Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Aug 1867, p. 3

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Will be paid at HE Subscriber, in ramming his sincere thanks to the travrlling community for the liboral patronage they have given him since he purchased the line ol' Stages running beâ€" tween Ricmnond Hill and Toronto, begs to inform them that he has ilnd built and com- fortably fined up A NEW ONINIBUS! “’ood’s Hotel, Nelson Stu And a: NEVVMS\RKE'I‘, at 9 km. Candi- dates will ho raqlurmi m pl'nduco Certificates of Murnl Clnranlor from their respective Mi.1is~ (er-,avrd. Il'Taachers before, also’ hum their tespeclivv T-usuws. Chairman (H County Béardk’urk City ofToron lo. JuIy, 1867. OWNEBUS! \‘Vlzich he will run from his Hotel. Richmond Hill to Toronto. at half past seven will leave Towm'ro. Al half-past 3 p.m. Parcels left at Best's Buy Horas Hotel, young street, or at \Vood’s hotel, Nelson slroet. Taronln. will be delivered with punctuality. The Proprietor will not b6 responsible for Parcels that are not pro-paid. 15v keep’lng attentive and acomodating driv- ers he trusts to merit a. continuance of the patronage of the public. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Umnibus run an good Time! ()EFICEâ€"Over the Gas Company oflice Toronto Street, Toronto. On Wednesday, mum: day ROBERT RAYMOND, Richmond Hill, April 1! ’57 $0MMUN SCHUBL TEACHERS, COUNTY OF YORK. of August 1857. AT THE COURT HOUSE, WAN'E‘EEE "Tho Patemoe offers indut'ements seldom ‘6 be anol will: Requisilo inslruclions for monu- Jacluring are given. i’ersenal applicnuon sum-t be made to EX AMINATION (3F -]’ntonted Oct. 24, 18W, April 13,1866. am} l'uwell’n m n'lW!"N.E€’R§E Pm, Patent Rights for Sale! Toronto. August 1, 1867 J V Examination nf(‘ommon Schul Teachers and qlhqrs, “in lake place ssenf {0 Agents on trial, and given away to families who are needv and deserving. Address J. C. OTTIS & 00., Bostou, Mass. .‘IMPflRTANT EHTECE ! {PATENT SWING PUMP, Dead heads need not apph’.’ ‘Newtuu Brook,JuL\ 3“. 1867. Why Will people pay $30 or $100 for 11 Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy a better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the subscribers beg to inform their numerous friends that the “FichKLix” and “ MEDAL- LION” Machines can be had in any quantity. This machine is a. double-thread, constr Ctr ed upon entirely new principles, and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing LIL-whine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes- tif . yes? AGENTS WANTED. Machines A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the elfects of youthful indiscretlun, will, for the sake 09 sull'ering humanily, send free to all who need it, the recipe and and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishng a0 profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New York.” â€"-Franklin. ‘ The Ty'cdo'n Wears gold pa‘ntu’loons that trail four yards behind, and smokes a pipe. 'loromo. April 10. ISFS‘ CE DAR POSTS Patented June ‘28. 18W. To men of the right 80)" “7ECONOMY IS WEALTh.” flew flabcrtmcmwm SHINGLE& LATH, RICHMOND HILL At Richmond Hill, O’TICE IS III‘IREHY GIVEN that OUN HES or RIDINGS of PowuL's . N . B L A K E , BARRSTER AT LAW, CONVEYANCER &.c. ERRORS OF YOUTH- To purchase any qunnli mm: JENNINGS. n I) FGR WHICH THE Chg: of Toronto, T. &7 s. BRIGGS’, CHARLES POWELL Lumber Yard. ‘2‘2 and 24,Edward Street. AND N9“ tun Brook. 'P.O Proprietor. 72 CAUTIONâ€"To guard against imposition be particular to NO'I‘ICE that skins ofl'ered as " Duplex" have the r 'd ink stamp. viz.. " J. W. Bradley’s Duplex Elliptic Stool Springs.” uom’. the waistband-Alone others are gauuino. Also Notice lhutevery Hoop will ndinit a pin being passed through the centre. lhus reveal- ing lbs I“ 0 {or doubler) springs hra'ded togeth- er therein. which is the secret 8f their Flexibil- ity and strength. and a combination not to be found in am‘ olhnr Skirt For Sale in 3” Stores whei‘e First skirts are sold throughout the United and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the patent. To eany the following ineslimable advan- tages in Crinoline, viz : Superior quality. per- fvci’ ma ul‘actura. sinsh shape and finish, flex- ibility. durabilitv, comfurlaud ouuomy. en- quire for J Bradley’s Dup ex Elliptic. or Dou bk: Sprung Skirt. and be sure you gel the gen- uine nnicle. HE Subscriber offers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the follow'ving Mill Gearing: A Muilcy Saw, Upper and Lowe“ Mulley, Petmzm, Crank. 5 inch wrought iron Shatt and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage. Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma- chinery for a first class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to AlSRAHA M iEfYERz 7 Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Ofiice address Richmond Hill. _ May 8, 1867. 3-130 SAW MiLL GEERING FOR SALE. ' The Duplex Elliytic is a great favorite with all ladies and is finivers‘ally roccommended b\' the Fashi'mables Magazine. as the Standard Skin of the Fashionable World. They will not bend nrbreak lxko the Single Spring. but will preserve thew perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordil'ary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The llonps are covered with l) 6L Twist- ed Thread. and tha Bottom Rods are not onh‘ dunhle Springs. but twice (0' douh 95 covered preventing the-m from wearing oul when drug- ging down Stoops. stairs. &c. 'Hm W'ovmea‘ml Flaxib [fly and greatcsmfurt and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Eliplic Skirt will be expm‘ienced 'parliculurh in u” crowded ASsemb ies, Operas. Railroad (Jars, 'unurci} Paws, Arm Chairs, for Fromm]- ade and House the s. as lheskirl can b3 folded when in use to occupy a small place an easily and conveniently as a Si|k nr Muslin Dress. an nvaluahla quality in crinoliuo. not found in nnv tingle Spring Skirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasme. com. fort and convenience of wear mg the Duplex Elliplic Steel Spring Skirt for a singlo day. will never afterwards willingly dispsnse With lheii‘use. For Children. Misses and Young Ladies [hay are superior to all (lher’s. LA'l‘EST FASHION-’5 DEMAND LW. BMDLEY’S CEIEBBATED PATENT Duplex Elliptic Memo emblem an envelope uddrossedun.a vow 14'. heuelh “\en'mmrfifl send the recipe for preparing and using (his medxciue. in a St-ulzsd envelope. [0 any 01 who needs it, Frat: of (,‘luu-gg, A Clergvman. while residing in South Am- mica as a mi uiumxry. Iii covered a safe and man remedy fur the Cum of Nervous Wealh “Ba-S. Early Decay. Diseases of the Urinary and Simiuul Organs, and the whole tram of dim-dare brought on by hnneful nnd vir-ious haoisu. Great numbers have barn curéd by (his noble remady. l’rgunpujd bv a desire at (41am) has been procured for Ihe uccomodn- tion 01' lhe nuhlic. ’ " 'l'homhill. June ‘34. ISG'Y. 3-m The patronaga of farmers, butchers and others is respectful] solicited. Comurrrm or lVlANAGVMENT.-â€"MPSSTE J. Ramsden. J. Marlin. M. Couswell. J. N. fluid, 31.!) . D. Smilie. G. Charlton. G. Weldrick, and W. Rennie. I). MCDOUgaI. Esq, Presi- (111111; J. l’ugkis. Twas. ,' 'l‘. (Farr. Sec. 3rd Wednesday in each Month! At (en o‘chck a.m.. commencing on Wednes‘ duy [7111 July. THURNHIU MUNTHLY FAIR ! [\ hill nu [he [41h ills! . it Was decidud l6 esiahiish a Momth Fair for [ha sale of A svtt oi Weigh Scales Mén’s 'l‘wued and Melton Dnsmrs and Sack Coats, said at 125 6d rr‘duced to 7s 6.1 each. Au inspaclinn will satisfy cusromom that those are the cheapest Goods ofi'erea' on Richs muud HUI for years. Late The Cheapest Goods this Season. Also Summer Dresses in Baregps, Printed Musjins, French Delaiues, and ~Poppliners al cosl, pxic . one-third redurtmn from original cost price, and will sell at a small ndAance lo mnke room for mw Autumn and Wintes Goods now ornered. 500 yards Choice Patterns, Good Prints, onlv Hd per yd 800 yards Choice Patterns, splendid De Lainos, only 7_&d per yd. G. A. BAPNARD Richmond Hill. Ju'y 2m 1867. t FIRST CLASS [inadsler Pullev, bay color. 14 hands high, 3 years 03d. good action, and good in single and double humess. Apply at this eflice. 3-H AFTER an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to annnunce his return to Richmond Hill, and that hehan leased the :hop adjoining Mr. W. Pollock’s residence. and opposite the shop of Mr. W H, MWIE. where he will be happy to ieceive the patron- age of his old friends. FA R M STUCK, (Sm: Richmond Hill. Ju'y 95, 1867‘ T ~M. S. V 1'0” 1501! yaids _ns§urtéd colors, Knickbockor Wincay‘s, mliv (id p'erAd. QUUUVyards splel'ldidVllong Cloth and Factory Colluns from 63d per \d. The old hand in a New Stand. A. HENDERSON, Watt?) 8: @1031: Water VVFSI‘S BRADLEY & CA RY, 97 Chambers & 8| Reade Sls.. N. Y. “Here we are again.” T A PUBLIC MEETING held at Thorn- ~M. S. POLLOCK has just raco-imd the / following New Goods. purchased at lthird redurtiun from original cost price, will sell at a small ndAauce lo mnke room mw Autumn and Wimes Goods now A Card to Invalids. A‘dfflfjfl, JUSEPH T. INMAN. Sunny D. BIBLE Housn. Nam York cily‘ (0 K DOUBLE smuna) TO BE HELD ON THE Ctlns Stess C unt)‘ of Yank, are hereby not-fled to rendtr their accounls for Criminal Justice Services, perfude up to lbs 301!) dayA of June laat, to this office without delay, in order that they may he paid. as subsequent to that date. the expenses connected with Criminal Justice will be borne by the Pruvince of On- larin.iustead vi" the General Government- By order of theAG.)verumeut. Treasurer’s Office Turomo.julv 17. 1867. Con tainng ] 00 A cres 0f good Land A Stream of “later runs through the Farm. From 6 to 10 your credit wili be given for the payment. Apply to the subscriber, WWW KEPT HWY N am. Richmond Hill, Ju3y 4. 1867. NOTICE. THE INDEMBLE FENCE N returning thanks to his numerous cu he hat recrivod since. cnmmencmg L to them that he has received the greater Summer Stack A Fresh Eat if albums fit SEER? Pivase remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at (K? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Tomato, And oflhe best Malaria] and VVorkInnm-hip (ion, We are canname adding to .ur swc will be MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND EHIHJHEN’S BUUTS AND SHOES Opposite Temperance St. VPHE validin of lhe Patent Fg‘fllfl validity of the Patent, having been recently disputed by Interested persons, j after two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor has given Judgment lulty sustaining the claims' ht" C. Powell, and speaking highly of the MERH‘S. OF THE PUMP. and With just severity on the base and t'r-mrdulan-conduct ol the lnl'rinuoer, ordering him to pay the costs ol the ‘suit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. 'l'he Patentee feels, that the sense ol‘justice prevailing the community generally will be sufficient to prevent its givingr countenance to spurious imitators, whose conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ IS a fraud on the [’ublic."â€"See Judgment Manufactory for York 8; Peel Counties &; Toronto City Newton Broom Yonge Street. Tank lsi prize at Provincial Exhibitinn’iiii', &aiiiimes when shown BOOTS AND SHOES Patent SWngPump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Workea, Most Durable and is also FrOst- proof. . The Lemfiéng Style in Canada Richmond um, Aplinl. {gsâ€"7‘ ORONERS CONSTABLES in the TORONTO, April 2, 1867 EING the West Halfofllot No. 39. in the 5th concession of the East Gwfllimbury. FARM FOR SALE. Styles for SPRING. & SUMMER Wear SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. good asssrtment 0f Trunks always on hand. ‘ V â€"' â€" '1 County of York and those in the that he has added Io his Ltock of GS to announce to the inhahi‘ants of ihe neighborhood of Richmond HI“ in particular, SPECIALETWV‘f: When ordering l’umps, please state P. Q. Address~â€"CHARLE RINGERS BEWARE. ng thanks 30 his numerous untaman and friends {or the libéra' support]!!! I‘l-‘Cl‘H’Jd sulc'e. cnmmencmg bn>iuess on liicl'imond Hi“, would mtimate 5|...L_,rr ‘- JNO. MAcnbN \LD 7 Treasurer Co. York. Manufacturing Rights for Sale AH Deparimcnts are' cnmpMe GROCERIES, CROCKERF A complete assortment of the if). 133 Yonge Street, And is _, SANDERS‘ON, In the most Fa’shionable Styles J. R. ARNOLD [S POWELL’S prepared to make to omer all kinds of please state the Depth of tine We" or Cistern. CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook I-hip. All “701k i-a “'arranled (9 give perfect mflsfac- sluck 01 Bouts and Shoes ofor'r manufacture, which @Of Bay Heads, qart of his 468-6 ' Ottaw‘a JULY. The Departments of Crown Lands for the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario will be opened at Quebec and 'l‘or'onto as soon thereafter as possible of which due notice will be‘ given. THE LOOK SNAP. Ottawa, 27th June, 1867. VrHE Department will be closed at Ottawa on and after the FIRST BUY the Lock Snap for lines and breast- straps at Wm. Harrison’s Harness es- tablishment. The above snap is the strong- est and besfi yet invented. Richmond Hill, July 25, 1867. CROWN LANDS. will; everything mat is DEPARTMENT OF mnst definable A. CAMPBELL TORONTQ 3"." if» ‘r‘ f_61.3m; "' . unuJJ’ Commissioner. 4 ROM the premises of the Subscribes. Lot No. 27. 2nd Con. Markham. on Tuesday the 9th inst" About 7 years. shod only on fo‘re feat. Any Information as to her whereabouts will be thankfully received by N13. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. 614:, di‘nwn with nontnesa and despatch.-â€" M. T. continues to act' as Dunstan Couwr Amen. Fees moderate. .A. GRAY MARE : JACOB HEISE'. Markham, Apr“. 1!, 1867; ' . ’ . Can be procured, In sums to sun borrowers, 'on Landed security. 'I‘erms made known on personal application to Richmond Hi”. Nov, 28. 1865. $20,010.03 THE Undursigxied is authorized to state that The above Pacperty is situated in the centre ofthe village. Will be sold cheap for cash. A GOOD Dwelling Honsq. Barn. Stabio, Driving House, Wood House. and Three quarters of an Acre of Land, on which there Is a quarter of an acre or an Orchard a!" heanhv young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Cnrranls. Goeseberries. &c. Richm and HI”, lanunry M. 1867. MONEY TO LEND For further particulars apply :6 M. TEEFY E3" or P. CflOSBY, Esq. VALUABLE PROPERTY November 9. 1866. omer of King & Yonge Streets) TORONTO. Village oflliclmwnd Hill, ‘For Sale. Cash paid for Flax Seed. Richmond Hill, Jan. 18.1866. MQNEY TO LOAN EING the front part of Lot No. 46. in the is! concession of Vaughan. immediately npp‘osiie [he residence ofl)r. Duncnmh, in {he Vintage of Richmond Hill. as land off in a Plan preparde by Mr. George NIL-Phillips. This is a desirabie npponun Iy to secure an eligible business Nand at u moderme price.â€" A credit offlvq years will be given. ‘ .For Plan and other pamculars enquire of the subacriber .l. R. ARNOLD. Richmond Hill, Jlfly 3. 1867. IV July 4“; 118674 $25,000 TO LEND 50% Tea 2 BUIL DIN- G LOTS July Isl. 1867 Anderson George Brown Bros Craig W Craven Thomas Doyle Tho-'nu's Grant Gaorga (7) Garness Richard Hunter Rachel Hardy D Kindreck Jbseph Lawrence Kerence Langsta‘VJo‘m Miltmn Peeter .JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, ' Markham. Nov. 1, 1865‘ Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office For further particulars apply to 13. Crosby Esq., Richmond Hill, or to Wm Linfoot-y Buttonville. ' S Half E Half E Half -Will be sold cheap 0r exchanged for a smaller place as part; payment. Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 'I‘HE Subscriber is instructed to sell the premises at present occupied by Mr. Thomas Cook, and known as the former residence of Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. The dwelling and out-building are convenient; there is a good stable on the premises. Title complete. There is about five-eights of and acre of~land. E galf Lpt 3rd_Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres Vaughan, April I7, 1867. Richmond Hill, June 6, 1867 Ifnfot sold it will be to Rent on the 1st April._ ' PRWATE RESIDENCE, FOR SALE CHEAP. AT RICHDIOND IIILL 1 Being lot'No 48, lst Con. Vaughan, in the Village of Richmond Hill, belonging to the estate of thelate Mr. John Linfoot. The farm contams 88 acres, and is corisidered one of the best Wheat growing farms in the county of Ypi‘k. _ FARM FOR SALE TRY ATKINSON’S Apply (post-paid) to On Improved Real Estate; PPIY to Mr. WARMOLL. of VAN- KOIJGHNET & W'AnmuLL, Barristers, 61c. N Mortgage. at Eight per cent, 4 Address ‘ (uiitil further notice) pom paid N, BATTRICK. Richmond Hill. FARMS FOR SALE. ‘art EXCHANGE. M. TEEFY, At- WILLIAM ATKINSON’S Cheap Provision Store, 0N LANDEU SECURITY. STRAYED ! d0 31, do do 30, 2nd Con. do 34, 3rd Con. d0 35, do List of Letterq FOR SALE. Apply to Notary Public, Agent: 810. N THE M: TEEFY. P. V! OR TO Patterson J W Quanlz F Robinson Robert W Simpson James (‘2) Shaffer Mary (2; Vanstone W C (2) Wise Margret ' Wes: William Widdis Robert Walker R L Marlin Jesse Peck Dr. JAMES McGEE. M. TEEFY. { tf 100 100 100 £8 26 22 Sales made torCa'sh or appro’ved Credit. Richmond Hill, March 26, 1867. DE :ErGOODS! Fire-proof Store, Richmond Hill. Farmers will consult their own interest ifthey will examine our Mill before buying: elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. 4 ' A; 8L W. WILLSON, MAKERS; Richmond Hill, June, 1867.- - 3-tf The subscribers are now manufacturing a great number of the above, and can Supply all @rders Pramlwtly .' Manufactured on the Continent of Ayne‘riqagpbave, this yeaf BEEN STILL FURTHER. IMPROVED THESE MILLS haVe stood the test of competition at séVera‘! Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and are pr0-‘ nounced by competent judges as being the Flouf, Feed; Previsid'n’ and Grqéery Store 1 Best Fanning Mills ‘2 For Cash, at PricesLthat cannot be surpassed; Richmond Hill, November 9, 1866. FANNING MILLS. l'ncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, BureaUs. Cupboards, Dressing Stands, “7”st Stands, Ste. 8m. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering, \Vllile Lead Paints and Colors, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oils, Machifie Oil, Ro'c'k Oil. Vomit“ ’l‘urpertine, Benzmie, Glass, Pulty, Glue, 8w. 8w. Parties Furnislzing.P¢;:ering,- or Painting their Houses. willdo well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also " a I ‘1‘ u h,‘ [1“ - ii, 1 - n _ M11 I 7r“. V V .F n “I” . 1",}. 4,. ._ u, ‘ h“ V 1 l“ ‘ I" I “Human: "mm mull“! “mun” "’xullmm 1“ Mu L‘14 mu 1: v n ‘ mu , ‘ \thre he Keeps on hand Flour. Shorls: Bran, Outs, fleas, Oat-meal, Corhmeal, Buck‘ wlwat, Bacon, Hams, 019959,:th and N returning thanks for (he wry liberal suppmt he has received since commencing business in Richmond Hill, bvgs to inform lh» public that he has greatly incrcui ed his Sxock andJius now on hand a'choice assortment of ' Richmond Hill fiabinet Establishment SINGLE I fDO‘UBLE Harness YJHarness! Wm. HMERISON’S Please call and examine the above Goods gains at W. S. Pollock’s, late UST received a nice lot of Cheap Goods, as follows :â€"(ac-' knowledged by all who have seen them to be the Cheap‘. est on Richmond Hill or neighborhood) Nice Drab and R’lourning‘ Summer Bareges, only. . . .711“! a yd Good Printed Delaines, choice patterns, only . . . .. . .7§d a yd Splendid Bleached Long Cloth. only. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .7gd a yd Superior Factory Cotton, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7315‘d a yd Excellent Factory Cotton, only . . . .V. . . i . . . . a . . . . .6d a yd Good and Pretty Checked Winceys, only. . . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Gingham Muslims, wide width, only . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . .6d a yd Richmond Hill, July 4, 1867. Begs to announce to his friends and the publim that he is re‘ce’ivmg; daily, hi1 WILLSGN’S EMPRQVED HARNEsgmggggggmSHMENT, FURNITURE! ARDW ARE ~ and. 0251061113: A ‘nice assorhnent, good and cheap. Ho would also call'allenllon to his cRocKERY, HARDWARE, P CROSBY, DOUBLE ACTION First Prize RICHMOND HILL. &Ca 81.0. &CI THAT ARE G. A. BARNARD’S. 1' Diil'UgUS, Ulllytu-ul tierns, only .......7 Llyaa.............7 II‘OOOIQICIIOI‘CI7 IvyoucofiloloiOCOGI 's,011137............ llynoocuunondctons‘o 0n1y....7%d ayd '.......7§dayd . . . . . . . . 7§dayd .....‘..7§‘dayd ...a.....6dayd . . . . . . ...6dayd "annufidayd if you wish Bar-

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