Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Oct 1867, p. 4

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7 831', STILLâ€"In those emergencies where peril is enhanced by panic, the wisest thing 10 say and do isâ€"notbmgz Not a Week ago actfiz’ghIOpposition to tlns maxim, (:05: a oung woman in Brooklyn her life. The . rake ofa horse car broke on the way duwn '1he steep grade of Atlantic street, at south Ferry. The young woman crazy with the {idea that she must do somethingâ€"mat in action only could safety be foundâ€"disre- artied all advice, jumped lrom the car and was killedâ€"killed because she was not wise enoughto sit sally. If you are in a street- where a mad mob, peaceful or riotous, is rushing onward. step into a dourway or cellatvmy, and keep still till the rush is past. if you are in a theatre and some lool bries fire! keep still as long vs you can in your seat. The chances are that the alarm is false; but. false or real, the most unwise thing you can do is add .to the nnmber of those moving. If you_ are in a eal'x-iztge and its horse runs away "A; LAihfll __,,L,,._‘ Awmnan’s tears are generally msre el- fective tean her words. In such cases wind ‘ s a. less powerful element than water Awitty rogue, when asked how he got out of prison replied: I got out of my cell > ‘ ‘ I ’ 7 Adf‘L A ‘1114... [Written on the passage, “ Man goeth orth unto his work and to his labour_ until he evening.”] The stream is calmest when it nears the tide, And flowers are sweetest at eventide. And birds most musical at close of day, And saints divinest when they pass away. _.___V V Vr by ingenuity, ran up stairs with agility. crawled out of the back window in secrecy slid down the lightning-rod with rapidicy, walked out of the townwith dignity, and am now basking in the sunshine of libelty The effect of advertising in the news- papers is thus related by an American jour- nal: “ ALady advemsed for ustrayed cow. and the cow came home the next day, Pulled down the COWpen fence, bellowed t1“ the milkmaid came, then put of her own calf ml ‘116 was milked.“ All things are hushed before her, as she Oh! when our sun is setting, may we glide, Liko summer Evening down the golden in in am that has got beyond control, keep still. Movement only multiplies the (fingers thatbeset you. The waiting game is, iii nine cases out of ten, the wining game. Morning is lovely, but a holier charm Lies folded close in-Evening’s robe of balm; And weary man must ever love her best, For Morning calls to toil, but night to rest. way And beai- the heat and burden of the day. tide ; And leave behind us, as we pass away, Sweet starry twilight round out sleeping clay. She comes from heaven, and on her wings dbth bear A holy fragrance 'like the breath ofprayer; Footsteps of angels follow in her trace, To shut the weary eyes of Day in peace. throws O’er earth and sky her mantle of repose; There is a calm, a beauty, and a power ThdthMorning knows not, in the Evening our. toil, ' Plough life’s stern furrow, dig soil. - Tread with sad feet our rough Day Books, “UntilAthe Evenid‘g" we must weep and 81c; 8L0. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL BIBLE SOCIETY DENSITORY :Wood. Wanted. ROM 50 to 100 Cords of Green and Dry > Beach and Maple,to be delivered in Tor ‘onto during the winter. Appiy at the Humid Office, Richmond Hill. 69 With H0146. &Knife, AT SCOTT’S RIC MOND HILL W. VVHARIN & CO. Watches, clocks, and Jewelry The atlmflion of ’he Public is imvled to their tock, censisling of a great variety of ‘Family & Church Bibles SHGICE AND FANCY GOODS, Carefu' athmiml given to the repairing of Watch” w" Clocks Jewelry manufactured and Rennirn‘l. rupelling & Bepeliing Pencil, AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. SCHOOL BOOKS! SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. CHI" bes‘desvription and newest designs, tichmond Hill 1865 ELEC'FBO-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c. 936K Huh finmur. Journals'fand ‘ LLedgers', all size& g’Pass Books, Pocket Baoks, 'Wallets, Purses, ' N'xrxavnummf. TVA: RICHMOP‘ F) HILL _VlV-lr.‘king Street East. 6 doors east of IMPORTERB AND DEALERS IN IN GREAT VARXETY. “ AT THE LAST.” meta). AT LOW PRICES, and thorny th e weary “filinuséibotn colmfortable and convenient. A good Hostlcr always in attendance Richmond Hill Jan 31, 1867. 35 ICENSED AUCTIONEER. for tho coun- lius of York and Peel, Collector of Notes. Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty to do Laskey. March 2nd H565 39-1 BIEHMM] HIM-RTE]. I F. having leased the above Hotel, ' [formely occupied by the late Mr. R. Nichols], and having put it in a. thorough state of repair, Travellers will find this AND FINE JEWELRY. MR WHICH THE 113, YONGE Sn, TORgliTo HIGHEST CASH PRICE Henry Smelsera CE DA R. POSTS WATCHES, CLOCKS, J. SEGSWORTH, BY ROBERT FE KRIS. IMPORTER 0F mu ng u nd this nient. balance. 35 mâ€"JK’M’E $730 w M A N . Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. WANTED SHINGLEfi To purchase any quantity of LATH, AND 22 i[The York Herald Order! for any 0! the nndermontionad descrip- Honor “MB .13 WEEK BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. Is entirely new and of the latest patterns. large variety of new 6 1 J D .m (a) ’8 3.21 mm f“ Weanhns PROMPTLV Exagurso ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARD}: Will‘ 0 promptly allendtd ‘0:â€" OUR ASSORTM ENT OF OLHEAP P L A LN? And every other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, ngILL HEADS u” 1m "mm RADWAY’S READY RELIEF!“ AND IS-A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0F ASIATIC CHOLERA, mow FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESL ‘ ’ As an' ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIO, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Boweis, Cholio, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.~â€"0ne tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangements of the stomach,b0wels and. liver, and instantly Ibop the most severe pains. 17, Lummguy‘ucrmmrrmn-xnwmm Dxuu m yawn, 4W WW, VP.” v. Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.~â€"0ue application will afiord immediate use and comfort, and a few times rubbing will complete the 311m. Inviolent diseases, instant relief is; required. ASIATIC CHOLERA., INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CEOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two. il'not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ; and all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, Neural gia, Inflam- mation of tho Kidneys, Bladder, Urinal difficulties, Inflammation 9f the Womb, and, in fact, all diseasgs flagght with immediate dangar, yield at once to this commanding curative. -_ B..- '“r. . N, ,u :L- A~A-AL:M\ .m ‘1”. main)!" :an' To. :n mm“. nnHwn diseases Iraugms W1LL1 luunuumw uuub'qx, 3.1m}: wu quv' w mm v wwwwwwwww D mum“. v. The READY RELIEF is as sudden m us opal-anon as the malady itself. It is more active thin the virus of the mouf <wift and deadly epidemic. With this Remedy at hand to use on the first avmpwm or van: and uneasiness, no person need suffer an hour sickness. VI‘HE Proprietor would respectfullv announce to the farming community that he is now manufacturing improvéd Plcuéhs of ‘ (a ‘ . ' 7 f '_ SWEfi©E E i @2163 fl STEEL MOULD BOARD PLOUGHS Reduced Price 0f$16 and which he confidently offers as one of the best and cheapest kinds in the country SISTERS OF MERCY, ‘ DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAY,~â€"-I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of on! sick from chills. vomiting, headaches, internal pains, &e., Jae. One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in her head for a. great many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfulls of Relief in Water, and rubbing her head twice with the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and always with success. It is very useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, 6w. It has a good cfi‘ect in flatulence or Wind cholic. I use it for foul breath and it produces a marvelous effect. In short it procurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N . B.â€"Beware of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the dealer that will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in place of the Radwey’s.-â€"The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radway’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they are charged for Rudwey’s, yet charge the public the same nice our agents sell you Radwcy’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations end counv mfeits are sold we to 10 cents per bottle to dealers; (leer at that price. In mcMm%ReMy Relief, sec thuwhere are two signatures of Radwey (it Go. on the labels, and e words . R. R. Railway & Co. blown in the gloss. A MAN THAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE willichcet you Whenever he has an opportunity. Plough Points 85 Landsides kept always on hand DR. RADWAY,~â€"-I certify that your sick from chills. vomiting, headaches, ix One of our sisters had the Rhe‘ taken a. few spponfullq of {belief 3m] RICHMOND HILL, Apri. 13, 1867. Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and dead‘lly diseases are on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montre , emanating fi'om the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except a few in China) on the Globe but that RADWAY'S MEDICINES have cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad‘ Sisters of Mercy at. noreheeter Street Hospital, epp1ying Dr. Hedway‘s Remedies to the sick. PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. W Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. THE UNIVERQAL REMEDY I: gents for the sale of Rawday‘s luau; “an :1. P. CROSBY. hdhnond Hi“ THOS. ALLISON)”: Moria Sqrm CHAS. DOAN’,.,Amora lT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized with Rheuatism. Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN INSTANTLY! JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. HENRY HALL. In sudden Attacks 15555 All Around the Globe. which he now éfi‘ers at the Mir. ROWE and Mrs. JOHN BADWAY, M. D., a 00.; 513 and 515 St; Paul Street, Momma, And 87 Maiden Lame, NEW-Yon: diseases, “6.011 109°“! E‘P'E: Emma, King 5 Sqrare, HIS ASSOCIATIONhas transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘HanLD ' Book Store where Stockholders and others ma” mar ‘ 1 . ,ura BOOKb every l‘rlday afternoon, fr30n. “.08 clock. PM. ' DR. T. 0.0ULVER’S MEDICAL DISPENSARY; Bhwnic and Secret Diseases OUNG MEN who are troubled with. weakness genernfly. caused by a but} habit in youth. which pTodnces constitutional deb!)ity.'_s'nu can rely on our remedies, for wo‘ have treatod over fifty thousam} patiema. ané‘ ‘we guarantee a» perfecrcure in all cases; lMPO RTANT 'l‘O LADIES. Our Periqdical d‘rops will bring on (he mommy sicknest. in a” cases of obslrnctim from any cause, and after a” other remains! of tha kind have been tried- in Vain. NEW REMEDIES AND ercx CUREs.â€"Far Syphilis slriclures,seminal weaknosa, pnfn’! in the jomts, afl'ections of the kidneys, diseaeen ofthe iveadf rhrput, nose and skin. and nli (hose dreadfui' affections arising from n secrei} habit of youth, which produces constitutionéa dability, renders lnaJriage impossible, and in the end destroys borh body and mind; The treatment we adopt is rho result of upward: of thirty years experience and successful practice in Europe am; America. Strangers visiting Toronto, who are in need ofaMadicaI advisor. having no time to re- main in the city to be cured. can have Medi- cine to lake with them, A safe and reliable“ cure guaranteed, Patients livnig at a distanee can procure Div C’s remerfies, seln‘(secure and free from ob- servalian)lo any part of the Provimw, with plain and full directions for use, by wrighting, stating case,s. mplomg 62c: All‘éonsnlution's at the office free but strictly cenlidemial A relyUNm EMPLHYMENT FDR EVERYBWY. Addressâ€"Dr. T. C. Culver, '139. King S}. East, "‘oronzo, C W. _ May 7,1866. 49-1)!- A Certificata of each articlo with its val" printed upon it. is placed in an envelopa and sealedâ€"these envelnpes are thoroughly mixed 'and sold for ’l'mmrg/ flan Chris (nthâ€"the per- son receiving one of [hose envelupos i» entitled to the ariinle named therein hr returning the Cornfich to us with one dollar. anrl the article. 'no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- ‘ivnrdod '0 him or hm at 0:168. Thme are no Blank Certificates and Sheroforp every one is sure togez. m lansr, the full value of his or hm‘ money. Should the arm‘s nnmnd on the ver- tificale nnt snilmny n'lhbr which he may sell-c! of the same vulna will he substitntod. We see ‘lhe cartilicntes ns fMlsws L“ ' Agents wantedflhrrmghout the United Sm: and Canadas. The IC‘nirn Stork ofa large Imrom'rm “mum retiring from business. Fér the purpose of closing out the stock a, the earliest possibln (1316,1116 undersigned havfl éecided (m n grealdistrihmion made as follows, EACH AM) EVERY ARTICLE, N0 MAT'IER How VALUABI.I~:, BEING sou) run 31. ‘Vatcl‘es, Chains, Sets of Jeachy. Kirghhn Bracelets. Sleeve Bullous, SiIVer Spoon- and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, 6w. worth Eight Hundrad 'I hoa- sand Dollars. RICHMOND HlLL LIBRARY ASSOG'ATION. KH- .n....g.nvn|-A~.. L000 Pub and Ves' Ribbon Slides 3 1.000 Sals of Solitaire Sleeve But- tons,§luds.elc........... 3 1,000 Gold 'l‘himhles, l’ex1cils.atc 4 goon Miniature Lockets. . . . . . . . 2 50 L000 Minimum anketsâ€"Maglc Spring........ ........ 3 L000 Gold 'l‘oolhpicks. Ci'osses, atc.......-............ 2 ma Plain Gold Rings.‘.. . . . . . 4 ,(lOO Chased Gold Rings, . . . . . . ' 4 At‘t‘fl Stone Set and Signal Rings 2 50 3000 California Diamond Rings . 2 .500 Sets lmdies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet AGENTSf‘WO “(um ngems in every reg!- ment, and_ in ;e_v‘ery‘_ town and county in the ~onnt_ry, and filmseflactiug 2353:1th wil! be allow- ,d 10 centswonw {very Can-.ificale ordered by hem, provided their ,remlttance amounts to one (Mint. ’ Agents Will collect ‘25 cents {or very Certificate. and temit 15 cents to us. June 19 1665. [ITWz-ite plainly. say only what is necessnry .nd be p’rompt. 'Addresn, ToggNATO, andGolrl . . . . . . . . .000 Sets Lndies‘ Jewelry-â€" Cnmno, Pearl. etc . . . . . . . . ‘,000 Guld Pens.Silver Extension Hulda-rs and Pencils. . . . . . 2.000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted "oldersnu .n . -.(l00 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... .... .000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups-H. ...v.... "n 3000 Silver Custom. . .. . . . . . . . . '.000 Silver' Fruit and Cake 'fiOO Dozen ‘Bili'er TanLSpoous, 3,001" " _" - Tnble'Spoons UNFORTUN ATES READ! £911.17 3D W. DEVAUGH &CO mMai on benvNew Yen, And all Female Co‘mplhi m. Over 35, King Street East, Office hours from 8 AM to 8 P. M. and Forks Baskets . v - - ! - 800,000 For thdcure of A. SCOTT, Librarian». oe‘n-ugn-o FER D0!!! $10 to am 20 "10 28 l0 15 .50

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