matters, to posrtion o'f‘fâ€"a' legislator. 'fliué England nothing is more 00ml?“ tha stal‘hcnr it said 10?, we}: a oneâ€"J r~may).-1)(,eui‘ha“ps of talentflzinfl learningâ€"thigh, he§is~zhï¬ou ,poor to thin‘kT even of pa; (c lif‘fléï¬g} ‘_ of contesting Za seat in thq; ous ;r§&?§mmons In‘thei Calonics, ‘ the '230 3 dry, where the British sygtem‘of remfcsentativc govern- ment is Sri‘inL-d rathcrpthan repeated, nothingggstmom common than for a fel- Inw Withan a penny in his pocket to pay for his liquor at the/flu, or {o settle his washe‘r-wouiap's MUS; $6 come forward as a candidate .for Pagiiimentary honors, attracted by: the im'ï¬iqdiate prospect of mileage, sgationery izniignited, and wages for his attendance ï¬xéd by himself, to- getiier with that of jobs, and contracts for hipj'scli'mid friends in the more re- moteaeprb'speetive. " , Thc'sc'wgygcséif henceforward the sys- tem oflpgyihg wagesï¬nt‘ali‘is to be continu- edâ€"vshoula be left fo" be determined by mama! hgreement betwixt. the candidates. and their. respectixi‘e‘ constituencies, ()r in his address to the ‘5 Free and Inde pendent"~â€"the candflatefpight state the very lowggtï¬gure .aLwhjgh he was willing m givc‘his seryices,-,to his coun- irv; and thu's‘the electors' might as it. were hold'a kind of Dutch auction over the candidates. and select as their repre- sentativehlm who nï¬'ereg himself my the lbwest pike: ,But there bhbuld be no more iakim“ money out of the public purse to sa‘iary members of Parliament, There is but one x‘omcdyfm thii‘: di’s- gracefubstate of things; u sure and safe onefghOIllgï¬. m: fear. _s9 Jitglevprude‘nce is gh’gfe; éé‘TIi'ttjc‘j pfitï¬gï¬Ã©qy' "kind high nonso'ï¬f h‘miiï¬ aino‘xi‘g's't tHoSé 'by Whom the remedy would have to be appliqd, :5. at tigergygshï¬mgxfl ghaï¬iï¬giitg baï¬g: resoer quqr‘maniy HI .l'ongéfday cht: That} e_m‘efl?;o£:c0prsbr goqéyï¬s in the adoption “6 "H17? Elï¬n-511 system of" grappiugus }‘cp{e§cntpï¬i011_;'whiéh_ s'c'éqr'e‘s i0 Englmdfltfhis‘ hklassiugi , that. her: membdfs’jiiofl" Pauiliuiaubuiv km’é- not ‘by" courtesy only, but in veg dch, gontle- men, independent gelltlemén, who would epum theyfl‘er ofgsalenry for their“ gtï¬ tondallgé iii/the Commons With" indignation, inferior to I that only with which they would Spurn. a bribe. But if any Colonial constituency should doem tin?iiiwircpréi‘eh‘m‘fihï¬jiéééï¬vga 5‘0 ' wéll- of Ch€1h,'}is thift h'é should be rewarded for his services in hard cash, as well as by the oghï¬ï¬pï¬ioé of his. constituentsâ€"â€" then that" 'par‘ticular constituency, or rather lhggse 10f iheinflwho had carriod. the tile-etion, _sh:(')§ld"r-t'§1{ themselves ‘ To} the payment of such salary, and coming: gent expenses, to such amount as they might consider an adequate compensa- tion for_thcir member’s services. This would be just: but it most unjust that the whole community should be taxed, bbeause‘ some constituencies dcu sire to indulge thbniselves in tho luxury ‘ of giving a'pennilcss, ydvepmrer a seat in thc‘jeountryfg ,Itegislatiire. ‘ . I“ ‘l‘U-ézgufquns 94:l75§ali1hutun I Thefmaii .wifgqig. £00 pom to give his urï¬déé‘in Pal-llamch gratuitously, is not. ï¬t to be a Mg’lï¬bc: of Parliament. Not'that it is any? isgï¬gce to be poor: but it is -»or at n- j it would' be cmsidcred in :1 hi giépi‘ï¬ted community, and by any one: h‘;[=kee11 or dciicggq sense of honorâ€" 3}ny disgraceful thing for a man not‘? .r‘ iï¬gji'gnï¬ent m maney cunts in?†igxï¬ o, mw‘shnylgi-gyopgep if :hï¬â€™rgwhg: mi? :hmha'a may? f'a'refr As well might we pretend to, wonderat the atgcactive power of 'carrion over blow-£1163 and other obscene things, as ‘0 m “9}. 3‘ 111.6...Very..1932:clasa“$2.â€!!!ch whic the saMries, and contingent. ad- vnnmgos of representatives; ;,bring to- getheï¬to the gfqart d}sqredi§rof the Pur- Iiamentary:sysicm’in gingham]; and to the great'disadvantageiqf, the} Coldniés in pi’rticulur. ' The Daily News here touches upon one of Wemmm‘ oursfloinnial. 'SysL $0112 of representative governmentâ€"we m n-_â€"the “ingfl'qi‘ ryegiberg Paglia» m" . glenilgsm gemsysemis, what: in, ti‘of" hermeginamr'e' ' 'be‘ing ‘com- reset] as is the House of Commons in Ingland, of sturdy, independent gentle- men, Wiï¬hï¬ stake in the country,- and by theif social position raised far "above the suspicionke‘ven. o‘f‘bcing amenable to oer-rapt infl’nenées; in. 'the Colonies, we 3:130. often put tOgether as our law xmkers, and the comptrollers of our revenueux a set of needy, greedy adven- turefs, intent only upon enriching them- aelxoa; and to‘ whom the salary of an M Pin, is an: attraction. And we won« der tlrwt the remite of representative government in a Colony, are 30> essenflh. ally diflerent from what they are in the Mother Country! I We profess to be as- tonisheci, and horriï¬ed forsooth at the chargesof venalty, corruption and HIS-l enlity, which our Colonial represe‘nta- ‘ lives so freely, and perhaps so truly; ‘ handy with one another. (Why ! if two ‘ wnnlg only loolg xittentively at the classl of men whiéh'tlié ' Colonial 'system of prying members oi'jhe Legislature at, Uhder‘thc caption ‘Dual Elect-ions,’ the Momma Daily Newsorm 29th ult ,. has some very sensible mmgrks upon, the practice we ha}? fullblfiï¬th here‘of' pay- ing our representatimes- in the Legisla- gnrc for, theii'scrvihcanud of defray'ng their travelling. expenses.- Our contem- -te,xnp¢ï¬";vy Well‘ glad gpowerfully; argues that this practice will, especially should thqplan of the d‘u‘ul, election- system 0})- talzi'gpemte as a powerful stimlxlus upon- uqodx pplitiogl. udvggtuners: twpreaent ughlsclvesm thé polls,Y ‘j;0nly let it goabroad throughout‘Lower Canada,†he observes, “ that, under the Dominion, the man who can monopolize tawosdhts is nfe to ockut $2,000 a year during the exilteï¬ f?1l’§;‘liament,_aml We promise the pjbl o Bisplay‘ of pati‘iotism knob as it, hnn‘ not been our fate hitherto to chronicle.†‘ tï¬c Monti-Ell ‘Tiue Wiinéss‘. to Members- of Parlia- ment I." v It is‘ about ten years since the sub- jecï¬â€˜of‘constructing a line proposed to be :styled the ‘,‘ Torontoand Owen Sound 'C’en’lral Railway,†was brought promi- jlently before ;~.theq~_Canadian public; at that omens; Kim 'Tull'y,’ an En: LL2fiho'ér' 'of eminence, reported favourably upon thc'Schexne, and made a. calcula- vtionith‘at the. workucould be completed from lVeston to Owen Sound for $2,- 800,000, or at the rate of $28,000: per mil‘eâ€"â€"-‘the distance being estimated at 100 nii'les. ,In connection with this, 'it was proposed that a branch line would be'laid from Owen Sound to Saugcen, a further distance of twenty five ‘miles, terminating on the East shore of Lake Huron. I’ron'roné cause and “another this project has laid' in nbeyance“; but; recently, it has egai'ï¬ b‘cen t‘o‘iéw‘pmmï¬] nently Before the public, by thepressing Wants of the farmers in the Counties of ‘Bruce‘and Grey‘l who are determined .upana'doptingr such means .133. will l‘gecure to their)"; for their produce, a “more remunerative market than they have at present. Since reading Mr Laidlaw‘s pamphlet, we have been favoured with the views of Mr F. W, Cumberland, also published in pamphlet form; after a careful peru- sal of the latter, we confess that we are convinced of the soundness of Mr. Cum. berland's arguments; he shows clearly that Mr. Laidlaw's' “cheap Railway†is not-suited to the wants of the people of Bruce and Grey; that it would not be en able ofdoing the work which would be required of it;' and points out a way byewhi'eh the produce of'ithose counties can; ï¬nd the desired market, at a much smaller outlay ofcapital than Mr. Ilaid- law proposes; it is that a line of Railway be laid between Durham and Angus. connecting with the Northern Railway, a distance o_f47 miles, which would at once enable the farmers of that section of country to reaebthc best Upper Can- ada market with equal, if not more rapid, speed than any other route that may be adopted ; this new line can be laid for $940,000, whereas Mr. Laidlaw's “cheap narrow gauge" scheme would require an outlay of’ $1,245,000 ' to build a. line from Toronto to Durham. management and skill, proved himself to be the mo’st-‘eï¬i‘bient oflic'cx: the company has ever had, and is excellent authority upon any subject connected with Cana- dian Railways, It is to be sincerely hoped that ï¬lm people of Brgce and Grey 9 .One Mr. George 'Laidlinv, a forwarder lat. Tprouto, has managed to create a sensation; of late, by publishing his -pe- ,eulizgr views; ppen the snbjeet of“ cheap Railways,†in the form of a. pamphlet, which he has addressed " to the \Vard- ‘â€â€˜ ens of Bruce and Grey, the Mayor of lid-Owen Sound, and the Farmers on the "H‘Routc of the: proposed Central Rail- "‘V‘Ahvxay;" we have read it, and gleaned ponshiernfole information from it in re- gard to the construction of Railways in Australia, India; Norway and Sweden, and have no doubt that the farmers of Bruce and Grey will conclude that. it looks very' wellâ€"on paper. Mr. Cumberland is the well known managiï¬g director of the Northern Rail- way, whohés had much experience in Railway mat-tors; he has, by his good BErnard. List of Letters.-â€"-M. Teefy. Court ofRevisionâ€"â€"'l‘ownship of Vaughan Liberal Conservative Meeting Tuscan Hats and Bonnetsâ€" G. A. Barnard New and Fashionable Clothingâ€"G. A. Bamard' SUBSCRuï¬‚ï¬ FOR The York Herald; $1,00 a. yaer- The Central Railway Scheme I *Pr'ivnte Rdsidén‘ce for Saleâ€"«M. Tecfy. ’ $15 Rewardâ€"Peter Stover. Strgly Sheepf-T. F. Boynton. _ Stevens House-‘Geo KuGhs‘me & Co. » Cabbage and Cauliflower Plantsâ€"G. RICHMOND HILL. JUNE 14, 1867. M: TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill, May 6. ISM require to be handed in 1:5 minutes before the lime of 0103i 7 Until farther notice, the mails will be closed M this Post Ofï¬ce as follows : MORNIX‘SM Going North 7.55 A.M.. . . . . . . .4.5G RM. Going South 9.33 A.M . . . . . . . . . 8.14 RM. Hails made up at the Richmond. Hill. Post Ofï¬ce. Earthen: Railway of Canada Southérn. . . . . . . ‘ . , . . . . . . 7.0? KM. NB. REGISTERED LETTERS will RICHMOND HILL STATION. Northern. Mail . . . . . . . . r . . S‘onth'ern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . †Cnshel,.. .7 . . . . . “ Gormley, . . . . . . . “ Headfo rd'. . . . . . . 1‘ Victoria. S inure, Gun Wm ï¬rm-lb. New Advertisements. CHANGE OF TIME. EVENING- MAIL. May 6. 1867. . .630 A M. . .6x30 AM. $11.00 A. [yon Tuesdays z &Fri’d:\y9. The reception of the Hons“ John A. McDonald in the future capital of the: Province of Ontario, on Monday last; by the citizens and corporation of Town- to, was enthusxastie; in reply to the address presented to him by the Mayor, M-r. McDonald" made a " most happy speech; he modestly deSires'Wlifat‘ the credit of all thatï¬has recently-teens? pired, as regards our advanceitjoilvards nationality and greatness, shallhe'shared by his colleagues, collectively; that Messrs McDougalrflgwlaud ï¬nd, Blair are deserving the 361mm of Jpr‘aise that their-meiates 1were entitled to Allin is wha‘ flailln‘ .lu: .137uâ€"J*â€â€˜â€mâ€". '- manly generousesoulnv‘ho can afford to do justice to his colleagues, whether con~ se. vative or reformer ;_ it is qqiteelear, he is not the kind of. person whp thinks that nothing good» can couie ‘Oixt‘ f'o’f Nazareth- _' ‘ FATAL itemize MILLS ACCIDENT.â€" memox, June 10.-â€"â€"This evening, abom six o‘clock, a fatal accident occurred at the Great Western Railway Rolling Mills, b which an engineer employed there name Williams, was instamly killed. While en- gaged in oiling the machinery. a rnsh of steam came upon his face. and (New con- fused him that he started back suddenly and coming in contact with the fly-wheel, he was crushed and mangled in a'fesrful mam Dar. Williams had been many years em- ployed an engineer. and leaves behind him, , v'rif-a and Avfamily‘of children; An in- quest is to be held tomorrow morning. i HAY r011 SALgrâ€"Attentienjs direct- ed the _ Adveftisgmpnth ihnouncing‘ sixty-ï¬ve acres of Grabs fqr’ sile,"in lots to suit buyers. ‘ 'I’artiezwiahin§ to in- vest in this commodity, have, in this case, a good opportunity to secure their supply at a low rate. The distance is only some three miles from this village: DESERTIONs.â€"-OAKVILLE, June 11.â€" Four soldiers took a small boat here, und started across the lake this morning. It is said that the Emperor of the French has decided on suppressing all military bands, the regiments to be marshalled merely b trumpeters ; even lhe far-famed band of Jen Guides is only to be spared for a. while. ' “’e have received No. 2 of u' {Slim-113% lct_ent1tled‘ “the Universal Catechiat, “ for the diffusion of national and poli-r “ ticnl knowledge amOng the Canadian “people;" it came to us by post, and, there is nothing on its title page to indi- cute where it came from, or by whom . it is published. There is an originality about it, which shows that it is the. prioT duction of no ordinary mind, and it is evidently written by a. scholar. ' We would be. glad to get No 1 of i~the Catechisl, if possible ; we have not keen it, perhaps the friend who sent uavNo. 2 will oblige us. \\'e are much disappointed to ï¬nd; that the publisher of the Canada Gazette does not send us lhe weekly issue of that paper. In former days we ‘received it regularly; but. during-the past year, for some unaccountable reason, it has not reached us. Will Mn Cameron, be __so kind as to see thatitrin 391157: - ’- a- _: NIH": :sdentrï¬c let lum be one who with local interests. ‘; ’5“ "‘ If Mr. T. A. Milne could be; induced to accept, We'haVe good rel-son to believé that he would carry the Riding. As farmer and manufacturer, he is well and favourably known ;’ he wins born and; raised in the township of Markham ;- is an intelligent and highly respectable young man.- Mt. Milne is Wealthy, and, by his industry and energy, make‘aisuch .1 use of his ample means as to be u beneï¬t to the surrounding country; he is a most desirable representative, and‘ just such an one as the farmers of East-i York would be proud to elect from among themselves. With Mr. Wright‘s motives for cllnngirig his formerly declared intentions we have nothing to do ; it is aniï¬cient for us to make known to ourl'vreadera thé fact. It is hardly likely' Ithat the inde- pendent electors of the wealthy and; intelligent Riding mof Jinan-York will consent to allow Mini. Mebenlfe tqwalk the course; there isqampléliiiine (o 1662-. ronnd and ï¬nd a. man to be La ntundard-_ bearer; at tire next elec'lioq' possible}; We learn upon good authority that. Mr. Amos Wright has, upon second. consideration, decided that he will not contest East York, either for the Hous'é' of Commons or the Local Legis‘npnrp. will carefully reflect upon the wise sug- gestions thrown out in Mr. C’s pamphlet, for he clearly provesithat what be pro. poses to them is: the ‘bést for their inter- ests; it is the _§7i‘eape§tt,‘avnd most expedi- tious ; and, wllat is more, it is the only plan that can be carried om successfully. Hon. John A. McDonald in Toronto. " Universdl . Catedhlstg" The Rdyal GaZetto‘ East York 1'2; '12-: : l Slapâ€"With " reference to a letter signed “ Canadnfl' that appeared in your issue of the “ï¬rst! If desire to state that your coife'spondent is mistaken when he construes th'e_‘- insertion of an improperdéggnntion in the Assessment Roll, (whiqh‘fige himself admits to be an error).-intmm idsult‘m myself. Had I considered it as one, I can assure him, I would have known how to resent it as lush, and that promptly. As to the latter part at yitiixic‘o‘rrespondén t’ s' letter, I wish to state that no apology what- eier has been demanded. from the Assessor?†ï¬Ã©â€˜ï¬iï¬a’itider of his letter, ï¬ill, I have no, doubt, be considered by janéeduosted in“ its ‘proper light ; and 35711} his-wth‘o'ifght it expedient to‘ make his letter an anonymous one, I} have nothingï¬et‘present to do with that] portioh'bf‘itl ‘ reï¬né,†"p ' “Yet fliflzjt'gften 1pr theman to shine," ‘ Hérhiï¬â€˜if'wiï¬ mt, then, be detlacting llfrom this gentleman's character to say $113!. if, by ,nccidéntfhe; sï¬puld 'be the niceA ï¬â€™l Vim}; aï¬c'éttai'n‘portion ofv ' " WW“ exf-inElgï¬sncountywill She qpï¬roprintely represenkd at- least. ‘7 " ï¬'lï¬is iguï¬n, howeth‘, thatniMr. ,iyalf swan the lnoï¬n‘hee of the dr M'ï¬t‘Gonv'hti'mz. iThis convention, is it i5“ termed, was made up apparently 1:? unit. {not cups thowinhes of Mr. Met- «p' , 1": -. » a . ‘f mm 3,:Fgmlgéï¬Â¢%ï¬t “bars 5m «this Vinnsabtién,†hm! Mr. Crosby. a gpung man whose faultsyith his abilities, utpear to hove been hidden beneath the a My cloud of his . own ‘7 mill. I must "if-paid mg}: wever, for flbeiiéï¬Ã©â€˜fhe " ithe‘honom le post of treasureroi the township of Markham somezsoreniiorflibtyenra‘ since; and, I am further _ informed, that he paid up, iast year; z 315an of principal that :by ,aomefnï¬rt ite errbr (I forget the 'cioxiz’ihex‘cial’r‘naiï¬hmfit) remained in his hands, at the expiration of his term of "ofï¬ce; the interest will, no doubt, be forthcoming‘igeforg the .cpming election ; iithjthé‘imgllér‘fryvlikef this, however, we leave? :tv ens their natural fate, as 13er hailiï¬i ‘ »' .', n ‘i‘ol'ui -. - {Oh ! mam“ $1.19“ 01d patriots . whéb' fdught for a Blake,ia Price,a Baldwin and C‘otjstitution ‘ .Zfl‘EGVrbméï¬ï¬; “ Awakef’. ,!‘.Arise," foi- 5 noblel‘ victory is yet to ‘be won. The Candidbes so far offering, or indeed spokemoflor‘the. House of Com- monsrn're M12". :ï¬me31Met/calfe, at pre- sent Bank Di‘setr, and lately returned ï¬om one of o . enal settlements, (Aus- tralia) theï¬ls said, .he acquired a fearful» “ï¬wiwds‘iy for absorbing gold from the govermnt of that country. “ Althqugnthe thbkening dress will scarce the eyes of the public for ofï¬ces of trust; and men, whose abiligics are so far below mediocrity, that. the cloygiié wimld verilv Bligh at them “(as t eyï¬j halted by f’JTY?‘ï¬â€œi’.€$‘ii?9“ ' “ Whyghqumm mu them from their dark abode 9 In broad St. Giles or in Tottenham road." To return to tï¬Ã© ‘Gbnivention. we have the old drama of the “ Two Thieves†played‘iin'theai’ibet modern and approved étyle. Mr. Metcalfe says to his friends, Crosby iï¬ï¬‚ggmgn far; the. Lower House.. by qll'mgggg. » M‘tmeghyjhen elevates his (fieke’y'ï¬na‘ms thdugiits, at one and the same 1{grid gays Mr. James Met- eaifc is tï¬gï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬â€˜for the Upper House,by alldnd aria-y means. Thus, by all and every means, these two unknowu, un- honoured,‘._a d, pol'tically speakingjtupid men, die} ' «vied okthepuhlie notice of the indemï¬ent eifligï¬qéiï¬ï¬ East Yon-IE; men 'whosé‘p’ast himofi’es' unï¬t them in principzl‘cemwi, ofvtheir cousins, the liberals/20f flailing-y... .iSodangei-ously,, 'inflmatmgqe ï¬elyiews, that up mat: 'lérghoyvnï¬guieï¬gs determined .71; I ~ man :may be in susting'and carrying out the .ï¬rincipleg rly faith and belief ;' he will'iieed‘to. “e the: the spirit of,e,the (gem y by; not disturbed hisé reasoï¬dil’ahi‘ Hiéiiu'dgment.’ ‘ . punching the subject ofeur Candidates, ore consideration of those men thlabtlyoming election will de- reerveou‘r olm’flhée and suffrage. We should be morelan usually careful '1th they should be far separated in cha- racter frothr nude and boisterous demo: , any should come to. us common ed by history unspotted and 5 'pure. We neecnot on the other hand, I nor indeed-shal'aventtempt to commend ' our friends!» it electors of this county by yillifying oubpponerits, or traducing the character oihose whose very pre- sumption in offdng themselves is patent to all ; but we Sill take the liberty of ex- amining each ashey stand adjudged by theitfellqws, n-n,_aqelyze the apparent motives (if the‘itffleeut ' espirutions. Living as min close and weigh hourly cgnp‘eqtfgxith I people who endorse those :ié'i’ples; it cannot be wondered thamsionally those, politi- calxigwa shguiihke a raid across 1 the Wï¬pipgled with the .--r xii r" G!!! R! a? cjp d institutions. Sll :Tlt is)ch and well known max- im in' Polizie: ilbéophy,thnt every act, before it bééaliw, should - be well and truly toothy the lights of experi- ence-ah“ iï¬isiikl'ld hence this princi- ple of conservm which, to this day, prevails in GrBritain in her Coun- cils, aaves'iflia'imtry from the‘rule of toqgf‘an‘d3511m consequent to demoâ€" Toflte 'ï¬ditg/f Ef'the Ydrk Herald. Adios, “til next week To‘flrw the York Herald. OUENDIDATES. Yam; truly D. E. BLAKE. JUNIUS. From the Toronto Dailies. Tuesday, May 11. The County Council of York met in the Council Chamber, Court House, yesterday afternoon, the Warden pre- siding. Tlle following members answered *0 their names, .viz : Messrs. Arnold, Berry- man, John Bowman. James Bowman, Bell, Butt/on, Cheater, Draper, C. Donn, (Aurora), J.Doan, G.,) Hunter, Graham, Jackes, Machell, Macklem, Parnham, Playter, Phillips, Riddell, Stephenson, Taylor, Thorne, Tyrrell, Wallis and Wheler. On taking the chair, the Warden adâ€" dressed the Council, stating that there had’been nothing unus-Jal occurred smoe the last meeting. The Commissioners, he said, had passed over the York Roads, and they had this year let all the gates, except one. The ‘ aggregate amount rjealized from those that were let has $27,505.. Grate No. 5, Yonge street, remained _.nnlet. The total amount of money _re'eei’\ied during the , year__ was $2’7,599:73;"'being about a thousand dol- lars in excess of the year before. This showed conclusively that the course taken 'by the Commissioners last year was a ‘Rtopflr enact“ “He also added that they had received from the government the expenses incurred at the Fenian trials. ‘ ‘ ‘ PRESENTING PETITIONS. Mr. Stephenson presented the petition ’of Wm. Rejway, and 80 others, praying for the leveling of the hill on the east lside of Highland Creek, on the Kingston lRoad. Mr. J aekes presented the petition of Wm- James and 67 others, praying for the opening of a ward between York and Vaughan. The petitions we‘re read, and no other business being ready. the Coun- cil adjourned. The County Council met at 11 3.111., the Warden in the chair. COMMUNICATIONS Were read from G. J. F. Pearce, offering 3 I101; of land for a House of In- dustry. From Thomas Bright, praying for ofï¬ce of caretaker. BRIDGE IN GEORGINA. Mr. Riddeil, seconded by Mr. Draper, moved for leave to bring in a by-law granting aid to the corporation of the township ofGeorgiam to build a bridge. â€"â€"()arried. The by-law granting the sum of $400 to the township of Georgina,. .to enable that corporation to bui.d a bridge ,a- cross the eastern Black river, on the county line [between the counties of Ontario and York, provided the eonnty of Ontario granted a like sumy was hen read a ï¬rst and second time On wdivi- sion being taken on a motion for the third reading, thezby-law was throwe out. Mr. Fowler, the Manchester Stipendiary Magistrate, has committed a farmer to seven days’ imprisonment, without the option of paying a. ï¬ne, for working a. horse in an unï¬t condition. - The Mont Cenis'tunnel is now more than half completed. The entire length of the tunnel will he seven miles 1257‘ yards, .end the distance completed at the end .of Max-eh- 1867 was {our mxles 345 yards. M aximillian has issued a proclamation in which he says 1â€"“ countrymen. I came to Mexico not only animated with the best of faith in my ability to insure the felicity of all and eachriof us, but called and protected by the Emperor of France, Napoleon the Third. He, to the ridicule of France, abandoned me cowé urdlyl'and intamously at the demand of the United States, after having uselessly spent forces and treasure, and shed the blood ofjhersons and your own. When news of my fall and death reaches En- rope;'all {Hoâ€"monarchs of Charlemagne's country will demand of the N upoleonic dy- nasty an account of my blood, and of the German, Belgian, and French blood ‘shed in Mexico. Then will Napoleon Ill, be covered with shame from head to foot. To-day he has already seen His lMajesty, the Emperor of Austria, my august brother praying for my life to the United States, and myself a prisoner of war in the hands of the Republican Government, and with my crown and my head torn in pieces. Countrymen here are my last wordsâ€"I desire that my blood may regenerate Mexico, and serve as a warning to all ambitious and incautious Princes, and that you will act with prudence and truthfulness, and ennoble with your virtues the political cause of the flag you sustain. May Providence save you and make you worthy of myself. Mr. Stephenson seconded by Mr. Phillips, moved that a committee of ï¬ve be “appointed to report to the Council on the-duties pertaining to the ofï¬ce of Inspector of Weights-and Measures, ap- pointed by this Council, and that such committee be composed of Mr. Wallace, Mr. Riddell, Mr. Chester, Dr. Barry- man and the mover.â€"â€"-Carried. The Council then adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow. . ° NEW ORLEANS, Ju‘he 10.â€"â€"Mexican 'ndvicea to thcï¬2nd inst , are received,â€" Miramon is still dangerously ill from his wound. Mendez has been executed, by order of Escobedo, on the 19th. V When Maximillian gave up his sword to Escobedo, he Said, I surrendei' to you my sword, owing ‘0 an infamous treason Without. which tomorrow’s Isun would have seen yours in my hands. Escobedo had’ordeksd a court-martial to assemble on the 29th inst., for the trig ofAtthmperoy Magimjllim}. MAXIM ILLIAN'S PROCLAMATION. YORK COUNTY COUNCIL. Latest Mexican News, \VEDNESDAY', June 12. MEASURES. The County Court on?! déï¬mter Sessions for the ' County, of York, opened in the Court-house yesterdaynfternoonflohn Boyd, Eeq., J uniOr Judge, , 'xesidini, with A.- Mc‘ Nabb, qu., John, e‘rry. -‘sq., and _W. Devlin, Esq.,.J.P., associates. The‘ follow- ing gentlemen constitute ‘the Grand Jury; Jonathan Bayman, foreman, ~I. Asbbridge, Geo. Arnold, Jamefl Boulton, Samuel Brethrow, Chas; Brodie, W.m.‘,Curtjs, .Dun- can Campbell, John Cope, Thomos Fellit, Geo. Gar-row, Bn'njnmin Johnston, Jacob Lemon, Stephen Leonard, Wm. McGowan, Joseph Sn der, John Sewell,’ Wm. Smullep and Wm. lumen; ’ ‘ " " His Honour .briefly gddressed the Grand Jury and afterwards dismissed them to con- sider the Bills placed before them. The criminal docket is very Imall, the civil 'caleudei- nmnbeuï¬ome 278 cases. CdUNTY'COURT was MCCLI'HE vs BACON. â€"â€"In this case the" appellant claimed that the convictions made by Magistrate in May last were erroneous. McClure, who lives in the Holland Landing, was on that occasion ï¬ned $20 for selling liquor without license. " ‘ The respondentâ€"â€" 3 ros'eculo'r in the“ ¢§§e~'gupppfled the con- viction on the grbunds 'th‘aï¬ia'ï¬ï¬‚ie lime of the sale no forï¬inlilicense Leengranted, uzlhoughl theimdney“ foiztl‘ie ., ligens‘u‘had been paid, and n'v'cer‘t'iï¬qneofï¬ie,.Corpor- amend of the a flouumi Landing had been issue . _, ,. ,u a 7.9.; .,¢ >M r. J ohn "Bh vin's "ï¬pp‘e‘ared fo’r" ftï¬e ‘nppelj lnut, and Mr. JohirMCNï¬bï¬â€™,“anntyCrown Attorney, supl)orf_(§dâ€}he convictiéng, ‘ . ' thxunn, June 1-2. John Boyd, Esq., presiding‘Samuel Mit- chel, Esq, associate. In this appeal case the jury were unable to agree and were disminsed. yawn :1 AL v. Hum. An action on ermongnge. Undefendedr Verdict for plaintiffs, $397,00. u'nozuLn v. n'xulov. An action on' a note. Undefended Var-l dict for plaintiff, $506.67. I ‘ . rum-sunny; nilnxlun'n. V An action on art-argument for balance of rent. The defendant alleged that he paid the money. It appeared that there were several mortgages-on the property, and that the defendant had paid the money :0 one of the mortga 'ees. y Edward Farquhsr Reindhart, Twenty- ninth Street, New York, desires it to be placed on record that in the year 1865, (October.) he was suffering from frequent epiletic fits. which had greatly weakened both his body and mind. and} that having fruitlessly expended more than $800 in physician’s fees, medicines, etc., he then, in conformity with the wishes of his family. tried Rsvwn‘s READY Rummy. taking it according to the directions, whenever he felt the premonitory symptoms of a ï¬t. ' He 'alSO had it applied externally to his spine and temples, at such times, and in three weeks succeeded in breaking up the paroxâ€" ysms, which have not sinse returned. The Relief (four bottles) cost $2. Dedncting that sum from the amount of useless expense- reviously incurred, viz., $800+“Difl'erence; $798 in favour of’theRcliehf, "withont'esti- mating the value oflOst timo.‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ Verdict for plaintiï¬â€˜,£50.v Wells for plaintiff. Richards for defence.. XERLICK-V. PPA’RBON. ‘_ An tctimi on n piomjsspi-j pofe. No d"- fcnce. Verdiqt ‘fgir‘pla‘ipï¬iï¬'. $256.69. Jun-:5 V.‘ osmmzsx. An action on a fume: 'N_u defegce. Verdict for pinimiil', $311.41: , '1 » Fm:va m: 'B‘OABD Samâ€"San ‘Franâ€" cisco, June 8;â€"'l'he U S slqnp ‘nf war Jmnes‘own reports tjveii‘tywne cases of yellow fever and six deaths during the voyage from Panama. ‘ 'v ' AN ENGLISH 'MKILI STEAMER SEIZEDBYJ’EKUVIANS .’ NEW YORK,» Jutié 12 :4fâ€"The vanfld’di Peru letter of the ZanjM'a'y, says that‘ the revolution was, assuming a decided shape, 'The English innil steamer Li. mend; from Valaprnigq fnr Panama, was Tailed “in: 30 ' \ ‘His‘éontémed . Pei-nvians. 61f qmqueh cmrimvmw ‘3' ‘Smlgll poi-o ‘ or ngiiloneg Pi‘mqua, divested of ï¬fty cfleé of borough, Containing American rifles, and then allowed. to proceed on- her way. Conside'rztigley exditt-mcnt en- sued umong the inthQritieg on hqaring of. this, and the smmmrdlekor, with » 600 men and 10 pieces of artï¬iiary,‘~wns des- patched to Aricn - imYnt-‘dinteiy for the purpose ofchastising Nib Peruyiann. SIX Current! Ex'rimt'n 1037 "Tax: Cm“ TEA Ruinâ€"The race (r In China, with this year’s spring teas, prumige {a be One of the most Remarkable jg'n 7 h (L‘m' 131w; latest advices from China in) o“ the eï¬â€˜e‘ct that six ships'have- entered 1‘ {or - the race home, viz.: The Ariel, ,Séric‘nL Tnitsin-r, Taeping, Sir Lnnncelm, indlfllggkffrinqgh. Althvngh the Ariel men the’ 'ri‘m'ï¬b'me last year by a neck, _the shippega of the new season‘s teas this year-have lo ocgrtnm ex- tent transferred their favours to the Black Prince us the winner, but uill retain the ï¬rst ship of lust year's race 'as a fluorite for i a place. _, l ._, . ~ - 1., The Emperor of Russia. in -order to en- sure a warm reception in Earihhps ordered 'thm all'pulitic'nl ptisoné'ru of Fyerich origin now in Sibe’r‘ia shall be set. free and sent home at the expense of tht Russian Govâ€" ernment. ' ' - A 'I‘vxm paper thHa" of; a: young; epu'pie who elnped on horséhick} necumpanied by {clergyman who-WM to mnfg'jgyhl'lu: The lady‘s tathcr géwe' Ichane‘fnnd‘ wars“ overtak‘ ing the party when the maidein chJed out LJ her clerical friend, "‘ Can't yle marry us as we run '1" This idea 't‘ook, mid he commenced the ritual, alid‘jugc M ihe bfide'n father clutched hé‘r'bridle'rejh ï¬hr“’cici'.gy- man pronuunccd the iovemman ‘and wife The faiher was in pleased with the dz‘m‘hiing action that. us the story‘gom, he gave thremv his blessing“. ' ' ' Ten plants are common enough in gar- dens about Landon, mgd may be m by the curious at Kew grown); m the open air. Thu Europe, of Frankfort. montions that the town of Lnxemburg' hallwon. besieged fourteen times, taken eight’timcn, bombuxd- ed three tunes. and has changed masters three timcsjn conseqpenfzgof tljegties. Queer kind‘or L‘Wé- A’ "norlrf't'aléiéaffec: tion. ‘ . , An immense quantityot" mackernlbesti‘ muted at 350 mm, was calight on the' Cor- nish coast during the lust Week In May. Military workmed haiï¬b 31in Viol ’r‘amze‘ “If: fortrcss of Luxembx'lrg. ' . ‘ EXPERIENCES OF A SICK MAN. u'cwm: v. nicox. QUARTER“ A church in Louesnes, in France, fell in during divine service, and tén per’sohs were killed, and twelve others more or less seria ously inlured. _ A Gentleman who suffered for year‘s from Nervous Debilityv. Premature Decay, and all [lie etl'ects of youthful indiscretion,‘ will, for the sake of suffering humanity; send free to all who need it, the recipe and and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufl'erers wishing" to proï¬t by the adverliser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect conï¬dence; JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York. , , r u , years wnth a severe lung affecuon, and that dread disease Consummenâ€"is anxmns to make known to his fellowâ€"suï¬erers the means of cure. The advertiser, having been restored $0 health in ‘a few weeks by a Very simple remedyai‘mer having suffered for sevens} To all who desire it, he will†send a copy of the prescription used (free of, charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will'ï¬nd’n Sign; out: for Cossvmrfnpx,' _As11irdA,uBnd ‘ Gowns-4.001.125; midi 'll Alibi-cap hn Affectious; : yil‘he‘s objecttoï¬ giser ingJ'soajntï¬ng-t.hg I? 7 _ . ‘ the aflii’éted,‘mid~ Sp infufl'naiion‘ he concéi‘ve‘s‘ tb- bg-iuvaluab‘lï¬iiihm .pes every sufferer will try his remedy, ‘ns 11/. __wj,ll cbst them nothing, and may prove a ’bléy’s'é ing. Parties wishing the prescription, mm, by retm-n mail, will please addgess, burg, Kings, (30., New York. Flour brl.... .... .u Full Wheat 39 bushel. . Spring Wheat do .. Burlev do '. . l’onse do . . Onm do . . Pommoa do . . Hny ‘iï¬mn .... ... Slrnw do Hunter}? Eggs If?! doz .. Apples 1%? brl .... . Wool. . . . . . ,......... ‘HogI-....n.'......... FREK, by return mml, wxll please 500113533, REV. EDWARD A. wgpspN, William- '31 “Early York and Winningstadt Cabbagé Plan for sale. Also, will have Tomatoes, Celery; Peppers, late Cauliflower and Win- ter Cabbage Plants, in season, at , G. A. Bernard’s. Richmond Hill, May 23, 1867. ‘lXTY-FIVE ACRES 0F GRASS FUR. Sn'a. in [mu-«Iii to unit pure user, hr tlm acre: Being IWu ï¬elds of IOnud 16 acres each. "u must huh" nf lot 39. 3rd Com. and lwa ï¬nldn nf 15 and ‘25 array each, on HIM half m In! 3|, 3-d (Pun. ot'VnuLvhnn ; or will ha dividcd inlo ï¬ve new Iols. Terms, as Iuns’ he agrtod on : oilher (Tm-h. or on time. ' Apply at once to u . nnr‘n u nun Containing $71, or thereabouts. The above reward will be paid to any person who wlll retnrn the same to Lemon's Hotel, Thorn- hill, or Raymond's Hotel, Richmond Hill, or to the subscriber on lot No. 33, 4111 Con. Markham. PETER STOVER. HAY FOR SALE. , MEEIIXG nf' [he nbnve Chub will ho hum nL RAYMOND’S HOTEL. on Monday owning, the 17m iusmn‘. at D o’clrck ~â€"A [nil meeting is roquuled. I ' A Small Wallet, Cabbage and Eaulifluwer Plants. Vaughn“. Juno 1",‘8J7. (.7 R 10 K E'l‘vt' LUB . ‘ HE Subscriber is instructed to sell the premises at present occupied by Mr. Thomas Cook, and known as the former residence of Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. The dwelling and out-building are convenient; there is a good stable on the premises. Title complete. There is about ï¬ve-eight: of and acre of land. Markham, June 6, 1867. ' N Tuesday, the 4th instant, between the St. Lawrence Hall, Poronto, and Richmond El", Yonge Street, Runninin J um: ht, 16-;7 Ammo \V Bnyd John Brown “1'05 Clark Mrs )IicthI (lurrau I'lnuumxs (3) MarlinJe; Cuber Pemr Mnrlvm M Cugmvu BurunrdCl) Qnamz F Cooper William Kan-mm A Dvuur Enmnucl Shnfl'er M Doyle Thoan Silllpsnn 1 anoy Peter Sheppard Grunt George (4) Simpson . Graham \V *‘ Thomas ( Gnrunm Rfchurd Vumxune Gallagher Robert “'als J1me Glen WilIinm "Walker R Glilll Mrn Wund LI Hihs Hugh \Vesl Wil msREWARD: 1.65-1.1- Richmond Hill, June 6, 1867 May lust, TWO EWES and TWO LAMBS. â€"()ne of the Enos has a split on the rig he em, and the other Ewe is an yearling. Two dollars reward will be paid to any person who will bring them to the snhscriber, or give information that will lead to their re- covery. Markham, June 6, 1867. PRIVATE RESIDENCE, ROM the premises of the Suhscribqr,‘ lot. No. 10. in the: 3rd Con. Markham," (Couchus’riggl‘nerst) on or‘ about the 24m FOR SALE CHEAP. AT RICHAVIOND HILL 1 ï¬tm anbtl‘tiï¬ï¬‚flttflï¬. T0 CONSURI P'I‘IVES. Apply (post-paid) to A RLY VERENQPLCAULIELQWER, ERRORS OF YOUTH. TO RONTO N] A BK ETS. R1011ML‘ND HILL ".II I S'l‘ R A Y El) List of Letter: in the Richmond Hill Poul Ofï¬co JAMES 91mm; THOS. F. BOYNTON. Kan-mm Abraham Shnfl'er Mary Silllpsnll Lovi Sn uppnrd Chm!" Simpson Jumu Thomas Guurge Vumwne W. C. W als anph ' "Walker ll. L. Wmld J. C. West William M: TEEFY. P. M Toronto, June 13, 1867. .......‘.$9 on @ $9 90' 2 20 @ 2 30 1 95 @ 2 00. u 60 ((9 0 68‘ o 7-2 @ o 75 . ....... 0 50 @ 0 53 n 40 (a; 0 50 ....I....I2 00 @ 90 ()0 .8 on rm 9 m 0 l0.@ 0,14 010@ 0 In . l50@ 200 0 33 ï¬t 0 30 ........l400'fa)1500 l‘L’ï¬? Ilnrrigau Margret. 1 Harm}: Elnzmuul Kex'swoll Jmum ('é) Kendrick J rseph Manin Jesxo' Mnrlvgu Mm! a†u. HALL. “Bug: s s. M.‘ 4th Con. M. TEEFY. ? tf