year, 4 But one little year past, when we two V, were roaming I ‘ . With hand locked in hand‘ by the still ._ solemn mere. » V . '_‘ Have you, love, forgotten that night and, ~ ' those pledges, . . ' Half whispered, half sobbed, ’neath that calm summer sky ? While still in my ear faintly shiver the . .sedgesv , 'A'n'd‘ still the low plasli- of the Waters sounds night. , when we partéd, ‘Iï¬wns good-bye to me and to trouble 0;- care -. v ‘9 A‘sigh‘ and a tear; a poor Boy, broken- hearted, Mattered not, for what feelings had you then to spare ? It was nothing to you that my best hopesm . were shattered, ' For you knew all the time .that you meant ’ we must part : Did you think with fair words I should ever feel flattered, . From lips feigning truth with-such ness at heart? I w Alï¬loygly and lostpne’, I‘ lurk in ,the gloom- m g , Add umik of ope midsummer twilight last Now blame not dyour husband,i- nor think your use badly. ‘ For ’twas simply a. matter of money and‘ trade ; :-_f‘You named him your ï¬gure, he paid it ‘ most gladly, But your heart was no‘ part of the bar- gain he made. mwanted a, wife who could well head his table, Who would humor his whims and obey his behests. » 40m lovely. and clever, one willing and able-N; , To prove his good taste and to talk to his guest. There are times when {midst riches and splendor you languishâ€" r~ When to still your pocr conscience you _ . fmitlessly tryâ€" V'Whilst tears are fas: falling m bitterest - angmsh, ' Ybu confess there is something that r» H ,mcxney can’t buy. ‘Yés, like. there are mem’ries that will not T." eburied. Thï¬Ã©â€™s a ghost of the dead past that will _ “of. be laid : JPmH «while in the Maelstrom of pleasurer * you’re hurried, V {Do you never meet the and eyes of the shade ‘I reflections, I ï¬nd they talk more of your wealth than of you ; .And ifyou have moments of thought or > dejection, I't‘may be those moments are 'known but to few. , You’ve aboudoir iu buhl, and an Emmi a ueue. love, You (loreakfast oï¬â€˜ Savers of the real blue ‘33“.1301: ; While flat could I give you, whose __ heart was so true, love, Save that poor posy ring, with its Pensez a moi ‘2 "I‘m as all over betvygen us, you thought They tellflmeyou’re happy; and yet, on xHE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Customers and Friends for their liberal support during the pest nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared to mattul'aclureBoets and Shoes ofevery deselip~ tions from the best materials. and after the most fashionable style. He hopes by strict at- tention to business, cntnhined with moderate prices to ensure a continuance of their favour. All orders attended to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Ceosln‘s ate stand. Support Hume M'anufactmes! WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO JAMES ‘ERNEY. Richmond Hill, June 1511856. 5:! 3m W ‘ Masonic aud other Emblems made to order. Toronto, Auril 27, 1866. 47. PmpeHing 81 Bepelling Pencil, With Ho] ‘h & Knife, AT SCOTT’S RIC M 0ND HILL Wood. Wanted. { ROM 50 to 100 Cards of Green and Dry Beech and an]e,lo be delivered in To! onto during the winter. Appiy m the Herald Ofï¬ce, Richmond HUY. 69 W. VVHARIN &, CO. Waiches. cloaks, and Jewelry The Mtenlion of'he Public is imvted to their Stock, censisting of a great variety of Cure?“l alhnu’ml given to Watches anrl- Cinckn Jew and Rulmirod. CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Nn. M. King Street East, 0 doors east of Yongs Slroet. Toronto, April 26. l866. Family & Church Bibles Oflhe bes.‘ desm‘ipriou and newest designs. AT SCOTT’S,RTCHMOND HILL AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL :Si'CHOOL BGOKS ELEC’I‘RO-PLA’I‘ED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &.c. Mal-Had for Monev. J. SEGSWORTH, IMPORTEHS AND DEALERS IN meta). KN EVERY VARIETY. AT Low PRICES, IMI’ORTER OF n In the’repniring of Jewelry nmuufactured Day Books, &c. 8m. AT SCOTT’D‘ RICHMOND HILL. Skies uilended' on the shortest notice' and on reasonable terms. 35 The Cmmercial H otel. First class Stabling and careful aflendancg.â€" ‘I‘erms moderate. “ Toronto, F'B‘bw‘i, 1866. 36 JOHN CARTER, ‘LI‘CENSED AUCTIONEER OR the Counties of York, l’ecl tarlo. Residence : Lot. 8, 6th 01 Markham. I‘ostfï¬ceâ€"Unionville. H, LEMON, PROPRIETOR. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Residenceâ€"â€"Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. P,0.Addressâ€"â€"Bmtonville. Partios requiring Mr. Sanders’ou’s services cun make arrangemems at the HERALD ofï¬ce. Toronto, July 20, 1865. Juuuary 4. 1565. Counties of York and Peel. W. G: 6.. calls at all the Stores between Toronte nud"I1‘j2bh‘gï¬ond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Con'fedlionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. ~ Sqles attended to with promptitude. J. GORMLEY. ‘ .I. FERRJS, W. G. CASTELL CONFECTIONARY I GORMLEY & FERRIS Licensee' Auctioneers: Lnndun Fire Assurance company, Gormley. P.0. War‘kham, Jan. 4, 1865. Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0. ' AVING hue“ appointed Agent {or this Company,one of the oldest and mos; reliable English Companies,l will be happy to affect assurance against Loss or damage by Firempon eveiy description of The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurorglearkham and . Richmond Hill. Rulnnond Hill. March I4Lh. DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. 5-, 95 King Street East, Toronto, BEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional sarvicos in order to preserve their teeth, or ralieve sufl'er'mg and supply new teeth in [he must approvedstylo. Alsolo regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. GLOUCESTER no USE, YONGE STREET, Jos- Gaby, Proprietor. Good Stablng and an anemive has always 11 attendance. Februan’ 5. 1866. AG ENTS WANTED. $159,313}: MONTH. Wilh immvdinte payment of all Losses. Tun. GRANITE STATE Family sewian Muchine is now presented to the people 1 nfCanada possessing till the improvements ‘ that can be well conï¬ned in asewingmachine. It will ac'complish every descxiption of sewing except button holes, from an overcoat dowu to the linvst silks and muslins This machine sells for only SIS, and is rea.'l_v worth $50, in any family. Every mechino warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three yet-rs.â€" All machines Sold in Canada are manufacture at the c0~npnn§"s hrnnch manufactory in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions. snnt express free on receipt ofgle’in a registered letter. Full printh directions arcompuny each machine. so plain that a child iwelve Years of age can learn to work one successfully in a short. time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, No. 7, Royal Exchange, C’ornhill. and No. 7 , Pall Mall, Londen. R. T. BUSH &. (10., Canada Mnnufacfur- ers, H King Street East. 'l'oronto. C. W. New Ofï¬ces in in Great Britain and Canada. London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and 'l‘oronm. June. 1865. P. S.- Good agents wanted in everv part 0 the coman to whom will paid a salary from $50 10 $I50 per month, or a large commission. Terms [0 agents $811!. free to those wishing agencnes. PURE'AND UNADULTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. Turomo ‘Mirnh 23m. 1666; Journals and Ledgers, allvsizes. . Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets,- " Purses, Nelson Street, Toronto. IN G REA'T V-A RIETY, (Late Thomas Coales,) MANUFACTURER 0F FOR THE UN [TED 0F York, Feel and On- 11918, 6th concessml Unionville. P.0. ‘21-y 31 (4â€"11 4l-|_v DR. N. J.PECK’S, Du. chn will be in the following places {prepared to oxtraol teeth with his new up 9m- tua. All other" opermions in ‘Denislrj per'orm- ed in a wokaaulikc manner :â€" EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of Emma SPRAY, which‘ afl‘ects the Tooth only. The tooth and gum suitounding becnme insrnsible with this external agency, when‘tho tooth can be extracted with no pnin, and without endangering the life as in the use of Chioroform. : Aurora........ Newmm'ket Brelsford hotel; 211d _ “ Stoufl’ville.......... . . . . . - 18“! Victoria Square. . . . . . . . . . 20th Thomhill. .. . .. . .....93rd Richmond Hill. . . . . . . . . . .24th Muple...................26Lh Burwick.... .. Kléihburg‘". . . . . Nubleton................30‘h u H u (0‘ In 3‘ u . .'. . . .r. : . 1st ofeacb'month. u I. > n u u u u u .1 Where he will httend to any Business per- taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7,1865. 1-“ ALB UMS From 30 cts, to $6. ' AT SCOT’P’S RICHMOND HILL. ATARRH, Bronchitis. Scrofula. Liver and thncy Diseases, Nature’s Remedials from P‘ams. DAVID MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Leased the above Hole! and ï¬tted it up in u’munnor second to none on Yonge S! where he will keep constantly on hand '3 good supply ofï¬rst-class Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation T1 avellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can End evory comfort are respoclfullyinvilod to put up at this oslublishmeul. WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, for 60 years proprietor of the Limi’nean Nui- .eries. has discovered P0811 IV!) CURES for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous DEbility. {heu- matism, all Female ‘Maladies, and others re- sulting from impurity of the blood. hitherto incurable. Explanitory circular, one stamp. Treatis on all diseases. 90 cents. 58-4 letographs for ï¬octs doz. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain 3: Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL MITCHEL HOUSE : AURORA. Aurora June 1 .865. HAVING purchased the_ Richmond Hill Line of Sla'ges from Mr. Thomas Cook. 1 will run lhe same from my Hotel, Rich- mond Hill,lo Toronto. starting at hulfopas: 7 o’clock. a.m, and returnng will leave Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson St.. Toronto. at 4 o’clock, p.m. All Parcels or Luggage left at Best’s Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge Street,or at Lemon’s Hotel. Nelson Strnet. Toronto. wille delivered with punctu- ality and at moderate charges. Huvmg de- termined to run the Stage . On Better Time, STAGE S. Which win afford passengers mr‘re time in the City, and keeping attemiva and ucwmmodal- ing Drivers, I. trust to mark lhe patronage of the general public. ROBERT RAYMOND, DEAGUN’S FAMILY MEDIUINES Richmond Hill, Aug. 13. ’66 The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. ' AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above vnlnahie Modi- cines. which haw been berote the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universal saliifnclionâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence, recommend (hundreds of Testimo nials could be given if required, shewing the beneï¬t derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. DEACON‘S FAMILY VEGl'I‘ABi.E PI LLS G. A. BARNARD Act gently yet effactuully: may he taken dur- ing any employment, ’at any lime, and even by the most delicate female. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi‘ cine to brace and invigorate the frame. none can be better. DEACON’S STO M ACHIC V EGITABIJZ BITTERS, A soothing and ï¬stringem npplicxliun ; and, an far as an application mm be of any ssrvice, more scathing and much more uietriugem. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy relief by its use. OR H EAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- nelas. Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilblains. Sore Throat. and violenrsl’ains In Back or Side. the efl'ects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hnors. DEACON’S \VORKING MAN'S FRIEND DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or twa Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture l'or Cholera, Diarrhcea, and Summer Complainls, equal to if not bet. ter than anvolher medicine madeâ€. v DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds. Consu mplion. Asthma. 61c. DEACON’S Antiblllioua Pills. None bet- terin use. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinds 0! sores on Horses and Cattle. ‘ DEACON’S Erupli've Ointment Ign- ,‘all kind ofskin diuases. ‘ RICHMOND HILL, August 10 1865. BIBLE SflCIE’PY DEPOSITORY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL Richmondflillflaï¬ï¬h DEACON’S PI L732 OINTMENT. “313...... ii“. .. l ..-u-....-.--« -. u o... ‘ na...-.. DEACON'S LINIMENT. NEW METHOD 0" Ls! Pf eaclx'month. Proprietor. 3m. IO “BQQK The York Herald Ordnajfor mm- of the undexmonï¬onod depcr‘p “on u: EflLflBEB JllB WflBK BOOKS, EANCY BzLLs, PAMPHLETS AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. ls entirely newbngï¬of "the latest' Imam, lur' Van’er of new FAWN VPORDERS PROMPTLY EXtLUIED For Cards, 5"... just received. ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDb Will he promptly attended to :â€" CHEAP OUR ASSORTM ENT 0? PLAIN And every other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS LUMBER YARD 22 Edwardï¬t. Toronto T0 WAGGON MAKERS 8a FARMERS ALL KINDS OF B E N ‘1' S TEU' F LUMBER &~.=Wlll]ll KNIGHT & SflLD, ‘ANDISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0E ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW ' FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES! Sashés, Doors, Blinds, mis “ERQEEEEEES As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDOBIFIO, DEBRIFUGE. 0r taken in exchange. Toronto. October 20. 1866 Y RELIEF!!! RADWAY’S Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholio, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"â€"-Oue tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcrangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"Onc application will afford‘immcdiate ease and comfort,‘and a few times rubbing will complete the cure. Inviolent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA., INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CEOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two, if not checked by a, powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam. motion of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal difï¬culties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at; once to this commanding curative. The READY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation as the malady itself. It is more active ï¬lm the virus of the mo:f “rift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on the ï¬rst symptom or pain and uneasiness. no person need sufl'er an hour sickness. > SISTERS OZE‘ MERCY; DORCIIESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 13., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., $30. one of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice With the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia. and for colds, and always vdth success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptherie, &0. It has n. ood eflect in flatulence or wind eholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a. marvelous .e eet. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bewere of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Redway’sâ€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Redway’s Reedy Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Redway’s, yet charge the public the same mice our agents sell you Radwey’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations _a.ud coun- teifeits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In urchesm Reedy Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radwey (in Co. on the labels, and e words . R. R, Radwey & Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A. FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. &c. made to order on the shortest notice. N.B. AH kinds of All Around the Globe. ertiï¬cates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at m. RA WAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montrea , emanating ï¬'om the highest authorities in the world. There is not 9. Town or City of importance (except a. few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial egents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitan‘es in Church and State; both by 16th“ written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. ’ For Cutwrs. Buggies. Waggous, 61c. alno Sisters of Mercy at Dorchester Street Hospitai, applying Dr. Radway’s Remedies to the sick. 0â€"...â€" PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. w Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. Agents for the sale of Radway’s leuuiy men :1, P. CROSBY. huhnond Hill, THOS. ALLISON, Victoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Amora Mr. lUWE and Mrs. R OWE, King Sta. THE UNIVERSAE; «5.. â€" :3: Kept constantly on hand at IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheumatism, . BRIGGS’ Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY 1‘ In sudden Attacks 72- Richnvond Hm. Des. 6,1566 Bricx House and Lot. HE Subscrihei', aéting is agent for the Owner. offers for sale by Private Bar- gain. that desirable property. situated in the most centararl pat! of the Village of Richmond Hill, and at present occupied by Mrs. James Burnes, There is Haifa Acro‘ of Land framing on Yonge and Centre Streets, with anew Brick. Cottage! Erecled therson. The Cottage has aStone Cellarâ€"well cemented. three Boonie. Kitchen, Pantry, and Clothes Room. There is also on ihe premises a good supply of Hard and Sof Water. The property is well situated fot Building purposes. For furleer information apph‘ to JAMES M. LAWRENCE, Division Court Clerkt JOHN RADWAY,_M.‘ 0., & 00.; FOR SALE. 0n Richmond Hill. I DHUVVHI,_IVI- ya, u. UV" 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Momma, And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK. 26.11 HIS ASSOCIATION has trgnsfmmdlheu! ' LIBRARY to the 'Huum: ' Book Surri where Stockholders and othors uiuy or near BOOKS every Friday afternoon, “or to 8 olock. P-M. DR. T. 0. CULVEIVS MEDICAL DISPENSARY, Chronic and Saudi Diseases. OUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness generally. cau'sed by a bad habit iuyouth. which produces constitutional debllity. you can rely on our remedies, [or we have treated over ï¬fty thousand patients. and we guarantee a perfect cure‘in all-cases, Strangers visiting 'l‘urbnid; W116 are in med oft: Medical adviser-thuviï¬zg n lime I to re- nmin in the city to he Curéd'. can "have Med: cine to take with them. A safe and relmbla cure guaranteed; ' Our Periodical drops will bring on the monthly sickness. ill all cases of obstruction fmm any cause, and after all other remedies of the kind have been tried in vain. ., 0...", vuvu uncu m 'flllly Nuw Rmu-zmas AND Qumx CUR]C8.â€"FOI‘ Syphilis strictures, seminal weakness, pain! in the jonus, affections of the kidneys. diseases oflhe head. lhruat, nose and skin. and ult- those dreadful afl'ections arising from 3. seem“ habit of youth, which produces constitutiona- debility, renders marriage impossible. arid in che and destroys borh body and mind. The [reallnent‘we adopl'is lhé‘réï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬â€˜o‘f upw 'igds of :hirtv years experience and successful £41m in Europe and America? ' ‘ 5 Strangers visiting 'i‘urbnid; W116 are in med Ax FOR_TUNE 2 EMPLOYMENT FUR EVERYBDBY. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION . ,. . Patients living at a distauee éan procure Dr. C’s remedivs. sen! (secure and- free 'from ob- servation) to any pan. of the l'wvinne, with plain and full diremions forauseyby wr gluing, staling essays; mptoms. &c. Anewsuluiiong at the ofï¬ce free but strictly conï¬dential. .. Olï¬ce 1109er from to 8 P. M. Addressâ€"Dr. ’I".C.Cu1'vcr, 139. King St. East, "'urunto, C W. May 7, 1x566. _ 49-†VVatt'l‘es, ('lmins, 5115 of Jeurh} . “1113:.†Bracélels. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, &c. worth High! Hundred [I hull- 'sam| Dollufé. 'I‘hr- Entire Slock of éx large lMPQRTIhG Hous- reln'iug from lmsinr-ss. For the purpose of ulnsfrg'anm the stnnk I, the ear-17851 possihia (hum. Hm underslg‘nod haw. decidmi on u urch dislribnlioll made: as l'ullmw. EACH AM; Evmw .\R’l‘l(?l;!_’4:.l\‘0 MAME“ How VALUAUIJC. mun: saw tori 3|. Agents wanted 'lhroughamt lino. Uniledfmte and Culmdus. A Certiï¬cate of muesli ariinln will) itc value prinlvtl upon il. is iilzirPd in nu envnlnpo null sealedâ€"iliesv MIN-loves my: llmrouglily mian and sold for 'I‘mult'i/jim: Clinl‘s vuvli-ilie per- son receiving one ul‘llla ~tiu_vt~lupex i.~ nanlillnd lo llm nriiclu naian therein ln rmnrning llm Certiï¬itnle In us. with one dollar. nml ilIR nrliclm no manor lmw valuablz it may lm. will 1m furâ€" wnrtlml 'n him or hm‘ at much. Tl)“l0 am no Il'nnk ('erliï¬cniesnml llieri'fure awrv one in auru loyal. in lawn. Ilw full value of his or hnr n‘mnvy. Should the, article nnnwd on the var. Iiï¬cnle uni sniimny mhe’r wily-h lm mnv solve: of l' 9 same vnlue will lm‘éiiliéaliluled. \\"e no {he curliï¬cmas as follow One for ‘25 (21s.. ï¬ve for 3|. alove‘n f012$ IIan for $5, sixty-ï¬ve, Forï¬slfl. mm hunder For This distrihlvï¬nu afl'urds a ï¬ne oppor- 'uni1_v l'or Agent". 9- what |m|_\‘ or genth-mnn will not invasl 1'wr1xrv‘r'hlc'mzs‘rs will: a pro... wet. of getting ï¬ve lmndrvd or a thousand limes as much. All nrders must he nddrl‘ssrd ‘1) us at our old stand No 15 Maiden Lam) yew York. ‘3.(I()ll Lava and Fltj‘runline llrnm-lms . . . . . . . . . . ’. . . . . 4 ‘1,0'0 (10ml. Opal and Emerald llrnnv~hes............,.. 4 2,000 Musnir. Jet. l nvn. and 4 4 Florentine. [Cur Drops . . . . 1.500 (‘ornL ()[ml. and Emerald Ear Duns . . . 4,000 Cali “ rnia Diamond Breast ' l’in'o.... .... ......... Q5" 3,000G0l1l: Fol) and Veal. Watch Koys.... .... ...>. - 5“ L000 l‘ ml) and Ves' Rll)hnn' Sides 3 LOW Sl‘ls ol' Solitaire Hoove Bul- Case \~\"atn!ws... .. .. . . . GIIO Gems‘ Hunting-1 ‘so Sil- ver Ver'hM. . .. . .. .... ‘21!“ D'mmnnd Rings" .’. . .. . . . 3.00“ Gold Vesland Net-k Chains mum) .. u a . 3.000 Cold Oval Rand Bran-«lots. 1.000 Chum-(i linid Brat-oh"- .. . . 2,000 Chalolahm (‘huius and Guard Chains . . . . .. .. . .. 6,000 Snlnnire and fluid Uromhos 2.000 Lava and th‘rcnline tons. flunk. nlc . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 Gold 'l‘himhles. l‘eixcils.etc 'lJNlD Miniature Lackels. . . . .>. . . 1.0019 Minimum Lockblsâ€"Maglc Spring.... .... ... .... . 3,000 Gold 'l'outhpicks, Crosses, em . . . . . . .. . .v . . . . . . . . . . . Fulï¬l! Plain Gold Rings... 5.000 Chase-d ‘Gnlflsl’ingï¬ , RIP-(I Stone Set anfliSigufl . ngs 8.00“ California Dininmia Mpg/s. 7.500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelrvâ€"‘Jet and Gold.... .'... U.0"0 guts Ladies’ Jewelry-â€" C» ".K‘O. Pearl. gm...†. n. . . 6,000 Gald Vl’ensï¬jlvei'EXIension Hulders gnu! PFIlr‘iiS. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pons'nnd Gold Moun- ted’ Holders.... . 5.000'Gold Pens and Gold Exten‘ sin“ Holders.... . 5.000 Silvéj‘ Gobleli~ and Drink- ingCups .=.v..’.... Silyai‘ Chnfllnr‘s . . . . . . . , . . . . 9.000 Filvei‘ Fruit ' and Cl ke Baskets.... .... .... .... 5.000 Down Silver Tea-Spoons. 5.00!“ " " Table Spoons and Forks†.... . . . AGENTSâ€"-VV6 wnm agents in Pvnry real- mmflumd in every town and rnunty in (he vouutry, and those acting! as such will he allow. ad U! cents on every Coniï¬nnte ordered hv them. nrovidvd their remittance nmonnlv I}; one dollar. Agents will called ‘25 cents for every Certiï¬cate. and remit l5 centsto us. FWrilé pl‘uinly. say only what is necessary nnd' be prompt. Address. 3m}: 29, 9 665; tLl. OF “’HICH ARV. T0.DI€ 50],!) FOR EAL". 300 Genls’ Gold IIIlnlingJCme \erlms .. .. .. .. .,..... to $150 300 Lad as'vaMaml EIIh’xin‘Pk‘d- TO :Lfto_N_-I- o, UNFORTUN ATES READ ! IMPORTANT 'I'O LADIES. GERARD w. DEVA'UGH Jr. (:0. No. Mai on Len New Ycrs And all Female Goinplai ls. Ove: 35, King Street Eaét, LIST OF A RTICLES. 800,000 For the cure of A. SCOTT, Librarian. 250 PER mun $1 (0.391! €20 †10 10 H ‘n 50 5H (I