Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Aug 1867, p. 3

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THE Sgbscriber offers for Sale. very A oheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following;r Mill Gearing: A Mulley Saw, Upper and Lowe" Mulley, Petmuri, Crank, 5 inch wrougKt iron Shatt and Fly Wheel, Cones, Carriage,_ Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma» chineryforva first class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a greag reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to V ABRAHAM EYER, ;*‘ ‘- Lot 25-, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. _ 3m LL Parlies are hm‘eluy'cnutinned not In iresspase on No ‘27. in [he 211d (mn- ecession of Markham. ln fulnre, a!\\' person or persons found nu lh|s farm , either fi>hillg or hunting. withuu] the consent of the Proprietor, will be prosecuxed accordmg to law. ' JACOB HEISE. August lst, 18‘ 7 Anderson George Atkinson George Atkinson James Hritmn John Burrows Annie Baxnon John Brillinga!‘ B. Cook 'l‘hos, Craven 'l‘lmmas Cooper Wm. :Gahy Fred. Gibbs Juhu MR. '1‘. A.‘MILNE,§ TUHBEQSQM. By Privaie/ Bargain ! *‘or the House) of Commons. will address the Electors of Hie Riding. In ‘Monday, the 12th. inst. The Grammar School Department is FREE ‘0 all pupils residing in the county. German Wm. .‘Hodgins J. ‘ Hopkins David LighlfoolJohu At Love’s Corners, King. on 28th inst, the Wife 9f Mr. William Milne, Merchant, of a. son. Monday, the 12th Instant, '3’ the “(4159 of the Subscrilwr. istnon- A ce'ssirm m- Vuugzhnn. ImH' a mila west of Lymburnar’s (form-r _â€"A set of Light Haw "Imss,a doublewemad hlggy mm a douHe- «sean Cutler_both in goud order, an orna mantle! Guie and VVicketâ€"quhe new. two Parlor Smw‘s for wand ()r coal, and other Articles ofHJusehoId Fumi'ure. 'U C'Iuntyof York‘aru hereby notified to ran dtr their accoule for Criminal Justice Servicesrperfcrmrd up to the 30m day of June last, 10 this office Without delay, in order um they may be paid. as subsequent to that date. the expenses connected with Criminal Justice will he borne by the Province of On- tarioJustead rfthe General Government By ordgr of 1he Government, JNO. MACDONALD ' 0:? AGENTS W ANTED. Machines sent, to Agents on trial, and given away to families 'who are needy and ’ deserving. Address J. C. OTTIS & ()0, Boston, Mass. EAST Ymm. MR: G. DOLMAGE’S HALL, grammar and Eammnn Schmfls Why Will people pay $5.0 or $100 for :3. Sewing Machine, when $25 will buy : better one for all PRACTICAL purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the subscribers beg to inform their numerous friends that the “FRANKLIN” and “ MEDAL- LION” Machines can he had in any quantity. This machine is a doublethread, constr ct- ed upon entirely new principles, and DOES NOT infringe upon any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewng Machine, and is warranted to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes- tify'. Sec 61, Tran. Bo. of'l‘rustees Richmond Hi“. Aug. 8, 1867. 4 A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of sufferingr humanity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and mid directions for making-the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing F profit by the advertiser’s experience, can 0 so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Coder Street, New -â€"Franklin‘ Treasulrorjs Ofiice Co. York, Toronto. July '17. 1867. York. Eriday, the 16th instant. August 7._ '8le N20 T 1 CE, Remnixiing‘ in the Richmond Hill l’osl Offico OEFICE~ovbr the_ Gas Company office Toronto Street, Toronto. Toronto. August 1, 1867. SAW MILL GEERING I‘ORSALE. Elem afihtrtimntmm ” ECONOMY IS WEALTH iv to be taken at half-Imam o’clock. pm. nrkham. Aug. 7. 1887. 4 Richmend Hill. Aug. 6.1867- UNlON CANDIDATE ORONERS AND CONSTA BLES in the BARRISTER A'I: LAW, CONVEYANCER 8w ERRORS OF YOUTH. RICHMOND HILL COUNTY M. ’I‘EEFY. WILL R FLOPij 0N List of Letterq Richmond Hill. on U N '1‘ I L the 12th Instant, BIRTH M: TEEFY. P. ‘11 JOHN FOGGIN‘ Miltlon PMN' NcNair Mathew McGee .lnlm l‘vlcCutulmon WA J, Nightingale Mrs. Philips Sam Puwoll Robert J. Patterson J W Pullncl; \V. Qanntl F Simpson Jump: (‘2) Shaffer Marv (‘5) Trench 'va. Williams Susan C. West V'r'illlum Treasurer Co. York 3t The patronagn of farmers, butchers and nLhers is respectful] sulh' d. 3rd Wednesday in each Month! EX A, MINfi‘E’ION The Pntentee ofi'ers iudm'mnents seldom “e be met with Requisile insh‘uciions fur mullllâ€" Facluring are given. Personal application must be made to fl hill an the I4Lh ins! . it was decidud m esiablish a Momhly Falr for 1116 Sam 01' At ten o'clm'k a.m., commencing on Wednes‘ day [71h July. Commrrrm 0F MAN\GIvMMTmâ€"Messrs J. [{amgden. J. Martin. M. Cognvall, J. N. Reid, 51.1)“ I). Smilie. G. Charlton. G. VVeIdrick: and W. Rennie. I). McDaugnl. Esq‘, P/‘ufli- (4 tons) has been procured for the accomoda- lion H1 Ihenuhlic. 'J'Imrnhill. Juno 2‘4. 1867. 3-m A Clerm‘man. while rowiding in South Am. erica as a missionary. (ii (tovvl'nd a safe and simple remedy fur the Cum 0f Nervnus \Veak- news. Early Decay. Direaius m" We Urinary and Siminnl Organs, and the ~vho!e train of diwedgrs brought on by bnneful and Vininns habits. “real numbers have been cured hr [his nnhfe renled '. Prompted hv :1 desire at henufiLthe affirmed and unfortunate, [wii send the recipe i'nr prupnring and mng [his nwdicine, in a sealed vnvvlupe. to any 01 who needs it. ("71:0 “f (‘humr (m Wednesday, the 28th day 6f A:§g§§§$, 1mm, AT THE COURT HOUSE, A t Richmmnd Hill, And at NEWMARKE‘P, at 9 am. (‘nndi- dates win [)0 required m produce ('orlificah's ef' PvlurnlChmm-lcr l'rnm Uwir respective Minis- ters, and. If’l‘vnchers bbt'cre, also from their respective T‘staCS. dull; J. I’mkis. Trams Please enclose an envelbpe nddrossodon? yourself. JHHN JENNINGS. D D. Chairman 01 (‘ounly Board, York City of’l‘m'onto, July, 1567, FORCE P U ME THUBWLL MUEHHLY FAIR ! [IflMMflN SEHQGL TEAEHEBS, 1 thanks 10 the trawlling cnmmunil) for the lihoral patronage they ha 6 given him since he purchased the [me of Slnges running be- tween Ricnnnnd Hill nhd 'l‘omnm, bags 10 inform them that he has had built and com- fortably flit (3 up A NEVV @NENfiBUS! \Vl!ic.h he will run from his Hotel. Rinhnmnd Hill to Tumult). at half past seven will leave FA R 1‘35 STUCK, &c NOTICE IS [HUNGRY GYVEN that an lixmniuannn of (‘nmmun Schul Teachern ‘3.) :. V ‘ 1451’ y. meek" “gravy: *' @EENEEEEJS! ’i ‘HE Sllhrcrther, in re’urning his sincere thanks 10 the tram-Hing envnmunin for Bay Hares Hutel, \‘onng drew-t. or at VVOOd’s howl. Nelson slrosl. Toronto. wiil he dalivmed with puncmality. who Proprialor will not be responsible fol l’arcels that are not pre-paid. Patented Oct, ‘24, 181:2, April 13, 1860. and l’uweli’s A son, of Weigh Scales and mix-ms, wiH lake pines liv keeplug attentive and actymodating driv- ers_ he trusts to merit a continuavce of Lhe patronage of the public. @t hafiqmst 3 Omnibus run an gnud‘Time! Dead heads need 1101 applv. ‘ewlon 152001;, Jul} 31?, 181i? Wood’s Hotel} Nelson St," ROBERT RAYMOND, Patent Rights fer Sale! NO’EECEE WANTED @wmg Emmy .' v‘ r a. ‘fiwifi. . _Will be paid at HIGHEST CASH PRICE Palented June 28, 18(17. ' To men, at“ flee right sort chmond Hill, April Toronto. April 10. 18954 CEDAR. POSTS RICHMOND HILL T A PUBLIC MEETING held at Thorn- OUN 1 “CS or SHINGLng A Card to invalids. COUNTY OF YORK. PATENT To purchase any quantity of A (Mi ass‘ EMPORTANT TO BE HELD ON THE. E‘xV DOMINION JOSEPH T. [NM/\N, E'I‘ATIUN 1). Emma HOUSE. ACID-Yuri: city‘ City of T omnm‘ 7 FGR \VHICH THE CHARLES POWELL, Newton Brook, P.O. LATH, TORQN'I‘O, u‘ AND s: s. BRIGGS’, anl-er Yard. 22 and 24 Edward Streeta l’arrmIS left at West's N GS of I‘owran's ’57 (Ian'. Ear: Proprietor. since he- A good assertment of Trunks always on hand; Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at rqIIE validity of the PatP’nl, having been rvcently disputed hy Interested persons, 3 alter two days investigation in Chancery". his Lordxhip the Chancellor has git‘en Judgment tnlty sustaining the claims ut‘ C. Powell, and speaking highly of the MERI'I'S OF THE PUMP. and With just severity on the base and fraudulent conduct at the lnt‘ringer, Ol‘dvring him to nay-the costs 0! the suit, and forbidding him to .make the Pumps. The I’atenme feels, that the sense orjusticu prevailing the cmnm‘unity gvnerally will be sufficient to prevent its giving: countenance~t0 spurious imitators, wtigse conduct, the Chancellor says, is “ is a't'raud on the Public..”â€"â€"See Judgment V Opposite Temperance St; VT 0 R 0 N T O, ' EGS to announce to lho inhabitants of the County of Ym‘k and those in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, that he has added I0 his , touk of And of the best Material and Workmamhip. All ka iw “'arnmted to give perfect satisfac- tion, We are comtantly adding to ‘ur slack 01 Buois and Shoes 01 on manufacture, which will be 5% flash M of Albums fi'i Sam’s. MEN’S, WUMEN’S AND BHILBREN’S BQUTS AND SHBES N returning (banks to his numerous cu<tnmnrs and friends for the liberal! support he he [13* rem-inn] since cnmumncmg bnxiness on Richmond Hi”, would Intimate to them that he has received the greater part of his S. M SANDEESW, Manufactory for York 8; Pool Counties & Toronto City! NeWton Broom You go Street. ’ QC? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Torento. HA GROCERIES, CROCKERY, DVV ARE 6m, Tank isi.prize ai Pravinciai Exhibiiinn ’68, &aii iimes when Shawn THEE ENDELERLE PENQéL A FIRST CLASS Rnadsler Puney, bay color. 14 hands high, 3 )em's old. good action, and good in single and double harness, Apply at this eflice. 3-11" Summer Stmzia: @f 532?; gawk, The Chrapest Goods this Season. mm Swing éfilmp Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durable and is also Frost-proof. BOOTS AND SHGES, Due-third )‘eauutlou 1mm original cos! price, and will sell at. a small adAance to make room for mw Autumn and Whites Goods now ornered. 500 yards Choice Patterns, Good P-rims; only Gd per yd . 500 yards Choice Patterns, splendid De Laines, only 7%(1 per yd. 150” yards assorted colors, Kuickbocker Winceys. mliy 6d per )6. ’E‘he Elamdimg @iyEe in Canada FOR MARKING LINEN.FOR SALE AT THE “HERALD ” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL VVM'SI Also Summei‘ I):esses in Bareges, Printed Muslims, French Delaiues. and Puppliners at 00517 price_._ An. inspection will satisfy customers that these are the cheapest C-“ods offered on Richs moud Ht” for years. Lula Mrlm’s 'l‘woed and Melton Dasters and Sack Coats, sald at 125 6d {educgq to 751 6d each. 2000 yards 'spkal-Idid'Long Cmth and Factory Cutlolls from 63d er \‘d. Richmond Hill. Ju‘y ‘20i 186T Richmond Hill, Apnil 11,1867. TORONTO, April 2, 1867. “Here we are again.” Styles fOI‘ SPRING- éa SHEEMER Wear- SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIC 7M. S. POLLOCK has just recaivnd the following New Goods. purchmed at, third reduutiou from original cos! price, Will sell at. a small adAance to make room mw Autumn and Whites Goods now @PECEfiLETY. LET INFRINGERS BEWARE When Ordering Pumps, please state Hm Deplh of the “re” or Cistern. P. 0. AdterSS~CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook Manufacmring Rights for Sale. All Departments are compble with everyihing that is i9, 133 Yonge Eiirect, A complete assortment of the most désn'able G. A. BAFNARD, And is prepared to make to other all kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, [S FC‘B‘VQVELIJ’EE if JULY. Ottawa, 27th June, 1867. Vi‘I-IE Department will be closed at Ottawa, 011 and after the FIRST The Departments of Crown Lands for the Provinces of (babes and Ontario will be opened at Quebec ‘and Toronto as soon thereafter as possible of which due notice will be given. CROWN LANDS. 468-6 THE LOCK SNAP BUY the Lock Snap for lines and breast- Straps at Wm. Harrison’s Harnesa esâ€" tablishment. The above snap is the strong- est and best yet invented; ' > Richmpnd Hill, July 25, 1867. DEPARTMENT OF A. CAD MPmBELL, Commissioner. 5i-3m April. Will be sold cheap or exchanged for a smaller place as‘pal't, payment. For further particulars apply to P. Crosby Esq, Richmond Hili, 01- to Wm Linfoo‘r; Buttouville. EHaIf Lot E Part do S Half do E Half d0 E Hqu do Being lot No 48, lst Con. Vaughan, in the Village of Richmond Hill, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. John Liufoot. The farm CDHLIHDSIBS acres, and is consiilered One ()f'the best Wheat, growing farms in the countv of York. 'l‘HE Subscriber is instructed f0 sell the premises at present occupied by Mr. Thomas Cook, and known as the former residence of Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. TLe dwelling and outbuilding are convenient; there is a good stable on the premises. Title complete. There is about five-eights of and acre of land. Vaughan, April 17, 1867 JAMES BOWMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, BEING the front part of Lot No. 46. in the Est concession of Vaughan. immediater opposite the rusidonce of'Dr. Duncnmb. in the Village of Richmond Hill, as laid ofl' in a Plan prepared by Mr. Geurge McPhillips. Thia is h desimbvle opportun to secure an ehgible business stand pt 3 moderate price,â€" A credit 0"five years will be given. ' For Plan and other particulars enquirb of the sub scuiber Richmond Hill, June 6, 1867 A LMIRA MILLS, Markham, Nov. 1, 1865. .74 R. ARNOW; Richmond Hill. July 3. 1867. Iv $25,000 TO LEND VALUABLE PROPERTY A. GOOD Dwelling Honse. Ba'rn. Stable. a Driving House, Wood House. and Thme quarlers of .an Acre of Land, on which there is a quarter of an acre 0!. an Orchard of healthv young Imusâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants. Goeseberries, 610. '1‘ m above Pacperty is situated in the centre oflhe village. Will be sold cheap for cash. Can he procwed, in sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security. 'l‘erms made known on personal applicafion lu Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. Richmondfliil,Jnn. i8.1866 Richm nnd H“), January 14, 1867. MONEY TO LEND THE Undursigned is authorized to stata that Notary Public, Agent. &c. N.B. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &c. Kw. drawn with nemness and dad-patch.â€" M. ’I‘. Continues to act as Dunstan Coux'r AGENT. Fees moderate. 1% F i‘liR an absence or nearly four years in England, bogs lo annunnuu his 1'81_UI’II to Richmond Hill, and that he has leased the :hop adjoinng Mr. W. Pollock’s reside-me. and opposite [ha shop of Mr. W H. Mvals, whom he will be happy to leceive the patron- age ul'hix old friends. FARM FOR SALE ovember For mrther particulars apply to M. TEEFY Es... or P. CROSBY. Esq. $20,00.03 PRivgijz-‘g BESHDENCE, fifict Tea 2 MfiNEY TO LOAN Richmond Hill, Nov. 28. 1866. FOR SALE CHEAP. AT RICHNIOND IIILL ! BUIL D1N G LOTS July 4, 1867‘ cruer of King & Yonge Streets, TORONTO. A. HENDERSON, 3: (ma: wag Richmond Uh]. Ju' ROM the premise; of the SubscriLen. Lot 4 No. 27. 2n‘d Con, Markham, on Tuesday the 9le inst" ' About 7 vours,shod only on fore feet. Any Information as ta -her whereabouts will be thankfully received by Village ofld’ichmrmd Hill, .For Sale. 1.4L GRAY MARE 2 The old hand in a New Stand. Markham,‘Ap‘ri1. ll , 1867. Apply (postpaid) to If Hot sold it will be to Rent TRY ATKENSON’S FARMS FOR SALE. N Mortgage. at Eight per cent. - AddreSs (until fufilxer noLice) past paid N, BA'I‘TRICK. Richmond Hill. On Improved Real Estate, PPAY to Mr. WARMOIJL. of VAN- KoUGHNET &. WAnMoLL, Barrmlers, 6w. EKCIâ€"IANG‘IE}. At WILLIAM ATKINSON-‘3 M. TEEFY, UN LANDED SECURITY. Cash paid for Flax Seed. STRAYED ! 29, 3rd Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres 31, do do 80 do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do 34, 3rd Con. do 100 do 35, do do 100 do ‘. 1866. Apply to FOR SALE. Cheap Provision Stol‘é. TO JACOB HEISE. 1867. JAMES McGEE M. TEEFY. 7 tf on the lst €31th £8 23 N returning thanks for the very hbvral summit he has receivod since commencing business in Richmond lliH, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- ed his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of flour,‘ Feed, 7 Provision and Grocery Store 2 lncluding Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards, Dres=ing Stands, Wadi Stands, &c. &c. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. \Vhiie Lead Painls and Colors, Raw and Hailed Limeed Ojls‘ Machine Oil, Ruck Oil. Varnkh 'l‘urperline,l1Ԥ9n29r)e,Glass,Putty, Glue, &c. &c. PENIPS Furnishing, Pupering. or Painling their Houses. will do Well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also Bichmand EM Gabinet Establishment “MUM )th WWW “WW1 “MW-1W mm “mm mm "WW "mm" ““W 111m For Cash, at PricesZthal cannot be SUrpassed. Richmond Hill, November_ 9, {866. ' ‘ ‘ a ‘ ‘ g m ‘. I m a)“ QM] ‘ “u f . i 3 m” ' “14 % w, ‘n‘ ,l‘ 1' ‘ . , ‘ 4,3 1‘ m 4 IL ‘| W, M 1., 4 In , W, Wm ll“mama “Lu II‘ "‘éununu “uliuvnm mm “mm HI 41mm Farmers will consult their own interest if they will examinu our Mill before buying: elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. ‘ I A; 8:, W. WILLSON, MAKERS. Richmond Hill, June, 1867; 3-tl' Fire-proof Store, Richmond US'I‘ received a nice lot of Cheap Goods, as follows :â€"-(ac- Q knowledged by all who have seen them to be the Cheap- est on Richmond Hill or neighborhood) Nice Drab and Mourning Summer Bareges, only. . . .7gd a yd Good Printed Delaines, choice patterns, only . . . . . . . 7%(1 a yd Splendid Bleached Long Cloth. only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75d a yd Superior Factory Cotton, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7§d a yd Excellent Factory Cotton, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Good and Pretty Checked Winceys, only.’. . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Gingham Muslims, wide Width, only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Please call and examine the above Goods if you wish Bar- gains at W. S. Pollock’s, late M e. A. BARNARD’S. v\' I v 1-1-1. v 1 . -A \thf& he keeps Em hand Fiour. Shorxxkran, OMS, Peas,.031me§l,, (10:an ' wfieat, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Manufactured 0n the Continent of America; have, this year The subscribers are new manufacturing a great number of the above, and can Sawfly; all fingers Pr0Mptly .' SING-LE } DOUBLE I i Harness Yfiiamess! Wm. AfiMSON’S FANNENG MILLS. I ‘ HES‘E MILLS have stood the tes’r of competition at several Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and are pro‘ nounced by competent judges as being the Beg? Fanning Mills 1*. BEEN STILL FURT HER IMPROVED Richmond Hill, July 4, 1867. 7 Sales made torCash' or approved Credit. Riebmofid Hill, March 26,‘ 1867. . * ‘ ' HARNEsgwgflAEMSHMENT, Begs to announce to his friends and the publiC..that he is re'ceivmg, daily, hi! WE LLSQN’S EM E’RDVED FURNITURE! TEIOE. COG-ELAN A nice assortment, good and cheap. 1-30 wouM also call altemlon to his CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BARGâ€"AEN@ P- CROSBY, First Prize RICHMOND HILL. DOUBLE ACTION &C. &C. 8L0. THAT ARE LlCl .lJGlCT;C~‘, Ulll)‘ l o O )atterns, only . . . only.............. non-onnoo‘I-ocuooo 'eys,0n1y.’......... only..............

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