Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Feb 1867, p. 1

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A a ndvd ill for insertion. .1 lift): tfflt‘lt fittalll IS PUBLIsH'sD EVERY ,FRIDAY MORNING, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. .1 “The Yonx HERALD will always be found to contain thelatest and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the man of business, and u valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS:â€"-0ne Dollar per annum. IN AD. vascn; ifnot paid within Two Months. One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Six lines and under. first insertion. . ..$()0 50 Each subsequent insertion .. . . .. . . . . . . 00 l3 'I‘eu linen and under, first insertion. . . . 00 75 [inch subsequent insertion.. . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ‘20 Above ten lines. first insertion. per litre. 00 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . ... - 50 00 Halfacolutnn do do 3O 00 Quarter of a column per twelve months. 20 00 One column pet six months.... . . . . . . 40 00 Half-column do ........... 25 00 Quarter of a column per six months. . . . 18 00 A card of ten lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 0!) A card of fifteen lines. do . . . .. . . 5 ‘25 A card oftwenty litres. do . . . . . . . 6 50 D’Advertisements without written directions inserted till forbid. and charged accordingly All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers. must be paid for when All advertisements published for a less period than one month. must be paid for in advance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid. No paper discoutintted until all arrearoges are paid : and parties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. Whose nurture.“ NMr R. HUSTETTER’S numerous friends will please accept his sincere thanks tor their liberal patronage and prompt payment. and would announce that he will continue to devote t“e whole of his attention to the pracâ€" tice of Medicine. Surgery and Midwifery. All calls, (night or day,) promptly attended to. Elgin Mills, October 5, 1866. P. J. noise. M. 0.. Phy~ici:rn. Surgeon & Acconchruz Thornhill. CT Residenceâ€"Near the Church of England Reference pcrmitteri to O. S. Winstanley. Esq Memb. Royal Uollege of Surgeons, Eng" Yonge St. Toronto, and Thomas U. Savpge, Esq. M I)., Memb. Iloy.Coll. Surgeons. hug. Thistleton. DR. JAS. LANCSTAFF, \ lLl. generally be found at home before half-past 8 mm and from I to 2 pm. All parties owing Dr. J. Imngslafi'nre expect- ed to call and pay promptly, as he has pay- ments now that must be met. Mr. Geo. Burlritt is authorised to collect,and give receipts for him. Richmond Hill, June. IRES JOHN M. REID, M. 1)., con. 0F YONGE AllD cntBUHNE STS., 'l‘IIORNH lLL. 1 Consultations in the office on the mornings of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, to )0, a. in. [LTAH consultations iii the ethos. Cash. Thornhill, Julie 9, l865 1 *" “""LAW CARDS. W WiwriEloLo &. BOYD. Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitflrs in Chancery,&c., 77. King Street East, lover Thompson’s East India IIousc) Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C. | J.A. BOYD B A May 7. 1866. our 1!. TEEFY, ESQ., Notary Public, COMISSIONER Ill THE QUEEN’S BENCH, CONVEYANCEK. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREI‘IMENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. Wills,‘,’t\’zc , &c.. drawn wrth attention end promptitude. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill. Julie 9. 1805. I GEO. B. NICOL, BAHRISIEH, lllcmeyâ€"al-law. Solicitor in Chancery, CONVEYANCER, &c, 850., 8:0 OFFICEâ€"Ill the “York Herold ” Buildings, Richmond Hill. 9:? Money to Lend. July, nth, 1866. I]. 1y M‘NAB, MURRAY 86 JACKES, Barristers & Attorneys-at-Law Solicitors in Chancery, coxvunucurts, «be. Orrrcnâ€"In the Court House, . .TORONTO August I, 1866. 59 -Carriage and Waggon MAKER. UNDERTAKER &c. &c. &c. Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Office. finalrrnond "lill. Henry Smelser, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the court- ties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. f’l‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends NEW SERIES. RICHMOND HILLAD YONGE W/MMA»W,W-VV»V\WVWV v ST. " GENERAL ADVE \/\_/ “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” v01. VII. No. 38. » ,Bhemisl & Druggisl, "f RICHMOND HILL ’ JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. LOOK AT THIS JOHN BARRON. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds ofMen's Women’s and Children's BOOTS e. SHOES. 38 West MarketSquare. 2 doors south of King Street, TORONTO. One of the oldest and cheapest houses iii the trade. [1? Give John a. call when in Town. ( on roll. 15v tiOBER" rumus. ’ 1 F. halvingr leased the nbove Hotel, 0 [formely occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and hnvinpr put it in a. thorough stale of repair, Travellers will find this house both comfortable and convenient. A good flostler always in attendance. lichmond Hill Jun 31, 1867. 35 Lfififimmxfi‘ai ABRAHAM EYth l gEGS respectfully to inform his customers and the public that he is prepared to do PLANEING TO ORDER, In any quantity, and on short notice. Planet] Lumber, Flooring, so. Kept on hand, SAWING (lone promptly; also Lumber Ton gucd & Grovcd At the lowest possible rates. Saw Mill on lot ‘25, 2nd Cort. Markham. 2} rnllloseastof Richmond th by the Plank Road Richmond Hill. June :36, l’e‘b'S. 4-ly DAVID EYER, Jun., Slave & Shingle Manufacturer" ESII)E,\’Cl‘lâ€"l.ot ‘23. ‘Zud Con. Markham l r on the Elpin Mills Plank Road. A large Stock ofSrAvris and Summons. kept :nnrstnntlyorr hnnd.arrd sold afthe lowest Prices IE” Call and examine Stock before purchas- r Igelsowhere. Post Office Addressâ€" Richmond Hill. June 1665 lâ€"tl' EDMUND SEAGER, Provincial Land Surveyor, 85c. RICHMON D HILL, Residenceâ€"Lot 4U Yuuge Street, Vaughan. January l6. lSGl‘. 3'2 GEO. MCPHILLIPSSL SUN, Provincial Land Surveyors, SHAFORTII. C. \V. June 7, [865. 1 [Var-tit Ifnowing I I “E Subscriber would intimate to the farin- ers and others of Richmond Hill Mid trrul I i; (In itrv having. Horses Afflicted with Ringâ€"bone, That he has successfully treated the above for the past ten yenrs without a single failure. This treatment does not nece situte their being laid aside only for n few days. Quite a number of reference given if requir- ed ol'porsous whose horses have been cured by the. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated on. if not 1153 00 will be charged to ensure a! SClll‘eu Residence rear oflot 25, 2nd Con Vaughan. JA MES DUNTON. Richmond Hill, Oct. 25, ’66 72<ly ichmond ill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, Bill flirBlllIlll'l' llllll 1 purchnsed the business rind good will of .l. Ilnyward’s establishment, and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage. Pic-Nic parties and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. All orders strictly attended to. Richmond Hill, June, 188.“)- l EGS leave to notify the public that he has- Itf 9 fiiaple Hotel and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan. where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (he trnvolliug commu- nity. to merit a share of their patronage and nupport. Good Stahling. (SLO. RICHARD VAIIJCS. Maple, Jan [866. 32.1,. luv}: Traitors. WATER svcrrs CISTRENS AND PUMPS! Manufactured and for Sale by I Accounts, 620. Small charges and plenty to do baskey, March 2nd l865. till-t R. [[2 Hart, { - Ah, thus, when the storms ofsorrow ,l'clicf; 'snrric at the last place of dwelling RICHMOND lurch, FRIDAY, Figurine} so, .8647... _. Night and Tempest.‘ Rein, rain, rain, And the wind is loud and shrill, And the weird Light’s shadowy footsteps Are fttlliug on the hill! The poet sits in her chamber, Arid the night grows sullen and black, With one red gleam cf splendor, That burns in the sunsct’s track. Rain, and sleet, and tempestl The vast cyclone blows I And the tossing crests ofthe rising tide Arc beaten to whirling snows! Thc fierce wind whips the woodland With the cruel lush of huill And the torn gray shreds of her autumn robe Arc tossed on the rushing galel And the lonely soul ofthe poet. thrills To the wild and glorious roar 0f the nindsin the bottling woodlands, And the waves on the trampled shorel And her strong heart heaves and wrestles In the throes ofa hidden pain, Till the bloody sweat of her passion Dissolvcs In tours like rain. She sits in her haunted chamber, And the night is rude and loud, But. a gleam of gold is breaking Thro’ the black drift ofthc cloud; And for to the hright’ning westward The sea lies down to rest, (rocked With the young Moon’s slender crescent On the henve of her drcttminbr breast. Break wild on the human hcztrt. And the bountiful dreams that lured us Like frightened birds (lcpnrt; shall be paid, or it may be intleb- ten loft and abandoned. and for that the mile, and until the further order of the court. The court may from time to time, vary such order, whenever circumstances shall re- quire it, on the npplic-trion. either ofany relative afl'acledlthereby, or of any oversecrs oflhe .poor of the town, upon fourteen days’ notice 'bciuggivcn. §6. The costs and expenses of such application, shall be ascertain ed bv the court, and paid by the rclalivcs against whom any order may be made; and the payment thereof, and obedience to the order of urarnlenancr, and to any order- for he payment of money, may be enforced by process of attach- mom. §7. lf any relative‘who shall have been required. by such order, to relieve or maintain any poor person shall neglect to do so, in such man- ner as shall be approved by the overseers oflhc poor of the town where such poor person may be, and shall neglect to; pay to such overseers weekly the sum preâ€" scribed by the court'for the sup- port ol such poor person, the said ovsrseers may maintain an action. as for monies had and received, against such relative, and shall re- cover therein the sum so prescribed by the said court for every week the said order shall have been dis- obeyeo‘, up to the time of such re- thn loudest roves thc tempest, And blockcst frowns the night, Hope’s glimmering crescent rises, And lends us to the light! \___~_. , , , noes, LAWâ€"fl IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK! From the Statutes of the State of New York. Section 1. The fatherprrolhcr, and children, who are of sufficient abi- lity. of any DOOI‘ person who i blind, old, lame, impotent or (icon:â€" pit, so as to be unable by Work to maintain himself, shall, at their own charge, rclievc and main- Iain such poor person, in such manner as shall be approved by the cvcrsscrs of the poor of the town where such poor person may be. §‘2. Upon any failure of any such relative so to relieve and maintain any such poor pct‘sott,il shall be the (loly of the oversecrs of the poor of lhc10wn where such poor person may be, to apply to the court of general sessions of the peace oflhc courtly vr here such relative may dwell, for an or'lcr to compel such of which npplicalion, at least fourteen days” Notice, in writ- ing shall be given by serving the sonic pursonully or by leaving llro ol the individual to whom the same may be directed. in case of his ab- sencc therefrom, with some person of mature age. §3. The court to which the said ap, licalion may be made, shall pl‘t cccd in a summary way to hear the allegations and proofs of the parties. and shall order such of lhc relatives aforesaid of such poor person as appear to be of sufficient‘ direct the relative or relatives, wh. shall pt-rlorm that duly,iu the follow ' lug order : The father shall be first required to runlulain such poor per- son ; if there be, nouc, or he be not of suffician nbilily, men the child- ren of such poor person ; if there be none, or they be not of sulficrcnt ability. then the mother. §4. lfit shall appear that any suclrrclutlve is unable wholly to mninlalu such poor person, but is, able to contribute towards his sup- ort, the court mny, in its discretion direct two or more relatives. of different degrees, to maintain such poor person, and shall prescribe the, proportion which each shall con- tribute for that purpose ; and if it shall appear that the relatives liable as aforesaid,are not. of sulh'cicnl abilin wholly to maintain such poor person, but are able to c on- lribute something, the court shall direct the sum, in proportion to their ability, which such relatives shall pay weekly for that purpose. §5. Such order may specify the time. during wmch the relatives a- foresaid shall maintain such poor John Langstaft S'ruau Mitsur'l‘uonsnrtr. person, or during which any of the ,said sums so directed by the court covery, with costs of suit, for the use of the poor. §8 Whenever the father, or me. thcr being a widow-or living se- parate from her husband, shall ab- scond from their children, or a bus- band his wife. leaving any of them chargeable or likely to become chargeable upon the public for their support, the overscet's of the poor oflhc town where such wile or children mav be, may apply to any 2 justices of the peace of any county in which any eslalo, real or personal, of the said tallier, mother or husband, may be situated, for a warrant l0 seize the saute. Upon llth proof of the facts aforesaid, the said justices shall issue their war- rant. authorising the said oversccrs to take and seize the goods, chattels effects, things in action, and the lands and li-ncrnenls of the person so absconding. §9. By virtue of such warrant. the said ovcrseers mav seize and lake the said properly, wherever the same may be found, in the same courtly; and shall be vested with all the right and title to the saidv properly, which the person so ab sounding had, at the time of his or her dejmrlure. All sales and trurr fare of any persr nal pro crly loft in the county from which such pol‘sOn abscondcd, mode by him, after the issuing of such warrant, whelher in payment of an antecedent debt, or for a now considerntion. shall br- absolulcly void. The overscel's shall immediately make on inven- lory ofllie property so seized by them, and return the same. togethâ€" er \vilh lhsir proceedings, to the next court of general sessions of lhc peace of the county where such ()Vt'TSt‘el‘S resid .-, there to be tiled. abtlrl to relieve and ttl'dllll‘dln . . . .. , y’ . §10. The said court, upon inquir- sucn person, and shall lhcrcm . . . . ,_ . mg into the facts and crrcumn‘ spccrfy the sum whlch- wtll bc ‘ r , slutieesol the case, may confirm sulnclcnl for the support of such . . I . . the said warrant and seizure, or poor person. to be paid weekly. . I - , mav (llstaruF the same; and 1f Anti the sold court shall lhcrt-m - lho same be confirmed, shall, from time to time, direct what part of the personal properly shall be sold, and how much ol the proceeds of- such sole, and of the rents and pro- fils of the real cslalc, if any, shall be applied towards the mainten- ance oflhc children or wife of the person so abscomling. §ll. If the party against whom such warrant shall issue. return a .rd support the wife or children so ab- andoned, or give security satisfac’ tory to any two justices of the town to the ovcl‘scers of the poor of the town, that the wife or children so abandoned shall not bucome, or lharcafler be, chargeable to the town or county. then such wer- ranl shall be discharged, by an or der of such juslices, and the pro- perly taken by Virtue thereof shall be restored to, such party. §12. The ovorseers shall sell at public vendue, the property so ordered to be sold, and shall re- ceive the rents and profits of the ing, and in those towns which aré thc OVBI'SCGIS shall apply the same to the maintaining. bringing up and providing for the wifc,child,or child-- real estate ol the person so nbscond-l required to support their own poor,}pr0vidcd for the poor, to purchase Freasrircr for the said prog heroin after directed‘ Thiey shall account lo thccourt ofimera‘l ses- sions of the peac’eélor all monies so received by them, and for the apf ’ piication thereof, (pom lime to time and may be compelled by the said court, to render such account at any time. ‘ §13. In those counties whet-[cal the poor are a charge uppnlhe county, the superintendents of the poor shall be vested with the saute powers, rights and authority, as are herein before given to the over- seers oflhe poor of any town. in respect to compelling relatives to maintain paupers, and in respect lo the seizure of [be properly ofany parent abscorrding and abandoning his to her family. and shall be en- titled to the like. actions and reme- dies in their names, and Shall per- form lhc duties herein before re- quired ofovcrscers. and subject to the same obligations and control. §t4. Every poor person .who is blind, lame, old, sick, impotent, 0r decrepit, or in any 'other way dis- abled, or enlccblcd, so as to be urt- ablc by his work to maintain him- self, shall bo maintained by the county or town in which he may be, according to the following proâ€" vrsrou. DUTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. §15. It shall be the duty of the boards of supervisors within the 1 Â¥ RTISER. ' m TERMS $1 00 In Advance. fl,,.__ ‘Wholc No.4“). roor therein. and turrets}, and to sell and dispose ol , shall deem expedient: 5. To prescribe the rate of allow- ance to be made to any persons for bringing paupers to :lhe county poor-house or place provided dor the poor, subject to such alterations as the board of supervisors may by a general resolution, make: 6. To authorise the keepers of such houses or places so provided, to certify the amount “'due to any person for bringing such paupcrs; which amount shall he paid by the courtly treasurer on the produc- tion of such certificate. counter- signed and-allowed by any two superintendents: 7. To decide any dispute that shall arise concerninggthc settlement to any poor person, summarily, up- on a hearing of the parties; and for that purpose, to issue subptcnus ‘ to compel the attendance of witnesses and to administer oaths to them in the same manner, with 'the like powor to enforce such process as is given to justices of the peace in any matter cognizable by them; ‘their decisions shall be filed in the office of the county clerk Within thirty days after they are made, and shall be conclusive and final upon all parties interested : 8 To direct the commencement of soils by any overseers of the poor who shall be entitled to pro- I several counties of this stalecxccpt the county of New York, within one your after this Title becomes a law, to appoint not less than three, or more than five, discreet tree- holdcrs of their respective coun- ties, to be superintendents of the poor within such county, who shall hold their olficss, for one year, and until others shall be appointed in their places, and who shall take the oath prescribed in the constitu- tion. A majority of the persons so appointed shall be at all times competent to transact business,and to execute any powers vested in the board of superintendents. They‘ shall he allow cd such sum for their actual attendance and ser- vices, as the board of supervisors of their county shall deem reasona- blt‘. §lG. They shall be a corporation by the name of the Superintendents of the Poor of the courtly for which they shall be appointed, and shall possess the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes: they shall meet often as the sup- crvisors 0f the county shall direct, at the county poor-housc,if there be one, or at the place holding courts in lheir county. or at one ofthe places of holding courts, if there be more than one, and at such other times and places as they shall think expedient; they shall have ogenernl superintendence and care oflhc county poor who may be in their respective connlie and shall have power, and it be their duly : 1. To provide suitable places for the limping of such poor, when so directedbv the supervisors of any county, where houses for that purpose have not been erected by the county; and for that pur-' pose, to rent a tenement. or lone- menls, and land not exceeding hfly acres, and to cause the poor ofthc county to be maiuttincd in such places : 2 To establish and ordain pruden- tial rules, regulations and try-laws for the government and good orderof such places so provided, and of the county poor-houses, and fur lhc employment, relief. ma negcmenl and government of the persons therein placed ; but such rules and regulations shall not be valid. until sanctioned by a majori- Q. *5 shall ly of the judges of the county courts of such county, in writing: 3. To employ suitable persons to be keepers of such houses or places and all necessary officers and servatlts,and to vest such. pow: ers in thorn for the govrntcnl ofsuch houses as shall be necessary, rc- serving to the paupcrs who may be placed under the care of such keepers, the rightof appeal to the superintendents: 4. In the counties where. a, poor- house is erected, or other place the furniture, implements, and ma- terials that shall be necessary from time to time for the maintenance of special meeting thereof, determine secule for any penultiespr upon any recognizanccs, bonds, or securities taken for the indemnity of any.lown or ofthe county ; and in case of the neglect of any such overseer, to commence and conduct such suits, without the authority of such over- sccrs, in their names: 9. To draw from time to time on the county treasurer for all he cessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties, which drafts shall be paid by him out of the monies placed in his hands for lhe support of the poor : 10. To render to the board of supervisors of their county, at their annual meeting. an account of all monies received and expended by them, or under their direction, and of all their proceedings ll To pay over all monies reâ€" l, maining in lhcir hands, within 15 days aflcr the eXpiralion of their office, to the county lrcusurcr,or to their successors. HOUSES AND LAND FOR THE PURPOSE TAX. ($17. The board of supervisors of any county in this stale, in which a courtly poor-house is not already erected, may, at any annual or to erect, such house. for the rc- coplion of the poor of their county; and upon filing such determination with the clerk of the. county, thcv may direct the superintendents of the poor of such courth to purchase one or more tracts of land not ex- (ceding two hundred acres, and to erect thereon one or more suitable buildings for the purpose aforesaid. To defray the expenses of such purchase and buildings. the said board may raise by tax on the real and personal estate of the inhabilw outs of the same county, a sum not exceeding seven thousand dollars, by such instalmruls and at such times as they may judge expedient. The said tax shall 'be reisctl, as- sessed nnd collected in the same manner as the other county charges . and shall be paid by the counlv treasurer to the superintendents of the poor of the courtly, to be ap- plied in defraying the expenses aforesaid §18. The superintendents ol coun- ty poor-houses, that have been erected. or shall be erected pursu- nut to anv law, shall be superinten- dents of the poor of their counties respectively. and shall possess all the powers and be subject to all the regulations herein before specifi- ed in relation to such superinten- dents. §]9,. All monies which shall be -NWA -c V7 J “\1 their purpose shall draw on the county Icrrrployment in labour nutritionist:â€" 9§,d.s, H the proceeds of such labor as, they paid for licenses byrgrocers, tavern- kecpers or others, shall be fixed. Any commissioner of excise ne- glecting the said duty, or any part thereof, shall forfeitiflfly dollars. to be rccovcrcri by and in the name of the superintendents of the poor of the county; ahd‘fii’a‘ll also be lia- blc to an action by in the name of the county treas' _ (“LII-imam- es received by them, with the in- terest thereon from" the time the same should have been paid over. §20. All monics which shall be collected by ovcrsecrs 0f the poor of any town in a county where the poor are all a county charge, from the relatives of any poor person bound to contribute 'to his support or from the sale of any personalpro- perly, or lhe‘rcnls and profile of the real propertv,ol any person who shall abscond, leaving a, wife or children ; or i~ccoivcf0r any fines, penalties or for-failures, which by law are directed lo he applied to the support of the poor; or collect- ed on anybonzl or olltcr scoutin that shall be given for the benefit or indemuilv of any town, or of the‘ overseers or inhabitants of such town ; and all other ’monics which shall be received by such over- scers in their official capacity. shall be by them paid over within thier days after the receipt of the same, to the county treasurer, for the benefit of the poor ; and if not so paid, lb: same may le recovered in an action to be brought by and in the name of the cosinly treasurer, with interest, at the rate of ten dollltrs on the hundred, lot a year, from the time the same should have been paid. «521. In those counties where the supervisors shall (lrrdcrmine to abolish the distinction between town poor and county poor, and to have all the poor a county charge, it shall be the duly of the clcrk )f the board of su pervjsors, imrne‘ dialely to serve notice of snob delct‘ initiation on the ovcrseers of the poor of every town in the county. Willrin three months after the ser- vice of sucn notice, the overseers of the poor of every town, shall pay over all monies which shall remain a [hult‘ hands, after discharging all dcmads against them as such overseer-s, lo the courtly treasurer, o be applied by him towards the uturc taxes ofsuch town. In case if neglect to pay over such mo- nies, the county treasurer may maintain an action lherefor,in which he shall recover interest on the monies withcld. from the time they should have been paid over. §22. In those counties in which the distinction between county poor and town poor prevails, the excise money collocth in any town, and all penalties given by low to thc ovcrsccrs of the poor' when received, shall be applied to the use of the poor of the town in which such money and penalties shall be col- ccted. 1 £323. In the counties of \Varren, Nashington, Sari-zrtoga, and Geneseepoot‘ persons Cutltlcd to support as aforesaid, shall be maintained at the expense ofthe Stud counties respectively; and all costs and charges attending the examinations, couveynucc, support, and necessary ex- pcnscs 0f puupcrs within the said coun- ties respectively, shall be a charge upon the said counties, without reference to he number or ,cxpcnsc of paupers which may be sent. to» the poor-house of said counties, from or by any of the towns therein. The said charges and expenses shall be reported by the super- intendents of the poor of the said coun- ties, to the boards of supervisors therein respectively, and shall be assessed, levi- ed and collected ofand upon the taxv able real and personal estate in the said counties, in the some manner as other county charges. §24. The board of supervisors ofany country in this state, at any annual meeting, or at any special meeting call- cd for that; purpow, may determine to abolish all distinction between county poor and town poor in their counties respectively, and to have the expense f maintainingr all the poor acounty charge; and upon their ding such deterrnintn-~ tion. duly certified by the clerk of the bonrtl,with the county clerk, the said poor shall be maintained, and the tub house thercofdcfruycd in the manner- proscrrberl in the preceding section re- lativc to the counties of Warren, \Vasb: ington, Saratoga and Gcncsce. §25. When the supcrvtsors of“ any- couuty shall have determined to abolish the distincdon between county poor and town poor, the clerk of the board‘ shall serve a copy of the resolution inokingsuch dcbl’t'tl'llllzttlon, upon: the, clerk of each town, village or city, within such county. §ZG. After such resolution shall be serv- ed, it shall be the duty of the commission- ers ofexcisc in the several townsofisuch county and of the officers. of‘ every. city and village therein, to pay over. to. the treasurer of the county all monies which shall thereafter be received for licenses to tavern:kcepcvs, retailers or. grocers, and all metrics which shall be recovered as penalties for violating the. a A to received by the commissioners of excise in any town or city, ol any county in which the supervisors shall have determined to, abolish the distinction between town poor and county poor, shall be by them, paid over to the county treasurer, within thirty (lave after the receipt thereof; and they shall at the same time deliver a certified copy of the resolutions of the board of excise, by which the sum to bc excise laws, or any other laws, and which are directed, to be paid.- to the. oversoch 0f the poor. §27. If any person having in his. hands any moniesdircctcdv to be paid tothe, county treasurer by the preceding section, shall neglect or refuse to pay the same, within thirty days after demand there: of,the county treasurer may maintain, an action in his name of office for. the recovery thereof, together with inter from the time of such demand. To be 00212557111ch

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