Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Feb 1867, p. 3

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Frill W119“ 229 bushel Spring Wheat. do Bnrlev do Pen-e do OM! do Pbt‘itoen do Ha (on ...... .. Strnywwdo Butter‘ifiib ........ Eggs 19 doz ...... .. épphn’fighrl .......‘ Flour, hrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 65 @ $7 67 Flill W eat Qleshel........ l 40 @ l (10 Wédl. Hoganuun THAT we, the undersigned, will apply to lhc Hon. S. B. Harrison, the Surrogate of the County of York. in twenty days after the publication of this Notice, for an order from the Surrogate Courtfiof said County, to appoint Barbara Barkey, widow of the late Daniel Bax-key. Guardian of their Infant Son Martin Ban-key. “I Chemist and Druggist Richmond H111, Jan, 31, 1867. 35 Mfikham, February 14th, 1867 flew anbtrtimmmm. Notice is hereby Given GENUINE LUBIN’S ! Cheap For CaSh, * R. H. HALL, . HE Well known Farm belonging to Matâ€" “ ‘ ' “new .thurner.‘ on lot No. 4], 1:400“ "\‘niazhnn. containing “6 ncres. an in gord 'culdulion. withm 14 miles from Tux-om". un " Yongo Street. Pduession can 09 given on _or before the first of April. Vanghnn,l“«~b. 8, {867. 35. HEIundersighnd begs leave to intimate (o ’ the inhabitants of Markham and Whil' His stock will ha found, on impaction, to he of-oxcelleut qualily. comprising the usual as- norlment genera“) kept in (He inhahiiams ofMarkham church &c . 1hul he has opened A. NEW S'JSORE! Someihing New Aud will he sold For Cash or on short approved Credif, , -Allow us prudence will suggest. “y fair dealing, small profils, and slrict at- temnu to Ihc wants of those who may favor him with their custom, he hopes \o merit. and obuiu ureaaonuble share of the public patron- A, Hist-Elem Cnuntry STORE! 0n Lot No. 3|.rear of the 4th con Markham will) an entirely new stock of Crowds. Markham. Feb 8. 1867. FARM T0 RENT 2 ;' Being lot No 48, lst Cnn. Vaughan, in {He Village of Richmond Hill, belonging to film est-ate ofthe late Mr. Jullll Lint‘ont. The .fm’m coulums 88 acres, and is consi“ered one ofthe best \Vheat growing farms in Ille County of York. ‘, “Not sold it will be to Rent on the ls! '- V‘Will be sold cheap or exchanged for smnller place as part payment. FARIM FOR SALE, .- For flirther particulars apply to P. Cmle } Esq., Richmond Hill, or to Win Linl‘ooti Buttonville. 1 Richmond Hill] Jan. 3], 1967. 35. MONEY TO LEND. $1 TU $1,400 (0 Loan in sums 9 I to 'bllit upp‘acume. on tim- clus Landed securi‘y. Address, (pro-paid to ,. n Victoria Square P,O Markham. January 14, 1867. ‘ IN consequence of having struck Oil, or something else in Markham, We can now supply the pubhc wiih 9. Pure Goad Burning-Oil at Is 8d per Gal. Best Canadian Refined Oil at 23‘ per gal. Best Pensylvnnia Rock Oil at 25 6d per gal. not surpassed, at W. S. Pollock’s, lute G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 12. 1866. Great Reduction in Coal Gil MONEY TO LOAN orxier of King& Yonge Streets, November 9. 1866. SETS llF SKETE STEM VALUABLE PROPERTY GOOD Dwelling Honse. Barn, Stable, Driving House, Wood House, and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there In a quarter of an acre of an Orchard of healthy young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. Goeseberries. &c. IN THE Village ofRiciamomi Hill, :For Sale. ‘ The ab'ove Paope'rty is situated in the centre of the village. Will be sold cheap for cash. to; {unher particulars apply to M. TEEFY, Elq..' or P. CROSBY, Esq. Richmond HI“, January 14, 1867. EXCHANGE. ‘ HARRISON'S HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, TORONTO MARKETS. On Improved Real Estate, PPLY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- KOUGHNET & \VARMOLL, Barrinlers, &c PERFUMES. DUGGAN & BURNS, Solicitors, Toronto. AND 01‘“ ER Rlchmond Hill, TORONTO. J. GORMLEY 7. 36. Tux-unto, Feb. 14, AT ,@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @ "50.3000030030 4356320011530 110000l500105 Cleaned and Altered to lhs latest style. Stamping 51E Machine Embroidery done. Génf’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. Two doors noth of G. A, Barnards Store. Richmond Hill, Nov. 9 1866 MANTLE and DRESS MAKERS. The assortment of Men’s, \Vomen, Boy 5, Youths and Children’s Boots and Shoes, is large and will be sold at remarkable W. H. MYER’S. Men’s Long Boots. . . .532 25 Bonn ets, Felt & Straw Hats OFFICEâ€"No 4, British America Insurance Buildings, corner ot'Church 6': Court Streets Toronto. Nov. 28, 1806. LOW PRICES FOR CASH. RICHARD GRAHAME, Barristct anh ‘Attorncu-at-flam ’ OLICITOR IN CHANUERY, &c NOTICE! MYERS9 HARNESS BEAT IN CANADA. A splendid lot of Dried Apples, Cheap at A?P§JE% Cheap Provision Store. Richmond Hill, Jan. 18. X366. 68 LATEST FASHIONb DEMAND J. W. BRRDLEY’S CElEBRATED PATENT Duplex Elliptic Eli The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all h-dieé and is universally roccommonded by llw Fashionablos Mngnzina. as the Standard “‘liirl ol'the Fashionable \led. Tu (any) ' 1119 following inestimahla advan- mges in vlinoline, vif/ ; Superior quality. ner- fv'c'i mw ufaclura, sinsh shape and finish, flex‘ ihilily. durabilitv, comfurl and Iconum)‘, en quire for J. Bradley’s Dup'ex Elliptic. or Dou bEe Sprung Skirt, and be sure you get the gen uine article. A REDUCTION El ADE CAUTlON.â€"-To guard against imposition be particular to NO'l‘lCE l'nul skirts oll'ered as " Dunlrx” have the red ink stamp. viz., " .l W. Bradley’s Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs." nnm: lhe waisihzmdâ€"nnne others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the cenlre. thus reveal- ing me two (or double) springs hraidcd togeth' or therein‘ which is the secret, of theirTlexihil- ity and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt For Sale in all Stores where First Ctlas skills are sold throughout the United Stess and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the patent Remaining $11 the Richmcnd Hill Post Office Jan. ]st. 1857. Armstrong John Cosgrnvo Bernard (‘2) Geoper MKS Phillis Curry Rev Erastus Curran Thomas J Gornmn John Grainzer Henry Henshaw Mr. Hunt Henry 1 1191113: William Kain Patrick Keller, John (0? Mon!- réal) Laughlin William Manley l’,L. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fa}- Iowing )ropemy :â€" Village Property At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. .L lowing )ropemy :â€" Part of Lot. No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 63 acres 9 also. Misses M. & -A. Rontlidge; Richmond Hill. Sept. 1. 1866. wrsrs, BRADLEY & VCA RY, At WILLIAM ATKINSON’S 97 Chambers & 81 Reade Sta. N. Y LAND FOR SALE. (0 R DOUBLE 51’ MAG) SELVER List of Letterq. CANNOT BE DRIED AT M: TEEFY, RM. Martin T. Muushaw George McCance Margret (2) McCrimmon Margret Mennnald James Mc Murray Mary Nightengale Mrs U’Grad)‘ John' Philips Peter Pound Marv; QuaMz F -Widdos Robert (2) Weod J, C. VVooton Frank TORONTO. NOW ES ‘ THE"; TEME HES GBfiQEBflES ! Will be fouud in his cellars. ELGIN MILLS, FE B. 12,1866. Fire-pmf gtore, Richmend Eill. Cawl 065 '35 cents per gaflon, Richmond Hill, February (3, 1867. Brag; @Mfigg Gmmrées My motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. mm: Chamgaia ‘flNfi lichmond Hill, January 17, 1867. Cannot be surpassed, for Blankets, Shawls, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Tollaretts, Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Winceys, Tweeds. Flannels, SkiItings, 1 Ladies aad Gent’s Lambâ€"skin Caps, Under Shirts, and Flour, Bran and Shorts kept constantly on hand. 17 cents per lb. paid for Fresh Butter in 1b. r0115. Elgin Mills, Jaduary 17. 1866. ‘ ‘ Readynmadc Cgaiiamg. Waienimes in grmi Variety, HARDWARE, FEM”? E‘eeé am} Epa'ewésééms, SPRING IMP OR'TA TI ONS. . G'- BERNARD 8L0. 8L0. 8w. Sales made tar Cash or appraved Credit, Ofifé EEAVD CRGGKERY, HARBWARE, Romeml er the Placeâ€"Flood 8% Price’s Old Stand. To Purchase CH EA?” GOQDES as P. @R@SEY, To make room for Spring Importations. his cellars. Port and Sherry Wines on Draft, 'al! of which he Sells reasonable for Cash or >hart approved credit. “ At asmall advance on Cast, to make room for For Cash, will be ailowed on the balance’of them Intends Selling the remainder of [us Stonk of ed, for cheapncss and excellency. Flour. Feed and Provisions constantly kept 2n hand. The best brands of ' AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. THE REMAINDER OF OUR DEALER IN CONSISTING 0F DEALER IN Saturday Morning, the 2’lst inst, Ladies’ Bonnets 65 flats wu‘u OPEN HER New Mi’llinary Show Room ! With the most extensive Stock Straw & Felt-Hats, Skating Hats,y Ladies’Bonne-s, Feathers, Ribbons; Flowers, Velvets, Vails, &c. &c. Trimmed and Altered hi the latest style. and on the shone: Richmend Hiil Nov. 23 '66 fins. W. H. MYERS _._V_, x . I ‘ (Am be procured, m sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security. 'l‘erms made known on personal application to EGS to announce to the inhabitants of ; Richmond Hill and vicinily.1|lal he has on hand quite n large and well assorted Stock of Lady’s. Gents, Misses and Boys Boogs and Shoes, suitable for the present season. which will be offered low for cash. {THE CHEAPEST CHEAP BOOTS I Particulars atlevtiou paid to Custom work alhils Branches as heretofore. Richmond Hill. Oct. 24. ’66. $20,000! Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. THE Uridursigned is authorized to state that MONEY TO LEND N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. its. drawn with neutuesa and despntch.â€" n n , ito act as Dlvmofi Coum Acm'r. Fees moderate. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28, 1866. 26 THE EARGEST And an assortment. of WHIPS! ! VVHIPS H WHIPS ! ! ! IS TO BE FOUND AT HfiRW E88 ! ‘W. BAR RISON’S, YE'HE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a. CAU» TION T0 YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., Supplymg at the same time Tm: mes 0F SELF-CURE. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. The applicant, by Â¥ 7' ' J. v . . paymg postage 0.11 hIS letter, W111 recewe a copy, tree of charge, from the authjr. v N ATHANIEL MAYFAIR, E51}, Brooklyn, Kings 00., N. Y. Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces Torontn.- Oct. 4 . 1866. METER fl? fiEâ€"MAL. JOHN WATERHOUSE, IN returning thanks to his numerous friends . and customers for lheirliberal support since he commenced business, bags 10 inform them that he has removed (0 the Store formerly owned and occupied by Mr. James Dick. in The Viliagc 0i Biggie, Whieiro he: will keep {very select stock 3f He therefore invites his‘oid friends and the in- iohabitnnls ofthe neighborhood to cull and in- spect his Stock. feeling confident he cannot be undersoid, nor surpassed by any house north of 'l‘oronlo. All parties ndobied to me either by Note or gnok account are requested to pay the same forthwith to Mr . W. H. \lyies. Rikhmondltiil who is authorized to grant receipts. Map‘e; October 1‘2, 1866. 70 HARDWARE, JA DIES VEERNEY And is well adapted for a Dairy Harm, as it is Metered wiih a never failing stream running ‘across It. There is also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees, Garden, 810, 1 For further particulars apply to .. ELIZABETH SANDERSON, Buttonvillo. Or will). SAN DERSON, Lot 20, 4(h Can, FARM FOR SALE. THE Farm belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. \Vi'liam Sawdmson. containing 100 Acres of Good Farming Land. 9” of which are Cleared. There isa large Brick House, Wood Shed. and other conveniences. nguod Frame Barn, Stables Sheds and Root House. The above farm is Lot No. I4, 3rd Bun. Markham, At the Markham, Sept, 17. 1856. WINEs,LngqR$, 3L9 BEET, M. TEEFY, 0N LAN DED SECURH‘ Y. 151: Prize arncss Estabiighmcnt, RICHMOND HILL. Traded for Wood, or Cash paid. PHOENIX FOUNDRY, AND BUBBERS. AND CONSEQUENTLY A SSORTM ENT OF H.% GROCERIES, Nolary Izu'blic, Agent. &c4 THE 9| Yonge Street, Toronto. notice 68-3 in fihmond Eiili Gabinet Establishment N returning thanks for the very liberal sunport he has received since commencing 1 business in Richmond Hill, begs lo inform the public that he has greally increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assorlment of lncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stand-s, Wash Stands, &.9. 8%. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, White Lead, Paints and Colors, Raw and jioiled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Vunixh, 'l‘urpenline. Benzme, Glass. Putty, Glue, &c. &c. Parties Furnishing, Papering, or I’aintiiigI‘thelr Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, Also Flour, 15rdvisién {3mg Grocery Stare 2 "l‘ "I w - a m, .- .. 1‘ mm ‘L’mun “mm "Win “mm '“lkumfl "W “m ‘rwu'll‘lm “W “W mm For Cash‘ at Pricesjhat cannot be surpassed. Richmoad Hill, November 9, X866. THEMOST ATTRACTIVEDISPLAY 1mg MEWHELL’S; Where he keeps on hand quur, Shorts. 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ()MPRISING Trench; Merinoesj from 63 Cobourgs, Thibets, Lustres, Winceys from $1 50 each. Skirtings, Shawls,_§ilks, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Importiag my Goods direct, custOmers will receive the full ad vantage of the recent fall of prices and reduction in duties 134' King St. East, Toronto, Sept. 2|, 1866. Opposite Temperance St: ' T O R O N T O, EGS to announce to the inhabi‘ants of lhe County of York and those in the ‘neighborhood of Richmond Hm in particular, that he has added to his flock o! BOOTS AN SHOES, MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND EHILUHEN’S BOOTS AND SHOES! And of the best Material and Workmamhip. All Work ‘n Warrnnted to give porfect snicke- tion. We are conetautly adding to -ur slack of Boots and Shoes of our manufacture, which will be Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at {)1}: 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Torento, When ordering p‘ease stategdepth of “Vein or Cistern. CHARLES PO‘VELL’ Patentce and Proprietor. as}, A few more Co’imty Rights for A;?TE. DEPTHS. THE ENBELEBLE ENCIL FUENETURE! Styles for EAEL AND WINTER Wear. THOS. COGâ€"ELAN ‘ .FOR MARKING LINEN.FOR SALE AT THE “HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. good assortment of Trunks always on hand, . (M SANDERSON, A nice assortment, good and cheap. TORONTO, Sapt. 13, 1866. N0, 133 Yongc Street, 1d quur, Shorts. Bran, Oats; P9235, Ua‘mcal», cornmeal, Bimi- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and A complete assortment of the most desxrable And is prepared to make to omur all kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, Silks, Ribbons, Manlles, Flannels, Blankets, and IS AT sale OF Ho would also call attemion to his IN NEWTON BROOK, CuW .Toronto, cents per yard Fancy {Dresses Bonnets, Hats. 23 51-31::

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