Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 May 1867, p. 3

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-,.L;AI)IE’S M1831st AND CHILDREN’S A i '. summit this dt Bullets in- great variety, in the newest and most fashionable shapes LadiesZ-Stliaw Hats, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3s 9d ouch Misses’i '* do" -"‘d‘0’ 'do ‘. . . .' . .. . . . . . . .2s 6d each Childre ’ do do do 6d each ~ it”; with an excellent assortment of'Bibbons, Straw and Tuscan Trimmings, Flowers, “'reaths, &c:,.in the ulOS‘WWlI‘iCd and beautiful styles and eolorings, lit W. S. Pollock's late 6%. A . EEA RN A R I). " "V" For New and Fashionable Clothing Call at. W. fiygil’fillogckf'sfiwho has just‘i'eeeived an immense. Stock, in the newest Myles, and iii’n‘li'tn‘ost every material, and-zit prices that will command the attention of a discerning public late 'v r r ' f . G.A. BARNARD.'J’ _ fjgjoit'MEN’s, YOU'l‘ll?S_ AND BOY’S , Call at \V S ‘PullOcks, who has the largest (1an mos! «arm? Wichniond H‘il-ltvor neighborhood in Felt, Cloth, Tweed, Leghorn, and Chipllats,‘;.uiid.Capslin the lhshiuuuhle Shapes. and in every Size, an Inspection,ng is emitted, being eerttiin ,we can suit your ttistc and your pocket. Lg,“ ‘_ : at I . 9“? wGi A-B’ARNARD... [I’Il?_l't‘ll'l'l’f_1/ shown on w- ~i Ladieszwrantll ' 'C’hild In the new and fashionable styles. 2s 6d each, at 1V. S. Pollock’s. lute _ ‘ . . it,» _.,_.r. ._ _ . .G_ A, BARNARD’S‘ Riclsmond Hill, April, 1867. v ‘ _ ,1 H.15-vfllld 20 Hoop Skirts: 0. . LA'iiizsr t‘rtSlltt).\‘s DEMAND". l. w. Britain’s CElEBfiA-TED PATENT ' ‘ Duplex Elliptic (o R Domini srltinc), . @ K E R T . 'l‘lic \l'o'iduilul Flexib lily and great (comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Dilplux Eliplie Ski-t will be experienced pnrliculnrll in nil crowded Asst-nib ice, ()peim, Railroad (inrs, Unlircli l‘ews, Arin (limits, for [’I'Olllt‘ll' - title and House die 8. us the skirt cnii be folded when in use to occupy n sninll place as ensilv nutl cunvenit-nlly as a Silk or Muslin Dress, nit invaluable quality in crinoline. ii0i. found in anv single >pi'ing b'l'irt. A‘ Lady havng enjoyed the pleasure. com- fort and convenience-pf wear up the Du ilox Elliptic Sit-cl Spring Skirt for a single or. will never afterwards willingly dispense n'ith ‘tlieir use; For (illlltltl‘ll, Misses and Young Ladies tllC)‘ ul’0.i~Utl(‘l‘iUI to all (liters. . ' The}. will not lit-lid I] bit-alt like the Single Spling. but will preserve their perfect mid ' grunt-till shape when three OI'lOlH' ordil Itl‘V Skirts will have been llll‘t‘n'll aside as Useless. 'l‘lin llOl'pS we covered with “(illliln 6L Twist-'4 ed Thread. and the Bottom Rods are not Olll‘ double Springs. but twice (0' dolil) a) covered preventing “11‘!” from weniiug oul nheii drag- L'inLi down sleeps, stnii’s. the. Wine Duplex lillipiit: is it great favorite with all lildlt'S :tiitlis universally rt-ccnminontled by the l‘lllslll‘lllfllllt‘s Magazine. as the Standard Shirt (lithe 1"nsliiniittble \'\"orltl. To enjoy the “allowingr iiiestiinnhle advan- tagesâ€"in (ill‘tltlllllfl, viz : Superior quality. per- l'l-tri inn iif:lt:llii':i, sit lléll slinpe and finish. ‘flex‘ ihitm‘a diiinhililv, comfort and Icviiiuniy. en quire for J. lilh(ll0}lx l)up ex i‘illlpllt‘. or Doll bin Spring Shirt, and no sure you get the gotiv nine Ill'llltlt‘. _ V (J.\li'l‘l().\'.â€"â€"'l‘n guard agiiinsi imposition be pnl'lllilll'dl' to NU'l ICE ,lilnl skirts oll'ered as “ Duplex" have the red ink stamp. viz . " J. \‘V, Bradley‘s Duplex Elliptic Neel Sprtugs_” upoi. tho \\'tliSllmlltlâ€"â€"lltllll‘ olheis are genuine, Alto Notice that ('Vl‘:_\' Hoop will admit a pin llt'lllLY pnswd through the centre. thus reveal- ing the ti: (i (or d ultra) springs hi'n dud togeth- .Ol'llllt‘l't‘ill, u liich is the secret of their t'lexibitg , 11:; and strength, unu :l L'OIlIlJltlllliUll not to be found iii illH' (itiwr t‘lilll l ., , For Sale lll all Stow-s where Firnt Ctlns lrkll’lfi ai't-srild throughout the, United Stess HILL J.V H plIOIIIIIOFH ‘QOQJO [9179va 1 ‘2. I H 3”"; ‘ lllltl elsle here. ' . M lzilil‘uclureti by the Sole Owners of. the MM. 7 A ._ 7W}.__._#7V7 -7 7 7 \Vl‘iS ['3 “HADLEY X’ C} RY, F0 R l '31-? Chamberde at Rondo Sim, N. tag I". llatlf L'bt 29, thdCon. Vaughan, 3‘2 Acresl M” W i i i N N ‘ ‘7 11 Part do Ill do do HO do ""1 "T ‘ "5â€"3 ' 5 Half (lo 30,, ‘anv’Con: do lllll do ‘ “g: 1-: Half do 34, ilrdUon.’ do 100 do __’ m‘ I” (E Half do 3.3, .510- ' do 100 do E2£CI§S£§LBJ GE. Ayn!) .m‘ Being lot Xo All“, 1st Con. Vuughnn, in tllezVilluge of Richmond llill, belongingr t0 the estate of the lute lllr. John Lini‘uot. The " t‘nrin conluim 8.4 acres, and is considered one at” llil‘ best Wheat, growing farms in the county of York. I ‘ “not sold it will he to Rent on I the lst ‘ . .lAMESlI’aGEE. lent: Ynuzhun, A Dri ., . .., STRAYED ! - 7R0.“ ilie'pre'iiiiné; of tii'e Shin-critical. Lot :11 No. '27. 2nd Co . li.'hlniitliain, on 'l'uesday April. “'0 9‘“ “MN 7 v. H ' Will be. sold cheep or exchanged" for u A .'. smuller place as part pnvnient. ' About 7 years, shod only on fore feet. Any information no to ,,lier whereabouts will he. thankfully received by , _, .; -.-JACOBHlClSE. (Markham, April.__1l', 1867. For further purlienlurs'npply to P. Crosby . limp, Richmond Hill, or to Win Linfoot lluttonville. {ichmoud Hill, Jan. 31,1307. «fig. 35 moms AXES A Card to In valitls. A Clerm'mnniwh‘ile residing in South Am» oiicn Min missionary. ditcovered aside and niniplc remedy for the Cu re of Nervous Wank- nera. Enrlv Decay. Diseases of the Urinary nnd Sitninnlwgrgnns,‘ and the whole train of disorders brought :o'nli'p bullet“! and vininus linoitn. Great numbers have been cured brl this noble remedy;"Prompted b\‘ n desiie o't benefit the afflicted and unfurluiinle. I wil rend the recipe for ;;}}fe’_)qullfl and using this FOR HALF: DY DANIEL HORNER, Jun, Lot 20. 2nd t‘iiceossion Markham RICHMOND HILL medicine. inmaulmtfinwlopo. to any at who needs it,tl"rcc of Charge. 3 r , . _ , Please enclose an envelope uddressedons vouraelt‘. ' - Addran . r. A}, T HE Subscriber, in rc‘urning his sincere thaan to the ll’flVt‘lllllg Coiniiiunitv for the libei'nl’pntronngo they have given him 'tiiice im purchased the line of Stages running be- tween ltic‘iinond Hill and Toronto, begs to inform thnin that he has had built and comâ€" fortably filled up A NESVV OMNIBUS! Which he will run from his Hotel, Richmond Hill to Toronto. at half past seven will leave ‘Wood’s Hotel, Nelson Stu TORONTO, Al iian-pnst 3 Parcels left at Best's Bay llores Hotel, young street. or at \Vood’s hotel, Nelson slroet. Toronto, will be delivered with punctuality. responsible fox Parcels that are not pro-paid, JosEPii' r. LN MAN, 1-S'n'rtuit D. BIBLE HOUSE. A zw- York city' -. t “._ . - y W A’A'N T 1E E} To purchase any quantity of SHINGLE$ LATH‘,‘ ' "AND CEDAR. POSTS IN HA Velvet, Linen, 'Stii‘nw, . xii. iiii . tilt l:intuit:‘iliiffiint. r'ei'i’s Shelleton ‘ ' (toll of ttluSP buyers, hoping that the t... e Fireproof Store. trial-int The Proprietor will not be ‘ % Tilliam Atltiiismi returning thanks toiliis numerous customers and friendsvfor the liberal support-he he has received since (‘UmmellCllIE business on Richmond Hill, would Iin'timalc to them that' he has received the greater part of his 5 v' ' ' Summer Stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY,': ' All Departments are complete with everything that is aneeef illichrnrond llill, April 11, 1867. "rumth MOM-â€" Qth G. _ - ISRECEIYING A LARGE AND , s PLE NDI D A s s 0 Rim}: 0}“ ' en... 0.. To which he invites his numerous friends and customers to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as ’heffeels confident he can suit them in ’ Pinon QUALITY & All kinds of Farm Produce t aken in exchange. liLGlN l\‘1lLLS,API{IL 2,1867. ‘ 7 -. ' ' ' . EM Greene's, Crockery.inductees. R a Ike: 1.. A ’ '11 E Subscriber having engaged the S‘ltind rext to Udlnmge‘s llotel.t'iii’tl J- two‘p- _ pnsile lo the shop of Mr. Myers, lie nlll end‘ill‘Ol r, by paying's‘trict'iilteni‘ tciition .lt) business and selling low for cash, to mert :ind‘ohtn‘i‘n? a“nnrliiln of‘tlie patronage of the good people of Richmond Hill and vicinity. He invites the alien; y may give an ins,)ecti~ n of his stockgi‘wliich at all tunes will be found to be ' ’7 Well assorted end the prices low. a 01'? Market price ptlid for Butter, Eggs, Ham, Pork, Cheese, Lard, Tallow, the7 FLOUR, RRAN, SHORTS, OATSJPEASE, always 011 liaiid.' ' Hopingr that you will call ear‘y and call often, and earnestly wishing that you may always receive good satisfaction. _ ., v, ' , “R. C. \VARBEN. . Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867. 7.451 . @PREN“. OF ooTs e; error: osvuenew Has a large assortment of BOLTS and b’HUlLS which for , .» c .'- t. S. 13;}, . . . .__...:fi:l._eiAR def, BDW ARE. i 'l‘havlligihesl market- Ri‘clnnond inn, March ‘14,.1867. 7 ' tuntedonv the: rear of Jack. N61,:fl8, .igtf thy Ilst . ‘ ‘_ iiig plicntion to rd »_ quality. A trial will convince. ' “r. * Barrietn‘ mo Qlttori'icg-at-Eam, l ..‘... i~i isle-LATE oi: LIME. '- _ , Superior. to chlorideVol: lilinie‘ ' ‘ For Dismféctmg- ' I ' 9' FOR $.KIJE13Y- , . . i R. H. HALL, , . * ' Chemist 'nnrl Druggistv ‘| Richmond Hill, o Jun.31,1b‘67. 3'5. STEPHEN -. WILLIAMS, - - .SnccessOr to_Jn_Vm_es_H;oll'idcy.wi ' . ’ 'B,Ureni:lt._ , 'H U. “2nd door. north of ‘Barnard’systore‘, it ' _ "RICHMOND: HILL, r v_ . ‘ EEPS always ,on hind; ihehntof beefy. , Mutton.- linmb. _ Vell, Pork, Snuungn. ‘_ ,&c.,§lld {sells at ‘low pricel. ' price given-for Chill." 1.. 3.1? . ,. 12316126 _ 5.. fiifist " -' Slieeli,‘l.mnhs &c.» -' LA I .. .r l t A tile ill-{Eils'uhscrih'or wilt-soil or him on n... . ‘Vantageonatmartian-portion.of Lq.,,d,§;. ., ,._ x v laws: .- in" ‘ t I :1 :i::..: l ‘ Concession, fliqw nullity. 913,;Vagghiwr continua “ABOUT TEN ACRES. I N returning thanks ili'é‘livriy liberal siiépmi'he linsareceired-since commencng - 'l'm‘mfl'uud PHFUCMM“ business in Richmond Hill, ‘begs tti' ilil'oiii ‘ I ‘ {bulgllcihhsf gre’atlj incrcns‘ n‘ the public ed his Stock’und has new on hand a 'clioicerasso'rlinent at" ‘ F U ,7 B- }; E raw“ E lâ€" B - , including Tables, Clinirs. Bedsteads,‘ (Blll‘t’tttls, ‘Elipbonrds, Dres I ~ ‘ > I 'Stnlids, &.c. 8L0. Also a large assdrt’uiieirtr'ot l’tt’min Duper,Byrdeiingfilvmte Lad, : r '. IIatving,purchased a large'lot of superior." Paints and Colors,'Raw 'and limlvd 'Lins'eetl'Uils. 'hlacliii)e__()il, Rock Oil. Varnish i diQCK 01L. at low Rates, we cannot- 'l'urpt-rtine. Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. :&c. "il‘nrliesi Furnishing, PIYGI'I'l'flgg‘ he undersold in price, nor surpassed in or Painting their Houses. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also 5' ARE and. A nice assortment, geod‘and cheap.§ Ho wouldnlsh eallitiltevntlon to his" I} ,Flour, Feed. v Provision ; and;Grocery"’,§toru1, " ' PnS «=thre he keeps on 'linnd Fleur. Shorts. Bran, (ants, 17‘~ , Oatmeal,Cornioenllguck. . i ‘n‘licat, Bacon,’Ham’s, Clieesr‘,“li‘ish'tiiiil ’ ' w, m. w it. ' one» - 1- -~ % Q"tilt J“lillltlllli ‘ltlill m «‘lllllllll ‘ lll “limit “it "tum I , , ‘ .2 - Richmond Hill, N made known on rp- Jouuannvxsititn. Tlioriiliill, April 4. 1867. 4 Titre eqpniiian' Rock Oil, 13‘ 3d_"_‘guian. Ex. Refined do do Is 6d gallon. Best Refi'd Pensylvania do 18 9d gallon. =ing "sinti's, 'Wash Pollock, late (3-. A. Barnard. > Richmond Hi1, Feb. 20, 1867. TRY- ATKINSON’S 550d: Tea, l "A: Winith ATKINSON’S ‘ Cli'a’ztp l’roviuion Store, , Cash paid for Flax Seedi alumina Hill, Jan. 18. 1866. . . For Cnsh,‘at l.’rices;tliat cannot bevs‘urpassed- . member 9, t86t‘. V i i No, 133 Yongc'strcet e St. 23} GR RICHARD GRAHAME, ~ someone in CHANCE'RY, to, ‘ ' ' TORONTO. ‘0);l‘l(TEâ€"â€"NO 4, British, America, Insurance Oppmite Tcmpcrnnc “Buildings, cornerofCliurch (in Court Streets. “TORONTQ EGS to announce to the inhabitants ol the County of York and those in "I! 1 Tom? NOV“ 28’ 15,366' J ,_ 26 neighborhood of Richmond lltll-in particular, that he hits added to hi: i toclt of FARM TO. RENT. .. . H ' ;‘v .i _, k ’1‘ .0. ‘ > 4 I, I ‘ ,, , ‘1 0 BE RU‘TED’ for a [arm or yam. mo w H i M A complete assortment of the most deoirnlillp . ’ ’_ . . ‘ - t _ . y. ‘_ Styles for-SPRING 6; SUMMER whole of the valuab‘o estate of Mr. BARNA LYON. being Lot No.36. in the lat concession of Vaughan. better known it; Cook‘n - ‘ Coriiers,‘Yunge it:oet,‘conlnin'ing , ‘ 2 nrrttnfitedto give Myfaétlflli'”!. " toe: of our iiiniiufnctufd,Whiuh 1 it And is prepared to make to oiuer all kinds qt" 5" till-ill lll' lllllll l is M”, ’ CHILDREN’S Bums vi Moro-m- less, nil cleared except .nbonr’QO acres ql’hush pasture. There is erected on the premises In working order . also, MEN’S, WUMEN '. ., .- Inithé most; Fashionable styles, " ‘ And ofthe but Millerial and “'OTlH'nn‘nl-lllp‘. All-Work- ivt Vl' tion. “lo are conltnutly adding to .ur stock oilioois and Si Two HO.M.ES‘T'EAD1S‘! will be , .. , . . . llllliii‘illl'dlflfilllg‘liflflliliTl:l3‘i:i,'°till§ SOLD - AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. :3: Wells and l’niiipn and other conveniences, .â€" Iiossessinn given on the list dnyol’ April. 1807. For further particulars upiilv to Thomas Sediiinii, K iehinond “ill, or to John Gnrton, on, the promises. A- good assortment of Trunks always On hand. Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at '4. no. Richmond in”. rail: _ {135,133 Yonge Street, Two Doors Sonthjqf Best's'flbtel, ‘Ifgre I ' v i . A '12, 1867. ' - " ‘ 51.3 ‘ MONEY TO LOAN mfmm P,“ . - - '3‘ . , ' On ImprovedBenl Estate, , ....._ K. .l’P-lX to Mr. WARMOLL. of" vtx. _, WW fl _ 77777 fl _ I I _ _ .itouanxm- 61. Victorian, Barri-lo", &c. enter-of King & Yange , ‘ " TORONTO. Nqéafn’tberti.‘ 1866. '- Streets,» PATENT ill ll , . s UM" . VALUABLE PROPERTY Wildgc ofllgircnliimoml mu, ’ :For Sale. " ENG"? lllll , AGOOD Dwelling House. Barn. Stable. ' Driving House, Wood House. mud STYLE, QUALITY AND mu igE' ‘ “ i ' Cannot be surpassed. ' ‘ " 's' ii ' . Richmond Hill, March 27,1867. l l PC Begsito announce to his friends and the public. that he is receivmg, dgiilf, his, OF CROCKERY, Cfrf’ #- HARD WARE, Q t Omnibus. run iii glilitl lime! 15v lteeplng attentive rand acomodatiiig driv-' ers Iietrusts to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. ROBERT RAYMOND, Proprietor. IGH WHICH THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Will be paid at T."&' s. BRIGGS’, ’ -‘ Lumber Yard. 22 aiid’24 Edward Street. 'I roonlo. April 10, IEF5.. .. 72 Richmond Hill, April '1[ ’67. )Miilli and lint Miliisl ‘ personal application to Three quarters of .an Acre of Land, on; which there is a qunrter at an acre of an Orchard of .lienlthv young treesâ€"plenty of- _Chorries, Currants, Gooseberries. 6w. _ Tue nhnve hope“): is situated in'lhc centre. of the village. _ Will be sold chenpfor Chlll. For further m rticnlnrs‘ apply to M. TEEFX Em. or 1’. CROSBY. Esq. . Richm and Hummuer 14, 1867., ; .4 24:85 1 .â€"T D: ._C .1 .u N (D ‘- O .CB .â€"4 t: H a 3.1:: i==i~ v.2 w in: M a . III-ml ' “9...... 71 m r i><l ea __ ’29: IIâ€"II : nix}, i M. ti: I _, .\. , (‘33) i . , . Bonnets, Felt & Straw Hats "Cleaned and Altered to ths latest style. Stamping and Machine Embroidery done. Gent’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. _ Two doors north of G. A. Barnards Store. Richmond Hill, Nov. 9 1866_ 23 MONEY TOiEN‘D . ON LAN DED SECURITX. ' lit N H ill, , E4 , ‘lil __,i=l_ it, {1.1. In <11 5' ‘TH E.Undursigned is authorized to state that $ 20, O 001}: Can be procured, in sums to suit borrowers. on Londod'securily, Terms made known on =_. t t -:‘l . , L . . ALL DhPTHS.‘ “Vhen ordering please stateidepth of \Vell or Cistcrn. CIIARLES PO‘VELL, ’ Patentce andJ’ropnetor. > ' NEW-rah Bnoox“.1C.»W .2- .65 . k 123,11 {cw more Countv Rights for sale M. TEEFY, l ' r J: ' E ‘ 59 &c. &c. 8w. Sales made tOrCash' or approved Credit, . Richmond Hill, March 26, 186?. - , . . . ' M. '1‘. continue- to net as DIVISIONICOUR'T ' Ann. Notary Public. Agant. 6w. iNJ}. Deeds, Mortgages. Willa. Honda. 621:. &c. drawn with neatnean and desputch.-â€" THE INBELEREE l’ENO‘I " FOR MARKINGLINENJOR SALE AT ' THE "‘ HERALD” BOOK STORERICHMOND HILL. , Lg. . Foes modente. _ , Richmond-Hill. new. 23.1565. . 25

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