M. TEEF‘Y, ESQ, Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, CONVEYANCER, AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, JOHN M. REID, M. 1).. COR. 0F YONGE AND CUIBURNE STS., Thornhill. (U’ Residenceâ€"Near the Church of England Reforonce permitted toO. S Winstanley. Esq. Memb. Royal College of Surgeons, Eng" Yonge St. Toronto, and Thomas U. Savage, Esq . M 1)., Memb. Roy.Coll. Sulgeons, Eng. 'l'hislloton. READ & BO Y D: Barristers, Attorneys ’at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., No paper discontinued until all arreurages are [Hid : and pallies refusing papers without paying up. will be held accountable for the subscription. ‘ R. HUSTETTEK’S numerous friends wlll please accept lus sincem lhnnks l0! theirliberal patronage and prompt payment. and would announce that he will continue to devote (“6 whole of his atmnliou lo lhs prac- tica of Medicnne. Surgery and Midwifery. All cdls. (night or day) promplly amended 10. Elgin Mills, Oclobur 5. 1866. Cnnsultaxiuns in the oï¬ice on {he morning: of 'l‘uusdnw. Thumdnyx and Saturdays. 8 to 10,». m. [D’All consultations in the ofï¬ce, Cash. Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C. l J.A. BOYD B A May 7. l866. 4mm R‘CHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEM EA‘TS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages. 1L Willa,§ $10 , &c., drawn with Intention uud promplilude. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill. June 9.18%. l ITAdverLisemems without written directions naorted till forbid, anti charged accordingly All transitory advertisements. from suangers or ifrogular customers. must be paid for when inuded in for inser'ion. P. J. MUTER. M. D" Plly-icinn,Slu'goon 8L Accoucheur V. IL]. [generally be found at home before half past 8mm and from 1 102 p.m. All phrtiPS owing Dr. J. Imngstnfl'are expect- ed (a call and pay promptly. as he has pay- ments now mat must be met. All advertisements published for a less period than one month. must be paid for in advance. All letters addressed to Lhe Editor must be post-paid. Niï¬lllflloï¬d‘iii’“, June. 196 77. King Street East, (m‘er Thompson’s East India House) OFerEâ€"In the “York Herald†Buildings, Richmond Hill. [1’3- Mnney to Land. BARBISTEH, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Six lines and under. ï¬rst insertion. . ..$00 50 Each subsequent insertion.... ... . .... 00 [3 Ten line» and under. ï¬rstinsertion. . . . 00 75 Each subsequent insertiou.. . . . . . . . . .s. 00 90 Above ten lines. ï¬rst insertion, per line. 00 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . . .. . 50 00 Haifa column do do 30 00 Quarter 0“: column per twelve months. 20 00 One column pen six months†. . . . . .. . 40 00 Halfncolumn do 2500 Quurler of a column per six months. . . . 18 00 A card of ten lines, for one year. . . . . . 400 A card of ï¬fteen lines, do . . . .. .. 5 ‘25 A card ofhventy lines, do . . . . . . . 6 50 DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, And dispatched to subscribers b5 the earliest nails. or other conveyance, when so desired. The You: HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and mos‘t important Foreign ~ and Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it nc-v ceptable to the man ofbusiness, and a valu~ tibia Family Newspaper. TERMS :â€"One Dollar per unnum, in AD- VAitclz: if not paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. M‘NAB, MURRAY aamcxas, Barristers & Attorneys-at-Law Solicitors in CQancery, CONVEYAXCERS, &C. O l-‘FICEâ€"Ill the Court House, . .TORONTO August 1, 1866. 59 Solicitor in Chancery, C 0 NV EY ANCE R, &c, &c., &c wï¬géfléyeagï¬agï¬zsmï¬ignms H.._»:-â€" _ THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and, Waggon MAKER. UNDERTAKER Residenceâ€"Nearly opposite I Rnchmond “UH HAVE mums. WATER mums; CISTRENS AND PUMPS ! ‘l J 013.11 Langstafl EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Mr. Geoxï¬urlcitt is authorised to collect,nnd 'l'hnrnhill, June 9, 1865 July, 5th, 1866. flusiums ï¬txcttom. RATES OF ADVERTISING. @bt' 190th gljeralh Manufactured and for Sale by GEO. B. NICOL, STEAM MILSI’ITHORIHILL LAW CARDS. THOR {NHL L. IS PUBLISH ED &c. &c. &c. uu.yvxnuv. per line. . . . Iulhs. . . . .. . 0 he months. .u...n- months. . . . year. . . . . . 0 ....-.. 0 ....-u the Pos! Ofï¬ce. 5-ly f: F. having leased the above Hotel, ' [formely occupied by the late Mr. R. Niflnols], and having putit in a thorough state of repair, Travellers will ï¬nd this DAVID EYER, Jun., Siam & Shingle Manufacturer Planed Lumber, Flooring, Sac. Kept on hand. SAVVING Gone promptly ; also 1 ESHWLVCIL-Imt ‘26. 2nd Con. Markham : on the. High) Mills Plank Road‘ A large Stock OrSTAVES and Smmms. kept constnnliy on hand.and sold afthe lewest Prices [1? Call and examine Stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. house hotï¬ comfortable and convenient. A good Hosth always in attendance Richmond Hill Jam 31, 1867. 35 EDMUND SEAGER, Provincial Land Surveyor, &c. RlCHMOND HILL. One ofthe oldast and cheapest housesin the trade. IL? Give John a call when in Town. Al the lowest pqssible rates. Saw Mill on I0125,‘2nd Con. Markham, 2; mllle‘s easlol Richmond lllll by the Plank Road Richmond Hill, June ‘26, 1865. 4-]y Residenceâ€"Lot 40 Yongc Street. Vaughan. Toronto. De c. 1865 RWHWMILL‘HQTEL LU ME RING- ABRAHAM EYER HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public T that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constanliy on hand a. good suppiv of ï¬rst-class Liquors, &c. As this home possesses every accommodation Tm- vellorscan desire. those who wish loslay whpre they can ï¬nd everycomfort are respectfuliyin- viled to give him a call. HE Subscriber would intimate to the farm- ers and other: of Richmond Hill and urrui I: Co-lutry having. That he has successfully treated the above the past ten years without a single failure. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, PLANEING TO ORDER Lumber 'l‘on gucd 8; Grovcd "m: Ofï¬ce Addressâ€"Richmond um June: I865 GEO. MCPHILLIPS8L SUN Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865‘ Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Men‘s \Vomau’s and Children’s Markham. Nov? 1, 1865. This treatment does not noceksilate their being laid aside only for a few days. Quite a number ofreference given if requir- ed ofpersqns whose horses have been cured by BOOTS 8L SHOES, Horses My charge is $1 50 if paid when operaled on, if not $3 00 will be charged to ensure a scure. Residence rear of lot ‘25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DUN'I‘ON. Richmond Hi“. Oct. 25, ’66 72~ly Richmond Hill Bakery P. BASING’I‘WAITE, HUM “KENT BAKER EGS leave to notify the pubhc that ho has B purchased the business and good will of \V. S. Pollock’s establishment; and that He is prepared to‘ furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronaga. PiclNic pi'rlies and Tea Meetings supplied at the lowest possible rates and on the shortest notice. Vol. VII. No. 48. All erers strictly altenfind to. Richmond Hill, March 21. 1866. LOOK AT THIS NEW SERIES. Maple Hotel! ‘HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4th COIL Vaughan, where he hopes, by atten. tion to the comforts of the travelling commu~ uily. to merit a share of their patronage and nupport. Good Stubling, 6w. DOPMAQFiEflPTEL. Maple. Jan 1866.. Worth [Knowing .’ Provincial Land Surveyors, Henry Smelser; ICENSED Aâ€"UCTIONEER for tho coun- ‘ties of York and Feel, Collector of Notes, Agcwums, 610. Small charges and plunty to do Lmksy. March 2nd 1865 39-} January 16. 1866. June 7,1865. EGS respectfully to inform his customers and the public that he is proparud to do 38 West MarketSquare. ‘2 doors south of King Street, In any quantity. and on short notice. JAMES BOWMAN, BY ROBERT FE KRIS. LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, JOHN BARRON. GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor; Afflicted with Ring-bone, S EAFO RTH. C. W RICHARD VAILES. 32- ly TORONTO. 28-lf l-tf llf 22 for ln the year 1842 (began the old man) I was engineer on the Con- stitution, one of the most powerful and handsome locomotives on the road. My mute then extended from Bedford to Bloomington, a distance ofabout ninety-ï¬ve miles. There were at that time but two intermediate stations between the northern and southern terminus of the road, which were situated as followszâ€"Ripley. a town of seven or eight lnousand inhabitants, lay forty-ï¬ve miles south of Bedford ; and Carthage. a town nearly as large, lay twenty miles south of Ripley. thirty miles trom Bloom- ingtont From Redford to Ripley ths roan consisted of a single track only; but after passing Ripley there was a double track the entire distance. The following incident was re- lated to me by. an old acquaint- ance who was for many years an engineer on the railroad where the event in question transpired. On the old man's brow the frosts of seventy winters had settled lightly. yetleould not but remark, as he lighted his pipe, preparatory to beâ€" ginning his story. how vast a change a few short years had wrought upon his iron frame. At the time the event which I shall endeavour to narrate occurred, he was the embodiment of strength and activity, of which now, alas! comparatively little remained. But I will proceed to give to my read- ers the story in as nearly the exact words ofthe veteran engineer as mv memory will permit 2â€"- Chased by a Locomotive The day on which the occurrence happened, to which I cannot even now, after the lapse of twenty-four years, advert without a thrill of horror, was one of extreme heat. It was the day preceding the Fourth of July, which was to be celebrated at Bloornington with more than usual patriotism. Among the numerous other at- tractions that city afforded on the morrow was a Fourth of July ora- tion, to be delievered by one nf'the most ' eloqueat men of the day. This announcement. being widely circulated throughout the country. had with other reason the eflect ol causing a very great rush of people at the depot. The train left Betll‘ord at ten o’clock A. M. was crowded with passenger to 'its utmost capacity, yet did noL take with it more than two-thirds of the number who had purchused tickets for Bloomington. The dis.‘ appointed ones had no alternative than to wait the one o’clock train should leave. It was this train that was to run" to Bloomington daily by the noble engine, the Con- stitution of which I was engineer. ~Dpn't y_oxi'knpw’that people won’t em. ‘ ‘ ploy A mah who wrongs his mauliness by laugh- ing like a boy? And suspect the azure blossom that unfolds upon a. shoot, ‘1 As if wisdom’s old potato could not floin‘ish at its root! ’Tis ever common, That men are merriest when they are from home. And therein sat a lady fresh and fair, Making sweet solace to herself alone; V Sometimes she sang as loud as Iark in air, Sometimes she laughed that nigh her breath was gone : Yet was there.n3t with her else any one That to her might move cause of merri- ment: Matter of mirthvenough, though there were none, She could devise ; and thousand ways in- vent To feed her foolish humour and vain jolli- ment. thee ' i Jest and youLlAfpl jollity, -- 'Quips,‘ and ‘éfahkfl, arid. wanton wiles, Nods, and backs, and wreathed smiles. - < r ' Milton. Come and trip it as yqu go On the light fantastic me, And in the right hand lead with the The mountain nymp, sweet Liberty. Milton Care to our cofï¬n adds a. nail no doubt; And every grin so merry draws one out. Dr. Wolcot. Hagte the, my nymph, and bring with ifitmturs. 19mm; “ Let Sound Reason weigh more 9mm us' than Popular Opinion.†MIRTH. Spenser‘s Faery Queen. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1867 0. W Holms S halcspere. The fatal truth soon flashed upon me. The locomotive was running away. Before leanng the station I had seen several small children playing around theengine, one or two of whom we'e climbing up intothe tender. 'Ihe engineer, a man who had once been discharg- ed for similar carelessness, had gone to his house, a short distance off, for some purpoe, and, without doubt, during his absence, some of these children hal inadvertently started the works. As near as] com] determine, we were in advance oflhe lugilive 10- comolive about ‘hee miles; but it was evidentlv gainng upon us ra- pidly, as from thejun speck it ap- peared when my atention was ï¬rst directed to it, it hd now come 10 be distinguishabléas a locomotive, almost without he aid 01 the- glass. We had not mide the distance of more thantten gniles before my attention wasdirected by the ï¬re- man to something away behind us that he said he been watching for some minnteéysand it seemed to be steadily following us. i also watched the singglar- object intent- ly for several "{inirrutes; "Without being able to mait'e up my mind as to what it ct‘ltikï¬â€™kbo. Surely the next train could not be coming yet; that was not to leave till two o'clock. But suddenly remember- ing that there was a small teles- cope, or spy-glass aboard the enâ€" gine, I immediately procured it. when, to my consternation, I at once saw that the mysterious speck that was following us so assidu- ously was the locomotive Superior, that we had left at Belford with steam up. ready iorthe two o’clock train. But there were no care at-j tached; what could be the mean- ing of that! At the rate the train was now moving, we woulcsoon be over- taken by the runway engine; and the coalision, consdering the num- ber of passenger on the train, could not but be attended with most disastrous coseqnences. It was manifest, thezlore, that our only safety lav in :mtt‘unnmg the fngacious locomtive, which I slmddered to thin it would be dillicnlt to do. as te former had no impediment 'hatever to its speed, while we were retarded with eight heavi' loaded cars. But. nevertheless,l ordered the ï¬reman to increa: our head of steam with all posible haste, as the lives of perha} hundreds de- pended on our reaming Ripley bex ‘fore the runaway eomotive. Aslhave hefoxig said. we left Bedford at the visual. hour, one o’clock, with 01113;, load of living’ freight, the lives Qidealhs of whom depended on a c'duple of inches of iron rail. On aeï¬i‘punl of the im- mense number-53‘ of passengers aboard the [rainfgwe did no “puy ceed wilh custorï¬ary rapidity. No up-train left Blodï¬ninglun till six o’clock p.M., so {$2, if we. did no! make exactly fuflftime, there was no danger of a cellision. ‘ tn I 1 . " u . .. Before leavitfg the station I noticed the locomotiVe superior a few hundred yardï¬-zbehind us‘ with steam up to the highest point, in- somuch that was constantly making its escape through the safetv valve. As‘everbody knows the boiler resistsrias great a pressure of steam as itr-wdlgbear with safety, consequently she was in full readiA mess to carry the crowds that were waiting about the} depot to their destination. Er l At precisely, lime o’clock we ‘rolled out of the epot with eight cars literally jarâ€; ' e‘ngerst Those gwhom .obtained standing room lgvl’e'vcn considered themselves formpatev; while, as in the iorenoon, there were hun- dreds not so‘lacky! as to meet with this success. :Fo'n the arcommoda- tion of those left behind, an extra train Was to be'nï¬de up and start-‘ ed at two o’clock; ' rI'he great lantities wood thrown into the {mace had soon the very dcsirablefl‘ect of quicken- ing the motton of he train to a degree that, umr the circum stances, wast extmly gratifying. Bust still. after anonslv watching for a few minuteshe result of our ‘accelerated speed] felt certain Ethat, even at the re we were going [the distance betwn us and our The same tra-in returned at night. leaving Bloomingtion at nine o’clock in the evening. and We were soon going at a rate of )0!) of speed hitherto unknown to me, 811- and l guess never before experienc- > 3 ed bva single person on the train. Im The trees that skirted the lrack, “2- in places on eilher side, seemed to ing be rushing past in a wild maze, OUI' with the rapidity of the wind. 1 aln co‘niinued lhrowmg in the pitch lug iillI had emplicd one of the our barrels, and Ihe ï¬re-box was near» About half a barrel of this high- Iy-inflammable substance being thrown into the furnace. the steam- guage began speedin to run up. In a very short time the thick furnace door had changed its dark sombre hue to one of a glowing 'red, so terriï¬c was the heat with- in. From this moment the motion 01 the train grew faster and the huge driving-wheels revolved with the velocity oflightning. Among the other freight put on board the train at Bedford were a few barrels of pitch. These, fortu- nately, were in the forward bagg- age-car, where they could easily be got at. With the assistance of the ï¬reman and baggage master. I managed to get a coupie of these barrels into the tender. As I said before, notwithstand ingthe utmost. endeavours of the ï¬reman to keep up a strong head of steam, the iron ï¬end continued steadily to gain upon us. It was now not more than a mile behind, andlhrough the glass I could see with painful distinctness everv painful emotion of terror that pass- ed atnwart the faces of the fright- ened children. We were yet some. ï¬fteen miles from Ripley and it was becoming alarmingly obvious that unless we increased our speed to a still greater degree a collision wovld incvxtably ensue. We. ought to be at least a mile ahead when arriving at Ripley, to give the switchman time to alter the switch. This I determined, if pessible, should be. the case. 'Thisltied to a small piece of wood, and if we got to Ripley without being overtaken, it was my intention, in passing the station‘ to throw it down close b} the 'switchman. It we could get the switch changed in lime. the engine with the children would pass off on the left-hand track, where it might runtill the ï¬re burn out without meeting any obstruction. I had no apprehension, however, that it would run further than the ‘ next slatiou~Carthage at the most. ‘ For heaven's sake. change the swiï¬zï¬â€™as’ shim" a's’â€pbssiï¬fe; Were is aAIocomoxive behind us running away !’ leew the ï¬re of the Superior would soon; die out alter a . while, unless replenished with fuel, and then, of course. the steam would go down, and the engine stop of its own accord. If we could reach Ripley.where the double traek com-Vi menced, in advance of "the pursuu ing locomotive, my lears‘ for thel safety ofthe little ones, as well as the hundreds on the train; would be greatly allayed. 'I already had my mind up as‘to how I should1 manage. -l took a lead-pencil and‘ wrote upon a small piece of paperl the following note: l .Theathonght of my only child. my darling little Margaret. being dashed to pieces. almost drove me frantic. My own safety, and (lam ashamgd to confess it),tha,t of the passengers was lost sight of in the one allabsorbing dealre to :escue my little daughter from her peril- ous situation. ‘ hour 'would'not be efl'aged‘frbum-i mind." ' ' ' ' 011,, heavens! the memory of that scene Comes o'er my soul with anguish keen. . Breathing a silent but earnent préver to God for the preservation oftheiinle ones. I communicated th'e horifying diSCOVey to the ï¬re- man, at tilt} same _tim‘e repeating the ofdcr'to keep the furnace we“ suppiied with fuel. Were I to live a. thousand years the agony of that We were not more than two milesahead, and] already fancied [could see the forms of a couple fol children.sillii1g.. in‘ Alhe lender.‘ ’To assure myself. I got the glass, which brought, alas, but too plain- ly to my View the images of my own dear little Margaret and an- olherjgirl, locked in each olher‘sl embrace, with countenances indi- c‘aliVe'of the most intense léar. pursuer was gradually growing less. would-[not But a new danger was besitting us. The tremendous heat produc- ed by the great mass of pitch and ‘wood burning in the furnace threatened to burst the boi'er, if not to be set the engine on ï¬re. The steam-gauge showed the steam was several pounds higher than the boiler was made to carry, or than it could resizt without danger of explosion. It is true some of it was escaping through the safety-valve, but not as rapidly as it was engendered by the fierce ï¬re beneath. ll the train were going at the rate it was before reaching Ripley. the steam would be used up about as fast as it was produced; but‘ in order to keep along with the‘ engine on the other tracl<,we were obliged to go quite 'slowly. There- fore, there was but little steam nsedfor the purpose of locomo- tton. But besides the danger of the boiler’s exploding] my fears were greatly excited that the ï¬re, being so exceedinglv violent, would ex- tend its pmver to the woodwork on the engine and burn it up. The intorior of the engineer’s house was fairly smoking with the heat. lfthe ï¬re were allowed to continue burning at this rate much longer, I felt convinced we would either be burned up or blow up, if not both. it was obvious. there‘ fore, that to insure our safety we must make an effort to extinqui the ï¬re. . 1 took the long iron poker that is use for the pnrpnsc, and suc- I now abated the motion of the train_a little, and, in a few minutes the Superior came rushing along past us. I saw, however, that she would not ruu much further. for the ï¬re was ‘out. and the steam nearly spent. Ihad now no difï¬- culty in the keeping side by side with her. which I intended to do till she stopped. lview had-the ineï¬â€˜able delight to ‘see him spring to the switch and lalter it with the rapidity of thought. A few seconds later, the runaway ï¬end came dashing up, and pass- ed in safety on the other track. On seeing this. my apprension for the lives ofthe passengers on the train instantly vanished ; and my fears for .my darling little Marâ€" garet and her companion were greatly tranquilised. It was fur. themore evident that the raid speed ofthe locomotive was somewhat decreasing. » I ltnew the ï¬re must be about burnt out, and the engine would soon stop, probably before reaching Carthage. rAswe neared the switch I saw the switChrï¬an standing only a few feet distant from his post. 1 Hang the pieced wood. with the note attached, down dose to his feet, and before we had passed from . We were now fast nearing Ripley, and I_ had the extreme laatisl‘action of observing that lhe ;distanee between us and the per- ‘suing locomotive was gradually becoming greater. We were rather more than a mile . ahead Whehxwe arrived at the place wherelusually blew the whistle to announce the 'approéch of the train. vlha few secpnds more we‘ dashed by the Ripley statioumre'al- ing a most IerriBle panic among the great number Olv people .35.» sembled at-lhe‘depdl.' i In the meantime, the frightful ispeed with which the train was progressing had caused the Wild- est confusion among the passen- gers in the cars. They could form no. satisiactorv conception why we should be making such extraordinarytime. The conduc- torcameto me With amazement depicted in his every fauture, to inquire the cause ofthis astonish- ing speed. 1 $0111 satisï¬ed him of the necessity of this‘ speed. in order to avoid collision with the engine that was following so sWiï¬ly 1n the ’rear. He then went back to endeavour to quiet he fears of the passengers. ’ TERMS $1.00 in Advance. :ly full. The heat produced bv such a large quantity of burning 1pitch and wood became, after a while; really alarming. We Were unable to bear it In lhe engirreeï¬s house, and were obliged" 'to 'take refuge in the lender. The steam had risen to the highest point com- patible with salety, as was indicat- ed by the gauge, so there was nothing furrber to be desired in that respect. ‘ Whole N0. 4359. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER -â€"-A marriage recently took place at Brough, after a courtship of about thirty years between the parties. The bridegroom wore the coat at the marriage in which: he ï¬rst began the courtship. There was ï¬ring of cannon, music of bands.nnd a general rejoicing; while the bride» groom, in the most generous manner; provided a‘ flowing bowi’ for all owners. A distinguished philosopher holds that mandkind may be divided" intm two great ClflSCS-‘thQSe who are wise). and those who are otherwise. VISIT or AN AnomeAL ELEVEN T0 ER- LANn.â€"â€"Quite a sensation has been caused at Melbourne and one or two other Aus- tralian towns lw the performances in the cricket ï¬eld of an Aboriginal Eleven. Th& Austral.:sinn says : “Mr. Gurnett has zonâ€" tered into an agreement with Mr. Hayman for the Aboriginal Eleven to visit England, where their appearance in the cricket ï¬eld‘ will no doubt form the chief attraction of the commng season. Mr. Gurnett, we believe, intends them to play only against amateur elevens ; and no doubt crowd: will visit Lnrd’s and the Oval to witness the skill ofthe Aboriginal Eleven." TOWN BoYs AND COUNTRY BoYs. â€"~As far as my experience goes, town girls and country boys love nature iIHOSt. I have known two girls love her as passionately as country boys. ToWn ‘boys have many books and pictures. They see nature in mirrors~invaluablo privileges after they know herself, not before. They have greater opportunity of observing human nature; but here also the books are too many and various. They are eleverer than country boys, but they are less profound; their observa- tion may be quicker, their perception is :less They know better what to do on emergency ; they know better how to order their Ways. Of course, in this, as in a thousand other matters, nature will burst out laughing in the face of the would-be philosopher, and bringing forward her town boy, will say. ‘Look here I’ For the town how are nature's boys after all, at least so long as doctrine of' selfâ€"preservation and gambi- tion have not turned them from children of the kingdom into dirt-worms. But 1 must stop, for I am getting up to the neck in a bog of" discrimination. As it I did not know the nobility of some townspeople, cemparcd with the world- lmess ofcountryf‘olk! I give it up. We are all good and bad. God mend- all.~â€"The Argosy. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAS'v TERS AND SERVANS IN SPAIN.â€"â€"â€"A young bride was starting with her hus- band, and grouped around the railway carriages were all her friends and old servants to wish her good-bye. One of‘ the latter was her nurse; and the des- pair of the poor woman was piteous to see. Dressed in her beautiful peasant’ holiday costume, with strings of pearls on her white bodice, but her face swollen and disï¬gured by weeping she :clung to her young mistress with n ytenneity which was both painful and touching. The tie between master and Servants in Spain in very close and very sacred. No one dreams of ordering their man or maid to do anything; whatever is wantedjmust be asked for with a deference and courtesy which which they consider their due,and which IS invariably accorded. The servants consider themselves entirely as part of the family into which they enter, and identify their interests, their sorrows, and their joys with those of their em. ployers. In conciusion, I would mention ihat the engineer through whose neglect or duty the above incident happened, was again discharged. and never after received into the service of the company. l The gratitude of {heir parents *6f the little girl who had participat- ed wilh my Own ' child in her frighllul ride on the locomotive seemed to have no bounds. They wore people of considerable wealth and desired to manifest their apâ€" precialion of the great. favour I had perlormed lor them, in saving their litlle one from destruction, by pre- senting me with quite a large sum of money. Thls, llmvever. dc- clined to take, thinking that “the rescue of my own little Margaret amply cempensated ‘me for my trouble. A1 Carthage the ï¬reman built up a new fire with wood, and we'pro- ceed without lumber interruption to Blbdmington. I brought “the children, who had so narrowly es- caped a ’horrible death; “back to their homes on me nine o’clock train. Ix would be useless to. attempt to describe my feelings when, after so perilous a ride, Hook my little daughterand-her companion, an- injured, in my arms. and carried them safety to one of the cars. lkept along with the engine, bearingthe innocent. cause ol all this peril and confusion, ï¬ll it ï¬nally stopped a link; hundred yards distant from the Carthage stinion.’ ceeded daller a while in getting the ï¬re nearly em. but not before: my hands and feet were terribly scorchâ€" ed by the intense heat. Some of the pitch still remained auhcring to the sides of the lurnace, but this little soon up, and the furnace was without ï¬re in it. From this lime the sleam gradually went down, the red-hot furnaCe resumed 115 natural colour, and the danger ofthe explosion of the boiler or the burning of the locomotive disap. peared.