Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Oct 1867, p. 3

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The ownrr is requested to prove properly. pay :expenaes and take them away. ] 0T No. 7. Can. I, Township of Adalaido. J ZHU Acres. 70 Acres under cultivation and almost free of slumps. A never-failing Huri-uz ("leek runs across the lot. Good House, Bani. &c. “'hnever will give such Informmion as wili had In their recovery will be suitably re- Wmded. A‘so. came into the above premises about two months ago, ' TRAYED from the premisn’s of the Sub- Icriher, lot No. ‘25, in llle 2nd cencession of Vaughan, about the 'nuer purl. of July last, South halves lots 12 and 13. Con. I, Town- ship ol'Musa. 2"” Acres Wild Land, distant tram the Village of Newbury about one mile. Will he sold together or separately, Apply (if by letter pre-paid) to J. N. BLAKE, ’J‘HE (in-partnership heretofere existing he- 0 . moon Messrs. H. 6:. A. NEWTON. Merchants. of Elgiu Mills. Richmond Hull, has this day been dissolved by mutual consenLâ€" Parked [indebted to the said firm are requested «3 collie up by the l5lh of Oclolwr. HENRY NEWTON, ANDREW NEWT~)N. Elgin MINI. September 26, £87. GOOD DIN».an House. Barn. Stable. Driving Home, Wood Hausa. and Three qunrlms of an Aura of Land, on which lhere In a quarter of MI mm M an Orchard of health“ young imesâ€"plonlv of Cherries, (Jul-rams. Hues-cherries. dv'zc‘ The above Pnoperty is situated in Ihc centre o‘fghe village. Wi” be sold cheap for cash. _7 Toronto, Sepiem bérr Dissolution of Péfiiiérsnip. N reforonce lo the above. the Subscriber win carry on the bnaiuess of {he lute firm, and hopes that lhe-ir cuntomars will bestow on him the lame liherni support. may have hilher- in given to the late firm E... or P. CRUSHY. Esq. Ric-hm and Hill,lanunry 14. 1867 A E‘VE and a LAM B. Vaughan, September HENRY NEWTON. @1352; Mills, Sow, 26. 1867. , ' 4 chobn‘ H. 1867. A(kinson Jamas Burce‘ Nathaniel Brown, Georgn Brock. Jefl'ery Hall Bernard. Mrs. H. G Bernard, A . H. Bermud. J. G, Burrows. Mrs. Ann Hayuon. John Lusgrovo, E. Chapman. Mrs. Cooper. W . Cook. Than. Craven. Thomas Demon, W, Dalmnga. Gideon Dunk. Mary French. Richard Graenwnud. W. Gram. Ganrge Gornmn Jane flax-mun, John Gruh .m, quge Heslop. Mr. VALUABLE PROPERTY LANDS for SAL E. Remaining in the Richmond Hill Post Office W3“ cmnsu't their own imarem by hie Stock before buying in Tornmo. Stove Depot on Richmond Hill ha is prepared to ms" at the manufacturers prices. Farmers and others requiring Stove Pips: supplied at the Lowest prlcas‘ Richmond Hill, Oct. 4,1867' 6 n plle door noulh 91' Mr Barnyd’s stare. and that Han-w. Simpeon & C0,, Montreal. Whole- san Agents 5. J. Fox: & Co.. Sherbroko, P. Q.. Sole Proprietors. Cooking or. Box Stuves HAMILTON STUVE DEPOT ! Has been before the public for upwards of lwonty yg-ars, and such are its merm that it is now juwlly cnlwidered an an imiisponsibie nrli- cla in evnry family where it is known. liha: uevn bat-n forced on pnMic attention by flaming rdveljlismnems or remarkable cnrns that waver had any exinu-nce. but by its own pecn'inr vnhw an an muni'ing rrmedy. it has worked its «var inlo public favor. The name of the medicine is blown in ennh bottle of‘ lhu genuilm, and Ihe purposes for which n is inmnded. as well as the mode of using. attached. of? Issuer of Mafiiage Licenses. ngwood. Sept. 19. 1867. 4 Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid. FOR, the immediate relief and permanent cure of RE-vumntism. Spminn. Emir-05, Burns. Frost Bive‘s. Lame Bar-k. Sida, Limbs or Stomach, Cramp. Numbness of Limbs, Swelling nf Joints, Sudden Colds. Dipthelia, Sara throat, Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid Having a wonr'erful effect when tnkMI inter- nally , in quickening [ha circulation ufllm blood, It is invalunh’e 10 persons prndimmsad to I’m-n- lynis. or nulrjnct to attacks of Heart Diseasa, In caves of Dyspepsia, whore food distresses, il nfl'orav prompt rulisl'. and continued for a. short tune, sets evelylhing right. October 'IOIh, lt67. 610. Kc. &c. Ca" and examine my Stack and Prices be- for purchasing elsewhere. as 3011 will find it to your intenst. MGNUMENTS, HEADSTONES ! Ringwood Jriarble W‘orks .1 Ewe and a Lamb. EGG ‘o inform his frEendx Ie the County of York that he has npnnm‘l a Barrister, 81c. Ofioo in -theGa.s Conlpaln"s Buildings Tommo 81., Toronto. JAMES STEWART MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS 0” Fa List of Letten NO'I‘IC E. P. WIDEMAN, IN IHK Wise. Henry West \lrs. Lu M: TEEFY. 1’.“ JA MES DUNTON. Aopkins, David .lnlmson. Miss. Kane, Mrs M. A. KBI'SWF“. Mrs, C. [1. Lawrence. Maggie Lawn-nee. Lizzie Minion. Peter McCuhheon. \V. J. Me“ iHinms, James N tHo. H. \'V. F. U’B:ien. Mr. Pack, N. J. Pollock. W. Firth. F. Phu’lnm. Samuel Rmd. The-adore Rumble, John Ross, H. J. Sisco. Isaac Simpson. Jumps (â€"1) Sugar, Mrs. E. Simsml. Gem‘ge In. [HOV examining 88 479 A Fresh Lot of Albums At Scott’s. 1131153. HYESTIIFFS; PAII’EETS. [HIS 81 VABEISHES Fine finuwhnld TEA. combining strenglh and flu'our 70 cents per lb. Fine“ pmcumhle 2}” 00 per H) . Sold in Packages & Can nisters by the Cmnpan y’s Agents HUG-H MILLER ‘95 Co. Home Depotâ€"London and Liverpool. Canada Depotâ€"No. 23 Hospital Street, Montreal. PIN-EST PRODUCTS 01‘ VCHINA! Machine Oil Sprainlly :ulnph-d for 'l'hrashing Machinefi, Miller‘s 'I‘it-k Dvstmve". for >lm»p-am he_u_~‘Pd twicv n yvar, Fall and Spring Millar’s Farm Bntllv, fur Horsvs and Catlin. 814:. Miller‘s Dprhv (Ms. fur Cuts. Cdlllks. and Bruizes, Millvr’e Rat EXH-rmlmtnr. Agents for Toronto INDIA & CHINA TEA COI‘IPANY. MIKE £1 FEE?! K135"? BEESTEETLY EN RAMS. COAL OIL LAMPE 2/341": ST'GMSS fifififiEBIES HARD\VARIC, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE We call special attention to our new Stock of The Ladies can rely upon the latest and m0sf fashionable stains of‘ Feathprs, Flowers; Wreathes, Ribbons, Velvm Ribbons, Moss Velvets, and 'l‘rimmings of all kinds. Also Hoods, Sontags, Nubias, Wrappers. Gluvvs, &C. With a splendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS IN GREAT VARIETY! ‘EV xfifliflnhv Y GGUDS. R D BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED! Wfiflfigfl, Rare We are Again. F Splvndid natural flmour, imported dirvct frhm He Company’s Tlanlnlions in Assam and rm lhe‘ slopvs of lhe Himaluyaa, blended mm the Richmond Ilill‘ Oct. 17 1867. 111011 We feel confident cannot be surpassed for style and Chonpness. 4«81 CORNER OF YONGE AND CENTwE STREETS, Richmond Hi1}, October 17, 1867 Our stock of Boots {111% Shoes is partially open on exlii'rminn on the Corner of YONGE and CENTRE STREETS, and will be cmn- plate in n few days. I I‘OSpPCtl‘lllly invite you to call and examine the Goods, feeling confident vou will say that they are far superi r to any in this vicinity. The Stock will cnmpri»e every variety of len’s, Women 57 Bay’s, Misses' and Children‘s CHEAPER THAN EVER W'ith some excellent, new- patterns juist brought before the public, and will be sold at the smallest possible profits. lso, it is an acknowledged fact that. our Custom made Boots are a superior Article to any others. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Boot and Shoe Z PURE AND GENUINE TEAS Call early NEW ANB FASHIGNABLE QC? PROTECTED BY TRADE MARK. Onlv Two Qualnlies. viz: 70 cents or $1 0’) per 1b. eiluer Reddy Made Clothing, Shirts, &c., 810. BOOTS AND SHOES! CA Mame“. HALL. 167 KIM; any.” EAsr. WITH A SPLENDTD ASSORTMENT 0F In every Lily and Town in Canada Messrs. Hugh Miller, 85 Co., As the follnwing price list wiH show :â€"â€" TQBIAS DOLMAGE. W. S. Robinson, FAMILY AND DISPEBSING CHRMIS'I‘, Yflur obedient Servant, MEDXCAL HALL. 167 King Street East) WI LLIAM ATKINSON. TORONTO. Yorkville. YrHE Subscriber offers for Sale. very cheap for cash or on easy terms of Credit payment, the following Mill Gearing A Mu'ley Saw, Upper and Lowe" Mulley, > Perm-rm. Urank. 5 incl) wrought iron Sinai! and Fly Wheel. Cones, Carriage. Patent head Blocks, and the whole necessary Ma chinery for a first class Saw Mill. Will be sold at a great reduction of original cost. For particulars amply 10 ABRAHAM EYER, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Markham. Post Ofiice address Richmond Hill. May 8, 1867. 3 n1 6 w Richmond Hill, SeptenjbeILIB} 1867, l’nrlivs having Wheat to dispose of will find it to (hair advantage to can at the MIME. and by «41mg i! there save the extrn expeuce or going In the Toronto market. HORNFR’S PATzNT SELF-SHUTTINE} WE! Ahp'immts will (past paid) to E gulf L_wt 3rd Con. Vaughan, 86 Acres \nd us the Putire Estvahlishment has been “wrong:th renovated. as well as tlwsnrvicea of for E Half Vaughan; April I7. 1867. \‘ecurr d. perfect salisfnclinu is guaranteed TOWNSHIP RIGHTS ! SAW MFLL GEERING TURSALE. Merchant and Ecstnm ka ! Wi]. be paid for Wheat at all seasons of the \ ear iN BANKABLE FUNDS. JAMES WILKINSOV Rnnouvil‘e. Sept. 19. 1567. e For lha um of his Put-mt Self-shutting Gale. Special atiell'ion will be: paid to Custom .vnrk. and paruvafi'mn a distance nlay.el_\' upon having their finals home with them the 'ame day. VENUS MILLS, BUTTONVILLE. [ BUIL LOTS I ALIA. Parties are ht‘l'cuy (-antionod not to 1 [res-spur on Lot Nu. ' 7.1'n the 'Zud rou- cnnsinn of Markham. In fmure. um‘ person or uer~m i'u-und Uh -hls fix-Ix ,ml (‘1‘ fi hung or lnmumg. with .ur Ihe consum 0' 1h.» Prv-pnemr, I «Hi be prosescmud according to law. ‘1! IS uspfnl invention is ihe mnst cmwmiium. the cheapest, and most durable GATE r fmm use, The Pulenlve is now prepared in :9.“ WIT W“ FA N M S August 7, I857. HE Subecrilmr, hhv’mg pnrrhnsed the almve lills. is now prepa’red lo do a P1 First Class Millers do 31, do do 30. 2nd Con do 34, 3rd Con. do 35, do M. TEEFY, NOTICE . Apply to RICHMOND Hm. P. 0. Agent for Fuentes. please addres their lenera SALE. JAMES McGEE. do JACOB H ElSE. 100 100 100 478 3L Névember' 9. 1866. The old handina NewStandleeSt Fanning Mills ! _ FOR. SALE! FIRST CLASS Rfladstar Ponev, bay 1‘. [4 hands high, 4 \enrs old. gnod mic d quad in single and double harness. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill, Jun. 31, 1867. P H A RMACIS'I‘.’ Tflwg. CEGHLAN Dead heads mend not afipiv. Newton Brook, July 3'}, 1867 T ‘e I’alenlee nfl'vrs induuements seldom 'e be met wiIh Requisile instructions for munu facturing are given ; Personal application must be made to FORCE PUMP H ‘ SINGLE Emmy Pump .’l PatentedAOCt, 24, ,18b2. April 13,1860. and PuweH’s Patent; Rights for Sale NOTICE The patronaga of farmers, butchers and mhurs ls respecll'ull sulu-‘Led. Comnrnc 0F MANAG+MENT.â€"Messrs J. Ramsdw. J. Marlin. M, Gupwell. J. N. Maid, .‘\l.l).. D. Smilie. G. (,hnrhon, G. Weldri'ck. and W. Rennie. D. McUULIgal. Esq, Presi- dent; J. l’urkis. Twas. ; 1‘. (Jarr. Sec. (4 lens) has been procured for (he accomodn- lion 0! the nuhlic. Thornhill, June 24. 1867.7 3-m Al. tnn o'cluck a.m., commencing on Wednes- day 171]) July. A sctt ofchigh Scales 3rd Wednesday in each Month! T A PUBLIC .‘JLZE'I‘IX’G held at Thur“- f in“ .u rim 14-h mu. 5! was dmz.d‘.d ta aslabhsh a Monahiy } mr fo; the sale uA' THflfiééHIH WWW ENE! FA .1: H M‘Ut‘ii Ami Patented June ‘28. 184.7. To men. of the right sort “DUN HES or KIIHNGS of Pownu's STRAYED. IH.HALL, DRUG GIST AND N IMPORTANT E W DOMINION TO BE HELD ON THE CH ARLES POWELL Nqu'tulx Brook. P.O 35 r The subscribers are now manufacturing a great number of the in above, and can Suppr all @rders Pramptly .' J FURNITERE Richmond Hill, 001;. 4, 1867. Flour, Feed, Provision and Grocery Store !: FANNWG MILLS. Fire-proof Store, Richmafld Hill. Farmers will consult tlwir own interest ifthey will examine- our Mill before buying elsewhere, as we feel confident they will be satisfied our Machines are not surpassed if equalled. A. 8: W. WILLSON, MAKERS. Richmond Hill, June, 1867. Richmnad Hill, Novembvr 9, 2866. HERE MILLS have stood the. test ofcompetition at several’ _ Provincial Exhibitium and County Fairs, and are proo- nounced by competent judgvs as being the Manufactured on the Continent of Amnica; have, this year . V. ' .1 5w 1‘ n I: 3 1' ‘ 3.. ggwxxmm &_x WWW "Willi ‘ Willi“ 1|“ W “WI” “Ilallll' WM] ‘3‘ M4 " BEEN STILL FIT-RT HER IMPROV D EEARDWARE alld. CEOCKERY‘ Wlwre he keep-a on hand Flour, Shorts. Hum. Outs. Peas, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck- whuzn, Bacon, Hams, Cheese, Fish and Tnchnling Tables, Chairs. Buddcads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Brewing Stands, VVIah: ‘landm 8:1.» 8142. AN) 2| large assnrlmenl of Room Paper, Tin-daring, White Lend- Paims and {Tu-lore. Raw and iiozlud Linwed Oils. Machine Oil, Rock Oil, Varninh' !‘uqmrlinm. Benzmxr’. Glass Pu‘ty. ('le, kc. 3m. ParnPs Furnishing, Paperiag, ~r Painting: Umr lluusps. will du well to cull nefmu purchming elsewhere. Also N returning “Links for the wry hhvral support. he has received since commencingx business in Rh-hmnud Hill. hugs In inform lhv public that he has greatly increasv Itd his Stock and has now on hand a choice assortment of flunk lst prize at Pravincial Exhibiiign ’66, 8221!! times whenshewn Richmend Eili 0&bifiet Egiabishment ‘SINGLE I DOUBLE HMHBSS 3[Har11‘essl Wm. HAEERISGN’S "WI-IE validity of the Patenn havin lwen recently dtspu‘ted by" Ihferested purse”; 5 after two day: investigatimt in Chancery. his Lorddsip the Chancellor hm given Judutm-nt tulty eustnining the (-laim~' uf (3, Powell, and speaking highly of‘lhc “ElleS up Tm; PUMP, and \vnh ju<t smw-rity on tlw hase and fraudutctrt conduct of thn Jnrrmgvr, ordvring hun tn pay the casts at the nuit, and forbidding him to make the Pumps. The Patentee fevlw‘, that the sen'ie ofjusvize prm‘ading the community ul'neratly will br .suflivnent to nrvvvnt tts g'ring countenance 1r, spuv")us Mia-tarm- whose conduct. the (Shannen-Nor says, IS “ IS a fraud on the l'uhi‘c."â€"â€"b°r« Judgment“ Manufacturing Rights fur Sale. Manufactory for York & Peel Conn ties & Toronto City ‘ Newton Brook, Yonge Street. V Bpgs to announce to hi: friend! and the publiu‘ that he is receivmg, daily, Mi W ELLMPN’S ENE PRGVED Emu Swmg Pump Most Popular, Most Useful, Easiest Worked, Most Durggle and is also Frost-proofs 3a, When ordrring Pumps, p‘eas-e sum the Depth of the. Well or - 'uiern. P. 0. Addressâ€" CHARLES POWELL. Newton Brook. First Prize HARNESSMEfljgELISHMENT, A niCr usmr'uwnt, gnml and rlu’np Saks gnadg for Cash or app1'0ved;0redit, CROCEEERY, HARBWARE, LET INFRINGERS BEWARE. P; if, 11'“ “WW "mm "mm “mm "TWINE “W? “W "m For Cash. :1! Pricenthal cannot be surpassed. DOUBLE ACTION ~ 15 PQWELmsg RICHMOND HILL. Ho would alsn call attention t9 his 3-tf

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