Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Sep 1867, p. 2

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require to he handed in 15 minutes before the ‘time of closing. It would be uncandid on our part to any that we are not surprised and disap- pointed at the result of the recent eon- test in the East Riding of. York. Of course, we admit that it was hazardous for eandidates,whose political antecedents have been identified: with the Conserve. tive party‘of'past days, to appeal to the electors of 3. Riding that has, ever since the Union of 1840, been preeminently radical; but, in consequence of the im- portantfrevolutiou which has taken place in the constitution of this country, and in view of the prospect about to open up before us, we did hope that old party lines would be obliterated, and that, un- der our new constitution, the friends of union would come together, and send men to represent them that were the- roughly reliable, ami competent to dis- charge the important duties required of them. In showing ourprcf‘erence for Messrs- Milne and Bowman, we feel confident Vthatygdwoyp consulting the best interests Gning North 7.55 Going South 9.33 Until further notice, the mails will be «luaed at this Post Office as follows: New Advertisemena. Furms for Sale. . Henry Lemon Credit Sale. .Mrs. S. Williams Village Lat for sale. .Henry Lgunon 'j'2i0k0r vs. Crey Information. .Thomns F. Chapman Mails made up at the Richmond Hill Post. Ofilce. of the wealthy and intelligent electors of East York,â€"â€"in the honest conviction that our duty laid in this direction, we have only to regret - that the majority of the electors have selected Metealfe and Crosby. It is not our intention to re- produce our reasons for objecting to these two individuals; our readers are familiar with the objections raised against them in these columns by our correspondent “Junius,” as also our comments‘upon the facts related ; judging by the result of the recent election in East York, it is not necessary that candidates for Parlia- ment should be men of sterling worth and unblemished honourâ€"such as Mr. Milne and Mr. Bowman are acknowâ€" ledged to beâ€"they must be “Reformers” of the Brown stripe, who read the Globe, believe the Globe, and are ready to swear by the contents of the Globe. Next to the term “ liberal,” as appro- priated by the red-handed revolutionists of Europe, we know of no word more this-applied than is the term “ Re- form.” In the‘ earlier political history of Upper Canada, and under the union down to the act of confederation, there Was a well-defined line separating Cull- aervatives from their opponents; when ihe “ family compact." ruled supreme and crammed the public departmentsf when the commission of the peace was seal: ed against men whose independent spirit would not bow down and worship at the political shrine of the Strachans, the Robinsons, the Jones’s and Sherwoodsâ€" men who were attempting to rivet the established church of England upon the institutions of this country, against the repeatedly declared protests of a vast majority, of the intelligent yeomanry of Upper Canada ;â€"â€"â€"when British emigrants settling here had protested against the irresponsible system upon which the gov- ernment was administered, and the in« numera'nle abuses which followcrtin the train of the systemâ€"it was then that the term Reform, as applicable to Canadian politics, had it Well understood meaning, and a member of the party could clearly define What the objects were which “Re- formers" sought. Now, we hear youths plate about “ reform." as a parrot de- lights in repeating "' pretty poll ;“ they have caught hold of the words “ corrup- tion,” “reform,” and “tory,” and wil1 {rive snatches from the Globe; beyond this, they are utterly ignorant of the political history oftho country. They cannot comprehend the fact that within ' be past two years the whole of British M: TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill, May 6. 1867 Northern Ralim'ay of Canada SUBSCM‘ISIS FOR. The York Herald, $1,00 myear RICHMOND HILL, SEPT. 13, 1867 East. York. Election. Southern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.30 RM. NJ}. REGISTERED LETTERS will Moume. NOrthern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.30 A.M. Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . “ Cashel, . . . . . . . . . “ Gonnley, . . . . . . . “ Heudfo rd. . . . . . . “ Victoria. S Ware, RICHMOND HILL STATION Gil): 199m firmlh. CHANGE OF TIME. EV NG MAIL. A.M.. . . '1 11.00 A. M. . ‘ron Tuesdays . [ &l"riduyi. May 6. 1867. . . 15:30 A.M. . . .4.56 RM. - . .8.14 RM. Tun .Inmml says :â€"A couple of boys about twelve or thirteen years of age respectively, a few days ago entered the residence of' a gentleman at Drum mondville, during the temporary absence I of the inmates, broke open a cash box, . and stole $100 in cash and over $1,000 worth of notes-of-hund, as also several ,other valuable papers, including some iinsurance policies. A bureau drawer was also ransacked, and a gold watch and chain taken. The boys were subse- ' quently arrested at the Bridge, and the ; money and watch got on their ersons. 5 The papers, however, had been gestroy- fed by the young scumps, who accom- tplished the work of destruction by the aid of lucifer matches. North America has been undergoing al great political revolution, peaceful it is true, but a revolution, neverthelessâ€"that we are now entering upon a new state of political existence, and that the old party lines must, of necessity, be obliter- ated; that in consequence of the corn- pletcly altered circumstances in which we will hereafter be placed, as; regards the government of the Dominion, as well as the various Provinces composing the confederacy, it becomes us as a. free and intelligent people, desirous of con- solidating British power on this conti- nent, and of laying the foundationâ€"wide and deepâ€"of a glorious and happy na- tion, to: do no not that will retard the completion of the great work now in pro gress; but on the‘ contrary, to lends helping-hand by selecting goodmen and true men, who will exercise their best judgment in assisting our leading states- menâ€"who have buried the party hatchet â€"-to finish the structure so happily be- gun, that it may hereafter become the admiration, not only-' of our republican neighbors across the way, but of the civilized world.â€"So mote it be! \Ve have received the first number of a new weekly paper entitled the Sehomber‘g Standard ; it is published at Schomberg, in the Township of King ; and comes out as a “ Reform” journal. It is neatly printed,- and promises to be ably cond'ucted. We wish him a long and prosperous career, and hope that he will not rest satisfied with being a mere echo of the Toronto Globe. By an in- dependent manly course, he will be sure to command the respect of an intelligent reading public. It is announced that a protest will be entered against the election, in this Bid- ing, in consequence of a blunder or" the Returning Officer, by which several of the electors, in the Township of York, have been dist’ranchised. While we regret that any portion of the electors should be deprived of their rights, as freemen, through the stupid blunder-ing ot'a tem- porary oflicial, we are not certain that it Will follow that another election will take place. After the meeting of the Legis- latures, if' the parties aggrieved persist in their present intention, the House of Assembly ofOntario,as also the House of of Commons,will listen to the appeal when brought before them, and place the mat- ter in the hands of their election com- mittees; after that, we may expect to hear their report In the meantime we may mention that nothing can be done in regard to it until the meeting of the Legislatures. The powers that be should use their best judgment in the appointment of such an important func tionary as a Returning Ofiieer; it creates great dissatisfaction amongst the people when public officers make mis- takes that affect public rights. Professor Bond, a celebrated English Acrobat, will give an exhibition at Richmond Hill, on Saturday Sept. let, at 3 p.m. A Wire will be suspended from the two highest places in the vil- lage, on which the Professor will appear precisely at the l‘lour, and will give some wonderful feats surpassing even Blondin. So the Bill says. It is expected that the Rev. Mr Frns‘ex', from Bond Head, will preach in the Presbyterian Church, in this village, on Sabbath next, the 15th instant, at 11 o’clock, a m. (If? The report of the recent Sabbath School Festival is to late for this week's issue, it will appear in our next. NEWS from Cape Breton, Sept, Sept. 4, says me new cable, manufactured by the Telegraph Construdtion and Maintenance Company, for the New York, Newtonnd» land. and London Telegraph Company, has just been successmlly laid between Placentia. Newfoundland and this place, thus com- pleting a. new route from Nova. Scotia to the Atlantic Cables, to work in connection with new lines now being construeth by the Western Union Telegraph Company The cable has been tested and proves to be one of the most perfect ever made. WEST YORKâ€"The Protest- Schomberg Standard- WIRE WALKING. fihanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Haltonâ€"J. White . . . . . . . . . . '1 Hamiltonâ€"â€" Charles Magi“. . . . 1 Hastings Eastâ€"Robert Read. 1 Hastings Westâ€"James Brown 1 Huron Southâ€"M. C. Cameron Huron Northâ€"Jos. Whitehead Kentâ€"Rufus Stephenson . . . . . 1 Kingstonâ€"SiI-J. A. Mucdonald 1 Lanai-k Northâ€"JV. Mucdougall l Lunar]: Southâ€"Alex. Morris. 1 Leeds Soulhâ€"â€"Johu Crawfoxd. 1 Lennoxâ€"R. J Cartwright. . . . 1 Lincolnâ€"J. R. Benson . . . . . . . 1 Londonâ€"J. Carling .. . . . . .. 1 Monckâ€"-â€"L. McCtLHum V . . . . . . l Niagaraâ€"Angus Morrison. . . . 1 Norfolk Northâ€"A. Walsh. . . . 1 Norfolk Southâ€"Lawson . . . . . 1 Northumberland Eastâ€"Joseph Monies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wemworth Southâ€"J. Rymafi. York East-vhletcalfc . . . . . ‘. . . York ch’st â€"W. P. Howland. An action brought to recover the sum of $151 95 from the defend ant as ad- ministrator of an estate. Verdict for plaintiff. ’ J - McBride for plaintifi'. TI-I-El QUEEN VS. WM. PALMER. The prisoner was charged with steel- ing a pair of pants from AWm. Hill, of Scarboro', in May last. Keller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. . Nortlmmberland Westâ€"James Cockburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ontario South -â€"-T. N. Gibbs . . Ottawaâ€"J. M. Currier . . . . . . . Oxford North~T. Oliver. . . . Oxford Southâ€"E. V. Bodwell Perth Northâ€"â€"J. Rudford. . . . Peterhoro Eastâ€"Grover. . . . . Peterboro Westâ€"Chas. Perry Prescottâ€"J. Hagar . . . . . . . . . Renlrew Northâ€"John Rakin. .lvussellâ€"James A. Gram. . . . Simcoe North '1‘. D. McConkey Si.ncoe Southâ€"Little . . . . . . . . Toronlc Eastâ€"James Boaty. . Toronto Westâ€"R. A. Harrison Victoria Southâ€"G. Kempt. . . Waterloo NOitll‘I E Bowman Wellandâ€"'1‘. C. Street . . . . . . . Wellington Centreâ€"DnPal-ker Wellington Snuthâ€"â€"Stirton . . . Wentwortli North â€"- J. Me- I bâ€"‘Iâ€"‘HPâ€"‘HIâ€"‘bâ€"‘HDâ€"‘P‘Dâ€"‘H tâ€"Ip-dp-‘n-‘râ€"I From-the Globe of Thursday. His Honour Deputy Judge Boyd, presiding, James Foster, associate. The Grand Jury at the opening, ofthe Court, returned the. following bilis :â€" Regina vs Wm. Veruhamâ€"Larccny and receiving, true bill. Regina vs Wm. Palmerâ€"Larceny and? receiving, true bill. Regina vs Thos. McClufchyâ€"Larceny and reqeiving, two true bills. Regina vs. Wm. Hannahâ€" Misdemenâ€" nor, true bill. Regina vs. John Jacob Feroherâ€"As» flaulb with intent, true bill. Regina vs. John Collingwoodâ€"Misâ€" demeanor. no bill. MACDONALD VS‘ EMPEY. An action on a note for goods. The defended pleaded payment. Verdict for plaintiff, $246 96. Robinson, Beaty and Chadwick for p1aintifll The defence was that the pants were taken with the intention to return them. Verdict not guilty. MOORE at al vs. DAVIS. An action to recover the value of' a cask of rum alleged to have been sold to the defendant, a storekeeper at Bradford. It appeared that the latter sent an order to the plaintiffs, but they net wishing to send it without the money being for- warded, answered to that eifect. They afterwards changed their mind and sent the liquor which was afterwards return.- ed. Verdict for defendant. County Court and Quarter Sessions. Thornhi". . . .. . . . Rich In and Hill. . . Uuionville. . . . . .. Cushel...... Yorkville . . ... ... Mongolian” .... Malvern... . . . . . . Scuboro, . . .. . .. . York Mills.... ... 'l‘odmordon. . .. . . Thornhi". . Richmond Uniouville. Cnshel . . . .. Yurkvilla.“ Mongolim . Malveru . . . Scnrbom’. . Ymk Mills. Todmorden The following are the returns at the close of \he poll, on Saturday, 7th inst :â€" Majority for Melcalf. . . DEIMINIRN 01" BANABA. MEMBERS ELECTED Brant Northâ€"J. Y. Bown. . ; . Brant Southâ€"E. B. Wood. . . . Bruce Northâ€"Sproatt . . . . . . . Brockvilleâ€"Jamus Crawford . . Chm-letuuâ€"-J. Holmes . . . . . . . Cornwallâ€"J. S. Mz‘cdonald. . Dund:ls~J. S. Rosa . . . . . . . . . Durham Eastâ€"F. H. Burton. . Elgin Eastâ€"S. W. Dobbie. .. Eigin Westâ€"J. H. Mum-0. . . . Essexâ€"J. O'Connor . . . . . . . . Frontenacâ€"T. Kirkpaty‘ick. . . Glengarryâ€"D. A. Mucdonald. Grenville South â€"- Walter Majority for Crosby. . . ... 339 ORR VS. CAMPBELL. PROVINCE 01“ ON TARXO. LEGISLATIVE HOUSE OF COMMONS. EAST YORK. )henson . . . . . A. Mucdmwald '. Mucdougall lex. Mon-is. m Crawfoxd. ‘rtwright. . . . nson . . . . . . . Hagan”... ,Hum V . . . . . . Harrison. . . . L. Walsh. . . . Lawson . . . . . Eastâ€"Joseph Rudford. . . . Grover. . . .. Chas. Perry ar . . . . . . . . . lohn Rakin. . Gram. . . . D. McConkey tile . . . . . . . . mes Boaty. . .A. Harrison L Kempt. . . -I E Bowman trevt . . . . . . . HHpâ€"Ipâ€"IHHpâ€"IHHF‘H,‘ bâ€"‘Iâ€"‘HPâ€"‘HIâ€"‘bâ€"‘HDâ€"‘P‘Dâ€"‘H tâ€"Ip-dp-‘n-‘râ€"I ASNEMBLY. HUI} Mmcur . .. 84 InosnY 6'2 65 154 101 145 1:22 127 In!) 142 145 H74 70 1‘32 97 16! H4 1:21 98 14-“! 159 237 Bewmm 77 95 8‘2 5| 7:! 59 97 M ILN 1-; 854 15‘). 79 937 76 x36 71 70 A Rank and fashion may be all very fine in time ofpeace, but rank and file must have precedence of them in time of war. New York, Sipt 11.â€" The Commer- cial understands that several fatal cases of'cholera eccurred among the troops on Governor's Island; that the disease pre- vails to an alarming extent, and that communication with the city is mtcr~ dicted. We (Court Journal) regret to announce the death of Quow Daddy, King of Aquinan, West Africa. He was a man andabrother, and launched off cold missionary, when in season, with great regularity. Mr. Kinglake’s third and fourth volumes of the “History of the Crimean War” are stated to be nearly really for publication, and may be looked for by the end of an- tumn. \Vaslxington, Sept. lO.â€"-The Navy Department has received despatehes from Pensacola, announcing the continu ed ravages of yellow fever at that port. Richmond, Sept. 10.â€"-A telegram from Fa-rmville, Va, reports a fight there between some soldiers and the town nogroes‘ About a dozen soldiers and blacks were badly beaten. Argenteulâ€"J. J. C. Abbott . . . . . Beauharnoisâ€"Cayley . . . . . . . . . . . Bellechasseâ€"â€"â€"M. Casuult . . . . . . Bromeâ€"C. Dunkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chamblyâ€"M. Benoit . . . . . . . . . . . Champlainâ€"J. J. Ross . . . . . . . . . Chateaugnayâ€"«L. H. Hollvon . . . . . Comptonâ€"J H. Pope . . . . . . . . . . Deuvaantaguesâ€"‘I. B. Davust. . . Dorcheswr- H. L. Lungeyin. . . . Humingdonâ€"J. Rose . . . . . . . . . . Ibervilleâ€"M. Becluud . . . . . . . . . . Jacques Cartierâ€"G. Gaucher. . . . J oletteâ€"-~G odin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawrarieâ€"A. Piusonneuult: . . . . . L’AssomptviouuL Archumbeault Lavalâ€"J. H. Bellerose . . . . . . . . . Levis. S. G. Blanchet. . . .. . -. .. .. Lotbiniere, A. G. Joly . . . .. . . . Maskiuonge, Gr. Caron . . . . . . . . . . Megantic. George Irvine . . . . . . . . Missisquoi, B. Chamberlin . . . . . . . Montcalm, Juseph Dufresne . . . . . Montmagny, J. O. Beaubien . . . . Montmorrenci. J. Cauchon . . . . . . Montreal East, G. E. Cartier. . . . Montreal Centre, '1‘. Workman. . Montreal West, T. D. McGee. . . . Ottawa County, A. \Vl‘iJ’ht . . . . . . Pontiac. Edmund Heath . . . . . . . . Quebec County, P. J 0. Clianveau Quebec Centre. G.. H. Simard. .. Quebec East, P. G. Hunt . . . . . . . Quebec West, T. McGreevey . . . . . Richelieu. Mch't-liy . . . . . . . . . . . Sheil‘brd, L. b‘. Huntingdons . . . . . . Sherbrooke. A. T. Gult . . . . . . . . . Snuiangus, Mussnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Hvueinthe, Kierzkowski . . . . . St. Maurice, Dr. Dvsnuiniers. . . . Temiscounla, M. Bertrand- . . . . . . . Terrebonne, C. R. Mussrm . . . . . . Three River, C. B. De N’iverville Two MountainsY J. B. Duoust. . . . Vei'clieres, F. Guam-eon . . . . . . . . Vaudruil, S. McMillan . . . . . . . . . . Cornwall, J. S. Macdunnld. . . . l. Duntlns, Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I llurlmm East. A. T. H. \Villl:11ns I Elgivl East. D. Lutnn . . . . . . . . I Elqiu West. Nicol McC‘oll. . . . 1 Essex, S. Wigle .-. . . . . . . . . . 1 “Frontenac, Sir Henry Smith. . 1 Glengm‘v, Craig . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Grenville South. M. Clark. . . . l Halton, W. Harbor . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hamilton. J. M. Williams. . . . Hastings East. Corby . . 1 Hastings West, Ketclmn Gra- 11:th . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . Huron SMt‘n. Sib’imrs . . Hur0_n_ North, W. T01- PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. leeton, C. Carinell . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Northumherland, J. M. Johnson. 1 Queen’s County, Ferms . . . . . . . . . 1 York, Charles. Flsher . . . . . . . . . . 1 Brant North, II. FinMySOH . . , Brant South. E B. \Vond. . . . Rrockville, W. Fitzsmwmousu Bruce North. Donald Sinclair. Carleton, R. Lvon _ . . . . . . . . Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kant, John Smi’h . . . . . . . . . . Kingston. M. \V. Strange... merk North, D. Tinme'fh. . Lanark South. W. M. Shaw. . Leeds South. B. Tart . . . . . . . . Lemmx, .7. Stove-mun . . . . . . . . Lincoln, J. C. Rykert . . . . . . . . London. J. Carling.‘. . . . . . . . . Mnnck, Gen. Secord _ _ . . . . _ Niagara. D. Robertva . . . . . . . Norfolk NONI), James Wilson. Nnri'olk South. McCall . . . . . . . Nnrlhumhm‘kmd East John Ever , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nm'tlulmberlund West, Alex. Fraser . . . . . . . ». . . . . . . . . Ontnrio Smith. Dr. McGlll. . . . ()ttuwu, ll. W. Scott . . . . . . . . Oxford :N'mth, George Perry. Oxfm-«l South. A. Oliver . . . . . Perth North. A Montit’lli . . . . . PCtCI'lJOI‘O West, J. Carnegie. . Peter-bore East, Read. . . . . . . Prescott. J. Boyd . . . . . . . . . . Renl'rmv Nnrth, J. Supple. . . . Russell, William Craig. . . . . . . Simcoe Smith. 'l‘. R. Ferguson Toronto East, M. C. Cameron. Toronto West. J. Wallis . . . . . Victoria South. T. Mutcliett. . W'elland, W. Beaty . . . . . . . . . Wellington South, Gow . . . . , . WellingtonNox-lh. R. Christie Weutwm‘tli South, \V. Sexton. York East, Crosby . . . . . . . . . . York West, T. Grahame . . . . . PREVINEE 3F BNTARIU. MEMBERS ELECTED z South Waterloo, 13th and 14th Sent. North Welllngton, 13th and 14th Sept. Centre W ellinqton, 16th and 17th Sept Stormont, thh and 16th Sept. North Grey, 16 and 17th Sept. North Wellington. 17th and 18th Sept. Peel 20th and 21st Sept. PR OYINCE 0F QUEBEC. POLLING D AYS. rtsnn . . . . . . . 1 xmes Wilson. I 30011 . . . . . . . 1 East Juhn . . . . . . . . . . . I ieth . . . . . 1 al'negie . _ I l . . . . . . . 1 lpple 1 Ferguson 1 C'améron. 1 Mix . . . . _ 1 utchett.. 1 THE ALABAMA CIIAIHS.~N0W York. Sept. 11,â€"The Herald's special says, another batch of the correspondence conâ€" cerning the Alabama claims has been published. Lord Stanley, in his des- patch, May 24, which was handed Mr. Seward by Sir Frederick Bruce. consents to arbitration, provided two distinct tri bunals are establishedâ€"one to decide the responsibility incurred by the British Government in the depredations commit ted by the rebel privateers, and the other to adjudicate the general claims on both sides. To this Mr. Seward objects as unnecessary, claiming if there should be two tribunals they should be clothed with the same power. The London I’ost says the forcus em- ployed will comprise all branches of Lilo service. The infantry will consist most probably of two of Her Majesty’s regi- ments of native I’unjaubes infhntry. The cavalry will be coniuosed of about six regiments 01' Indian irregular troops, while the artillery will include, besides mountain guns, two batteries of royal artillery. Russellgcts about $7,000 for his story now publishing in a London maga- zine. A man .in \Visconsin has a patent sheep‘sheaiing machine which operates just like a man or a mower, and cntk a swath of wvol an inch and a half wide. The motion is got, by means of a lime wind engine in the handing which is to be driven by a fume pump or bellows, forcing wind into it by u fluxible tube. It is Imported that the Viceroy of' Egypt had been requested to provide five thousand camels for the necessary transport of' the British troops An 01101‘ from the Hurse Guards has been issued, permitting Cmnmundin; officers to grant leave to a certain number of men to assist in the harvest. AN IRISH BENEFICE.â€"â€"The Bishop of Casiml has colizncd the Rev Thumst Rothwell, v‘- . A.“ curate of Thurlcs, to the Vicarage ofijurrygrafll, in the din ccse ofLimmrc. The buncfice, which is worth 42172 ex 3mm, has in 1b :1 population of 787, of whom 13 are. members 01" the Church of I‘Inghmd, and 774 Roman Curlmiics Tlie servant- girls of Troy lield a mom ster meeting on Sixturdny night last, to protest against any further dcmancl for money for the Fenizms. They passed resolutions severely denouncing the num- ner in which previous contributions liud been cxpcndedgmd questioned the propri- ety nf’atieiupting to liberate Ireland by subjucating Canada. The expedition will be under the chief command of Major General Niner and Brigadier-General Slavcly. Tnurlow Weed has bought Major ‘uViHiam's interest, in the new suspmsion bridge at Niagara Falls for $30,000. The Atlantic Cable is the only teYezmph that cherges for (1.1193 0? dispnn'hes. Every date over that line costs 40 dullurs in gold. Sir Rowland Hill is engaged in writ- ing “ The History of Penny Postage,” in which he has made good progress. From the authobiograplaical nature of the work, it will naturally possess much interest. New York, Se t. 9.»--The Herald‘s Cuba cable despatch, Med Havana, Sept. 51?}, says :---OurVe1’a Cruz dates are to September lst, and from the Capitol to August. 28th. The reported arrival at Vera Cruz 0F Maxi- milian’s body is contradicted. It is :Liso contradicted that hi8 body has been mutiâ€" 1med. Santa Anna’s case is to be proceeded with. PREPARATION FOR THE MARCH FROM INDIA. The preparatiuns for the Abyssinian campzngn had fairly begun. The seven pound rifled guns for moun- tain warfare would shortly be ready for shipment, and two additiounl batteries of steel guns on the sanne principle were in preparation. 'l he weight of each gun will not exceed one hundred and fif't' pounds. Twelve carriages, also of steel, for their equipment, are to be made The weight of each carriage, without wheels, will be less than one hundred pounds, and thus be available for trans- port in the most rugged and difficult passes of the enemy‘s country. Thirteen clipper ships 1th chhow fl London with tea. on various dams bar‘ch May 3151; sud June 15M]. Gen. O’Hara was shot on tne 18th, pur- suant to the sentence Ufa court mmu‘uL Pnesid‘ent Juurez has decreed a convoca- tion of Mexican People, for the purpose ()1 electing a PresidenL, Congressmen, and Ma- gistrates of the Supreme Court. A large supply of munitions of war have been forwarded from Texas to Chichuahua to repel the Indians and I‘il'ubustem. New Yin-ls, Sept. 9.â€"---The Cable dospatch annuuncing that an American vessel had been interfered with at Crete by the Turks excites considerable surprise; It is stated that other foreign vessels have not been thus interfered with, and that the action ()1 American naml ullicerb will be sustained by this Government. On Monday, the 25th of August, the departments in \l'oolwich arsenal receiv- ed instructions from the War Departâ€" ment, to occupy themselves in the ur~ I'angjemcnts for furnishing the expedltion which is to be despzx‘r‘ched from India with the slightest possible delay. All the generals condemned to death have been parduned. The Herald’s Key West ufyecxal says :â€"-- The Yellow Fever is raging at Fort. J eil'erson and the Dry Tortugas. A negro rising in St. Thomas is reported. They «(tucked the fort and were 1epulsud wiLh considerable loss. THE ANG LO-AFRICA N WAR MEXICAN NEWS. 101‘ \vocn Mr. Salt). mentions a punishment inflicted on her rebellious pupils by an American schoolmistress “down East.” She made them stand on their heads, and poured cold water down the legs of their trousers. S'mmcv m: Swim van, run away lrnm tnvtfiffl thy of tntmorrow, a little bit ()l a high low. short, raw tmnnv [my about ‘.: ( HZI,‘ “fa 'man; wore, uwuy muss-u‘s Coat wove timothy lushion.wwe away inasxn’s hat loss a rim amt n0 crown. rode away massu’s Steer lI-eiivr, with a etrau' saddle and hay bridle. Who- mover trike, he up. this little bit ot‘a high~ low, shnrt, mw~h0nny bny ahout the, size Ufa mtm, shail re- ceive the rewaut ml live pints of pigeon milk, churned in the crotchet of a duck, likewise three peaks of potatoes ditched in a rocl; with a lemleu hoe; eighteen him-iI tired and fast asleep, make a dog‘ laugh Ia see a pudding creep. \Vnshingmn, Repf. 9,â€"Ji‘he infest inteili gem-e i'rom Crew. ('1 3mg 0mm- I’usha With [h3<'('i1- in order In paliiute ilh‘ f‘Oll'illCi', and Shit->9 In, (ihmined (Us: lifieates iil'nm some of his fellow snhhnrs. (haying reports of the wueitius. The Crehns ~tny 11m f‘ueis have h-‘W-n prm‘ed hr eye witness. that Omar Pasha. (m reti: 1;: from Sg;ii:L‘n1:L, hnrut all ihe \‘iiI:1;es in his tear. it is stated that he s'. ian’] :m Oidtil‘iy mun. farm-d him to apply fire to his own hm, and then burnt him to- gether With lhe huihiing. At Pulehria, he mutilated n ' niiemun in a nameless manner, nhmked (mt his eyes, and murdered him. Thea: at Our: studs he slew three nuns, he- sidvs committing~ xihihu‘ cruellies at othur places. The Turkish trndrs burnt several villages on their retreat, besides irmssncreing :L hihzd man, an ins-mu rl and 9 Citizen. The] :liSH siew :1 monk, pianl‘ing his head nn a. wuss, which xm’mulmls :1 eupqu (if a church. Upwurds of'ZOfiUO Cretan i'zum» lies, mosfly mane”. children and old men, have been sent to Greece. Qu-EEXS’I‘QWN, Sept. 53%, evening.~The steamer Palmyra from New York has ar- r1v:ed. ' Loxnori, Sept. 8.â€"â€"The report fron Con- Staniinoplc that British captives in Aliyssiniu gained their freedom, proves to be without. foundation. The Sublime I’ortc has again intimated t0 the European Powers that, it cannot admit oi‘any intervention in afi'airs of the Island of (lundin, and therefore ab- solutely declines to adopt the project for a jolnt Commission of Enquiry. GENEVA, Sept. 9.â€"Delegznes to the Peace Congress are arriving from all parts of Europe. Garibaldi has arrived in this city. His reception was most enthusiastic. .[n a brief speech, he declared his purpose to move on Rome was unaltorable, and Hurt the plan of action though deferred, would soon be carried lino eii'ect. SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 8. ovening.â€"The srezmger W ask/m Metropolis from N ew York, put in this port Lo-day with main shaft. bro- ken. BIARSEILLES, Sept. 11.â€"â€"Dcspatches received here, memion that the cholera is raging feurfully in the Island of Malta. LONDOV, Sept. 11, evening â€"-â€"This was the grvnt day of the Dnncnster races. The principal event. was the famous St. Leger. cnmiderod new to the Dnrhy in the English rncmg cakmdnr The at- tendance was innnense, and the interest evinced in 1he races was almost. unpreâ€" ccdonfk'd. The mnnicipu] stakes, valued at £500. were won by " Alb-HO " The (‘own‘x‘ntinn shkos. valued at £305, by “ H. J," and the Rruflkaypork stakes by “ Lnoncr." The St. Leger was the oc- casion of intense excitement. The great value of the stakes £5,235, and the fact that the best‘ horsas of 'Lho. year were entered {hr the 'ace. no less Hum the tradilinns or the dny itseU'. cnnfrib: - ted to make the St LPITCT of 18177 at 1mm, the oqunlnf‘ MW of HS predecessors The race was: :1 splendid one, and was won by " Achinvr’ment,” the Winner of the great. Yorkflhim Makes, at V the York Angmf mowing. “ Hermit." that won fhe ma Rithn 0? the Dorhv this year, was '2an and “Julina” 3rd. Amonsr Hm nfhm‘ sfartnrs were “ szuhnn,” “ Murkmnnn." ” Chnlh‘nqo.” “ VanAm~ burgh"! "‘ D‘FsMnmnh" fhe “P-I‘m- or "â€"710.10, 0? which were planed. “Hor- mit" has nnf run Since the Derhv, hav- ing been hnhl in rosorve for the St. London, Sept 11, eveningâ€"infam- gnnce has rr‘nched here from Siam, that the son and heir to the King of Slam, is dead A (Mom-mu from Bombay, in anticipa- tion of the overland China mail‘ reports Hunt the mnlmrcn laid npnn the commerce nf’the Island of' Formosa has been re_- move]. LONDON, Sept. 11.â€"Ib is reported that the Austrian Prime 3°”inister, Baron Von Bqust, has gone to Biarritz PARIS, Sept. 11.â€"â€"â€"Despatches have been received here announcingr that Gar- ibaldi will depart forthwith for the [i 0mm) frontier. VIENNA, September 11.â€"â€"~A large body of school teachers. representing nearly all sections of the Empire, is in session in this city. A resolution in favor of pmitimxing the authorities for the separation of the public schools from the Church was passed, yesterday, with great unanimity. Leger. “Markamnn” was Recond in Hm Derhv, and “ leban " fhhd. “ Vauban" was latterly the Winner of the Goodwood Cup. ‘ ATROCI‘TIES CHARGED ON OMAR PACE; AND THE TURKISH PARTS, Sept. 9.â€"The Speoeli by the Grznnl Dulce of Bwlun, at the openin-I of the Dim, in which 11) advocated in) alliance \vilh lllt} North German COI‘deCl'fiti)”, gives rise again to a feeling of uneasiness in polilicnl circles. Fears are Miter-mined that recent complications will be revived, wultlizuqucstiuns may misc which will disturb lhu tranquilin of Euz‘npe. Southampton, Sept. 9.â€"The steamer New York, from New York 29Lh ult., has arrived. Latest from Europe. I’ACH‘ TROOPS When it is stated that Radway’s Regulat- ing Pills are the most effective catharfic,al- termive and anti-hilious medicine at present known, the public have a right to ask what are the grounds of this assertion. They are briefly these. The ingredients of the pills (all vegetable) are carefully selected from the very best of their kinds procurable in the world. In the process of manufacture they are freed from all negative matter, and their positive and active properties are alone retained. No portion of these po- tential virtues can be lost by evaporation, because the materials {WI prepared in vacuo and the pills are subsequently coated with gum, which protects them from the action of the air. Twenty pounds of the crude basis produces only one pound of the pills. Hence the extraordinary purity and efficacy of the most popular aperith of the age. I'nl. ing The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will send (frail nl‘ Plunge) In all who deSli’e it. the pmscriptioe with the directions for making and using tho --lHl)llI‘ remedy ln' which lm was cured of a lung aff‘eazimi and [lint dread (lisenso Consump- iion. H is only olxjucl is to benefit Ihe aflliclrd and he hopes every sufl'nror will tr_\' this pro- wriplimi. as it will (met them nothing. and may pruvr- lilacsiug‘ Flame adrlrem quormation guarnmned to produce a hut"?- ant growth of hair upon a Laid head or beard- lnns face, al<o a recupe for tho removal of Pimples, Blotchos, Eruptions, etc . on the skin, [Having the snma sufl, clear. and haunti- This ii the n‘i'eet of the violent minernl' nurgntivr‘s, They ahrnde the membrane of the bowels. Even when inflammation does not exist there, they cause, it. Judge than what, must he the operation upon n surface irritated by the acrid matter discharged in Diarrhoea, or Dysentry. Fancy a raw sore rubbed with a crash tnwel, and you will have some idea of the result. ‘But,’ says the reader, ‘ the liver must. he afi‘ected, and they touch the liver.’ With infinitelyv great.» or speed, and chrtainly lewny’s Reg‘ lut- ingr Pills operate upon that organ, while they at the same time relieve the intestines from all irritating matter and not as nn emollient. upon nhe inflamed and angry in- testinal nwmhrane. They carry; olfthe im- pure humors without pain and do not con. tinne to purge after the ohject. of purgation is accomplished. REV. ICDW Bn 1) A, WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williumsburg. New York. THE CONFESSIONg AND FXI’ERIEVCE OF AN INVALXD. _ I‘n‘nlishnd for tlmfi hang-fit and as n Cuminn to Young M‘n and mhms. who z-nfi'ur from Nnvvmm Mobility. l’rpmmnre Decay of Mun- hnnd. Sum. umplying nv (he s-vrnn limo. 'l'ho A RAILWAY Tn“): Truman INTO A MAxv ’l‘tt.\l’.â€"A hruneh in the Madras l’rextdency runs thrnugh a wild legion, the inhabitth ot'whieh are unsophisticated savages ad- dieted tu‘thievery. The first day that the line was opened a number of these Arcar (ha-n5 conspired to intercept the train nnvl‘ have a glorious loot». To accomplish their nhject they placed some trunks of trees across the 'uils; but, the enginedrirer, keeping a very shan lookout7 us it happen» ed to he his first trip on the line in (luCStlUll, deserted the trunks while yet they were at at consult-mule distance from him. The- breaks were then put on, and when the lo~ umnotive hnd upprozthed within a. couple of" feet nti' the trunks it was lH‘OUJlIt to a stand- still. Then instzmtznieously. like Roderick Dhu’s clunsmen sturtin: from the heathen, nutivt's, previously invisible, swarmed up om all sides, and crowding into the carriages, hegth to pillage and Dlunder everything that they could lay their hands upon. Whilst. they were thus agreeably engaged, the guard gave the signal to the driver, who- u‘: twice. reversed his engine, and put it to the tap (If its speed. The render may judge uf'the muster-nation of the robbers when they found themselves whirled back- wards at a pace that rendered escape from the carriages whully impossible. The few who :ittmnpted it were killed on the spot. nu . r r. 7 7- Thus were our Arcudiuvns nicely caught, and as they were lmnsf‘erred from' this novel mzunmp to the jail they were no doubt convinced 11m: Hm ‘fireâ€"bmndy’ can move prorn-ssivviy and mlqu‘cssiveiy with cqwl faa-niitysâ€"Cenlral India Times. Means 0f Sulfif‘tlro. By one who has cured himseif nflev' nndwgaing cansirlernhlo quack- vrv Th!‘ upnhcmnt by paying postage on his leiler. will roceive a copy, free of chargo, from the nnlhor. The nflfn: passionr-Little'girl (to Shop keeper)â€"â€"-“ Wull ye gie’s Ila/pennies for this thrippenny, for ma. granny’s feared it’s no a gude ane I” A student riding, being jeered on the way for wearing but one spur, said that if one side of his horse went. on, it. was not likely that the other would stay behind. The Paris papers record arase ofsuicide, in which a youth of twenty killed himself by running several dozens of pins into his chest, and died trom loss ot'bloud. He left a letter on his table, saying that he was not worth a pin, and that he had adopted this unusual mude of telminating it because he thought itp'iguant. A Florence letter of ihe 61b in the Siecle sags: “ The desengions from the Pomificul mmy continue. Two Prussian gunners, fugitives from that corps, arrived here yes: telduy. lfsefious events should break out in the patrimony of St. Peter. no one know; to what point the Government could count on the fidelity of the native troops.” ’ According to recent statistics, the total: number of‘chs in the world is 7,000,000; 3,500,000 of whom reside in Europe. In is reunu‘kahle let,in such countries as France, EnJalid, and 110] "mm, where the Jews are under no disabilil ,5, they are less numerous than in counmes wlwx'e they have not yen been placed on an equality with the memâ€" bers of" other croeds, ' The ‘Armtralian Meat Company,’ whose unsuited boiied beef was commended by the Sucioty of Arts, me px'werving that article» for the Landon market at the mm of 100,' 000 “18.21 month, and aiso making Liubig’s extract 01' hccfut the rate of one ion of ext 'chL a month. The compun; are killing and sendng to England an average offifteeu; bullocks daily. NATHANIEL MAYF‘AIR. F: It appears, from exp erimonls made at Clinthzun on August 12th, in Ilie presence ol'the Cummmxdurin-Uhicf, that the great object ot’commanding ofiicers will be to prevent their men from firing too rapidly when they are supplied with Snider rifles. With the Oldinm-y Entield l'llli‘, Lie difficulty has been to train the men to fire quickly enough. FACTS FOR. RATIONAL PEOPLE. can be (yin-dined wilhouyt charge byaddrels- TH OS. F. CHAPMAN, Cunns'r, 823 Broadway, New York. RASPING THE 130 \VELS‘ TO CONSUM I’Tl V ES. INFORMATION. Brnoklyn. Kings- (7.1),, \'

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