pathy, by reasonbf'his injuries. , Slayâ€"In your issue of the 25th inxtant, I observe a lengthy repoxt signed “ W.G Stevenson,” -' a person said to have been employed by our village Coun- cil to investigate the. meta and circum: stances connecwd with the fiendish and brutal assault on the person of Dr J J Hunter, on the morning of the 7th instant} ' - ' To the Editor (y‘ the York Iferalzl. The Hunter Assanié- DUGGAN J: BURKS, Solicitors. Markham, Feb. 1411:, 1897. THAT we,” the undersigned, will apply to the Hon. 3. B. Harrison, the Surrogate of the County of York, in twenty days after, the publication ofthis Notice for on order. from the surrogate Court of aid Count to‘ Appoint Barbara Barkey, widow of the, a” Daniel Bar-key Guardian of their hfaniflon‘ Martin Bax-key. , “ " Notice is. hereby Given A St. Louis journal counts up 1,359 houses built in um citydt'lring the yen 1866 at a total cost of $8,049,048. LONDON, Feb. 5, meowâ€"Won from Florence by telegraphfiato tint the Ihlisl Church bill has been defeated. Berlin, Feb. 5.â€"Turn-Und«Tnxin, Q Buvarin Prince, who, with his Incestoi have enjoyed an uninterrupted monopoly a the postal service of Germany to: the In: 200. years, has disposed o'f hid right to :ho Government of Prussia for the sum of um. millions of thalers. Vienna, Feb. 4th.â€"â€"-The' r'esignhfion of CourtBelcredi has been accepted by theEm- peror, and Baron Von Beust‘haa héon‘ Budd President of the Council of State. Vaughan, Feb. 6, 1867. To the Editor of the York Herald. Simâ€"I must thank'a ‘ County Com!~ cillor ’ for condescending to reply to my communicatim in regard to the pres posed House of Refuge. It appur- very plain, however, by his letter. thut the County Council is going to thin ex- pensive undertakmg with all the ham that they possfl‘rle can, for they My “ Resolved that it is desirable and ex- pedient that the council proceed with a. little delay as possible to provide for in- diyent and other persons; '.ctc, “ Other persons,7 observe. The shot says this l house of refuge is for,“ all person. without means of maintaining them; selves and able of body to work, and who refuse or ne rlect so to do." In other words the act says that the industriout people of the County of York must my for a comfortable home for the lazy people of the County of York, And our (‘yount Council resolve that they shall do it with as little delay arpaiu'ble‘. Now there 18 no doubt that this bud law will be altered before two yours pm. Let, then, our County Council not 5’. so hasty_._ House of Refuge for the Lazy.. Newmarkct, Feb. 4, ’67. quemly deififlgfifims “hwy philantrophy.’maddition to' the ‘eiaiEe‘; account 0! his toilet, perhaps ho‘ will tell us what were the prudential mo'tiim for slucpi'ng with,I‘ mean at Mr. Dennia’ out. the ever membrable' mdming bf (.he Hul- ter attack, did he fear assassination T if so,‘from whom? as he has said so much" we have a right to have all. ‘ ’ Emmi &c., VILLAGE PUMP' The most. abandoned of human“; could but have received the intelligence of the attempted assassination of Doctor Hunter in the manner that Alfred Boultbee and his supporters did on the morning of the electiOh, as well as suble- quently. Alfred Boultbee, in his caps- city as Reeve, put out a reward of 8100, not however for the purpose Jf the up prehension and conviction, of the real 05 f'ender,bnt for the person alleged to have committed the assault.Thus showing that notwithstanding statements were made by men of undmbted varacity,he we! disposed and still affected to treat :1 met- ter of such grave importance as an idle rumour. At the next Council. meeting they came to his aid by increasing the rew ard$100; thus frittering away $200 of the. money belonging to the ratepayé ers for what thev professed to believe an electioneering humbng thus enacting asolemn fame, to be coni plated by the publishing of' the detective a report, the wisdom of which no man,with the sni'alL est modicum of common sense, can see- and should, in my opinon,place the‘blamt. where it rightfully belongs, Newmarkct Jan. 31.1867. The assertion that Dr. Rogers Hay ‘ kett and Nash, the three Medical aired! . cuts of‘Dr. Hunter, have repudiated thr handbill. wherein they state; they: considered his life doubtful up to nine o'clock, but after that time had hepes of his recovery, and that Hackett a'nd 'Nash had never authorised Dr. Roger! ; to Use their names is alSo a base and lslanderous fabrication, so far ‘from 'thir :being the case they. Hackett and Nash, in my hearingjndorsed the handbill, and admitted that they. authorised ' Dr. Rogers to use their names ; besidesfflc‘e; kett goes even farther, and states thus he coiisidered his life doubtful, even fer mo days after, and it ill becomes Mr. Boultbee or any of his supporters, to make such stutements‘ob’out gentlemen 'who for truth and veracity is in every way their superiors. That it was nin- iibstly the duty of all to inquire into so grave a matter, I will not deny, but . be- cause of‘this, is the detective to be ex- cused from doing his duty, Seein “the Council paid him $50 for It; ‘an “fit his employers must of necessity ‘do if they accept this report as satisfactoz. t-lad he slightly exercised his inquisiti ness, he would have found that the Db. and his friends were doing as much and! a good deal more than he: was to find out the actual perpetrator; indeedfif' they Were not, they were doing Veryili'ttle‘.” / toms which he could observe, that be con- cludeti there was no time to be lost in procuring a. physician. {Lb-the Editor of the Yérk'Hérald. Yours 8m , Mr. Landy’s Letter. Yours &., ALOVER or mum. RATEPAYER-

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