Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Sep 1867, p. 3

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' Lion” Machines can he had in aiiyqttantity. A, Bell Jnltu ’\ Grant George . ’MRS. WlNSCLOW’VS SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, greatly facilitates the process of teething. by softening-the gums. reducing all inflammation -â€"willaallay ALL Pitts and spasmodic action, and it: Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Depend upon it, mothers. it will give rest to yourselves. and Relief and Health to your Infants. “’6 have put. up and sold this article for your. and can SAY 1N CONFIDEACE AND rtturH of it. what we have never been able to say of any ether medicineâ€"NEVER HAS 11' FAIL“) IN a SINGLE tsercu 'ro EFl-‘rCT CURE. wliettl timely used. -Never did We know an instance of dissatisfiction by any otte who used it. ()n the contrary, all are delighted with its opera- tion, and speak itt terms of commendation of in magical effects and medical Virtues _ We, lpenk_ in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after years of experience. ANDi tuner. ouu usrormton roR THE ruu‘twnsr l or WHAT we ,Htittr. vacuum. in almost every instance when: the infant is stttl'ering from pain and exhaustatton, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty iiiinuies alter the syrup is ltlmtttisterod. I _ 1 Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac- eimileot'CURl‘lS 6L PERKINS. New York. in on the outside wrapper. Sold by l'ruggists throughout the world. per Bottle. OFrlcEsâ€"2l5 Fulton Street, New York. " v 205 High llolhorn. lmtidutt‘, Eng.- ‘Hl St. Paul SL, Montreal, C. E. Price. only 2.3 cents‘ 477- 1y ERRORS OF YOUTH. _ A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscrction, will, for tltc sake of suffering humanity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and I aid directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing)r to profit by tltc advertiser’s experience, can , do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN 11. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Street, New I .Yorl'. T0 consent P'l‘lVES. The advertiser, having been ri-storcd to dtealth in a few weeks by a very simple‘ remedy, after having sutl'crcd for scvcral years \vithe severe lung affection, and that ‘ “dread disease Consumptpnâ€"is unxrous to make known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy ofthe prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and usiu‘ijr the saute, which they will find a St'Rli'CUllE for CONSI‘MPTIUN, Asrinu, BRUNCIII’l'lS, Counts, Colitis, and all Throat and Lung Afl'cctioris. The any object, of tho advor tiscr in sendintr the Prescriptit’in ts to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he cenceivcs toilic invaluable. and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a. bless ing. 5 Parties wishinbr the prescription, Fruit-2, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWA 11) A. lVlLSUN, lVillittms- ibttrg, Kings, (10., New York. CHRONlC CONSTIPATION. Few complaints are more general tlttn Constipation, or produce more unpleasant consequences. Stupor. L :53 of Memory. Hysteria. llcttdachc. ,Nightn‘tare. General Dobility, Rush of blood to the Head, Vcr- ttigo, and sometimes Apoplcxy result from it. alts‘coutplicattotis are endless, involv- ittgi’itattyyainful and dangerous viscerahfii‘onda’y, disorders. MN a variety of external dis tcmpcrs. th every trace of it may be re- 1 movcd by a’trtllll'se of R-zultvay‘s ll gnlnting ,‘ Pills. Whitmct'suflbrs from this :tilincnt ll dot-s so simply because he or she “0110015 to V take this cosy and pninloss n' of ctirc. ‘ 'J'hc dru. 'c purgativcs may ‘ord inomen- ‘ inrily relief, but only to aggravate and iii- tcnsit‘y the disease in the end. N!) ostrotts reaction succeeds the mild operation oftlte ltcyulatinhr l’il s. They restore the morb'id'cxcrctory function to health, viaror and clock-like regularity. C " ECONOMY IS VVEALTR." â€"Frcmlclin. Why Will people pay $30 or $100 for a i Auugust 7. 1867. BUIL DING Sewingr Machine, when 3325 will btty a i better one for all riuc'rtt'u. purposes? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary. tlteVVIsubscfibcts be; to inform lilt-ll‘ numerous friends that the ‘ ‘ FRANKLIN” and “Mistral.- This machine is a double-thread, constr (it- cd ttpon entirely new principles, and DUES , NOT infringe upon any other in thc worl . It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewiu: Machine, and is warranted to excel ALI. others, as thousands of patrons will tes- tify. 0:;- AGENTS WANTED. Machines I t sent to Agents on trial, and given away to ' families who are needv and deserving. Address J. C. OTTIS & CO., Boston. Mass. TORONTO 00 RN EXCHANGE REPORT. ~.. Tncasn .n', Sept. 1 2. Roomâ€"Receipts, 160 bbls; none offetv ing; and no business reborted in any grade. Wasn'tâ€"Receipts, 1,010 bush; little effor- ingand but little inquiry; sales, 1 car full at $1145. Banterâ€"Street prices 70c to 730 for , prime loads. 'Pithsu-7_Little coming in; 63c to 68c. OATSâ€"selling on the street at50c to 52c. 11 Half do 34, 3rd Con. W00L~~Little doing at 270 on the street. are"subsidiaring . 1 List; of Letters Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office September lst, 1857. Atkinson James Greenwood W. (2) Bot non John Gortnan'Mrs. David Hood A. M. u Kellv Thomas Laiigstatf John (‘2) Mittton Peter McCutcheon W. J. McGaw Mr Brillinger B. Basingtwaite W. Cleary Mrs. Cook Geo. Craven Thomas Clafl‘y John Patterson J. W. , b Drurv Jdttt Philips Sam Drain Samuel Q‘tantz F Drane Mr, Ross H- J.‘ 6 "oak Mary Fisher Bernard French Richard Shaffer Mary ('2) Simpson James (3) ' Slitiey W. 0 Thompson Maria Wes; William West it W. M: TEEFY. P. M Glen William Garnice Richard Elaphanl and machine Coal Ill. 0 0R Saw-mills, [‘hrashing, and other machinery, at the lowest Toronto prices,‘at Wm. S. Pollock’s, late concession of the Township of Innisfield. ' No 38. in the lat concession of the 'i'ownship , months will be given on furnishing Stttisfuctm') security. THE Loon ems. tablishmeiit. est and bcs’. yet invented. Richmond Hill, July 25. 1867. Grammar and Britain Schai Richmond Hill. Aug. h‘, 1E6 I . tresspr-t-w oti Lot No ‘27. in the 2nd sun-e or person found on this fairn.t-iil:er tithing; or hunting. without the consent oi the Proprietor, will be prosecuted according to law. PElNG the front purl of lint No. 46. in the opposite the residence nfllr. Duncninb. in the Village of Richmond 1 Plan eligible business Stand at a moderate price â€" A credit ol'five years Will be given. Richmond Hill. 110 be Still Cheap n Cash! Unionville, Aug. 17, 1867. 3 , E Half Lot 29, 21rd Con. Vaurltan, 86 Acres 1E Part do 31, do do 80 do S Half do 30, 2nd Con. do 100 do do 100 do E Half do 35, do do 100 do Apply to , Vaughan, April 17, 1867. lHorsas Afflicted with Hingâ€"bone, That he has successfully treated the above for the past ten years without a single failure. 1116- score. Richmond Hill. Oct. 25, ’66 MONEYTo outer of King & Yonge Streetsi Tricker vs. Gra . To the Editor ofthe York Herald. / ‘ HEREAS it has become currently re- ported that l havepaid the fine itnposcd upon me in 021111811011 Will] the abcvo case, 1 ,deem it prudent to inform the public thatl have not done so. nor do I intend to. R. A. ORA Y. Teacher No. 4, Markham. September 9,1867. ’1.“vV O F A R M S VILLAGE LOT, F O R g A I.- E Opposite Temperance St. , A complete assorttne . HE Subscriber offers for sale the following property belonging to the estate of the late Mr ~Lathazt Miller, viz : The Farm, com- posed of part of lots No. 34 and 35. in the 1st concession of the Township of Markham. on Yonge Sll'tfil. near Tltornhill. which Consists of 160 Acres, About ‘25 of which is Timber land; There is a good Spring Creek runs across this ptoperty.â€" Univ 12 miles from Toronto. ‘ will be Also the ttortlt halt'of lot No. 12, tn the lst Also, A Building Lot, comprising part oflot of Vattgliatt.-5 Acres of Land. good Dwell- illg~110ur8, Barn. good Well of Water. &c. For any further information apply to HENRY LEMON, ’l'hornhill. A good assortment of September 12th. 1867. CREDIT sum. TORONTO, April 2, 1867. . Slhltl‘l, o, 133Yongc Street, ' TORONTQ nt of the most desirable Styles for SPREEG do SUMMER Wear- Aitd is prepared to make to other all kinds of MEN’S, WOMEN’S lllD llllllllliill’s Bflllll'lllll SHlliS In the most Fashionable Styles, And oftlte best Material and Workmant-hip. All Work is; Warrantcd to give perfect satisfac- tion. We are constantly adding to .u‘r stock of Boots and SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Trunks always on hand. Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at" v' ‘ l {3% 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Toronto, 51-3m 0 111‘) Subscriber has waived instructions from Mrs Stephen Williams to offer for sale by Public Auction. oit Thursday, September 19, 1887. At Richmond Hill, the following pro- perty. six: 1 Mare. 9 years old: 1 Horse. aged: 1 Butcher Waggon; 1 do Cart; 1 Set of Single Harness: Saddle and Bridle; l lluz. of Chairs nearly new. liedstoatls and Bod-ding, Wash- stand and Toilet blot, “'ittdmv Blinds, Dinner Set. Knives and Forks. Cooking Stove and Furniture complete. 1 vax Stove. large Lamp. etc.. Sausage Machine and Staffer, complete Butcher’s Tools. and numerous other articch not mentioned. .. N. 11.â€" All debts due to the said S. Williams mud. be paid either to Mrs. S. Williams. )lcliaol Williams or James llaliaday. And all debts against the said Stephen Williams must be presented on or before the day ofsaie. 5 i Tit-mats rr SRIJCâ€" All sums over twelve Collars a credit of five Sale at 1 o‘clock. p.m. \VM. MYEPS. Auctioneer. @ittttttfitm‘ Sm.) 0....â€" BUY the Lock Snap for lines and breast- straps at Witt. Harrison’s Harness es- '1hc .tbovesuap lo the sttottor A“ Demflmemg are mm, iiicHMono HILL COUNTY lliclitnotill llill, Aptil 11,1867. “ilLL [IE-UPth ()N WWW " ' The Grammar School Dopartmont is Fume i 0 all pupils residing in the county. M . 'l 161) F 1'. THE “ HERA Ll) ” "A Eda s" TiiYif' if M % I GllfCllllES, CliOCK-E’, lâ€"A an. , ,itin t: int it till; non MARKtNG LINEN. For. SALE AT BOOK S’t‘ORE,.RICHVIOND HILL Afters l.on lilting Al, Scotti. Atkinson N returning thanks to his numerous customsrs and friends for the liberal support 119 he l.a< rcccivod since corntnenctng business on Richmond Hill, would intimate to them that be has received the greater part of his of lag; floods. do... date with everythingr that is w Ste d: 'l'ica. Bo. of'l‘rustnes ' 4 N 6% 637m : 1.1. Parties are hereby cautioned not to ession ol' Markham. In future, any person JACOB 11 E181“). dt LOTS FOR SALE. '5! concession of Vaughan. itittitediatalv llill. as la.d off' in a prepared by Mr. Geoth Mcl’ltillips. This is a desirable opportun Iv to secure on For Plan and other partlculars enquire of he subscriber ' J. u. ARNOLD. July 3. 1867. lv 311.1. .LV ElNOCl 1 Buck board Single Seat 1 Set of Single mounted Harness, 1 Basket Cutter. Application to be made to W. C. JUSTICE. FARMS FOR SALt. ' JAMES McGEE. Vorth Ifitowing .’ HE Subscriber Would intimate to the farm‘- ers and others of Richmond Hill and rrnl t: CH ttry having. THE Utitlersigned is authorized to state that This treatment does not ttece-sitnte their einiz laid aside only for a few days. Quite a number of reference given if requir- d of orsons whose horses havu been cured b ' . . p 3 Can be nrocu-erl, Ill sums to suit borrowers. on Landed security. 'l‘ernts made known on personal application to ' M. TEEFY. Residence rear oflot ‘25. 9nd Confi Vaughan. Notary l‘uhlic. Agent. &c. _ JAMES DUNTON- NJ}. Deeds, Mortgages. Wills. Bonds. &0. 7-2.1), 6w, drawn with neatuess and despntclt.â€"~ - M. '1‘. continues to act as Utvtston COURT Aonx't‘ . Fees moderate. Richmond Hill. Nov. 28. 1866. My charge is $1 50 if paid when operated ti. ifttot $3 00 will be charged to ensure a L DAN 0n Improved Real Est ate, PPt Y to Mr. WARMOI.L. of VAN-i 'KOUGHNET & WARMOLL, Barnstors, 61c. ‘ 26 WVANTED : SITUATION as foreman in a saw-mill, by a sober and capable man, or to fig... G. A. BARNARD- August 22, 1867. November 9. 1866. 23 take amill by the thousand. A ply (post paid) at the Herald Office. p , Richmond Hill, Aug. 22. 3 TORONTO. $Q®9@®® 21 011. TU EEKCEEANGâ€"E. Being lot No 48, 1st Con. Vaughan, in the Villagc ot’Richnioud Hill, belonging to the estate ot‘the late Mr. John Linfoot. The form contains 88 nerve, and is considered one of'tbc best Wheat, growing farms in the 1 county of York. lt'not sold it will be to Rent on the lat April. Shoes of our manufacture, which . to announce to the inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood of llicltmond Hill in particular, that he has added to his a lock of BOOTS AND SHOES. ‘ , mmméam sum: llllHlll tin T A PUBLlC M lCE TING held at Thorn- hillnu the 14111 inst . it was decided to esiablish a Monthly Fair for the sale of FA RM STOCK, doc 3rd Wednesday in each Month] At tattolclock a.m.. commencing on Wednes- day 17th July. The patronage of farmers, butchers and others is respectf'ull solicited. Connitr'ru or N1ANAGI”MENT.-â€"1Vlflssl‘s J: Ramsden. .1. Martin. M. Cogswell. J. N. Held, 31.1) . D. Stitilie. G. Charlton. G. \Velilrick, and W. Rennie. l). Mollougnl. Est}, Presi- dent; J. 1’uikis. 'I'i'cas. ,' '1‘. (.‘art‘. Sec. A sctt oflWcigh Scams ('4 tons) has been procured for the accomoda- tton of the nuhlic. Tltornltill. June ‘24. l867. I 3-m N urn-n Pateutjflights for Sale COUhli'lES or RIDINGS of PowuLL‘s - P A T B Is?" . my Elite naps .7 PatetitedAOct. 24. 18613, April 13,1860. and Powell’s NE 11” DOMlNION FORCF PUMP l . ‘ J ’ . Patented June 28. 1867. To more. of the rig;- tt’ sort Tie Patentee offers inducements seldom “e be met with. Requisito inwructions for menu factoring are given. LPersonal application must be made to, ll i'lRLES PO‘V hilili, Newton Brook, 1’.O. Drarl bends need not apply. Newton Brook, July 31?. 116137. RICHMOND am. Will be sold cheap or exchanged for a smaller place as part payment. For further particulars apply to P. Crosby 1331]., .lichinond Hill, or to Wm Linf'oot. linttonviilc. ‘ Richmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. ’ an 35 F O B. S A. L E! A FIRST CLASS Rnadster Potter, bay 1'. 14 hands high, 3 tears old. good notio d goed in single and double harness. Apply at this office. 34f lVALUABLE PROPERTY 1 ts run . Village offié’icitmoml Eiill. For £338.10. [A GOOD Dwelling House. Barn. Stable, t . Driving House, Wood House. and ,Thtee quarters‘of an Acre of Land, on which lthere is it'thrter of an acre of an Orchard of healthv young treesâ€"plenty of Cherries, Currants, (rioeseberries. Gm. The above Paoperty is situated in tltcicentt'e John) village. Will be sold cheap for cash. For to rther in rticulars apply [01“. TEEFY Es.. or P, CROSBY. Esq. Richm and Hill, lanttaryilél. 1867. 58 sawâ€"minim. oEEatNo ' FOR SALE. HE Subscriber offers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms 01' Credit payment, the following; Mill Geeringi A Muilcy Saw, Upper and Lowe“ Mullcy. Pctman. Crank. 5 inch wrought iron Shall. and Flehcel. Cones, Carriage. Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma. chincry for a. first class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great reduction of original cost. For particulars apply to ABRAHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Office address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. 3-m The tilt hand ina flew Stand. A. HENDâ€"ERSON, match 86 attack matter A. F'l‘ER, an absence of nearly four years in England. begs to announce his return to .Richmotid Hill, and that he has leased the ,t-hop adjoining Mr. W. l’ollook’s residence. E and opposite the shop of Mr. W H. Myers. where he will be happy to' receive the patron- age of his old friends. ' Richmond Hill. Ju'y 25. 1867. THE Subscrthcr, in returning his sincere thanks to the travclling community for the liberal patronage they have given him since he purchased the line of Stages running be- tween iiicnitiond Hill and 'l'orotitn, begs to inform them that he has had built and com- fortably fitt (1 up A NMVV OEENEEUS! \‘Vhiclt he will run from his Hotel. Richmond Hill to Toronto. at half-past seven will leave Wood’s Hotel, Nelson su, ' ’~ I, ‘ Towjntrov, Athalf past 3 p.m. l’arcsls left at flest's Bay Horas Hotel, young street. or at lVood‘s hotel, Nelson slroet. 'l'oronto. will be delivered with puoclttaliiy. The Proprietor will not be responsible fut Parcels that are not pro-paid. lllfllllUllS lllll in goal lime! itv keeplog attentive and acoiiiodating driv-, ers ho trusts to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. aossar RAYMOND, Proprietor. hmond Hill= April '11 ’67. . "i v , . - “’3 Thrill WEE} Silhrl Wil'i‘hit ! Ofthc best quality from the fountain. with the following choico'Syrt‘ttps viz, Lemon, Sarsapartlla. Raspberry, (linger, Vanilla, Orgeat, Nectar, Cream, at: R. H. HALL, Chemist and Druggist iichmond Hill, Jan. 31, 1867. 35 thfilli‘l’s FAMth hiflliliiigb' The safest and best Medicines itt use iti Canada. G-. A. BARNARB AS been appoints-d agent. for the County of York. for the above valuable N10111- ciues. which have been before the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universal ssti<faction~he can therefore. With confidence. rocotnittcttd (hundreds of Tcstiuio trials could be given if required, shewng the benefit derived tlicrefi'oni,).thcir use for their several virttter. DEACON’S FA MlliY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually: may be taken dup- iog any employment, at. any time, and even by the most delicate female. DEACON’S S'l‘OMAf‘lllC VEGlTABld’I BlTTlCliS. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Molli' cine to brace and invigorate the frame, none can be better. DlCACON’S 1’11}? OlNTMENT. A soothing and astringent application; and, aa (ares an application can be of any service. more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S lVOliKlNG MAN’S FRIEND Olt ll EAL. Alili. An excellent remedy for Rhett n1ali<m. Erysi- psias. Strains. Bruises, Cuts, (.‘lti'blains. Sore Throat. and violcnrsl‘aius in Back or Side. the effects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few linors. DEACON’S VEGITAllliE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the Cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera. lliarrltcen, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not betv ter than any other medicine made. DEACON‘S unrivalled Cough B’IlSfllll,f01‘ Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. 6m. DEACON'S Antibillious Pills. None bet- terin ttse. DEACON’S LINlMlCNT. For Cats, Cracked Heels. and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. DICACON'S Eruptive Ointment kind of'skin diseases. H tt L, August 10 1865. for all DON ii in l ' Richmond Hill, June, 1867. POWLILL’S Most Popular, Most Useful.”Easiestl'Worked. Most Durable " and is also Frost-proof. ' '. v- -- lllllll lsl prize allotmentlililblllin,’3'8, trill limfis:lllltlll shown Munttfactory for York 8; 1’42:le Counties 8; Toronto City 1 ‘ » Newton Broom ongc Street. ’ * Lnrzinrntnoiahs BEWARE. “THE validity of the Patent. having been rvccnlly disputed by interested persons, . after two days investigation in Chancery. his Lordship the Chancellor has given .lutlgm-‘utifnlty sustaining the claims of C. POWell. and speaking highly of the N1 ERITS (it: Thu PUMP. and With just st'vcrily on the base and fraudulent conduct of tho lnfriiigor, ordering; him to pay the costs of the suit. and forbidding him to'tnake.. r", the Pumps. ’l‘he Putentccfecls.'thnt the sense of'jnstice prevziding the communityr a generally will be sufficient to prevent its giving countenance to spurious imitatorsI '. Whose COMM“ ,1”, Chancellor says, is “ is a fraud on the [’itblic.”â€"â€" See Judgment. , Manufac‘tttring flights for Sale. 7 3333,, When ordering Pumps, please state the Depth of the. W'ell or Cistern. L, P. o. Addressâ€"CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook. « 1 STWGLE harness . ‘th. Firtatb Prime HARNESS EM‘ABMSHMENT‘, ’ RICHMOND HILL. habitual fill Sabina Establishment wwmsaLAN » N returning- thanks for the Vt’ly‘ liln-ral support he has received siticc‘con-menciog business'in Richmond Hill, begs to inform the public that he has greatly increas- cd his Stock and has now on hand a choice assmtmetit 'of FERNTTURE! including Tables, Chairs. Bedstcads. Bureaus. Cupboards. Dressing Stands. Wash n Stands. Sac. 81c. Also a large assortment of lloom Paper, Bordering. While Lead Paints and Colors. Raw and tin-dad Linseed Oils. Machine Oil. ’mck Oil. Varnish .. 'l'urpprtinc. 159nzcnc.GlaSS, Putty. Glue, &c. &‘c. l‘arl‘ivs Furnishing, Papering, or Painting lllt‘ll‘ Houses. Will do Well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also ' ‘Eâ€"EARDVVARE and CROOKERY A nice assortment, good and cheap. llo \vottldalso call attention to his Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store]! Where he keeps on hand Flour. Shorts... lit-an, Oats, P91!S,Oalm£',al, C-ornnteul, Buck- wlwat. Bacon, Hams, Cltersc, Fish and l. r 'l’ ‘l:. I ' i'lllttllttlltlml illntui'h "ltiitm innit lllttttl‘ ‘lnil "fllllllli For Casio nt Pricesgtltat cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill. November 9, 1866. wrunsonts an uneven} l‘illllllllhimllllfls. HESE MILLS have stood the test ofcompctition at several Provincial Exhibitions and County Fairs, and are pro- nounced by competent judges as being the 14f ' o ' t a - est banning Mills l Manttfitcturcd on the Continent of America; have, this year BEEN STEEL FEET HER IMPROVED I' The subscribers are new manufacturing a great number of the . l .. la l i' i... "illnliiltl "Willi 23 abov e, and can Sammy aid @rdws Promptly Farmers Will consult their otvrt inter‘est if'they will examine our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they, will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. ‘ A. St W. WILLSON, MAKsERF. '1 Eire-proof Store, Elicitniiiil Hill. l9. Begs to announce to his friends and the public. that he is roceit'tng, daily. lilo @pmamg @TOCKi outrages, C ./‘\._/ &c. 8m. 8w. Sales made for Cash or approved Credit. , Richmond Hill, March 26, 1867. I- v

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