From the ’Toroulo Dawes. TILESDAY, J1me TL, :. T83 County (‘ouneii'uf'YbrK'mat net ’30 o'blbck, the ‘deen presid’im“. A COMMUNICA-TJGSS. \Vem rendwï¬â€˜rom Mr. J. H. Morris, mlntvivc to taxes} on wild lands. ~ From- t-be' County Council ‘nf tlré coun- ty of Welland, enclosing a petition to the Legislature, praying that 6 per cent, lie made Lhe legal rate of iqtercaxt. _ _' From Rarï¬ham; i‘cspééting a. toll gale in \Yhif_ch}lrc_h.. ' ' From the c‘mrk of tho cuunly of ()ntnrio, I endosng a resolmion hming_ reference to Houses of Industry, and m the efliicn, _that the attended of members of the Iuegisla'tui-é be called to the41.‘-Ilk*chuse of the Munici- pal Act of X866fwith tké’viuw of altering mach clams, making it optimml‘wiik County“ Cuuncils to build Houses of Ind‘usm-y. ‘ me J. B. MCGanu, relative-Willa Deaf OM Dumb Asylum. . FIOm ‘v\ .; lis‘. respecting errpr in nalizuï¬onschedhlc. ‘ ' ' 'B'rom ï¬emy'ï¬hï¬mpmn, 121153.15: tdf'b‘é'mj yjq-nmd care mhr‘bfthe-Céur‘e Ffous‘c build‘ ing. 'From Mr. Ridnm, rcgistnr, giving the “Me of the abstract indcx’CJr the county of X'o_r_k m. the Megan, Limpï¬wwr ‘ t ._ u Mr. Bx!†px'osezflpd the petition‘ of the Road of Grammy: Selma] Trustees ot‘Wcs- my asking Mr am midnim‘ul g "mt. From the Auditbrs, giving result of huHit of school moneys. , p- vi, $‘gï¬yfÂ¥$Â¥pr:g-‘ 7‘ : $7.7 '1'“; m. Amalgï¬t ~e‘ï¬iéd.z,.' dtiticm.}q£dh¢ Rom-de Grammar SEhJoI szlstces of Richâ€" n’x-Jnvl‘llm, pruyiwg' for a supplementary grunt. Mr. Ar'mld- presented the. Edition of W. Bavtlin am! 50 others, praying that ar {rile license be ,{mmcl to Thomas Kirby, on Mfi'uut‘ of inability to periorm heavy york. Mr. Button. uflder - the head motions, ruse and state! that he had :L motion which 5: was intending to put. befurethe Council, put he wa Id not; put it unYess he knew that it would p133 without. diszmsion. He was cm-t‘in such wpuld not be {he czme._ It was hs said, a. motion to‘ present a. congmtulw tm-y address t6 the Hon! John A. Mac- dbnuld‘. ' No member I‘mvfng guaranteed the desii‘: ed I_Innumity from-discussion, the Council “joumcd‘rwixï¬uut' taking the matter.- ,' Tut'usnn', June 1‘3. COHMK'MCATXUNS Wch read from Messrs. Foster & Medealfé, boll) “hing fur the ofï¬ce 0[ housekeeper. rmiri(ix., Mr. Bowman,‘ preniqnted a petition for have 10 Meet a Wci4h scale near Richmond Hill. A umtimx wvs afterwards adopted grmitingthe request. r Aulzxncn EQUALIZATION nurom'. The Exymlizmion'Commlinee hmidéd in‘a’ report “Ming that they had, carefully ex- MnixL-(l the schud'ule‘! prepm-éd‘ By them and adapted on the 25111 January last, with a View of cmreclingrnn alleged error made in the equalized value of Markham. They found that an error ()l'31‘7-L150 was made, cnmi‘rl hy thc omission of the taxable in» comp and personal property, which, when ml-lcrl nmlms the ch‘l‘ioct (‘quulized value $2,173,914, instead of$l,909,_764, as in the original repor}. It would Lhci'efore he no- cessaryl‘or t, é’linmvno'cbinnutlce to ' make the appointment of the. counly mtes to Markham on the’Tovme'r andtlarger amount, rid not 0.1 the amount shpwn by, the print: ml minutes of theZCancil‘, The Committee also stated tlmh’the‘equalizcd value of Scar- boro’ was correct, the mistake having oc- curred in the printed minutes. The total qualiverl mlue of the cbu‘uty uolv’ia‘ $13,- 510,506. ‘ v I V I '7'†g .' . uf' mnds, who can with special nï¬lhdrily only repair and make roads. The C()rmnit~ (we, rect‘xnmended tlmt the. Superintendent be authorised, in accordalfce wich pe‘ti ‘ to piace said niece of road-if!» 15‘ pr 15 azme. g‘uhflï¬tld. I ' L ' INCIEIS PAL. The dark handed in a stntément of the tn(:§d-mt:\.l expcnms Eur-urred by the County Board of Public Irish-nation. ‘No Committees being ready to mport, the Council men mfjoun lad. t wsq moved by Dr. Hunt-er, seconded by Mr. Tyson, that in conscquence of the action taken by the Quarter Sessions at their 13:? meeting. in passing the resolution cen Iunng the Council fur “(lapping that por- tinn-ofthe ï¬rst rennrt (5f the Finance Con;- mitteo, ref} rring It) the auditing of accounts wnnecled W'th the administration of crimi- naljustice, the Committee are requested to rccnnsidor the mattéi- complained» of in cbn- nectionwnh the resolution referred 'to.â€"- Carried. The portion of the ï¬nance report referred to rom‘lav“ Your Committee are of opinion that a cmwidemhiv' mmr might be saved a muaHy from the criminal justice expenses if greuer care andmmmion‘ wore 'puid in auditing and passing [hp accoilnt-s conne'cmd therewith, vy'ninh hut presentdone by the maqixtrnteatthe a'djnurned Quarter Ses- sinus.†Clause 3rd was on the petition of ninety- nmk pnrijons. for work needed on n yiece 0f nmd near IsInndCrr'ek. It appears than. there is 9 small partion of the road there, whu-h, unlike 1he' vast 'of' the road on either end, has been left'ungrmellfld.‘ It, consists of heavy sand, and is m.) murgyujwe t9 fu‘r» rum-25 with hmwy 13:413." :It needs 'grnding nnd gravelling, m? macarlumizing;which is heyomf the authority of the Supc1in_lem_lmt p . . . _ h _ Clzuie 4th was, ori the. pctiVion of Wm. James and 67 others. that the {OWE-“1H? he opened up bemoan York and Vaughan. Thu Comm (we MM there was no evidence as to “hamflhc suit}. rand should he, and they thm'ef'mte recommend that no“ action be adapts} till stc‘ps um “ mkvn to ascertain whom the mud ought, to be. It appeared I‘M the mud nbéfl: In: {men um! 7331' some (Name [st \me on the complaint, and pe- t‘tirm of W m. [US$01]. that the_ land on 'Yonge street, n uzr tho Ridges, {mere over- flowcd with water. on :u-cou- ', of the shal- lozvm‘ss of the d tch zui‘joiriugï¬ It appeared that thew IS a large {Lu Hear 1th) ‘ 16.1.4) on which the water uccumilffltcs anfi‘ Q'ymflows on to the Iamd‘ 5;: mated] 'l‘lm-nmhmtlittev nar‘mn'nm'dul that Inca‘s‘ure be mkm to remedy the evil cumgfylaiuerï¬gof. Ciausc mlrmtm". - -. Clause ".nd way on a. commllnicntion’from the War“! 1 of the c‘nunty of Slincdé, rclu tive to repairs necdfixl on the bridge over the mus! branch of thé \Velland River. The committee recommondcd that some compo tgm person shtthv in; employed to examine said bridge, with a view,‘ take measures, if no “Navy, for rcpair‘s 10 the same. Adopted. " The report of the Standing.Committee 0n Roads and “TM-{0% was presented, and the Coum'il wont Lj‘w Committee of the Whole ihnreun. ann‘, June 14. - The Council of York re‘nsselnblcd' to day we Warden in the chair; " YORK COUNTY COUNCIL. ROADS AND BRIDGES. 50 years, LL33 the temrrl'ine helWeén Ybrk and 1' Vaughan, {mt-3’ {In Whirl} shuffle lnhqur has .1 been flyne; ï¬ivwged slightly from the reu‘u ‘ hue: n factwhlch Occasiimud .xd (joinmgnt fl till a l‘Cf‘CuL wrvny of tht- towuflï¬pï¬", A1" Churchyard he’s oxf‘lh‘c‘ï¬lï¬/linu, and ï¬g also {I runs \hruugh the )‘ill’ll‘s and gmï¬nds of car ‘ min persons. ' The clause, after some dis-‘; cussion, was uddpwd’ ‘ ‘- g‘hc I’clm .niug clauses were ujso 5151013th WV. “10 Cdmmitlce roée and px‘ftsem’éid the“: Permâ€: 0n the question of the adoption 01' (he reporb by the Council being pm, it was nmvuti that it. be not adopted, but be E mm-udo‘ri in clause lithvso as to recommend ‘1 thut means he mkgï¬. at once 10 deï¬ne the ‘ pusx‘tiou of the rum hue betweeliLYork uml ‘inughau, um! opens out and improve the ‘ mine; which, af'tertliscussion, was agreed ; \to. After some other amendments had been [proposed and lost, the report was adopted; }by the Council. The Cvommhtcevnppointed by yourCoun- } cil M itflast‘ Iheeliug to enquire into the ’managem'en; of Poor Houses in the Same of‘ "New; ‘Yurk :‘imjlel‘seï¬heyé, fandiluéénggurp‘ of? Iï¬NANCE AND ASSESS)â€: I The Stzinding Committee mi Finnnberfmd Assessment presented their Report for the currenLtgrm. 'It dealt with minor subjects, aftch 1'18 fictitious for ped'tars’ Iicenses.reduc- tiun of tnxes &c., £50., and was ndoptqd ,,in C(yxxinxitttretmfttxe \Vho-lefaud (in Qdun’fsfl with some amendments. ' t i’ v "5}. REPORT OX THE POOR HOTSE. The fdllowing 'répo‘rt was presented to the Council :â€" a buildin}; fé‘quiled fo'r n'l’MwflHJuselilm ‘tlï¬s' (Tr’nlhfï¬ï¬l'nml also 'tlm bl‘ixce’ul'which farmlands can be purchased, beg. lama {0 report as follow :â€" ‘ Your Committee have examined ‘nknum~ ‘lmr of Pour House's in the Sand of,va ;anl< and Michigan, were very cordially re- ‘ccivcnl by tlmsc in charge, and all the infor- mation desired freely given. ‘ ' Your Committee 'were unable to ï¬nd any ‘( Poor House that 13 now‘or ever has been ( self-suppgrling. They found that the cost‘ of the buildings vary from $4,000 to $20,000; tlim the quantity of land attached is from 120.:\cres to 300 acres; that the principal crops "row" on the farms are roots and hay; that mqst of the farmers keep a number of "cowsfln no other stock, except such as is requimd to.wq1'l§__the faith; that a keeper, whpai§ ï¬rmumcd gum, is in char‘éger w‘hu fe- nn- r ' 'V’j’i ’, came. ‘1‘ the services of hixns_ol_t' and Wife Frbm 400 to $800 per mmum, American currency; that the farms me prim-iphll'y worked by pauper‘ labour ;‘ thutjn some of bhe counties†they appoint a Supe‘rip‘tendent of Poor Hogsos, whose duty’ it is to. visit We institutin 81 stated periods, and Awho has full cinnth of im‘éfl‘airs,‘ and who is x‘espOli- sible to the' co'unty’i fox‘ the good mapage ment of the†same. Du pthcr,countjos ‘mey appoint; thrice personylï¬vhgï¬ï¬vg- about the 581116 power und‘conh-‘bl 213113 aré’puid by the day. while ï¬ctuiflly ‘in’flxedischhrgc (Sf their duties. In the othe; case a yearly salary is paid in s)me cases (at Emu/$1,100. Your Committee ï¬nd that the cost pf *mnintnining‘thé phu‘p’brï¬ â€œHi the iiis‘iitutio'n'é referred to. varies from 95c to $1 63 per head, pcx‘ xteekvAmerican Currency; . Yon‘r Committee caused circuluré'tqbe uddr ssed _t0 the Reeves of the several hinni ci’pahï¬'ea- 'of this ‘Ce‘untygfor the puiziipsuxgof ascertaining the number of» peasants in the county nhq .wcre likely. to, becomeh charge on the comfy in the event bf a Poor House being erected, and From the replies to their enquiries, have come to the conclusion that one hundrcdhnd fifty is the probableuum; her at this time. v Your C(hnmitlee,in tmclusion, would bég to say thkif the amount which would be re- quired to erect buildings, purchas‘e- lands, £50., iaj s5 large that it would be materially felt by thn- rulennners ofj‘hls couxity-‘f imd with n \‘iéw to lusgen the‘ hur’then to migrant extonfy would recommend ’thnt, ‘stéh‘a be taken to make, if possible, 11 permanent gir- rnngcment with the City of Toronto for the h intermntjc of the .county prlsoners» with 9' 'view of sélling the oldgaol, .Tgmd ‘gpplying the pro'cw‘dï¬ to the eréétiém of a poor house, ï¬le. All of which is respectfully submi'led. ' H. S. HIMVL ND, ‘ (‘lause 3 was zxrlopterraf'mr a number of questions and explanations in reply. ~ n - Clauses .4 and were adopted without diicussion; ‘ ’ " " ' , (‘lqvfsgf wngvadoptofl‘uuï¬-grgu Um; ,9;- {alauuton 'diécflasibuf ' ’ ‘ ‘ Your Committee, nfter having carefully cansidered all 'the information they hzwe been enabled to Obtain, come to flu: fol- lowing Corlclnsio.nsz’+â€"â€",~. .' ' . lat. That ifn building be erected in this county fur a County l’o‘or Hbuis'eé» it slmuld be of sufficient, size, to accommodate txvo hundred persons? ‘ ' T†".7 ’f ""‘"",‘ ‘ 3rd. That the cost ofu buildmé of suf- ï¬vientflimcnsipns to. nocomodate two hun- d'réd persons, bum in the moat plain but substantial mannerwould (203135.000. ‘ The report "(own to the “claujen togeth. er with the clmmes 71" ï¬nd '2, “Were 'n'do'pted without discussion. 2nd. That thére should be provided in mlmeclion wiih'the-Lmilding‘, Ii fairm of not less than two hundred acres of good farm- land, nf'suchquulily an 'wguld be wléllï¬ddpt- ed for the growthof the root crops; ,,1 _ Cha’irmhn.‘ The Cgpnpilviwenf‘iï¬to Committee of the Whole on the above reportmâ€"Mr. Juckes in the chair. _ ~4Lh: l‘hni from the‘ stt, i'nfvrmntion obâ€" minable, u farm which would be suitable in Or near {129 centre of the county, would (-ost from $40 to $60 per acre. " ', 7th. .Thnmhg best mode ofï¬ian‘aging an inslilu'nbnzoftrhisi kind would. be for (he Cquncil to‘ appoint cthree persons?- who should‘lm culled Poor House Commissioners, whose duty it should be to see to Ihqentire mmmgémi‘nt of the Poor House, “to: have the appointment of all the ofï¬cers coiinected thtercwithp and {o examine and ‘admit or reject allapplieanï¬s for ndnï¬ssimqu. visit the institution at least Once per . month. and should be made responsible 10:? this Council for the good and proper, mn'imge- menfbf the insEilution. And I‘.:_5lelrlrl re- port all the pmlicula'rz (~-f Had pertaining to lhe institution to tlv'l. Council"; mien a year; gtliese Commissioners t5 ' ‘1 paid Wllull_ill;(llS(‘l17H‘gC.40f their iluzigfs. n‘t thé SEHIIOJ’HJGFXS the County Coungélluijsjnare nuw pzlltl. ' * ' 51h. That the whble cost ofbuildings, farm, farm ‘stockland .necestAjary‘ {grpilure woulfl of t betweeh’5’15,'000t and $20,000â€. th'r. That. the (ms! 01’ muintaining the paupch'iln‘tlviwacoglnty'iu the nmflnor- refer- red to uuji‘er f-he gnod and economical man- aggment, will be 70' Events "per head per week. At this rate the gross cqst m the county, nssuming the avemzc V Inmlber of paupers to be 150, would be $5,460 per annum. This calculation does not take into account the interest on cost of build- ing. &c. examine and forward to the poor house all) applicants who we worthy of county sup-l port. But all such applicants shall bel examined and approved by the Poor} House Commissioners, bufure they shall} become n ermanent charn‘e on the count . ‘ .7 A . . o. . Y l Hill. That thb Reeves “f llw several Inï¬ni- (‘ipnlities of the ééurlty shall be the pbor masters of their municipality, npd shall 2‘ Tim Council rgceived nudjdopted'the 391mm. 3' ' 4 ' ‘ 5011 cinusc 7 Dr. Berrymzrn objected that the dismissing of the phief'oï¬icers 255 mutnpn or mp'dicdl man, should be lett iii‘ihgpgiver of the Commissioners. The 'ciause 'wns udppted, it being a mere sdggeqï¬o'm‘ EDI'CA'HON. The report 'Juf‘flie Sianding Committee .on Education» was presented. IL recom- . . . ‘ . . mended the payment ofn blll agulnst the ‘(lmintypl'ï¬'rLO-l, from J.‘V B: McGahn, ‘Esqq Provincial Deaf and' Dumb Asylum, ‘xmd that a grant of $100 he. made' to pack ‘ol' xhe Grammar Schools of .the county; iwhich Wus entilled to the Government [gruntY on the ground that. according to the jttmm ofthe Grammar SgllboL" Act -~rhey lwouldmot he untitledï¬b QuchGovernmeul grant, nuless a like sum'wei‘e raised from ,local sunrcub. ‘ quylcu, H Delug 3‘ man: sug qllufli Clause 8 was adopted withgutdiscussion. The remainder of the reï¬t wailé adopted without discmsion and the‘iCommittee rose and presented it to the Council. .,-v i The above-Re Dr! 13w“: ndb’ited in Co'mé ‘ . P . p . . {mitten of the Whale and m Councxl7 ‘Wlth- {out Uigcussion, with resolutions exngowering ‘f‘t'he County 'l‘rensnrer t’_0_ .pay. g‘he anxdï¬nt named to the schbois. ‘ ' I ~ ' Cn‘)‘ “gaxsru‘xjprrjcp. ‘ I A communication was received from 4116 x Chamberlain of the City of Tarem‘to lo‘flw i Warden", tsskixiaif' the County quld digpose (Nth-Lot? in war ofthe County Registry ‘ ()Qiccyfréiflixig .ï¬ï¬fciyuruiflyne, - :- {Find rlinirpose:31"-hnildiifï¬ï¬‚ityf}Registï¬v .[whqxcongtand’rifs ,‘flpon-‘rhnt (Grind. -" The Council mvf ntfexf a.'m._' The» Why: denim the Clmijr. ’ ,. ‘ ‘ The special committee appointed tedmt‘t certain nulea and regulzltionlï¬ for ' the _;znid- nnce ot‘ the iimneetor'of weiflits' and mea- sures, presented their ieport. The Com- mittee mid7 tlmt‘h‘twihfj.'nfretfhllï¬f examined the statute they timest’olnuses' 11 and 1,7 ,,in~ consisent with each other. ' They. :_there- )fore, recommended the following' .Irules to l the consideration of the Inspector zâ€"Tnnt lhe should not examine weights and mm- fsures more than once a yem‘; that he géhould gil‘e the notice'reqnired in clause 12 ‘of the statute of 1859 ;‘ that he charge ten leents for each whight and measure found ‘defectiveâ€"thnt at the the Same time. if in- {formn'tiorr is given tethe Inspector between ‘ theftimes p't‘ his r'egltlu'r viéihl, that n’weight ~ or'mensure in any shop . qr warehouse V is ldeféCtite hemny enter and make" inspec-‘ ‘ tion’ ;‘ but “the weighto‘r mewurfe h‘el‘l'ou'nd' correct, he do not collecti‘any few for the visit. In Committee bf the Whole,~ the dusting amended so as to providethat in the cï¬se'speciï¬ed,“therjperson. lying the complaint; Should:pgy’thn‘JUSpeerâ€"it not being considered fair that the Inspector should go without pnv. The report as :- mended was/edopted by the Council. ' Moved by Mi. Wallis, se'conded by 'M". Plnyter,-.'l‘~.hut the Commipï¬ioners, ofcounty, Property, he ahfl-n‘m‘hurchf mitlmrized to‘ employ some competent person to make my npcéssziry repmrs to the bridge across the river Etobicoke, where said river 'forms the county line between York and Peel, who shall act in concqrt .rwithï¬uch‘pcrson n3 shall be appointed by tlié said County of l’eelfor that pul‘pu‘seâ€"'-3nd that the said Commissioners be also authorized to em- ploy, some competent gemou to examine and make1 any necessary repairs to the Humber hridzesv near Weston/ ‘ Miran] by GICIDoan, second'ed by Mr. Kiddie. That a Committee be "appointed by the Gong)ch to receive tenders and proposals from parties who may offer farms in the Ccuntly of York suitable for an Industrial Fur111,:drlfi11gthg recess of this Council, and report 9n the‘loczility'dnd ‘pricé’ot‘lhi most deirable farm at the next meming of the County council, and that the Warden and Committee on .coumy gmpeyq, :Dr. Hunter mflflhe mover, do 'compbse’ the Said Con'irï¬ittec. Curried. v » ,3 On motion 0fDr.._ me’uu, secdrided' by Mr. Dunn,‘ it was rcsqlved that the ï¬nen- surér be inStrpctcd to pay the members of the Committee appoihtcd‘ to make enquiries Mter‘zi Po’or House and' Industrial Farm t'orthe county, be paid the same amount for the 1,,ime they were engamd _in such in- qui‘ries as paid whfle attending the‘Couni-il; 3‘90 ï¬n flmge members of the Council who attended a meeting 0331051 by (119- Warden mlatwc to n driH shed for Um county; also to the Rpere of Birthika "(by examining and‘ rppm't’inq 11mm 51‘ bridige; and that thé sung‘ï¬f $99 6'2 he paid‘ to the \deen, hang the amount of the travelling! expenses The Council “'cMiiit) Cmnmitfce nf'the' “'lm‘.e 'to consider the propriefy of‘grmxth in: themwnsip of _(}eorginp'. the 511m. 01" $350,-fo=enixble them ('0 emistruct a [bridge over the Black River, between the counties of York and Ortario. The Commiue rose“ and reported n. resoiutinn that the smu 1ï¬Ã©liï¬â€™0néd be pnill (h the said toii’ns‘hif) for the purpose refurred'm provided ihut Hie euunty of Ontnvin grant an equal aniï¬unï¬ to the tmvmhip of Scott fox-Hie same- purpose, and 1113?, the bridge [2" completed, with the apprpaches ' thereto. _aï¬d.tlmt the -, “Hagen be instructed to give the aboye ‘amount, to Georgina on, receiving a certificate from the Warden of'Onmrio that theme conditions have been complied with. . The )‘esolution was adopted by'the Couneil. ' ' K I -; : TheC<runéll w|ent inlo the Committee of the Whole on a Report of‘v the Standing Committee on County Pr'o'pértyl' The Re- gen recommended {hilt "platitqu of. Josiah urkis, to be allowed 'm‘erect a'weigh'scalo in‘T‘h'dm‘hill, be granted, on condition that said scale do not interfere with public 711123- vel ': th‘é‘ftï¬e Commissionem on,C0,unt;II’m- pegty be agglgo‘rjizcd'to (lele for the}. 3111;; pg" the‘vacarï¬tsl: in thblyerzg‘rhf the; County‘R‘e-i :istry 0fï¬Ã©e.~for upxly‘Rér'gistry Ofï¬ce, if‘ they deem it advantéqedus'to Bell'thé 58mph; jlxut the wiuduws of the prisoners‘ _1‘_oorg ol Carried The Goun‘bil went into Commitfée (if the Whole, on the Report offlm Comi’niésinners of County Property. The report gavethe amounts ofrent ofytolI-L'ntm. ‘ The mnpunfg. due for repair to Court House, 50... and the amount dllé"1() J. 13., McGrhm. 1951., for hoard and tuition of t-hrée' ,pnnfls from the Q()up1y.;nnd was adopted by the Committee of thg Whale and by Council, with a resolu- ï¬rm 'aufï¬nriking the Treasurer to pay (fro lamnunls dale. " .The Finance Committee presented 9 73f: Law, provided fd'x-Vthe-ge'y'iorilf and incidexr ml exvenscs of the County, and, the pay- ment, ofexpcnses of the County, and (he pavment of expenses of SchooYs. &c. The byflaw prmgidcd {Hmsmooo be raised by flab le'v‘y of’u vote‘ofl 71 6 min on the drl- 1:1: fruhi allkpcrsons lmhle 10- be so rated. for the paymenfl of certain ,rjmnta and al- lowances of County Council fees and allow. ances to County Ofï¬cers, being proportion of the expenses of ~thn :ndministmtion of Criminal Jmtice, &c.’; $6,172 for the pny- ment of snlnries of Common School td’nr‘hâ€" ers in the County“; and $171.13 {Qil‘Ichr Sit perintendcnts of Schools; the whole.t_0 _ be paid before Deccmbm‘. 1867. ‘ ' L f The Council went into Committeg of the Whole (m the by-luw,‘ and it'wn's: adopted! in Committevtn‘mfpassgdr by'the' Cg‘iujqilfl U flue Committee on Poor Iqusc; 6pc SATURDAY, 51111615. ‘t'hé‘C'durt' Hiiiise’b’e c‘évé'iéd‘ï¬ih’ wii-e grat- ing, to prevent the‘pructice, now sometimes pursued, of convqiug’tfllisky to the prison-‘ ers therein, and thus sending them "into Court drunk; that the roof of the Registry Ofï¬ce in Newmarket be; Vrppaired, to pre- vent further inij'myE to “is building; and that a necessary Qufleration be made‘ in ‘a window of ï¬re Sï¬eriï¬â€™zs o'flice. «The Report ~,was adopted in 'Qodtxnitsï¬q Lofï¬he £11019, "and in Council. ' The3Sianding Committee on Contingent Expenses presented a Report that a print- ing billy'and albil‘l‘ 10"dne :of'thei' diï¬cera of the Council, be paid, which. was adopted} with a resolution au‘uhorizing the tréasm'er: tov,pay~-the said bills. The Finahee cognmiéï¬Ã©e‘presentqd u' re‘ port upon the'pass'gg‘e in their annual re- port betore alluded toJV ,Theydid'not in- tend, they _said, to cast my reflections upon .the‘ ‘Mggistrates,,of the Quarter Sessions; but they thought t11at_;1b‘dut $300 had been paid without légal Ifetiï¬ginf They had not had time to mnkc'a syï¬ï¬psxs 0T ah'the‘dccc’ï¬xh’ts, but [by hadlsthgsizyed about ten, from ,which they had’ giithere'd‘ 'vafious 1‘ errors. These wow-set forth in detail in the re- pgrt." -Th_"'e rgport mpg {eceived and adopt- e . '. . r.‘ Northern‘ilï¬ilï¬ay Canada m l Giding' Noi'th 7.55 Goiug‘SO’u‘th‘ 9;;33 Mails made up at the Richmond «' ‘Hill Post Oï¬ce.’ ‘ ‘A 4 >“ to» ï¬nd “them In 'thegu-tters 31nd “A ditches.†' V The ' Eébnomisq __79gcbprsfl for VMr. Whale); haying, aft’é-r' «th‘é fashion of the clowniih a ‘ pix-cps ringï¬} ‘'u.bhcd~ his “(inï¬nb tab}. does-ho; say ‘th‘at‘ it » ‘wa‘sâ€; cleann, or, unclean)â€"gnd flitâ€"it he'hsked tht': if“? they saw any green there;" of mum-Whey did 'n‘bl 3? pilf ’0}; A piléfp spgosr†'bo sewâ€"away saw DI-r.z\}7-He1‘éi-;s"riose, apd his @13ngth adj-I 3,1336%; "g9? 33;“)ij may 431m @ï¬ear ta l’rivate‘Residbï¬Ã©e :er SEE-«M. "Feefy. . ‘ $15 Rewardâ€"Pete; Stover. ï¬tray Sheep.-â€"â€"-T. F} Bbynton. - V'Smyyns'flouseâ€"Ge‘o’ K. Chase Co. ‘ Cabbage and Chuliflbivei‘ Plantsâ€"«G. A. ' Uiitil further noliée= the mails will be closed at this Post Ofï¬ce aS‘folluws : MORNING. Northern Mnilwy . . . . . . . . . . 6,30 A.M. Southern Milil‘. ... . . .. . '. . . 13.30 A.M. Mail for Almira, I; . . . . . . . “ Cashel, . . . . . . . . . £11.00 A. M. "‘ Gormleï¬}.‘.}. . . hm Tuesdays ~“ Headford, . . . . . . & Fridays. "‘ .Victoria Slum-e, ; Sputhern. . . . . . . . . '.. . . 7.00 RM. N.B. ‘- REGISTERED LETTERS will requiye to be handed ‘iu 15 minutes bqforc the time of closing. '- * M: TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond-Hill, Mai (£1867 a Barnard. List of LetturS.â€"â€"-M. Teefy. Count of Revisionâ€"Township Of'Vï¬mghan’ Liberal Conservative Meeting Tuscan Haité and Bunuemfâ€"IG. A. Barnard New and Fashionable ' Climbingâ€"G. A Barnard . ' sms’cnmm‘ FOR. The York Herald, $‘1,oo dimer. ‘quave not 'ihe pleasure of a per- sonal acquaintance with Mr. J. P. Wheleï¬jof Scarboro‘ : wchnvc seen the man, and heard attempt. to make a speech, on oneioccgisioii, at'a political, gs- 3011115137,} from what he then said, we» formed a« few estimate“ his-mental ca: pacity, andheoncliided that he was-one: of those i'nSufli nny ignorant, ambitious men, with Whichgoiiï¬eountxy is unfqrtu-. natcly inflicted. to‘i'igmiich'greutcr extent than -i_s desirable. By some accident, this person managed at one time to become W’éi‘d’cinof’the Coï¬ntyi’ztnd, ever since, has laid the flotfleriirg ii'rictlon to his soul th‘ziyhe was destined for a seat in the Leâ€" giéln‘tiire. Fortunately;er the interests- of East Yorkgiii'? pastime", and the country generally3 free and“ indepcn dent electors ofl’h‘isf‘ Riding have‘ not†‘ viewed matters ‘iiiv‘éhémnme light that he did, 'so they‘left him to “ waste his fra- grance on the. desert air." Every now and then his nanie up, a_nd.we hear of him to hisudis virixtuge.~ vi Wie- have -‘hcon‘h'eatoii, by the Economist of the ‘13th inst., to a choice selectionfr'oni one :of Mn. Wheler's political harhngues, which ourcqtemporary, with fl’excceding I)an 'tzisteeexultinglty quotesfjor the de- lectntion'lof'his readers. 'Wei‘muvst apolo- t'ï¬ivoiir readers the quota-tinnyns given in the Ecowomisc; one 'rcason for doing so is, that. our friends may be the better able to form an opinion I of? this brace of tworthies: we mean man Heler and his trumpeter, the Economist. Address- ing his audience, Mr. Wheler is reported to have said :â€"â€"â€"“ Gentlern‘efi,_"itis said “that†I am to be a Tory candidate, “(touching his mama-to his nose) do _“ you see anything green here; I have “ not yet ‘ fallen so ‘loviias to:be"brou'ght “out by a' party: so contemptible that ‘{ youmouldxhave to put on your specks RICHMOND HILL, JUNE 21, 1867. ThefCouncil adjoijfï¬ed :‘fné die. (libs. flank 145mm. New Advertisements. A Vulgar, Clo wn. Candi: or TIME. uvsmm may. May 6, 1867. had; bveen'suï¬iciently charmed by his iiain'to‘mime, of hisspeech, 90 select him as "a éan‘didate for East Yo’rkéâ€"the one great; object. of his ambition. We think that the Economist would have done Mr. Whaler' a good service had he not brought up! Lllis little esca- pade ; it was bad enough that he should have made himself ridiculous before an audience; it- was hardy-the part‘o‘f a. friend to/have put it in pri11t3'and’ expose Mr- Wheler's-wcaiktieSS' Two weeks, ago we called attention to aparagmph, qin , the minutes ‘of .thg Mafkhzï¬n ToWnship Council; under" ch'e date of Saturday theh‘lst‘ June, inst, it fead as‘folllows I “The Clerk read a. communicatiOn from “ the}, County Treasm'er, reï¬pecsjng moneys “dud School Sections in Markham, for the " year 1850, paid to the County Treasurer “ by H; P. Crosby,»in Decémber,’ 1866.†~' 1- Whether it wasrin‘ the. beginning of 1850/01“ not, ' thai. ithoéo': So‘h‘ool~ funds- kcwneiipto ,his hands, we are not informed, but it was at theéend *0f18ï¬ï¬â€˜thz‘xh‘Mg. Crosby “ forked over,†after having“ the use of the money for at_ )east ~sixteen 73/6017“? I"we are not" inforxncd as;'to th‘b Am‘diim‘; whéthér it_b’e $100 or ‘ $1000 '; in. fact, there Vappevars to be ,a profound silence obsérved in 2311 that. ‘reï¬lates I to this mysterious transaction .' I Mr. Crosby ceased to be the Clerk and Treasurer of the Township at the close“ of, the year 1859, yet, for scvenycarsafler the termination of his oflicialconnectiou with the Township Municipality, he continued to keep these Township fuiids in his possession, and the public wins kept profoundlyr igno- rant of it. I There‘is something in all thislhat requires a. thorough rentilation; it. is the duty of the members of the Township Council to have a regular overâ€" hauling of the Treas'urér's books, from the time he took olï¬ce until the present date; for this reason,- if Mr. Crosby could keep a large amount. of School money. in his possession ibr'sixtcen years, without rendering a strict account of" it, how are the rate-payers to know that other funds have not been similarly dealt with. We respectfully submit that. there be a thorough audit. ,of the Township accounts; it is desirable on behalf of all parties, concerned and nothâ€" ing short of this will givo public sutisf'uc tion. If the members of the Council do not see to it, we have no doubt their constituents will ï¬nd a remedy. Cur‘ls are now vefy generally worn, but'withnut any formal regularity in their arrangementâ€"riff. there . are . two curls on One side of the head,‘ for exam- ple; there is only one on‘ the other; ringlets’arc also Worn, coming" from' be- neathghe chignon and hanging .den_ the back-g: ‘ '- ‘ ' ' The'All-E’ngland Eleven have‘ been beaten by eight wickets in the . cricket match with Nineteen-0f Nmth 70f Ire; land. ‘ ‘ " ‘* "L I'ï¬QUOHilï¬unicat‘ibns’Bav‘e.BÃ©Ã©ï¬ .gecéix‘h' ed, one algncd “ C. H. Green,’_’ and the other “ A Gi‘itf’ owing .to the demand on gut spacé‘ for the proceedings 61‘ the Chunk-V)" Couï¬dil aha having cbmc ‘t'o hand late, they, are deferred till next week. We have purpowly withheld our opin- ion “in regard to the recent scandalous exposure of this Company’s operations, until the whole afluir be reported on by the committee appointed for that pur. pese. \Ve have n) dceirc'to say or do anflhing that might have a tendency to weaken public conï¬dence ,-in Messrs, Gooderham and Worts ; but, from what has already appeared in the bolunms of the Globe, it is {theolutcly necessary, for ‘the‘sake of truth and honor, thiit I tan whole matter be rigidly investigated, and the public unmixed of the true state bf things. The Telegraph’s fling at Mr. Brown‘s Bothwoll speculations are beside the question, and does not better Mr. \V‘ort'ev case one atom. If Mr. Brown has n'ronged any one, it is for the aggrieved parties to show him up; fol-our part‘we know nothing,- and care but: little, about it,: i i' On Friday n‘exï¬,‘.the§ 28th inst ,":. Lhé’ Examination" iof ‘thc Richmond‘ Hill County Grammar School will take place, previous tothe breaking up for the ,+su_m~mer 'vacation; parents and guardians of pupils attending the School would do well to try and be present; we hope joisec a. good attendance __ot' "the. ‘firicn‘a‘s education generally, noon --the occasion ; it is encouraging to the Mast er, stimulates the pupils, and is producA tive of good results, when the public manifest a lively interest in these school exhibitions. A full attendance of pu- pils is very desirable on that day. Grammar School Examination x P. Crbsby, not heard from. The Linseed Oil Company. In another column'will be found: the report of the committee, appointed by the County Council at its February session, to make enquiry respecting the management of Poor Houses in the‘ United States; it will be seen, also, that the council, at its present session ‘hdop'ted‘the report.' In anticipation of ‘this, our readers will recollect that We published, in our issue of 22nd February last, the Law of the State of. New York in regard to l’oor Houses, and made an ‘estimate of the probable cost ; the fol- ilowing remarks upon the subject we reproduce from our issue of the 15th February, in order to show that we did not exaggerate the expense of this poor'house system, but rather that we kept under the mark :~â€"â€" ‘, “Here we ï¬nd that it requires near about $24,931, annually, to keep an in- istyitution of the kind in one of the Coun- tiesin England, and il'wcpare it down to Meet our case, in lhe county of York, we {may arrive at something like an approx} mation of what the probable: cost will be :â€" . - I. Master-"0f the -W0rkhouse . . . . . . $400 00 '.Z.I\{atr0n.........t . . . . . . . . . 200 00 3. One Medical Ofï¬cer . . . . . . . . . . . 400 00 4,;Sclxool Mistress. . , . . . . . . . . . . . 200 ()0 I5. Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . 100 00 $10,000 00 Interest at 6 per cent on cost of land and buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . Cost, per head, each day, for mail» mining say 100 persons at 6 cents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’do ‘50 b aHdi'essing, in perfect. conï¬dénce, JOHN @ OGDEN, 42; Cedar Stiéct} New Farm of 50 acres, cost $2,000 00 Buildings, c05t . _ . . . . . . 8,000 00 York Total cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. $1090 00 “’0 consider the above to be as low an estimate ‘as it iS' reasonable ’to expect. the cost will be, fur the county of York; if there is a (litl'erence between our estimate and what, the actual (inst willhe, we"'feel"e0'rtain the latter will exceed 340%“ the two years will be up on the 15th August 1868, and before that time we shall have had practical experience of Messrs. Hmvland and Gmhame's poor-law clause in the new Municipal Act.†A ‘Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, andrall flie'eï¬â€˜ects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the Sake of suffering humuniLy, send free to all who need it, the recipe and and'directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. V Sufferers wishing ,to proï¬t. by Lhé advertiser's experience, can Here, on the 17th instan§,_ aged 79 yearv, Mrs. MARGARET WuAkRm, widow oftbe late John Dick, Ayrshire, Scotland, and mother of thG'R'ev.'Janxes Dicky Richmond Hill. We ï¬nd that this committee7 of which Mr; Henry S. Howland is chairman, is to have dzlily'pay for the time they werenwuy on their trip, as though they were attending the Council ;‘ ‘and, in zul~ dition to this, the Council has voted Lhnt. the sum of $99,612, he allowed them for their personal expenses, which, we pre- sume, must include chumpaigne and cigars. Mr. Howlnud had 8200 voted to him in 1866 for “ extra services ? DIED. _At Thornhill, on Friday, the 7th instant, Mt Jacob Munshaw, aged 78 years. cigars. Mr. Howlnud had 8200 voth to him in 1866 for “ extra services ‘3" besides his pay as :1 member of the Council, pay as Reeve of the Township of Vaughan, and now gets pay for his time and personal expenses for taking a trip toprocure‘int‘ormation that, We gave gratuitously ï¬ve months ago. Surely furtheré Would" reqUire to get a good price for their produce to meet the con- stantly increasing demands upon them; When will our County Councillors learn to be more economical, or. the electors learn wisdom in making their choice of representatives 1†A ï¬rm of London tailors have taken to dubbing themselvas in their advertisements, “Artistes in draping the ï¬gure.†__A Connmmovs “ OMANQâ€"A re- markable act oi'eournge was performed recently at Marseilles by a. young mar- ried woman named Costa. She was wdk» ing ()yn’ the quay of La Joliot with her child in her arms, when she perceived a man in the water struggling for life. Being able to swimy she placed the in- fant» on (he ground7 :md plunged rose-lute 1y imethc Sea, succeeded in reaching 'the 1113111. For at moment, both were in danger fmm the desperate manner in which he clung to her, but a customs ofï¬cer who had witnessed the incident came to the woman‘s assistance, and en- abled her to bring the mun suiely to land. ' ~ ‘ Excellent accounts are receive'i of the Princess of W ales’ progress towards con- mlesconce. Among the 1,300 people assembled at the ball at the English Emhassay at Parr; there were sixty detectives. Four 01' ï¬ve of them, whose boast it 1s that they know every‘éonspiramr in Europe, were constanfly 1n the ball- room, whom they appeared covered with decorations. {FMAHS or KING ALFHHLâ€"Mr. Hnr. lbrd Mellur asseds than he has discovered 1he remains of King Alfred, “lith have now been huriud 966 veurs. The bodies of Cthclbald and Ethulbert, King Alfred's two mothers; iic buried in Sliurhorm: Al.imy.~ Mellor feels confident that thc royal reâ€" inlains are now lying in 1hr: gill morluary over the chancel of Hyde punish chdrch, near Winchester, am] the two lemlen plates found by him, with the King‘s name upon them, are now in the hands of the vicar, the Rev. W. Williuuis.-â€"Slar. ERRORS 0F YOUTH. The Foor House- 2190 00 600 00 200 00 400 00 200 ()0 100 00 300 00 ON Tuesday, the 4th instant, between tho ‘ St. Lawrence Hall, Fox-onto, and Richmond Hill, Yonge Street, .A. Small Wallet, Containing $71, or thereabouts. The above reward will be paid to any person who wlll return the same to Lemon's Hotel, Thorn- hill, or Raymond's Hotel, Richmond Hill, or to the subscriber on lot No. 33, 4th Con. Markham. PETER STOVER. ( Markham, June 6, 1867. 3 HOME TRUTHS FOR WHOM' IT MAY CONCERN. Hermann K. ’l'argee, \Vest Sixteenth Street, New York, expresses the belief that. RADWAY’S Resourmu KESULVEYT is‘the most powerful vegetable disinfectant in existence, and gives the following reasons for the faith that is in him :â€"~“ Was a suf- ferer from chronic sore leg, produced ori- ginally by a cold taken while going through a course of mercury. Family ph ‘sician, pronounced the leg incurable after having administered, in turn, more than twenty .diflbreut medicines, and applied :1 great. variety ofsnlves. etc. Total cost of the experiments about $125. His father recom- mended the Renovating Resolvent, eight. bottles of which ($1 each) so puriï¬ed hil system that the sores healed spontaneously, and have ~never since (this was eighteen months ago) reopened.†Take $8 from $1.25, and the balance in favor of the Re- solvent is cull/$117. Bear this in mind. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having 'ï¬utfered for' several years with a severe lung affection, nud‘t_hut. dread disease Consumptionâ€"is anmous~ to make known to. his fellow-sufl‘erers the means of cure. ’ ' TO‘all who desire it, he will send'a cop?“ of the prescriptionilusqd (flag of churgéhlï¬j with thc‘directinns To; pfe ï¬ring n’ui‘ng‘_' the same, vwhich they will {Linda .SU Kiwi for CVUNSL‘MPTIUN, ASTHMA, BRUNCEITIS, ., Cubans, 001.133, rind all Throat and Lung Ati'cétioils. The only object of the adver- tiser in sending lhe Pfescriptionis tobengï¬t the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to he invaluable, and he hopts every sntl'erer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless- ing. Parties wishing 'the prescription, FREE, by return mail,‘will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williams- burg, Kings, (10., New York. Flour ML... ..... Full W heat bushel Spring When! do [Sarlev' do l'ensa do Unis do I’omloes do Hay 19ml) ......... Slraw do ......... ' HE Subscriber is instructed to sell the premises at present occupied by‘Mr. Thomas Cook, and known as the former residence of Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. The dwelling and out-building are convenient; there is a good stable ~0n the premises. Title complete. There is about ï¬ve-eight: of and were of land. $15 REWARD! LOST Huxter HI . Em W91.- I‘XIPIG; 7 “’ooL . Hogs. . . mm aumrtimmmm TO ‘CONTRACTORS ! TENDERS will he received bv the under- signed un Monday, the 24th inst, on the gruund, for the Bulwven 101335 and 36. in the Is! conconion of Markham. Mann and Spvciï¬cnlinnl may be seen al the residence of Wm. Rennie. lot [4,2111] Gun. M arkhun. \VH. RENNIE, .‘AS CLARK. Commissioners, GEORGE “USHEL, Markham. Junu19,1867. Richmond Hill, June 6, 1867 FIRST CLASS Rnndnter P0115!) buy color. 14 hand» high, \enn‘ old. yard «Mon, and gohd 'in singio and double humus. Apph‘ at (Lin rflice. 34f [1 held an RAYMOND'S HOTEL. ,on Monday evening, the lilh inslun‘, at 5 o’clock ~â€"A l'uil meeting is xequerled. 7 ‘ . FOR SALE CHEAP. - AT RICIIDIOND HILL ! Q Sn'e, in pantuls m snil puml Mar; by tho ucm: Being lwn ï¬aldn of “land l5 acres each. on «mt hall M10199. "rd ($011.. and two ï¬elds of 1;} and :25) mzros each, on can: halton lot 3|. 3xd (Ion. ul'Vuuuhnn; or will be divided into ï¬ve aura lots. 'l‘arum, as way In ugnred on : mllmr Cnvh. or on time. ’ Apply at unco to CRICK E'l‘ CLUB. PRIVATE RESIDENCE, Vaughan. Juno 11,18H7. h . u. n. HALL. sec. Richmond mu. Juno l3.'67. " ’ Remnilï¬ng June 1st, 18¢}7 Armee W Harrlgan I Boyd John Ilnmer El Brown 'lmn Kuruwell J Clnxk Mrs . Michnrl Kendrick Curran Thomas (3) Martin Jal Cuber l’emr Mnrlnn M Ccsgrove liornnrd (2) Qunn l! l" Coupar \Villinm knnuom l Druer Emanuel Shaffer M Doyle 'l‘homm Simpson I aney Peter Shuppnrd Grant George (4) Simpan Graham W Thomas (j Gnrniss'lUchnrd Vanslune Gallagher Ruben Wnls Jose Glen William Walker ll Grist M rs “load J‘. ( Hills Hugh West Will HAY FOR SALE. Building 01 a Bridge j]X'l‘Y-|‘“VE ACRES ()F GRASS FOIL Apply (post-paid) to T0 CONSURI l'TlVES. MEE'l'lNG of llm almva Club will he TO [{ONTO M A [1K E’I‘S. fl “Tloou-Ioo-notl- hon! hushel......-- 2 When! do . . . . . . . . 1 do ........ U do ........ (J do ........ 0 9 do ........ 0 run .................l2 do ................. 8 pm o 1U CIIMCND HILL List of Letters in the Richmond Hill Pout Ofï¬co 18(i7 JAMES McGEE, Vanslune W. ( Wnls Joseph Walker IL L. \Vood J‘. C. Wcsl William M: TEEFY. RM Toronto, June ‘20, 1867. Harrigan Margret (‘2) Unrner Emanuel Kuruwel! Jam»: ('2) Kendrick J; soph Mnniu Jesse Mnrlnn Mm: Knnmm Abraham (9) Shaffer Mary Simpson Levi Shuppnrd Charle- Simpson James (5) Thomas George ' s s. M .' 41h con. $9 00 @ $9 90 . 2 20 @ 2 30 . 1 95 @ 2 no , v 60 @ u 6% . (J 72 @ o 75 . 0 .50 @ I) .53 ‘ n 40 @ 0 (M .12 00 @ 90 no . a m- m) 9 «o . 0 I0 @ n H . 0 10 ((9 0 II . I 50 (w 2 (m . 0 33 a» 0 30 ,14 (ID rm 15 on M. TEEFY. r tf w.'C. (2)