on their part ; their idleness is lhe cause ul their poverty; their iud'cylenec is the cause of iheir po- Veri‘y’, their improvidence is lhc Baum: 0i their poverly. What is Ilie l’émedy? The most ell’icient way bl remnving their poverty, is '0 1'0â€" move the cause. This is: 10 be done by themselves. Industry and frugality banish poverly and dis- lress. Poverty cannot dwell will] industry and frugality. Slo‘ah and Squulid povcrly are inseparable companions Gouxmellorsthink that they have done their part, when they have compelled the industrious and the frugal to build houses of refuge for the idle, the thrift- less, the improvident and the vorthlcss, and provide them with every comfort. \Vould they not act a more noble part, were they to persuade those worthless men, and perhaps more worthless wo- inen, to change their course of life, and do something to provide for themselves in aluwful way. They ï¬nd no difï¬culty and feel no delicacy in getting laws on- acted to compel the provident and the noble-minded to support the idle and the worthless. Why do they show favour to the idle and worthless, and leave them free men and women to drink and spend, and do just as they please with the fruit of their labour, or with what they ' obtain as alms, and why do they carefully avoid anything that can possi- bly hurt their feelings. Since council- lors see no harm in getting laws enacted to compel the industrious and the frugal to provide for the idle and wasteful, how is it that they can see any wrong done, in encroaching on the liberty of the idle and worthless, and in compellng them to work and do something for themselves, and to prepare for n stormy day ‘2 If compulsion is just, proper, and reasonâ€" able, in the caselol’ the working members ofsociety, is it not usjnst, pro; or and rea- sonable, in the ease of the idle members of society? It is not left optional with the industrious and frugal whether to sup- port the idle and imprevident. It- is compulsion in their case; is it not as just proper and reasonable that the idle and improvident should be compelled to build houses, and provide food and clothing for themselves, as thth the in- dustrious and frugal should, in many cases, deprive themselves of necessary teomforts, in order that they may keep them in fulness and in idlenes: '3 \Ve have stated that (liWei'eiit agencies are required to remove the great (541505} ‘of poverty. The statesman, the parent? xthe school teacher, the Preacher of the iGospcland the poor himsell‘ require to do several parts. Facts demonstrate that the change can be effected if the proper remedy is applied. The combined religious and intellec- tual system of education in the Paro- chial Schools of Scotland has been. re- ;garded as productive of the highest :and best kind oi‘intelligence, as Well as of industry and frugality, and those 'IUAL)’ ieenugs of honor that recoil at the idea of receiving aims as beggars. Few, «few are to be found amongst those who reâ€" cceived the usual amount of religious and .iotellmtuai training in’ a parish School :in Scotland, whose feelings would not recoil at the idea of becomingr beggars, and who would not sooner perish than:be beggars. Sir Walter Scott in “ The Abbot,†only expresses the well known sentiments and feelâ€" ings of his proud and high minded country women, and country men, when he represent Magdalene Granie as reâ€" fusing aims, and as saying; with the utâ€" most scorn to the Lady of Avenal, “ Am I of the race of Cain, proud lady, that you offer me gold ;†and when on another occasion he represent Roland Grame as saying, “ Forgive me, lady, and let me go hence, with the con- sciousness that I have not been degrad- ed to the point of accepting aims, but the gold I cannot take, I am no beggars brat. My grandmother begged from no one here, nor elsewhere. She would have perished sooner on the noor.†Magdalene Grame, and her grandson Roland Grame, were too high and noble minded to stoop to receive ahns. There was something to.) degrading and too humiliating in steeping so very low. An observer whose testimony has receiv- ed the seal of heaven, gives us the result oi'his personal observations; “ I have been young, and now am old ; yet have Inot seen the righteous ibrsaken, nor his seed begging bread.†The spirit displayed by the County ‘Couneillors is a different spirit from that displayed by Sir \Valter Scott. The County Conn; cillors hold up to view the poor house as a great prize to be obtained. They may depend upon it, that many will contend for the prize, if no powerful opposing and counteracting influences are at work. It seems a necessary conâ€" sequence, as any cause and eï¬'ect, that these boys and girls whose childhood and youth were spent at a parish school, in daily and familiar intercourse with the wisest, most upright, and most noble minded men and women, who ever walked on the face of the earth, should through life retain a portion of the \vis- dom, excellence, integrity and noble spirit of those in innintainingr inter- course with whom they spent their .childhood and youth. We go farther, and maintain, that it seems a neeessaryl consequence,as any cause and effect, that these boys and girls whose childhood and youth were spent in a parish school in obtaining knowledge of the divine perfections should, through life,:i‘etain the deep impressions made upon theirli young and tender minds by their interâ€"’ course with these pcrl'eetions. By having their intellectual and moral faculties cultivated, refined and purified ; by beingr brought in contact and close familiurily with the divine 1urri‘eetions, they imperceptibly grew in resemblenec 'totho divine nature, obtained einancL potion from evil principles, ‘ed nitrate and relish i'or \' and excellent. rat is noble and acquir- , Familiarity uith the, H; .._i H: 7n divine pei‘fcctions, elevated, reï¬ned:- and enobled llicii- minds, and prevented them from falling into the ranks of the debased and brutalizedl and from relishâ€" ing and pursuing gross pleasures. Their early acquaintance with patriarchs,~ pro- phets, apostols and Jesus never loses its influence. W hat may be the result of the no religion system, (can we call it thc‘ inï¬del system) adopted in Canada, we‘ do not say. Assuredly the fruits that‘ grow on the tree ofintidelity are never good, never sweet, and never pleasant, and never proï¬table. They are not the fruit of'tlie tree of life. We readily grant that the advantages of mere hu- man knowledge are immense; but hu- man knowledge possesses no power to re- move the moral blight and desolation of immortal splrit that is in man. Dr. Wardla'v says “in the history of our own part of the Island, according to ‘ Fletcher of Salton, not much more than a century has elapsed Since it abounded in mendicity and its attendant disorders and miseries, to a degree hardly credi- ble : --and the happy change which has since taken place, and which has raised Scotland to the distinguished honour of being pointed to by all our Southern orators, and authors on this department of political economy, as an example of sobriety, industry, intelligence, and genâ€" eral morality, among the peasantry and artisans, has been imputed, and, al- though other causes may have co-operati led, in avery considerable degree, justly imputed, to the national system of paro- chial education, instituted ‘ about the very time referred to, when the better instruction ofthe youth was pronounced by Fletcher to be peculiarly necessary.†Facts prove that the great doctrines taught by the Reformers effected the great change in the character of the peo- ple of Scotland. Ministers possessing a portion ofthe spirit of John Knox pre- sided over the church, the school and the family, and regarded themselves as , appointed by God to watch that alll knew and were influenced by these doctrines. The bold and open workers of iniquity, whom they could not influence, the * gave into the hands of the magis- ,t*zite. The gospel is still the great Ie- medy, Jesus still says, to the poor is the gospel preached. The gospel is the great remedy that raises the them from rice, wretchedness and misery. It has lost none of its living influence. \Vlien the gentle warmth of the Saviour‘s love touches and melts the cold and frozen heart of the poor, it is no longer the seat and abode of moral corruption, from Iwhich every Vice takes its rise, but it becomes like the garden of Eden, which produced whatever was pleasant to the lsight and good for food. ‘ “'e have no doubt but that the lion. \V. 13. [lowland will again offer himself as a candidate (for the House of Com- mons) to represent West York; in View of his doing so, it is only just to that gentleman to say that he has strong claims for re-election ; being a practical business-man7 he has brought his .ex- perience to bear upon the departments over which he has presided for several years past, to the advantage of the country ;â€"â€"as an instance we may men- tion that it was owing to changes in- troduced by him in the department of Finance, that a saving vvas effected to the extent of $10,000 (ten thousand dollars) a year, in the items of printing and stationary for the use of‘ that Branch of the public service over which hehad especial control; the steps taken ‘by him in the reorganization of the Customs= in 1862, shows a saving in this Branch also) of $12,615 a year, and, at the same time, provided for the more ellieient perï¬n'inance of the work lreqnired to be done. It is suclrlnen as ‘this we require to look after the affairs of the country, whose thorough practical business knowledge enables them to ‘t'ully appreciate the importance of re trenchment and economy, as much needed in the public service as in the merchant’s counting house. It is true that Mr Brown is in oppositlon to him, ‘ as well as to the Hon. \V McDougall, land may send out a Toronto lawyer to ’ try his hand against the Minister ofFin~ anee; if he could, he would serve Mr. liowland, in \Vest York, as Mr W right has already been treated in the East Ridingâ€"politically decapitated. Mr. Brown will ï¬nd, however, that Mr. llowland will take the opinion of the electors o‘i’tho l’iiding7 as expressed at [he Poll, bet’ore consenting to be blotted out of political existence, at the sugges- ‘tion of the great “impracticable.†New Advertisements. Sale of Farm Stockâ€"«J. McGee Money to Lend.â€"J0hn Kerr. Faun for Sulaâ€"J. McGee. Milliuery Establishment.â€"Mrs. Myers. “'0 are authorized to state that it is the intention of Mr. Amos W'right to contest the East Riding of York at the next ClCC’inII, as member for the new House Of Umnmons; he informs us that he has dccidcd upon this course in order t0 have 3 fair expression of public opin- ion upon his course durng the past 15 years; he is not sitisï¬ed that a patched- np convention is a proper representa- tion of the East Riding OfYork, and has been induced by a very large number of former political friends, to appeal to the oleetors,â€"npon which course he has now fully determined, and wishes all and sun- dry to understand that he is now in the ï¬ehl Hon. W. P. Howland» and West York. RICHMOND HILL‘ APRIL 19,37. @éjrï¬m‘ï¬ï¬ ï¬mli‘l. RS a candidate EAST YORK. I remain 8:0. their sufl'rages. The Imperial Parliament has passed “abill for authorizing a guarantee of intereston a loan, to be raised by Ca- nada, tOWards the construction of a railway connecting Quebec and Hali- fax,†which work is considered to be essential to the completion of Confederw tion. The 145th section of the Imperi- al Act, for the union of the provinces, pro- vides :â€" “Inasmuch as the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and NeWBrunswick have join- ed in a. Declaration that the Construction of the Inter-colonial Railway is essential to the Consolidation of the Union of British North America, and to tho Assent thereto of Nova. Scotia and New Brunswick, and have consequently agreed that Provision should be made for its immediate Constrnc-‘ tion by the Government of Canada: There- fore, in order to give eï¬â€˜ect to that Agree’ ment, it shall be the Duty of the Govern- ment and Parliament of Canada to provide for the Commencement, within Six Months after the Union, of 3 Railway connecting the River St. Lawrence wlth the City of Halifax in Nova Scotia,3nd for theConstruc- ‘ tion thereof without Intermission, and the ‘ Completion thereof With all practicable | Speed.†Having read the debate, in the Im- perial House of Commons, upon the in. [reduction of this measure, we were forcibly impressed with the idea that Mr. John Bull has an exceedingly gruff way of granting, what he supposes to be, a favour ; he expresses a wish that his North American Provinces should be formed into one Conf'edcrationï¬ and when he ï¬nds we cheerfully comply with} his wishes, he tacks on a condition that we must borrow from him three million pounds sterling, and expend it on a military Railway, and then very grudg- ingly consents to endorse our paper, say. ing the unkindcst things he can think ‘of’; it has become a habit with the old gentleman, or" late, to manifest this sort of feeling towards us, whenever an op- portunity was afforded him ; we confess that we cannot see any good cause for it7 and are not so sure that the much lauded scheme of Confederation, with its additional burthens, will prove to be a panacea for the' humiliatiens we are every now and then treated to â€"of'_course our duty as loyal subjects of Her Majes- ty, Queen Victoria, will prevent us from taking serious offence at Mr. Bull's peculiarityâ€"but it cannot be construed into treason to say that. taking all the circumstances into consideration, it axis both uncalled for and exceedingly dis- agreeable to us as Canadians. I The wholevdebt ot the B.N.A. Provin-l cos, in 1865, exceeded sc'vcidyqftum and a half milhens of dollars ; ($74,516,â€" 678), in addition to this we are now compelled by the Imperial Act of Con- federation to build the “ Intereolonial Railroad,†which will extend from the River du Loup Station of the Grand Trunk, Canada’ East (or Province of Quebec,) in ai'direet line, south east, through New Brunswick to Truro, Nova Scotia, and there form ajunction with a line of Railway, already established, run- ning southfrom 'l‘ruro t0 the City ot‘IIn- litax; the'eost of this great undertakingr is estimated to cast twenty millons of dol- lars, which sum we are to borrow, and thereby increase our indebtedness to about ninety/ï¬ve millions! and appear to have no choice in the matteréâ€"some- thing like Messrs 11. S. "H‘oiifléiid" land Grahame‘s poor House hobbyâ€"talk :1â€" bout Canadians having “the power to to tax themselves!†we would like to know how much the people, (the 1 time payers) have had to say in creating these debts and expenses, for which they must tax themselves? Perhaps some wiseacre can informâ€: us ; we “want. light !" \Ve can assure our facetious friend that it was not for lack of material that the selection was made, it was an acciâ€" dent, arising out of the circumstance of Mr. S. E. Horn having promised to at tend the n1eeting,and take part therein ; those whom he led to expect him, fully intended that he, as a professedly ar' dent conservative, and as editor and and proprietor of the localjournal of the Riding, should behonored by the post of Secretary. “’hen the hour. for busii ness arrived, Mr. Horn was non est, hence the arrangement which apâ€" pears to give our cotemporary some un- easiness. The Markham Economist, of the 11th inst, contains the following reference to the recent meeting of liberals at Miliâ€" ken’s Corners :â€"â€"- ' “ THAT CONVENTION. ~ We under- stand that the mass meeting of the Liberal Conservatives? at Miliken's Corners yesterday did not amount to a mass, and that they only succeeded in getting Mr. Bowman to allow himch to be put in nomination. They appear- ed to be hard up for aspirants of any kind when they had to select a person to act as Secretary from another Riding.†On Monday last, the 15th instant, the pupils of the Richmond Hill, County GrammarSehool presented their head master Mr. A. M. Luï¬erty, 3.1L, with a. beautiful and costly Photograph Al- bund, together with an address signed by the pupils ;â€"Miss Christina Mc- Faydon presented the Album, and Master J. 1’». Tecfy, being the senior pupil of the school, read the address, to which Mr. Lal‘ferty made a suitable and feeling ycply. The Intercolonial Railway. Presentation by the Gramâ€" mar School Pupils- Not at his Post! Communicated. As a people we have heretofore been considered very undemonstrative on ‘ great public occaswns; calm, staid, almost unmoved, politicians during an election, and in fact summing up the arguments principally adduced by our cousins s‘outhward ; it might be presumed, that we rest u’f‘ï¬ler the imputation of even a lack’of p Wotism. This characteristic as they are pleased to term it is attri- buted to the influence of the Mother Country, ï¬nd our institutions which are ‘ somewhat similar. ETheir reasoning may , be partially right,‘ but there are very few Canadians who do not feel a conscwus pride in the qniet and orderly manner in which elec- tions are contested, and closed. and who ‘wouldfnot deeply deplore the loss of this ‘said characteristic. And as regards the taunt of lack 'of love of country we hoid that it is unneceï¬ary for buncombe on the one hand and bowie knives on the other, to proclaim that. _However other people's opinions are not a matter of vital importance to us, especiâ€" ally at the present moment, further than as they appear particularly anxious about what is tet‘med our unusual display of feeling, and as they have noted and com- mented on it to such an extent, it must be something coniderable,â€"aml it is,â€" ancl 11; should be. We have changed from a number of separate colonies, and become a confederâ€" ation,â€"â€"We have displaced one form of Government, and chosen another,â€"â€"we have passed successfully through one grand phase of our existence as a people, and now are about to attempt the second more arduous more lofty,â€"â€"â€"our names as separate colonists were not unknown in the great epitome of the \Vorld’s His- tory; and now as the “ Dominion of Canada" we strive for yet more honor- able mention. Nor when the magnitude of the step is considered, not forgetting the fact that we are now in the very act of transition, does it seem unreasonable, that Americans should note the “ inlenes feeling†displayed; nor that they should be suflieiently interested to watch narâ€" rowly the future progress of events. That the greatness, I might almost say the solemnity of the occasion, Warrants and receives the earnest consideration of theï¬'ast majority of Canadians, is every- where apparent, and though there are many who have allowed factional feelingr to intervene,t’ae great mass of the people “sire that thisflushould‘ “cease They have witnessed its ravages yea after year, when sect was against sect, creed against creed, and yet no good end at- tained, till this hadmyielded to, a com- promise; intact to such an extreme has this (at times been-carried that they ap? parently but paused at the, great ï¬nal when in the hands, of sectional violence party-government and country hare mingled in one dread chaos. It'we will learn a lesson without paying too dear for it what does this teach us? what does the “ all past†prove it not What one 6f England‘s philOsophers has said “that violent party~men should be exclud- ed by the‘ people from sitting with that body, Whose business it is to iniate a great and extended system." There are those who say it is not factionle stril’e they are engenderingz, that it is not the old ï¬res they are relighting, but it is hard to be supposed b7 the most leniently ins clined that it can ossiny be anything: else. A partv inT lie 'ï¬l'ï¬ 'plh'ée' niiist have a principle, a basis, a, foundation ; something to desire, something to up- hold, withoutthis it becomes a" sect, a ( faction, ebond, a unitydo v- rote for, to " ï¬ght fierfa semething or somebody, they know not What, or who, solicitous only about beingr informed that the opinion was adVanCQd by, or the party is one of themselves. But assertion and denials of partyism, sinking into ï¬retionismmith learned dissertations on numerous other iSms, have run their course, and simply ended where they only eouldend,~ in con» fusion worse confounded. There is, however, a certain inconsist- ency in the two halves of a partv, as- serting that to all intents and purâ€" poses they are one and. indivisable. when at the same, time they are anerine‘ be- tween tno’leadcrs. each of whom has insinuatcd a different policy in pro speetiveiand who undeniably stand at daggers drawn. That this breach in the Councils ofthc Reform Party is day by day widening, nmlonger requires proof. The feeling has even gone so far, that reformers, with no other stain on their political life,have suï¬ercd ï¬erce antago- nism because they adhered to the Coali- tion, after Mr. Brown had retired ; be- cause they were brave enough to say, “this coalition was formed with. the sanction of our leaders, for a deï¬ned purpose, and while it honestly enâ€" deavours to obtain the end in view, we will givcib'eour support.†And to this forbearance and manly conduct we are in a great measure indebted for Confederation. Thus‘ then, we have what maybe termed Coalition Reform- ers and Brownites, but it is not ours to judge between the endeavouring claim- ants for the leadership; there is howâ€" ever, one circumstance which we will glance at. Mr. Brown, with all his faults, mosthonored, lately retired from parliament, for the purpose of devoting,r his undivided attentionlto the conduct- ing ofhis journal, which it is generally understood is to meet a rival of no mean pretension for Reform supportwwhen the Delegates return. The propriety of the retirement of any man from a post, at a critical moment, is questioner], how much more so when that member had the syinpatli'r, and support of a large and extended party. Certainly, in one sense, and only in one sense, that of “personal individuality" has he the right to chemo. but that does not‘ nor should it anml the opinion people will place on the act. Nor does it at all justify him, tint he has at last realized the truth long known to others, that the paper made friends which the, Editor lost. The Virtue of CompromiSa This being then the undisputecl posi- tion of the two halves of the Reform Party, would it be an unseemly request, that they would when meeting . with their old opponents,in fair and open eon- test, remember that great Reformer SydneySmith’s 0ft reiterated,saying that, “all great alterations in human affairs are produCed by compromise.†About the other, (\‘Mr. McDougal) we will not trouble. There is always danger in great changes, innate in the very act of changing ; and in exact proportion to the extent or magnitude of such change, so that to put in operation a new system, requires more of forbearance from its pponents, and more unity of action a- mong its friends, than the initiatory and ï¬nal proceedings necessary to emâ€" body it in a system, it IS in fact much harder to put in force the law- than to make it. It was impossible otherwise than by folgetting party to get the act of Confederation. What then will be necessary to initiate it in practice. The Hon. G. Brown, said' on the 22nd June 1864‘, in his speech at Quebec, “ let ps endeavour to rise superior to the pitif’ulness of party politics in the interest of our Country,†'and What he said then has ten fold force now. The travelling community will rejoice to learn that our enterprising neighbour, Mr. Robert Raymond, has consulted the public convenience by procuring z new Omnibus, constructed on the most modern and. commodious principles ; it is built with a View to the comfort of pas- sengers, and is one of the largest and best public conveyances that has ever been run on yonge street. '1 he me- chanical skill displayed by the workmen, in its construction, is deservng of the highest commendation, and reflects grmt credit upon Mr. Wm. Trench, Junior, as the blacksmith and Iron-Worker, and Mr. John C. Hulchins, who did the Wheclwrigrht Work, paintng and trimâ€" :ming. \Ve congratulate Mr. Raymond ‘upon his success in entering for our con- vcnience and comfort, (so much need. ed!) and trust that he will receive a liberal patronage, from a grateful public, in return. )l'c learn that Dr. Berrymnn declines (ï¬lm) a candidate for Parliamentary libn'm‘s. 0n the grounds that the duties required of him, as a profesmr in the Medical School, will not admit of a lengthy absence at Ottawa. There will be a meetng at Milikcn's Corners t0- 1n0n'0\v,ivlien the subject will be dis- cussed by the electors. T0~d:w, being Good Friday, is a pub- lic holiday, established by statute; w?) are requested to ‘Inéntion t0 our readers that the Post Ofï¬ce will be clomd at, {0:30 this ï¬nennon, and continue closed for the remainder of the (11y. culled nimn to assume were worthy nf'an e\‘- qnisite, until. forgettin: himselï¬he sat down suddenly, when :Lli at once a heatingr sensu- tion, accompanied by the unmistztlcenble odor 0Fl)rimstone proceeded from the sec tion where his nether half rested. For a moment he thought it V'nsn't him,hnt pru- dential motives made him loek,\vlien he (lis- eovered the extremities of his coat tnil all in a. blaze, and the occupants of the surround- ing‘ seats about to he smoked out by the combined effects of shoddy and brimstone smoke Further'lnvestigation in the mitlst oi" the tittex‘s of the onlookers was im- possible, bnt on retiring the cause of the occurrence was explained by a hunch of lighted matches dr0pping on the floor of the ehut'qh.v.â€" Globe, ‘ The FICHC]! newspapers only make nsw of the Athulic Cable 101110 PVUHH nf' twm linm daily, giving the prices 01' gnld :lnvl mtkm. Attention is directed to the advorï¬seâ€" menu of Mr J. McGee, who is nifcring several valuable Farms for sale in the, Township of Vaughan. Her Royal Highness the Princes of Wales has gremly improved in heath during the lmt few days. The Princes has had com- tortable rest, and suffers considerahle legs pain. Her Royal Highness is, in fact, m-n- sressing towards crmvalesoenee as rapidly as can he expected from the nature of her malady. A LoTumm m A Fix â€"On Sunday night, last a. ludicrous amiirmok plat-e in nnn of our city churches, Wthh for the time served to completely ociipse the divine who omcinfmi. particularly in the section 0F the sacred edifice in which the OCCIH'rPnr-n. transpired. A gnyynunq lolhnrio, dv-oswd in his Sunday's host, had taken a spnt in a fashionable spot in one ofnnr most fashion- :ihie chin'chesqmd after a heneï¬mmt smile to nil in his v inity,0hsorrr-d that immodiumiy in rear of him were seated two young†indios possessed of the most pleasing; tavern i1 cimrms, and chignons of the exact size for a lover’s appetite. His department wrm of course arranged to Mind, and the alternate standing and sitting postures which he was W'I‘MEB‘DAY, Aprll 24-. Auction Sale of Farm Stock &c., on lots 34 and V 35,?31'11 Con of Vaughan, the property oflM'r. McGee. II. Smclsor Am} tionccr. Jeruxniem is still in some roman thr‘ Citv of the Jews. it is found Hi It thm-o m0 7,000 Jewish inhabitants, 5,000 Mnhomf‘ tans, and 3,400 Christians in the pince. Cnxvlrr-rmw OF A MAIL Romanâ€"The carrier 0th mail between Molhournn mu! Rirhmond, who. in Novemlmr last. was ur- ruslNi nn the charge of robbing tho mniis whilst they were in his cuamdy. was trim! n: the Sherbrrmke Criminal Awiznï¬ on 1i)“ Rt‘u the 9111 oprrii, inst, and duly mm-ictmi. The sentence which ‘his (-onvimion invnivela is the fearful nnqofinm'riimimonf in tiwi’cni- ionfiziry for life. The prisoner, Whoa» mm" is David Brown, is a. youm: man of about 18 years of uge.â€"-Montrcal JVews. Raymond’s NBW Omnibus. A PUBLIC IIOLI DAY. FARMS FOR SALE AUCTIO)T SALE. Dr. Berryman. On Monday evening last, the young ladies attending the Seminary of Mrs Campbell of this village, presented her with ahandsome Silver Cake Basket, exâ€" pressive of their appreciation of her un- wearied kindness and assiduity in conâ€" ducting their studies. An Address was read by Miss l’ease, and the presenta- tion was made by Miss Carrie Bredin, to which Mrs. Campbell made an appropriate reply. On Monday evening the ordinary meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, at‘ Bur- lington House, London, was devoted to the reading of the despatches and letters that have been received from Zanzibar concern- ing the reported death of Dr. Livingstone. There were ï¬ve communications, three con- taining narratives of the murder as related by the Johanna men, and two briefly in- dicating the results of later indecisive in- quiries at Quiloa. 0f three ï¬rst, two were despatches to the Foreign Office from Dr. 1 Seward, our consul at Zanzibar, and Dr. Kirk, at Zanzibar, formerly Livingstone’s (to-traveller. The third was a private letter from Dr. Kirk to Sir toderiek Murchison. The tnllest and most important of these is Dr.Se_ward's despateh to the Foreign Ofï¬ce. Itis dated December 10, 1866, and the following are extracts :â€"‘ If the Story of some fugitives troin Dr. Livinu‘stone’s party be true, he was slain during,r a sudden and unprovoked encounter with the very Zulus of whom, in the last despatch received from him (dated Nrontana, May 18), he said that thev had laid waste the country round about him. With an escort reduced to twenty by desertion, deaths, and dismissals, he had traversed, as I believe. few-a int-og- nila between the confluence of the Lemnle and Rovutna rivers at Ngomana and the eastern or north eastern shore of Lake Nyassa, had crossed the lake at some point. not yet ascertained, had reached a station named Kampunda, on its western or north- western shore,and was pushingr westward or northwest-ward into dangerous ground,when between Marenqa and Maklisoora a band of imn‘tamble 9a 'aqes stopped the way, a mix- orl herd of Zulus or Halite and Nvassa tolk. ‘ The Nyassa folk were armed with how and arrow. the Zulns with the, traditional shield, hrmrd-bladed spears. and axes. With 3Li\'i gstone there were nine or ten maske- teers; his Johanna men were resting with their loads far in the rear. The Matite instantly (tame on to tight. There was no parley, no aroidanee ot‘thn eomhrtt. They The Fate of Dr. Livingstone. bump. on wiih a rush. with war m'ios, r2111â€" im; iilPil' shields with their Rhea As Livinypmnc and his party misod their pimmq the onset was for n mmnmit oheo'w'rrd. LivingsimwTired. mid hvr Zlihis‘ \vm'n shn’r «10ml. His boys. firm]. hut their iim wzm hzirmiosa. He was in the act of rolmriivi'r, whon iiH'OC Mufï¬ns hull,me upon him through thn smnke. Thom \vn‘; no rmistmme. there could be 11mm: 0110 m'nc-I uni-(rut from he- hinrl put h'niout of life. He f0“, and his forrnr.strik0n esonrt Hm]. One of the ï¬ni- tivm Mommd. and ho is it who tells thn micâ€"Ali M00551. chief of‘ his osmrt 0t~ porters, The pnrtv hmi h-ft the western shore 'if Njaqm about ï¬ve days. They hm] atm‘tod from {ammmthh 0n the lake’s binders, and left, tht-re the havihhr of Sopnys dying Of' dvmknfmy. Livinqsfn‘nn had riismisswd the other Supnw m Mumkn, and had rusted :11 Mm‘onmi, when: he was (‘ruitimmli ’30? in :Irivmwrn Tho no“ 81:» timi was linklixomwi. They were T.Y‘-‘I.\'(‘r<- ian a flat munh‘v. hroimn hy smnH hills. aw‘r nhunrhmi‘rv \vnmh‘d. Tm {50"}. thn some vii the tmqmiy wmflri apnonr m have harm rm (won fin-Pet aide. Livinqstmin. m Mimi, 1W] the wan hi4 nine 01' Wn nnprm'lis‘wi mus‘mtoms at his hoo'e. Ali M00351, hnd nouflv nomo up with t‘rmm. having 10;"? hi»: own JUIHIIIHR mmi mating“ with their hmds far in the roar. F‘nuhhmiv hv heard Liv- ingstonn wm-n thn boys that Maï¬t wnq com- ing. The lmys in tum hm»:mmd Mama to press fnr‘vnWi. Mann hmi (inst gained the WWW and mm]: rimvn hnhind a tron m riothr his (mm fir†w‘nnn his Ioarim- (0‘1. Moan Hod {‘nr his 1in nirme thï¬ imfh ho. had 0mm. Hig Johanna mmi throw down their hémhx :mzi wiih him fhwi in’m 11m «h‘rwnm- i'm'ost. “tho Malim mullv pfiuwl Mlmm his (W.- (vipwl and that 01' his nnrip‘o really vows-«1 0n llm m!\"\'“'-"WH. llnwnvn". :11 swam mm. in Tm,†(our lM‘t tlwiv' f‘n-mt i-nl‘lwn nml 9301 ha"? to NW plan" \‘Jllï¬â€˜lâ€˜ï¬ thov lmnml to ï¬nd t‘wir lmqysitrfl. l? WHH‘ grmv, and thou wi‘h inr-x-r‘rmin‘r (lmn‘l tlmv prom fr, whan lhr-i" thli". l"!1'l““ lfiy. Nf‘nl' him. in f‘mnt. lav tho m'im 'Ihiluq who 3mg hillan nnrlm-hiq :Iur'o aim. nor" all'l thorn lm' smiteer WHY)!“ f'mw mvmlwm ofthp pfprdi. film, (hm hlvm' liml ‘n'illWl Dr. IJiYin‘rql’nn - om riqht. ‘(p lwrl no Mhnr wmmrl ‘rnt lhiq torrihln ezmh, l‘h‘nm tlmii‘ (li‘N'rihlinq it mle hm‘n Wmn lhrmlzrh tho nnok mu] guy-n0 1m in tho throat in Front. lt hml vin'xrlv rl('r‘--.U\if7\lâ€â€™l l'im. l‘hmlh mmm mni‘oifi‘illv in ifq qmlllnnnmï¬. f'm‘ D'wirl Livingstrmé “m ‘vnvnv manly," The Mnlifn hull "(munch ml him \\‘l1"'1 rl/"vl, for ho W-‘N sfviimml ï¬lllV nl his mi’ni' (-lfrlliiiirr. A grave was r1119: with slichs and tho hle lmriml.’ 'l'on, \vluwnnnmns nrn 'I'ivrm. strmrl lwf'm‘e 1hr} Mnliln with Living‘ï¬rmï¬ ; of those four \Vf‘rr‘ soen (lonzl‘ and Me rost save Ali Mama, um mis‘sm'r. 'l‘lm Julianna, mm} mqur‘ their wuv h'w'r in Knmmmrln. Tlm Virinrnov nonmuiell fumvtm‘n rlnya, for, not vnnhirin'r noru' 1h!) V llfl’rf‘: 0‘: Stalirm. thm' lm‘t their way in n, jnnitlf‘. At Knmnumln, thnv wove (lom'ivml (\f‘ thrir “mix-mu: lw lhn chief, whn nlsn lwnt HUN“ of “we (lor-ms'prl lmlvizlm' of 907mm. 'l‘hta Johanna. mun f‘rmml in Am‘) 9lflVf‘: oar-wan, memong Nyusm, nnrl‘ muhiwr for Krmtwri, a great slave oullnt (in tho comm. tlwv aifnin an. nmmforo/l Zulu: wlm Sr'nflf‘l‘l‘ll the (t‘lmvan. The Amhs :hnnrlmiml lhn ivm‘y 11ml slaw»: .whioh orin‘tlimtnll tlwir allY and Thought milv of SnYllIi!‘ their livm. "The Julianna moii (womle rmwlm‘l Ktmlwu, and warn, sent on to 'x’nnzilmv', whivh tlwv rnnohml on tho 6th of December. \thn tlmh- Stnriv Wm known the ll-vm wm-e lmvern'l by the Forei'm vwmls in the hat-hon". tl‘l’l at thn, English, French, American, Ilanseatic, anzl the Sultan"; Consulates. “The (late of Livinqstom’s (loathfl observes Dr. Seward. ‘is left in onninchire.’ H0 infers that Livinqlmm loft Mnlalm about the llllllillfl of July lash and WM Hm fatal oncmmlnr lrmk ~place (lurinq September. 'l‘lm Julianna. men name si\' weeks as ahont the probable time (ff'theii' jmirliev, but their statements are vague and untrust worthy. Sir Roderick Murchison, who presided, made :1. short speech, expressing his belief that there were rays of hope till the men mid to have escaped from the conï¬rmed the story. Sir Snmuul Baker and Mr. J. Ci'mvfiml said than Slim tlmugrht that Dr. Livmgslmm it C(‘anlnlv (lend. Cant? in Sherm'd ()slmmm Mr Bnines, and others considered that there is still room for hope that Dr. Livingstone is alive ; and after entering into a few more sgeculaiions, the meeting broke up. ' PRESENTATION. mm] M , Ins m- ly VOWTO‘I 11 SHVNF‘I :t x-nf‘lwn Iov hmwfl mo, and The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cashel, Dr. Leahy, in a pastoral he has just issued expressly on the swbjém, giVes a very Cox-‘- rect view of the whole movement. He says :â€"â€" r I “Now that the excitement is much calm- ad down and people look back ugou the events of the past week, is the retrospect one not only to cause grieï¬lmt ulso to make us ashamed that any number ofour country- men should have committed themselves to an enterprise which while it equals in folly that of 1848, exhibits far more strikingly a want of that high quality of courage of which Irishmen are justly proud as a disâ€" tinguisned national quality ‘Z W hat is it that happened this last week? What were the chief, almost the only7 incidents of this ‘ rising’ of 1867 ‘Z Insurgentbands of menâ€"- hundreda in numberâ€"attacked police bar. racks up and down throughout this country, and almost everywhere were kept at bay, repulsed, and put to flight by handfuls of policemen from half a dozen to .9. dozen in number; And this'was the ‘ rising ’ of 1867 l†' “If we have reason to be ashamed oflnst week’sdoings, we have but too much reasnn also deeply to deplore them, as well as the whole busnies which eventuath in them. W hat is the actual stale of thing's in Ireland 'I General disquietnde, business of every desâ€" cription smitten with pzi‘alysis, capital seared away, nmnul‘nctories given up, the constitution suspended, families plunged in grief for fathers, husbands, brothers. sons, 10m from them to undergo a penal servitude worse than deathâ€"such is our present con- dition! Still the worst has not come. Not. much blood has been shed. There is yet room for wholesome upvice, yet time (to avert the evils which combined folly and wickedness may bring- upon a country. already, alas! but too unl‘ortumte.†Archhishop Lenhy is one of the prelates who has taken an active part in Seeking to ohiuiu by constitutional means 2L rmnedyfor (my evil» that Purlimuent can remove, and he cnncludes with the following exce‘lem advice 1â€"â€" Ladies’ Bonnets 65 flats Includim: BONNE [‘S, HATS, STRAW TRIMMINGS, FEATHERS, FLO WERS RIBBONS I“ “w W" 5" 513’18- and on the shoneclnotico Richmond Hill April [8, ’67, The movement among the workdi claw- 98 for highur way“; is extending in New York and in mamy portions Hf the Eastern and Middle States. Bximmivc strikes ham taken place in I'Qmmylvnmiia, New Jersey, mid New York. Among the (:‘isOS that have s’t‘ruck, or threaten to strike, if their demands are um, complied wi'h, nmy b0 mmutimieai miners, iron-puddlers,carpenters, animus, ht)ll’~‘(}-p'dini01‘$, hhicksmiths, and :ihm‘nm. IL is estimated that seven thou- sand workmen cunnumml with the iron mmmi'nrturn in and around Pittsburgh, are nmv on strike. and pr ubnbly the total num- ber now “ out. " for highur 'ngvs, and in a fvw instnnï¬is for Shorter hours, exceer‘s twenty thousand. No serious disturbances are rcpm- mi. except in Luzerne County, 7, u 1 1’1 31. A , i Dollars. from three to ï¬ve years. on ï¬rst class Farm secunly. charges moderate. Apply to "V 7| ‘ A , Pm, were 9. riot ocmurcd. How it ter- minated m: are not infurmnd. In most (macs the ompluym‘s have yielded to the demands ()t’the working men. 'l'eronto. Apr112,1867. FIRES. W. H. l‘lYERS SPRING STOCK MILLINEHV ESTABLISHMENT! RICHMOND HlLL, The Fenian Insurrection. ï¬sm flamsrtmmmm. MONEY TO LEND. EIGIIT PER CENT, N sums of ONE 10 T‘VO THOUSAND Begs to announce the arrival of her TORONTO M A Mi 151‘s. Toronto, April 19, 1867. 91n-1................$7 75 @ 3* on 1an bushel . . . . . . . . 2 ()5 @ 2 l0 Wham do ........ l 80((1) 2 0!: do . . . . . . . . U 60 (in 0 6% Trimmed and Cleaned 850., &c., 869. JOHN KERR. Court Street. Toronto. 14 00 n48 6 5t) 0 l3 0 ()0 2 (m 0 31 6 50