Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Sep 1867, p. 4

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gmmm. BOOKS :3 Family 85 Church Bibles AT Low PRICES, A'I‘ SCO’I‘T’S, RICHMOND [JILL Cnrefu‘ ntvnptimp given Watches and Clack: J and Ramirn‘l. SN EVE“? VA WET". AT SCO'I T’S RICHMOND HILL Nu ll. King Street Yonge Snnet. Toronto, April 26. 1836‘ The attention of'he Public is imde lo tho’r tock, censisling of a great variety of ZHOICE 1WD FANCY GOODS Watches. ducks, and Jeweéry “ROM 50:0 100 Cords of Greenland Hr} Beech and anla,lo he delivered in Tm. onto during the winter. Apply a: [he “mam Office, Rwhmond Hi”. 09 ‘V. W HARIN & CO. Wood. Wanted. nflkr bes' desrription and newest defigns‘ Prapelfing 82 Repelling Pensil, m GREAT VARIETY. AT ;SCO'I"[’S RICHMOND HILL BIBLE SQCIETV DEPfiSITQR" SGOTT’S BOOK STORE. Purses, 810. 810. We (Court Journal) regret to announce the death of Quow Daddy, King of Aquipan, West Africa. He was a mm and a brother, and launched off cold missionary, when in season, with great regal: My. Mr. Khlzlake‘s third and fourth volumes of the “History ofthe Crimean War” are stated to be' nearly ready for publication, and may be looked for by the end of au- tumn. - Mr. Sala mentions a punishment inflicted on her rebellious pupils by an American schoolmistress “dawn East.” She made them stand on their heads, and poured cold water down the logs of their trousers. Day Books, The law is a. pretty bird, and has charm iug wings. ’Twould be quite a. bird of par- adise. it‘ic didn't carry such a terrible bill. Rank and fashion may be all very fine in timé'ofl'aeace, but rank and file mvst have precedence of them in time of war. We hear much of the romanfic rambles of lovers, but» thereis often a great deal 01' moonshine about it. A farmer, a lawyer, or a doctor, may be a very respectable individual; but a. note; keeper is a whole host. A cross husband and father atthe hPad nf' the tahle makes the best dumer unpu atable and indxgestibie. The 10ve-knut is made curi '11st crooked, probably as an arch remainder that. love- is always crossed. If you have a scolding wife, trust to time: old age may bring you the blessing of dc‘uf‘ ness. What is the difference between a milk- maid and u Swailow? One skims the milk andzthe other the water. Doctors should dearly love our good mother earth, for they kindly hide their evil work. The soldiers great risk is that of becom- ing extinguished beiore he becomes dis- tmguishhd. The mariner's compass has done some of the most important. needle-work in tho, world. A Woman begins to have a. great anti- pnthy to dates when she finds herself out of date. When does a woman’stongue go quick est, ?-When it is on the railroad. Without. the deer ladies we should be but u nag-nation. With Hol'h & Knife, TSCOTT'S RIC MUND IIILL ELECTRO-PLATED \VARE, ' CUTLERY, &.c., &c. ‘0'! muml Hi" 1865 The memory of a clasping hand, The preysure of a kiss, And all the trifles, sweet and frail, ' That make up lov‘e’s first bliss, If with a firm. unchanging faith, ‘ And holy trust and high, Those hands have clasped, thoselips have met.-â€"- These things shall never die, The pure, the bright, the beautiful, That stirred our hearts in youth; The impulse of a. wox-diess prayer, fl‘he dreum‘of l'ove and truth, The longingsuffler something 103%, .The Spirits yew-Hing cry», The strivings‘ after better hopes,â€"c- These things- shall never die. The timid’r‘nand‘ stretched forth to aid A brother in his need, That. kjndly word in grief'a dark hour That proves the friend indeed, The plea of mercy soffiy breathed When justice threabelxs‘nigh, The sorrow of a com, fie heart,â€" These things shall never (lier THINGS THAT NEVER DIE. IMPOR’I‘ERS AND DEALERS IN . King Street East, 6 doors east of Journals and Ledgers, all sézes. Pass Books, Pocket Backs, Wallets, mifirrlhmwufi. Elma). n tn the repairing 06‘ Jewelry mauul'aclurud R. T. BUSH Sc (70., Can-«l1 Manufacturâ€" Prs. M King Street East, 'l‘omnm. (‘, W Hem: 0111085: in in (‘vrmxl lintnix. and Canada. Londnn. England, Glasgow, Moutmall and 'l'oromo. I’ S.-â€" Good agents wanted h] everv part 0 {he I'onnlrv In whom will paid a salary from $50 to $v50 per month, or a larga commisvion. Terms to agents sens free to those wishing ngeucxes. :u’u u mum I“ WV“ \ears OI [126 CBII I98“) 10 work nne successfully in a short time. Addless or cull on The Granite State Sewing Machme Company, ‘ ' HF. GR'XNITE STATE meiy Sewing . Machine is uu‘v prnsenlcd Io lhe people- nH‘anada possessing all the inmrovmrsnh that ran be well cultfined in .1 wwingmaclaine. it wili accmnpiish Every descuiplion oi's‘ewing oxt'rpl hnuon hole». from an overcoat down to the finest siiks and muslin: This machine sell; for oniv $l5, and is ren'iy wovrh $50, In anyf‘mniiv. Ever) machine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three 5151‘s.â€" /\II Inachilws said in ('alrudn are Inunuhzmnre M ling co-npnny’s in‘nnch manufactm'v in 'i'or- mum. Single Machines, wiih in” printed duewinna. snnt exprms free on reckipl of$15 in a rt'gislornd iettrr. Fnil printed (iireciions awompunv each machine, so plain xim 11 chiid iwniw \ears of age can learn Io 1 503m, MONTH DEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prennrad m wail upon any who need his prnfi-Sxional services in m'de-rln prPserve their lee-1h, or re iave suffering and supply new ’eelh in the most upprovvdstylo. Alwlo regu- late the Wet!) n! [how wlw need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 21-3’ AG ENTS VVANT ED. Turomo Mitch 23rd 1856. DENTISTRY. Tye Lowest POSSHSLE RATES, For Newmarkgt, Aurora. Markhgm and AVING b en appointh Agflnt fur this (Iompnny,one of the oldest and Inns; relin'ole English Compames,l will behappy lo nIchl assurrmco against Loss or damage by Firedlpou eva descriplion of g. g}. BARNARD, Agent Richmond Hill. Rithmond Hi”. March Mth. Incorporated 1; Royal Charter, in 2 y 70. W. G. C. calls at a” ‘he Stores between Turome and Richmond Hill awry two weeks. nnd suppIius Conl’ecliouary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. Ln‘ndan Fire Assurance campany CONFEU’I‘IONARY I texidence-mLol ‘20, n hr of 3rd Concession of Markham. KO.Addressâ€"â€"Buuunvi|Ee. Parties requiring Mr. Sunderson’s services can nka nrrangomeuls at the HERALD uffice. Juuuury 4. 1065, 31 The Stevens Hénse has liberal accomoda- tion for over 300 guestsâ€"it is well furnish- ed and possesses every modern improve- ment for the comf'm‘t and entertainment of iis inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventiluted-â€"pr0vided with gas and wat- terâ€"the attendance is prompt and respectnt â€"and the table is generously provzded with every delicacy of'the seasonâ€"at moderate rates. W . G'- EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Counties of York an d Peel Vth iInmI-diale pnvmem of all Losses. ON THE EUR-'lPEAN PLAN. 111E Stevens House is well and widely knoWn to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and businessmen; it is in close proxmiity to the business part of the cityâ€"is 0n the highway of Southern and Western travelâ€" nud adjacent to all the principal Railroads and Steamboat depots. ) F. having leased the above Hotel, ‘ 0 [former occupicd by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having putit in a thorough state of repair, Travellers will find this house botfi coinfortabie and convenient. A gooJ'IIostler always in attendance. Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 made to order. Toronto, Auril 27, 1866. 21, 23, 25 8: 27 Broadway, N. Y. Blfifiléiflféfi HELL m lCENSEl) AUCTION BER for tho coun- ties at York and Peel, (Jollvctor of Notes, Account-x, &u. Sum“ charges and plvmy 10 do Laskey, March 2nd 1865 394 AND FINE JE‘VE‘LRY. 113, YONGE St», TORONTO VVATUH ES, CLOCKS, Henry Smelser, 95 King Street East, Toronto, .No. 7, Royal Exchange, Cornh'z'll: undv 1V0. 7, Pall Mall, Londen. PURE AND UNA DULTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. 462 STEVENS HOUSE, J. SEGSWORTH, BY K OBERT FE KRIS. .ADAMS, D. D. 3., Opposite Bowling Green. szonic aud other Emblems MANUFACTURER 0F GEO. K. CHASE & CO. FOR THE UNITI'VD IMPORTER 0F Proprietors 41~Iy AVID McLEOD begs to announce that . he has Leawd the above Hotel and film? II npin a manner second lo none on Ynnge 8‘ when- he wili keep Constantly on hand a good supply ul'firsl-chtss Liquors, &c. 'This honm pussesses every accmmnudution Tm" Hers can desire, "1058 who wish (0 stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment. Aurora. June 1865. A’I‘SCOT'I‘B RICHMOND HILL 311E THEME”; FEGUSE ! WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing, New York, for 60 )‘e' 'proprimor '0f the Linux-lean Nur- .eries. has discovered rnnrnva: cums for the above, and for all Inherited and Chnomc Dis‘ emcee, l)_\ spPpNin Nervous Dehility. Rheu malism, nll Funnle Maladies, and olhers re- sulting from impurilv of the hlotdt hilhertrâ€" inturufile. Explanirory circular, one stamp. 'l'reatis on all diseases. 90 cents. 58-4 Photographs for 5(Dcts doz- 9F ENGLISH NOTABLES, Plain 3%; Fancy Stationery IN hVERY VARIETY, from P ants (VATA RR H, Bronchilis. Scrofula. Livar and / _thncy Diseases. Nature’s Remedials From 30 cts: to $6. AT SCO'I‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. ALE UM @ "\urora........ Newmn‘ket Bmisfurd hotel 2nd Slnufl’ville............... Nth Vimorin Sqnare..... ‘20”) Thomllill . . . . . ......‘23rd Richmond Hill‘ . . .... . . . .24“! Maple...................96vh Bumick.... ............2mh K’einlmrg....-..........99lh Nuhleton...,.,.._...,,..3mh n u to It ’1 1st nfeach month I. u M It (I H H II II J thme he will attend to any business pal» [aiming to any branch of his profession. Aurora, 'June 7, 1865. 1-1? By the use of 17:er SPRAY, which nfl’ents the l‘omh only, The tooth and gum sul'uundiug hennm» ins'mibla with this external agency. when the too.‘h can be extracted with no pain, and \vnhuut endangering the life as in the use 01 Chlmnform. llu. I’ECK will he in the following place> prepared l9 nxtract (“Pill v illl his new appara- tus. All other operations in Donistry perform- ed in u wullmlaulikc manner :â€" "\ur0ra........ ls! nfeach mmnh‘ EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAIN! 0 BE SOLD on reasnnablo terms, the fa}- lowing wropen; :â€" Pnrtol’ Lot No 3;). on 2nd Con. Vaughan. containing 63 ach"; also. Villgé-gei Property Aud‘will be sold For 50(1le or on short approved Credit, As low n- prudence will 5 .y-yml. Ry fair dealing. snnll profits, and strict nt- temim to lhc wants of those who may fuvoi him with their custom, he hopes \o nmrit and thaiu areasonable share of the public patron- age. Markham. Feb.8. 1867‘ DR. N. J.PEGK’S. His shmk will bn found. on impaction, to ho ofoxcelleut quality, comprising the usual as~ surtnmul genurally kept in ' A First-films country” STORE! Un Lot No. 31.rear of [he 41l1150n Markham. will) an entirely new Hock of Goods. THE underm'gned begs Yonve to intimate to tho inhnl ilanls of M I'Idlfllll and VVhiI church 510., that he has owned A Card to Invalids. A Clex‘gwnan. whila residing in South Am- erica as a missionary. divcovémd asnfe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak~ new. Early Decay. Disc-fling of the minary and Siminnl Organs, and me whole train of diso'ders brought on by lmnei'ul and vifiiuua hnnitn. Grunt numbers have been cured In this noble renmd)‘. Prompted hv a desire at 'henefilthe aflhmed and nnfurtunale. lwii send the recipe fur preparing and using this nu-dmine. in a sealed envniope. to any 0! WIN needs it, Free of Plunge. - .3 Please enclose an envelope ' uddrossedom yourself. A NEW STORE ! Richmnnd Hiil. Sept. 1. lECb‘. issuer (Hâ€" “33?”?th ALMIR MILLS Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. h: a? e "m; .. .» §0me£iaéng New JAMES BOWMAN. Issuer 01" Marriage Licenses, Will be paid at HIGHEST CASH PRICE W7 At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietor. A. WRIGHT. rIoronto. April 10. 1866. CEDAR POSTS SHINGLE& LATH, n Sqnare.. . .. .. lill...... 0nd IIiH‘ . . ... Lk.. - m‘g....-... m.... LAND FOR SALE. To purchase any quantity of Add; 1353. AURORA. NEW METHOD OF. JOSEPH T. [NMAN FGR WHICH THE STATION 1). BIBLE “Lust, New - York city‘ T. & S. BRIGGS’, AND Lmnl-er Y m'd. 22 and 24 Edward Street. J. GORMLEY. ‘. 36. 72 92 “ORDERS PROMPTLY [XELUTED For Cnrda, Jun. just received. ls entirely new and of the latest pnltems. flurge variety of new Letter-Press Printing. PAMPHLE'I'S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Orders for am' of Ihé undarmamloned deecrig- Honor A“; ZHEB H3 WEE The York Herald ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARD‘: OUR ASSORTMENT OF Will '10 promptly attended to:â€" And every other kind of JOB PLAIN CHEAP CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS, AND AND BILL HEADS Certiflcatea of startling cures of the most violent and dead] diseases are on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montren , emanating from the highest authon‘tics in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except. a few in China) on the Globe but that. RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad- m-.- “V .. .._ a.-. . w..-___, __.._w. 7-” “-7 One of our sisters hurl the Rheumatisfii in her head for a. great many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, &0. It has a good efi'eet in flatulence or wind eholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous efi'eet. In short it prooures relief altogether remarkable to our inyah'ds. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bewere of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radway’s.-â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready lelief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Redway’s, yet charge the public the same «rice our agents sell you Radway’e for. (Pn'ce 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- ierj‘eits are sold at 5 to 10 Cents per bottle to dealersi (leer at that Qriee. In‘nurchas‘ing‘R‘eagl‘y J\UIL\;1, DEL; Luau luUAU (nu unu misuuuuuzm UL ;uuun u‘y :. u uuv Iwuulu “v”... -v. ‘- - Railway & Co. blownjn the glass. A MAN THAT ‘éELL YOU MEDICINE will cheat you Whenever he has an opportunity. flap}...â€" All Around the Globe. SISTERS OZE‘ MERCY, ' DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 19., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,â€"-I ccrtif y that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick from (spills, V'opitingz llgadfxchtzgl intcmgl pajnsl 6:0“, 650. . n . , , W , .A,J,,_ Of Diarrhma, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Aguc, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.-â€"One tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all dcrangcmcuts of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly ltop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.-â€"â€"Ono application win aflbrd immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the max In violent diseases, instant reiief is required. ASIATTC CUOLERA, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIU, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHEKIA may prove fatal Within an hour or two, if not checked by a. puwerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ; and aliacuto and inflammatory maladies, whether Rhennmtism, Neuralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal dilfieulties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught with immediate danger, yiei’d at; once to this. commanding curative, As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. The RE EDY RELIEF is as suddcil'in ins operation as thq malady ifself. .It ié more active than the Virus of the mo<* «wift and deadly epidemic. \Vith this Remedy at hand to use on the first svmpwm or van: and uneasiness, no person need suffer an hour sicknesnl AND- ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIC CHOLEBA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENOESI, ' RASWAV’fi gym?! REMEFH! Sisters of Mercy at Berebester Street Hospital, applying Br. Badway‘s Remedies to the sick. Agents for the sale of Rawday’s linen) m § 1. 1‘. P. CROSBY, hu l‘mOnd Hi”, TUOS. ALLISON, 'Ncloxia Fql'are, CHAS. DOAN. Auiora and which he confidently offers as one of the best andwheapest kinds in the country. RICHMOND HILL, Apri, 13, 1867. Rafi/wed. gm? (9f $18 Plough Points 85 Landsides kept always on hand Vl‘HE Proprietor would respectfully announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improved Pl! ughs of ' STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS W Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchants. we m 1; 51mm IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheumatism, Ingmnt Hem Needmfl PRICE, £5 cents a Bottle. CURES PAIN INSTANTLY!‘ in sudden Afiacks JOB \VURK DUNE TO ORDER HALL’fi which he now offers at, the Mr. ROWE and Mrs. ROWE, King S JOHN RADWAY, M. D., 8:. 00.; 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, Mom”, And 87 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK HENRY HA LL. AGENTSâ€"We wum agents in ovary regi- memt. and in awn-v town and vonnty in the vnnntry, and'thosn aciing as such will be RUOW- «I H! cents on every Cenificnla ordered by :hum. provide-d their remittancn amount! lo we dnllar. Agents~ will collect95 can!!! for wary Certificate. and remit l5 cenls‘to‘ as; fl'TWrite hiaifily, Vsuy dnly what is necesnry and be prompt. Addresa, GIRARD W. DEVAUGH 6:00 No. Mai ox, LengN‘Wfl ch. Junel 9 1865. f ‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘HIBALD ’ Book Store where Stockholders and others may mocuro BOOKS every Friday afternoon. iron Alas clock. P.M. 4,000 Culi ‘ rniu Diamond Breast I'in’n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Golds Fob and Vest Watch KHys.... .... .... ‘ 4.000 i'nh and VBS‘ Riblmn S‘ides 4.000 SMS 04' Sulitairo “leave But- (nusfilndmetc........,.. 3 3.0M) Gold 'l‘himhles. l’nncils.elc 4 GJ'lln Minimuml Lm-kes........ 250 4_00£l Miniature Locketsâ€"Mingle Spring........ ........ 3 3,000 Gold 'l'ooihpicks, Crosses. etc............-....... 2 :'\_iln-ll Plain Gold Rings......... 4 5130” (‘lmwxl Gnlll Pâ€"imgs 4 Rfl‘fl Slum: Set and Signet Rings 2 50 RJ‘flt‘ (Ialil'ovnia Uiamund Rings. 2 7,5008915 Lidia! Juwelryâ€"Jet andGoid............... 5 6.0“0 Snta Lndies’ Jewelrvâ€" Cnmno. I’eml.etn.... .:.. 4 4 3 $000 G;th l’uns.Silv0r Extension [Initialâ€"s and Pom-ils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pf‘ns and Gold Moun- Ind lloldm's.... ... . .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion i‘lnlriei‘s............ 6 3.000 Silver Guhlets and Drink- i-ig Cups .............. 5 711le SilverCas-tors.... .... .... 15 3.600 Silver Fruit and ane Baskets................ 90‘ 2‘000 Mosaic. Jet. V I nva. V Florentine Ear Drops .. . . 4,500 (1917\anan and Emerald a \‘anvlms .............-- 300 | ad Ps’fi‘rnld and [Cnanwled- Case \thclms.“ .... . . . Gm) Goms‘ meingl vse Sil- ver V\’aIr-hes.:... .. .... 2H0 Diumond liinqs.... .... . . 3.!!(10 Gold Vestand Neck Chains 0| u. N 3 OH) Cold Oval "and Bram-INS. 4 (WI (Tl'asevi Hold Brat-«IN. .... 2,000 ( huh-lama (mains and Guard Chains” . . nu . . . (:Jrim Suhlnire mu! Gold Brow-hes 2,00” Lava and Florentine 1N)" Dozen Silver Ton-Spoons. 5.00“ " _ “ Table Spoons 2,00” Lava and Florentine Hrmmhos .... .... .. .. . 1000 Coral. Opal and Em'eru-k} Brooches...“ .......... DR. T. C. CULVER’S MEDACAJT "DISPENSARY. Ehranéc and Secretflriseases One for 25 cts.. fivn for $1, slave“ fm 9$ thlrh' for $" sixty-five» For $30. one hunde For $15. This distrilmliun nflbrds a fine oppor- tunity For Agunw, as what Mdy or gnmlemnn will not iIIVPKI TVVKN’I'V “we (men’s wilh a pro-- [wot of gelling five hundred or a th'onsand time-s as much. All urrters must he addrc‘used lous nl our uld st'and No [5 Maiden Lane New York. v .‘ (Ierhfiuwte In Us u ilh one dullflr and .hs- article. no manor hnw vnlunlm it "my be, will lm for- wzu'dml '0 him or her al once. lem are no Blank Certificntos and then-fore every one is qurP to got. :11 least. Flu! full value of his or her mnuoy. Rhoulll (Ina arxlcie mnde m) the ver- tifiunm m-t suii,mly mhor Min-h he mny select at“ t“e snmn valua will ha substituted. We no lhe usrtilicnlo s follows: For (ho pl)!pnFF of closing nu! (he stock a. the emliesl puss-1M5 (1M0, lhn undamgned havo decided on n Qremdistrihuzion mada as follown. 1“sz AN!) nvmn’ An'rlcuc, so MATTER How VAI U,u.u,r:. IH'ING sour rott'fgl. A (‘mtificnu‘ of' each article with its vnlll pv-inu-d upon it. is plm-ed in an euvelupe and sunlmlw thaw mnvelnhes are lhm'ouzrhlv mixsd , _ h J and sold for 'i‘mz.1:t_I/~fi1;e Cents muchâ€"the sun româ€"ivimg one of these envelopes i# an tn Hm nr‘ivlu named [harem hr relurnim OUNG MEN who are troubled will! weuknaer generally. caused by a bad huhi! in youth. which produces constitutional dehllity. you can rely on our remedies, for we have treated over filly xlmusnnd patients. and we guarantee a perfect cureiu all cases. IMPORTANT 'I'O LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on the monthly sickness, in all cases of obstruction mun any cause, and after all other remedies cf the lmd have been tried m vain. A Faggvmm EMPLBYEIEET FDR EVERYBRBY. Thu linfim Stork ofa running from business. cure guzn‘antr-ed. Pnlmms living at a dislanee can procure Dr. (I’s renmdlus. sent (socnre hud free from ob- survmiou) to any part of llle l’rovinne. with plain and full dn'acxiuns for use, by wr:gh1in!, stating mums; mploxns Sic. AH consumuulm M the office free but strictly Cenlidumial Agénts wanted_'lhrnnglmut the and Cnnadas. ‘Valtfl‘os. Chums, Eris of Jammy, FirgsJ’m h‘acelcls, Sleeve Buttons. SilverSpoons and Forks. Cups. Calm Buskols, dw. worth Plight Hundred 'l'hou- sand Doilars. East, "‘urnnln, C May 7, [566. \LL OF WHICH AM: TO m: sow FOR 3! “on sun Goms’ Gnlrl Hunting Case uy . RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ‘ASSOC‘ATION. Ullicn hours from 8 AM to S P. M. Addressâ€"~Dr. 'I‘. C. Culvor, 139. King St. "N (p n u: fi‘eztd. 1 drendhl of youth and Forks. . Em“ DUI-)5 UNFORTUN ATES READ! And all Female Complni :8. Ova: 35, King Street East, LIST 01“ ARTICLES. 800,000 :53. Q N‘T o, 'or the cure of 250 H to my: uums muchâ€"the per- lhese envelopes is enliiled a large Imrmu'mo Housl . SCOTT , Librarian. .,.5 $50 tn $150 lhm'mmhh'. mixed r returning the and tbs- article. he, will bus for- lem are no ‘250 United Slat PER DOZEN s10 m 32“ 15 u 20‘“ lo 20 u 49-ly 50 5U )0 l5 l5

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