Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Mar 1867, p. 1

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Solicitors in Chancery, COXVEYAKCERS, 5m. OFFICEâ€"In the Court House, . .TORONTO August 1, L866. 59 John Langstafl M. TEEI‘Y, ESQ, Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, (IONVEYANCER. AN!) DIVISION COURT AGENT, Ol-‘gFICEâ€"In the ‘-‘ York Herald ” Buildings, fiichmond Hill. Money to Lend. M'NAB, MURRAY & JACKES, alarristers & Altorneys-atâ€"Law JOHN M. REID, M. 1)., con. 0F YONGE AND CULBURNE STS., RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEMENTS. Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. 7 \Vills,‘ (‘10, &c.. dmwn with attention mid promptituda. Terms moderate. &c. &c. 6w. Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Office, Ric‘unond "lill. HAVE TRUIIGHS. WATER SPBHTS, CISTRENS AND PUMPS! Carriage and Waggon MAKER, UNDERTAKER R. HOSTETTER’S numerous friends wlll please nccept lllS sincere thanks for their liberal patronage and prompt payment. and would announce lhat he will continue to devote t"e whole of his attention to the prac- tices of Medicine. Snrgary and Midwifery. All calls. (night or day,) prompin amended to. Elgin Mills, Oclobor 5. 1866. V IN. generally be found at home before half past 8 u,m and from I to ‘2 p.111. All parties owing Dr. J. Imngstafi'are axpectâ€" ed to call and pay promptly. as he has pay- ments now that must be met. Consnltmimus in the office on the mornings of 'l'uosdavs. Thumday: and Samrdnya. H to “La. m. D’All consultations in the office. (Insh- READ & 30 Y D, Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., Toronto. 13.3. READ, Q.C. 1 JA. BOYD BA BARBISTEH, Attorney-atâ€"Law, Solicitor in Chancery, C ONVEYANCER, &c, &c., &c Bl! lines and under. first insertion....$00 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . Ton linos and under. first insertion. . . . Each subsequent insertion.. . . .. .. . . . .. Abovo ton lines. first insertion. per line. Each subsequent insertion]. per line. . . . Une Column per twelve months. . . . .. - Haifa column do do Quarter of a column per twelve months. One column no) six months.. . . . . . .. - Holfacolumn do ........... Quarter of a column per six months. . . . A card often lines, for one year. . . . . . A card of fifteen lines. do A card oftwenly linen, do ...--.~ 00 I3 00 75 00 20 00 07 00 02 50 00 30 00 20 00 4O 00 25 00 18 00 4 00 5 25 6 50 All advertisements published for a less period than one month. musi be paid for in advance. And dispatohed to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the man of business. and a. valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMS :-â€"One Dollar per annum. 1N AD~ um; if not paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. All letters addressed to the Editor must be put-paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and panties refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. I? Residenceâ€"Near the Church of England Referance permitted to O. S‘ Winslanley. Esq. Momb. Royal Uullego of Surgeons, Ellg,. Yonge St. Toronto, and Thomas U. Savage, Esq. M 1)., Momh. Roy.Coll. Surgeons, Eng. Thistlamn. Mr. Geo. Burkiu is authorised to colleenand give receipts for him. Richmond Hill, June. 1965 1 P. J. MUTER. M. D.. Phy~icinn,Surgcon & Accoucheuz- Thornhill. All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irragular customers. must be paid for when handed in for inser'ion. 77, King Street East, (over ’I‘humpsou’s East India Huuso) DR. JA‘S. LANGSTAFF, A card oftwenly linen, do . . . .. . . 6 50 FAdvel-tisemoms without written directions nsefled till farbid. and charged accordingly (EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, July, 5th. 1365. Richmond Hill. June 9. IBM). Mhy 7. IN“; 'I‘hornhiH. June 9, 1865 SW5th window. RATES OF ADVERTISING. (El): mark firtalb THOMAS SEDMAN, Manufactured and for Sale by GEO. B. NICOL, STEAM MILS,'1THORNHILL LAW CARDS. THORNHILL is PUBLIsHEb haunt-It... UU IO sertion.. .. 00 75 ........... 0020 amperline. 0007 per “116.... 00 02 mths......- 5000 o 3000 he months. 20 00 ......... . 4000 ........... 2500 months.... 1800 year.... .. 400 to ....... 525 [o 650 4‘Hf 5-1 y 1 Maple. ’Jan [866. Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, BREW WSW? WEE Quite a number of reference given if requir- ed ol‘persous WImse horses have been cured by me. I PIGS leave to notify the puhhc that he has 3 purchased the business and gond will of J, Huyward’s establishmelu, and that he in prepared (a furnish BREAD and FANCis CAKES to these who may honor him in their patronage. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operawd on, ifnot $3 00 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rear of lot 25, 52nd Con. Vaughan. Richmond Hill. Oct. 95, ’66 Phi-Nix: pé'rlies and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on tho shortest notice. Horses That he has successfully treated the above for the pasttel1_yenrs without a single failure. This treatment does not nece shuts their being laid aside only for a few days. All erers strictly attended to. Richmond Hill, JunsJSSS. ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends '1 and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th Con. Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts of (he travelling commu- nity. to merita share of their patronage and nupport. Good Stabling, &,c . DAVID EYER, Jun., Slave & Shingle Manufacturer [ ESIIHIN‘CEâ€"Lot 25. find Con. Markham l on lho Elglu Mills Plank Road. A large Stock OfS‘l‘AVES and SHINGLES. kept constantly on hand,and sold nflhe lewesl Prices IE? Call and examine Slack before purchasâ€" ing elsewhero. Residenceâ€"Lot 4U Yongc Street. Vaughan. Kept on hand. SAWI‘NG done promptly; also GEO. MCPHILLIPS & SUN, A! the lowest possible rates. Saw Mill on lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. 2i mxllns easlof Richmond [1 “I by [he Plank Road Richmond Hill. June 26,1865. 44y HE Subscriber would intimate to thu farm- ers and other: of Richmond Hill and wrnl x; Comury having. Maple Iâ€"Iotel! 113‘ Give John a call when in Town. I F. having leased the above Hotel, ' [former occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having put it in a thorough state of repair, Travellers will find this house bot}; comfortable and conveniénifir A good IIosthr always in attendance Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 Planned Lumber, Flooring, «fie. EDMUND SEAGER, Provincial Land Surveyor, 650. RICHMOND HILL. HIEHMHNE‘LHJLLHTEL, LUMBERING! ABRAHAM EYER Post Office Addressâ€"Richmond [lill‘ June 1865 THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tru- vellers can desire. those who wish tostny where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865‘ Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Men’s Women’s and Children’s One of the oldest and cheapest houses in the trade. PLANEING TO ORDER, BOOTS 81. SHOES, Lumber 'l‘ongued & Groved Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. LOOK AT THIS. Henry Smelser, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho counâ€" ties of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty to do Luskey, March 2nd 1865. 39,1 D°FM59§’§-_H9TEL. NEW SERIES. V01. VII. No. 40.. 'I‘oronto. Do c. l8h'5‘ "forth Iwains! Provincial Land Surveyors, June 7,1865 Jamer I 6. ISGG. EGS respectfully to inform his customers and the public lhal he is preparud to do 38 West MarkelSquare. 2 doors south of King Street, In any quantity. and on short notice JAMES BOWMAN, LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, BY ROBERT FE KRIS. JOHN BARRON. RICHMOND‘ HILL AND YONGE ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER. Afflicted with Ring-bone, SEAFORTH. C. W JAMES DUN'T‘ON. RICHARD VAILES. 32-13' TORONTO. 72~1y 5284f Hf l-tf' 32 § 55. The inhabitants of such town shall thereupon, by a vote ola majority of the persons qualified to choose town officers. determine upon the sum .01 money which shall be assessed upon the said town the ensuing year, for the purpose aforesaid. The sum so vomd, when raised and collected, in those coun ties where a county poor house, or other place shall have been provid- ed lor the reception ot'the poor, shall be paid to the county treasur- er, and by him placed, to the credit ofthe town; in all other counties. the sum so voted by any town, shall be paid to the overseers ol the poor thereof. § 56. the ovorsccrs ol‘ the poor in the cities 0! Albany, Hudson, Troy and Schenectady, shall lay their books before, and render their accounts to the common councils of the said ctties respectively, from time to time, as shall be required. The common Councils of such of the said cities shall be liable for the support ol their own poor, shall yearly, determine the sum of money to be raised in such cities. re- spectively, for the support of the poor for the ensuing year; a certifiâ€" ed copy of which shall be laid be- fore the board ol'supervisors of the county, who shall cause the same to be assessed, |evied,collected and paid to the county treasurer. § 57. The accounts of the over- seers ol the poor, and of justices of the peacefor any personal or ollici- al services rendered by lhem,in re- lation lo 1he poor, shall be audited and settled by the board ol supervi- sors, and the sums thus audited and allowed. shall be paid by the eounly treasurer; and if such ser- vices were rendered in behall of any town liable to support its own poor, the same shall be charged to such town. No allowance for time or services shall be made to any offi- cer for attending any board with any aoeounlstr the purpose ofhav- ing the same auditel or paid. § 58. Any person who shall send carry, transport, remove on bring, or who shall cause to be sent, carried, transported,brought or removed, any noor or indigent per- son, from any oily,town, or county, to any other city, town, or county, without legal authority, and there leave such poor persons, with in- tend to make any such city town.or county to which the removal shall be made hhargeable with the sup- port of such pauper, or who shall in- tipe any such poor person so to re- move with such intent. shall forfeit fifty dollars, to be recovered by and in the name of the overseer .of the poor of the town to which ’such pauper shall be brought or re- moved, or in the name of the su- perintendents of the poor of the From the Statutes of the State of New York. Continued from our last. § 54. In those counties Where the respective towns are made liable for the support of' their poor, it shall be the duty of the town clerk to exhibit at the annual town-meeting, the accounts for the support of the poor therein, the preceding year as the same shah have been allowed and passed by the board of thn auditors, which accounts shall be openly and distinctly read by the clerk of the meeting ; and the overseers of the poor Shall also present an estiâ€" mate of the Sum which they shall deem necessary to supply any deficiency of the preceding year, and to provide for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. STATE OF NEW YORK! I love the ocean’s flowing tide That tosses friend or foe ; I love all true and trusting hearts, 0f either high or low. 1 love our God-created land. Love all with but one choice, And that shall be, as ever was, A wife’s sweet,'gentle voice. I love the music in the air Of feathered songsters sweet ; I love the ripple of the stream That sparkles by my feet, I love sweet nature’s noblest giftâ€"- A woman’strusting:}1eartâ€"â€" The noblest gift bestowed on man, Excelled by manual art. A WIFE. I_love the touch of nature’a breeze That Wafts in sunshine bright ; I love its echo through the trees In the still calm of night. I love the ripple of the wave That splashes in its fallâ€"â€" Ofall things in this world I love 13 a wife’s gentle call. POOR LAW “Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” IN THE RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1867. §. 63. Every county superinten- dent who shall neglect to render any account, or statement to the board ofsupervisors, as herein reâ€" quired, or to pay over any monies, within the time prescribed by law, shall forfeit two hundred and fifty dollars, to be sued for and recoverâ€" ed by and in the name of the coun- ty treasurer. The superidtendents sha‘l also be liable to an action, either jointly, or severally, by the county treasurer,lor all motes which shall be in their hands after the time the same should have been paid over according to law, with interest thereon, at the rate of ten dollars upon the hundred for a Vear from the time when the same should have been paid over. § 62. Upon the service of any such notice of denial the county suâ€" perintendants upon whom the slime may be served, shall, within three months, commence a suit. against the overseers ofthe pocrol the town, or the county superintendents ofthe poor ofthe county, to whom the first notice was directed, or against their euccessors in office, {or the expenses incurred in the support of such pauper, and shall prosecuet the same to eflect; if they neglect to do so, they, their successors, and their county, shall be forever pre- cluded from all claim against the county or town to whose officers such first notice was directed, or anv of their officers, for any expens- es that may have been, or may be, incurred tor the support of sueh pauper. t 60. The county superinten- dents,or the overseers to whom such notice may be directed. shall, with- in thirty days after the service thereof,take and remove the pauper so brought or enticed, to their county or town, and there support him, and pay the expenses of such notice, and of the support ot such pauper; or they shall, within the said time, by a written instrument under their hands, notifv the coun- ty superintendents from who msuch notice was received, or either of them, that they deny the allegation of such improper enticing or re- moval, or that their town is liable for the support of such pauper. § 61. lfthere shall be a negleel ‘to take and remove such pauperl and also to notify such denial,with' in the time above prescribed, the said county superintendents and oversrers respectively,whose duty it was so to do, their successors, and their respective counties or towns, shall be deemed to have acquiesced in the allegations contained in ‘ such first n»-.tice, and shall be for- ever precluded from contesting the same ; aid their counties and town respectively, shall be liable for the expenses oftlte support of such, pauper, which mav be sued for and recovered, from time to time, by the county superintendents in- curring the said expenses, in ac- tions against the superintendents of the poor of the county, or the over- seers of the poor of the town, as the case may be, so liable for such ex~ pcnscs. § 64. If any person shall bring, or remove, or came to be brought, or removed, any poor or indigent person, or lunatic, without a pro- lector,from any place without this state to any place within it, and there leave, ‘ or attempt to leave, such person, he shall forfeit and pay seventy-five dollars for every such person, to be sued for and reCOVered by and in the name of the poor of the city or town into which such pauper may have been brought; and moreover shall be obliged to convey such pauper out § 59 The pauper so removed, brought, or enticed, shall be main- tained by the county superintem dents oi the county where he may be They may give‘ notice to either of overseers of the poor ofthe town from which he was brought or en- ticed, if such town be liable for his support ; and if there be no town in the county from whtch he was brought or enticed, liable for his support, then to either of the county superintendents of the pear of such improper removal, and requiring them forthwith to take charge of such pauper. county into which the said poor per- son shall be .temoved ; and shall, moreover be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be imprisoned not exceeding six months, or fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court. § 74. \Vhenever any town shal have any monies raised for the support of the poor. invested in the name ofthe overseers of the poor of such town, the said overseere shall eontinueto have the control thereof. and shall apply the interest arising therefrom. to the support ofthe poor of their town, so long as such town shall be liable to sup- port its own pcor ; and if the town snail be relieved from the liabili- ty to support its own poor, by a vote of the supervisors ofthe county the monies so raised and invested, shall be applied to the payment ol such taxes upon the town, as the inhabitants thereof shall, at an an- nual town, meeting, determine. l § '73. In those counties where county poor-houses may be estab- lished. the superintendents may provide for the support of paupers that may be idiots, or lunatics, out of such poor-house, in such man- ner as shall be'st promote thr- in- terests ot the county, and conduce to the comfort and recovery ofsuch paupers. §72.Every poor house,almâ€"housc, or other places provided by any city, town or county, for the re- ception and support of the poor, and all real and personal property whatever, belonging to or connect- ed wrth the same, shall be exempt from all assempled and taxation, levied either by the state, or by any town or village ; and the keeped of every poor- house. almsâ€"house, or other place provided as aforesaid, shall be exempt from all service in the miliua, from serving on Juries. and from all assessments for labor on the highways. § 71 Where, by virtue of anv special act of the legislature. any one or more towns have nrecled a town poor-house, the same shall be continued, and the poor ofsuch towns respeclively, may be sup- ported [herein by the overseers of the poor of the town. § 75. It shail be the duty of the superintend‘enls oflhe poor of eve- ry countv in 1his state. during the month of December, in each year, to report to the secretary of state,in such from as he shall direct, the number 01 paupers that have been relieved or supported in such coun- §69. If there be not sufficient monies in their hands to satisfy such allowances, the same shall be paid as other towns charges. § 67. In auditing the accounts of the overseers of the poor, by the board of town auditors, allowance shall be made to them, lor all costs to which they may have been sub- jected, or which shall have been recovered against them,in any suit brought by them pursuant to law ; and they shall also be allowed the same daily pay, for attending to any such suit, as is allowed them for the performance oftheir official duties. § 68. Such allowances may be credited ,to them, in their accounts for monies collected for penalties, and may be deducted from such monies ' and the balance of such penalties shall be paid to their suc- cessors in office, or to the county treasurer, as directed by law. in re- spect to such penalties. §70. Where, by the existing laws, any poor persons are main- tained by any county. or by two or more towns, they shall continue to be so maintained. § 66. Whenever it shall be made to appear to the satisfadtion of any overseer of the poor, either up- on eomplaint‘ or otherwise, that a penalty has been incurred by the violation of any provisions contain- ed in the statutes of this state, which such overseers is directed by law to collect, it shall be his duty immediatelyto commence a suit for such penalty. and to prosecute the same diligently to effect. § 65. All penalties imposed by this Title. shall be {or the benefit of the poor; when recovered, they shall be paid to the County trea- surer, and by him credited to the town by whose officers they have been collected, if such town be liable for the support of its ownpoor or to the county, when collected by the county. superintendents ; il not paid by the persons collecting the same, when demanded by the county tresurcr, he may maintain an action therefor, in his name of office. I of the state, or support him at his own CXPCHSBx § 1.All idle persons who not hav- ing vistble means to maintain themselves, live without emplov- ment; all persons wandering abroad and lodging in taverns, groceries, beerâ€"houses out-houses, market- places, sheds or barns, or in the open air, and not giving a good ac- count of themselves; all persons wandering abroad and begging, or who go about from door, or place themselves in the streets high- ways. passages, or other public places, to big or receive alms,shall be deemed vagrants. OF BEGGARS AND GRANTS. §78, Any superintendent, sup- ervisor, or clerk, who shall neglect or refuse to make such reports, alt- stracts, or copies aforesaid, or who shall wtllully malse any talse re- port, abstract, or copy, shall forfeit one hundred dollars, to be recover- ed by the district attorney of the county, in the name of the people of this state, and to be paid into the county treasury, for the benefit of the poor thereof. The secretary of state shall give notice to the dis- trict attorney of the ccunty,of every such neglect or misconduct; and it shall be the duty of the district attorney, on receiving such notice. or in any way receiving statisfac- tory information of such neglect or misconduct. to prosecute for the re- covery at such penalties. § 79. The secretarv of state shall annually lay before the legislao tule, during the first month of its session, an abstract of the said re- turns and reports. § 3. If suchjustrcc or or other officer be satisfied by the confession of the offender, or by competent testimonyfitat such person is vagr- ant,withinttre description aforesaid, he shall make up and sign a record of conviction thereof, which shall‘ be filed in the office at the clerk of‘ the county ; and shall, bv warrant under his hand, commit sueh va- grant, if he be not notorious offend- er, and be a proper object for su‘ch‘ relief, to the county peer-house, it there be one, or to the alnwhouse 0r poorâ€"house of such town or city. ‘ for any time not exceeding six" months. there to be kept at hard labor; or if the offender be an im- proper persons to be sent to the poor-house, then he shall be com- mitted to the bridewell or house of correction ot such city or coun- ty, ifthere be one, and if none, to the commonjail of such county, {or a, term not exceeding sixty days, § 2. II shall be the duty of everv constable or other pcaee offiCPr, whenever required by and per-eon, lo carrv such vagrant before a jus- tice of the peace of the same town, or belore the mayor, n'cn‘der, or any one of the alderman of the city in which such vegram shall he, lor the purpose of examination. §77. The said abstracts shall be delivered by the clerk of the board of supervisors, to the County superintendents, to be included by them] in their report aforesaid. TERMS $1 100 11 Advance. § 76. ltshall be the duty of the supervisors of every town in those counties where all the poor are not acounty charge, to report to the clerk of the board of supervisors. within fifteen days after the account ofthe Overseers of the poor have been settled by the board of town auditors, in each year, an abstract of all such amounts for the preced- ing year, which shall exhibit the number of paupcrs that have been relieved or supported in such town the precedingr year, specifying the number of county paupers, and of town paupers, the whole ex- pense of such support, and specify- ing the allowance made to over- seers, justices, constables", or other officers, and an) other items which shall not comprise any part of the actual expense of maintaining the paupers. ty the preceding. year, distinguish- ing the number at county paupers from the number ol town paupers, it" any ; the whole expenses ofsuch support,specifying the amount paid ‘lor transportation of paupers, and any other items which do not com- pose any part. or the actual expense of maintaining the paupers, and the allowance made to superintenâ€" dents, overseers, Justices, keepers and officers; the actual value of the labor ofthe paupers maintained and the estimated amount saved in the eXpense of their support, in consequence of their labor. Whole No.4fiil FATERNAL AFFCTION.â€"If friendship be delightful if it be above all delightful to enjoy the continued friendship of those who are endeared to us by the in- timacy of manyiyears, who can disbourSL WithouSVOlelainlieinP £11: cclxcai, 4', the adventures and studies of the college, of the years when we first ranked our- selves With men in the free society of the world, how delightful must be the friend ship of those who, nccom anying ‘us through long period, with caser union than any casual friend, can go still farth: or back, from the school. to the very nursery which ‘witnessed our common pastimes ; who have had an interest in every event that has related to us» and in ever ' person that has excited our love or our liatred ; who have honored with 115 those to WhOm We have paid every filial honour in life, and wept with us oVer those whose death has been, to hit the most lasting: sorrow of our hearisi Such, in its wide unbroken sympathy, is the friendship of' brothers, considered even as friendship only; and how many circumstances of additional inerest does this union receive from the Common ‘ i‘e‘e lationship to those who have original claims to our still higher regird, and 20 whom we owe an acéeptieble service, :1 extending our affection to these when they love I Every dissension of man wirh man excites in. us a feeling of pain- ful in congruity; But we feel a peculiar melancholy in the discord of those whom one roof has continued to shelter during life, and whose dust is afterward to be mingled under a single stone. TRADE wr'rn rm: Lownn Provmcgsz~A meeting of merchants and prominent citizens was held at the board of Trade Roonis on Wednesday last, which was fairly attended the object being to form an association for the purpose of establishing a line of steam communication between Quebec and the Lower Provinces. The object is one of the most direct importance to the welfare and prosperity of this port, and one in which ever ' one should endeavour to lend a. helping handv; but fortunately for Quebec, in this instance as most others,the men who thrust themselves forward into such movements" lose Sight ofthe pnhlic interests in, fife en- deavour to advance their civil selfish views: Want of time prevents us from entering 38' fully into the mutter as we intend. and will do another time. Let us, however, beg of the promoters of the scheme. to show their“ sincerity by subscribing a‘s'ufl‘icient amnpnt at once of st'ock,- in keeping with‘in‘ t'hléif~ Why does a. donkey prefer thistles to com Yâ€"Because he’s an ass: W hat’s the difference between n" honey? comb and a honeymoon: ?â€"Tbe h'ohey-‘ comb consists of a, lot of little cells,"a{z<‘_la the honeymoon of one great sell. means, and not allow thé project to fall’- througlron the ground of public apathv. This ha‘s‘been the death of all former enter-' prises originating»here.-â€"Quebec’Ncwéy 23. Why is ahen walking like a horribla- murder ?â€"Becauscit’s a fpwl proceedr Why is the Duke ofWellingéon‘s Statue} in front of the Royal Exchange” in London, like a farmer’s wif‘e ?â€"-’Bgaea.u'sc it’s always looking up ‘the’ Poultry.’ What relatxon is the .eidomat to the- scraper 7â€"It’s a step fafii‘fihevg. REMAIIKABLE FAMILY GATHER- tNG.-â€"'l‘he correspondent of a Con- necticut paper tells the following canoe-dole :-~â€"'Mr. and Mrs Oren Cle- veland. formerly of Winstead, Con- necticut. removed to Ohio in 1839. They buried their eldest child in VVinstead, in March, 1809. and all ofthe others, nine in number. sur- vive, nor has there been a death in their Immediate lamily forlhe long period 0(57 years. The aged pa- rent's, partners during 60 years, ‘have fortwelm years past had a strong desire to see their children all together once mare on the shares oftlme. Time. in its caurSe, had brought six of the nine children to reside within forty miles of the par- ential home. Three were still liv~ ing ‘ at the cast’â€"â€"one in New Hartford. Litchlord county; one in New Haven; and one at Long llsland, N, Y. The three made a- ,{iying journey to Huntsville, Geau- ga county, Ohio, and on the 24th at‘ September celebrated the birthday of the mother she being 8]. The father wasSl last May. A bounti‘ ful dinner being prepared for the occasion, they all sat down, eldest by eldestâ€"the eldest child being 58. and the youngest 35. All Were grey more Or less; yet the last time they met, at the marriage ol'the elda est child, not one had a grey hair but that was 3lf'years ago. The mother and eldest son had not met before in 28 years. How do we know that fowls have 110 future existence ‘Iâ€"Becg'xrfle they havo‘ their next world (the’if necks twirlod) in‘ this. ' §2 If any child shall be lound begging for alms, or soliciting cha- rity from door to door; or in any street. highway, or public place of any city or town, any justice of the peace, on complaint and prouf thereof. shall commit such child to the county poor-house, ifthere be one, or to the alms-lM-use or other place provided for the support of the poor, there to be detained, kept, employed and instructed in such useful labor as such child shall be able to perform, until discharged therefrom by the county superim tendcnts of the poor. or bound out as an apprentsce by them, or” by the comtnissionersvfthe alm-house at the oversee-ts of the poor. there to be kept. if the Justice think proper so to direct, upon bleed and water only. for such time as shall be directed, not exceeding one halt the time for which he shall be committed.

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