Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 May 1867, p. 4

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The “Why-don"t- working-men - go - to chm-ch” question is becomnig a nuisance- Wo:king men don’t go to church for the same reason, that the gentlemen who lounge utclub windows in Pall Mall all Sunday don’t guâ€"bfimuse they don’t like to go. Words-are the flying artillery of thought. AKThomnnd'probdbilhfes do not make due truth; Nb man h‘asn riglit to do wliat he please-e except when he pleases to do right. Déath has: two-aspect; he looes olrf to the young, and youthful to the- aged. Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you» cannot make yourself as you wish to be. Envy is>an unquestionably a high com- pliment, bum most ungracious one. Love is-the most intel’ligible when it is unable to express itself in words. The Politician who undertakes to do the people, generally'undoes himself. The evils from which a morbid man suffers most are those that don't happen. The coquette pursues her lover, and makes him think he is pursuing her. The 'gnilty man is doomed to carry and lodge his fiercest accuser in his own bosom. ' we do not lose our children when fihey die, but the living ones are often lost. Nothing so adorns: the neas. . When the heart bloom and-’b'eautv nusn tn The things that are really for us, natural- ly graviate to us. The head of a pure old man like a moun- tain-top wtheus as it zeta nearer to heaven. There are many graceless preachers or grqcc~muny uncharitable ones on charity The best pill in the world is” a grain of common sense, but. it is not to be bought in the sxpothecary’a, for it is not a. drug in the market. we find time a great- tfiiéf. H'e begin;- with petty larcenies and' ends with the whole worldi ‘ The sea, itself is the least tranquil thing in Nature; is the most; po'tent tranquilizer ofan cxcited'fioul; Talent and virtue are less frequently here- ditary than the gout. No two words more distinctly express cause and consequences thanâ€"gin and hitters. The objects we most passionately desire are generally those that we know least about Even‘ those Scotchmen wh) smoke drink at the expenses of others, do so more at their own. Be not the slave of authority; if you think imithing qf yourself, think for your- Self. mm seem“, marosmm SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. The highest degree of cunning is a pre- tandcd blindness to snares which we know are laid for us. People neither acute nor profound often say the thing without effort, which we wantandhave long been hunting for in vain, ' Love, justice and fortune, are said to have no eyes; bu: all three make men open their eyes pretty wide sometimes. ‘HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numuruus Customers and Friends for thcir'liboml support during the past nine yoars, would beg to intimate that he is prepared Io manufnciu'a Boots and Shoes of every deselip- tiuus L'om the best materials, and after the most fashionable style, He hopes by strict al- tenfi-m to bushmss,combinod with moderate puces to ensure a continuauco of their favour. AH orders attended to promptly. \Vurk warranted. ' Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Ceosbys ate stand. Kiuhmond “in, June In 1866. W‘VA’I‘EHES, CLOCKS, . AND EINE JEWELRY. . 119, YONGE St, TORONTO ood Wanted. Cm'sfu' a’tmnim given to the repairing of Watches and Clocks Jewelry manufactured and Rnunirlxi. Efifatches, ducks, and Jewelry Frapeliing 8: Hepalling Pencil, With Hol'h & Knife, V M SCOTT'S mo MUND HILL VVHARIN 8: CO. BEE“ Masonic and other Emblcn'u made to order. J‘oronlo, Aaril 27, 1866. 47. CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, “410515010 100 Cords of Green and Dry _ 7 Beach and Maple, lo be delivered in Tor- um” during thn winter. Appiy at the Harald (Mime, Richmond Hi“. 69 Na ll, King Su’eet East, 6 doors east of Yunge Slrflet. ' "I'm-bum, Apri126.. 1866. 4 Family 86 Church Bibles AT” SCOTT’S , 'RICHMON D HILL. The attonlion of ‘he Public is imvlod to their " 2k, censisijng Of a great variety of AT SCG'JIT’S [RICHMOND HILL 01' :11: has? desrription and newest designs, m".hmoud Hill,1865. CC H00 L BOOKS mart Home Manufactures! ELEC'l‘RO-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, 8%., 8w. J. SEGSWORTH, hing so adorns the M06" as» c‘b’eerflil- When the heart is in flower, its and-’b'eauty pass to the features. JiliarB-Itnn‘wm; 1M PORTEHS AND DEALERS 1N SN EVERY VARIETY, AT Low PRICES, MIPORTER 0F JAMES \ ERNEY and still Day Books, 8m. 8w. AT scours RICHMOND HILL. silos aitauded on the shortest notice‘ and on reasonalile terms. 35 Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0. OR the Counties of York, Feel and On- tnno. Residence : 1101.8, 61h coucouwn Markham. l’ost Officoâ€"Uuionvil-le. _ Residence~~Lot 20,1‘cur of 3rd ConcesI-ion of Markham. P.0.Addressâ€"Bultunville. Parlioa requiring Mr. Sanderson'- aervicos can make arrangemeum at the HERALD office. The Cmmercial Hotel. First class Slnbling and careful attendance.â€" Terms moderate. EDW. SANDERSON. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER, January 4, 1565. Sales attended to with pfamptitude. J. GORMLEY. J, FERRIS. EIAVING1 been appointed Agent fur this .1 Companyono of tho oldasl Ind mom reliable English Companies,l will be happy [0 affect assuranco against Loss or damage by Fire.upou evexy description of The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARNARD, Agent Counties of York and Peel. W.’ G. CASTELL W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kind: at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. 7 lundun Fire Assurance cemsan‘.’ For Newmarkct, AurorglrrMarkham and CONFECTIONARY I REAR CHURCH B‘I'BIIZT, S prepared to wait upon nny who need hip professional servicen in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve aufi'ering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstylo. Also to regu- lata the moth of those who need it. Consultinlion free. and all work warranted. Riihmond Hill. March l4Lh. DENTISTRY. GORMLEY & mnms Licensed Auctioneers: Gorvuley. P.O. Vhrkhnm, Jan. 4, 1866. GLO UCES’I‘ER "0 USE: YONGE STREET. ‘l‘oromo, Feb. 6, 1866. w. c. ADAMS, o. D- S~, J 08' Gaby; 'P‘l‘v‘oprietor. Good Slabling and an attentive 1105 always In attendance. Februm v 5. 1866. AGENTS WANTED. $159 PERMONTH. HE GRANITE ’STA'I'E anuy Sewing Machine is no?! presenICd to the people oannadat posnessing fill the improvements, that can be well confined in usewingunaqhinel it will accomplish every description drawing except hnttnn holes. from an overcoatldox’m to the finest silks and muelins. . This machine sells for only $15, end is really worth $50, in any family. Every machine,walfta‘ntedund kept in repair free of charge for thiee years.â€" All machines sold in Canada are manufacture at the company’s brunch manufnctory in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions. snnt express free on receipt of$l5 in a registered letter. Full printcd directions accompany each machine, no plain that a child iwelvo Years of age can learn to work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, R. T. HUSH & (30., Canada Manufactpr- era, 14 King Street East; Toronto, ‘ W '- Heac Offices in in Great Brutair. and Canada.I London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. P. S.,- Good agents wanted in even part_ 0 the coumrv to whom will paid a salary from 5350 to $|50 per month, or a large commission. Terms to agents sem free to [how wishing Igenciea. JOHN'OARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER With immediate payment of all Losses. 1V0. 7, Royal Exchange, Cornhill. and No. 7, Pall Mall, Londen. June. 1865. ‘. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. 95 King Street East, Toronto, Totem? Lurch 23rd. 1866 PUKEfAND UNADULTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. Journals and Ledgers, all sizes. . Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets, Purses, Nelson Street, Toronto. 1N GREA-T VAnpmv, (Late ThomasCho‘Qltoa.) NANUI‘AQTURER OI" Richmond Hill. FOR THE UNITED 0]" Unionville, R0. 31 'v'mlJuu“ 44-13! 21: 4H)" 31 .I. the iuhabrumts (Jr-Markham and Whil church fie” that he has opened llis stock will he hund. on inspection, ‘0 ha of excellent]. quality. comprising the usual u- sonman! senor-H) kept in. 011 Lot No. 3|.reur of the 4th con. Mukhlm. with an emiron new stock of Goods. A NEW STORE! Somethihg New A Hist-Elass, 'Eounlry SHIRE! ' Andjwill‘ be sold For [Cm]: or :an short approved 0nd”, At: low as prudence willju’ggont. By fair donling, small profits, and atrial nt- toutixu to flu: mum of-lhoao who any favor him with their cuuom, he hopoaiw merit Ind obtain arewnnble share of the public. patron- age. THE undenigned bop leave 'to intimate to the iuhablumls of Markham and Whil Markham. Fob.8. 1867. 0 BE SOLD antral-onlblo terma. III. fol- lowing )ropeuy :â€" - » Partor Lot No 30. on 2nd Con. Vaughn. containing 63 act» : also. ' ' Village Property At Richmond Hill-n ' Aurora, June 7, 1865. ATARRH , Bronchilia. 'Scrofuln. Liver and th’ncy Diseases. Nulnre'n Remedial- l'rom Plants. .f' WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for 6031mm proprietor of the Linnuenn Nui- .eries. has discoverqd rosrnvz cum}: for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous chility, Rheu- matism, all Female Maladies; and therl m- enlling from impurity of the blood. hitherto incurable. Explnnitory circular, one lump. Trouliu on all di-euel. 90 cents. 58-4 1m. chx will be in the following- places prepared 10 extra cl teeth with his new nppnrno ma. All other operations in Denialry perform- ed in a wokaaulikc manner :- Aurora. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . ht ofalcll month. Newmaka Brolsford hotel 2nd " " Stouffville...............JSlh " " Victoria Squaro. . . . . .. . . . 520th " " Thomhill.........i.....~93Id " ‘ “ , Richmond Hill. .. ...24th "H "W Maple........, ..26|h '0 H Burwick........ ......25lh " -‘ Kleiuburg....;._; ‘ 0 v-4 ' <2 :‘oblelonu..............3Ull\ “ -' Where he will attend to Iny businou por- 1uiuiug t9 guy branch of his pro reunion. 2 2 z: 0.: .. :r AVID McLEOD beg: to announce the! he has Leased the above Helel'nnd fined it up in a manner second to bans on Yonjge Ste where he willkeep constantly on head a good supply offim-clue Liquom, «to. This hen-e possesses every accommodation ’l‘mve‘lhrl cm desiro,1hose who wish to May when “my con find every comfort are relpeckfullyiuviled to put up at this establishment. ' EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of Emma Smut. which'nfecla lho Tooth only. The tooth and gum “Rounding becomejnsmsiblo with this external agency, when the Iooth can be extracted with no plin, and without endangering the life as in {he use of Chloroform. DR.N . J .PECK’S, ALB UMS From 30 gets, to $6. AT SCO'I‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL Photographs for SOcts (101.. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain & Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, DEAGBN’S FAMILY MEBIGINBS AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above veluehle Medi- nines. which hue been before the Canadian public lor the pest seven years. enn have given uuniversalsmi<feclion-â€"he can therefore. with confidence, recommend (hundreds of Teetimo- ninlu could be given it? required, ehewing the benefit derived therefrom.) lheir ‘use {or their several virtuer. As a general Tonic, or Strongthoning Medi- cine to brace and invigorue the (rune. nol|° can be better. A soothing and astringent applicxtion ; and, so far as an application can be of any urvico, more scathing and much more untringqnt. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of canon find speedy relief by its nu. DEACON'S FAMILY VEGI’I’ABLE PILLS (Ac! gently yét efl‘actunlly': may be taken dur. ing any employmmt, at any time, and even by the most delicniov female. ’ An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Eryai- palas. Strains. Bruiqoa. Cuts, Chilblnins. Sure Turban and Violonrsl‘ainl In Back or Side, the effects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain [in n’ few huors; ‘ ' ' DEACON’S VEGITABI.E comm BILLS DfiACON’S WORKING MAN'S FRIEND ‘ 0R HEAL ALL. ' ' DEACON’S LIN‘fMENT'fL ‘ For Cute, Cracked Hash; find I“ kind. 0! sci-us on Horse- and Cattle. MITOHEL 7- HOUSE : AURORA. Aurora June I .855. The “fast and beat Medicizm in me in Canada. DEACON'S S'l'OMACHIC VEGITABLE. BITTERS, ' ' ' One or two Doses generally romqu the éold. DEACON’S Mixture foy‘VCholoiu, Dinrrhon, and Summer Complnilito, oqupl to'if not be!- ler' than any other medicine' mada. ' DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam,for Cq'ughi, Cnlda. Coniumption. Asthma. 8hr." DEACON’S Axltibillioys Kills. None bel- terin use; ' ‘ ' ' " ' G. A. BARNARD DEACON’S Ernptire Ointmem (or all kind of skin dinner. man u Hu,Auguat10 1865. Richmond Hill. Sepx. 1.1866. For pnrticnlus apply to the proprietor. LAND FOR SALE. DEACQN’S PI L“) OINTM ENT. saw METHOD 0' J- GORMLEY. '. 36. a." A. WRIGHT. l-tf 1.0 The York Herald BQQK WWII]! JIIB WBIIK Ordonzfu any 0| tho undermonuoued doqcrip lloh ol %®% %%%% WWW WPWEWJJER8 I. entirely il‘ow ana"bf“tlxo him Interns. largo “Many of new WORD!“ PROMPT LY EXtLUTfD LARGE- SMALL POSTERS, PAMPH LETS AND For Curds, &o.. just remind. O B PHIITHE BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Letter-Press Printing. ESTABLISHMENT. B'JSlNESS CARD: Will 5.0, pibmptly amended to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT OF CHEAP And ml, olhlr kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK cumcxs, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS _ m mauwgawmns ' Ann ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER. 111mm“, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODXNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0F ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-P01; AND O'L‘HER PESTILENCES! ‘ Of Diarrhma, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholie, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, ~Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"One teaâ€"spoonful in a glass of water will correct. all dcrangements of the stomach, bowls and liver, and instantly mp the most severe pains. RADWA’V’S READX RELIEF ! I! Gout, anbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"One application will afford immediate use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the cure. Inviolent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIA’I‘IC CIIOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two. if not. checked by a. powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ;, and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, Neural gin, Inflam- mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal ditficultics, Inflammation of the Womb. and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yield at once to this commandng curative. _. _\_< ‘-.__ Al, AHA ,J,, :i ,1» 1. - ",A.“ _AL:_A y SISTERS OP MERCY, DORCIIESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. D3. RADWAY,â€"â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &c., &c. ’ One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and. rubbing her head twice with the same medicine she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, an always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, Jae. It has a good effect in flatulenee or wind cholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous effect« In short it procurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bewere of counter-felts and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’srâ€"The country 18 flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the public the same Vice our agents sell you Radway‘s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The mutations and conn- terfeits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers: dear at that price. In alumhnsmgiReeg Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway (h 00. on the labels, and e words . Ii. Ragwey Co. blown in the glass. A, MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE ,, ,nn __4.._2 3:110 REEY RELIEF is nsfiéfigdehdixi its operation as the malady ifself. 1b is more active m the virus of the mo«' «wift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at. hand to use on the Int ampwm or pain and vmeasiness, no person need sufl'cr an hour sickness. Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at D!- RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montree , emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except a few in China.) on‘ 3110 Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial Igents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by lettem written direct to Dr. Redway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. :51] Véi'éagybfi ihen’ever he Ems an opportunity. Vlt‘BE Pro rietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now msnu acturing improved Ploughs. ot' SWEEfiflQR Bfiflwflfiflm 9 and which he confidently ofl‘ers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country. MOW) 3031?]? P14911935: Reduced Price 0f$16 Sisters of Mercy at Dorchester Street Hospital, applying Br. Badway'e Remedies to the sick. Plough'l’oints 56 Landsides kept always on hand ._0__. JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. HENRY HALL. RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. . PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. Is“ Sold by Druggists and Conan-y Mel-chums. THE: UNIVERSAL: REMEDY! Agents for the sale of Rndway’s Ready Reli sf, P. CROSBY. hmhnmld Hill, THOS. ALLISON, ‘thoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Amara Mr. HOWE and Mrs. RW K x; 1 IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. It seized with Rheumatism. Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! In sudden Attacks HALL-’5 All Around the Globe. which he now offers at the JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., 8:00., 513 sud 515 St. Paul Street, Mom. 1 And 87 Maiden Lane, Nut-YORK. HIS ASSOCIATION 'hAI Iran-(erred moi! LIBRARY toxho ' Hmunq ’ Book Store whom Stockholdan and 'obhora-mly mocqu BOOKS nvary Friday afternoon, (my C :03 clock. P-ll. ., DR. '1‘. c. C'U‘LVER’SV MEDICAL DISPENSARY. and Gold.... 6.000 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cafin‘ofl’enrl. etc . .'. . .1. . 6,000 Gold Pons.Silv6r Extension Holders and Pencils. . . .. . ~6.000 Gold l’ansand Gold Moun- '- led H0lderfl......-...... 15,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- ninn 'Hnlae’rn. . .. .i’. . i. .'. ‘5.000 Silver Goblets and Dl'lllk-_ Ehmnic and. Seuet' Diseases; 'OUNG MEN who no troubled with weaknesr generally. call-ed by a had habit in youth. which produce‘i, conrlillnionul debility. you can rely on our remedies, for we have treated over fifty thou-and patients. an- "-0 guarantee a perfegl cure in 6H cunea_ Our Periodical dropb v'v‘ill bring on the monthly sickness. in all caved“ of obalmclion f-om any cause, and after all other remedies of the kind have been tried in vain. Strnn'gorn vimihg 'l'uronlo, who arc in an ofn L‘It‘dlcfll adviser. having no time to rep umin in lho city to be cured. can have Mull- cine to lake Willi [hell]. A safe and reliable cure gunrnnlaed, ‘ an Rimutvma. up Qurcx (Mumâ€"For Syphiliu strictures, seminal weakneu. pain- in tho joints, afl‘cctions of tha kidneys. diveasol of the head. throat, none and rkin. and All those dreadful affections ariiling from I aecrell habit of youth, which produces constitutiona- dehility, render: matringo impossible, and in .he and destroy: horh body and mind. The treatment wb adopt in the renult of npwfrdn of thirtv your: experience and succeuful practice in Europe and America. All‘éonsulniion} at the office (roe but “tied, caulidonliul A £03311an EMPLBYMENT FDR EVERYBUIIY. Patients living I“ n dinnnae can procure Dr. U'u reumdiru. rem (secure and free from oh- nelvalionflo any pm of the l’rovinuo, with plniu and full directiont forum, by wr gluing, stating cums; mpmms. ch. ' ’ For Hm pmpou of clouingont the Heck I. the muliasl p655il710 dale, lhn nudarnignrd hnvu decided on I areal dillrihulion mad» an follown. uuu Ann nvnnv ANTICLI. no Iunln now VAI umlm. nuns ml‘n Ion 8|. Addressâ€"Dr. 'l‘. C. Cu‘lvor, 139. King St. Kurt, "‘oronlo, C W, May 7, [666. 49-11 \Vatcl'es, ('hninfl, 5:15 of Jeloh)‘. Hiva'lh Brncolcls. Slenve Bulmnn. Silver Spoon. and For-kn. Cups. Cake Harkalu, xkc. worth Eight Hundred 'l huuo and Dollars. 'l‘ha Entire Stork M a large [Iron-nu: "oval retiring from buuilwu. AGENTS-AWN: wh'm a‘g‘bn'ta in avery realâ€" ment. and in avery mwn- and “county” in thg country, and those ncli‘ng adnhch‘will ln-r all-aw? ed 10 cents on evory Conifictto'ordered- by lhem‘. nrovidrd their r‘emiltnnce amounts IQ one dollar. Ag‘euls will colleclSA‘ifienm {or everyCefllfiflglehaud ram“ 15: cents to up. Agents wanted thrmwhm‘ll the L'niled_Eln!~ and Canu‘dns. flTWrite pininl)‘. Ely only what is nocesnrfl and be prompt. A ddrou. A (‘ertifirnm of enrll nrlicla will] in anno primed upon it. is placed in an envelope and nuanlâ€"tlmxn- vuw-lnpm am thoroughly mixod and sold for 'I‘wmly-firr, (lent: «nahâ€"tho prr- ‘on receiving mm arms" unvulnpon i- «mills-d m llm urx'mlu named lernln hr rolurning tlm Carhficnle lu ns h'llll one dollar. and xlw nrliclr. no manor huw valuable il "my he, will lu- {ot- wunlud In him or lmr at once. Them am no lfnuk Crrtificnttâ€"s and therefor? ovary one is sure to get. at lGIIKl. the full value of llll or l'u-r money. Should Illa nrllcle nnlnul on the cur- tificate not uninnny mlu-r wine-h ho uan "Ira! of the same vnluo will lm Iubn'unled. WW the curlificutos as follows: 'Wntrlmu .... .---......v 300 Lad or'Guld and Ennnwled- Cnn‘ \ancht'x... .. .. . . . 600 Genls' Hunlilfgl no Sil- ver Wmchos.... . 200 Diamond “illfll...- .... . . 3.0m! Gold Yesland Neck Chains me u u n 1,000 Gold Oval Band “racalell. mun Chnsui (Enid Brandi-t. .. . . 2.000 ('hnlelninn (Thain-I and Hrootmen............... 4 3,000 (Iornl. Opn} and Emerald Brooches”............. 4 2.000 Monnir. Jet. ann. and Floranline Ear Drops . . . . 4 1.500 Coral. ()pnl. and Emerald EarDopn............L. I 1,000 Cali " rnia Diamond Breast Pin'o............ ..... 95" {,000 Golds Fob and Vosl “’th ' Keys.... .... .... .... 2 50 1,000 Pub and Van Ribbon S’idel ‘ 3 1,000 SW; of Solitaire Sleeve Bul- tons, Studs; etc. . . . ;. . .' 3 1,000 Gold 'l'himhlen. Pencils.e1c 4 ‘5."00 Miniature Lockets. . .'. . . . . 2 50 4,000 Mininlule Locketsâ€"Magic Spring........ ..‘...... 3 3,000 Gold Toolhpicks. Cronel. etc . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 2 )3,000 l'lnin Goid Rings. . .I. . . . . . 4 5.000 Chan Gold Rings...... . 4 8,600 Stone Set and Signet Rings 9 50 8,000 California Diamond Rings. 2 7,500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet One for 95 eta“ five for H. flan-n (m 53 'lurty for $5, sixty-fins for SI", nna hnn'hul "or $l5. ’l‘hin (lixlrilmlion nfl'ords a fine appor- unily for Autumn as what Indy or gonllnmm will not invest Twmn-rn: nuns with n pro-- --r-cl or gelling five hundred or n thou-and imrn as much. All mm": man he nddnnrd o u« at our old stand No [5 Maiden Lnno \‘ou' York. ing Cups ...-. 3,000 SilverCuloia. 2.000 Silver Fruit RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. PER nou‘x 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoor“. $10 to 55:» 5,009 “ H "‘ Table Spoons Guard Chlinn” . . .. .. . . . 1,000 Sohlaim and Guld Brom‘hn 5.000 Lava and . l-‘Ioromino ALI. or Wind! ARV 70) Inc mm» ton $1 xnl. 300 Gl‘lllh' Guld Hunting (7356 M Togclvfr'o, v: and Fniks. . .. UNFORTUN ATES READ ! IMPORTANI‘ 'ro mums. GIRARD W. DEVAUGB 65 CO. Baskets . . . v.1, And all l-‘umalo Complain. ()flico hours from 8 A M to 8 l’. M. five: 35, King Street East, LIST 0? ARTICLES. No. Mai on Len Now 1'”. 800,000 For the cure of A. SCOTT, Librarian. nun... n... and ano' g ‘ 5 WM 1 .115 u so a $90 1:93,; ’50 $50 to $150 95“ “ lo 3.5 15 2n -- I) 70 29 10 30 10 ’ r) 10 'l I"

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