V ‘HE Stevens House is well and widely . .. known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants] .and business men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€"â€" and adjacent to all the principal Railroads and Steamboat depots. I North of Tm'onto "In Young and 0H Hysovn; one trial will do cide that, point. Lute . ‘ G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, April 1867. 4m. 1 “IE ' Suhacrihcr offers for Sale. very ‘ chenpfm‘ cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A.Mullc_v Suw, Upper and Lowe' Miilley, I’Miiwi,_(‘.mnlc. 5 inch Wrought iron Shalt and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage, Pulont h‘vad Blocks, and the whole necessary MP- chinery for a first class. Saw Mill. Will Le zloltia-t :) great, reduction oforiginal cost. For particulars apply in " ' ABILUIAM'EYE l, Lat ‘13, 2nd Con. Markham. Pihit 0mm addrm‘s Richmond Hill. ‘ Muff-l, 1867. I 3-m Half Dallar Tca’! E Hqu Int E Part S Half E Half ‘ M.‘ S POLLOCK has the best flavour ed, strongest, and cheapest SAW MILL GEERINC. ,» 1‘01: SALE. E Half The Stevens House lnzis liberal nccomoda- aion, for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the comfort and entertaininth of in; inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilatedâ€"provided with gas and wat- terâ€"tlle attendance is prompt and respectful â€"nnd the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the seasonâ€"at moderate rates; Vaughan; Apiil I7, 1867. Ladies and Gentlemen, who require n t: 1163 cha'rt'of the foot, can procure one in either French Kid or Calf, by calling and' ordering i; at T. DOLMAGE'S.‘ Richino'nd Hill, April 4. 1867. WANTED 21, 23, 25 a; 27 Broadway, N'. Y. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Will be paid at CEDAR POSTS FARMS FOR SALE. 'Iroomo. April 10. 1865. SHINGLna ' ' LATH, STEVENS HOUSE, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. (10 d 0 do To purchase any quantity of Opposite Bowling Green. PHYSIOLOGY. 29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, 86 31, do do 80 30, 2nd “Con. do 100 34, 3rd Con. do 100 35, do do 100 GEO. K. CHASE & CO. Proprietors. Apply to FOR WHICH THE T. 8: S. BRIGGS‘, AND anl-er Yard. _ ‘22 and 24 Edward Street. JAMES McGEE. 72 Being Iot‘Nn 48, lst Cn'n. Vaughan, in the Vfllngp of Richmond Hill, belonging to the‘esmtcrof the late Mr. 'Johan‘infoot. Thé’ furin contains 88 nerves, and " is Considered one of the best When}. growing farms in the 609th 9f Y9K ._ > Tnoy will.nol bend or brgak like tlw Sinng Spring. but will piano". the-r perfect and graceful shape wlnen‘ three or fuixr ordiran Skirts will hnu'hoou lhruwu‘ nnida an uselevs The Hmpqme cuvinred with Double «ï¬fl‘wist- ed Thread. and the Bottom Rndu aye not onh duublo Springa. bu} twice (‘3' dpub a.) cuvyreï¬ prevmniug lhr‘m from wearing out when drag? ginz down Sloopn. stairs. ï¬e. 1. thanks to the travelling community for the liberal patronage they have given him sinco he purchased the line of Stages running be- .tween Richmond Hill and Toronto, begs to iinform them that ho has had built and com- ]fortably ï¬tted up~ _v--‘“" . nâ€"-_~_â€"‘v~ - V The Duplex Elliptic il‘ mgrent fnvnrile will; all ladies and is uninnnlly nccnmnmuded In tlml‘nnhiqnnblos Mag-3mm M the Standard Skirt 'of'iho Fnuhippuhla World. To enjoy lhd folhviinu inouimahlé- ndvnn- lagesin (-‘minolino, yiz : Superior qunlixy. per- (rct mu- u‘fnclum. nivllqh shape and ï¬nish. flex ibility, " dil'ta‘liiliwi‘ comfort 'mid ' eunul'ny. en quiro foi‘ J'. Brndlo)’s an'ex l-lflipxic. or Dou' ble Spring Skirt.‘ md be lute you get the gou- nine nflicle. , .. . ‘ , . r Ifï¬ctjipigiligflivillv-be«toRent'oh the lat 'Will be gold cheap or. exchanged for n smnHer' pTaEe‘x‘Is' part payme'n’t. IA,NEW " l)np}'ex"_' han (he in! inkxtmnjp‘. «zit. " J W. Kindle)": Duplex Elliplic Slpel Spring“) uuor. (qu waiullundâ€"Lnone olhérx arg'gmmiin-m Aho Notice lhnl ever)" Hoop will admit h pi“ being pnsaod lhmuuh tho centre. flms reveal-1 inf: the w 0(ordnub16) ipriugg bra'dnd touelh- er Ihwein'. Which in tho! lec’rex'ef lheif “Him!- my and slrongllnmmm Combinmiun no! to be found in “mother Skirt - , ‘ ‘ ’ ~' For, Sale in All Swrel Wharw Fimt skirts are sold Vilhrpnghmp; the. Unimd and olnowhgare. - ' - ‘ Mnnufkcthrod bylho Sole Owners of patent. ' , ' A Lady havmg éujoyed thd pleanme. com- fort nud convenience 'ofiwenring the Duplex Eliiplingee‘ Spring Skin for n aingle,da_v. ,will never Inflszwnfdl willingly dilpqllse wnxh [heir use. For’Childmn'. Mine!- und Young Lndien they an: Mmerior to all (them. CIK'UT1()YJâ€"T9 'guurd‘ 31:16:54 impdsitiup bornurii’cjulat in NOT QE’dI'nlltkinshflfé‘h-d‘ni For fur-the{partignlms'apply to P. Crosby Esq., RiéhhibndTIfll, 'or; )to Wm .Li-nfoo‘ Blittom'ille. ‘ _ . ’ " The Wonderful Floxib lily and great Comfurl and pleasure to any lady wearlng the Duplex Eliplic Skid will 'be 'e'xpo‘rienced particulnrh in all crowded Anemb iel, Operas, Railroad Carmflhureh Paws. Arm Chairs, for human- ado and House drugs, as [116 skirl can be folded when. in age to occupy,- Imnll place as easin and cunvenienlly- n 3 Silk 0r Muslin Dream. an nvaluubla qunlity in crinoliuo. not found in un\' tingle Spring Shrt'. FARMI‘ORSAL}: LATEST 'FZASHION§ DEMAN D L w. anno’uvvs CELEBRATE!) PATENT Duplex Elliptic _ A clergyman. whila residing in South Am- ericg as n lililï¬lifl‘lll’)’. _di-covore_d a nzgfe and nimple rempdy (or the Cur. of Nervous Weak-_ né'n. En’rly "Ding; Ui-eaxeq of the Urinnry and"Sim‘m‘al Orgun'l, add the wj‘mle‘trnin of disordefs Waugh!“ on by bhn’e’ful and 'viniou'u Inn'uits'.- Groafhumbet'n'hnye . lief-n cufed by this 1mbln.iremndy. -‘~-Prolnpted"~bv “wide-Sire ot- heneï¬t the amiglod and unfortunate. 'I wil sendutlpefrecipu {QI’gPI’OpQrinzy pm! using. (hi. Inedicino._-i_np Myde envelope; v1.9 .mgyxol; Whn mail it; Freq bf clung!!! DANIEL Hoiumn, Jun"! MALLOY’S. AXES Please ohélo‘ne hu oniglubh nddrosaedom yonruolfu ‘ ' ‘ Richmé‘hd Hill. April '25, 1867. M. S, Pollock his now to hand an ex-‘ cellom assortment of Dawhurns Go Co's. Canadian (warranted) GardenSeeds, which he can thoroughly recommend to the public an the most. roli’ahlo Seeds that can be sownâ€"true lo nuno' Ind variety, and much preferabIe to the Yankee Commission Seeds which'havo info-led the country for yearn-1- Also the has! FIELD SEEDS 2 As cheap 11'- any oflwr Home. in- Whito Belgium Cm at V ' Long ()ranzo Curot. > mD-vybnm'l Improved Purple Top Swedo Turpip. HF. Suhiscfnhe’r', in returning his sincere thanks 10 the travelling community for O M’fN-l B U S ! Which he will run {tom his Hotel. Richmond Hill to .an’omp. nun]!- put seven will leave BANADIAN BAHHE’N SEEDS ! “'ood’s Hotel, . ‘Nelson’ St. , * - 10110810: _ » A! half-pas? 3 mm." I’ij’é'els left at Best's Bay Horas Hold; young itreet.‘ or at‘ Wood’s hotal, Nehon-sxroot. Toronto'rwifl be delivered with punctualil . The Proprietor will not his responsible for ï¬nals that are not pro-paid. av keeping auenlivo nudz‘ncomodating “driv- on he 1n:on manna-continuance of. the pationngqof-fllgpï¬bliQ-a :*;;:': ' ’ ‘ nichgnou’d, 'H‘illv,:Jai1.‘3ll,1'8§7. Omnibus 1|an on; ggupd 1 Time! Richmond am, April -u '51. koBERT-RAYMOMD; RICHMOND". HILL WISH BRKDLEY 51 CA RY, 397 ChalnnliokaJL bl Rondo-Sun, N. Late A- Card to In valids. Addaâ€. I _ JOSEPH T..INM.\N, Snwa D. Emu: HOUSE. " A'cw- Yuri: city- l’n'fplo Top Aberdeen do Whitg (Hobo Turnip , Red 'Mnnglc Wurtzk Seed Lot 90. 9nd c_ncobssibn Markham (on nounm: aPmna) G- A; al'd’s. 'OI DALI'BY ODINIBUS ! T0 Proprietor, CU"! Stet-r the rl‘HE Subscriber having engaged the Stand next to Dnlm'aze’s [Iotxfgliin'gquit‘lop' . posite to the shop of. Mr. Myers, he will rndeavour, by pa'yiogzgï¬fei alien; lifntion to business and selling low for cash, ‘to merit and obtain a Npéfli'o'n of the oatronnge of the good people of Richmond Hill and vicinity. He ink“ (50 atten- tion of close buyers, hoping that llley. may gm: an Inspection of hitstock,‘ which.“ all tlmes will be found to be V > ' '- Fulï¬ll _&FEIHI 11(an uuwsmm Can ,nowube pufchased 0n Richmond Hill, at reasOnabIe rates, at tha'bhw 8'0"qu Hoping that you will call ear‘y ahd call often, and earnestly wighing 158$" “1mg: may always receivu good satisfaction. †V A_ I V s R. c. WmBEN. Richmond Hill. April 4. 1867., 1.3454 v I Groceries, Brockery,'Provisioï¬g-ï¬gg FLOUR, RRAN, SHORTS, OATS, PEASE, ahvayson‘lhraund Richmond Hill, April 4, 1867-’ Fire-Preof Store, Richmondv‘zigfigiygljill N returning thanks to his numerous customers and friends for therlib'cral aupport lu- he hm re‘cvivod since cmmuencmg bnziness on Richmond Hill, uï¬ouldf' Intimate to them that be has received the greater part of his ' ‘ HARDWARE R. C , ‘WARRX Call ’at W. S. Pollocks, who has the largest and ’most 3ea‘c’cellen't 1'01i Richmond Hill or neighborhood ‘-_in Eel}, Cloth, Tweé‘d, Velveiï¬iiiï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚mriv, Leghorn, and Chip Hams, angingpS the fashionableSbapegaaliâ€˜ï¬ ~:"iï¬vcl‘y'-=liie3',' an Inspection 1â€: all thatiq wdï¬téd, being certain'wc can suit‘yonrï¬mhd‘jduï¬ pocket. 'Lam‘ , " ' ’ ' ‘~ .2163523.‘ c" -': m: ' B'Amzrigsap‘ Vpur‘ Call at W. S. Pollock’s, who has just received an immen§e Stock-{B11119 news†styles, and in almost every material, and at prices that ml] commah-d' the attentxon of a discerning public late ' , ' _ ' . G. A. BARN‘A‘RD- 3 mm 60008- , FOR MEN’S, YOUTH’SAND BOYf-Sj", _- A Iri the new and fashionable styles? "1-5 and 2s 6d each, at W. S. Pollock’s, later . V w _‘ ‘ » G. A; BARNAED’S; Richmond Hill, April, 1867. _ _ _I 10 WViliéam Atkinson "Summer Stock of Dry D RY * GOO _ . in great variety, in the newest and most fashionible shapeï¬ ~ Ladies’ Straw Hats, from . . . . . . . . . . . ,3 . ._. each Misses’ do do do '......'...â€.........2s'6deach Children’s do do do ..................‘136d each With an excellent assortment of Ribbons, Straw and Tuscan Trimming}; Flake“. Wreaths, &c., in the most varied and beautiful styles and coloringâ€. u W. s_ Pollock'slate ‘ V I Y†H G. A. BAR Ann... Ladies"- and hiidrén’g lS'kéllet-(incigkfï¬s: G 3: ® 6 E ESE ES, Straw & Tuscan flats ‘ Aboutjfyenrstshéd opIy o’n fore foét.’ Any :mfdrmation‘gs Lto~ her M'heréhbouty w“! be thibkfdflyfr'ocef'ed’ by ' " - ' ‘ ‘ (:1?- Market pricc paid for Butter, Eggs, Ham, Pork, Cheese, Land,- T'anow, kc. Richmond Hill, March 26, 1867. I ROM the premiées of lhe Subacribea. Lot No. 27. 2nd Con. Markham, on Tuesday the. 9th inst" ' . ‘ A. GRAY MARE 2 Markham, April, n, 1867. Richmond Hill, Apail 11, 1867. Begs to announce to hisrfriends and the public.*that he is recciflnlflgmflï¬fh’iq SPECIALIT'Y; F9I:New and Fashionable Clothing &c. &c. 81.0. , Sales made torCash or approved Credit, STRAYED ! CROCKERY, HARDW Well assorted and the prices low, p CROSBY; ' J ,. was. All Departments are comple1e will: evgryfliiï¬ï¬ that “no: GROCERIES, CROCKERY, JACOB HEISE: OF ' Orders left at the " Her-Id" nae?!» Mn Cartei'a serviced will be- promptly attended to. OR the Counï¬u of, Youth ~ Peg] “(1,01- tu rio. Residence 1 Lot ’8', 51h counom‘on Markham, Post omcoâ€"éUnionvjllo. ' ‘ ' ' Sale: attended on th; sh'olitï¬l: timer and 61': 'reuonnblo 16mm. '-' ‘, . June 27, l6v7. JO HN CARTER. ,_ LICENSED AUCTIONEER mt: iFAPCMI TOEENTL flitting}: a’ix’h' mtfflfflï¬-Et-ï¬ab; TSOLICITOR IN ’CHANUERY, kc " » Friesâ€"N674; Britihh‘ "America: linhurance Buildings, Corner of Church & Court Streets .' 0 FE KENTED, for‘ a term of yum“ [hp‘ ‘2, " wh‘oio ] of the3vllnab‘o' astute of 'Mr. '1“qu Lion... being Lot No. 36, in the Isl concessid‘n of Vn'nghun, hone! know“ as Cookfu Corners, Yonge stnetmomaining- " ‘ z 2|]! >-.AE11ES~ .-flF......I.'AiNll I Toronto. Nov. 28, 1866. Morror less. all cleared except about ‘20 acres ofBthlhgnsluro- There is. .cxocled» on‘ the promise} ' ' ‘ ' ' MII-“L'! With Out Buildin'gi. two never-failing slr'onms 6f mateyâ€"one gunning through each lot. with \Volls and l’um‘p‘s and other conveniences. Pinion-ion given on the Isl duyof April. ISG'I. For, further particulars apnlv to Thomas Soda-inn, Richmond Hill. or to John Carton, on lho'promisoa. ' ' ' ‘ Richmond Hill. Fob. 25, ’67. ’ 4 GOOD Dwelling Honse.-'Bnrn. Sl'nblo, ' __, Drivingmflguso, 7 Wood _ House. and ’1‘th qu‘nrter'a of an Acre of Land, on’ which than u n quarterfofsnn flute-bf m Orchard of hmxltlw young M "go's? 31411;, of Cherries, Cnrmutl. Gooseberï¬ ' ' ’ ' ï¬zl‘lho b’b‘ovo 1'i‘aésptfr-{y‘ ii'silualud in the comro ï¬fthq villggp: V Will bg_sqld cheap {qr cull. m9?Wilmiï¬jTfl LE1"! _ EEPSglgvpvn on hllld the honor Boer, Multoq. Lamb. VaulLPmk. Sausages. am, and .6119 nlilévi prick-3.5: Tho'flighosf. mark!) ptié'u’ givoil for Call}; Sheep: Lamb'dk'ï¬ ".l' A... r t. ‘ .' ;- Richmopd um; Muckâ€, 1867; V ‘ " K Chpnp ‘FI’OViliOD-SIOFO. - a: (lush paid fox-:Flax Seed; V Richmoqdflill, Jan. 18.}866. . . .. > 68 TWO»H OstESTEA DS! MONEY T0 LOAN November 9. 1866. .1, nut-goons mum. at purgion of Land, ni- vtunled on the rear of Lot No. 28, in the lat :Conceuion, Township. of Vaughan, contain- in; AAno‘U'r TEN ACRES. Parley Canadian "Rock Oil, 15 3d gallon. Ex. Reï¬ned do do . Is Gd gallon. 'Best‘Reï¬'d- Pensylvania do 1s 9d- gallon. Haydn}; purchased a large lot of superior OIL, at. low.R_ates, we cannot be'lihi'lél'sold ii: price, nor surpassed in quality. A trial will convince. ‘V. S. Pollock, late r A; Barï¬ard. Richmond Hi1, Feb. 20, '1867. g’mer of’ King & Yonge Streets, .TORONTO. .. - . VALUABLE PROPERTY STEfHEN _ wiggAMS, - HE‘atibicribor‘ wiill Sell} ' or Run! (an ad- vnnugeoua terms. a portion of Land, ni- Torm- uud pyrliculara made known on up- plicalion to . >- JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thomhill, April 4. 1867. Successor to J nines Hollidny. ; . , . BUTG H E R. and door . north of Bernard’s store. RICHMOND HILL, R; H. HALL, v ‘ Chemist and Dmggist Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 35 0f the best quality from the fountain. with the following choice' Syrrups viz, Lemon, Samapanlla, Raspberry, Ginger, Vanilla, Orgeat, Nectar, Cream, at v PURE mm 860A WATER! t; TEEFY‘ [35,. or P. cxoswwsqw: , '-'- -' Pillage oflï¬chmoml Hill. :F‘or‘ Sale. Richm and Hll‘lflnumyflhiaï¬â€˜r. I. Cleaned and Ahmed ['0 tbs Intel-t style. Stgylping mg Machign Embfoidcré' done. ï¬aéhtr’s Hats cleaned and Dyed. TWO doors nquh of G. A, Burnards Store. MM and DRESS MAKERS. THE Un‘duraignéd is authorized to bmtovthnt Ca'u be procured, in’mmis to aiiit boiibwon. on Landed security. Terms made known on personal application (0 Bonn ets, Felt & Straw Hats QQQ’QQE)! N.B.-Deed€,5Moftg'dg'u. Wills. Bonds. 5w. doc. dri'w'n Wifli’me’gfngu â€". undurdeipgtchIâ€"r M. J“, ‘contiuuoa 11(1ch at 111va Court Act". Foes moderno. ’ ' ’ ' ' I Richmond Hill. Nov. 91866 MONEY TO LEND Richmond Hill. Nov. 28. 1866. TRY- ATKINSON"S , .Qn Improved Real Estate, I . PPI’Y to Mr. WARMQLLL of Va- " i'o'ua'nxrr JL WARMOLL, Burrinorn, am. VRJQ'HARDGR'AIIAME’ MiSSBS‘M; & A. {Lutlidï¬c At WILLIAM'AT'KINSON'S ML' TEEFY, 0N LANDED SECURITY. l‘nlworkingi order .' also, I! THE Notary l‘ub‘lic.“Agont; 95w TORONTO. £8 26 SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I A good assortment of Trunks always on hand: Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP l! mm- swms mum, Richmond Hill Gabin-et v Opposite Temperance St; " ‘ ~I'I' O R O N T GS to announce to the inhabitants of 'he I county at York ï¬nd ï¬lms: in B .. neiglnboyhood of Richmond Hill in particular. thnl be but added 19 hiuttofek‘ ' d f II: b t M toxin] and Workmnnahip. All Work in. annud lozliupogfgcg,“u.m;’ 3511.9 W: arzscéï¬zlhntly adding to .ur flock of Boom Ind Shoo. -o! on manufacture. x1;po 9. willlbe- _ - . r . . . , as» 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors Sonthgot Best's Hotel, Toronto, .TORQNTO, April 2, 1867. . 51.3.. . IN returning thanks for the ‘ very liberal support he has reached Sing: gon‘pï¬luc‘igï¬z.‘ business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform tlw public that‘be had grealljjn'efgqï¬f ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of ‘ ’ ' ‘ " you; Feed, ml’rovision - and Grocery Store} MEN’S, WOMEN’S ANIIMEHILDHEN’S 30018 All] SHOES- 5' In the, moht Fashionable Styles, Ripbmoad Hilï¬November ‘9, [866. SINGLE .nonnza Harness IHarness‘i ‘ - i“; . u 11 Av, Wm. HAï¬RiSON§ HARDW’ARE and, %%%%m% __mmmmmsi S“ M SANDERSON, Paints and rIolors, Raw and Ub'mled Linseed Oils. Mac'hin'e Oil; bilii’ï¬ilfl' 'l‘urpprtihe.‘Benzpne, Glass, Putty, Glue, &c. &c. l’arlles Furnishing. Pipéring.‘ or Painting their Houses, wlll do well to call bpfore purchasing ell‘ewheredï¬Alsb f. ‘ Including Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Slands, Wbl‘h: Stands, 5w. 8m. Also a large assortment of gnomuPanr, B_o__rde_ring_. Whilgr L‘ead Where he keeps on hand F tour. Shorts. BratyOatn, Peas,08tme||, éqï¬méal, wheat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and ' l pa. A few more County Right! {or ale When ordering pleasant: depth of Well or Cistesh. ~-â€" .- u.- .uu; .- ' ' 'an MA‘RKIhG LINEN.FOR SALE tr - THE “ HERALD†BOOK STORE, ‘RICHWOND HILL DELIBLE - PENC IL, AD AP’IE‘B- FOR ALL .DEPTHS. Styles for SPRING'J; SUHHER Wm Fins“ Fri-no - ., HARNESS ESTABLISHMEï¬gfg FURN ITU REF: nice assortment, good and cheap. Ho would also call a'tentlon to his For Cash, at Pricuzthat cannot be nurpuud. Nat). 133 Yonge Stre’ct, A complete alignment of'lhp, Inga! dew-bk And in propand to min to oimn 9" Hindu Ii! RICHMOND HILL. 'éï¬K'liIIEE' i’OWEnL, - Pdtnm: and Propnmt. NlWi'él 3109:. C." for ale 4 66