Until further notice, the mails will be dosed at this Post. Ollice as follows : Southern. . . .. . . .. .. . . . 13.30 RM. NB. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes bqfure the time of closing. Mails made up at the Richmond H111 Post Oiï¬ce. Going Nurth 7.55 A.M Going South 9.33 AJL M: TEEFY, Postmaster. Richmond Hill, May 0. 1867 Worth Seeingâ€"Mrs. W. H. Myers House and Uuiiding Lots for Sale Important Newsâ€"Samuel Moorby Executors Notice Sefâ€"acling waggon brake-«II. M. Misener New Butcher Shopm- H'm Cox Hurrah here we are agniud- W'm Atkinson New Cheap (‘r0ds-G. A. Barnard Licensed Auctioneerâ€"H. D. Bennet Anti Uostive and Tonic Pillsâ€"Dr. Colby Hunt’s Empire Hair Gross ï¬iéHMOND HILL. NOV. 3, 1867. ' Recent developments. convince us of the wisdom of l\.r Galt’s Act, to provide for the issue of Provincial jVotcs; by this act our banks were invited to surrender the right of issuing their own bills, in lieu of which they would be paid ï¬ve per cent on the amount they had out on the 30th April 1866,â€"and instead of the promises to pay of each bank, they were to circulate Provincial Notes. The Banks, however, with the exception ot'one, refused to come into the arrange- ment, thinking that ï¬ve per cent on the circulation would not pay them as well as issuing notes of their own :â€"the con- sequence has been, that the Montreal Bank is the only institution which has been, since the passage of the act referred to, paying out the Provmcial paper curt reney. For'our part, we are inclinedto believe. that had all the banks fallen in with Mr Galt‘s arrangement, and ceased to issue their own hills, there would not now exist the feverish feeling of doubt and insecurity, which is the natural eon~ sequence of the failure of the old Bank v of Upper Canada. and the suspension of‘ the Commercial Bank; the public would feel that, in holding Provincial notes, they had nothing to fear from the mis- management of banks, and the chances of over trading become next to an im- possibility. The Globe and its echoosi have, in their political zeal, endeavoured F to make capital for their party, out of! the recent Bank difï¬culties; but to im- partial lookers-on, it is diflieult to seek wherein M r. Galt is to be held responsi- g ble for results which have arisen out of years of mismanagement by bank direc- tors, _who are chosen by stock-holders only. 3 The recovery of the Empress Charlotte is now considered hopeless. Her majesty is in good bodily health, but her mental facul- ties axe hopelessly stunted. She is now like a. young child, and has to be treated as such. the hasnot been informed of the death of her husband. Nortï¬zem Railwa SUBSChuï¬‚ï¬ FOR The York. Herald, $1,00 a year The closxng of the Bank of Upper Canada, and recent. suspension of the Commercial Bank, has caused a general feeling of anxiety, on the part of the pub- lic, that our Banking system should be placed upon a basis that will not admit of a panic arising, by which business generally may become derangedpnd peo- ple areat a loss to know whether they are more secure by accepting the bills of one han‘kiin prefercnceto those of another. It is useless To: city papers to sneer at, “ timid farmers†bringing in their bills, when amniorgets abroad in regard to any particular Bank; farmers are more subject to sustain loss by the failure of a bank than citizens residing at commer- cial centres, such as Toronto; the mo- ment rumour gets afloat, our city friends are in a position to take care of “number one;" the farmer gets to hear or" a “ run,†by the accident of seeing a ‘~_ mam: who has been in town; he looks in the daily papers to see if the rumour is conï¬rmed, but ï¬nds that the Whole thing is treated as “ undesej‘v'mg of notice;" it he is anxious to' make £01111“ “WWW; {mad lakes his money ‘0 tow“, and finds hundreds as uneasy as llimsoii', why is he to be sneered at be‘ Sause he thinks proper to take prudent precautions to keep himself as safe from loss as those residing in the city have done, perhaps. twenty-four hours before he even heard a whisper of what. was going on. There is a very large circu- lation through the country of the paper of certain banks, and it is only just and right that the public should be made se- cure against the possibility of any of these institutions over-trading, or, in other words, floating more promises to pay than their eapital will warrant. Our Paper Currency. RICHMOND HILL STATION Northern M:in . . . . . . . . . . Southern Mail . . . . . . . . . . Mail for Almira, . . . . . . . . “ Cnshcl, . . . , . . . . . " GonnYey, . . . . . . . †Head f0 rd. . . . . . . H Victoria Splare, Eva:me MAIL (Elbe 199th gems. New Advertiflemens. CHANGE OF TIME MORN in S ware, .il1.00 A. M. . ‘ron Tuesdays . I &F1’iduys. May 6. 1867 4.56 RM. 8.14 RM. SALE or VILLAGE PuoPERTY.â€"â€"The property belonging to the estate of the late Rev. John Long, was sold by aucâ€" tion on Wednesday last. With the as‘ sistanee of the flippaney, Mr. Wm. H. Myers, the auctioneer, we think the prices realized were fair Mr. James M. Lawrence, Clerk of the Division Court, was the purchaser of the house and lot fronting 0n Yongo Street, for which he gave $485. On Centre Street, Mr. Geo Arksey was the buyer of a lot of nearly half an acre at $85 The next lot offer- ed was knocked down to Mr. R. E. Law, for $92. The third lot was sold to Mr. Bobt. Lylnburner, at $90. This closed the sale of the Long property. wwv. up“. Dr. Coiby’s Pills are compounded on Scientiï¬c principles, By Robt. Marsh, from John Heise, and foul-Econ others; James Stoutenburgh, and twenty-ï¬ve others, and from John McKenzie, and two hundred and ï¬fty others, praying to have the Elgin .‘uills Plank Road condemned. By \V. Eukin, from D. C. Burk, and thirty six others, praying the Council to grant a shop license 10 Philip Fockler, in Markham Village. Said Petitions were received and read. Robert Marsh, seconded by‘James Bowman, moves that the sum of sixty dollars be granted for the purpose of building a stone culvert and cutting dcwn the hill in front of lot No 20, in the 3rd Cow, and that John C Burr, John Eyer, and Daniel Homer, be com- missioners to expend the snme.~â€"-Carried. The above Council met at Uuionville, on Saturday, the 2nd inst. Mr. Wm. M. Button in the chair. Presentâ€" Messrs James Bowman, Marsh, and Eakin. Minutes of last meetng read and approved. PETITIONS. By Robt. Marsh, from John C. Burr, and Others, praying for a grant for Head- l'ord hill. Robt. Marsh, seconded by W. Eakin, moves that the following sums be paid out of the Dog tax ofthis township, being for injury done to sheep by dogs; each of' the several sums being certiï¬ed by two of Her Majesty sjustices of the peace for this county, viz: -- John \\"ideman, $30; Wm Fenwick, $8; \Vm. Mol- pass, $73 ; Jacob Wideman, Sir.â€" Carried. Wm. Eakin, seconded by R. Marsh, moves that the petition of D. C.. Burk, and thirty six others, asking the Council to grant a shop license to Philip Fockler, in Markham Village, be laid over until the next meeting ofthis Council. Robt. Marsh, seconded by James Bowman, moves that the sum 3f be granth to improve the town line between Markham and Scarborough, near the foot of the tenth concession of this town ship, and that- Samuel Reesor, David Whaley, and Joseph Lapp, be commis- sioners to expend the same; and that the Clerk of this Corporation is hereby instructed to notify the Scarborough Council to that eifcct.â€"-Oarried. \V. Eflliin, seconded by James Bow- man, moves that) the sum of' $6, for ne- cessary exothing, and a further sum of ï¬fty cents per week, be granted to John Beavis, an old and deathute person living in this municipality, payable to the order of \V. Eakin.â€"â€"-Uarricd. We may‘add that, in addition '0 the chaste and cOstly renévation of their church, recently made by the Wesleyan congregation, they have added a beautiful communion service of electro plate. R. Marsh, seconded bv Jam/GS BOW, man, moves that the Tyeagum is hereby inï¬rm:th to refund the sum of $3.90 ‘9 Dawd Eflkll‘, for taxes collected by 11.1â€), the 531:: amount having been ple- "‘C:ESIÂ¥ .paid by the collector of the west h'Ltr of this municipality. Carried. The Council adjourned to meet on the ï¬rst Saturday in December next. R. Marsh, seconded by James Bow- man, moves that the petitions of John Heise, James Stoutenburg, and John McKenzie, and others, in regard to the [\lnrkhani and Elgin Mills Plank Road be laid over to the next meeting of this Council for the purpose of obtaining legal advice in regard to the same.â€"_Carried. “ Something to do in heaven,†“ Sabbath Bells, chime on," “ \\ liite Robes," and the battle song “ Marching on ;†and which were sung in faultless time and with charming effect. tepeated applause was tendered, at varions stages of the performances, to the juvenile ehoiristers Miss Reid presided, with grace and true artistic attainment, at the nxelodeon ; and the entire proceedings, which were under the supervision of M 1'. Purkiss and his willing coadjuters, fully demonstrated the success of the enterprise. Short ad- dresses WCIC delivered by the Revs. Breâ€" din and Garbutt. The National Anthem, that time-honored chant, was sung by young and old, and the concert closed With the Apostolical benediction. ‘Ve omitted to mention the concert of sacred music, given last Thursday week in the Wesleyan Church, Th n-nhill, by the children of the Sunday School in that place. The evening was ï¬ne, and the commodious church ediï¬ce was filled to its utmost capacity, with a delighted and attentive audience. After singing and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bredin. the children followed a carefully prepared programme, in which, among the many excellent selections, were the pieces, Markham Council. Sabbath School Concert. at Thoruhill. The managing committee of the Maple Mechanics’ Institute, have much pleasure in announcing that their second Re-nnion will take place in the Masonic Hall, on Monday evening, Nov. 11th, when several gentlemen will give Readings from various authors.â€" An excellent choir will also be inattendance to add to the pleasures of the entertainment. Doors open at 7 ; chair to be taken at 7.30. Many in the touwlughan are sorry to hear the tidings l at \V.R.Grahame, Estp, is dead. He died suddenly of heart disease. For several years past he resided in the family mansion, on his property in Scotland. During his residence for many years in the township of Vaughan, he so. cured, by his nrbanity, his kindness, his zeal. goodness of heart, his} integrity and his truthfullness, the respect, the conï¬dence, the esteem, and the admiration of very many who appreciated his great excellence and worth. His person was tall, erect, well- proportioned, majestic, and commanding.â€" His general appearance bespoke the periec" gentleman, and attested complete possession of the ease, the polish, and the grace that are acquired in the circles of learning, rank, and fashion. When I met him for the first time,we were riding side by side at a funeral. I was amazed at his gentlemanly appearance, at his pure English, at his conversational powers. He spoke in the language of one highly educated. His bearingr was smooth, courteous, and winning, like one brought up to propriety of conduct and manners, and like one possessed of a refined and cultivated inind. An nequaintanceship of many years did not lesson, but increase my respect for him, and my admiration of his many superior and excellent qualities and accomplishments, Apart from qualities in himself that com- manded the admiration of persons of taste and education, we have felt ourselves drawn to him by the consideration that he was a son of Junie° Grahame, who wrote "The Sabbath†and other poems. Writers in ScotlJnd still allude to the author of “ The Sabbath.†I quote the following from u popular and well lmown Scotch authg“ RICHMOND HILL FAIR.â€"On Wednes- day lastJ the usual monthly fair was held in our village. There was a large supply of live stock, but little suitable for the butchers. A number of dealers were in attendance but prices averaged low; notwithstanding, a good deal of business was done. Some sales of pork were also made at Toronto prices, ‘ “James Grahame was himself it remark- able man, and was lortunate, besides, in his circle of friends. Campbell, the poet, knew him intimately, us did Jeffrey, and both in their memoirs speak of him with great affection and esteem. Professor Wil- son has poured out a most heautilul and melting monody over his grave_ He is de SCle9d as a man 0f magniï¬cient presence, 0_f.mlld {manners of amiable temper, of sen- smVG dlSPO-‘Iltlou, and of a piety the most ardent 311d sincere. Campbell mentions ‘Gmmmlc as returning with him (after hav- “1%, sat up all night) from an excursion It) Arthur’s Sent to see the sun rise, and are groin;r to bed, pouring out the devotion of his heart in an extenipore hymn. to which the hard of hope “ never heard anythingr equal." We ((piote a peasage of his poetry. ‘It is excce ingly characteristic of the author, and of his passionate love for his native land.†“llow pleasant comes thy rushing silver Tweed Upon mine ear. when, altar roaming long In southern plains, I reached thy luvely'linnksl llow bright. renowned Sink, llly little stream, Like ray of col-tinned light chafing a shower; Would crass my homeward path 1 How sweet RICHMOND IIILL FIRE COMPANY.â€" Captain Trench, requests us to announce that a full muster of the R. H. F. C. is required on Saturday (tomorrow) afternoon at three pm, at, the engine house, for practice and other business. We hope all will countenance this village combination and make it as efficient as possible No one knows who may require their services ï¬rst; it there» fore requires the generous support of every householder in the neighborhood. “James Graham, as 113 ï¬rst laurr‘dte of “V x r the covenant’ (h rs‘dudb “lore than a mere 11“""}"‘13 _W01‘d- BC was a native of Glasgow, il‘Ud smiled at the University there. He men removed to Edinburgh, and became an advocate. From early life, however, he had entertained a dislike to the profession of the law, and aspired to that ofa clergy- man. In the year 1809, when he had already reached his forty-fifth year, he gained the desire 01 his heart, by entering holy orders as a. clergyman of the Chureh of England. * " ‘ * His health, however, failed, and. within two years of his ordination, he came back to his beloved Scotland, ":1 withered flower,†and returned to die. In his native city, on the 11111 September, 1811, he breathed his last. ’ The inhabitants of Thornhill, with commendable enterprise, have formed a company and purchased a plot of ground for a grave yard. The extent of the ground ls two acres, and has been laid out in blocks of 8 by 12 ft. of which they will have two hundred, intersected with footpaths. They have alsu given. out a contract to have it thomughly drained and levelled down, According to the admirable plans prepared by the Company's Secretary, Mr Thomas Curr1 it Will be a beautiful and convenient. church yard, and will be a valuable addition to the necessities of the neigh- borhood. The company have also re- served a plot for the purpose of building a. Vault at :ome early day. They cum- pzmy is now selling; the plots at moderate rates. â€" Communicated. the sound, \Vlwn 1,10 hear the Doric tongues reply, Would ask thy wall-known name ‘." THE LATE AV. P; New Cemetery. RIBâ€"UNION. E, ESQ. Newmarket Grammar SchooL Hunt's Empire Hair Glues invigoratqs and ,strcngtheus the bait. We regret to learn, by the Newmarkct Era, than this institution is not; in a flourishing condition ; that'ib is in dang- er of being closed,â€"â€"from the remarks of our c'otemporary, we infer that the same local diï¬iculties exist there that we have had to contend with here, in times past, but which, we are happy to say, has been overwme. We can sympathize with the friends of the Newmarket School, and trust they will make every effort to pre- vent so great a calamity as the closing of their Grammar School. On Friday last, the 1st instant, the Right Rev John Strachan. Church of England Bishop of the Diocese of To- ronto, expired at the ripe old age of 90 years, The name of this venerable pre- late is closely identiï¬ed with the early political hisLory of Canada. He was the father of several sons and one Claï¬g'nter' Capt. J, McGiil Strachan is um only am“ ï¬lling member of €110. f'nmilv, The propeller St. Lawrence, on her way west, had to put into Cobourg yesterday morning, in consequence of the storm, and another vessel was lying at the same harbor, having received some damage in conse quence of the storm. ’ The yacht Gorrilla was disabled having a. hole stove in her side during night. The schooner Orion. of Hamilton, went. aground duringr the same storm, on the bar at the western end of the harbor. Efforts were made yesterday to get her off, and it is likely than tnesl: will be succesful. She was light at the. time. The Richmond Hill County Gram- mar School has had many difï¬culties to encounter, from its inception in 1851 to the present time; these difficulties have almosvt disappeared,we are rejoiced to say, and our school now ranks ï¬rst as a Coun- ty Grammar School, and second only to Upper Canada College,â€"this is a proud position to hold in relation to Toronto University ; it. is an ample retains to the friends who have, for the past sixteen years, twisted the attempts of ponies to deprive. the neighborhood of the ad- vantages arising from a ï¬rst class Gram max" bcliool. DEATH OF BISHOP STRACHAN. “To have nothing to guide us by which to form an opinion as to the cause which has led to Mr. G-alt‘s sudden resignation. It will no doubt come out in the course of the debates in Parliament, now in ses- sion at Ottawa. SATURDAY, November 9.â€"Sa1e of Cord Wood, Stock, Implements, 820., on Lot No. 31, 2nd Con. Markham, the property of Mr‘ J. A. Klinck. Sale at 12, noon. Ed. Sanderson, Auc- tionocr. FRIDAY, NOV. 15.â€"-â€"Crcdit Sale ofFarm Stock, Implements, &0, on Lot No. 60, lst Con. townslnp of Vaughan, Drynock Farm, the property of Mr. Rodcriuk McLeod. Sale at 10 o‘clock a.m., sharp. W. H. Myers, Auc- tionoerx (if? Parties having Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce will have a notice similar to htO above; free of charge‘ (J DISASTERg’a‘ TU LA K13. SHIPPING. MR. GALT’S RES IGNATION. From the Claim of Tucsday._ AUCTION ï¬ALES. ’l‘he_1lccesx t Gale. ï¬â€"“rdd- f n he family. {hie Paris, Nov.- 4, eveningâ€"KIM following inielligeime was recein from Rome in six o’clock this morning :- The Papal troops, supported by the French forces. utttacked Guiibuldi at Monte Rotondo and defeated him. Some say Garibaldi is a prisoner and some say he is killed. Half an hour aim“; the attack commenced, Garibaldi ï¬ndinw his retro-it cut off. fought. mu“, m m: . - i G» J . 8:20;“! Monte anndn; ‘Iv'ixel‘c he was rein- l T ) FM Sflllle Italian troops, but the .7110“ Coming to the nssisxance of the Pon- “thial troops, he was taken. From another source it is staied that Garibaldi was altacked and defeated on Sunday. He retreated and surl‘cnded to the Italians. Jacob’s Rheumatic Liquid qures Scratches on _H0rses. Florence, Nov. 2, midnightr-Garibaldi still‘remains at Monte Rontondo, to which place he retired when he heard of the landing of the French and the advance of the haz- ardous to make any attack on Rome, under these circumstances, with the insufï¬cient force underhis command. He has con- centrated all the bands of volunteers at Monte Rotond-o, where he has taken up a strong position and gone into camp. His men have since been actively engaged in throwing up entrenclmients, which are now complete. He is prepared for attack. He will await reinforcements and watch the course of events. ‘ 3T0 the summons of' the King to disarm, Garibaldi replies by refusing to disband his army or give up his enterprise against Rome unless a change is made in the pr:- sent reactionary ministry, whzch will put the Government of Italy in accord with the national will. The shareho'l dera to day pz'ssed resolutions authorising the directors to apply for an Act, for the pux‘posgs already announced, all of which look to the lcsumption of business by the Bank. The direcmrs of the Montreal Bank are apparently sincere, but the nexmia Lions meanwhile ended wltboxlt result. Mr. King’s tone is a good deal changed. The Emperor Napoleon has made a pro- position to the King 01'1me to submit to the citizens of Rome and the inhabitants of the Papal provinces, the settlement of the Roman question by popular vote, but the ltaliun government declines to accept this plan for the solution of a question which the interests 01 the whole nation are so deeply concerned.- Mr. Hugh Allan read an important cones: pondence between till: Montreal Hank and the Commercial during the past week, about the former helping the latter to resume specie payments. The ordinary directors’ report, down to the 31st October, was l‘e‘id ; also a. report to the same date by Messrs. Allan, 1101- ton and Morrxs, special directors, both of which are more favorable than was ex- pected. The latter report puts the total liabilities at $3,461,683, and the assets at $5,869,255, and this after estimating the Mihmukee bonds at only 50 cts on 1he dqllm'. Anolher general meeting takes place on the 17th of Deccmber. Meanwhile negotiations are to go on either for amalgamation With another bank or something else. Lyndon, Nov, 5. Parliament has helm (mlch to re-asemble on the 19111 ufttc pre- sent month, . Gaz‘noa. Nov. 5. Garibzfltï¬ has arrivec} n1 Spemiu on board an Italian man-of-wm‘, :1 prisoner in the hands of the Italian govern ment. KINGSTON, Nov. 6. A general meeting of 1he Shareholders of the Commercial Bank was held in the Bank- ing House in this city to-day, at noon, Mr. O. S. Ross, cashier, 1n the chair. Them was a very large attendance. Ten lhousurd three hundred and forty shares being repre- sented. Every meat and bread shop in the city inis been sacked. At the time of the receipt of the last despatches incendiary ï¬res were breaking out in different parts ui‘ the town. 'I'hex'e was much excitement, and the local auLhm'ines had petitioned the GOYC‘IHHJCHI ror troops to quell Hie disorder. Paris, Nov. 5.â€"The Monilmr, this morning, publishes lull particulars of the battle in Italy. The scene of the ï¬ght was near Tivola. 3.000 of the insurgents were either killed, wounded or Saken prisoners. Garibaldi himself, anti his son ll'Ienoui,\vere captured at Terni, and sent to Florence as prisoners of war. 4,000 Garibaldiaus, while 01‘. the march to I‘( inforce the insur- gents, were stopped disarmed and sent back. The greatest agitation prevails in Italy. London, n(mn.-~Scriouebread rima oc- curred ia Exeter yesterday and to-duy. Vienna, Nov. 5, evening. The Vienna, Debate, a semi-ofï¬cial journal at this eitv. states that 132mm Von Benst, in a note 5:!_ that the policy of the Emperor Napoleon and that of‘ancis Joseph, are the same, namely that ofpeuee. The ttOWS of the (oath of Mr. \V. R. Gru" nme, “lliuh we publish in our chituary notices will no (lnuln ()C-cnsion sorrow to many of our rcatlets who hnd enjoyed Mr. Graham's friendship, and by whom he was held in hi;h esteem. M r. Graham was ptlucutcd in Scotland for the legal profession; but coming: to Canada when u young man, he purchased a large properly in Vaughan, and, abandoning the law, Settled down as a country gentlemen, a position he sustained with honor to himself and 2 benefit to the community. Mr. Grahame was a good scholar. and delighted in intercourse with learned and literary rncn. Durin},r his re- sidence in this country he endeared himself to his friends and acquaintances by his esti mable qualities of head and hean and there is no person in the township of Vaughan but pronounces his name with respect and affection. For the last few yenrs Mr. Gru- hame has resided in Annun, in Scotland. Where he died on the 15th of October, in the Glst year of his age.â€" Globe. The ultimatum of Emperor Napoleon was proscmed by the French Charge d’AfI'airs at Florence to the Italian government on Sunday, and an immedmm reply was de- mundcd. Berlin, Nov. 5. It is 1honght here that the recent defeat of Garibaidi cancels the ultimatum of N(.§)uk20n. Special Meeting of Stockholdersâ€" A Favorable Report--A Resump- tion of Specie Payments Pro- posed. London Nov. 5. It is said that the 'Im' Hans have repassed the frontier, Man that the Emperor Napoleon hug received ch‘ Manama, the ltuiiun Emflxxsmdor. Bills sell here at 92 ; shares at 27.leobe Latest from Europe. THE C OMMERCIAL BANIL In portions of Sweden and NorWny the Beople are suffering from famine, caused by ad harvests last year. THE ABYEBHUAN Exernfï¬oRâ€"A Treas- surY minute has just been passed, dividing between the HJme and Indian Exchequers‘ the incidence oi the impending burden for" the Abyssinian war. A hard and ï¬rst line of chargeability is drawn along the margin of the Red Sea. All that come from the East, whether men. mules, or munitions of' war, are to be paid out of the Hindoo taxes; and for all that are sent from the West on this enterprise we are to pay. A discriml- nation is made between the cost. of the regi= meme on their way out as reliefs and those on their Way home, whose ordinary term of service abroad has nearly expired ; and, likewise, with regard to the replacement of men or cox-psi A Nxcm 23* tm: LORDON I’Anï¬snâ€"Of' all the public dormities, the largest and best is themall of St. James’ Park There‘ are canopies. of feilage to keep 05' the rain, and those of the benches that have Backs or a tree close behind them are at a premium. On an average, each tree has three occu- pants; Some prefer to recline at full length, others rest with outstretched legs, pocketed hands, heads well down buttoned up eoate, aul huts half wa over their noses. Lads combined in a eap, and to- wards daxvn, rise to share their wits togeth- er, and enjoy a stimulating stretch. Not only row the lowest clues are the gucsli re. c’ruitecl. Many ofthe sleepers me dragged titlilj‘, almost well; and conizcmm many busy itself as t0 the cause of their alfresco slumber; THURSDAY, Nov. 7. FLOUR-~Receipt5, 100 bbls; dull and inaclive; N0. 1 superï¬ne held at from $675 to $680, with buyers at from $960 to 36-66; no sales. _<_ . ~.A-«n v 1-..1 m " iï¬iiï¬â€"Receipts, 1,8‘351)ush'; lime offer- ing and but, little inquiry. 0n the street from $140 to $31-45 was paid. BARLEYâ€"Stl‘cet prices 78c to 84c for prime loads. Pussâ€"Little coming in g 750 to 77c. OATSâ€"Selling on the street at 40c to 420. W'ooL~-Liltle doing at 26c on the street. ‘Vflfl' Children Teething. gl‘bnfly Faoiiimms the {II‘UCPSH of lr-vlhing, 1y} sof'lhning the gums, rudurting an in“ unnua on «xwll allay Au. i’AIN and rpdsmudiu nuimn. and is DIED. At the Moat, Annaâ€, Dnmh‘iesshire, Scot- land. on the 15(1) October. in the (ilst year of his age, William Richard Grahame. Esq, of Muirdruin, Vauglmn, only surviving son of the late Rev. James Gmhume, author of “The thbuth.†At New Orleans, U.S., on the (3111 Octo- ber., ot’Yech Fewer, Joshua Reid, aged ‘25 years. A native, and lurely in husim ss in 'l‘hornhill, and brother of Dr. J. N. Reid of the lust mmn'd place. SOOTHINGâ€" SYRUY, AtElgin Mills, on the 26411 12M, Mrs William S. Pollock, 0sz daughter. Depend upun 11,1nu1hers.il wxll give rest to yourselves. and Reliof and Heal/71, {0 your Infants. “’0 have put "pant! sulzl Ihis article For yonrs, and CAN my IN cmrxm‘mcu AM) Tnurn of it What we \m urer l't‘nn ubiu [0 my of nnv mlwr mum HAS II mmâ€) |,\' A Gentleman who snifcx‘ed for ycars from Nervous “ability. Prmnutglyo Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will,f‘0r1l10 sake of sufï¬ring humanity. send ('1 (M) to all who need it, the recipe and nrd directions for making Ilw simple remedy by whirl; he was cured. Suï¬brex's wiglllng to pruï¬t by the advertiser’r: oxpodcnce, can do so by addressin7 in perfecl conï¬dence, JOHN B. OGDl‘l‘J, ~12 C‘dzu‘ Sheet, New York. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXl’ERIEVCE OF AN INVALID, Publishvd fnrlha hem-ï¬t and as a Can'inn to Young Man and others, who sufl'ar from Nervous Urbilixy. Premature Decay of M m- lmod. $10,. supplying ar the same lium The Means of Self-Curt.» B_\' one who has cured himselt'nflerumlm'going cumitleranle quack- erv. 'l'hn applicant by puying pmmga on his otter, will receive u copy, {we of charge, rum the author. ' 3:} AGENTS W ANTED. Machines sent to Agents on will, and glfren mvuy to families who are neotlv and deserving. Address J. C. OTTIS & (0., Boston, Muss. A Sl‘GLl’. nsrxxcu 'ru LFFIK‘T 1mm, \vhr-n hnm‘n‘ uwd. uvex' did We Imuw nu Instancu of dissatislhcliun by any uuu whu nwd it. On [he CU‘!‘.I1H:\‘,¢“‘H urn: gLvl W41 with its up ‘x'u mm, and spank; in NHL. of (:ummvmlntion 01‘ its magical uifvcts anti muduzni wrlu-zs We w-nK in tins nutter " WHAT WE DU Tf’l‘unkliu. \Vhywmll p00}ch pn)‘ $30 or $100 for a Sewing MachineV \ï¬'hcn ) ‘Hll hny a better one fur all VHM'TH'AI, purposes? Nohvithsmmling l‘cpufls tn the cuntam the slxl)sn:x‘1l)té|slrt A‘ m i‘nlln's‘n [hm‘r nnnnn'nus friends that tlxc“l"n.xx1§1llx" and “ MEDAL» HUN" Machines can he hurl in :my rinnnlity. This machine is n_ dnullha-lhzmld, UuMHH‘ ct- cd upon entilely new lulllcl‘plfm‘ and DOES NOT infringe n,an any other in the world. It is emphatically the poor man’s Sewing Machine, and is' warmmud to excel ALL others, as thousands of patrons will tes- Lify. The Rev‘ Edward A. Wilson will send (fren oft-hargo) in all who desire it, the pv'eecripLioe with the directions for making and using the simph- remedy by which he was curvd of a lung affection and lhaL dread disease (Juliuumpv lion. His only object is to beneï¬t the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this pre- scription. as it will co~t them nothing. and may prov" a blowing Please addre~s “."v nun“. “ . unymnu Fm} dirrclions for Ming wi'l :mmmpany em'll lmlllu. None gemmw in]!qu 1h:- fac- simile DECUH'HD' Kc l’JCRK‘LNE. an York. is on [1m :‘ulside ‘y-iwpel. Said Ivy HIHESISXS throruhun‘. the world. Price. only 32.3 cents per Home. Urr‘xcusr‘llï¬ Fulhm Street. New Ymk. 2â€?) High Unlhuxn. Lonéun. ling. 4-H S1. Paul 51‘; kioniwal, C. E. KNUW," ul'aer yum-s nl' experiencn, Au) PLEDGE OUR um’u’r "-Im' )‘(m THE FULyupn-xr 0F WHAI' WE HERE vacuum. In almost every inslnnce whune Ibo inlnnt is suï¬'ering from pain and vxhuuslmion. rulivl' \mll he funnd in ï¬ne-en or (wemy miuu.“~ mm the syrup is alllllilliblou'd. . 1 REV. EDWBKD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg. an Yorkr NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq†Brooklyn, Kings ($0., .\', 477â€"|_\' ‘4 ECONOMY IS \VEALTE.†TORONTO CORN EXCHANGE REPORT. MRS, VVINSLO‘N’S ERRORS OF YOUTH. Sure to Reguluic the 13010673. T0 CONSUMPTIVES. BIRTH to 84c for AN Eight horse power Steam Engine. Bor- ing Tools. Ropes, 6m , belonging to [he Markhhm UN and Mining Company. Bultanvme, Nov 7. 15:67 November lst. 18137. Appleton, Luke Bunnet. Jesse Brock, J . H. Biggins, Wallis Cook, Francis Clark, \‘Villlam Chapman. Mrs. Danny, John Dunk. Mary English, Mr. Grah nn, Gnurga Gnr‘mnn, John (‘2) Grant, anrgo [93 Hopkins, David [2] Hart, John Irish, Marv Kirs‘flel), Mist Ludfnrd Wm Melca’f Rolmri Mahmy 3mst D’Yc("foud. Alick O’BIien. Mr. I'hillqm. Sumac} I’atla.z~0n, Ann PM», W. Robinson. Geol’go‘ Jase-pl: Roks, H. J. Rumble, )u‘ln $35111»thme (5 Slack, Ellen Snider. Jchn “’isu, Henry Walker, Chrismm M- TEEFY. RM Rarmaining in the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce, New. made at Alliillï¬un’s Foundxy. Will hm sold cheap for Cash, ur approved credit. CAST METAL PLOUGH?‘ V BE Undursighed ls prepm‘ed to ï¬ll orders for the above alticms in any number on the sllorlestnct‘ce. Agents will be appointeda at all Slatious on the Northern Railway. For particulars address JOHN LANGS'I‘AF‘F. Steam Mill's, 'l'hurnlnll. Yong: Street: Thornhill, Oct 3!, 1867 WORTH SEEING I Richmond Hill, Nav, 7, 1867 PATENT EARLS Z? WILLIAM ooxi ESIDENCE, Lot No. ’4. 2nd Con Vaughan Post Ofï¬ce Addrsss Carville All orders left at the " York Hamid" oflice‘ Richmond Hill. or at the I’,O. Maple. will be attended to. Vaughan. OctJO, 1867. l-y VELVET BMNE’E‘S AM) EATS, The highest market pricé given for Callie Sheep, Lambs. K'c. Richmond Hdl. Uctuber 15. 1867. ].y VVIï¬ch si‘e oï¬'ers very Cheap, Also. Lacï¬'es' (wraps, Flmrcrs, Feat/101‘s. Ribbons, Silk and Tvrrj/ T'clvels, Dress and Mamie Buttons Beaded Trimmings, \Vilh a large stock of the Mflï¬T PASHIQNA BL}: HES? SKIRTS Hy selling at tho Iowesl pnsï¬h‘o ï¬gme. and by alleniion m \he wale of his cuslomers. he hopes lu merit a cominuance 0" the patronage so Iihera'ly besluwed on his predecessor. In -.. tending purclmbel's W!“ ï¬nd it 10 their advan- tage to give him a call. SAMUEL MOOB BY. Gormley, October ‘5, le'I EEPS always on Imnd the best of Beef, 7 Mutton. Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausagesfl “:6. and sells at therluwest prices. H- D- BENNET, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. [13‘ Shaw a‘ul Tuscan Bonnets donned and altered In Um noqu slyins. STAI‘IPING AND EI’RAIDING DGa‘NE J.ichmond Hill. 0m. ‘24, E857. 464-“ OTICE is hereby given that all parties in- debted tea the estate of the lhle Kenna? Gnuan 3rd conversion of Malkham. are re-. quested to pay the same to oithcr ot’ the undoru, signed previous to the 1st day of January next, mm all parties havng claims against the said Estate. are rnquasled to lodge) the same with the t1:|('¢m~=y|1nd for sctl’mnent. “ILLIAM LAWS IN, E PETER w1m.worT,§ “mm- TAILO BINI}. Cutting _ and Making THE DNLY PQRFECT BERKS ENVEMTEE‘n 7' HE nndersiL'm-d having pm‘ohnsmi the. High“ for (he Conmv of Ymk. is now ofl'rring fur sale in this (cuntv INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Joel VVHIimns, And having incwaspd his Stock. it will be found an inspection to comprise all the Articlea~ usually kept In a FIRST-GLASS GEENTRY STEEL] 2nd door north of Barnard’s store‘ Markhnm, Oclober 14. 1867. ï¬rm ï¬ï¬‚ncrtmcmmm. David Mm, E 3.5 P U For purliculurs apply. ifby Ieuer peat paid, -m Mr. John Wuhan, at Gormley, HAS NOW ON HAN!) A NICE A SSOR' ‘ “vintages; Haul. Richmond Hill. ()CI. 25, lr67. 4644f ET. HE subscriber ofl‘ers fur saIe, a Supt/for IEE undersigned begs leave to notify tlh» public mm ho has pulcimsd the Executors NOthG. UN 1cm the Inn-s1 New York $13k, n: the ‘ Lowest Prices, by Mrs. 3 COUNTY OF YORK. RICHMOND HILL, FOR. SALE, Z’ugh for Sale 2 Successor to James Holliday, Sap buckets List of Letterq Yum-med April W, 180 11., m, msmxm. A‘N'E‘WEWS WI LLJ‘A M ATKINSO NZ, Merchant THOMAS THOMSON. Butlonville, l’.0. BUTCHER, Agent fo}'l'|1()1'lxhill. hEl-jLF'ACTING FOR THE Agent 101' Richmond Hill}. AND Ludfnrd Wm Melca’f Rolmri Mahrny 351mm D’Yc("foud. Alick O’BIien. Mr. I'hillqm. Sumac} I’atla.t~oll, Ann l’lcxh‘ W. Robinson. Georgo‘ 'z'm'ï¬g “'m. (‘A RRY, Executors' 3r“! 4&6-414