Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Aug 1867, p. 4

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Cal-emf nttnnlion given to the repuiring of Watchfie'unr‘ Clack! Jewelry manufactured and B dpairnj': ' Family 85 Church Bibles m in" VARIETY.._ AT SCO’IT’S‘ RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL BOOKS ! YongoISm‘et. i T'oron-t‘o, April 26. 1866. ‘ AT Law “was, AT SCOT’I"S,RICHMOND HILL. ‘Nw-ammfio'n of'lim Phhlic is imfled‘ to their ,tock‘, consisting of a great variety of- SHDICE AND FANCY GOODS; HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his rumeronl Customers and Friends for their liberal support during the past nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes ofevery descrip- tions fronv‘the best maxorials, and after the most fashionable slylb; He hopes by strict al- lsminn to business, combined with moderate pnces to ensure a continuance of' their favour. A.“ orders attended lo-promptly. de warranted; lfleoidence' 6 doors noth of Mr. Coosbys no stand. ‘ Wood. Wanted. W. \VHARIN 8:00. Rie‘hmond HilI,Junc 1511856. Pmpelling K: Hep‘elli'ng' Pencil, 3R0.“ 50 to [00 Cords of Green and Dry Boechaud Maple, to be delivered in To:- omo during the winter. Appiy at the Hmnld Ofiée. Richmondflliifl. 69 Support' Home Manufactures! IN GREAT VARIETY. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. Walthes, slacks, and Jeweliy &c BIBLE SOCIE'I‘.v DEPOSITORY SCOTT’S‘ BOOK STORE. I HE'SilBscdhor wouldimimate to the farm- » enand‘others of Richmond Hill and nrrulw; Comm-y having. .My charge is $1‘ 50 if Daid' when opsrnled on. if nol $3 00 will be charged to ensure a noun; Residence rear of lot ‘25. 2nd Con. Vaughan. JAMES DU NTON; RichmondiHl"..OcL.25. ’65! Day. B’ooks, Offlu bes' dest‘ription and newest designs. That he has successfully treated the above the past (on years willloul a singlb failure. Quito a‘number of reference given if requir- ed’ofpersons whose horses have been curod‘by mo. Eiorses This treatment does not uece shuts their being l'uid aside only'for a few days. At the lowest possible rates. Snw Mill on lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. 2} mllles englof Richmond Hill by |he Plank Road Richmond Hill. June 26,1865. 4-Iy Planed Lumber, Flooring, &c. Hop! on handLSA WING done promptly ; also Lumber Ton gued & Grovcd EDMUNDs SEAG'EER, Brovincial Land Surveyor, &c. RICHMOND HILL. Residenceâ€"Lot 4.0 Yonge Street. Vaughan. . Januarylt'n 1866. . . . 32 Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. Manufacturer and Deaier ii: all kinds of Men‘s Woman‘s and Children's , HE Suhseriben begs to inform the Public that. he has lunsed the above Hotel. where he willkeep qonalaullj’ on hand a good apply of first-ch19. Liquors. &c. As this house possess“ every accommodation Tra- veILer's cundasi'ro. those who wish loslay where they can find evor) comfortare rospectfull} iu- vilad‘lo give him a call. GIDEONxDOLMAGE. Proprietor.‘ LOO-K AT THIS PLANEING TO ORDER, BOOTS & SHOES, 1W orth Ifnowing J Give John 9: call when in Tofin- Toronto. Dec. 1865. ‘27 With H0141 &]{Ilife;, TSCOTT'S RIC MOND‘ITIEL Whhmond Hill, 1885: DOLMACF,’,S;, Hora-L. ELECTROJ’LATED WARE, CUTLERY, &&e-.,:&c. on. of the oldast and cheapest housesiu the li-l EGS‘roepectinHy to inform his customer- aud-lhu public that he in prepnrud to do ’ ' mmn-‘rxus A'ND nnuzn's m 35 West MnrkelSqunre. 2 doors 50“th of King Slroel. I‘UMBE RING- A‘BRAHAM EYER In any quantity. and on short nplice. Journals and Ledgers, a“! sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets, Purses, _1 1. King Street East. 6 doors east of LATE VAN NUSTILAN‘D’S, JOHN BARRON. Kfflicted with Ring-bone, JAMES \ ERNEY. TORONTO. 722-1; 5‘) 3m 25-“ for P. S.- Good agenls wanted in everv part 0 the coubtrv to whom will paid a salary from $50 to $150 per month, or a large commission. Terms to [agents sem free to those wishing Igouclea. R, T. BUSH & (70., Canada Manufnclnr- era. 14 King Street East. Toronto. ‘0. W. New Uflicenjn in Great Brntuil; and Canada. London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. THE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Machine is now presented to‘ the people ofCunada possessing all the improve" enls that can be well confined in asewingmachine. It will accomplish evary description orsewing except hnlton holes. from an overcoat down to the finest. silks and mnslins This machine sells for only $l5, and is really worth $5), in nnyl‘amily. Every machines warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three yer rs.â€" All’machines sold in Canada are nmnnfucture at the co‘npnny's lvranch mannfactorr in TM- onto. Single Machines, Wllh full printed directions. snnt express free on recs-ipl of$l5 in a registered letter. Full printed directions ancornpany each machine. '0‘ plain that a child iwelve rears Inf age can learn lo wurk one successfully in a short lime. Address or call rm The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, OF 95 King Street East, Toronto, IfEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve snfl'eriuz and supply new teeth in the most approvedetyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June..1865. fab-y GLO UCL‘S’I‘E R F10 USE, YONGE STREET. J os- Gaby, Proprietor. Good Stabling and‘an‘nitemive Hos always In attendance. $1_59_1?, HR_MQNTH. Februm v 5. 1866. AGENTS) WANTED. AVING' been appointed Agent for this Compauymne of the oldest and mos: reliable English Companies,l will be happy to affect nssuranoo. against Loss or damage by Firepupon eva duscriplion of The Low-est POSSIBLE RATES, Fbr Newmarjxgt, Aurqrgjdbhrkham and W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectiouary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices, Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 '7 2'0. G. A. BARNARD, Agent DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D- D- s-, Richmond Hill. Rithmoud Hill. March 14:“. Toronto, JM)‘ ‘20; 1865. [onan FirnAssunance company, 1 ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. b ’I‘HE Stev_ens House is well and widely I known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close proximity to the business part of the cityâ€"is on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€" 'and adjacent to all the principal Railroads [langSteumbout gepots. ResidencenLot 20,1’car of 3rd Concession of Markham. P,O.Addressâ€"~Buuonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sunderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD office. Junuary 4. 1565- W. (31:. CASTELL CONFEUTIONARY I GOR‘MLEY a; mamas Licensecl Auctioneers: SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. The Stevens Héuse has liberal accomoda- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilatedâ€"provided with gas and wat- terâ€"the attendance is prompt and respectful -and the sable is generously provxded with every delicacy of‘the seasqnâ€"at moderate rates. Counties of York and Peel. 21, 23, 25 8; 27 Broadway, N. Y. 38‘ Masonic and other Emblems made to orders, Toronto, Ann! 21, 1866. Wilh immediate payment of all Losses. WATCHES, CLOCKS, . AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO Toronto M1”): 23rd 1856. No. 7, Royal Exchange, Cornhill. and No. 7, Pall Mall, London. PURE AND UNA‘DULTE RATED 462 STEVENS HOUSE, 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. J, SEGSWORTH, Opposite Bowling Gréen. (Late Thomas Comes.) II A NU-Y‘ACWRER OF GEO. K. CHASE & CO. FOR THE UNITED IMPORTER OF Proprietors. 4143' b5 31 47. DE‘ACON’S LINIMENT. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all Hmfl of sores on Horses and Cattle. - DEACON'S Eruptive Ointment (or J" kind ofskin discuss. ' DEACON’S unrivalled Cough BalsamJor Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma, &c. DEACON'S Antibillioua Pills. None bot. let i n use. VEGI'I‘A BLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixlure for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not hot- ler than any other medicine made. DEACON’S WORKING MAN'S FRIEND 0k HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumali‘xm. Erysi- “alas. Strains. Brnisss, Cuts,(1hi'blains. Sore Throat. and vinleursl'ains In Back or Side. the efl’ccts of ms- Heal All in the above case» are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few huors. A soothing and astringent appiicuion : and, an (M as an application can be of any alrvico, more sn'nthiug and much more astringent. than nnv hitherto prepamd. The majority 91' cuu find speedy relief by its use. BITTERS. ' ” As a general Tonic, or Sgrengthening Madi‘ cine to brace and" invigorate the franw,1|ou° can by) better. DEACQN’S I’IL“. OINTMENT. - ’ AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuable Medi- cines. which have been before the Canadian public {of the past seven years. and have given universal satisfactionâ€"he can- therefore. with confidence, recommend (hundreds of 'Peslimor nials could be given if required, showing“). benefit derived therefrom.) their use for their! xeveral virtues. DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE Pll‘ Act gently yet efi'oclually: may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time, and "on by the most dolicuze female. DEACON'S S'I'Q MACHIC AV EGITABLE AVID McLEOD begs to announce that he has Leasod the above Hotel nnd'filtodv it up in a manner second to none' on Yong. 8L where ho wili keep constantly on hand a flood supply nffi'rsr-class Liquors, &6. This houso possnssos every accommodation Travellers cull desire, those who wish to stay when: they can afnd every comfort are respectfullyinvitod to put up at this establishment. DEAGDN’S FAMILY MEBEINES G. A. BARNARD Aurora June 1 .885. The safest and best Medicine: in use in Canada. (NATARRH, Bronchitis. Scrofulu. Liver and / Klducy Diseases, Nature's Remedial: from Plants. WM. R- I’RINCE, Fluahing. New Ymrk, for 60 years proprietor of Illa binnneuu Nul- _erias. has discovde roam” CURES for the above, and for all Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases. Dyspepsia Nervous Dollllllywnhen. matism, all Female Maladies, and other! re- sulting from impurilv of- the blood. hitherto incurable. Explnnitory circular, one stump. Treatis on all dlseases.,20 cents. 58-6 MITCHEL HOUSE ! AURORA. From 30 Ms, to $6. AT SCOT’P’S RICHMOND HELL. Plain & Fancy Stationery Aurora . . . . . . . . lat ofeach month. Newmaka B"elsford hotel 2nd " " Slouflville... . . . . . . 18m " " Vicloriu Square.......... 20th " " Thmnhill.....’.... ......'23rd " " Richmond Hill. ..........24th “ ” Maple . . . . . . . . . . .........26|h " " Bnrwick.... ............28lh " "{ I{luinhurg...............29lh “~ " Nobleton................3Ulh: “ " Where he will attend to any business per- taining to‘uny branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7, 1865‘. l-lf ALB UMS AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL P1101 ogmphs forfiOcts doz. OF ENGLISH. NOTABLE'S, UR. l’xsn will he in the fullowing places prepared to extra cl {oath v ilh his new appara- tus. All other operations in Danish-y perform- ed in a wmkmanlikc manner :â€" EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! By the use of ETHER Shut. which affects the Tooth only. The toothand gum suv'oundiug became inst nsibln with this external agoncy, when the tooth curbs extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life as in the use of Chloroform. PartofLot No 3:). on 2nd Con. Vaughn. containing 63 acrfl": also. Village Property A: Richmond Hill. Fabpurticulars apply to the proprietor. 0 BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the fol- loWing “open; :â€" ’ DR. N. J .PECK’S, . And.will be sold For [Cash or on short_ approved Credit, As,|ow as prudence will suggest; Ry fair dnaling, sumll profits, and strict at.- leuti 1n to Ihc v‘auls of those who may favor him with their custom, he hopes to merit and obtain m-ensonable share of the public_ patron- age. Markham. Feb.8. 1867.. His stock will be found. on inspection, to be ofexcellenl quality. comprising the usual as- sorxment genera“) kept in 0n Lot. No. 3|.rear of the 4th con Markham. with an entirely new stock .of Goods. A Fi‘rstâ€"Elass Buuntry STORE! ’I‘HEundersighad begs leave to intimate to Hie inhabitants of Mmkham and Whit church Sac . that he has opened A NEW STORE 1 Sameilling New A. WRIGHT. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866. 69 onu Hu 1., August 10‘ 1855. LAND FOR SALE. B... . - - . . . ...... Square.......... ...... IN hVERY VARIETY, IW METHOD 0" J - GORMLEY. '.. 36. . latofenchmonth. 1 2nd " " . 181]! " " . 20th " " . 23rd " " .24th “ “ .26Ah " " .QSth “ " .th “~ "‘ .3011); “ -‘ l-tf I; LS WWW For Cards, am" just received. “ORDERS PROMPT” [XELUTED ls untiroly new and of the latent rattems. largeymlely of new Letter-Press Printing. PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, IIIILIIREH .lllfl WflBK BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Order: for may of [he nndormontionod ducrip- “on o: The York, Herald , J 0 B PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDb Will 'n promptly mended to:â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0F And ivory other kind of PLAIN CHEAP cmcuums, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND BILL HEAD.‘ u \Ju nu“. \IAJJ-AAKJ’ . vain... ~Uw».w_v -e--_‘ _...._ “in, "v. One of our sisters 0had the Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, 350. It has a good effect in flatulence or wind cholic. I use it for foul breath and it; produces a marvelous effect. In‘short it procures relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.~Beware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.â€"-The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Radway’s, yet charge the public the same nice our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and conn- serfcits are sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In Eurekasin Ready Relief, see that there are two signatures of Radway (in Co. on the labels; and t ewords .R. R. Radway (1; Co. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. ’ ‘4‘!!!“â€" All Around the Globe. Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and deadl diseases are on record at BB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montrea , emanating from the highest authon‘ties in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except a few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by hi gh dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E'., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of on: sick [mm e_lnills, vo_m_itiug_, hgadpchtggl interqu pains: &c.‘, &c. 1 n , ,,,,_AL __4_fl _--_.. L-_1__ Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"â€"One teaspoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcrangements of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly Itop the most severe pains. figs AaanANTI-SEPTIU, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER. IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.~â€"One application wt“ afford immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the 213w.., In violent diseases, instant relief is required. ASIATTO CHOLERA, TNFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two. if not; checked by a. puwerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflaxnimtory maladies, \x'hethcr Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inflam- nation of the Kidue s, Bladder, Urinal diificultics, Inflammation of the Womb. and, in fact, all diseases fraught. wit immediate danger, yield at 01109130 this comuianding curative. -7171}; ZfiY 711E LIEF is as sudwleln‘in its operation as the mamdy ifself. It; is more active than the Virus of the mm+ QWift and deadly epidemic. “'ith this Remedy at hand to use on the int sympwm 01 mm and vmeasiness, no person 11er sufl'er an hour sickness. AND ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI ' RADWAV’S REfiEV RELEEF ! !! Sisters of Mercy at nerehester Street Hospital, applying Dr. Badway‘s Remedies to the sick. Vl‘HE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improved Pk ughs of > summ g: 9 Reduced Prim 0f$16 and which he confidently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand RICHMOND HILL, Apri,13, 1867. STEEL M0 ULD BOARD PLOUGHS PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. W Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. Agents for the sale of Radway’s IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Blacumaflsmg Instant Help Needed} CURES PAIN INSTANTLY] In sudden Ataacks JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. HENRY HALL. HALL’S which he now offers at the P. CROSBY. I‘ml‘mmud Hi”, 'I‘HOS. ALLIEON, 'Wcloria Square CHAS DOAN, A40”! Mr. ROWE and Mrs. R m'ls, King Sta JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., & co., 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK ku in ,y luLJi :19 WVVr'm- phinh'. my on‘y whnl’is Iowan!" and hoprmvwl. Address. , (mmun w. nnvuran «(:0 0'". Mai (u Lwl‘ow \ul. Juuel 1) 1565. AGENTSâ€"Wu :vam agents in own-y- some. meant. and 'in every town and calmly in [bi «wintry, and those acting as well will be Illowq d In cents on every Canificute ordore'd b“ lhem. nrovided their ramiMnncn nmomm $4 one dollar. Agent: will cnllar195 coma {0 «very (Yerlificate. and remit 15 unit to III.’ and Gold.... .... .... ... 6,0“0 Sets Lndiex’ Jewelryâ€"- (In m-n. Pearlmhu... .... ‘$,00(| Gald Pensfiilver Extension Holders and Pruniln . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders . . . . . . . . .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- 4,000 (79H ‘- Pin“) 3,000 (59mg tons. Shirk. Mr). . . . . . . . . . . "1.000 Gold 'I'himhles, I’encils.etc ‘;J‘(IO Miniature Lnrrkem . . . . . . . . L000 Minimum Locketsâ€"Magic Spring .... .... ... .... a 1,000 Gold Toulllpicku, Cranes, 910.... ............ 1mm Plain fluid Ring<.-.. . . . . . ".000 Phased Gnld Rings . . . . . . ~lJTI‘0 Stone Sol and Siglmt Ring! {(100 (Ynlifornin Diamond Rings. 4 1,00” Lava and Florentine 1‘! Uhl'ho“ - . n u . u n - In: I I . . ‘ g0 () ('m‘nl. Opal and Emerald Hrnm‘hss.... _ ...-.«-.. . 2.000 Mmmir‘. .h-t. l nva. and Florentine [Cm Drops . . . . 4,500 Coral. “pal. and Emerald Eur Duns ... .......... 7.5m) Sm Vlmrdies' Je welr\'-â€"_Jel, anon Dozen Silvor 'T‘Fn-Spoonn. 3,00l‘ '- “ TnMe Spoon: and Fnrks. . .... ...... . .. aim] Hnldmâ€"s. 3.000 Silver Goblets iug (‘nps ... 1.00” SilvarCaslors . 2.000 Silver Fruit Baskals . . . . . Lnfln hob and Ves‘ Ribbon S'idés 1.000 Sum of Solitaire Men's But- Una far 95 (313., five for $l. slave“ {m 9S thm' for $5. sixvy-fivn fur RI“. mu- hun'lvrd "or l5, This difirilmlinn “Words A fine nppm- uuily l'm' Agentx. ns whnl lady or gnllllunnu will not invest TWENTY nu; urns with a pro:- wct of ,tleing live l~undn~d or n (hour-and iinws us much All “mars hum lw addrI-vud 'n n: at our old Hlalld No 15 Maidrn Lune 'ew York. ‘ wardL-d m him or 1101' a! mwu. Thwrd an rm Bhnk Certificntun and Hum-furo- awry «no! it Hire [(1 gal. at INN. Ilu- full value- nf "in or her «mm-y. Shnuld lha nrzchu named on {ha car- :Ifiunm nut sniLnny oilmr whwh he "my salt-r! aft 9. same value will ha substituted. Wino [hrs curiificums as {ollowaz HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred thir LIBRARY to the ‘Hnuu; ' Book Store where Sluckholders and olhera uan mocure BOOKS nvery Friday afternoon, lfol. “03 oluck. 1mm, For (he puzpnse of vlnsivg on! tho slack a. I‘m emliesl prmcihiu time. 1h» unnmwuzlmd have .Hcidt'd on n greatdiunhmion mm)» M follows. mm Ahl) twin-v AM’I‘Il‘lJu. no MANN: How \‘Al umuc, Bums sou; For: $l. A (‘m-lifiunle of much firlifllf' with its Vflhld n'imud upun it. is Marni in an unvo-lnpa and defllcd~-Ulosu rum-10pm: nl‘fl lhnr’nuELHXJHilL mrl sold for ’I'wuuu fin: Cciifs eachâ€"tho )wr «m reunivimg mm of Hume 8II\'rluleI i- rmMi-l‘ '0 Hm nr'ivleu named tin-rein In returning um (Im’lxficdte In In: I} ilh one dollar and aha nnivh. no umner lmw valuahh il may he. will hr ful- 'HHVO Guld “val Band BrncMNfl. 5W)“ (Thnsc‘ti GUM Hrnruh-t. .... 2.000 ( hnlula‘wm (‘hnius and Pulmms livmg at a distance can procure Dr. (1’5 remedies. soul (secure am) free from ob- servation) to any purl of the l’rovinne, with plain and full directions fur use, by wrghting, qaling casa,s; mploms 6:0. All cousulatiuns an the ofiice free but stricll, cemidomial A P0R_TUNE! EMPLGYMENT FUR EVERYBBDY. ,‘me Gnld Ventnnd heck ("VHVISHI' { “u” u no u Strum-gems visiting Toronto, who are. in use ufn Match! adviser. having no tune I to rep main in the city to be cuxed. cm; hnve Modi- ciue to take with them, A sufo and reliable cure guaranteed. Agents wanted "ht-oughout Ihe l'nitu’. flab and Caundus. New Rmmuzs um chx CURleâ€"Fol’ Syphilis sun-lures,seminal weakness. pain! in the jomlu, affections of the kidneys. diseases uflhe head. throat, nose and Mill). and all those dreadful afl'eclions arising from a same” habit of youth, which produces cunslitulionu- debility, renders nmuiage impossible, and in Jieend destioys borh bndyand mind. The treauneut we adopt is the result of upwardn of (hirtv years experience and successful practice in Europe and America. Watcl‘es, ('hnins, Eels of Jevrlr)‘, Hing“! Bram-law, Sleeve Blmulw. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, 6w. worth Eight Hundred 'I hou- snud Dollars, OUNG MEN who are troubled wikh ‘ weaknesa generally. caused by a had habh in youth. which produces comtilution-l debility. you can rely on our remedies, for w. have lreawd over fii'L} thousand patients. and we guaraulee a perk-cl cum in all cases. IMPORTANT ‘I‘O LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on tho moulhiy sickness. in all cases of obstruction flom any cause, and after all other remedial of the kind have been tried in vain. Addressâ€"Dr. T. C. Culver. 139. King St. East, "‘oronto, (J W. May 7, ldlifi. ” 49-h; l‘ho Enlira Stock of a large Inn-own” "ova Hiring From huwinnsn. DR. T. C. CULVER'S ME‘DIQAAIT NDISPENSARY, Chronic and Secret Diseases u... M" WHICH ARE To at: $01.1} run SI lACII. 3|“? Upnm’ GUM Hunting (‘urw ,. “7antl1r~u...... -...... 300 I nd ss'Gnlrlnnd Emma-Iod- Case “7- (Glut-.1.“ vr-r “’alrzhcns: 9H“ Dhnmnd “my: (m0 ( hnluln‘wm (‘hninfi and Guard Chains ‘ . . . . ‘(H'W SI-hluhe and HUM Rm" 'hm (‘HU Gen I_’JC II MON D HILL LIBRARY ASSOCATION. UNFORTUN ATES READ ! Oxfico hours from 8 AM to 8 P. M. And all Female Complai Is. Ova: 35, King Street East, LIST OF A RTICLES. rnia Diamond "roast Fub uud Vest “7111a: 300,000 xnring~( ‘58 Si]- For the cure of nnd Drink- A. SCOTT, Librarian. and Cake .250 250 ‘250 259 u 550 m 3150 3-" noer $10 to $24.- no u 1.0 15 ‘10 35 50 I5 H ingurm 49-1)‘ lo 70 Ht" 3" .5» 50 98 l5 7f) In

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