Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Feb 1867, p. 3

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.f hitsftn‘rin Ill: Fre-pr’ the", Tilinolii‘fl TORONTO MARKETS Misses M. & A. R0utlld§b,- thMllllE and “HESS MAKERS- ‘ -_- . . ’WiLL craftsmen” - ‘ I I -. . . ., 1.13," spring When], do I 35 @ , 43 l a i -' . g - blVishing his iiiiiiierons Customers ‘l’ ‘- ' «t ........ 0 ll 0 ' - ‘ . I N V I i i ‘ V' .‘ " - ’ r i 7 $3,? . ‘d‘; ........ 0 3:. E55 n .553 “21"‘its’dif’l‘f slum" "MS ' ~ ‘ Samda Mom; at 2, t . , A file: 1 y .Cfitstnms and a floppy New- I or "21:10" 30 n” I (g (t; Slumlsar'afi‘lznllflchliii: Eiloilirifidzi: illiiile’.’ C S B 3 , . , _, I g’ , S HIS" ’ vEG'S-lezrve to thank them for-their very liberal support since he commencedTbusi‘nul I. w-wn "u "0” ‘2 00 '6 “h Gent’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. 0 ' ’ ‘ St p 'l;_mf§1‘°xmns‘l‘vfl Stock '“ and trusts still to 'iiicrit their ' approbution. He has now in Stock 3 Splendid 8mm, do . _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . I _ ' . 7 0,, ((3 9 00 Two doors liorih of (x. A, Barnaids btore. _ mw -e l‘ amt Skating Hatst ASSORTMENT 0F _ nutterqgih ................ o 12 @ 0 15 Richmond Hitl.Nov.91866 23 . DEALER 1N . Ladies, 33““é‘“:=- I E€?‘,l‘e"§i limbo“: ".itti.l%l‘t.'tzzzzsrft:::ti:l’éélgi‘gll * - {j Ffiiiiié. . “1:353 inc. .~ , (J- 'Kit-.112....::::::::::::233’3. 223 D R ‘ i :' .. ‘Ladies’Bonnets&Hats . e t 7‘”: 77 whfifflflpff . j '. j ‘ .V , Trimmed'und Altered I I . ~i _ ~ q _ e" v ’1 slim) 'auhcrtiecmwte. â€"oâ€" . .. - - i r -' ' -i3.ii’.2§§i°iiiiylilifigéiiaisme-mmlMW ‘ r if ~ 9: v ' QfiQst'AfilD l ' .. v. , -.' . A REDUCTION MADE: “ ' ' ' m. f ' ' . i I i ‘ §0methmg New I CROCKERYa HARDWARE, AP... BOOTSI, - = " *' . , ’ ‘ arm 'nUBBERs. ' " JAMES VERNEY ‘ ‘ oi" ' 1563 to announce to the inhabitants _, ,ltichtnond Hill and vicinity. that he has l‘ on hand quiteva large and we] I inserted Stock - of Lady’s, Gents, Misses and Boys (Boots .hiid Shooa, suitable for the present ‘Ebasoii. which AT , ,ifiEhpdoi-signnd begs leave to intimate to VVT' H. . , H I the inhabitants of Markham and Whilâ€" ‘ church 61¢", that he has opened "NEW STORE ! Men’s Long Boots. . ..$2 25. vgfiu. Lot No, 3|.rear of the 4th con Markham. The assortment 0f Men’s: “roman: BO) 8: ,. with an entirely new stock of Goods. Youths and Children’s Boots and Shoes, :His stock will be found, on inspection, to be is large and Will be sold at remarkable igloxcellentquality. comprising the usual as- ' LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Egd'o'rlme'ut generally kept in RICHARD GRAHAME, Barrister anti fittorneg-al-fiam 3-. I'll. ‘ . ' 'A:..lITSlx-Class Country STORE! I.“ ' ' And will be sold Cash or on short approved Credit, SOLICITOR 1N CHANUERY’ am. , ,,,§elolw as prudence will suggest. TORONTO. Ry fair dealing, small profits, and strict at- OFFICEâ€"NO 4, British Ameri‘cu Insurance . ,%eii_ti~tn to the wants or those who may favor Buildings, corner ot'Church tit Court Streets ‘1” ill“ with their custom, he hopes to merit and A . - iollt'h‘in- ‘areas enable share of the public patron. Tommo' Nov' 28’ 1866' 26 . “9; ' J. GORMLE Y. » 9 8. 1857. 36. * honor To RENT! HIS well known Farm belonglng to Mat- ‘ thaw ..}mburnor. on lot No. 4], lrt con .V'aughan, containing llb‘ acres. nil in good l :n- .r. = Cannot besurpassed;for-reheatiness‘ and excel‘lcncy. The best of ' " " ‘ ’ ’ - ~ ~ - . . , v , ._ H . I :Littly kept biiil‘iaiid,“ ‘ >- Particulalrs attention paid to custom" work' in Fae, Fresh Oysmfi, 1101”;th 'waiu‘es’ “rhgmrishwsmmgm:Tmm leefiingR m i 1 allits Branches as heretolbrec. i , i _, w l_ > . _ , V . ti ' S i ' il' R‘ h! "j anti 0 L girlie ' ' 3 i - r ‘- Splenfildilfiliqlt§mtable'.fcr..the season- “ . . T ‘ ; 'c “on I ' c ' ' Vim, 1 _ - _,; 'ledrBBSli’ROOk Oil 40cm” per Gallon. ' r i ' " - " ,, ONL 1NDED sucuul'rr. , . - THE REMAIEDER or our. A &c. i&c. Sales made for, Ca‘sh'or approved cream; ; Richmond Hill, February 1867, ‘ - ‘ . . _ ._ will be odor‘edflow for cash. ' I I ’ ; ACTIVE Dist-ma is $20,000! ' Can be procured, in sums to suit borrower‘s."2 oii Landed security, 'l‘eriiia made known en personal'applic‘ati'onto .. . .‘ . . .. -~ , - - M. TEEFY, .. ~ I » Notary Public, Agentxdzc NJ}. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds-sac. &c. drawn with neatuess and despntch.â€" M. '1‘. continues to act as DIV1SID_N Counr ,Aoax'r. Fees moderate. . - TEW/oooDSt . " IS AT" Helium’s, To make room for Spring Importations. BARGAINS CAN BE HA'D cili;2‘§’h§l“"“““ ““’“"’°"' ‘ ‘ . - ‘T o ' ': , 5‘9“,"?-°?‘.“.-“l”tflux” 1.855} 9”“ 1 " ' ‘ . 13.4 KING STREET EAST, ., Possession can as given on or before the - ~ _ ' I, I A i ' - . u 7 H .. , . . “L.,,r.s,°,,.m,h s|LVER r . . , , _ , y r _ I . « v Opposite TDOHFEHI‘thV . . . . . . .. . . . . .Toronto, .h.-flhghaii.l"vb-8.1867. 36. ' ' ‘m. i I S .CtmlPRISlNG lirei'lchigMcrinoes from'63 cents per yard, Re " y , I I I i ' ' T ‘ ‘ r . Cobourws, Thibet‘s LuStres‘ Witiceys Fancy Dresses DEALER m VTHE from $1 50 eabeli.‘ 7, ' ' , ' - - ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’- on T0 - ' ‘ ..B_EST,. " AND consecutith? EXCHANGE. Skirtings, Shawls; Silks, "Ribbons, Maritles, Bonnets, Hats. Being lot. No 48, lst Con. Vaughan, in the Village of Richmond Hill, belonging1r t0 the estate of thelatc Mr. John Linfoot. The fti'rm contains 88 acres, and is considered (Site of the best Wheat growing farms in the cdhut‘y'of York. If not sold it will be to Rent. on April. . \Vill be sold cheap or exchanged for a smaller place aspart payment. For further particulars‘apply to P. Grosby Earp, Richmond Hill, or to Win Linfoot Buttonville. Richmond-Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 35. r‘ the lat Rock'Oil, ._. _ 4,, Machine Oil, i "hp/f. y... Boiled and Row Linseed Oil, ‘ . . Paint Colors, 1" h Paint Brushes, Iron? CaSh, _ it. H. HALL, , "I, v. . . ' Chemist and Driiggist pichrho'nd Hiii, Jung'3‘i‘, 1867. 35 fillllllllll‘ll tilt. ltiti, BY ROBERT FE KRIS. F. having leased the above Hotel, ' [formely occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having put it in a thorough state oft-repair, Travellers will find this house both comfortable and convenient. Aflgood IIostlcr always in attendance Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 EY 1‘0 LEND. 295‘]??? T3 Whites: 2:. a“ m" 9 security, f,"-'Address, (pre‘paid to ‘ :1- - G. P. v :.'. '. v " ' Victoria Square P.0. Markham. lanuary l4, l867. 4 :lificat. Reduction in Cca‘l Oil. rN consequence of having struck Oil, or ' ~."something else in Markham, We can now supply the public with u Pure Good Billing llilgal'ls 8d per Gal. Heist Citnadian Refined Oil at 25 per gal. Best Pensylvaniu Rock Oilat- 2s 6d per gal. nbtfsurpnsscd, at W. S. Pollock's, lrtc ‘=r ' G. A. BARNARD. Igfcilmhnd Hill, Dec. 12. 1866. MONEY T0 LOAN #91; Improved Real Estate, Arrirlo‘ Mr, wamuonu or VAN- xooGHNsT & \Vauuouu, Barril‘lel‘fi. the. user .of King& Yonge Streets, ": U TORONTO. 1%};aner 9.1865. ‘23 tllttttttit lTltlll, hAiiRiSON's HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, . Richmond Hill. VALUABLE OPROPERTY IN THE wua‘ge' o‘nrz'chmond mu, -' CF'or Sale. AGOOD Dwelling House. Barn. Stable, ' -,‘_Driving House, Wood House. and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there is a quarter of an acre of an Orchard of healthv youtug: treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. _Goeseberries_ &c. Tao above Pacperty is situated in thc centre Village Property of the village. I Wi,_ll.h,e_.sold cheap for cash. ‘ Forturtlier pzarticulars apply to M, TEEFY' Esq" Dl‘ P. CROSBY. Esq. Richmond Hlll, January 14, 1867. gg BEAT IN CANADA. DRIED A P P .l J E S A splendid lot of Dried Apples, - Cheap at. Al. WILLIAM ATKINSON’S‘ . Chenp’l’rovioionlStore, Richmon Hill, Jan. 18. [86th. .68 DarrierrnsiiiO'Ns DEMAND l. W. BRADLEY’S CElEBhATED PATENT Duplex Elliptic (o R DOUBLE Sl'Jtth) @KIRT. The “Wonderful Floxibliiy and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex l‘lliptic Ski-‘t'will he experienced particularli' in all crowded Assemb l85,‘0||8lfl5’. Railroad Cars, Church l’ews. Arm Chairs, for Promen- ade and House dies. as the skirt can be l'oldr-d when iii use to occupy a small place as easily and cutivenit-ntlv as 1: Silk or Mtislin Dress. ail invaluable quality in crinoline. not found in auv single Spring Skirt. A Lady haying enjoyed the pleasure, coma tfort and convenience of wearing the Duplex ‘ELiptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single dav, will never afterwards willingly dispense With their use. For Children. Misses and Young Lani: 5 they are superior to all others. They will not bend urbreuk like the Single Spring. but will preserve the-r perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordit‘arv Skirts will have been thrown aside an useless. The Hoops are cuvore‘d'wirh Double & Twist- cd Thread. and the Bottom Rods are not only double Springs, but twice (0' dnub'o) covered preventing thv-m from wearing out when drag- ging down "oops. stairs. 6:0. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally raccomniended b\' the Fashi-utables Mnguziuc, as the Standard Skirt ofthe Fashionable World. To enjoy the following it'iostimable advan- tages in Crinolino, viz : Superior quality. per- fect Ina ufnctura. Sl\ llsh shape atidfiiiisli,~flox- ibiutv, (lurabilili‘, comfort and, -conomy,‘ eu~ [quire for J. Bradley’s an ex Elliptic. or Don blo Spring Skirt. and be sure you get the gen- uine article. ’ CAUTION,â€"â€"-To guard against imposition be particular to NOTICE that skirts allowed as " Duplex" have the red ink stamp. viz., -' J W, Bradley's Duplex Elliptilc Steel Springs," unci‘. the waistbandâ€"«unite others are genuine. Also Notice ilint every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre. thus revealâ€" ing the t“ 0 (or double} springs braided togeth- or therein. which is the secret of their Flexibil- litv and strength. and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. . ' For Sale in all Stores where First Cum, skirts'nm sold throughout the United Stuns and elsewhere. Manufactured bytho Solo Owners of the patent. \NFSl‘S, BRADLEY & CA RY, 97 Chambers &. 8| Rondo Sts., N. Y, List of Letters. Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office Jan. 1st. 1857. Armstrong John Martin '1'. Cosgmvo Bernard ('2) Munshnw Goo rgo l chaper Mm Phillis Curry Rev Erastus Curran Thomas Gormaii John Grainuer Henry Honsliaw Mr. McCriinmou Margret McDonald James McMurray Mary Night: ngale Mrs O’Gradr John Hunt rienry Philips Peter HaaI-- William Pound Marv Kain l’utrick ' Quanlz F KellerJohn (of Mont-Widdos Robert (2) real) Wood J, C. llaughlin William VVooton Frank Manley l‘,L. M: Tuer. PM. LAND FOR SALE. 0 BE SOLD on rensonablo terms, the fol- lowing iropeit; :â€" Pnrt of Lot No 3!). on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 63 acres : also. At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. = A. WRlGHT. . Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. L866. 69 â€" Dry Goods, Groceries HARDWARE, ‘ Flour, Feed and Provrsions. My motto is Small Profits and Quick.£ettlxgsa Rememler the Palaceâ€"Floodiflt'T’riee’s-Old Stands-1’ Richmond Hill, January- [7, 18672". p " ’ p ~_ 7,. A .367. GrealClettt'illg H. s A. 0 . l2 rrs shirt DISCOUNT For (Tush, will be allowed on the balance ofithetr , ' CONSIS‘TING 0F Blankets, Shawls, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, lollarctts, Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Winccys, Tweeds. Flannels, Skirtings, Ladies and Gent’s Lamb-skin Caps, Under Shirts, and "'~ Ready-made Clothing. Q13. 1. Flour, Brain and Shorts kept: constantly-pit hand. 17 cents per lb. paid for Fresh Butter iii-lb. rolls.- Elgin Mills, .Tadiiary 17. l866. ' Richmond llill lithlnelEStallllshlllelli. THUS. COG-ELAN N returning thanks for the very liberal stippdrt he has received's'ince: commencing 1 business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stool: and has now on hand a choice assortment 'of . ~ ‘ V’ T T ll R E l FURBI W. Meow“ Mmgrma) including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands. “lash Stands, Ste. «See. Also at large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. \Vhite Lend, Paints and Colors, Raw and Bellcd Linseed Oils, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. Varnish, 'l‘urpcrline. Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, 8w. Ste. Parties Furnishing, l’apering, or Painting their Houses, will do Well to call befo'c purchasing elsewhere. Also HARDWARE and. CROOKERY A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also callattention to his Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal. Cormiieal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and » ~ mm When“ “ 'lt, * ll "tp ‘I lit" h ‘t . ‘l g ‘ it, ’. l t, r :l " iii .2. i ‘l[‘ I “ .H liltiunn lulu lllilt'l ‘tttttlttt I‘ltttitt "Witt “limit lull 'tutltlu {but it ' "tutti till .‘ “truth v‘t For Cash, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. V Richmond Hill. November 9, 1866. I z I 23 Valentines in great, Variety, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL: x-f- ’,Flt'itiliels, Blankets, and THE CHEAPEST ST A G 0 O D 3 ASSORTMENT 03 H3 35' .' “Fwy; :d-assprtnight: of? .‘ .» " ' . . - ,Jv, . . . WHIPS l l WHIBS ll WHIPS ! l l IS TO Barometer. .» . w‘f' BARR-11s . Harness Establishment, I i V sterilith mu: ' V IFHE CO’NEESSIONSVEAND EXPERI .EhLCE OF AN INVALID. ‘Phbiished for the hehetitranti as a «CAU- ' TION To YtiUNGfi‘lluNgnd others,,v who suffer from Nervous Debi‘tity, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the some time Tris; MEANS or SELF-CURE." By one who has cured himself after undergoing)r considerable quackery. The applicant, by paying:r postagevon his letter, will,reeeivo a copy, free of charge, from the, with )r. ' N ATHANIEL MAYF‘AIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings 00., N. Y. wiANr‘ED. tilt llllllllllllllllll At the . PHCENIX 'FOUNDRY, 91 Yciige Street, Toronto. Stoves and. Agricultural Furnaces Traded for Wood. or Cash paid.‘ Toronto. Oct. 4. l866. . 2m llllTlll llljll-llllllll. . JOHN WATERHQUSE, N returning thanks to his iininerousfrieuds and "customersfor‘ their liberal supp-cm siiice be commenced business, begs to inform them that he has removed to the Store formerly owned and occupied by Mr. James Dick. iii” The Village (if'anlc‘, Where he will keep a very select stock of . ' i 1liltitttrl ill“ in " “l‘ Ill” ' - ~GRO0ERIES,‘ Hwttt 12. He therefore invites hisold friends and the in- iohnbitniits of the neighborhood to call and ill~ spect'his Stock; feeling confident he cannot be iiiidoi'snld, nor surpassed by any house north of Toronto. ' ' ' All parties iidebted to me either by Note or Hook account are requested to pay the same forthwith to Mr . W. ll. Myies. Rit-limondlill who is authorized to grant receipts. ' Map'e, October 12. leS. . ' 70 ' FARM ma SALE. HE Farm belongingto tlio l'Zslnln of the late Mr. \Vi‘liam Sn itlnrsou. containing 100 Acres of Good Farming Land. 9H~nt which are cleared. There isa large Brick House, Wood Shad, and other conveniences. a good Frame Barn, Stables Sheds and Root House. The above form is hi Nu. it, Bill Bun.- Markham, And is well adapted for a Dairy Farm, as it is wctered with a never failing stream running across it; There is also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees. . Markham, Sept. i7. 1866. Garden, &c. For further particulars apply to ELIZABETH SANDERSON, Buttoiivillo. Or to ED. SANDERSON, Lot 20, 4th Gen. 68~3m cosmic DESCRIPTION, Importing my G‘OOtlszclire-et, customers will receive the full ad Vantage of tlle‘l‘t’icénf,_fall_0f pricesand reduction in duties lst‘Kihg st. East, Toronto, s,,;t..z_t,1866. , ., . , No;.;13$ Yonge Street, - . Oppmite-Ttmperante tspâ€"‘2 urn: - .‘ ‘ " T R 0 N T EGS to announce to lll(‘_fl-lllllfllllltl'llt‘s othe County of York and those in Ilia '_ neighborlioodpt‘ Richmond Hill in particular, that he has added to his {lock 0! BOOTS? DJSHOES. Axco'mplete-assortment of the most desirable _ “Styles for 'AND WINTER Wear. .. .~..AA)idiis-p_tl=b§ared tomake‘to Ohml' all kinds of ill-S, ,lllllllllll’Si-‘lllll.E-HlllllllN’S BOOTS lNll’ Sills ll} In thb‘most'Fas‘hionable‘ Styles, And of the. best Material and “Yol'lgln‘afillllillllp. A ll VVoik» is Vl'arrtmled to give pt’rfefl "tithe- tion, We are constantly adding to'.ti‘i‘ “stock of Boots and Shoes of on manufacture, which will be ' 7 1' ' ' ' SOLD ‘Ar,'5rlfin.,.l,ownscr POSSIBLE listens. A good ~‘ assortment of Trunks always on hand, Please remember tlint"SanderspiilSELLS CHEAP at (If? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Tomato, 51-8- TORONTO, Supt. 13,1865: ‘ stress , W '2 min” ‘l8b6 at the tttltitt tllltititl ti titttttttlttt. "m . ...,-_-=â€"a_â€".-' % AD A 131195.) FOR ALL 3 DEPT When ordering please state_depth of Well nr Cistcrn. . . i ‘ CIIAIBLES l’O‘VELL, ._ ' Patentee and Proprietor, Neutron Baoor, (LI 3%,, A' few more County Rights'for s'ale- . 64 'E‘EEE Encounter" Non. ., . ’ '."l«‘c)tt_'ht.ti?.i<1.\io LINENFOR SALEA'E' - ~ . ' THE “HERALD”~ BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL ll TAKEN! ETHE :Fiias'r FREEZE

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