H..._.__ mirttllnntnut. NA «N \M W The mn-semaids in Shcflield now quieten cross children by sayingâ€"“ Broadhend’s coming.†- The proprietors cf-thc Times have pre- sented each of tne members of their numer- merous‘stafl‘ wtth a fortnight’s salary to de. flay the expenses of a trip to Paris. A church, a public hall, and a school- room attached, intended to be a memorial of the abolition of shivers in America and of the public services of the late Presrdent Eiucoln, are no being erected in London. A marriage between the Princes Louisa of Sweden, only daughter of Charles XV , and the Crown Prince of Denmark, is ur- ranred on the part of the two royal families, but the ï¬nal kecision is to be left to the Prince and Princess themselves. Tim enterprising shoeblaoks, locating be- neath one of the ortals of the Ludgate Hill Railway Station, ondon, have make their mt a luxury to those whose pedal envelopes they operate upon. They seat their patient in a comfortable arm-chair, hand him the day’s newspaper, place his feet upon two elevated blocks, and each devoting his energy to one boot, Brushes away with a vigor that seems to imply that he means to "ourshine’ his companion. The charge as. all this, civility included, is one penny. GREAT FIRE n LEVIS.â€"-Quebec. Aug. 13. About 8:30 last night a ï¬re broke out in the stable near the Grand Trunk Railway ’Stalion, Levis, and spread rapidly westward, destroying 15 houses. 700 barrels petroleum. a large portion of Dobell’s new wharf and lumber thereon, and several hundred feet of railroad track. The Victoria Hotel was de- stroyed. Loss and insurance not ascertain- ed. Two ï¬re engines were sent ovr-r from Quebec, but the tide being low were not of much service. Frauâ€"The Belleville Intellz'gencer says : v-O‘n Sunday morning, about one o’clock, a ï¬re u." ‘nrrcd in a stone stable in a rear of Graham's Hotel, Front Street. It had evi- dently been burning some time when ~ dis- covered, for it was found impossible to get anything out of the premise. Four horsvs belonging to Graham-& O’Brien perished in the flames. Several new setts 0" harness Henry Smelser, ICENSEU AUC'I‘IONICI‘llt for the coun- - J lies of York and l'enl, (Joiluctor of Notes, APCOHMp. the. Small charges and plenty to do Lusllt'l'. March 2nd 1865 394 lltllllllll nil. uni. BY ROBERT FER RIS. I{ F. havingr leased the above Hotel, ' [formely occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having put it. in a thorough state of repair, Travellers will ï¬nd this house both comfortable and convenient. A good IIOstlcr always in attendance. Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 J. SEGSWORTH, “(PORTER 0F WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO W Masonic and other pEmblcms made to order. Toronto, Au'n'l 27, 1866. 47. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25 85 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EURUPEAN PLAN. 'I‘HE Stevens House is well and widely known to the travellinpr public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men 5 it is in close proximity to the business part ofter cityâ€"is on the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€"- and adjacent to all the principal Railroads and Steamboat depots. The Stevens House has liberal nccomodn- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed anl possesses every modern improve» ment for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilatedâ€"provided with gas and was terâ€"thc attendance is prompt and respectful â€"-â€"-and the table is generously prov-.ded with every delicacy of the seasonâ€"at moderate rates. Were also burned. The engines were on the ground, and the ï¬re was soon got under. his not known how the fiire originated, but. it is strongly suspected that it was the workoï¬an incendeary. A'- S‘wsnnpmo ROBBERY.-â€"-'l ho r.b bery of. ai fashionable Presb, terran church in'Philhdel-ipiriu,.on Tuesday last, Wits committed’in-such an open manner that no suspicibnrotl the illicit transac- tion going on “ was ever' dreamed of. " A man,1',n cog. of course opened? the‘ nhurchdoor at the ususal hour of meet- ingâ€""though there was to be none that evonin‘gâ€"lit the church in its usual brilliant style. and sexton-like, commenc- ed to sweepraborst the ooors, and to cause a dustrwhich those indispensable functionaries know so well how to create. Alter going through this prelirnnary operation, he commenced to take up the carpets in the aisles, shake them out, roll them up, and stow them into a track; one by one were in succession- GEO. K. CHASE 8; C0. Proprietors. 462 EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. FOR THE UNITED Counties of York and Pool. Residence-Jmt ‘20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. I’.O.AddreSS-â€"Bununvrlle. l’artios requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. Junuary 4. 1565, 31 W. ca. cans-33mm. MANUFACTURER 0F PURE ‘AN D UNA DULTERATED CONFEUI‘IUN ARY l 383 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. C, calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill everv two weeks. handled, until this rushmwn. genius had ruled about one hundred yards of the carpeting up, and stowed it nicely away in‘his vchre 3 '~ Then putting out the lights and closing the doors in a cool and deliberate manner, left and has not since been heard of. All the time while he was tugging at the carpets, policemen and citizens were passing and repassing the door; but knowing, as it had been publicly announced, that the church was to be renovated, they concluded that this was the iniatory process and they took no further notice of it. W Ray Books, Journals and Ledger‘s, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Books, I’Vallcts, Purses, Etc. 8L0. IN GREAT VARIETY, .AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL riï¬socrrrv art-edict“ SCOTT’Sr BOOK STORE. firhmoud Hill lRIiS ‘ l‘upelllng Kr Repelllng Pencil, . With "0141 & Knife, TSCOTT'S RIC MOND HILL Wood. Wanted. ,IUHI 50 to NH) Cords of Green and Dry Beech and Maple. to be delive'ed in 'l‘or- onto during the‘winter. Apply at the Herald 9mm, Richmond Hill. 69 W. WiiliRiN a: co. A IMPORTEHS AND DEALERS 13 Watches. clocks, and Jewelry 'ELEC'I‘RO-PLATED “TAKE, C'U'I‘LERY, &c., 824:. The nttnrrtion of'lre Public is inivted to their lock. consisting of a great variety of KHOICE 1WD FANCY GOODS, ï¬fths bos‘ dest‘riptinn and newest designs, Careful nttnrrtiru given to the rnpniring ol‘ Watches and Clocks Jewelry manufactured and Runnirc‘l. N0 H. King Street East, 6 doors cast of Yonge Street. , Toronto, April 26, 1866. 4 Family 85 Church Bibles A'I‘ tow PRICES, ‘ A'l‘ SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. shutout. BOOKS 3* TN EV ER‘I VARIETY, and supplies Confectionary ot'alldiinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 11565. ‘ 7 lundnn llrel'ssurance company. 1V0. 7, Royal Exchange, Cornhill. and No. 7, Pall Mall, Lmzden. Incorporated by Royal Charter, in ' 1 7 2 O. ll‘AVING bran appointed Agent for flu.-. ,_ . Conrpnny,one ot‘ the oldest alrd most reliable English (,‘ornpanresJ will be happy to affect assurance against Loss or damage by Fire. upon every description of The Lowest POSSIBLE RAY“, Willi immediate payment of all Losses. G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora. Markham and Richmond Hill. Rilbmond Ilill. March l4lh. 41-13‘ hï¬Ã©iernv. w. c. ADAMS, 0- D. °-, 0 I" 95 King Street East, Toronto, DEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his prol'vssional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve snflirring and supply new let-lb in the most approvmlstyle. Also to regu late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June, 1865. ill-y tourism:- “unwraps. $150 ran MONTH, ï¬rs Y V. '1‘1117. GRANITE STATE Family Survin; Mnehinc is no" presench to the peopl- of‘Cannda all the inlproverren'n that can be well Conï¬ned in a sewing n'mclrinc. l It will :mcovnplis'r every description orsewing except button holes. from an overcoat down In the ï¬nest silks nnd muslins 'l‘bis macbir r sell: for only $|5, and is really worth $25â€, in any I'nniily. Ever} rneclriue warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years,â€" All machines sold in (Inrzadn are manufacture at the cn-npnny’s brunch nranufactorr‘ in 'I'or- onto. Single Mnclrtnes, with full prime! directions. snnt express free on rec'aipt of$15 in a registered letter. lt‘ull printed directions accompany each machine. so plain that n child iwelve years of age can learn in work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing MdCliltlB Company, R, T. BUSH 8.1 CO., Canada Manufactur- ers. 14 King Street East. Toronto, C, W. Heuc “fliers in in Great Britain and Canada, London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and possessing l Toronto. P. S,~ Gnorl agents .wavrtetl in ez'erv part 0 the, mum“- lo whom will paid a salary from $50 to $150119r month, or a large commission. Terms to agents seat has to those wishing A'l‘ SCO’l'l"S RICHMOND HILL. 'ogeucus. Tor-3m * Mitch 23rd 1855»: 4‘14) .1 A ME 8 BOW MA N:. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMII‘tA BULLS, filarhlmm, Nov. 1. 15455. ’2? To purchase any quantity of ' SHINGLES,‘ AND (7E 3A R. POSTS FER WHICH THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Will be paid at T. 81 S. BRIGGS’, Lumber Yard, 22 and 24 Edward Street. "I oronto, April 10, 18m 72 A Card to litâ€"valid; A Cicrgrrnan. while residing in South Am~ etica as a missionary. (ii-covered a safe 'and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous VVeak- tress. Early Decay. Diseases of the Urinary and Siminnl Organs, and the whole traln ot' dissed-arts brought on by harmful and vicious ,banitl. Ores-t numbers have been cured hi this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire 0t Imnoï¬ttbc aflliclotl and unfortunate, 1wil send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed envelope. to any 0'. who needs it. ("rec of Plunge. Please enclose an envelope (addressedeI ourselt‘. V Addlass. JOSEPH T.1NMAN, ( STATION 1). BIBLE Housn. \ 1\'cw»Ym'k city‘ Something "’fllH undersigned bch leave to int‘mata to the inhabitants of kaburn m d “'hil churm r310 . A NEW STO‘Ii I On Lot. No. 3| .rear of the 4th con Markham, with an entirely new Itoch cl Geods. llis stock will be found. on inspection, to be ufexcellent quality. cotrrplising the usual as- sortment generally kept in l First-Class Country STORE! Andiwill he sold br |0as7t or on short approved Credit, that be has opened As low as prudence will ouggout. Ry fair dealing, small proï¬ts, and strict ut- lentini to [he wants of those who may favor him with their custom, he hopes to merit and obtain areasonableshure of the‘ public patron- age. Markham, Feb.8, 1867. 36. LAND FOR SALE. ' 'FO BE SOLD on reasonable terms, the Ink lowing trope": :â€" I’nrt of Lot No 33. on 2nd Con. Vaughan, containing (ill acre’: also. Village Propom At Richmond Bill- For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. Richmond Hill. Sept. 1.1866. 69 ' †7"TWMâ€"‘flmiTw3ï¬, DR N J Ph 6 K S , I O O I g : '. ‘ 4,], Mn. NEW METHOD 0" EXIRACTIHG TEETH WITHOUT PAII! iiy the use of Evrrrtn SruAY. which affects the Tooth only. The tooth and gum sur'ounding become instnsible with this external agency, when the tooth can be extracted with no pain, and without endangering the life as in the use of Clrlnroform. 1m. Pncrt will be in the following places prepared to extra ct teeth \1 itb his new upper» tax. All other npernlions in Dentistry perform ed in a wolkmunlikc manner :â€" \urora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lst nt'each month. ' 'V'ewumvket B‘clsl'ord hotel 53nd " “ Slonffville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lHIlI ' " “ Victoria Square . . . . . . . . 20111 “ " ‘l‘nornhill . . . . . . . . . ......'23Hl “ " Richmond Hill . . . . . . . . . . 5241b " “, llaple.......... . . . . . . . . . i‘tirh " " BIIYWIUII . . . . . . . . . . . . ....'2ch “ " Kleinburg . . . . . . . ........291b “ “ ........3bth U -K iVlrere he will attend to any business per taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7,1865. 1-" Nobletmr . . . . . . . . ALB UMB~ From 3'.) can to “. A'I' SCO’l‘l"o’ RlClIMOND HILL. (‘l .\ 'I'A RRâ€, Bronchitis, Scrot‘nln. Liver and J thncy Diseases, Nature‘s Reruedials from I’lmlls. \V\1.R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, ("or on years proprietor of Ibo Iiinnaeuu Nur- ,erics. has discovered l‘nsl'ln'l. (‘UIIS for the above, and for all lnlreritctlnnd Chronic I)ll~ cures. Dyspepsia Nervous Nobility, them rnatism, nllrlt‘rl‘rmle Maladies, and others re» culling t'ronr llllpul‘ilV ot' the blmd, hitherto rm-nruhlu. l‘prlnniEor-y circular, ono stamp. faults on all diseases. ‘20 cents. 58-4 Photograph.- for 50ers don. VF ENGLISH NUTABLES, Plain .k Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VA IilthY, AT SCOTTS llCllhiO‘ND HI‘LL .‘vil'I‘UIiEI. irons}; :' AURORA. AVID McLEOl) begs to announce that be has Least-d the above Hotel and ï¬lled it rrpin a manner second to none on Yonge Sl where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors, 810.. 'l‘lris erusc possesses rvo'y accommodation 1‘;th llers can desire, those who wish to slay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are rcspectfullyiuvited to . put up at this establishment. l Aurora. Irma 1.855. 1‘ W A N T E u J. GORMLEY. , ., ,,,;.; THAT ARE . STEEL lllll U llll Bibi it'll l‘li lllGlâ€"l hi» IKEProtprietor would respectfully announce to the fanning community that he now menu :rcturing irrrinor‘cd l’lcuuhs of ' US'l‘ received a nice lot of Cheap Goods, as follows :â€"â€"â€"(ac!‘ knowledged by all who have seen them to be the Cheap- est on Richmond Hill or neighborhood) ‘ Nice Drab and ll'lourning Summer Bareges, only. . . .7%d a yd Good Printed Dclaitres, choice patterns, only . . . . . . .‘Qd a yd Splendid Bleached Long Cloth. only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75d a yd Superior Factory Cotton, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .7ilzd a yd Excellent Factory Cotton, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Good and Pretty Checked Winceys, only. . . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Gingham Muslins, wide width, only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6d a yd Please call and examine the above Goods if you Wish Bar- gains at W. S. Pollock’s, late _ G. A. BARNARD’IS». which he now olI‘crs at the ' Reduced Price of‘hï¬ilï¬ and which he conï¬dently oflbrs as one of the best and cheapest binds in the country. Plough Points & Landsides kept always on hand .__n___ JOB \VOIIK DONE TO ORDER. \ u m or n A LL. RICHMOND HILL, Apri. 13, 1837. Richmond Hill, Jury 4, 1867. _. .... . .. __ . ... ._.’ :T:;::;::‘T:= A“ w; _,_.__._____._.__ ///' / 0F will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. ' W All Around the ow . i “ er of startlin cures of the most violent and dead] diseases are on record at Du. RAITIVYKHYC’ES OFFICES ingthe Cities of New York and Montreal? emanating fromthe high“ authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except a row 111 0111111) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the ser when all other remedial cuts failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by lottl'l fitter; direct to Dr. Radrvay, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. 0 union, as ants a Bottle. 3‘ Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. ., JOHN RADWAY, M. D., & 00., 513 and 515 St... Paul Street, Momu‘ro, And 87 Haitian Lone. Nfl-YOIE. 3 Agents for the sate of It'rwr‘a-y’s Mad! Rulidfs P. CROSBY, Indulan Htll, ‘j'liUf‘F. ALIAS/h "torria' Squire, ' ems. new, a l Salesmade tor Cash or approved- cred“, .. _ 2:... r. and u an“. a, King 5 Richmond Hill, March26,18ï¬7. _ O i I l q “ v A? _ First Prize ‘ ' ’VEQR E‘i’l‘Alil 1 'll'lll‘N‘T Ilrllil My. t_ i l 3t , RICHMOND HILL. . a . BADWAV senor sets , H! .,. . . _ ,. , p†i116 mead ‘ i1. IIIBI. 1.3.3 ' - ' rent CURES PAIN INSTANTLYl _ m 13A MITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW ..._._..._ FEV SHALL-POI AND OTHER PEBTILEN’OEQI . ,. I I I m’ ‘hafltwhï¬g. O m N rvturning lll'lnlzs for the w ry Illltfl‘iil support In» lnrs‘rvct-ivetl since (“procuring ‘5 an ‘NTI BErTIC DISINFEcTA-‘kq' ANTI quqMODIC COUNTER ' I busincus in ]bi(‘lllllllllll llill. begs to inform tlu- public that be has greatly increas- . ,_ . -i. , -, k/_ y ' .> . H, ‘ I a t. ’15", ‘ IRRITANT, DIFFUS’IVE sTlIhii‘ULgNT’ RU3EFACIENT’ NERme, -rl his btocl. and bus non on h..ntl a dimer 1 nllmr nt of *NODINI, SUDOBIFIC, FEBR UG- . ‘ .. a‘ __ ) ‘ ‘1, r ‘ T F 1“ ' ‘ IT w “'0 EQUAL IN THE MATERiA MEDICA. ' i l, L ‘ i, . J ‘ A v ‘ ._.__.__....... . _ . - - - _ a ._ I.‘ including 'l‘ahles. Club's. Buds-tends, Bureaus. Cnplmnrds, Dressing Stands. “lash ‘ 0f Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus,‘ Inflammation of the BOWCIS, Cholio, ‘ itnmlw. SLr. &r:. Also a large assortment cl llomn Paper, Bottlerlug. Willi? Land 1 Cramps Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Jold Chills, Fever and .Ague7 Sore Paints and Colors. Raw and limlvd Linseed Oils. lVIflt'IImP ()rlL Rock Olllr‘I/is'fplsl) “ Throat: Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.v0nc tea-spoonful in a glass of l‘urpvr tine. l‘it'nzmvv. Glass. Putty, Glrw, Re. 811:. l‘urllcs 'I‘lll‘lllsl‘tlng, l‘arpermg, water Will correct all derangements Of'thc StOlIlflCh, bowels and liver, and instantly 'I‘ l’nluling‘ lllr‘n‘ llonsvs. will do well to cull below pnrclut‘tng elreubcre. Also “P the “1°†59"†Pm- ' tantra) 'tv nun and (311.0 (33.31â€"11- I "M A nice assortment, good and cheap. 110 would also call attention to his ' . . . n - : ,- . c 9 ï¬out, Lumbngo, Sciatica, Pain in the Side 01' Back, Limbsor Jomts, Spine or Flour, 1‘ 98d, : YO'Iï¬Ston and Grocery utore o ‘ Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"â€"Onc application will afford immediate .thr‘c he. keeps on bond Fleur, hliorts lit-nu, Outs, lions, Oatmeal. Cornmeul, Buch- oase and comfort, and a few times rubbng will complete the ‘33. V Mm". Ram“; 1pm“, C,,,,,,_,,._ p“, and - r J -« t’ “-'“'.‘.f'-.‘.\'9.\\ _.r.~.~.~'-',aa.ne..' v “'m“ "c" Md“ Er it“. ‘ t In violent diseases, inshutrelief is required. assume CHOLE M. INFLAMMATION 0F “W†"â€"‘†““““. “ †."“l . †' . . , ‘,' THE BOWELS, CHOLIO. FITS, SIllP L‘EVEII. GROUP, 1.lll"l‘llElllA may prove fatal , 15 In Cash. at 1 rice? but cannot be srnpassct . ‘ within an hour or two. it' not checked by a powerful antidote lilto llADWAY’S READY l-{ichmnml {In}. Nwmmpr 91 2865. 23 RELIEF ; and all acute and inflmnnratmy maladies, whether .llhcunmtism, Nenrnlgia, lntlanr- I mtion ofthe Kidneys, Bladder, Frinnl dithculties, Juflurnnuition ol’tlrrlz Womb, add, in fact, an ,mws, , I . ., , w .. ..4--......-.,.._M__,a-... w..- I-..†U ' f at "ht with immediate danger, yield nt- oncc to this commant ing curative. ' ‘ r ' p p -, dluefsli: IrtEIKDY RELIEF is as sudden in its operation the malady itself. It is more active ,. r r' .r E . as" E) “the Virus of the most swift and deadly epidemic. Willi this Remedy at hand to use on tho '0 " o A! J. Q 1 ï¬rst symptom or pain and uneasiness, no pctsnn need nfl'cr an hour sicknesJ. _ ‘ A DOUBLE AC'I ION _ .‘ ‘ 1? *‘n, “r -‘ T I V i1 ~ I O V Willi‘Sl‘l MILLS have stood the test of competition at several . Provincial lixlnbitions and County Fairs, and are pro- nounced by competent judges as being the . v‘ - ' " ‘ o ' o l o I J. r ‘ . r ., lee-st It F» “‘1Ԡl 1 s - .1 UK to n I o .I .l A. I‘r‘lanul'zurlt'r,r<-(l on the Continent of America; have, this year ,v 'f'f' .. .. .. '0‘." 1:" [15:3 a. air; .- Cua HEP. ImP»OVED ‘ The subscribers are now manufacturing a great number of the a how, :1 ml can ' ' (3" P "WI/3' . . human} I. : tars . ram, . J . ' ‘ ' '5 ' ' Partners will consult their own interest rfthey Wlll examlne ' my mm . a drum hesrck. . . . , . . smm‘ ‘ we“ “mun awn“ m mm! ‘m t {0111‘ Mill before bnylng elsewhere, as we feel conï¬dent they ~ SISTERS OF MERCY, lwill be satisï¬ed our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. DORCIIESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. A, 83 ‘V, \VILL SON , M AKERS, DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that; ydur Roddy Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of out ‘ Rj ch‘m (in (1 “in, J†no, 186 ,. 3-.tf sick from chills, vomiting, headaches, internal pains,'&c., &c. I . ‘ One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for agreat many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twrce With'tlle same medicine, 1 ‘ she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia. andfor colds, and ' . ' always with success. It. is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, rho. It has ’ V * .l. i 9. good efl'cct in flatulence or wind (hello. I use it for foul breath and it produces a. marvelous u e‘ .r ~ 1 _ c . effect. In short it procures relief altogether remarkable. to our rnvahds. , r r g ’ _ _ SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bcwaro of counterfeitn and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will l _ endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of: the ltadway’s.â€"The conntry is floodod l ) m with counterfeits and imitations of llatlwny’s Ready Rebel. Dealers purchase tneso worthless I _ , , I mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Itadway’s, yet charge the public the sum. I . k. , 9 (ice our agents sell you Railways for. (Price 25 cents1 per bto‘ritleg) The ilngrttatpgpzsglndlicggir; , O I . sad: (gird; tligltibblg; and &6W0rdl%~R.R«- Begs to announce to his lrivmls and the public, that be is recervlng, daily, Ills Iiadwsy & Co. blown in the glass. A. MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE r ; ETQC . ~ ac. ac. ac";