‘ {Q 03 was in high an id hu‘moï¬'r‘, “which he shoWed bv the polite‘imdhher in which he rcce.v.‘:d them, and Wbibll happy state of mind, pet-$53. W“ in no respect diminishedo- y tlm prospect-"after hegdlMNd certain explanations:ka Ogilvie, as well as I acquainted with thcpm'li?‘ had brought them I ‘ having a handsorne‘d‘e‘e to ï¬ll: his pocket. when :all - woof over ; g microcosm. Eli'lii‘cli shared stills“. .bi/Jtlr :éléfl€*‘3.§lllelh tllmt sharp-etitured, red-headed young - - _' 5‘": marijn'vho was sitting,r busilyvyvrit- ‘Vholc No. 463; in: é‘I'a desk, bu'l iwhose's‘llaIrpI and _ ‘ eag'e‘r glances, dire-iced occasionally towards oni‘ ï¬lmishowed that, i It ï¬rtalh IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance, when so desired. The YORK HERALD will aIWays be found to contain thelatest and most important Iforeign and Provincial News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it ac- ceptable to the man ofbusinests. and a valu- able Family Newspaper. ' TERMS :â€"One Dollar per annum. IN All- vxucu; if not paid within ‘I'wo Months, Otto Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. [DI m -. GENERAL ADVERTISER. VWVVVV‘V“VVVV‘/ NM Yam Si: MOND HILL AD .,-.R.ICH NEW SERIES. i VI \JV v»- x, .1» V V>V~Wszv V v V VM/v VVV'\/V\4 e, W vN-fwv v AN «vu/n/vau/v , NV TERMS $1.00 in Advance. “ Let Sound Reason weigh moroith “as than Popular Opinion.†'01. VIII. N0. 2. - -â€"â€"% RICHMUND 111L11I4‘IEIJJAY, JUNE 14, 1567. RATES OF ADVI‘IR'I‘ISING. . ' H 7' ' , _ Six lines and under, first ittr-ortiun....$lll) 51" I " " I †"""""' ’ “"“““" "" "“ I \ I I. v _ _ I . . .. ~ - Minot-Jung arm, otherwise and their subsequent itisertion........ (ltt t3 Richmond Ellll Bakery I i t it holding her. boonstmllhg himself you are my nearest fetnale relative. Illushl dear aunt ,II you onuud More QIIIIIIlIZIIIJIIIï¬wx, dchIIZIIedII his T." “W, m“, “Men ï¬rmnmuunu II 00 75 - ‘ with tne thou; that it was not and [he only one I can apply to in Miss Robertson s feelingf,IeIXC dltIll-I fears were as (Ipérdh, phé was A3 men ....... 002.. P. BASING'I‘WAITE, is! time. he stoned himsell b"- my need. I hope you Will nut re- ed “8" 9°P"“W “"8"â€? °l Ki Xiâ€. keenly alive mm. [st act or a Abovetoulittes. n o insertion, perliilc. mm 1 "CONSIDER run LILIES or THE, Death A tree. al'drawing his clvalt fuse to grant me my r’eqvesl- dEfRIY “mwlwdDԠWI“ 0 d flax,†he 3, 5,6,, {flyiyh‘lastï¬ié’ontd he I q . .I I . , _ i . . .1 ,, - _’ ' o clousness. o no weepI ‘ v ,_ ‘ - .. I'uch iItub..equent insertim. poi line.... 0002 I‘ll†D. I llglllly aroundIm IOIl' lite Illglll, NIIL “a, paddle, I can refuse Ye , I dd d I am, MWardE’ pig hnnself,I or any clerk In. Una (,olttrnti per twelve inorltlls....... 5000 lllOlJt’ll clear as Cllllly and a . . . mg, I8 a '5 1 ur g. l ‘ . i ‘ t . , , - a I _ l t - neathma, said his aunt. who. b . h d I “ch W9 muv S, ,6 "3,, . llnlt acolttrun do do . . . . . . . 30 (it) 1 LOB leave to notify the public that he has The 1),, P ‘ d t“ u x T I ,COld, blllflg V-d blew lrolln me , “h a? hp V ould q eak F‘nolisl) e'rOI e ’ or s ' . w" Qunrm;ufflculumn Perlwmm moumsI 20 00 I Ipur'cllasell the business and good will of V I IIMOI Gem IICO' n “I3 1L 010nm nonh‘eaal__hclei-ruined lonaI‘vail ‘1 out] S c d rod: (1 J a “I her; lIlV aunt means no llal‘ln. [Living (rut a leVV tineslmns ’0 one column no, six months I I I I I I III I 4“ 00 Isa.II'IIII.illpI:~kIyIpITInIbllEIKIIpKrB :inrlIIrrIiIaIiI‘lIizIrYs L’JIIIVOI‘SIII)’ (,onvocutloti,»0n 'lhurstluy, the her arrival as p96“), as PaisibIéI perfectly WEI . lcllIEI: gm n10. I What She lmendcd ,0 say Iwflï¬i Ihé “Impose brideï¬ndbrideIgrOOmI llnlfneolunnt do . . . . . . 2.3 00 LAKES to umm‘ w“; “itâ€, “(33†IIIIII‘WI’III Glhlnstltnt,aud Written by Mr. W. II. 000335005 la “3â€â€: l 8 rom- em Quarter of a column per six months. . . . A card of ten lines, for one year. . . . l8 fill their patronage. . . 4 till l’ic~l\iic parties and Tea Meetings supplied Ellis. ' 0 weary child of toil o,nd care, But patience tau. virtue ~Wliich, lloWever much may deserve oom- Scotch, but [would lain ha'e ye think twice ere ve dae stc a thing. that it was a pity that We had been compelled to take this stepâ€"that it which were satisfactorily answer- ed, the superintendent registrar I , ,- e y ‘ , - 'e- ‘ralked . would have bcen far b'éllt’l' hall 1‘ proceeded to marry them. The A card of ï¬fteen lines do .... 5 0, at the lowe..tpos..ih|o rates and on the shortest Tmmblinm at ever Cloud that Iowa†n nda “mt 1' at h 8481 r .I I never kcnt [[138 nna“ra’ matches b I H b -- ‘ . 1 [u re “0" b0"; ' - ‘- notice. 0 Y . . . '1 about or advocall than practisedâ€" - I, -,, CU! 0 191'“ 3 . essantra part c iece i y A Card oftwcuty lines, do . . . . . . . 6 5t! At'lyrdors “ricuv “Handed (OI . Conic and behold how ptisstng ititr tIu rn OOl. WCCI. Besides the :18le S [?;\llvertiseriielrts without\vrittett'dircctions nsertotl till forbid, andchnrged accordingly All transitory advertisements, front strangers or irregular customers. must he paid for when land (I in for ins‘er'iou. All advertisements published for a less period than one month, must he paid for in advance. Richmond Ilill, March 2t, ltlfifi. Itf DOLMAG'E’S HOTEL, LATE 'VAN NOS'I'RANI)’S, ‘ f IIIC Subscriber bagsâ€"to inform the Public that he has leased the above llotol. \vberelre \villkeepconstantly oti band a good Thy God litilli made the flowers. From cvcry liillsidc's sunny nlopc, ll'rom over-y {orbst’s leafy nitride The fltwers, sweet messengers of Hope, Bid thee “ Be not afraid." . . JThe wind-flower blooms in yonder bower, All liocdlcss of to-morrow’s storm ; and so our .ler slfou'nd, for as minute after 'tnute Ipassed and still no appearale of Miss Robert- son, his anxietymc to' cher-heat, ‘ and more thannce, despite the obvious danger 'sucl: a course, he was about to pieced toIthc house nae match for iartly. you, she added, "Miss Robertson is perfection it- self,’ replied the young man calrn- ly, and I pray to God that I were more worthy of her, be added, in a Some further conversation .liav- inq passed, Miss Robertson and Miss Carnegie prepared to retire to their respective bedchambcrs, both being desirous of an houl‘ or ttt'o’s repose ere daybreak, while llcnry Ogilvié. issuing from the house, sisling lllal they, in the preacher: of witnessesâ€"that is. tllc superil’rled- ‘cut registrar and hill clerk. Captain Edwards and iss Commie-:2 should declare that they took each other for man and wife, which, having been done, and their names, Alllettors addressed to the Editbl' must be WWI, or ,,,.-,,.,.,,,.,, liqum A.†As ,hiq NU, “(IIIIMN 1.0mm CIIIIIIIII IIIUIILI rind cndeavourlo ascertain the deep and earnest voice. pmcecded towards me barmanâ€, m as we†as mos? pl wattle??? I . . .t. i .. . . _ ,I II, \I I I II I . -. I I ) I I-__ m . , ' I . 0‘ y . port-paid. 1",“... p035"... ever,- ,,,.c,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.;,,,,~Tm- - The mp, stately mm. ’ ’ Calls“ 0f delayntlzen lhb llnml “recymweep I trust u may be order to procure the assistance ofa halting been inscribe in e i g, No paper discontinued ttritil all ar'rcarngos are pxid : and parties refusing papers without vcl’crl» cantlosire, those who wish tosttty where hey can liiitl ovcrIt' lzornl'ortarc respectfully iii- vited to give liiiri a call. No busy shuttle plied to dock Willi sunset tints the blushing rcscy 'nencc'of (liscovry such a proceed- ing would entai ,as well as other sac, rejoined the old lady; but what is't,-ifl may be sac bold as brother ofï¬cer and a particular friend of ltis, a Captain Edwards. ter, the marriage 'was declared com- plctcd. pnyingI nIp, wilI be held accountable for the (HURON DOLMAGEI lymph-Mon And “me I] “the IIIIIILIbIIHIIIIch l-ll'UdIonUill COIlSlerauonsl resuuln' yae ask, what is‘[ that "yaks [he VlIIllt)SC presence espt‘ctallv (le- scarcely, |,0“yeverI had the eel-e. ""“"“““â€"' ' Richmond Hill. Dec. urns. ' and or toil unit all its “m; A" “‘1 hm" auld curmudgeon. her father Te- S‘Ted 3‘ ‘1‘.†“‘5â€??? ceremony ."r mony been Completed, and the vii-‘58 I l V I At length unalc lont'er to bear joct your allianceâ€"is't because “'3 mamafl‘" “‘15 “"luCSt “"3 paid, mama loud uproar- i'n lhï¬ JAMES BOWMAN, †’ ° Enormous Erratum). ] R. ll()S'l‘l'I'l"l'lCR’$ numerous friends ) will please accept, his sincere. thanks ltil their libl-rnl patronage Itlltl prompt pavmenl. .nd would Itnnnlinco that he will continue to devote t“t- whole of his :rttl-trllint. to the proc- tit-e ot'.\lt-dit:lno. Surgery and Midwifery. All (twill, (nith or dayfl promptly attended to. Elgiu )lills,()c‘.obor5.18mi. P. J. MU‘TER. M. 0.. I'liy-icinn, Surgeon 6'; rlttcottcltrtt' Thornthill. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIIM )lItIIS, Markham. Nov. 1, lclit'l. 22 lino A’I‘ 'lii l is, JOHN Elation." \lanttfnlttttrt-t' olitl I’D-'l'tl' in all kinds ofiVlcn'e Women‘s and Children’s BOGTS to oranges, The \t'otcrlily, pure and white, l Floats idle on the summer streamâ€"â€" Sceniqur almost too fair and bright, For uucrht but poet's dream. The gorgeous tulip, though arrode In gold antlgcms, knows naught of core; The violet in the mossy glude, Ul labour has no shore. . . 'I'licy toil not-yet thc lily's dyes Phoenician titlir-rics frtr surpass; Nor India’s rarest gem, outvics The little blue-eyed grass. his suspense, ind tortured by thoughts llllll her flight had been discovered and reyented, he was about loIproccedal all hazards to the house in odei‘ to ascertain whether auylhinl “his Wrong, or perhaps, if possble, to attapt her attention, when; {thadowy figure. advancing throuMdic trees caught his eye, and iii amomcnt more the lovers, for it Wis Miss Robertson vou’re puir, and on that account he ihinks ye nae‘ ht match for his dochtcr? she added, inquisitive- ly. Something‘of the sort, I believe, replied the young man in an eva- sivc tone... My ccrtie ? he's no blatc then, exclaimed the old lady, a hot flush suffusng her venerable checks as she spoke to refuse .youâ€"â€"-you an captain readily granted, bintering hisfricnd however not a little on the closeness with which he had conducted his courtship, but corr- gratulating him nevertheless on the success of his suit. and the spirit he had displayed in carrying the young lady ofl'ir’i the teeth of her father; But you know, Ogilvic, what the poet says, and here the captain, unable longer to contain himself, chuunted or rather sung passage leading to the Uflice. was heard, and the voice of the farmer, Mrs. Ogilvre‘s father, was hear I vociferating the following words: â€"â€"Lct me pass. I know mv daugh- ter is here as well as the villain who has carried her off. Let mtIi pass, I say, and the ollice door being bursi open, the farmer, fol: lowed by young Douglas, Mrs: Ogilvie’s late suitor. and two p04 ’ I ' J l t j ' n I ' V ‘l . . '0 ‘ ' . . . . 35 We“M“"‘“"5‘l““"“- 3‘100'“ “’“ll' 1s..(l ll. h it I .“hu had Jmm'd 11?†“Mb ddblmd Oui'vic o’ the liyres. and by “‘9 [he followm lines; llcemen’ me latter loomng ail-fuss}: “’7' Rositletit:e-.\r.ar the (Tlmml. of Inuglnnrl 01. “mg Elmer, (IrvIlillIIiItyvporprplIIIiItitrinlptIiCtlhtho flowers In each when urns. . IIIIIIIQIIII‘I ‘IIdc (I, IIIC quId 0, IIIe SI I II.Id and imponant and almos‘ as ldcnb [lo-foreman rmrtriittcil toll. S \Vilislatlll‘v. Est . . i i , .f u H w “91 ‘ ' i , V l i e le W118 fl pti'llCC'S C11 1 ' _, h. v l ann. {oval t (rill-Lin or 5.,,,,..,.ns,' ljngl. TORONTO. llntn nurtured them with summer showers, How can [cvcr sumctcnlly thank L: r regres. The auld carl maun be I bu, ,, viking WWI cIs Dogberryd llIllIl::lII,h could a b YIIIIIJ'I NI TIIIIOIIUII "III, .Hmmm “I SHVI,I,L,,,I IIIquo oftlro oldest and (-llurtpost homes,†1]â€, And watered them With dew. - IIVUUI dearest, [bums Hush lhis con- daft, clean (luff. It) llllrili 03 etc a And though she blushed and smiled, cone, cntere He no . Esq. M l)., Merrill. llo_\.('oll. Surgeons, lung. “‘1‘ 0' Tltistlr-tnu. . DR. JAS. LANCSTAFFH All parties owing Dr .I. lmugstntl'are HXIK‘Ci’ «I to call and pay promptly. as i‘e has pay- ,7Ilil. generallv be found at home beforl- lmlf pas-t h’ mm and front 1 M2 p.rir. L? Give John a call when in Town. l'oronto. Doc. 'lt-ltiS. 27 lililllll lllll. lltll‘ll, ll Y lit) BR R'l‘ FE KRIS. 'l‘o-day, a thousand blossoms fair, It'roin sunny slope or sheltered glade, ' With grateful incense .‘iil the airâ€" To-niorron' they shall fade. But thou shalt live when sinks in night You gloious sun; and shall not He Who httth the flowers so richly diorlit,. ï¬deiice you hate. placed. in me? exclaimed the young man passion- ately, as__ he folded her to his bo- som. But believe me you will never have causel'lo regret it. he addr-d tendiry-as he kissed her on the check. ' ' ‘ thing; and, to tell the truth. I din- na think you're muckle bctl_er your-~ sel’, Henry, to think 0' allyin' your- sel’ to sic a set-you that could dae sac muckle better, she added an- grily. I I love Miss Robertson with my 1 was discarded. Should not the doves so while, Follow the sea-mew’s flight '2 Why did they leave that night. He: nest unguarded? I really beg,y pardon, Ogrlvie. said the captain, seeing that his friend Advancing toward his datifhtel'} who, pale as death, clung trembling to her husband, exclaimed Iurious- 'ly, Vile, deceitful girl, what hay. you done 7. In this the re'Ward foi‘ ï¬ll my care all affection, to bi“: thus bascly and treacheroust deceived l mental W llint lllt st bra till-t. I 31“ .u r. ,I] . , ., r ‘ ‘. , ‘i, I ' 4 I I . Ie coh'ihued n" 'l ' ' I II I F. Ila-sumt leased the above Hotel a d I†“1" 101 m“! 01' i I am q asbhme‘d 90 sorrv Whole heart and gap" was we re. locked SQmQWhlL oqcnded’ but 1 Bl†u H me' 2"]. . i ' Ihlr. (wen, lIIurlIttItt is .ititliortset to co 901,31“ 1 c [liltinonocr-ttpiodbrtliol.m.\1,. )U’ 0 f. .IH - :9 d -. ',‘- . l i her nephew, lmade . and she is cunld not help 11. You tnusl own hoarsely‘ 1e†lne 1f you are yet . .. s ,_ .I . I . ., , II . , , , S , , I I I I I II II I IIâ€... p.“ "mu". .m “u \ - Nichols], null llllVlllJ: ptit. it in .'I. thorouzli ‘ tn] 1?“ mmmjlrgr’, an)“ mn'leSt my] enr‘y' [glut-mlâ€? ‘l my m a BL) made. .4191) n“: hum. ,5“. um..- 2. Iyr\-Q5‘1:'~uâ€"‘ 9.641th ThC] married ; If that vllluln IS VUUI’ Bul- ll.!'_"'."â€,“.‘,‘l llfl‘aJI'J‘F‘fl 6" , 1 do: A ...n- .VWJrrvr‘tmr impih’vfihmߠinns M. titan». tiff. 803. UP YUNGE AND CUIBURNE Sl3.,' 'l'llt)ll_\'llll.l.. ('rvlisttltlrtirlr.s iii the office on the ruorurnLn Nu... ... 4!: tâ€"x , . l1 ruse both lt‘lllllln'lltllili rind conrcnl‘iit. l A good [lost/('1‘ IIfIITIYII/s in attendance Itieliin mll Ilill Jun Ill, It‘llil. v Elf) L'UM 'E RING- .suppTy true it most need";â€" I‘cur not but. trust in God. lttltlllt't. fl" git V‘â€" ‘ . ‘ A lliatl am Lolng .very, very far wrong,and that my father will ucvor forgive me. lam sure he will not, she added weeping bit- ierly. a thousand times more. he added, his voice growing husltv with cmo-' tion as he spoke. I \Vccl, weel laddie, I‘ll say nae mair about it, said his aunt. who exception that your lady late is no princess, although as beautiful as any princess that ever was born. and that instead ofa viking of old, you are but a lieutenant in a band? he added, in a ï¬erce and threatening tone. Forgive me, father, forgch tire. was all his daughter could Say, an slipping from her Husband's arltl alto of 'l‘ttuxtltu's. Thur-dove null sunnitlm. s n. Aggy†.\ M EYER , NZ,ny nay I vou are frightening was much struck by his tone and marj’h rsglmemv lEIIef SI'fmIle 309d; sank down at her fathers feel, and - __ , I . - ._ A I . I _ I I I . , I c, . a . I . , it). a. III. IL: .tlI titlrzsttlllttlutis III the olltctl. ‘IIIIIS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: Mary flobgrt',on,; or, the ly.,ursc†[n.udIvssle deï¬nes“ ex_ manner, a IwIIifu man maun ha’c 33:18 geriggfï¬oucr‘n" IIII'I'II’II'meII‘ (in endeavoured to clasp his knceï¬. ‘ "f" H, , ,, ,8,†I and the pulllué llnn fro. n pt‘opnl'utl to do lMassacre 0f Cawnpore. claimed llt‘l‘ lover tcndcrlv as he “‘5 WWW 1‘“ 'lfye W'Il ‘0 (’“Par V“ m morning I me 1 Are you tï¬arl'ied nl‘ not mtlrri'ed? , I.) , . ' . . ‘ i . r s . , . ‘ ’ ' . lllnrll n ..ut|f' , III ,PLANEiNG To ORDFRI. mssed away he, mars; your fame]. magn taIeIILupar, but us I have .il- III?†II III? a you CXpLL o repeated her father stemlyI I I I . , I - I I I . . , .. . . rca sat , c are my on neve . U - -~ LA W (J-’\ ‘ lti any quantity, and on short notice. [Livyng sald [his lnuch v concern. Ina-l be angly at EU“, but “ ht“ he y y " y y Yes; was [he faintly murmured 'R'E'AD & BO Y D. Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitflrs in Chancal‘y,&o., 77. Kill)! Street I‘ltiut, ’mor 'l'ltorupsou‘s East ludtrr llonsr) Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C. l J-A. BOYD May 7. lflili. ' 1n. TEEE‘Y, neon Notary 17312-03110, CUMMISSIDNEtl IN THE QUEEN'S BENDH,I (IUNVICYANCI‘LII. ANI) BA 4M." ‘ I. ' I. l’llutcrl Lumber, lloor llI g, 8.9., Kept on hand. S.\\\’ING done promptly 3 also, i Lumber- Tongl'lt‘tl 8; Grow-(l ing the .llt'l‘tï¬ï¬‚ti of ottr story and Ilt’l‘ father, we shall now say a few words respectingr her I'bvcr. llcnry At the lowest possible rains. I Saw \lill on lot ‘25. ‘Jnd (Ton. Markham, ‘2; ; rulllos eustof lliclinioud‘llllt by tile I‘lunk Rortd‘ Richmond Ilill, June ‘Jli, Idlii. -l-ly 3 DAVID IGYICR, .lttn., More 6; Shingle llatiii ICSIIHCVf‘ldâ€"lmt 'Z'i. 52nd Con. Markham 1 [{l on tile Idloiti \lills l’lrtltlt llond. A largo Slot-k ol'Sl‘Avlcs :rntl Stirxcmts. kept ruin-trillth on lr:rrill.nud sold :iftllo lowest l’riccs‘ lU‘ (fall and examine Stock before purchas- 4 rtctttrcr . or, as ho was more Commonly call- t‘tl llarry ()gilt‘ie, was a cadet of a family ()I rank and distinction. a junior branch of the house of Aâ€", :‘ltnown as lllr’ (’gilvies of llyrt's, u 'lillc which they derived from an (astute they possessed in Aberdeen 1shire. It: was a handsome young lol- lt w, about two or thee and twenty Vcars of not», tall and athletic. int tperson, with a countenance indi-I knows that we are meirried, that all further opposition is useless. he will relvrit and forgive us, be added in kind and assuring tones.- Alas! you do not know my father,shc replied in an agitated voicc,lier lips quivering as she spoke. No, hutlknow you, and alsoI that he loves you, was the reply, so I‘ll'dtl cannot believe he will long continue to harbour anger against you. But come, dearest. come, he added t'ntrealingiy ; every moment is precious. We have a (here there was a touch of. deep tenderness in her , tone), an’ for your Snke I’ll no refuse the lassic the shelter 0’ my. hoose, the mair especially as it is only far ae' nicht or rather part 0' a nicht, since, as ye say, ye are to,bc married in thc, inornin-’ Thanks, aunt, many thanks for your kindness,’ exclaimed her nephew; believe me, I shall never; forget it, he added grateft'illy. llools,luddie, that’s nactliing., Ye kenl wad due a hanllc mair for ye than that. if it was for your; Before eight o'clock at latest, re- plied Henry in a tone which he strove in vain to render cool and indifferent, for vou know he added with a faint attempt at a smile. the sooncrthe marriage is perlormed the better, in case of any unseemly accident or interruption. Ali,l see, observed the captain shutting his right eye, and gazing steadily into the fire with his left, it would not do for.th old papa to turn up. or the result might be a contrctemps. Well. well, I hope better things, and that by ten to- reply. 'l‘heh my cursc,I-â€"la deceived and brokendicarléd father's curse .alight upon youâ€"upon you both. he cried ï¬ercely, turning towards Henry Ogilvic; who, ,hisIheart bleeding for his wife. stood at a little distance regarding this scene in an agitated manner. I _ I No no. do not ciirsc me father I shc exclaimed in a heartrendlng tone, the tears raining down her cheeks as she Spoke i tor the sake of my dcad'moiht-r, curse me not. , - - - ' . she added stretchinlr her clasped . lllgt'lsnwllhl't‘. . . l .. ‘ .. . ‘ .. .. .. Ion" ourne ’ before its and we am film-la Observe‘l his aunt; bl“ mormw mmlnng I Shall have the . ‘ '3 ‘ ' DIVIDION COURT AGENT, pm, (mm Md,g,,_nunnnond “,HI (.dlltL. .illltt,IofIfrairk ness, good hu- CHIITIIII IILICIIIIlII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIq anIII IInIII whisk she added perceivm" mm happiness 0, congratulaling you on hands towards litin implorlnglv, I . ‘ V .,â€" - ; . . J A r, t A ’ ’ . . - » ruttlmosn HIM. PM NHL/E- }J"“ï¬1'“’-’_,,,,,__.._,,__, . -mkle'l i'mm'lw “rid 1"?““3' Yoimil as l“ more ,er mil“. bum?“ u, and he looked bun, and was abzm l0 becoming a bencdtct. I am to be No! I Will not curse you. he sdld ; termites i. d.‘,l)r\mls,Mortgages. " W618 '6 W )GL‘HSEVNu you†1“ .‘ ‘ . ‘ X " 'l .. .. a' '. - ~ . ‘ r- I ‘ “v ' r ' . - I\t uIIIIIII MrsIIIc. uII:II“III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII E DMU N D S EAG E R. IIIII IIIIIIIII and [IIId QIIIIIIIIII with “ undemp 5,, say,an he asslsmd :(ptaIk, “go It savI nae rnatr ab()(lj]l it. ready at 8 o clock you sayl after a panscI. during, \yhiIth tIlasIlIeII -‘. .. . . . . . i . . . . ‘ k . ' . ‘ . . ' .. r ‘(‘I est w rat or ' . -. . . ' ‘ . ' . - verc s ru H e a) caret 0 . ""1 "mml‘h'lme‘ mm '“Mahuo' Pl'OVlllCllll Land Slll‘l‘CyOl‘, kite. : sortie distinction in the (/rimenn he" "Lml’lmg and “Ulldlmls’ “LI†L ‘ ' y H n ‘1‘ n Y“, Ol‘ bthl'e It, if pmstblc, “as isle l P Richmond Ilill. .lttuo l), lob}. I GEO. B. NICOL, BlitillSllll, lllllnayâ€"al-lall.; Solicitor ill Chancery, . (l o NV I) t‘ AN 0 it it, re, &c., M. RlCIINION I) II t lili, Residenceâ€"Lot 4t) Yonge Street, Vaughan. January Ill. 1865. 3‘3 one. minions 8t soN Provincial Land Surveyors, l campaign. from which, indeed, be along with his regiment had but lately returned, the battalion to which he was attached being llll present sttitioncl in Dâ€"â€"â€". It was here, ata ball given by the in- habitants to the otlicers, that he first became acquainted with Miss“ to the carriage. into which lch handed her; then bidding tlic coachtnan drive like the windâ€"‘-in fact, the young soldier used a much stronger termâ€"«ho leaped in beside llt‘l‘, when they drot'e oil at a rapid pace towards their destination, the l town of D '-'â€". yoursel, and ifye brew, well ye’li drink the better. ' Thus concluded the interview be- tween aunt and nephew, not a little to the satisfaction of the latter. Begging the reader’s pardon for; this interruption, We shall now re? turn to our lovers. Having alight-l the reply. Well, lshall ho punctual,- in the meantime (Iu reuoir. Au rcvoir, replied llcnry. upon which the friends parted for the night. Henry,- with a mind agitat- ed by mingled hope and fear, to :mtike preparations for his marriage place in his bosom‘.-â€"-No! treacher- oils and disobedient as you have been, I will not curse you but never lot riic dell your face again, he added sterllly. Henrielorlh, you are no daughtef of mine. Mercy, father I have mercy? wail- ed Mart/alt Was all she could say, . ~ ~ ~ - i . ‘ - . y . H . ' -. ' . ' ._ . ' '1. these (lFFlt‘Eâ€"ï¬lli the “Yin-1.- llornld †Buildings, Sig-"I‘Olnll’ (h ‘V- Robertson, wttli whose charms he Lnlbrtng Illlb If)“ n ll-f‘y tlrmIt. I (,dIlrom tueI carnage. and having in ,he morning-am Capmin Ed for struck to tht SeaIrtI III“ Richmond Hill. 3““‘17»‘8""- II was iuunpdimely “ruck, and of through its Sllt'l’ll andâ€"save fora solt- paid and (llIStillSSBLl the coacllrtian. ' cruel “OTdS Slle ha LIN-“U 0“ (if? Money In lmnll. July, 5th. 1866. 5-ly M'NAB, MURRAY 3. JACKES, Barristers 8; .tttorncys-at-Law Solicitors in Chancery, t‘oNt‘tcrlxt'tctts, div. OFFICEâ€"ll! the Court lloiisr~,. .TOROXTO August I, 1866. 5'.) Carriage rind ‘Wuggon? ,Horses Afflicted with Ringâ€"barrel ‘boing laid ns’itlo only fora few days. l/Vorth Ifnoroing .’ II I: Subscriber would itiliin'lte to the farm- orsnnllotliurz of Richmond Ilill nlld‘ rrrnl tr (:VIJIIV having. Tlittt he has successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. This treatment does not time sitlt'te tltelrt Quite a number ofrefm'cucs given if ruqnir- l ed ofpersons whose horses hive been cured by me. ’ Mv (lnrgc is $l 50 if paid when operated Richmond llil'. Oct. M a. p 1 e H o t e 1 2 ' ‘Hl‘l Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally", that he has ‘66 ‘which he had soon 1 which whom he soon became deeply on- amourcd, an affection on his part reason to lie- fievc was fully returned by her. We may add, also, that although not wealthy, he was not. altogeth- er dependent on his pay, having a ft‘\\’ thousand pounds of his own, he had inherited at his father’s death. who, al0ng with his mother, had died several years be- fore; and which, although it Having said this much co'nc'ern- int: our lovers, we shall proceed with the main thread of our narra- live. tary policeman or other watchman of the nightâ€"deserted streets, until they arrived before a house in the suburbs, on the Brouglitrm Road, occupied by a grand-aunt of llenry ()gilvie’s. an aunt of his mother's. a Miss Carnegie, who received ll’lCIH Willi open arms, her nephew on the prIcvious (lay having inform- t‘ll her of his intention to eiope Wllll, Miss Robertson, as Well as the cir- cumstances \\ hicli rendered this step necessary, and liketvrsc his de- weie married. which would be on .It‘s a queer thing you would his mc due at my time 0‘ life, Ilarry. llas tae aSsis-t yc tac mak' a rinawa’ drive through the cold night air. I the assistance of her lover and Miss tliev, preceded by Miss Carnegie, entered the ho'ttsc, and were conâ€" ducted by her into a well lighted and comlortable room, in which blazed a large sea-coal fire, a cir- cumstance peculiariarly agreeable to them after their long and rapid 1 No sooner had they entered the room, than Miss Robertson, with Carnegiep’roc‘ecded lolny aside her wrapprugs, and soon stood reveal- Ewlrow, but you‘re a win‘some .voung thing, exclaimed the old ‘lady warmly. as she folded her in words to take another turn in bed growlingtiot loud butdeep at his friends infatuation -rti tying him- self to his wife's apron stringi are he was well in his twenties, when it was time enough to do so a dozen years hence. Accordingly, between eight and nine o'clock the following morning, a carriage might have been seen standing: at Miss‘Carnegie'e door into which alter some delay, that Verti rcspcctableold lady and Miss them. The carriage then drove oii‘atarapid pace to the office of the superintendent registar, which : floor. As for you, continued the farther. addressing Henry Ogilvie, who had sprung:t forward in order to assist his wife, you shall not escape my vengerinde, if there is a law in Great Britain I’ll have you punish- ed for this! So saying, and with' out awaiting a reply to his threats, or giving any heed to his daugh- ter’s condition. he hurried from the room, followed moreleisurely by ‘ ' ' ' u ou la . who had accom- lim, ifnot {53 (it) will be cimrgctl to ensure a “Hf,th "(Iltl Tnablg llmvn ‘0 [WT]; a sire that she would receive her ed in all her youthful beauty and ‘ Robertson \t‘crc assisted by Henry ;:::?e:]lgin1gilf1,opns of preventing ,SCUI‘G-I I III III I V , I IV“ Iclm I619“ TRUE“ “mu ( .31 tinder her protection until tlicv I pride before the latter, who sooth OgllVle and CaPl- Edward-“i the the marriage, in which, however. ResulmlcorenrOf‘0‘1~-)‘ 7'1d(’°'§1r83fm"'. .eabfelld L “m 0 0 so WI J to say, gazed upon her with niingl. two latter. who had arrived some he was disappolmed‘ his henâ€, in éSthb DU‘lev'I com OIL the following morning. ctl surprise and admiration. time before. immediately joining be.ng ï¬lled with consequence, bitterness and gall. and both the two policemenâ€"the lalter looking very much crestfrtllen at the unsuc- "" . x l * I i x 1 v ' i " . . ‘ A . . .. “Km on'alwllm- ttorlzt.in the Village of Maple. I I tiuirriaot. an Ime ncIar smuty her arttts.dndI kissed her on the lheV "3‘10th "1 dbml} a (Waller 0f cessfuIl result oIfthetr expedition. ‘ ‘ ' in Con. Van hon. where he hopes, b\'ntteil- About twelve o cloclt,on tne follo‘wd 'eal'S o awe, wr' ac ï¬t in the «rave cheek- an I dinna wonder at Harrv an hour or twenty minutes. of whlch m the"- gpcee‘ thoughts, UNDERTAKER 4 [1- ~ » . . ,. _ _o I 5 II, I ‘ I _ ï¬ & & ition to ll-ecfmllmI'Its of tlptIIU‘trt’t‘l'mE cmnmué night. havrng procured a carriage an’_ the tiller barely col 0 t, the old lovrn ye, But, oh ! she added. on their arrival at the ofï¬ce“ “my had expected to make rather 3 \LL. 0. a c. mva to merita Is rare 0 ieirpatrouage all from D Rosidonce~Noarly opposite the Foot Oflice. R r'lmond '“lill. Good St‘abling. the, RICHARD VAIIJCS. nupporl. ,rlnd having stationed it Oil the roadside at some distance lady (who, by the bye, frorri her ye did wrang to quit your father's peculiarities, might have stood for house; that's a step I canna up, they, in obedience to Henry Ogil- vie’s request, were immediately good thin". To be continued. ‘7 ~w~r~ * ' : . ' lionse Ilcnr Ovilvie one of Dean Ramsa ’s ictures of new 0’ 1 ‘ h . . ‘ h , “articular! 1865- 3243' “9m “WW!†‘ y b , , ~ Y P l -_ I I . I stown tnlo t e prtoence of t e I -o â€"-â€"â€"v-* HAVE TRUlJlleSIIVDIITIlIlIIItIISIII’EIIITS“ H..- I; ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" With a beating heart proceeded totthe ladies of the last century) had Oh. Miss Carnegie ! exclaimed superintendent registrarâ€"a stout, No matter howuglv you may be, your CISTlter‘ i S . ‘ . Hen y me 96 . ‘ Manufactured and for Silo by lClCNSEl) AUCTIONEEIR for tho Cotill- J_ ties of York and Pool, Collector of Notes. 7 the spot at the foot of the orchard :said to him Willi an odd sort ol Miss Robertstrn, bursting into tears. where he was to meet with Miss‘smile. It was all she could say-her own red-faced. jolly-looking man, who, having just partakcn of a hearty sha ttrw will stick faithfully to you, for ii. iii as igly as you are. - . . ’ ' l v t~ ' -_ . tt"liar:islikeauefl"ketiuhotwater John Langstafl IA,C,,,,I,,I&ICI Sma†charges“, Mum}, ,0 d†Robertson. I I I lIkriow it near aunt. rep lPtl her Conscience bitterly reproachtng her breakiast, consisting oIfcoflee, ham Hm; Wham hemmgigfl III’IfIamé IOIIIIII Swen. MlLS.'iTH7BhtlILL I mom, Mm}, 3nd 1555 .35.; bornewliat disappointed at not be nephew m an earnest tone 3 but as for what she had done. - ' and eggs, devilled ltidncys &c., ad he gets hardened.