Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Jun 1867, p. 3

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North of Toronto In Young and 01d H’yson; one triol will de cide that point. Late '5 G. A- BARNARD. Markham, June 6, .1867. HE Subscriber ofi'ers for Sale. very cheap for cashor on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Geering: A Mulley Saw,‘ Upper and Lower Mulley, Petmnn, Crank,” 5 inch wrought, iron Shaft and Fly Wheel; Cones, Carriage, Patent hrnd Blocks, a'h’d the whole necessary Mu- chinery for a. first-class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great. reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to AgRAHAM gym, _ Half 2D0llar T at .' Richm'bnd Hm, April 25, 1867. SAW MILL GEERING I-‘ORSALE. ROM the premises of the Subscriber, lot No. 10,- in the 3rd Con. Markham, (Couches’ Corners.) on or about the 24th May last, TWO EWES and TWO LAMBS. â€"â€"()ne ofthe Ewes has a split on the ri-zh‘t em, and the other Ewe is an yearling. Two Gollars reward _ will be paid to any person who will bringjhem to the subscriber, or give information :hat will lead to their re- covery. THOS. F. BOYNTON. I Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham Post Office address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867._ V > 3-m A RLY FRENCH CAULIFLOWER, “Early XQrk and Winningstadt Cabbage Plan for salé. Also, will have ;’1'omatoe.<,, Celery, Peppers. late Cauliflower and Win- ter Cabbage Plants, in season, at G. A. Barnard’s. Bichrflgnd Hill, May 23, 1867. Cabbage and Cauliflower PlantsfitANAmAN GABBLEN SEEDS ! E Half Lot 29, E Part do 31, 3 Half do 30, E Half do 34, E Half do 35, Vaughan, April I7, 1867. Ladies and Gentlemen, 'iho require a true chart of the fobt,‘ caxi' procure one ' in gither French Kid or Calf, by calling and ordering it at T. DOLMAGE’S. Richmond’Hill, April 4. 1867. WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE Will be paid at FARMS: FOR SALE. CEDAR POSTS snlnenza Troonto. April 10. 1865. M. S has the Bést flfivour ed, strongest, and cheapest To purchuo any quantity of S'I‘RAY ED Pfil'fimLOfiX-- Apply to 3rd_Con. Vaqghau, A_cres dq_. I ‘ 2nd Cofi‘.‘ 3rd Con.- '03- WHICH THE 'r. a s. BRIGGS’, LATH, AND anbor Yard. 22 and 24 Edward Street. JAMES MCGEE. 47rf. '_' M. S. Pollock has now on. hand an 43x- ‘ cellont assortment of anhurni J; u Co’u (alludian (warranted) GaldeuSeeda, ' which he can thoroughly recommend to the publlc as the most reliable Seeds that can he Damnâ€"true to namo and variety, and much preferable to the Yankee Commission Seodo which have infested the country for yearn.â€" Allo the best FIELD 52313133 1 They will not bend nr break like tlmSingle Spring. but will [Ire-servo their perfect and graccful shape when three or fiuur ordirary Skirts will have been thrown aside .3! “unless. The Hovps are covered with Double 6L Twist- ed Tllrend. and (he Buunm Roda are no} nnl'v double Springs. hut twice (0" duuh e) cnvorod preventing: 111: m from wearing uul (vlmn drag. ging down swam. stairs. &‘.c. l‘o enjoy the followiqu luestlmahlo advan- tages in (‘rinoline, vi' Superior quality. per- fect Ina ul‘nmura/ siyllall ulngpe imd finish, flex: ibilily. durahiliu‘, comfort and -cunomy. en- ,quira for J. l’nndley’s an ex Elliptic. or Dou blu Spring Skirt. and be sure you get the gen- uine arlicl». The Duplex Elliptic is a gram fnvnri'e with all “dies and Is univenmlly ri‘ccmnmendedlw the Fushiwnnhles Magazine. M the Standard Skirt of Ilw Fashionable 'World. A Clergvman, while reviding in South Am- erica as a missionary. di»cov:~red unnl‘e and simple remody for the Cure of Nervous Weak- ness. Early Decay. Diseases of (he Urinary and Siminnl Organs, Illd the whole (rain of dismdara brought on by bnneful and viniunu' hnuilo. Great numbers have been cured i)" this nohls remody. Promde hv a; desire at belwfillhp nfliiclod and unfortunate. I wil send \he recipe‘for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed olivehvpe. to any Ol_ who needs it, Free of Charge. LATEST FASHIONb DEAL" ND 1. W. BBADLEY'S CELEBRATE!) PATENT Duplex Elliptic 'l'he “’u'lderful Flexib lin and grealcomforl and pleasure to any lady wearing the Dnle Eliplic Skirt will ho oxporienced particularly in all nrnwdud Assgmb ios, Uparaa. Railroad Cars. Cnurch l’ews. Arm Chairs, fur Promen- ado and House dre‘s. as the skirl can lie'l'olded when in use in occupy a nmnll place» as easily and cunveniemly as :1 Silk or Muslin Drona. an uvuluahle quality in crinolino. not found ‘in nnv single Spring Skin. ' A Lndy hnvmg enjoyed the plasma. com- fort and convenicncu of wuur-ng llle Duplex ELiptic Sleel Spring Skin for a single day. will never afterwards willingly diupense'wnlh their um. For Children. and Ymuig Ladies they are sum-Prior to all (llmrm' - ’ CAUTXUN .e-Tp guard figninst imposition be particular to NO'I'ICE that skirts offered its _“ Duplex" have the red ink stump.- viz.. " J. W. Bradley’s Duplex Ellipti’c'Steul Springs." upalL tlw waiptlnndâ€"mmoW-fim genuine, Also Notice thntovery Hoop will admit a pin hl'lll}: pussed through the centre, thus revonl- ing the lv' 0 {or douhlu) springs hm'dcd togeth- er therein. which is the secret of their ll‘lexilnl‘o lty and stmngth. ant :- combination not to be found in am‘ otlwr :kizt Forrb‘nle in n|l Stores whore Fir-(t Ctlan sk'uls are suld throughout Jha United Sum; and olsowhsre. ' ~ Manufactured by the Sole _O\vners of the patent. ' Plause enclose an envelope uddrossodum yourself. ‘ Richmond Hi". April '25, H67. Being lot No 48, lst Con. Vaughan, in the Village of Richmond Hill, helonginy.7 to the estate oflhe late Mr. John Linfoot. The farm contains 88 acres, and is considered one ufllie lwst Wheat, growing farms in the county of York. ‘ [fn‘ot sold it will be to Kent on the lat April._ 'Will be sold cheap or exchanged for ya smaller place as part payment. I As cheap as any otlwr Home. in White Belfiium Car: at Long (Jump Carrot. _anbnrn‘s Improved Puryle Top Swede Turljip. FARM FOR. SALE For further particulars'apply to I’. Crosby Esqu Richmond Hill, or to Wm Linfoot Buttonvme. L thanks to the tram-Hing community for the liberal patronage they have given him since im’ purchased the line o'f Stage: rimuing be~ tlweon Richmond Hill and Toronto, beg- to Huform them that he has had built and com- fortany filled up A NEW OMNIBUS! DANIEL HORNEB,’ Jun, Lot 510. 2nd cnceosaibn Markham i‘Vhi'ch he will run from his Hotel, Richmond 1Hill to Toronto. at half put seven will leave MALLOY’S AXES (BMNEBUS! HE Subgcnber, in returning his sincere thanks to the tram-Hing community for Richmond Hill, Jan. 31,1867. “’ood’s Hotel, Nelson Stu ' TORONTO. At half-past 3 pan. Purcell left at Best’s Bay H'ureh Hotel, young street. or at Wood’s hotel, Nelson street. Toronto. will be delivered with punctuality. The Proprietor will not be responsible for Parcels that are not pro-paid, 11v keeplng attentive and acomodnfing drivé are he truuls to merit a conthmuvce of the patronugo of the public. Omnibus run on good Time! ROBERT RAYMOND, Richmond am, April '11 ’57 EXCHANGE. RICHMOND HILL Late WVS I‘S BRADLEY & CARY, A Card to Invalids. 97 Chambers & 81 Randy 815.. Y.= A Ilrlmss. Pull-pie Top Aberdean do While Gloho 'I‘nrnip ‘ Rod Mungle Wurlzlt Seed (ox noun”: shuns) JOSEPH T. {NM/q, G. A. Bm'nard’s. STATION D. Bum: Hbusu. Ntw- Yuri: city‘ FOR SALE DY I’roprietor. 35 Call at \V. S. Pollocks, Who has the largest and moat excellent variaty Showh ’on Richmond Hill or neighborhood in Felt, Cloth, Tweed, Velvet, Lineil, I Straw, Leghorn, and Chip Hans, and Caps in the fn_shionabl_e Shapes, andvin. evel‘y" size, an Inspection 1‘: all that ix wantcd, being. certain we can suit your taste and your pocket. Late GbAw'B'ARNARD'f _ Ladies’ and Children’s Skellétbh Skirts! Call at \V. S. Pollock's, who has just received an immense Stock, in the newest styles, and in! almost every material, and at’pticcs that will command the attention of a discerning public late ‘ _ G. A.’ B'ARNARD,,§ _ FOR MEN’S, YOUTH’S AND BOY’S In the new and fashionable styles. l5 and.20 Hoop Skirts 25 6d each, at W. S. Pollock’s, lat‘e ' - G. A'- BARN A.RD,,’S.. Richmond Hill. April. 1867. ‘ ' 10 Richmond Hill, April, 1867. ‘ in great variety, in the newest and inoat fashionable shapes“ . .9. . L'adies’ Straw Hats, from . . . .., . . . . . . . . . . .‘..‘.3s 9d eachv lVllSSeS’ do I o u o c n o o o o u o o o n I n 0"" Children’st do do ..................ls6deach with an excellent assortment of Ribbons, Straw and Tuscén Trimmings, 'Flowers, “5 reuths, &o., in the most. varied and beautiful styles and colorings, at W, .S. Pollock's lat/e , - G. A. BAR ARD- IN returning filanks to his numerous customers and friends for the liberal luppgfl he he hm rem-ind since commencing business on Richmond Hill, would Intimate 10 {hem that he has received the greater part of his ' a Farmgrs will consult their. own‘intei‘est if {hey-ivH-L examine oqr Mlll before buying elsewhere, as we; .fggl; Confid¢fifi;§?§.fiy, w1ll bglsatlsfied our Machines are not surpassedr-jfiggqugfl .; 3‘ A. &<' w, wmeGEMKir-RS; NEW 3mm Richmond Hili, Jime, 1867. Straw & Tuscan flats & “Bonfith Thesubscribers are now manufacturing a great numbeliqufihe above, and can Supply all Order‘s: Manufactured oh the Continent of America; have, this year VVilliam Atkinson NEW &9 Efifififimflffiflfifi. BEEN STILL FURTHER IMPROVED HARDWARE; 860:, PM“!!! 8! FBI“! KEPT [INSTANTLY ‘ [IN um. THESE MILLS have stood the. test of competition atT-seireral Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and '21}: pro. nounced by competent judges as being the ' Summer Stock of Dry Best Fanning Mills! Fire-proof Store, , Richmond '_ FAN-N IN G @fififlflflififi, . Sales made torCash or approved Credit. Richmond Hill, March 26, 1867. ROM the premises of the Sublcribeu. Lot No. 27. 2nd Con. Markham, on Tuesday the 9th inst” A GRAY MARE ! Alwm'l yenr5._lhod only on fore foot. Any Information In to her whore-bouts will his thnukfully received ‘by Markham, April. 11, 1867. {ichmond Hill, Apuil ll, 18§7. Begs to announce to‘ his friends and the public, that he is receiimg, WILLSON’S IMPROVED EPRING SPECIALITY; For New and. Fashionable Clothing STRAYED ! cnocxnmr, HARDWARE, P. CROSBY; All Departments are complete with everything that is GROCERIES, CROCKERY, JACOB HERE. DOUBLE ACTION' ‘ 8m. 8m. 8m. 0F j ‘Ordbn Iefl'fl 1H6 "” 307316" Sficp‘fii Cgrtor'u nrvicoa will 56 'pr'o'mpdy- nmnded to. R the Coumiel of York. .Poclgnd 0n- , _ (uric. Residence '. Lot 8, 61h dance-lib): Mgrkhum. I’ont Ofliceâ€"Unionvijle.; . '- ‘ Salon attended on tho shortagnoiico‘ In on reasonable terms. , . June ‘27, 181:7. JOHN CARTER; LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' EEPS ulwan: op hgnd _Iho lye-10' Beef, A Mutton; Limb. Veal, Pork. Snug». % kc. npd sell- at low pricel. ‘Tho Hi hen mukot pricb flux: for CM.“ "anagram-kc. : - r , y Pure" Canadian Rock Oil, ls 3d gnllan. Ex. Refined do_ do V 15 6d gallon. Best Refl‘d Pensylvallia do ’15 9d gallop. Having {urchased a large lot of 'supclcior ROCK OIL. at low Rates, we cannot. be undersold in price, not surpassed « in quality. A trial will convince. .W. S. Pollock, late ' G. A; Barnard, Richmond Hi], Feb. 20, 1867. Barrister anb Quorum-art”), SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, (no ' TORONTO. OFFICEâ€"N0 4, British ,Amerym Insurance Buildings, comer obeurch 85 Court Streets m WILLIAM ATKINSON'S ‘ Cheap Provi-ion Store. Cash paid, for Flax Seed. Richmond Hill, Jam. 19.1866. 68 Toronto, Nov. .28, 1866. Thornhill, April 4. 1867; 205 ACRES ‘IIF. MN]! I Terms and puniculurs mudb known an ip plicntibn to ' ' ‘ 50*ct Tea ! m saw an?“ my ‘1 diam-gem“ (puns, a onion of Land, oi- !untad on the rent of Dot 0. 28,. in tho ls: Concession, Towpvhip, of_ Vaughn-AL contain- ing ABOUT. TEN ACRES. ' 0 BE RENTED, for a term of you". the wholc'of th’c ulunhio estate of Mr. Buuu Lon. being Lo‘ No. 36._ in the lat concession of Yn’ughun; heuev known as Cook'o Cornora.‘ Yonge ILoet', containing More or ‘eu. all clnaréd excepi about 20 acres of Bush pasture: There >il’ mooted on the premise. ' A CA‘W'MILL! With Out Buildingl. two “unfailing strum. of waterâ€"one running lhrough‘oach lot. with Wells and Pumps and other convonionces. HE nubsciiber win-Bell or Rent on Id- ‘ ’ ism-gem“ (puns, a portion of Land. oi- Pnuemio- given on the 1d duy of April. [867. For further particular! Ipniv to Thoma Sedman. Riglunond Hill.‘ or to John Ghana, on the premium. . Richmond Hi“. Feb. 25, ’67. 4 ' RENT. Two, HOLM-ESTEADS! Richiqufllil. March 14, 1867.. Successoi toJIup‘es Hblliddy, ' ' ‘ BUTCHER. 2nd door north of Bumpd’l store, I ‘ RICHMOND HILL, MONEY TO LOAN STEPHEN - wnkggms, November 9. 1866. VALUABLE PROPERTY Chemist and Druggist Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 3'5 orner of King & Yonge streets, TORON T0. Of the best quality from the fountain, with the following choice Syn-u 3 vii; Lem’on, Snnaparxlln, Raspberry,‘ inset, Vanilla, Orgeat, Nectar, Cream, at v . . PURE ICED "8001' WATER I R. H. HALL. GOOD qulliug .‘Hofnser Barn. Stable, , ' Driving Home, Wood Home. und Three quarters of- an Acre of Lund, on which there Ii a quartet of an nhro of in Orchard ol heillhv yoan "genâ€"plenty. of Charriu. Currnnll. Goesohorriol. he. Village afltichupqnd nm, For sale. V .T-h're {than Pnopertyjs pitu-tod in the'centre ohho villlgo. Will be bold cheap for cuhi - Porvfnrthgnrém rtiéularo apply to N. TEEYY En. mac osm', Esq. v " Rich'm and mu, January 14. 1867. g Misses N1. & 'A. mum» MANTLE and [IR-E88 - MAKERS. Chained and Altered to “1! Intel! Nylo. Stamping an}: Machign Embroidery dune. Tw; doon IiorlhfiofiG.’ A. Bun-rd; Slam. Richmond Hill. Nov. 9 1866 23 fibefiiacmed, in’luml to unit ’h'orrowon. on Landed security. Tum undo known ' 6n peg-anal application m ' ‘ Richmond Hill. Nov; 28. 15“. $20,000"! Can be procured. in sum. to unit 'b‘orrowon. N.B. Dual, Morppgu. Willa. Bondc. kg. aw; drum with ngnlnno and “watch..â€" M; thgontinugg to m "'01)"!!!0! Cont Ann. To” modernity; THE Undouigned is authorized to um um MONEY T0 LEN!) Ben 11 ets, Félt & Straw Hats TRY ATKINSON’S "(iii-93778;“ clung; pyed. On Improved Real Estate, PPIY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VA!- Kouonnn & Wuutou" Bani-torn, fie. RICHARD GRAHAME, M._ TEEFY, . 0N LANDED SECURITY. lln .wo_rkingy order . Ilao, JOHN BRUNSKILL. I! I'll! Nolnry Hattie. Agni. &c. Including Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureau. Cupboards, Dressing Stands. ,Wuh Stands, &c. 8m. Also a large assortment of”. Paper, Bordering, White Lied- Paints and Colors, Raw and Boxled Linseed dill, Machine Oil, Rock Oil. vanish ’l‘urpertine. Benzene, Glass, Putty, Glue, an. M. Parties Furnishing, Pnperiug, or Painting their Houses. will do well :0 call “to purchasing elsewhere. Also flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store I N "turning thanks for the 1217 liber-l suppmt he has receiVed since commencing ' business in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock Mid has now on hand a choice assortment of m%%%%%% Mfimmmm Richmond Hill, November 9,. [866. s, M. SANDERSON, Opposite Temperance SI; ' T,O R O N T O, EGS to announce to ille inhabkants of We County of York and thosé in' the neighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, that he. hath added to hir- Etock Inf Whére he keeps on hand Flour, Shor‘ Bran, Oats; Peas, Oatmeal, bommeal, Buck- whem, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and ' Richmbfid Hill'Ga‘hihet EstabliShfleni MEN'S, WUMEN’S ‘AND * CHILDREN’S BOOTS. AND SHUES In the most Fashionable Styles, And of flu but Mitotic! and Workman-hip. All quk in Wan-mod to gi'vo‘porfoel nuanc- tion, We are can't-nay adding to .ur Mock olBoou and Shoes of our manufacturo,whioh will be ‘ SOLD AT THE LOWESLJ.‘ POSSIBLE PRICES. a A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, Please temgnanflnl finder»; SELLS CHEAP It OG- 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors Sonthflof Best’s Hotel, Tbi‘ento, TORONTO, April2,18v67. ‘ I 51.3“. rum SWING, mms, SINGLE nounnn' Harness ! Harness! HAfiRfRéOst II A RN’ES S- a. A low thou County Right; for we THE INDELIBLE PENCIL, " ' . ma MARKING LINENJOR SALE AT THE “HERALDA” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND H‘ILL {NTâ€"hen ordering phase mt. depth of We“ or Cislern. . ’ CHARLES POWELL, - ‘ Patentpc and Proprwtor. A Nzwrox Bnoox, C.W .- A 'A- an” (inn-OI REIHQI ‘nr 11': \ ~ AD AP’l‘EU h‘UfiBf ILL DEPTHS. Styles for' SPRING 6; SUMMER Wear- Fix-ht Prize HARNESS - ESTABLISHMENK FURNITURE! THOS.‘ COG-ELAN nice assortment, good and cheap. 110 would also call attention to his Fot Cash, at Price-1th! cannot be rurpund. N9. 133 Yonge Street, A complete ulottment of thu mou dourable And: is .pmpnrod {awake to on")! all kinds of RICHMOND HILL.

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