Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Apr 1867, p. 3

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~ HAR’DW ARE,» &c.~, Cull n W. S. Pollocks, who has the largest and most excellent variety shown on Richmond Bill or neighborhood in Felt, Cloth, Tweed, "Velvet, 'Lincn, Straw, chhorn, and Chip Hats, and Gaps in the fashionable Shaina, and in elvery size, an Incpcction ‘3 all that iaytlounted, being certain we can shit your taste and your pocket. Late l , M G- A- BA‘RNART}. ._._‘Ladies’ hnd- Children’s- Skelleton Skirts ! the new and fashionable styles. 15 and 20 Hoop Skirts 296d each, 'at:W. S. Pollock’s, late ' Call at ‘V. S. VPollock’s, who has just received an immense Stock, in the newest Itylon, 1nd in almost every material, and at prices that will command the attention of A'diaccmihg publié late _ t ‘_ G.A. BARNARD. “' FOR MEN’S, YOUTH’S AND BOY’S Straws: Tuscan "fits & - Bonnets Richmond Hill, April, 1867. NEW SPRING E0008. k, “in. variety, in the newest and most fashionable shapek I v o to I. v u .0 u 0““. ch 0’38 d0 IOII‘OIO‘ODOO‘OOQ‘QS Children’sdo do do ..................ls6d‘each with an excellent aslortment of Ribbons, Straw and Tainan Trimmith Flo'wers, Wreaths, 8m, in the most varied and beautiful styles and calm-lugs, at W. S. Pollock's lam ‘ VG. A . BARNA RD. N returningthanks to his numerous customnrs and‘rfciends for the liberal suppan he he {ma xfé‘crivod since mmluencmg business 'On Richmond Hill, would intimate to them that lie has received the greater part of his VVillialan Atkinson NEW & ’E‘QEEEEQBiLfiEIQEo A Clorgvman. while residing in Soulh Am- erica MI million”); divcovered nnafa and 06mph remedy fgnr the Curo of NerVOUs Weak- noes. Ell'l)’ “tinny. Diseases of the Uriunry 5nd Singiunl Organs, Illd the whole (rain of iiumrl brought ‘on by buueful and vivinus MR. Great ‘n‘umhers have been cured hv thi- Ioble remedy. Prnmpmd by a desire at fienofil the afflicted and nnfnnunute, lwil Mind 11'” recipe for preparing and using this modicine, ima‘l’ealed envflope. to any at who niedc is, Fun of Charge. " Sumifi’cr Stools: 0f Dry Goods, S Half E III” E Half V'aughnn, Agril I7, 1867. HM» "Rule-o nu euvofupe nddrouodono your-elf. E Half Lot. About 7 vears. lhud only on fore feet. Any Inform-Hon u to her whorenbou‘s will be Ihnnkhlly rgcpivegi by { ROM “'0' romiren of the Subacrilmn. Lol N0. ‘17.."glnd Con.- Mukhum, on Tuesday the 91h ill-1;? A. GRAY MARE : ' JACOB HEISE. Mukhnm, April. 11,1567" OMNIBUS! .I. {hanks lo the train-Hing community for iho liberal patronage they have given him since ho purchased the line of Stages running be- tween Richmond Hill and Toronto, begs to inform them that he has had built and com- fonably fitted up A NEW DIVINIBUS! HE Subscrtborpiu returning his sincere {hanks lo the tram-Hing community for Which he will run from his Hotel, Richmond Hill to Toronto. at half-past seven will leave “'ood’s Hotel, Nelson Stu roaomo, At half-put 3 p.m. Parcels left at Best's Buy Hores Hotel, young street. or at Wood’s hotel, Nelson slroet. Toronto. will be delivered with punctuality. The Proprietor will not has responsible for Parcels that are not pro-paid. Omnibus: tun on good Time! flv keeping attentive and acomodating driv- orl he trusts to merit a continuance of the pntronage of the public. Richmond Hill, Agril ll. '67. ROBERT RAYMOND, RICHMOND HILL FARMS FOR SALE. art A Card to Invalids. SPECIALITY. For New and FashiOnable Clothing STRAYED ! do do do Addie”. ‘ JQSEPH T. [EMAPL .‘i _3_9, 3rd qun.7Va,_ughau, 82 Acres 31, do do 80 do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do do 100 do 34, 3rd 0011. 35, do do 100 do LADIES MI‘SSE’S AND CHILDREN’S Apply to All Departmch are complete with everything that is sfn‘nxox D. Hutu: Hints». Auc-Ymk my LEE]!!! KEPT EflNSTfldeLY [EN HAM]. -, Apht 117nm]. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, JAMES McGEE Proprietor. The Wonderful Flexib lin and greattoml'url and pleasure to any lady wearing-the Duple Elliptic Ski't will [)0 experienced particularly in all crowded Assomb ion, Upnrus. Railroad cm. Churchl‘lewu. Arm Chairs. for Promon- ndo and House drew. a! the skin can be folded when in um to occupy}! small place as easily and conveniemly a: 1: Silk nr Muslin Dre-s, nu unluuhle quality imcyiuoliuo. uol found in zuv tingle Spring Skirt. A Lady lumng onjéyéd the pleasure, com- fort and conveméncn of wonrvng the Duplex Eliiptic Steal Spring Skirt fur a llllglu day. will never afterward! willingly dispanle vnlh lheir uue. For Children. Mink“ and Young LndiL-n they are superior to all (them. LA'I'ES'I‘ FASHIONB DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED PATENT Duplex Elliptic To enjoy [he following inoatimable advan- tages in (Irinoline, viz : Superior quality. pur- fcct mu: ufaclurn, siyllsh ahnpo and finish. flex. ibility. durability, comforx and lemming: en- quire for J. Bmdloy'a Dup ex Elliptic. or Dou bio Spring Skin, sud be aura you get the gen- giae nrficle. Tllay will noLhend «I break like the Single Spring. but will preserve llimr perfect and graceful shape when three or {our ordir-ary Skin-(u will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hot-p5 are cnvered with Double 5:. Twist- ed Thread. and the Bottom Roda nre not only double Springs. but twice (c' dnub'e) covemd prcvonling them from wearing oul when drag- ging down sloopv. slain. &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all Indian and is universally mccomlnended by the Fauhiunnbles Magazine. as the Standard Skirt of [he Fashinnuble World. CAUTlON.â€"-To guard against imposition bg (tarticular lo NOTICE that akin- offered as " 1) flex” have the red ink stmnp. viz.._ " J. W, mdiey's anlc; Elliptic Steal Springs." upon the waistbnnd~nqno others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop w~ii| admit a pin being pnned through the centre. limo reveal- ing the two (or double) upriflwrxrdcd toned]? or therein. which is the secret of theiri‘lexihii- ity and slrongth, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. For Sale in all Storel whore Firlt Ctlu skins are sold throughout tho United Slow and elsewhere. Manufactured bythe Sole Owners of the pntent. Being lot No 48, lst Con. Vaughan, in the Village of Richmond Hill, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. John Linfoot. The farm contams 88 acres, and is considered one of the best Wheat growing farms in the connty of 1"91‘Ik. _ Ifxfot sold it will be to Rent on the lat April._ ‘Will be sold cheap or exchanged for smaller place as part payment. ' For further particulariapply to P. Crosby Esq., Richmond Hill, or to Wm Linfoot Buttonville. FARM FOR SALE MALLOY’S AXES DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 90, 2nd conceaaiou Markham Richmond Hill, Jan. 31,1867. EXCHANGE. WFSI'S. BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers 61. 8| Rondo 815.. N. G. A‘. BARNARD’S. (0 u noun”: SPRING) IOK BALE BY OR TO 10 THE ELGIN MILLS STORE J 01m G. Bernard IS RECEIVING A LARGE AND To which he invites his numerous friends and Customers in call and examine before purchasing elsewhe‘te, ‘as'he feels ‘ confident he can suit them in All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. ELGXN MILLS, APRIL 2, 1867. ANNO UN CEMENT. Groceries, crockery, Provisions, 61c. Can now be'purchgsed' on Richmond HI", a! reasonable rams, at the New Store of SPRING 600118! PRICE, QUALITY & “VARIETY. THE Subscriber having engaged the Stand next‘to Dnlmaze’s Hotel.'anil just op- posite to the shop of Mr. Myers, he wlll endeavour, 'by paying strict atten- leiition to business and selling low for cash, to merit and obtain a portion of the patronage of the good people of Richmond Hill and vicinity, ’ He invilesf the alien- lion of chase buyers, hoping that they may give an inspection of his” stock, which at all times will be found to be FLOUR, RRAN, SHORTS, OATS, PEASE, always on hand. ‘Hoping that you will call early and call often, and earnestly wishing that you may always receive good satisfaction. R. C. WARREN. Richmond mu. April 4. 1867. ' 454. Richmond mu, April 4 To which they would invite the attention of their Customers. New Fashionable, SPRING R. C. WARREN. STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE Elgin Mills, April 4. 1866. BOOTS '& SHOES. Fire-proOf Store, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, March 27,1867. DRY GOODS! firfiflfififiiESa Richmond Hill, March 26, 1867. 63' Market price paid for Butter, Eggs, Ham, Pork, Cheese, Lard, Tallow, 8L0. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Begs to announce to his lriends and the public, that he is receivmg, daily, his HAVE RECEIVED A ‘TREMENDOUS STOCK OF SPRING- STOCK &c. &c. &.c. Sales made torCash or approved Credit. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Has a large assortment of BOLTS and SHOES which for Well assorted. and the prices low. COMPRISING EVERY THING THAT IS P. CROSBY, GOODS! , 1867. A. NEWTON J: VERNEY Cannot be surpafised. OF VALUABLE " PROPERTY Pasha-«ion given on the 1st day of April. 1867. For fianha‘r parlicnlard apnh’ to Thomas Sodmun. Richmond Hill, or to John Ganon, on the premiael. For D1a1nfcet1ng‘ hm SALE BY » Novombar 9. 1866'. GOOD Dwelling Home. Burn. Stable, Driving House, Wood House. .nnd Three quartermof nu Acre of Land, on which there I! a quarter of an acre of an Orchard of “0|th young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. Goesob‘erfiea. &'c. " The above Pacperty is situated iii the centre of the village. Will be bold cheap for cash. Chemist and Dmggis} Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 35 EEPS Ilwnyo on hllld the best of Beef, Mutton. Lamb. Veal,l’ork, Sausages. am. uud no“: a: low pricon. * ‘ The Highut muket price given for Cut] 5 Sheep, Lambs 6w. Richmond Hm, Much 14, 1867. With Out Byildinngwo never-failing streams of waterâ€"one running through each lot. with Well- nndgl’umpl and other conveniences. MONEY TO LOAN Pure Canadian Rock Oil, ls 3d gallan. Ex. Refined do v do Is 6d gallon. Best Refi'd Pensylvamia do 1s 9d gallon. Having purchased a large lot of superior ROCK OIL, at low Rates, we cannot be undersold in ppm}, norflsurpassed in quality. A trial will convince. " W. S. Pollock, late ' " ’ Moro or less. all clpgred que‘pfi Idiom-2‘0 acme of Bath pasture. ’l‘hero' is blocled on‘ 1qu premium ' " " A SAW MILL-2 TWO HOMESTEADS! Richmond Hill, Feb. 25, ’67. R. H. HALL, PM SALE Ill Tfl LET! Thornhill, April 4. 1867. 2|!!! ACRES . flF‘ LAN“ 1. omeyrof King~ & Yonge‘Streets, TORONTOQ CARBOLATE OF LIME. .1. vnmageous ‘erma. a onion of Lgud, nio maxed on the rear of Lot 0. 28, in the la: Concession, Townthip. of Vaughan, couluin. ing ABOUT TEN ACRES. Richmond Hi], Feb. 20, 1867. Barrister anb attormg-at-Eam, SOLICITOB IN CHANCERY, &c Orrxcxâ€"No 4, British Amencn Insurance Buildings, comer of.Cl3urph '& Court Streets Toronto, Nov. 28,‘ 1866. 0 BE RENTED, for a term of years. the whole of the ynluabie esme of Mr. BARNA- LYON. being Lot No. 36.‘ in the" lat coucoaiuu of Vaughan. holler known as‘Cook’s Corners, ange unencnmpining ‘ Richm and Hill, January 14. 1867. STEPHEN _ WiggAMS, , BUTC H E R. 2nd door north of Barnard’s store, RICHMOND HILL, HE subscriber will Sell ' or Kent on ad- vantageous ‘erma. a portion of Land, nio Terms and particulars mude known on \p- plicalion to ' JOHN BRUNSKILL. A: WILLIAM ATKINSON‘S ,- Chenp Provinion Store. Cash paid for Flax Seed. . Richmond mu, Jun. 18. 1866." “ 68' Village ofltichmond Hill, 2For Sale. ” MANTLE and DRESS MAKERS. FARM TO RENT. For further pa rticulnra apply to M. TEEFY Es.. or P. CROSBY, Esq. (flawed and filtered to thy latest style. Slumping uniMachiya Embfoidcrz' (Ema. 500‘: Tea ! Giant’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. Two doors noth of G. A. Barnard: Store. Bonnets, Felt & Straw Hats Richmond Hill. Nov. 9 1865 MONEY TO LEN!) THE Undenigned is authorized to state that Cain be procured, in, sums to unit borrowers. on Lnnded security. Terms made known on personal application to $20,00.03 N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. Aw. drawn with neatnels and dospntch.~ M. T. continues to not an DWI:on Covpu- Ann-r. Foeu'modento. Richmond Hill. Nov. 28. 1866. TRY ATKINSON’S On Improved Real Estate, PPLY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- Misses M. &»A. R.u’tfidé- RICHARD GRAHAME; XOUGHNBT & WAQIOLL, Burriulora,- &c. G. A. Barnard. M. TEEFY, Successor to James Holliday. Superior to chloh’do of Lime 0N LANDED SECURL’I‘Y. In Working orde’f . also; I THE Notary Public. Agent. Jae. TORONTO. £8 LeBOOT-S AND SHO A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, M'an SWING PUMPS, Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at {£62133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Toronto, TORONTO, April 2, 1867. 51.3... Tncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Slqndls, Wagh Stands, &.c. &c. Aldo a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. thit'el Paints and Colors, Raw and Bouled Linseed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Ymish Turpentine. Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. &c. Parties Furniahing, Fag-sling.“ or Paintingr their Houses, will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also‘ h b t M terinl and Workman-hip. All ka in Warranted to give perfect uni-fle- éfv;:nt:scon:tumly adding to .ur stock of Boom and Shoes of our nmnufnclnro, which will be ' Emmy Feed, 7 Provision and Grocery Store 1 -‘rv -vn-Ov K‘U-‘lv - - l- w, , l Opposite Temperance ,St. ' I T 0 Ii '3' 0g EGS to announce to' the inhabitants of the County'off‘York tlhd this. in “it neighborhood of Richmqnd Hill in particular, that 51%: ad‘détl to hip fibtk HARDW ARE and. %%%%%% % %®%%%%% MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES _In the most Fashionable Styles, IN returning ihanks for the very liberal sfippbxt he has receiv‘ed sinée ébmfié'n'éi‘g’f business in Richmond Hill, begs 29' inform the public that he lids greally iné'x‘éiig ed his Stock and has now on hand a' choite aS‘s‘orlment of ' Riéhmoad Hill, November 9, [866. Richmond Hill Gabinet Establishment \thre he keep! on hand Flour. Shorts. Bran, Oats, Peas,_Oatmeal, abrumeal, Pam-ka * wheat, Bacon, Hams‘ Chase. Fish and s. ; M, SANDERSON‘, Harness! Wm. HARRISON’ S “A RNESSA When ordering please state depth of Well or Cistern. Re, A few more County Rights for THE INDELIBLE PENCIL, ADKPTEE FOR ALL DEPTHS. FOR MARKING LINEN.FOR SALE AT THE. “ HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. Styles for SPRING 6; SUMMERWew SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT; FURNITURE! III-Hos. A nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho wouid also c5" aliex’iil'on (.9 “I SINGLE For Cash, at Prices. that éinnot befiurpassed. 133 Yonge Street, A complete «workmen: ofrthe mmdwrtblo And is prepared to make to ulnar a" kindsof" First Prize RICHMOND HILL. CHARLES POWELL, Patentee and Proprietor. , anrox Bkoox, C.W for safe 64 Harness! DOUBLE

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