Blunkefs, Shawls, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Collaretts, Dress Goods, Cobourgs, .Winceys, Twecds. Flannols, Skiltings, Ladies and Gent’s Lamb-skin Caps, Under Shirts, and Ready-made Claflzing. r 'v - 's? ‘ a a § ‘1): :71. ’35 Flour, Bran and Shorts kept constantly on hand. Elgin Mills, Juduary 17. 1860. $5 A.NE§VT@N Village Property -At Richmond Hill. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- lowing Hope“; :â€" l’nrt of Li)! No 30. on 2nd Cun. Vaughan. cbmaiuing 625 ach" ; also. 6,1116% 9mm We 0 R00 KE RY. The largest and best assortment of Cr‘éckery on Richmond Hill, Cheap at Cheap Provision 5101's, Richmond Hill, Jan. 18. 1866. 6.8 STEPHEN WILLIAMS, EEPS always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton. lmmb. Veal, Pork, Sausages, a“, and sells at low prices. The Highest nmrket': price given for Cattle Sheep, Lambs 5m. Richmond Hill,_March I4, 1867. Successor to James Holliday. BUTC H E R. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store, RICHMOND HILL, Richmond II'I‘J. Sept. 1. IECG. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. \‘VlilGHT. $523224 58 1 $"3"24 58 We, the undersigned, duly appointed Audito‘s for the Municipality of Vaughan, for the year 1866, beg to state that we have carefully examined the . y. . . . Books and accounts (-t he lreasuxer, have compared the Vouchers With entries in the Cash Book, and ï¬nd them to correspond; we also balanced the Cash Book to this date, and found the balance of Cash in the Baal; as per pass bookâ€"and Cash on hand to correspond with the balance as shown by the Cash Book. J The statements of Assets and Liabilities, and Receipts and Expenditure for the year 1866, are also correct. We beg to Call the attcrition ot'the Council to the fact that three of the (, ollcctors were in arrears of taxes on 31st Dec. 1886, which renders it im ossible to'state what portion of Dog tax is collected for those Wards, and we have therefore only entered among the Receipts the amounts received fiibm the remaining two Wards. > . Also the non-returns ot' the Collectorsw Rolls, renders it impossible to compare the entries in the Ledger, with the actual amounts of the Rolls. As a case in point, the Treasurer had entered the amount of the Roll in Ward 4: for 1865, in his Ledger $.20 4-2 more than the actual amount of such Roll, which was only detected by him, after the last audit, and when he received the Roll from the Collector. The excess of Expenditure over Recolpts, is also partly attributable to the same cause, so that payments had to be made from money on hand. Theabovc 110101“. 15 a correct statement, to the best of our knowledge and belief, - T:’\TT\V \r I Inthan x LAND FOR SALE. Balance of Non-remdent Taxes Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . Amount overdmwn by Secï¬on ‘ Do do do Do do do Do ‘ (14 do "Do ' do do Do do do Do do do Total amount of Clergy Reserve Balance of unpaid taxes for 1800, due lector in Ward N0. 1 . . . . . . Do do Waer No. 2 . . . . . . Do do Ward No. 3 . . . . . Cash in Bank ï¬nd 111 hand . . ‘ . . . . City of Toronto lmbenunes For. . . . County of Bruce Debenmres for. . . County of Middlesex Debentures for Balance of Loan due from Section do do At WILLIAM ATKINSON'S Received from Collectors. balance of taxes for 1865 . . . . . . do do Taxes for 1865, in part. .10946 34 do (10 Doc; tax, in part . . . . . . . . 265 00 do Interest on Loan 1mm Section N0. 5. . . . 51 44 do‘ do from Section N0. 18. . . 24 26 Dr do Tavern Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do Shop Lincenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do Interest............: . . . . . . . . . . do from Receiver General . . . . . . . . . . do Fines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , . .. do Non‘rcsidcnt tax , . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do paid to Township Treasurer. Excess of Expenditure over Rcccipw. . . . . . . Abstzact of the Receipts and Expenditure, and A SSCIS and Liabilities of thé"l‘0\xvl’i-'_ ship OI Vaughan, for the year 1866. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 17 cents per lb. paid for- Fresh Butter in 1b. rolls. Vaughan, February 21nd 1867. DRY gmmmgï¬g E‘or'Cush, WK†be nHowed on the balance of then- lcnttax Ito Township Treasurer.............. lure overRcccipw.................... Receipts. CONSISTING 0F Assets. notaccounled for by Coquty No. No. No. No. No. No. A'O. OF 11 1‘2 16 17 18 21 A '1‘ FARM FOR SALE, Being lot No 48, ls; Con. Vaughan, in the Village of Richmond Hill, lxlonging to the estaxu of the late Mr. John Liut'oot. The farm contains 88 acres, and is considered one of the best Wheat growing farms in the countv of York. For further particularsiapply to P.‘ Crosby Esq., Richmond Hill, or to Wm Liufoot Buttonville. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 35. lt‘uzot sold it will be to Rent on the lat ApriL > Will be sold cheap or exchanged for a smaller place as part payment. HAIR, TEETH, SWIM}. AND Paint Brushes 2 FOR SALE BY R. H. HALL, Chemist and Druggiat Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 35 Fund, . . . form Cul- EXOIâ€"IANGE. 5276 G5 IGUO 00 1200 00 305 00 266 00 189 48 13:3 53 1 1 22 34 $2322.; $162517 36 18647 66 11287 04 1000 00 192 50 1178 07 425 20 42 60 25 43 1507 14 2522 75 1494 63 504 04 670 74 42 99 coxzsmmly kept on hand. ‘i‘he best brands of \Vill be fouud, in his cellar 5. Port and Sherry \Vines on Draftflal! of which he Sells reasonable for Cash or shark approvud credit. ELGIN MILLS, FEB. 12, 1866; . @QEREE% E Eire-ma? gm, mm M. Cami @2535 3% £62353" per gaiion. NOEV ES THETIME Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill, February 6, 1867. Mulch m. 1867 Andersnn Wm Burns James ‘5 Burns James Cmnboll Jane (Hark Peter Dewsburrv Henry Derham Richard Deadmnn John Gram George Healy WiIliam fioyes Mrs Hum Henry J1. Gin. Cannot be surpassed, for Chonpnees and excc-chcv. Flour. Feed and Provisions coxzsmmlv kept on hand. The best brands of SPRING EMF 6R TAT! OENS. Sales made for Cash or approved Credit. Balance due School Section No Do Do Do D0 D3 Do Do do do do do do do do N0 No N0 N0 No. No No. Paid appropxiation on Roads and Bridges do do do do do do do do do (10 do do Suiary due Inspector for Ward No. 5 - - . . . I’eieentage due Collectors- 4 . . . , _ Amount due School Sectinos, being Interest from Reserve Fund - - . . _ _ _ _ . Amount from C.crgy Reserve Fund overdmwu in purchase of Debentures - . . - _ ‘ . _ Amount due to Walter Fletcher, for loss of Sheep by Dows Balance of Assets mer Liabilities ‘ - . if Appropriation for Roads and CRGCKERY, HARDWARE, List of Letterq. do To Pumhasc CH EA F†GOODS do Interest from Clergy Reserve fund. . . For County Debentures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Solcctoxs of Jurms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim for loss of Sheep . . . . . , . . . . . .. . . . . . CountyTax.............. Incidental expenses. . . . . . . Chm-1mth pulposes . . . . . . . {eturneu Taxes . . . .. . . . Salaries, Councillms. . . . Assessor .. . .. Inspectors . . . . . . . Returning Ollicers Audi.ors.. . . . . . . . Clerk 8.7 Tleasmer Collectors’ per centage. . . . School sections’ assessments At a small advance on Cost, to make room for M: TEEFY. RM . Intends Sailing the remainder of in: Stock of. Lynn Ben Morin 'l‘hos McKay Donald McMurrny Mary McGee Edmund (3) ()‘Horne John Rankin James Railh '1‘. S. Stephenson Gouge Simpson James Tanison Arthur VVesl Jane JOHN NATTRESS J. 1’. RUPERT &C. 8m. 8w. Expenditure. DEALER IN Liabilities Bridges mlexpended in Wald No.1. . \Vard N0. 2 . . Ward No. 3. . Wald N0. 4. . Ward N0. . Earristcr auh mttnrxth-at-ï¬aw SOLICITOR IN CHANUERY, &c OFFICEâ€"NO 4, British America. Insurance Buildings, corner of Church & Court Streets Toronto, Nov. 28, 1866. 26 DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lat 510, 2nd conceniou Markham MALLOY7S AXES RICHARD GRAHAME, Audilo 1‘3. 81.57 21 76 102 01 540 52 FOR SALE BY 49 28 9 #Hmwm 34 88 53 97 39 09 14 33 $161317 36 ‘ 349 06 42 00 20468 18 {RS 1254 00 50 00“ 22 00 12 00 320 00 197 86 4587 82 1193 00 2559 00 15 00 10 00 370 00 490 20 540 16 226 16 642 86 3968 00 318 It) 389 15 82 44 64 50 1-10 00 TORONTO. 801 19 d 24 8 (J0 176 01 Cr. orner of King & Yonge 'l‘O RONTO. M0 NEE T0 LOAN His stock will [)3 found, on inspection, to ba ofexcelleut quality. complising the usual as- sorlmeut generally kept in And will be sold For Cash or on short approved Credit: Aslov’v as prudence will suggest. 2y f'nir dFaling, small proï¬ts, and strict atâ€" llanlim to the v‘ants‘uf those who may favor him will] Ihoir custom, he hopes {a merit, and obtain areasonable share of the public patron. flgfl. November 9. 1566 VALUABLE PROPERTY AGOOD Dweliing House. Barn. Stable, 1. Dxiviug House, ‘a‘OOd House. and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there Is a quarter of an acre of an Orchaxd of healthv young noesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. (-‘oesehun'ies, &c. The above Pawerty is situated in the centre of the village. Will be sold cheap for cash. A NICE assortment of Winter Coats and Pants, in Tweed, Full Cloth, D00 Ienverand Broad Cloth, in new styles, thoroughly well out and made, and will be sold Richmond Hill, Feb. 21 1867. 0N Saturday Morning, the 213t inst, 29 ACRES flF LANE i more or less. all cleared except about 21) acres of Bush pasture. There is enacted on the premises With Out Buildings. two never-failing streams of waterâ€"one running through each lot, with \Vells and ‘l’umps and other cuuvenieuces, Possession given on the 1st dnyof April. 1867. For furlherpurticulars apnh to Thumns Sedman, Richmond “ill. or to John Garlon, on the premises. Richmond Hill. Feb. 25, ’67. 4 A Firstâ€"H333 Enunhy STORE! To make room foi- tho Spring Goods, call and examine at W. S. Pollock, Late 0 BE RENTED, for alarm ofyears, the whole of the vaiuab‘wo estate of Mr. BARNA LYON. being Lot No.36, in the Is! concession of Vaughan, better known as Cook's Corners, Youge st_eel, coutuimng A. 5.5,W MILL! TWO HOMESTEADS! With 1113 mom extensive Stock Straw & Fek Huts, Skating Hats, Ludios’ Bonnc.s, Feathers, Ribbons, Flowers, Velvets, Vuils. &c. &c. Ladies’ Bonnets 85 flats HE undorsignnd begs leave to intimate 10 the inllnbitalus of Mmkham and Whit church &c , 1,1qu he has opened A NEW STGRE! For further particulars app! 3* to M. TEEFY Es.. ar P, UKUSB Y, an . Richm and HIâ€, Ianuary H. 1867. {:8 Cleaned and Allered to flu; latest style. Stamping and Machine Embroidery done. Gent’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. Two 110013110111) of G. A, Bummds Store. 311:5. W. H. REYERS New Millinery Show Baum ! Markham, I’eb.8. 1867. MAME and DRESS MAKERS. Eheap Un’ï¬er Boats and Pants FARM ‘TO RENT. 0n Lot No. 3|.rear of the 4111mm Markham, with an Gum'er new stock of Gocds. @flmeflzmg New Village oflï¬chnwnd EEill, .For Sale. Richmond Hill. Nov, 91865 - Trimmed and Altered In the latest style. and on the shone: Riuhmend Hill Nov. 2'! ’56 At or Abmit Cosygl’ricc CHEAP BOOTS I Ban n 01.3, Felt 8'. Straw Hats BEGS to announce tn the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vlcinily. that he has 0.) hand quite a large and well assorted Sim-k of Lady’s. (ients,1\Iissesaud Boys Boots and Shnea, suitabha for the prN‘unl season. which will be offered low for cash. Particulars atlemiou paid to custom work in all its Branches as heletmhre. Richmond Hill. Oct. ‘24. ’66 MQNEY T0 LENE . I , I Can he xvrocured, In sums to smt borrowers. on Landed security. Terms made known on personal application] to $20,010.03 N.B. Deeds, Murigages. WINS. Bonds. &c. 611:, drawn with nentnem and tier-patch.â€" M. T. continues to ad. as Duns,on COURT AGENT. Fees moderma‘ Richmond Hi‘AI, Nov.28. 1866. On Improved Real Estate, I’PIY to Mr. \VARMOI.L. of VAN- KoUGHNm & \VARMULL, Barristers, &c. J}: REES VEERNEY HE Undcrsigned is authorized to state tha! Misées M. & .A. Rontlidge, M. TEEFY, 0N LANDED SECURITY. In working order . also, AI‘YD RUBBERS. \VILL OPE HER G- A. BARNARD- N THE Notary Public, Agent. &c. J. GORMLEY. Streets, 36 1 holica 23 Harness ? Richmomi Eï¬ilï¬ ï¬abinei Esiaéï¬ishment N returning thanks for the voxy Iibrral suppml lee has received since commencing _ business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly incu-as- ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at And ofihe best Material and \Vorkmnnship. AI] Wonk ix: VVnnzmtcd to give pm‘foct snliaflc- (ion. We are conuautly adding to -ur mock (){Bools and Shoes 0“ our n.m.ufactuw, “hick will be 0p etosip’l‘cmpernnce St; [T O R O N T O, EGS ‘0 announce to flue inlwllimnts of the County of York and Ihose in the neighborhood of Richmond 1111! in particular, [hat [:6 has added to his .5. tuck of Wm. HARRESGN’S MEN’S, WOMEN’S M‘éB' EHILBHEN’S BOOTS AND SHOES 0C? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Torento, TORONTO, 50‘». 13, 1865. 51,3“ lncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedatcads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dresting Stands. Was Slands, Sic. Sac. Also :1 large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. \Vhite Liad Paints and Colors, Raw and lioalod’Linseed Oils. _Machine Oil, ’mck Oil. Varnish 'l‘urperline, Benzmle,Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. &c. l’arlles Furnishing, l’upering, or Painling thenr Houses. will do well to call bel‘ove PlllClla‘lllg el>e\\ll('l‘e. Also BOOTS AND SHOES, Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store! HARDWARE and. CBOCKERY Richmond Hill. November 9, 1866. Where he keeps on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and When ordering please stu!e_deplh of We†nr Cistc Ha. A few more County Rights for THE ENDELEEEEAE ENCIL,‘ ADKPHJD MR ALL DEPTHS. "uuum um Styles, for FALL AWE WINTER Wear. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FURNE’EI‘URE! TH®@. CQGâ€"HLAN good assortment of Trunks always on hand, A nice assortment, good and cheap. [10 would also call attention to his SINGLE '(u‘um HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. FOR MARKING LINEN.FOR SALE AT \ l; H v ‘ ‘ ‘., 1‘ ‘ I“ ' ‘ 1 1‘ q‘ . q 11, 1 3| “huzu‘ulm Wm "Mum" 41' m: t d MW “W†“dumb†“‘Jfln‘m “ " Q For Cash, at Pricesflflml cannot be surpaaaed. No. 133 Yongc tin-cot, A compk‘te assortment 01' the most desll‘nblo And is pxepared to make to omur all kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, First Prize RICHMOND HILL. CHARLES l’O‘VELL, Patentee and Proprietor" NEWTON BROOK, C.W for sale 64 Siaruess! DQUBLE