mm? P151867. 10 enfrics..1st George mufï¬n, 3d; 2nd T. “7. Perry, 2 d; 3rd 1‘- »‘W‘.~£Pemy, 1 _d. y ‘ ‘Sow Pig, 1867, 9 entries. .151; Geo Tay- 4013343; 2nd T w Perry, 2 d; 3rd ’1‘ w Perry, 71 «l. Judgsï¬u Clan 18, Wm Clark, George Pingle, and R Vardon. CLASS 18, POULTRY. Ueésé, § entries. . lst Henty Sharp, 1 d ; 2nd R Armstrong, 50 (:15. Sow Large Breed, 2 entries-«ISL William y Clark, 3‘d ; 2nd Wm Wheler, 2 d. IlBoaer'ull Breed, 6_ entrieswlst John mason 3 d; 2126 Charles I’iikey, 2 d. Lot of Poultry in one pen, 6 entries. .let "Thomas Boyntou, 1 (1; 2nd Henry Sharp, 50 cts.‘ Judgesforafl'ga‘sa 19, NS:}?{1eI', Jamcs Ram Lazhb,:1867, 4 enh-iesâ€"lst Herbert .ifl'peucer, 3d; 2nd .108. Wixon, 2d; 3rd Herbert Spenser 1d. ' ‘ v Fairless, aizd F. Smith. ' CLASS 19, DAIRY PRODUCE, HONEY AND BREAD. Butter 61b5, 36 entries. .lst Mrs James Dimma, 5:6; 2nd Mrs C Tomlinsen. 4 11: 3rd Miss Susan Fierheller. 3 (1; 4th Mrs T Martin, 2 d 3 5th Mrs A Nichols, 1 d. - Marrowfat Peas. 5 entries. .lst P. Bar- tholomew, 2 (1; 2nd Jos Nighswam‘ler, 1 d. Peas, Small, 18 entries. .lst Jos Nigh- swande, 2 (1; 2nd T1103 Gibson,_ 1 d. Turkeys, 5 entries. .lst Wm L Stotts, 16; 2nd Thos Gibson, 50 cts. Cheese (Dairy) 12 lbs, 9 entries. .1st“Mrs James Patton, 5 d; 2nd Mrs Maxon Jones. 4 d ; 3rd Mrs Maxon Jones, 3 d; 4th Mrs R. Cunningham, 2 d 5 5th Mrs Wm Clark, 1 d. Honey Made, 3 entries..lst Mrs G M Davidson‘ 1 d; 2nd Mrs W Runde :50 cts. Judges for Classes 20 and 21. F Green, H Helli'well and J Monkhouse. Judges for Classes 14, 15, 16 and,17, Rabi. .Mm‘s): C'. Leham, and Thos. Harding. Ducks, 5 enmes. .lst James Medd, 1 d; 2nd Geo Sharp, 50 em. Factory Cheese 501bs. 15 entries. ,Ist George Morwn, 6 (1; 2nd Reesor Bros, 4 d; 31d John N Raymer, 3 d. Bread Home Made, 17 entries. .lst Mrs T W Patterson, 2 d; 2nd Mrs F Boyn- ton, 1 (1; 3rd Mrs A Nichol, 50 cts. Black Oats, 6 entries. .lst Philip Bartho lamew, Z (1; 2nd W. Rennie, 1 d‘ Black Spanish, 4 entries. .1st John Reesor, l (1; 2nd W L SIGNS. 50 cts. Fa“ Wheat 12 entries. .151; P. Bartholo- mew, 2 (1; 2nd Wm Forfar 1 d. Midge Proof wheat, 13 entries. .Ist Jas Loadman, 2 d; ‘an Jag Dimma, 1 (1V Spring wheat, 14 entries. .151. Jas Load man, 2 d; 2nd John Irwin, 1 d. Flax Seed, 7 entries. .lst Philip Bartho- I_omew, 2 d; 2nd Geo Dixon, 1 d. 20 lbs Fla‘: in straw, 3 entvies. 1st Henry Sharp, 2 d; 2nd George Sharp 1 d. White Oats, 9 entries. .lst Jas Patton, 2 d; 2nd John Irwm, 1 d. Barley, 15 entries; . .lst Thos Gibson, 2 6; 2nd \Vm Pager, 1 d. CLASS 16, FAT SHEEP, 8 entriqsâ€"l st John Miller. 3 (1; 2nd Gea Miller, 2 d; 31d James Whitson, 1 d. CLASS 17, SWINE. _ Boar Large Breed, 2 entriesâ€"lst. Wm. Miller, 3 d; 2nd Wm Wheler, 2 d. Game. 6 entries. .lst Juseph Graham; 1 (5; 21111 John Rcesor, 50 018. CLASS 20 . .GRAIN, SEEDS, FLOUR, & OATMEAL. ’J‘ares, 3 entries. .lsf. James Medd, 1 (1; 2nd Henry Sharp, 50 Chi. White Beans,9 entries. .lst David Crosby 1 (1; 2nd Philip Quantz, 50 cts. Indian Com, 7 entries. .lst Maxon Jones, 1 d ; 2nd C Reesor, 50 eta. Barrel Flour, 2 entries. .lst John Reesor, 1 d; 2nd Geo Peebles, 50 cï¬s. . Oatmeal, 1 entry. .lst Geo Peebles, 1 d. Miller, M. Hone}? in the Comb, lst Rodgers & Web- ster, l (1; 2nd D A Crosby, 50 cts. Ewe Lambs 1867,‘ 15 entriesâ€"lat George Weldrake, 3d; 2nd George Weldmke, 2d ; 341! thu Miller, Id. CLASS 13~COTSWOLD. R'a‘m, Aged, 10 entriesâ€"lat. Wm rBoyn- ton, 3d; 2nd Wm Pagett, 2d; 3rd John Miller M. Ewes 2 Shears, 5 entriesâ€"lat George Miller, 3d; 2nd Geo Miller 2d; 3rd Juhn Millcr, 1d. Ewes, 1 Shear, 8 entriesâ€"lat prize James Russel. 3d; 2m] James Russd, 21; 3rd Geo Miller, M. Ewe Lambs, 1867-â€"8 entriesâ€"-lst Geo. Weldrake, 3d; 2nd James Russel, 2d; 3rd William Paget, 1d. Ewes 1 shear, 9 entriesâ€"Ist W. Wheler. 3d; 2nd Herbert Spencer, 2d; 3rd Wm. Wheler, 1d. Ewe Lambs, 1867, 8 enmesâ€"lst Her- bert Spencer, 3 d 5 2nd Herbert Spencer, 2d; 3rd Wm Wheler, 1 d. Potatoes, 17 entries. .lst Jas Traun, 1 6; 2nd Uriah Young, 50 eta. " ananbs,1867, 14 entriesâ€"15f, Geo ï¬guraler 3d; 2nd Wm Bell 2d; 3rd Geo CLASS 14, HAMPSHIRE AND summ- SHIRE SHEEP. Ewes 1 shear, 4 entriesâ€"lst Herbert Spencer, 3d ; 2nd George Miller, 2d; 3rd Herbert Spencer, 1d. Ewes Spling, 1867, 4eutriesâ€"Ist Hex- bex‘t Spencer, 3d; 2nd Joseph Wixon, 2d; 3rd Hex-berm Spencer, 1d. . CLASS 15, SOUTHDOWNS. “Ram nngLI entryâ€"lat Wm. Whaler, 3d. Ewes 2 shears, 9 entriesâ€"I st Wm Whel‘ er, 3d; 2nd Herbert Spencer 2d ; 3rd Jos. Wixon, 1d. rattan: l d; 2r;le W Perry 50- cts. Rum 1 Shear, 9 entriesâ€"13$. Geo Miller, 3:; 2nd Geo Weidrake, 2d; 31-dJ-aa Russel, l . ' Ram Lamb, 1867, 9 entriesâ€"451; Jusoph Wixon, 3d ; 2nd Jos. Wixon, 2d; 31d Wm. Wheler, 1d. Ram 1 year old, 4 entriesâ€"15h F. Wixon 3d; 2nd A. H. Fenwick, 2d. 'Ram 1 shear, '2.entriesâ€"lst Geo. Miller, 3d; 2nd Herbert Sgencer 2d. Ewes 26mins, -2 entriesâ€"15c Geo. Miller, 36 ; 2nd Herbert Spencer, 2d. Ewes 2 Shears, 8 entriesâ€"lst J elm Mill- er. 3d; 2nd Thos MurtinL'ld; 3rd George Miller, 1d.. Ewes l Shear, 10 entriesuhl st. Jas Russel 3d; 2nd Jas Russel, 2d; 3rd Geo Miller, 1d. 1 llt James Rus’seJ: 3dâ€; 2nd 'Jamea Russel, 2d . 3rd James Russell, 1d. Mange} Wufzéi'ï¬lobe. 7 entfles. .lst Jas Rgm Laughs, S‘prjigg 1:86‘7, - 21 entriesâ€" CLASS 21. .ROOTS. rF'aA‘minSI Min, 2 entries.â€"~1st A&W Wilson, d, 2nd Brown & Patterson, l (1. Grass Seed SOW?1‘.-lst Wm Miller, 2 (1. CLASS 24.?"- CARRIAGES, &c. Carriage for 2 horses} .2 entrlea.-â€"-1st H R Wales, 8 (1, 2nd H. R. \F’ules, 4 d. Carriage for 1 horse, 2 emi‘ieSr-lst H R Wales, 6 d, ï¬lm! [I K. Wales, 4d. Ladies’ Gaiters. 2 eutries.â€"lst Wm Smar- don, 1 d, 2nd D C Burk, 50 cts. Cutter for oxie or more Horsessâ€"lsï¬ H R Wales, 3 d. ‘ Judges for Céass 25â€" Wm Thompson, T Marley and J T (Iarnaghan. Men’s Gaiters, 2 elztrius.â€"lst Wm Smar‘ den, 1 (1, 2nd D C Bun‘k, 50 cts. Embroidery in Siik. 3 an!ries.â€"-15t Miss 'Barker, 1 d, Zud Mrs I) McCausland. 50 cts, Harness Leélther, 3 entries.â€"Ist James Robinson, 1 d, 2nd James Robinson. 50 6%. Upper, ehtries.â€"lst James Robinson, 1 (1, 2nd James Robinson, 50 cts. Carriage Top.â€"1st James Robinson,1 d. Kip Skins, 3 eutries.-15t James Bobinson, . ‘1)..L: r0 1 (1. And 311111022 uwmsan, a CtS- Calf Skins, 3 entries.â€"lst James Robinson, 1 d, 2nd James Robinson, 50 cts. Boots, Calf, Sewed, 2 entries-19A D C Burk, 1 d, 2nd Wm Smuldon, 50 cts. Harness, Team, 2 entries.â€"1st R Malcom, 5 (1, 2nd James Digby, 3 d. ' Harm 53, Single Set, 3 entries.â€"lst R Malcom, 4 (1. 5nd 0 Raymer, 2 d. Saddle, Bridle and Martingale, 2 entries.â€" lst. R Malcom, 3 d. . Judgesforlflu‘s‘s 26o-gfg‘rtg'nvlfagerow, S' CLASS 25.â€"â€"LEATHER & LEATHER MAN UFACTURES. Boots Coarse, 2 entriesâ€"1st D C Burk, 1 d, 2nd Wm Smardou, 50 cts. Mlghton and TA Milne". CLASS Qï¬â€"WUOLEN MANUFAUUTRE Socks, 6 eulries.â€"lst Mrs H C Man. 1 1!, 2nd Mrs A Gould, 50 cts Him, 4 emries.â€"â€"1st Miss A Focklor. 1 d. 2nd Mrs D erickler, 50 cm Bed Comforter. 5 entries.â€"-lst Miss G Tay- lnr. l (I, ï¬nd Miss E Patton. 50, cts, Judgcsfur (‘luss '37â€"Mrs VacBusaak, Miss Cruwï¬n‘d. and Margaâ€. 10 Yards Full Cloth. Home Made. ll eluries --lst Mrs W L Stem, 2 d, 2nd Mrs W Forfar, 1 d. Blankets, 1 Pair. 9 entries.‘lst Mrs Leppard 2 d, 2nd Mrs J Canning. l d, 10 Yarks Home Made Flannel. 15 entries.â€" lsl Mrs. D \Vismm, 2 d. 2nd Mrs. George Taylor. I d. Wonlun Kersey. IO Yards. 5 catries.â€"lst Dr Ransom 2 d. 2nd Gec Qunmz, l d Stocking Yam. 8 exurias.â€"-Islol\lrs [I C Marr. 1 d. 2nd Mrs W L Stuns 5|) cls. CLASS 27â€"LADiES’ DEPARTMENT eraw Hat Canadian Straw. 5 entri mâ€"Jst. Mrs T W l’averson, l d, 32nd Miss Armstrong. 50 cls. Fall pears, 13 entries.â€"â€"lstT R Arm strong, 1 d, 2nd W L Stuns, 50 cts. Winter pears. 9 entries.â€"lst Geo Cooper 1 (1, ‘2nd Tnos Morley, 50 cts. Double Waggon, l entry.â€"â€"lst H. R Wales, 8 d. Iron Plowfl‘, 3 entries.â€"lst G Wilkinson, 3 d, 2nd Brown (15 McNeil, 2 d. Woolen Carpm, Wovemâ€"lst James Bow- man. 2 d. Sxoelrinzs. 6 enxries.â€"lst Miss C L Wismer l d, 2nd Miss Barker, 50 cts. Citrous. 7 entries. .Ist Miss Manda Fock- Ier, 1 (1; 2nd Wm Fz'y, 50 CES. Fall Cooking Apples, 34 entries. .lst Thus Glbson l_d; 2nd L Crosby, 50 cts. Grapes, 11 entriesâ€"ht W L Stotts, 1 (1, 21d John Wilson, 50 cts. Best, variety of Garden Vegetables, 1 entIy.â€"â€"lst George Cooper, 1 d. Boquet. 3 entries.â€"1st Mrs Dr. Reesor, 1 d, Zud Miss Bessy Carter, 50 cts. Judyesfm' Classes 23, 24, and 29-â€"-David Brown, Wm Dufl; and S Alachell. Iron Harrrow.â€"-lst G Wilkinson, 3 d. T1 rnip DriII.â€"-lst Mr Calvert, 3 d. Horse Hay Rake.~-lst Michael Burk- holder, 2 d. ' Churu.â€"-lst T W Lamoreaux, 2 d. Wsshing Machine.â€"â€"-1st T W Lamoreaux, Coverlet; Woolen. 3 entriesâ€"1st John “clumsy. la, 2nd Mrs A Fockler.50 cls. Water Melons. .5 em‘ries..lst John Dean, 1 d; 2nd Wm Fry, 50 cts, Musk M dons. .4 entxies. .Ist Geo Coop‘ er, d; 2nd W L Stuns. 50 cm. Fall Tame Ap'fles, 30 entries. .lst Jos Nighswander, l d; 2nd L Crosby, 50 018. W.nter Table Apples. .30 entries. lst L Crosby, I d ; 2nd Jacob Miller. Best 12 Varieties Apples. 6 of each, and namF-d, ern1ries.â€"â€"lst, L Crosby, 1 (1, 2nd, Geo Miller, 50 uts. Largest and best Aassortment of Apples, 3 of each and named, 9 entries.~â€"lst, L Crnsby, 1 (1, 2nd W L Stons, 50 cts. Specimen Braiding in Silk-dot Mrs W Park, I d, > Oniom Red, 3 entries. .15â€. J05 Pape & Son, 1 d, 211d Gen Cooper, 50 cts. ' Tomatoes, 7 entries. .lst Wm Fry, 1 (1; 2nd Geo Cooper, 50 cts. Reaping and Mowing Machine combined, 1 entry'sâ€"151: Brown & Patterson. 10 d. Lndies’ Bonnet Canadian Straw, l cumuâ€" 23: Miss 1 Armstrong, 1 d. CLASS 22..HORTICULTURAL PRO- DUCE. Pumpkins Mammoth, 2 entries . .lst Wm Musselman, 1 (1; 2nd \V Fry, 50 cts. Pumpkins Small, 9 entries. .lst W A Forfar, 1 d ; 2nd H C Murr, 50 cts. Celery, 5 entriesâ€".lst Geo Cooper, 1 d ; 2nd Jos Pape & Sun, 50 cts. Onions white, 3 entries. .1sl; Geo Cooper, 1 d; 2nd Henry Sharp, 50 cts. Mangel Wurzel, Long Red or Yellow. . 7 entries. .1st T W Patterson, l d ; 2nd T Wf’un‘yIAéO cl‘s. Beetsyï¬ entries. .lst Geo Cooper, 1 d; 2nd~W Davicsontï¬o cts. Turnips Swede, 9 entries. .lst John Irwin, 1 a; 2nd James Patton 50 cts. Carrots Long Orange, 2 entries. .lst Wm Fry, 1 d; 2de Geo Cooper; 50 cts. Carrots white, 10 entries. _lst‘ ’1' W Pat- terson, 1 do; 2nd James Patton, 50 cts. Judges for 0103822, Hon D Reesor, Geo Ping/[e and S leler. Cabbages Common, 5 entries. ,lst Geo Cooper, 1 d; 2nd Geo Taylor, 50 cts. Red Cabbage, 3 entries..lst Wm Fry, 1 (1; 2nd .105 Pupe & Son, 50 cts. Embroiderv in Muslin. 4 Miriamâ€"ls! Mrs T J Dougall. 1 dol. 2nd Miss E Patton, 50 cu, Cauliflower, 4 entries. . Isl. Geo Cooper, 1 (1; 2nd E J D Smith, 50 eta. Child’s dlefls, 2 anthemâ€"Isl Mrs Daniel. 1 2nd Mrs Bates 50 ms. CLASS 23.â€"-FARM- IMPLEMENTS. Dr. Colby’s Pills are approved by who use them. PAms, Oct. 15.-â€"â€" It is reported that if the condition of afl‘airs around Rome should become critical. the Pope will leave the city and take refuge in Baravia, where he has been Offered an asylum. TUESDAY, October 22 -â€"Credit Sale of Fun. Stock, &c. on lot No. 26, 2nd Con h'larkham, the property of Mr David Eyer. Sale at 11 am. Sun- derson & Myers, Auctisneers. THURSDAY, 00!; 24 â€"Credit Sale of Farm stock &e., on Lot No 48, 1st Con. Markham, llichmond Hill, the property of Mt. Robert Hall. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. ERIDAY, Oct. 25.â€"â€"â€"Credit Sale by Auction, of Farm Stock Implements, &c,, 011 Lot No. 4, 3rd Conces- sion Township of Whitehurch, the property of Mr John \Vatson. Sale 12 o’clock sharp. Ed. Sauelcrson, Auctioneer. _ TUESDAY, Oct. 20.â€"-Credit Sale by Avction, of Farm stock, Implements, &c, on Lot No 21, 3rd Concession Markham, the property of Mr. Geo. Querie. Sale at 11 am. Edw. Sanderson, Auctioneer. WEDxESDAY, Oct. 30.-â€"Imp0rtant Credit Sale, of Farm Stock Imple- ments, Sac , on Lot No 19: 4th Con. Markham, near Buttonville, the pro-V perty of Mr W Lawson. Sale at 10 mm. Ed Sanderson, Auctioneer. (If? Parties having Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce will have a notice similar to the above; free of charge. Specimen Braiding in Worsted, 3 cntries.-â€" Isl Mrs l Bales. l d, 2nd Mics E Patton. 5(" cm. Tuning. 9 entries â€"Isl Miss Jennie Clark- 5011. i d. 2nd Mins Jane Burk, 50 cts. Sample Tin Ware, ‘2 entriesâ€"IN G R Van- zunt, l d ‘ 2nd G R Vansmm, 5“ ch. 7 Sample Draining Tileâ€"1st. W A Forfar, Cum-hat Work, 9 entries.-â€"lsx Muss Lizzie Miller, 1 d, 2nd Miss E l’ullon, 50 cls. Ornamental Needlework, 2 entries.â€"lst Mrs J Robinson, 2nd Mrs Dr McCuuslgmd. 50 cts. Sofa Pill'ow. 4 entries â€"â€"lsl Mrs Dr McCaus- land. I d. 211;) Miss A Fierheller, 5U cls. Berlin Wool Mam. 6 antries.-â€"1st Miss B A Ash. 1 d. 2nd Muss Fierhiller 5U cls. Berlin WuulRui-ed, l elm'y.-lst Miss A Berlin WuulRui-ed, l entry.-lst Miss A Taylor, 1 d. German Raled Work, 4 entries â€"-lst Miss A 'I‘avlur, 1 d. ‘2ud Miss B A Ash. 51) (:13. Bee Hive, 2 exnries. .lst S B Fenian l ‘21“! Rodgers 6L WebJer, 5D cls. Judges, Band Master. Hussm‘s, Dr Hillary, G McBride. ' Farmers \an1h, 5 entriesâ€"ls: Mrs T, Poucher,l d; 2nd Mrs J Gould. 50 cls. Wax Fruit. 3 outriesâ€"lst M V’Viimot. ] d; 'Jnd Mrs G R Vanzant, 50 cls. Fancv Basket 7 entriesâ€"[st Miss A Gould, l d; 23nd Miss M VVilmot. 5B cls. Quilts in piece Work-'42 entries; lat Miss C U Wismer. I d; 211d Mrs Leplmrd, 5U (21;. Darned Socks or Stocklugs-lst Miss 1 Armstrong, 1 d ; 2nd Mrs J Dimmn. SOME. Rag Carpetmlsl Mrs W Parks, 1 d. Hearth Rug, ‘23 entriesâ€"1513113 R T H awk- ins. l d. 2nd Mrs J Snmmervxlle. 50615. Family Sewing Machine ‘Vorkâ€"lst Rodgers &. \Vebsler. l d. Judges/hr Class QSmRevS IV McFadden, Camp/MM, and Mr Cullins. CL 83 28â€"F1NE ARTS. ‘ Col!ec‘ion Photographs, 2 entries 15’! T J Dougail,2 (1; 9nd T J Dough“, l d. Lady Equnsiriau. 1U emriesâ€"Ist Miss A Roesul'. Wulch, ‘2mi Miss F Wnlsou. Locket; 3rd Miss J Welis. Bridle; 4m Miss Carrie Luna, Whip. Knitting Fancy Cotton, 6 entries.â€"!sl Miss M Button, 1 d, 2nd Miss B A Ash, 5“ ms. Lealhér Work. 1 entry --lst Miss B A Ash, 1 d. Paper Flowers. 4 entries.-â€"lst Miss A Gould 1 d 2nd Mrs H C Marr. 5“. Feather Flower". 2 entriesâ€"1st Miss B A Ash, 1 d ; 2nd Miss June Bulk, 50 czs. Specimrn'nf Bead, Wonk, 3 entriesâ€"1st Miss A Fielhellor. I d, 2nd Miss J Burk. 50 Water Color Flowers]. '2 entriesâ€"1st Mrs Dr. McCauslnud, l d ; 2nd Mrs Dr McCaus- land. 5i! cts. Netting. 3 enlries.-â€"-lst Mrs Dr McCauslaud. I d, Qndjliss ll l'ierhiller. 50 cts. Cam‘s F'me thrt. 4 entries-Isl MissE Patton l d. 2111] Mrs J Burton. 50 cts Gem’s Flannel Shi't. 4 entries.-â€"-lst Mrs J Robinson. 1 d, 2nd Mrs G Taylor. :30 cm. Rustic VVm-k, 9 entries.-lst Miss M Wilmot l d. 52nd Mrs Fuirlos, 5!) us. Hair Flows’r:,4 entries â€"-lst Mrs T Moorhy. 1 d. 2nd Miss 'I‘rz-mn. 50 ms. Kniniag Fancy in thread. 15:. Mics M Button 1 d. Quilts in Knitting, 3 entriesâ€"[st Mrs Brown I d : ‘2nd Mrs Brown. 5" cts. Oil Painting. Animalsâ€"1st G Shonberger 2d; ‘2ud G Shouberger. l d. Pencil Crayon Drawingâ€"2 eniriesâ€"Js‘ Mrv Daniels. 1 d: ï¬nd Mrs Dr. Causaiaud. 5.| cts CLASS 29â€"MISCELIJAN EDUS. Pump in Wood. 1 entryâ€"1st D C Ferguson, 1 d. do C H Gaunt Sieel Amalgam Bell. L Jones, Deer, A Marsh. Maple Molabsses. Mrs Leppnrd. Jar Preserves, Mrs 'l' l’oucher 'l'omalo Catsnp, Mrs L Janos. Red I’Bppr'r, Wm Frey. Whitn Egg Hunt, Wm Fry. V Green Globe Artichoku. “7 Fry. Plumas. T Morley. ,' s. (Jung Plough. Brown and Paflerson. L Sawing machines, Rodgers 6!, Wobder. Gems fluid. Mrs fl’lacl'nrlnin. do Mrs Jones. Specimen Ladies Wearing Appafl, Miss Larable. Wor. Box, Miss Gould, EXTRAS RECO MENDED. AUCTION SALES. inclined to Shirk the laborious part 01" his high ofï¬cial position. The Hon Adam Wilson is the presiding judge We ï¬nd that'the old cause of‘ complaint still existsâ€"efuruiers taken to. Toronto at a season when they are so much needed ‘at home to complete their fall ploughing and other pressing work, to sit asjurors upon cases†at originate in/the City of Toronto; aslï¬iiay he seen by reading the reports of trials from day to day in the Leader and Globeâ€"it is to budâ€"some- thing must be done to put a stop to this continued grievance; it rests with the ffarmei's and mechanics of theflounty ,to go earnestly to work and petition for a remedy. This is a subject we have re- ferred to before and know that the ‘publia eeliag is opposed to the pre- Scnt expensive arrangement; but it re- quires united elfort on the part of those ‘ who suffer to bring about a change for, the better. At this season of the year a farmer’s time is of immense value to him and he can ill afl'ord to spend it in the l ‘City of Toronto, when he could (by {mth arrangements) be at his work in the ï¬elds. Southern. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . A 6.30 P.M. N;B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handé-l {in 15 minutes lug/bra 1he time of closing. ‘ Rrobert Marsh presented a petition from George E'aaeke for grant to repair bridge on 7th Con. Said petitions were received and read. \Vm. M. Button, seconded by James Bowman, moves that the sum of $50 be granted on the town-line between Mark- ham and Searb‘pro’, opposite the 8th Con. known as Millie’s bridge, and that James French and Josephus Reesor be Commissioners td expend the sameâ€"pro- vided the -Municipulity of Searboro" grant a like sum.'- CnrrIed. James Bowman. presented a petition from Jas. Wilkinï¬on, for a grant at But- tonville. fl Wm. Eak'm pfeéentod a petition from A. Barker for aid to John Beavis, a pallpgr. ' .â€" i .‘ U Wm. M. Button, seconded by James Bowman, mnves that in answer to the petition of Francis Button and others, the sum of $1_ per week be granted to Joel McKay, a pauper, payable to the order 0t Peter Wfllmott, Esqâ€"Carried Jarifes Bowmgm presented a, petition from F. R. Armstrong and others, pray- ing for aid to Wm. Newlove. vRobert Marsh presented a petition from F Butt0n_and others, praying for aid to Joel M cKay. Wm. MsBIiLton, seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that \Vm. Eakin be ap- pomted to make the best arrangement he can for the comfort John Beavis, an old pensioner, and report at the next ineeting of this council.â€"â€"â€"â€"Carried. Northern Raiiway 0f Canada May 6. 1867. Going North 7.55 AM ......... 4.56 PM; Going South 9.33 A.M. . . . . . _ . . 8.14 PM. The Assize Court of the County of York is now sittin'g at Toronto; how long the session may last, remains yet to be know-n. We perceive that 'the pres mier of Ontario, the Hon. John Sanï¬eld 'Vlaodonald "is discharging his duty as Attorney General, which looks like at tending to business; we are pleased to see this, as it is a proof that the honora- ble gentleman is a working man; and not Minutes of last meeting am! apIJruviad. ’ Wm. Eakin, seconded by' Robert Marsh, moves that George Haacke be and he is hereby appointed to get plank and repair the briï¬ge, i}; front of 101 19, Mails made up at the Richmond H111 Post Ofï¬ce. Until further notice, the mails will be r'losed at this Post Ofï¬ce as follows : MORNING. Northern Mail. . .‘ . . . . . . . . . 6.30 AM. Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.30 AM. Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . 1 “ Cushel, . . . K . . . . . l 11.00 A. M. “ Gormféy,'.’ . . . . . . ‘(on Tuesdays “ Headfold, . . . . . . & Fridays. “ Victoria. Square, J Important Newsâ€"Samuel Mom-by Executors Noï¬ce Sef-acting waggdn ’brakeâ€"â€"H. M. Misener New Butcher Shopâ€" I‘Vm Cox Hurrah here we are againâ€"â€" IVm Atkinson New Chea p Godsâ€"G. A. Barnard Licensed Auctioneerâ€"41. D. Bennet Ami Costive am} Tonic Pillsâ€"Dr. Colby Hunt’s Empire Hair Grass Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid New Millinery Goodsâ€"Mrs. Myers,- Hnmilton Stove Dep0t~~ James Stewart, To Contractors-J. Heine, India 65 China. Tea Companyâ€"H. Miller & Co The abdve Counml met at Unionville, on Saturday, :he 5thinstantv Wm. M: ’Button, Deputy Reeve, in the chair. V Presentâ€"Messrs. James Bowman, M arsh and Eakin. SUBSCELï¬E FOR The York Herald, $1,00 a year M: TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hi11,‘_May 6. 1867 RICHMOND HILL_ OCT. 18, 1867 RICHMOND HILL S‘L‘A TION ' CHANGE OF TIME. @9: 3590113 @3sz. Markham (301111011. County Assizes. New Advertisemens . EVENING MAIL. were read J acob's Rheumatic Liquid is all that it is recommended. - The Fall Exhibition of the Toroute Electorial Division Society is postponed to Wednesday and Thursday, the 23rd and 24th instants. we trust this ar- rangement will nnt interfere with our Vaughan Fainâ€"it is to be regretted that they should take place on the same day. The Agricultural Society of the Town- ship of Vaughan will hold its usual Au. tumn Fan on Wednesday next. the 23rd instant, at Burwick. We hope the weather will be favourable, and that the character of Vaughan will be fully sus- tained, as on former Decasions of the kind. On Saturday (to-morrow) evening, there will be a public Debate in connec‘ Lion with the above society, in the Tem- perance hall, on the following; subject :â€"â€" Resolved “ That Trial by Jury is a greater boon to society than a Free Press †Leader for the aflirnmtive, Mr H. Miller; for the negative, Mr. G‘. H Porter. Chair to be taken at 7 o'clock Admission free. At the close of the dis- cussion the ofï¬cers and committee Will be elected for the ensuing; term. After the Hall was cleared, thé com- mittee treated the Band and Readers, to refreshments in the shape of Hot Coffee, kans. Biscuits,'Checse and Pie. Thus ended/the ï¬rst lie-union of the above named Institute, . and which may be jusLly considered a decided success?) blo‘th Wm M. Button seconded by James Bowxnan, moves that the sum of $10 be granted for panting in a tile drain on the 4th concession, front of lot 14, at But- tonville, and that. B. Wilkinson, Joseph Willmost and John Kemp be Commis sioners to expend the same Carried. \Villiam Eakin, seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that John Robinson Esq. 0510b 21, in the 5th Con of this towm ship. be and is hereby accepted as surety for George Eakin, treasurer of Markâ€" ham, in lieu of Jacob Pingle, sen. who wishes to be released, Carried. inft‘d'e 7th Com; also the bridge in the rear of the 6th Con. between lots 20 and 21, and send the account, to this Coun- ciléâ€"Carried. ‘ James Bowman. seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that the sum 0f$4 per week be granted fox the eupporu of Wm N ewlove and family ; payable to the or- den of James Bowman, Curried. William Baku), seconded by Robert Marsh, moves that the Treasurer pay out of' the funds arismg from the tax in: posed on dogs, in this Municipality, said fund being for damages arising from in- jury done to Sheep by dogs, the follow- ing sums as certiï¬ed by one of Her Maâ€" jesty‘s Justices of the Peace 101' the County, to We ï¬illowing parties, viz: Frederick Peterson $18 : Henry Hopper ; James Mustard $4 50 ; Thomas Hunter $25; Edward IIouck $18 50,â€"â€" }:n'x'ied. . The Council ‘then adjourned to meet on the ï¬rst Saturday in November next. _, -. WWW.-.“ ,7 , in regard to the entertainman of the evening, and from a pecuniary point of†View. The Ins‘dtute new numbers over 30 members. The Bylalv to prevent Swine from running at large, was read the second time, on motion, it was laid over until the next meeting ofthe Council. The Maple Meehunics‘ Institute held their first Reâ€"Union, on Monday, the lizh inst†in the Masonic Hall of that Village. The evening was clear and pleasant, and the audience large, indeed far larger than was anticipated, con- sidering- the state of the "roads. The Patterson Brass Band Was in attend- ance, and enlivened the proceedings of the evening, by their splendid perform- ances. {endings were given by Messrs. Lafforty and Porter of Richmond Hill, and McDonan, Woods and \Villson of Maple. “ The ï¬rst predicted Eclipse," the ï¬rst reading given by Mr. A. Wilson, was well received; and was followed by one given by Mr. James Woods» Jun, entitled “ The struggles of Adolescence" a humorous piece, and being executed in ï¬ne style, was evidently appreciated by the audience, by the happy plaudits with which it was received. G. H. Porter then followed with a selection from Sir Walter Scotts Poems, entitled “ Mai-mien,†given in his usual happy and elfeetive style. “ A Parent’s love,’ given by Mr. L. McDonald, was read in an impressive and forcible manner, during the reading of which he was several times . applauded. The last selection a translntion from the German, “ A Legend of Churybdes,†was read by A. M. Luifertr, Est}, MAâ€, in a stirr- ing and eloquent manner. In fact too much praise cannot be accorded to Messrs Lalferty and 1’ tier for their selections, whit-i added so much to the evening's entertainment. Also Measrs \IeDon-ald and Woods, who- never be- fore road in public, may well be proud of their first achievements. Votes of thanks were then tendered to the Read- ers and the Build for their kindness in adding so mnterinlly‘to the pleasures of' the evening. The lie-Luion was then brought}: a close, by the Band. playing the National Anthem. Richmond Hill Me- chanics’ 11151311511159. Vaughan Fair. Toronto Fair. RemUmon. Information guaranteed to prodm‘a n luxuri- lant growth of hair nan a Lnkl head or hard- his face, nkn a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches. liLruplinns, olc.. on the (skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beauti- ful. can be obtained without charge byaddress- in . g THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Clumsy TO CONSUMPTJ VES. The Rev. Edward A. Wiison will send (fran Of"hï¬l'g‘o) ta all who desn-e it. lhe pragcviptjoe with the diremlimis for making: and using the simplrmmedvbv which he was cured of a lung nï¬â€˜PCIiu-n and that dread disarm» Consump- tion. HIS only ulmjucl is to beneï¬t. [he aflhcted rmé he hopes overy-sufB‘n-uv-xvd)! Irv this ï¬re- scriplionr. as it will cast them nothing, and may prov- hlew‘ing. Please addva LONDON, Oct. 14. _evening.-â€"â€" The com tinned agitation in Ifaly; and the determined desperation evinced by the party of action to persist in its attempts at an invasion of the Roman territory, cause mud} financial un- easiness and depression in this Icity and in Pa: is. By the Rev. Juo. Bredin, on the 15th inst., Wm Henry» Burkholders, Esq, and Miss Barbara. M. Macklen, both of Whit- church. REV". EUWBKD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Willmmsburg; New York. At Richmond Hill, on Thursday the 10th inst, the wife of'Mr. John Hubchin, of a Sun. THURSDAY, Oct. 16. FLOUR-“Receipts, 900 bbls; dull and nac'ive; sales, 200 bbls N0 1 super. at $550 at Rockwood; 200 bbls do at $645 here. WHEATâ€"Receipts, 1,300 bush; little offer. in; and but “we inquiry. 0n the street from $l‘40 to $145 was pajq. THE CONFESFIONS AND EXPERIEVCE OF AN INVALID. Publishw‘ furlhe beneï¬t. and as an aninn '0 Young Mum and others, who sufFr from Nervous Dchilily. Premature Decay of Man- hood. &.c.. supplying a Ihe same lime 'l‘ha Means of‘Sulf-Cura. By one who has cured himselfnfle" undergoing cousidemhle qnnck- arv. 'l'ha applicant by paying postage on his otter, will receive a cup)", free of change mm the author. NA'ruANmr: MAYFA_I_R_ Esq†BARLEYâ€"Su-eet prices. 780 to 80¢ for prime loads. Pmsrkâ€"Little coming in ; 75c to 78c. OATSâ€"Selling on the street m 40c to 42¢ W'om‘vLittle doing at 260 on the street For Children Teething, greatly facilitates the process of teething, b} aortnning the gums, reducing a" inflammation -â€"-will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is To all who desire it, he will send zr copy ofthe prescription used (free of charge), with thedirections for preparing and using m Lsame, which they will [incl n SFRE emu-2 for Coxsri‘vi.â€nox, ASTHMA, Bnoxcmns, Corona. Comm. and all Throat, and Lung Affectious. The on'y Olljeut, of the adver tiser in sending the. Prnsmiplitm Is to beneï¬t. the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable. and he hopes every sull‘erer will try his remedy, us it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing. Parties wishing the prescription, FRNL luv return mail, will pleusa mldrest‘. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williams- burg, Depend upon it, mothers. it will give rest to yourselves, and Edie/“and Health to your Infants. . We have put up and sold this article for years, and CAN SAY m CONFIDENCE Alix) Tun-m of it what we have never been hble to say 01 any other [Medicineâ€"NEVER. HAS l-‘l‘ ntmm IN A SINGLE issrmcm 'ro CURE, when timely used. Never did We lmow an instance nt'dissatisf'action by anyone who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera tion, and speak in terms of cmnmnndution of its mazicaleï¬iicts and medical Virtues. We. speak in this til-utter " WHAT WE DO KNOW,†after yean of experience. AND PLEDGE OUR nnrv'mnux FOR THE FULFILMENT 0F \VHAI' Wt: mean DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant 'is sufl'ering ll‘()|ll pain and exhauslalion, reliul' will be found in ï¬fteen 0r twenty minutes alter the syrup is administered. ‘ne advertiser, having been rvstm'ed to health in a few weeks by :7. very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, a'nd that dread disease Consumpwmâ€"is anxmus to make known t0 his feil‘ow-saï¬'emm the means of cure. A Gentleman who suffered for ymrs from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and: all the efl‘ects of youthful indiscretion, will, fox the sake of suffering humanity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and and directions for making the simple-remedy by whirl) he was cured. Sulliu'ers Wishing to profit by the advertiser’s expw'ium‘e, 11m do so by addressing, in pet-feel Confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cosh-w Street, New York. $00133me SYRUP, Why Will people pay. $30 or $1.00 for :1 Sewing Machine, when. $25 will buy a better one for all PRACTICAL pin-poses? Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the subscribers beg to inform their numerous friends that the “FRANKLIN†and “MEDAL- onN" Machines can be had in any quantity. This machine is a. d0uble~threud, mus†ct- or] upon entirely new principles. and DOES NOT' infringe upon any other in ihe world. It is emphatically the poor man’s‘ Sewing Machine, and is warranted to ex'eel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes< {Eff AGENTS W ANTED. Machines sent to Agents on trial, and given away]: to families who are needy and descrvin-‘i‘. Adda-«ass 1-. c. OTTIS & 00., Boston, Mas: 'mnkli'n. L5 ['3' FuH directkons for using will accompany each bullin None gennme unless the fat:- simile ol’CURTIS & l’ERKL‘JS. New York. is on the outside wrapper. Sold by lhuggisls lhl‘ollglmu‘. (ha wurld. PI‘ICB. only 2.3 cents par Battle, OFFICESâ€"2|5 Fulton Sit-set, New York. 205 High Hrulljom.’London. Eng “_ECQNOMY IS WEALTI-J’ 417â€": y {if} AGENTS W ANTED T0 CON‘S UH l-‘TEVES TORONTO CORN EXCHANGE REPORT. MRS." W\NSLOW’S ngs, (10., New Yul‘k. ERRORS OF YOUTH. Sure to Regulate the Bowcls‘. 441 st.‘1’uur SL, Mann-ewe} E INFORMATION. Brooklyn, Kings (3.0.. V. Y MARRIED. BIRTH. 823 Broadw'ay, New York. .1 paration is an indispensible article for the toilet. It cleanses the scalp, renders the hair ofa darker appearance, is easily applied and will no: stain the ï¬nest linen. l‘hose using the Empire Hair Glos will ï¬nd that it renders the harsh- est and coarsest hair} soft, glossy. ï¬ne and heanltful. disposing it to stay in any position in which it is placed. it prevents the hair from fullirg outdnvigorales and strengthens it. and often produces a new growth of hair where it has already invigorating and rnstoring the skin. nerves. muscles. blood vosnls. and roots of the hair. Price 25 cents; S. J. F055& 00. proprietors and sole manu- facturers. Sherbrooka. Province of Quebec.â€" Honry. Thompson & Co. Montreal; Lyman, Elliott & Ca. Toronto‘ Wholesale Agents; ' TENS pleasant, agheeabln, mid scientiï¬c pre- paration is an indispensibha articie for the Hunt’s Empire Hail-moss The "Tulsrsigned physicians eheeI-fnlly certify to the high pro"essiona| standing 0' Dr. Colby, ol‘ Star-stand. one of the oldest and best 'physi- cians and to tha excellent. qualities of his' “ANTI-COSTIVE and TONIC PILLS." whice wa have 11500 in our pracuce. and hiah- ly approve. .l. H. Gibuon. M. D., DunhathJEh C. Cnttnn, MD. annusville Charles Brown“ M D, Camansvill'e-- S S Faster, M I)Y Brome. J C Butler. MD, Waterloo, John Erskine. MD, Walnrloo. Norman Cleveland. MI), Barnston.. N Janlm. MD. Barnslon, C \VCowles, Ml). Stalxslead, John Meigs. MD, Slanstead. Joseph Breadon, MD. Surgeon, RN. Benjamin Damon, MD. Cnuticook. Lemuel Richmond. Mn. Derby Line. S. J. Fox-z & Co. Sherbwok, P Q. sole [miâ€" prielors ; Henry. Thompson Sb Co. Montreal Wholesale Agents. ration of Mr: Mill’s'ï¬bent'épééeï¬m Fe male Sum-age, have christened [their infane 'dgughters Amelia:Em§1yJor Miljéenfg becaus- a'nyLoixe of these can’bp famiï¬q'ylymbbrevib ated into‘ ‘Milly.’ RE a safe and reliahie 1-63.3“65' in a†dis“ eases of thn Stomach. Liver and 'Bowels. They are no Quark Medix‘ine. puffed up by high-counding Instimonin‘s from imaginary penph. but are the rhsull offbrfy years expel-i- sure ofa ï¬rm class physician. and their extra;- ordinary snv-cesé is due to the fact mat they- nnswer exaclh‘ their name. The forvnula'vfrmm which they are prepared, is based on snlmd,. scientiï¬c princi'ples, and has washed the Him“ qualiï¬ed approbation of lha medical urnmssibn. They do not pmfws to he a cure aâ€, but for all: disoams arising from any dprangement of ï¬ne Stomach. Liver and Bowels. they~ furnish an. eï¬â€˜ucmal remodv, We have in our powewsiom aver mm hundwd tesï¬mnnials from pl-ysgcium‘ who have used Ihom in their practice and highlv approve oftheu), among which are the ('ullnwing: . . . .. . 0“ Hr, Several eï¬thusiastic mammag i'u yugynemo ration of Mr} Mill’ï¬l?1€bvbiliig"§beeéh ‘ori Fe only 7§d per ymd. V Willi the largnsl and hast assortment of Blan- ke's Flasmcls. Dross Goods. Fullnd Cloilz, Szv Iinells nlxd Winfm‘ "kinds ever oflL-red on Riel.- [HDIId Hill, and ï¬ir Qualin and Lmvnuss of' Price unsurpassed in the tradeâ€"in anonzo or rilsmvhare. A general and lrrgu nssorlumnt of suitalils Fall and Winter Guods, wlxiw-lx will be an"? Hl. u very small profit, for Cnsl) or Shan credit. Please sail and exunine llle Goods and the prices. at W. S. l’ollock’.~~ lute RESENESS 81 HH WELL :Dr. OOIJBYW Anti-Costive and Tonic Pills, lichmond Hm, October 9. ’67 IMPORTANT N EWS And having increased his Stock, it will by found an inspection to comprise all the Articles usually kept In a‘ - FIRST-GLASS UUHNTRY STflRE. Hy selling at the: lowest possible ï¬gure. and hv nltenlion to the wants of his cusiomers. he hopes to merit a continuance of the patronauo an |ibsra IV bestowed on his predecesson In- Ionding purchasers wxil ï¬nd it to their advan- tage to give hign a call. HE undersigned having purchased tho‘ Highti for the Count\' of Yonk. is now‘ offering: for sale in thls rounlv WILLIAM COX, ' OTICE is herebv given that all parties in? debmd to the estate of the Ihte JKc-mgm't' (Taumpv‘ 3rd conue>si0n of Markham..‘rre tar queslud w pay the same in hither Of the undorv signed previous to the lat day of Ja'nuary next, a-{u hâ€.parlies havmg claims against 1110 sa3d. Estate. are réqnested to lodge the same with [he‘undersipnrd for sctflement. First-ram ym‘d wEdo Prints. fast colours.yon’ly 6d per yard. First-ram Factory Coitnm. onlv 6d [wr )‘znés' Splendid Wide u idth Prints, fast colours, OM)" Gorm‘ey, October 15, 1897 THE ONLY PERFECT BRAKE INVENTED.» THE undersigned having purchased tho‘ â€" Rights {or the Ceumv of Yonk. is now The highest market pricé given for Cal'lle She-«p, Lambs. 51c. ' {ichmond HAL. October 15; 1867. by 7.111 per yard. â€" Hoavv (,‘olourvd Wilweys, splendid vnlua, only 7% poryard. ' Magniï¬cent Bh‘achrd’ and Factory Cottons, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Joel Williams, 7EEPS always on Mind the haslof Beef. X Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork. Sausages, ' , a‘nd sens at 1he_lnwe<t prises», Gd mar y-nrd. ‘ New Checked Winccys. assorted colours. only 2nd door north of Barnard’s store- Gâ€" a? Q B. S. WILLIAM LAWS N. PETER WILLWOI‘T. Markham, October 14, 1567. David mu, 3mm awart’immwts. Waggvn Brake Mr. John Wat on, at. Gormley. H. W. DEMON? ‘HE undersigned begs leave to notify the public that he has purchnsd the Executors Notlce. RICHMOND HELL, NEW'AND CHLAP Sucnessor to James Hollidny, Patented April 10, 1867- BUTCHER, Agent, fox: 'l‘hornhi“, SELF'ACTING G. A. BARNARD’S- SAMUEL MOOBBY.- Agent for Richmond Hilli H. M. MISENER» Executorm' _m